Showing Posts For Devildoc.6721:

Warning: Guild JP's, if you die, don't wp

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Based on this thread there is no reason for us to even try to unlock this level of guild mission. We’re a small guild and we’re not a bunch of puzzle experts. So, thank you yet again Anet for content that that a small guild cannot possibly do.

I guess we don’t count.

Based on a topic I read earlier it’s impossible for any casual player to get into a group for dungeons. I guess I just imagined doing Arah path 2 and shouldn’t bother trying any of the others.

Another thread said it’s impossible for anyone with a job to keep up with the Living Story, so I should chalk the achievements I’ve got up to dumb luck and give up on all the rest.

Then there was the thread which…do you see where I’m going with this? This forum, especially this section, is full of topics by people complaining about various bits of the game, often declaring it impossible for one group or another. If you believed all of them you’d never even bother logging in because everything is impossible according to someone.

Casuals in my guild run dungeons all the time. Arah being the hardest in the game, you’d need a really support guild for the amount of time that dungeon takes. But I wouldn’t go and hold up Arah as the poster boy for dungeons. It’s the hardest dungeon in the game, made that way for people who like challenge. There has to be some challenge in the game.

Most dungeons have at least one path that’s doable for casual players. Every dungeon shouldn’t have to be.

That said, a good guild is paramount to this kind of support. Why would casuals want to run with pugs, which is much much harder. In a guild you’re all in a mumble or vent channel and you can hear people describing encounters to you so you know what to do. Pugs are unlikely to want to type stuff out before every encounter.

Arah hard? It’s only hard if you don’t pay attention to the mechanism, aka being lazy.

Anyway, it’s a guild puzzle, if your guild didn’t warn you to not waypoint, or started while you said you will brb, or didn’t res you after you died, or even told you to waypoint if you die, or even left you after they learned you couldn’t get back…. I believe you seriously need to communicate with them, if this is not their first time doing guild puzzle….

In this case, this was our first and second times doing guild puzzles, which is why the thread is stated as a warning, so that other people who are going to run the puzzles don’t make the same mistake I did out of ignorance of not knowing that’s how it works.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Warning: Guild JP's, if you die, don't wp

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Yeah I agree with MLieBennett.9031 about the solution being allowing guildies to come back and help.

My guild always has people willing to escort through rushes but it seems like if someone misses a jump, no one can rez them and they take personal risk just going back to help. And it’s 4 personal risks to help 1 person. It feels really awkward. People will probably say “forget about me, go ahead”.

1)Throw down Portal
2)Go back to last room guildie is stuck in.
3)Portal Them Through

This is why they do not do that.

And to title of the thread. They are called Guild Puzzles and not Guild Jumping Puzzles. There is very little jumping involved.

Title character limit. JP’s fits, Puzzles does not.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

The unlimited sickle is disappointing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


The animation has got to be a bug, but on the positive side, if a plant has more than one use on it due to banners or WvW buffs, your Consortium sickle automatically harvests up to 3 times in a row, rather than having to hit F all 3 times.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Warning: Guild JP's, if you die, don't wp

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


OP, The puzzles are fine. a change in your attitude might be in order though.

@MLieBennett.9031 those insta death worms can be avoided as you don’t actually have to go into the area where the worms are except for the last bit. You can go up the slope to the left.

“fine” my butt. If anyone gets left behind or dies in the maze and nobody can find them to res, you can’t just demand everyone waypoint back for one person and do all the puzzles all over again and risk failing the entire thing for one or two people.

That person left behind is just left bitter at their guild because nobody else threw away their loot to come help them back through and they’re stuck waiting it out until next week.

It’s a dumb system that either requires everyone sacrificing for someone left behind or dying, or leaving that one person behind to stew in negativity until the next chance.

In a game that is for every other aspect, revolving around friendly cooperation and even strangers helping each other out.. hanging that choice over someone’s head “help them, and risk not getting stuff for yourself, or get your stuff and leave them”. That’s a terrible choice. It’s terrible to tell Mexay “sorry m8, if we come back to the beginning we all fail.”

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Warning: Guild JP's, if you die, don't wp

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Your guild should be helping you and waiting for people who fall behind.

If they made a system where everything would be open and there was no blocking, then people would just freeload on those who clear.

The time limit is a little bit prohibitive for waiting for everyone.

