Ok, looked at the image. Yah, ok, admit it, you just want more skins that show off a characters bouncy backside.
Not that I think that is a bad thing..
Well, it’d fix the buttcape issue. As long as male version doesn’t get stuck with it. -.-
It’s generally Asian (Chinese and Korean mostly) MMOs that hardcore abuse Pay2Win. American ones not so much. Not that there’s really many of those.
I made one around the first year/beginning of second year thanks to Ancient Karka and his unusually high precursor drop rate on purpose during that 1 time event. That’s the only thing of real value I’ve gotten to drop since. Although being a Thief that can only really use 2-3 weapons and only liking Incinerator out of what I could make I never had any motivation to make a 2nd one, especially after spending 3-4 months grinding lodestones alone just to make that one back then.
I was looking forward to a cool new Shortbow but not so sure the revealed design will be worth the effort and dedication at the moment.
If my Theif could viably use Spears on land or Torches and Axes I’d grind for those. Kamohoali’i, Rodgort and Frostfang are the other ones I like but can’t make use of. HOPE is really awesome but I like SAB Pistol a lot more.
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Been wishing for that for a long time. Pistols are my favorite weapon in this game and what I wanted to use before it even came out but the developers seem to dislike them. :[
I also want Ricochet back in some manner.
New raids to me is whatever the opposite word for Hype is. ;/
What’s it supposed to mean?
I wouldn’t notice. As long as that’s the appropriate way to kill things then whatever. Sounds like Revenant pre-nerf.
If staying alive was his goal then he probably did better than the others.
Happy? I like Winning thingz.
If a deaf player pressed 1 in the middle of the woods and no one was around to hear it does he make a sound?
I have a solution for people who don’t enjoy armor in Guild Wars 2, or most armor in any MMORPG. The solution is to play World of Warcraft for 10 days and then quit. After that, you’re going to enjoy every design ANY other game will offer, no matter how bad it actually is. Trust me, this works. I played World of Warcraft for years, went into Guild Wars 2, and every armor design in the game is godsend for me compared to World of Warcraft’s armor design.
Sadly Ive actually played FF14 for over 6 months so I actually have the inverse of the this effect.
what bothers many of us about skimpy outfits is not that they exist, but mainly 2 issues:
-when most of the female outfits or armor is skimpy, you’re taking options away from them, you can only be sexy, and many girls don’t want to only look sexy. So, more options is better.
-males don’t really get many skimpy outfits or armor choices (I’m looking at you, medium armor human male)and some guys also want the option to look sexy and show some skin, so again, more options would be apreciated.I don’t think anyone wouldbe against sexy armor for females if they had the CHOICE to wear them or not, and if males had comparable options to dress skimpy too.
For a more company like Anet, that has tried t be progressive, this should be a non issue at all.
Guess what game’s got you covered then.
But I do agree. It’s funny that people give Terra so much kitten for it’s skimpy armor and completely gloss over the fact that the skimpy/skintight armor was mostly on the Elves and Castanics which had male versions that were just as outlandish and “kittenty” as the female ones in their own way.
Anet has little in the way of Skimpy male armor with only the Daydreamer’s Finery really presenting a “sexy for the sake of sexy” option for men. Pitfighter and Scallywag sort of fall under this but they both also have a heavy “gladiator” theme to them which means it sort of makes sense that you wouldn’t have full coverage.
I’d buy that from gem store. :P
I’ve always hated the slow down. It’s the one breath of fresh air I always experience when I play a different MMO that doesn’t have it.
I personally think its ugly, but then again I dont use shoutbow on either of my toons so couldn’t care less. Why would they release a legendary weapon that only thief/ranger? use.
Because 99% of all Thieves use Shortbow to the point of it basically being fused to the core class. It’s used so often Thieves have been asking it to be changed to an F skill. The current legendary SB is a joke weapon. They said they wanted to make more serious counterparts of the joke ones first-ish, as they should. Although rushing it didn’t do it justice.