The doors should simply not close behind you.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Warning: Guild JP's, if you die, don't wp

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Not to mention the doors closing behind the group as they go is kind of cruel as it is, you have someone looking away from the screen when it starts, they get left behind and no real chance to complete because it’s designed around several people doing it at once.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Warning: Guild JP's, if you die, don't wp

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


The doors behind your group will be closed and you’re pretty much guaranteed not to be able to participate anymore and won’t get your commendations.

A pretty lame system but there you have it.

This is at least in the proxemics lab.

The puzzle is designed to require multiple people doing each part, so if you waypoint back, you’re screwed out of the commendations for that week unless you can find other guilds to run a puzzle for you.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Why Precursor Hunt wont help with prices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Ok so now lets say everyone has a Dusk from the scavanger hunt.

Now theres 1,000 people needing

A. Onyx Lodes.
B. 250 of each t6 Mat.

T6 To Skyrocket.


Same price in the first place as if you were to buy dusk regularly and the mats regularly. gz on buying your 75s per Vial of Powerful blood when this is implemented.

Just another bad idea by players, pushed onto Anet

T6 mats can be farmed.

You can throw exotics and rares into the mystic forge for eternity and still never get a precursor.

and earning money is only really possible if you enjoy running the same 2-3 dungeon paths over and over or are really lucky and really good at playing the TP.

An option that allows you to do varying content to work your way to getting the precursor sounds nice.

When I farm for T6 mats, when I get bored, I move onto something else, I work on world completion for skill points, I do some WvW for badges, I do some events for karma for shards/clovers, I do some world bosses for ectos, you can slowly collect the pieces and work your way to a legendary without having a ton of money at once…. until you get to the precursor.

Then you’re limited, you really have to find the most efficient ways to earn gold possible and never spend any.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

New Legendaries / Rework

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


We still plan to do both new legendary weapons, as well as a clear path (on top of the current random chance) to gain precursors which players can see their progress and understand how much work they have left to do to gain it.

It’s highly likely the precursor concept will involve playing varied different content all over the game to gather numerous content specific materials that are combined together to make a precursor.

We do also want to maintain that chance you could get lucky and earn one earlier through random drops, so when we add the new system we will not remove the current one to ensure players have multiple ways to gain the items. Also with the upcoming update to WvW, there will be a chance players can earn precursors from the WvW rank reward chests as well.

So building a precursor will be like building a legendary? What will be the precursor to the precursor then?

Also.. I’m wondering about Icy Runestones. Any chance of making another method to get those or are those just going to stay a pure goldsink.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Uncontested Temple Of Grenth

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


thank you based Jade Quarry.

Complaints about event still stand.

Consider lowering health of shades so that just a couple people could focus on killing them. As it was I was converted and it felt like I was barely touching them and then a whole mess of them spawned on me at the portal and instantly racked me to 25 stacks and instant death. Not fun at all.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Uncontested Temple Of Grenth

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


I’ve been looking for an uncontested temple for 3 days now, never see one when I’m on. I try to run the event but Jonez just gets imploded and too many people die thanks to unnecessary buffs to the priest, giving him another instant death attack and making the shade corruption instakill at 25 stacks immediately even if no shades are near you to hit you. Combine that with running halfway across the zone if you DO get downed (getting ressed is near impossible), and well, this event used to be one of my favorites.. not anymore.

I hate it, but, only place to get soldier accessories.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

RNG - Please stop Anet.

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


what I don’t get is why I can’t just buy the skins I want outright, without the gamble. You’re missing a group of potential customers who aren’t outright suckers by doing it only through gambling.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Magnetic Aura triggering autoattack

in Elementalist

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


hmm, I haven’t noticed Retreat! doing it, but I don’t use a scepter so I might not notice it.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Gaming references found in the SAB.

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Josh you think in future worlds we’ll get a better primary weapon than the stick?

Yes. Every skill slot has 3. So there will be two more primary weapons.

Maybe a set of nunchucks? I previewed the model thanks to a code linked from reddit, so I know they’re there!

Sure you are not confusing them with Vanquish’s Sword-chucks?

Nope these were blue and white and were very simple nunchucks, not the more exotic looking flaming swordchucks.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Magnetic Aura triggering autoattack

in Elementalist

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Is this an intended behavior of the skill, or is this a bug we could maybe get fixed. I’d like to use magnetic aura on the run but when I do, it autoattacks a mob nearby. I’d rather not turn off autotargetting for when I play melee characters, and I’d rather not turn off stoning autoattack and have to repeatedly mash 1 to attack while in earth to work around it.. other self buff skills don’t trigger autoattacking, why does magnetic aura?

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Aoe Nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


AoE nerf? Does this mean that AoE goes from hitting 5 stuffs at a time to maybe 2-3 at a time?

Probably more along the lines of keeping the limit at 5 but every AoE skill getting its damage cut in half.

Devs stated they don’t like that players use AoE abilities on single targets (makes me wonder why they created weapon sets and even entire professions that hardly feature any non-AoE abilities in the first place, but w/e). Reducing the AoE limit wouldn’t solve that, swinging the nerf-hammer at the damage values does.

That’s pretty stupid because they didn’t give Ele’s the ability to swap weapon sets, if you’re staff, all your skills are aoe except stoning. Literally.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

SoTG on D/D Ele = hit in your face

in Elementalist

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Looks like the whining thieves finally got their way. I can’t wait till they finally get hit by nerf after nerf so they can see what its like. Well I was looking for a reason to quit this game and go back to Aion once the Bard class comes out. Looks like I have my reason now.

Thief has been hit by nerf after nerf. The first 3-4 months of the game was thief nerfs every single patch.

I’m not liking the no heal in mist form, it’s literally just delaying your death for 3s now, unless you’re using it as a dodge or for dunking.

But at least it’s not as bad as 15-50% damage nerfs that we got on thief skills.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Gaming references found in the SAB.

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Josh you think in future worlds we’ll get a better primary weapon than the stick?

Yes. Every skill slot has 3. So there will be two more primary weapons.

Maybe a set of nunchucks? I previewed the model thanks to a code linked from reddit, so I know they’re there!

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

SAB in 2D

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


I find it weird that so many people think the keypad is an obscure way to move your character. WASD is used for movement only because the Qwerty keyboard was designed with the intention of being used with 2 hands. Thus, there was no problem with using arrow keys to move. However with the introduction of the RPG, the mouse has become a more integral part of gaming, and the left hand had to start being used for movement. I’m in my early 20’s and the computer games I grew up on always used arrow keys for movement, because that logically made sense. Up is up, left is left, etc.

hasn’t been like that since the 80’s before the mouse was even used in games. Not only the mouse being used increasingly more in games with the advent of the FPS in the early 90’s, but also the fact that consoles used left hand = movement, right hand = actions influenced it.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

SAB in 2D

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


I can’t stand the controls. My brain is hard wired to move with the left hand, and attack/jump with the right hand. That’s 26 years of conditioning to try and undo. Not going to happen.

This plus 2.

Seriously, I know it’s just a flash minigame done on the side but for future input, never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever EVER put movement on the right hand, attack/jump on the left. You’re completely screwing with people’s familiarity with platformers, and yes it makes the game more challenging, but not in a fun way.

This is what is called “Artificial Difficulty”. Yes the term gets thrown around a lot, but in this case it is absolutely true. Difficulty that is based on not being able to see your surroundings so that you can react, an unhelpful UI, and awful controls constitute artificial difficulty. Challenge from content is good, challenge from terrible controls is just frustrating without being fun.

I’ve had no qualms about the controls because arrow keys + letters are what most keyboard flash games use, and so do emulators of gameboy games and all by default. Anyone who’s used those will beg to differ with your thoughts.

It probably has nothing to do with making difficulty. It’s just that for some people this is the norm control scheme.

I always rebound my button for emulators and I use a gamepad.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

SAB in 2D

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


I can’t stand the controls. My brain is hard wired to move with the left hand, and attack/jump with the right hand. That’s 26 years of conditioning to try and undo. Not going to happen.

This plus 2.

Seriously, I know it’s just a flash minigame done on the side but for future input, never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever EVER put movement on the right hand, attack/jump on the left. You’re completely screwing with people’s familiarity with platformers, and yes it makes the game more challenging, but not in a fun way.

This is what is called “Artificial Difficulty”. Yes the term gets thrown around a lot, but in this case it is absolutely true. Difficulty that is based on not being able to see your surroundings so that you can react, an unhelpful UI, and awful controls constitute artificial difficulty. Challenge from content is good, challenge from terrible controls is just frustrating without being fun.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

SAB in 2D

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


I can’t stand the controls. My brain is hard wired to move with the left hand, and attack/jump with the right hand. That’s 26 years of conditioning to try and undo. Not going to happen.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

So when do we get the Nunchucks?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


yeah, or I was thinking a weapon only used in SAB, replacing the stick.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

So when do we get the Nunchucks?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


well like I said.. there’s a nunchuck model in the game that you can preview on your character. They aren’t swordchucks, they’re nunchucks, they’re blue, like the other Super skins.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

So when do we get the Nunchucks?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


No nunchucks ever?