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My poor Mini Beetle is trying his best but his face is still swollen and scrambled and his broken legs haven’t healed. He’s been having trouble walking and keeps scraping his face against the ground.
Absolutely awful trailer.
Teaser trailers are always awful. No one likes being teased.
I remember when my RL friends played Spvp and WvW with me. Now I’m foreveralone.
This seems to pop into my mind for some reason. Maybe it’s an evolved form. (pic)
I need to see it in action for a complete opinion but I wasn’t really feeling it by first impression. It feels like it’s design clashes with itself and looked too cluttered and abstract. From the first frontal view the lions (why are there lions on it?) were hard to make out from that position. The coloring actually made me think of some spongy organ and stood out too much from the rest of it instead of feeling any form of unity like Dreamer achieves. Is the red streams supposed to be fire with the “eye of the tiger” in the center, because it looks like it’s trying to be that and not doing it hard enough… Also since SB is primarily a Thief weapon it doesn’t seem to suit the class much being so huge and thick, I guess it’ll be reserved for Rangers who’ll never use it. I also agree that it looks too much like other bows already in game.
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in mmr hell currentlly. now i have option to just continue playing till i lose all my pips or just give up now and maintain this little self respect and sanity i have left. screenshoot is 2 days ago and now. you win pvp. i give up.
I been that way on T3 Diamond for over a week. I’m not the most MLG player but it really feels like I’m pitted against teams I’m not expected to win and they were just the only combination they wanted to give me at the time as opponents. Like I’m on a team with people at or below my skill rank against people higher that were scaled down.
Give steal a .25 second cast time. Sadly it would never happen.
I could easily see that happening one day; followed by a landslide of hate causing it to be rolled back like the global 4s revealed. Still needs reverted in Spvp though but no one uses cloak and dagger in pvp anymore and tried to forget about it.
Would be be based on the books and destiny’s edge if they made a movie?
at least in FF armors are mostly equal for males and females, something GW2 should probably learn from…
With gender locked gear? I don’t think so. Females have like x1,5 more set than males.
For example, Setzer set should be male only (from SE perspective) but it’s both gender, while bunny set is female gender locked. yay.
You can see some complain about it on the official forum anyway, if you need some proof.
Yeah, females always get more customization and privileges in vidya games. Maybe he’s addressing that there’s a buncha revealing stuff for any male character no matter the class, and the armor isn’t vastly different in appearance between genders. Some armor here is outstandingly different between genders to the point of being an entirely new concept. Like the Witch/Hexed outfit is one of the worst offenders imo. I wanted a mage hat or a chinese hat too. They’re two entirely different outfits between genders.
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I’m VERY confident if I looked hard enough, I could find something even more ridiculous than the bladed armors in FF14.
There are a lot of set ridiculous in FFXIV.
Some examples :
http://www.finalfantasy-fxn.net/images/media/51ba79a0_Final-Fantasy_XIV_Realm_Scholar_04.jpgThess one are more ugly on male : http://d1vr6n66ssr06c.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/PvP_Scholar.png
http://40.media.tumblr.com/faeec1c86d1e77bfe150efe472a43125/tumblr_n4iuuyU36B1sgrnkgo6_500.jpgI can share more but it’s just for show that FFXIV don’t have everything perfect, this game have many many issue with design sometimes like gw2.
And yet, they’re better than GW2’s medium armor selection.
Sucks but all you can do is go through again even faster since you’ll get better at it.
I still want ground target Death Blossom so I can use it anywhere without worry of cliffs/ledges. Plz do this, Anet.
Please don’t or make it an option. I actually think that about everything people want to have in game “please please make it an option” as usually my own gameplay gets a lot worse when someone else wants some fluff.
Whatever it takes, I’m just really tired of being completely banned from using my main damage skill because I’m too close to a ledge. It’s really an outdated mechanic at this point. TBH I really miss the original Death Blossom from GW1 and always disliked them adding the leaping part.
I rather have the Monk’s Dragon outfit
Monk was the only thing I disliked about GW1 though.