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

So when do we get the Nunchucks?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


I remember before SAB came out, there was a code you could type into the game and it let you preview a pair of white/bluish nunchucks that looked like they came out of the SAB.

Considering Lord Vanquish wields a pair of Sword-chucks, it seems that our final main weapon in SAB will be nunchucks.. cause that’s the only way the final battle can go down.

We will replace the pointy stick though right?

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Continue Coins: What do I do with them?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


If you can hear it in your nightmares, there’s a good chance you’ll come across it in SAB.

I sure hope not.

That, Sonic and tmnt combined in a single underwater level would be true horror.

I was just about to link the TMNT dam level that haunts many people. That electric seaweed sound, the beeping at low health, the music speeding up because you’re running out of time.

Many many f-bombs and sweaty palms over that level.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Shield Skins Cool, But limited use?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Shield is great in groups on Guardian. You can maybe justify focus when solo but in a group, that shield of absorption (and heal!) is a group saver. Protection is always nice too.

Personally I’m loving running sword/shield with the super skins.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Continue Coins: What do I do with them?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


they can just as well make it a hard mode exclusive for all i care… i just need a JP that’s challenging. and don’t say Mad king’s clock tower.. that one was way too easy for me

Only thing I really disliked about the Clock Tower and Wintersday JP’s was that everyone goes at once. That’s frustrating. But if I’m by myself jumping, I’m not the greatest at JP’s but I’ll keep doing them till I succeed and I haven’t been completely thwarted yet, but I still find them quite challenging.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Things to improve

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


The couple suggestions I have:

1. As already known, camera awareness when designing areas, we’ve already discussed the little gap between the cage and the tree in world 1-2. Yes you can work around not falling into the gap but when you do it’s not just possibly going to get you hit, but the camera jumping in and out is, well it’s not nice to do to players. Be especially aware with boss arenas not to put miscellaneous landscape objects that can come between the camera and your character.

2. Some jumps seem very odd in that you actually hit the edge of the platform and then find yourself suddenly teleported on top of it rather than falling off. I’ve never made these jumps without hitting the edge like that so it seems intended, and as a result, I die sometimes when I hit the edge and DON’T teleport on top, but just slide off the side. I’d suggest lowering those jumps (they happen oddly enough in world 1-1 the most) just a smidge so that when you land you clearly land on top of the edge of the platform.

3. I don’t know about making the queen beedog unwhippable as a solution, as it’s one of the only uses for the whip now that you can’t use the whip on chests to get the baubles. I agree stunlocking is cheap, but would suggest a longer cooldown on the whip so that it has to be used tactically rather than spammed. If the queen can’t be whipped at all I’ll probably just skip it, as it is I just skip it because it has too long of a healthbar to whiddle through just for a few baubles.

4. Queen Beedog should drop 100 baubles considering how long her life bar is, consider shortening it to 250 for those doing the game solo, and raising it by 250 for each party member or something.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Gaming references found in the SAB.

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Know what reference I can’t get enough of?

The fact that shopkeepers ENCOURAGE you to smash their pots and furniture! Well played parody of people in Link’s Awakening complaining about you breaking their stuff.

“Yes! Smash it! I always hated that thing!”

and Josh you definitely got the Mario/Zelda mix down, I’ve actually been wondering if there are retro games that get that mix like that that have been released for systems.

Josh you think in future worlds we’ll get a better primary weapon than the stick?

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

No pistol or rifle skins?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Just an idea, but for the rifle skin, you need to make a Megaman/Contra-style “Pea Shooter” with similar projectils! xD (Just borrow the Predator’s code…)

NES Zapper inspired pistol skin, with the Mega Man normal shot sound, I like it.

Know what I want for future levels? E tanks.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Continue Coins: What do I do with them?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


I’m definitely collecting them for later levels, you definitely see the progression in difficulty. Even by 1-3 with the “floor is lava, don’t touch it” and then rapids instant death, I’m expecting some Mega Man like appearing/disappearing blocks over bottomless pits in later levels.

Josh you wouldn’t do that to us would you?

I can still hear the sound of those blocks in my nightmares.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

World 1 Zone 2 Boss and the horrible camera.

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


That’s what I do, but the camera jumping in and out is nauseating.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

World 1 Zone 2 Boss and the horrible camera.

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


I mean I suppose I could try just going back and forth in place but I found the best way for me to never get hit is to keep moving

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

World 1 Zone 2 Boss and the horrible camera.

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Thanks Josh, I love the content, just saw this as something that could be improved

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

World 1 Zone 2 Boss and the horrible camera.

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Is it possible in a future release of the Super Adventure Box that the gap between the cage and the edge of the box could get removed? It creates a ton of camera issues as your character gets wedged in the gap and then the camera zooms in to a FOV that is completely obstructed by a block, considering you are jumping around the log in circles to avoid the laser beam, it actually physically gives me a headache as the camera zooms in and zooms out over and over every few seconds. I don’t get these problems in the zone 3 boss or king toad, where you don’t have environmental geometry that causes camera problems like this.

It’s over half a year after launch, it should be well known the weaknesses of this camera and steps should be taken to not exaggerate the problems of the camera.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Now that Quickness was nerfed, can we....

in Thief

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


It’s about undoing a prior nerf, not getting a buff.

What you’re saying will effectively be the same as what I’m saying. I’m just leaving the option for them to buff PW in another way. The damage can be upped, sure, but they can also buff the way the skill works. Either way, it needs work.

I don’t like that autoattack is the highest dps skill on the set. Frankly it’s silly. Autoattack is meant to conserve initiative while still being able to do damage, not be your best damage and you only use initiative to do utility skill stuff. It defeats the purpose of initiative, which is to be able to do burst damage by using the same skill multiple times in a row.

When using the same skill multiple times in a row does less damage than just standing there autoattacking, the system is BROKEN.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Now that Quickness was nerfed, can we....

in Thief

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


how dare you say that the warrior was hurt with this nerf! thier banners got twice as strong, kick skill got buffed and quickness was extended for 1 sec. we got reveal and basilisk venom was nerfed! our main source of damage got nerfed! I have a main thief and a dungeon warrior with witch I recently joined spvp. I got supriced how easy this class is it’s totally overpowered in both pve (reason why I roled one for dungeons) but even more in spvp its insane, there is only competition from other warriors.

Warrior still sucks most in pvp. If you are succesful with it, your opponents are most likely not very good. To be clear, I´m talking about 1v1.

And yes, the quickness nerf hits warriors the hardest, because their most viable option, even though it was already quite bad, has lost it’s potential by half.

People use OP like it doesn’t mean anything these days.

Apart from this, thief did take a big hit this patch, most likely the biggest hit of all. I agree with PW needing a buff.

It’s about undoing a prior nerf, not getting a buff.

See Pistol Whip as it was at launch + haste was extremely powerful. People cried OP, so they nerfed Pistol Whip, when the problem was quickness all along. The nerf made it so that pistol whip WITHOUT quickness wasn’t very useful, only useful for evading attacks of a mob that could not be blinded essentially.

The stun isn’t that great, you spend 0.75s before a 0.5s stun goes off and then get rooted for 1.65s. 1s of which you evade (meaning there’s 0.15s between the stun ending and evade starting that you can get hit and interrupted with a knockdown.

The nerf made it so that the main damage on the set was autoattack, every other skill was basically utility skills. Every other weapon set for every other class, your autoattack is your weakest weapon skill. For Sword Thieves, it’s highest dps.

They tackled the real problem finally for instagibbing with PW, so give us back PW damage when not using quickness.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Now that Quickness was nerfed, can we....

in Thief

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Please do this, having pistol whip deal less dps than autoattacking over a period of time is just stupid.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Culling seems worse?

in WvW

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


You should have voiced your opinion in the discussion thread prior to the implementation.

Oh wait, who am I kidding? It’s not like Arena Net listens to feedback anyway LOL.

I didn’t do wvw during that time, I only rarely do wvw BECAUSE of culling issues, and the fact that deaths cost money in wvw. If you’re on a losing server, and getting ganked by invisible people and it’s costing you, wvw loses a lot of its potential fun.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Culling seems worse?

in WvW

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Prior to patch, culling issues usually involved you could see both groups of players in a fight, but there’d be 1-2 people loading in that were invisible and doing damage to you, thieves in particular were noted to be invisible attackers due to needing to re-render after every time they stealthed.