A couple of points
1) you’re not actually buying these items. You’re buying access to the use of them. ANet retains all ownership rights to any gemstore item.
2) ANet has never said that as the owner of gemstore items, they won’t sell access to the use of items by other ways besides the gemstore or at any price of their choosing.None of those points matter when his point is that it’s a bad business practice that makes his purchases feel useless by giving them away later with little effort. They should probably avoid upsetting their customers this way in the future if they wanna keep them buying more gems.
I personally don’t have the same issue since I never bought it with gems and got them both with baubles but I can see why he’d be annoyed. However I did enjoy getting a free mail carrier for having held onto a Inf. Continue Coin for 12 years being unable to use it so that was a nice apology for SAB being gone for over a decade. So they still do nice things once ina while. =)People who feel like the OP are going to have a rough life when they find items they’ve bought for $10 two years ago at one store being sold at the Dollar Store.
As someone who worships our mighty Lord Gaben and his sales magic I understand where you’re coming from, but it’s not really the same thing since it wasn’t a gem store sale.
It’s 2016 right? Not the 1990s? Why would you downgrade to something outdated?
A couple of points
1) you’re not actually buying these items. You’re buying access to the use of them. ANet retains all ownership rights to any gemstore item.
2) ANet has never said that as the owner of gemstore items, they won’t sell access to the use of items by other ways besides the gemstore or at any price of their choosing.
None of those points matter when his point is that it’s a bad business practice that makes his purchases feel useless by giving them away later with little effort. They should probably avoid upsetting their customers this way in the future if they wanna keep them buying more gems.
I personally don’t have the same issue since I never bought it with gems and got them both with baubles but I can see why he’d be annoyed. However I did enjoy getting a free mail carrier for having held onto a Inf. Continue Coin for 12 years being unable to use it so that was a nice apology for SAB being gone for over a decade. So they still do nice things once ina while. =)
Hmm. I’d agree that Arena Net should probably look at their art bible once more.
I bet “Thou shall only make ugly looking hats” is in there >_>
And backpieces. Anyone remembers how many season 1 rewards relied on ugly backpieces?
Thou shall only make ugly looking shoulders too which I was recently trying to find some for my armor again. So many of them don’t fit my character and are too big and hover or just look plain odd. Just look at this gem store quality shoulder piece that flys away.
And I’ll continue to go on and on with how bad coats and skirts scale and end up giant tents, butt parachutes and vessels of weapon clippage yet no matter how defiant these types of armor are to the game’s design they keep making them.
forum bug
(edited by Doggie.3184)
I still want ground target Death Blossom so I can use it anywhere without worry of cliffs/ledges. Plz do this, Anet.
A mouse? It looks like somekinda secondary keyboard. ;o
You’re complaining about overdesign, and then you post Final Fantasy Armors?
Clearly he means we need Subligar and leather harnesses.
If you have god tier gaming skills it’ll feel too easy. You clearly have the most perfect DNA for video gamez.
The next world ones are red and purple. The weapon colors go by the bauble color rarity of which color gives the most baubles. Who knows when that time will come though.
Blue = 1, green = 5, yellow = 10, red = 20, purple = 50.
Orange was just a special one for Chivos. Maybe there’ll be more special ones from such if they ever add more SAB content.
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I used to have max sized Charr but it started to urk me after a while so I made him the smallest eventually. Contrary to popular belief it actually doesn’t make you easier to target because a person’s square radius is easily found just by seeing your name if they’re actually trying to click to target.
They will see your animations easier though. But you can also use your size to hide ally visuals, turrets, bombs, etc and redirect attention away from them. It was hard to see my Charr Engi’s stuff on ground when he was huge. Smallest Charr is still pretty covering though, but none of that really matters to me too much. PvP can become a cluster**** anyways and most people will still miss sight of little details.
Also as someone else said Charr are very neglected when it comes to fashion. Since they’re not played as much because of it they don’t bother putting extra effort into their armor so it just becomes this endless cycle of neglect.
(edited by Doggie.3184)
Probably not. They are going to be working/waiting on current ones getting finished for years to come probably. Better off if they stuck to making more (non legendary) armor sets instead. Armor is apparently difficult for them but at least it wouldn’t require special effects and large collections. Much better addition too as long as they are unique instead of the same old coats and buttcapes.
My Revenant dresses light for mobility and flexibility.
He’s made of wood and has nothing to hide. Seraph Chest is like 95% fabric, with what little is there. XD
I think this thread proves decisively, even more so than any of the ‘how old are you?’ threads that the average age of MMO players is going up.
Yes, and once they get older hopefully they look back and realize how lame these words actually were. I know my parents regret a lot of the awful slang back in their day, lol.
then quickly realized that no one with any fashion sense would wear speedos in a jungle
Oh right.
I’ll make a note!
Don’t listen to him. There’s awesome swimming spots in the jungle and tight speedos protect you from those scary burrowing fish. Faren just wanted to look more tribal at the time.
I also need medium armor that doesn’t suffocate or weight me down and has no dangly parts that get stuck on trees, bushes, fences, etc. I’m a male and have enough dangly parts of my own, I don’t need my armor to add more. I need light tight fitting armor.
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These two examples, kek and kappa, I can handle, but the one that really drives me up the wall is “bae”.
“Bae” used to grate on me, until I learned it was an acronym for “Before Anyone Else.” I find it kind of sweet.
[Obligatory kek]
I thought it was just a shortening of “baby”
That’s what I thought. Even consulted the word bible long time ago over it. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Bae
I want a book that permanently adds 50 new /emotes when you eat it. I love the dance books but I’d rather be enabled to just /dance2 /dance3 and etc.
I want to be able to dance some more as well!
… and not have my wings disappear when I get my groove on
Just toggle them off and on again.
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How about it just turns you into a spirit raven when you glide?
The HOT difficulty is exacerbated by the difficult navigation and useless 2d minimap for the 3d environment. Also the waypoints are few and really far from each other.
There are a lot of places when you can’t really stop and try to understand where you are supposed to go in order to reach a certain point – the mobs will just kill you. Also forget about taking a quick bio break. Sometimes you can’t even move to a WP as you’re always in combat mode because the mob groups are so close to each other.
The first 2 jungle maps are somewhat ok but Tangled Depths is on another level of frustration.
Basically they made an expansion with 2x the difficulty (mobs, map navigation) for somewhat casual people playing GW2. They just had to pick one and stick with that.
Yeah I tried to farm TD a few times but a lot of the events I see on the map I end up having no idea how to reach and they either finish before I reach it or I reach an abandoned boss or something that isn’t soloable. Auric Basin is a cool map but the random vine walls that block paths really annoy me.
I don’t have any issues with the normal mobs other than cc spam being annoying. Although one of the reason they’re strong is they tried to get people to shy away from using berserker which is one reason some can’t handle it. They don’t want to change their armor/builds around cuz they built the rest of the game around farming mobs and dealing tons of deepz to them. Allowing heals to tag mobs was a nice step in right direction although haven’t really tested it myself yet.
points to the still missing datamined paper bag hats
Almost certainly a test item never intended for release.
They’re saving it for the heist update.
any word on a fix for the ranger perma immobilize bug that locks you in place forever?
Came back to game and went from amber to legendary, all soloQ in under a week. No need to pay for a carry, just stop getting ticked off at losses and practice more. Played a fair amount of thief specifically my push out of diamond to legendary.
Could be just luck + MMR though. What Teef build did you use? Also annoying that my Thief seems to be a magnet for other thieves and ends up with 2+ of them when I try to play it.
Since it’s impossible to fix they should just make the spear travel through a time and space vortex and teleport the enemy to you or it can just drop them off at the nearest cliff. :P It just can’t exist as a projectile.
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He’s a jungle boy now. Still waiting to buy his outfits in gem store. Funny how they ignore the one good “buttcape”