Now, you’ll be fighting a small group battle, looking around, there’s maybe 5-6 people each side then suddenly you’re standing in the middle of 3 dozen people and you’re near dead. You didn’t see the group running toward you, you didn’t see anything, they’re just suddenly there beating on you. This happens all the time just constantly. Instead of players loading in one by 1 they apparently load in all at once but only at a bare minimum distance when there’s no way to get out.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Please don't nerf the AOE for all classes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Elementalist’s damage doesn’t need a nerf- just tone down boon gaining on weapon swaps and make them a bit easier to take down. Nerf their ability to get back up from downed so they can sit on the floor with the rest of us with their hand up- tired of having them run out of a tower, burst their d/d skills, downed, up and back in tower, or downed on walls, up, away, ressed.

As a main ranger, nerfing aoe would mean the one aoe skill we have would be (even more) useless.

Here’s what would happen if you nerf aoe- there would be even more thieves running around than their are now, forcing everyone to run around in zergs of thiefs. You can tell the devs play thief, one of them must have been killed by aoe and now wants to nerf it.

If they want to break up zergs in wvw, BUFF aoe by removing the 5 man limit- then there would be a penalty for all bunching up in a big group.

It’s about time they started making pvp only skills – keep the 5 man nerf for pve, release it for pvp.

Ele can’t swap weapons.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Some more lively music to LA please?

in Audio

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


The sad cello piece should play after your mentor sacrifices themselves in the story.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Some more lively music to LA please?

in Audio

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Sands of Kryta doesn’t sound like a bustling port town, see that’s the thing, some people just like the new music as “ooh, that sounds nice” and don’t really care that it doesn’t fit the location/scenario.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

GW2 has way too much "anti-fun" restrictions?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


That’s funny, I thought this thread was going to be about Orr and Southsun, both 2 of the most anti-fun explorable zones I’ve ever had to go through, especially Orr with all the mobs with pulls and immobilizes, the sheer population of them, despite zhaitanbeing dead..

Then Karkas which take half your health away in a single spit, which is multiple hits so you can’t doge all of it (you’ll still get hit by it 2-3 times)

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Some more lively music to LA please?

in Audio

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


I don’t want music from other games to replace the soundtrack. Prior to the 1/3/13 update Lion’s Arch did have more lively music. Between Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2’s OST’s there’s plenty of fitting music for LA. Heck, this is PERFECT for Lion’s Arch, and it’s from GW1, in fact it used to play in GW1 Lion’s Arch from time to time:

This also fits:

This was the GW1 Lion’s Arch Theme I believe:

What about this from the GW2 soundtrack? It would fit the tone of Lion’s Arch quite nicely, where is this even used in game, I’ve never heard it before?

This is the music that played in daytime Lion’s Arch up until 1/3/13, which I feel is a great piece but feels a bit too sleepy for a bustling port town, it’d be more of a sleepy slow going seaside town than a major commercial and traveling hub.
but it was still more fitting than what we have currently, which is the music that used to play when you did vistas in Lion’s Arch, now it just plays 24/7. It’s a nice piece, it just feels out of place and is emphasized by it being 24/7.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

(edited by Devildoc.6721)

Will ascended books ever get unique covers?

in Crafting

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Yeah I’m asking for the model to have the unique look that’s in the icons.. it’s funny usually it’s the icon that’s generic, and the in game model that’s unique. It’s backwards this time.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Some more lively music to LA please?

in Audio

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


The sad cello piece is beautiful but it just doesn’t seem to fit a bustling seaport like Lion’s Arch, especially not when it’s the ONLY song that plays in Lion’s Arch currently. It fit well with the vistas and it might fit for late night Lion’s Arch when the hustle and bustle would theoretically die down, but there are plenty of tracks on the soundtrack that sound more lively and fitting for Lion’s Arch.. heck, some of them are played in Divinity’s Reach.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Will ascended books ever get unique covers?

in Crafting

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Currently all ascended books have the same generic book cover, however the icon shows a unique book cover. I’m really hoping the current state is just placeholders.. but why were the icons shown to be different if this is just a placeholder?

Anyway this doesn’t fly for me.

If the books had different covers I’d actually want to collect them because that’d be in character for an Asura Elementalist who’s a history professor.


Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer