You’re too hard on yourself, Cpchow. And on everyone else. The queen doesn’t expect perfection. Why do you?
I don’t really understand why they added Guardian’s throwing spear wire without using that new and improved technology for Scorpion Wire.
Mines still zerker for everything PvE, Including T4 fractals. I been using Dagger/Warhorn for fun. Works out fine for me with the occasional squish. XD
I’m going to have to find you and throw water balloons at you. >;3
I guess you guys are back to making bad changes. I’d say “do skill splits for some of these changes”, but I doubt that’s going to happen.
Unless it involves tormenting Thieves like the 4s Reveal that wasn’t removed from sPvP even though it was the worst idea ever. :|
Am I the only one who thinks the footsteps, aside from slightly lackluster, look backwards? Like, shouldn’t the wider part of the claw marks be facing forward, and the narrower part facing back? It doesn’t make much sense to me that as you step (assuming you had giant claws of course), your claw marks would get wider after the actual step. If you look at a feline’s paw, and look at their claws, aside from the times when they intentionally expose them, they come out when they put pressure on it, and retract as they lose pressure. So by that logic, naturally, the instant they put pressure on their paws (when they step), their claws are more widely exposed, than when they remove pressure from them. Of course, leaving a “scratch like” mark is not the case in real life when you look at feline’s footprints because they have them retracted. But since I like to nit pick, I find it rather annoying that the “scratch marks”, that are unrealistic to begin with, are also illogically backwards.
As for it not being as flashy as other legendaries, just look at Nevermore (and pretty much every other lackluster legendary like Ministrel, Flameseeker, etc.), they got updated with time, so I’d assume with time they’ll get the others up to par as well.
The footfalls aren’t from a “walking cat.” It’s an odd choice but it’s basically… like…. picture a Cat facing you and floating above you claw attacking the ground below you while you run… Or with this Screenshot picture yourself as the tiger clawing at the image. XD The Claws generally narrow as they swing downward. So that’s what I feel the footfalls really are.
And yes, they do disappear really fast and the projectile is pretty hard to see compared to the fire trail and fades away quickly. I still like the bow though compared to having a bad first impression from first reveal. But it could use some more work.
Because not having cooldowns was apparently OP so they had to revert their original idea of them being purely energy dependent and add cooldowns. ;s
Could be worse though. Originally Rev was going to have no weapon swapping. But I started getting bored of Revenant still because even with that they just didn’t have much build diversity with their limited amount of weapons and uncustomizable legends.
Yes, it’s about time someone got a melee longbow.
Anything about rescuing Thief support builds and Venoms?
What a cute Asura.
I would want a Sword, Shortbow or Pistol the most.
Magic Archer from Dragon’s Dogma.
Oops, forgot to finish these. oh well I guess, lol. Too many things to remember to do nowadays.
Sucks having to hope RNG even picks the map so you can actually do the Chivoz.
(edited by Doggie.3184)
Haste needs Superspeed added to it, but in all game modes. It’s something they overlooked when they added the boon. Lower CD would be nice too~ they seem to of been shaving the excessively high CDs on lotta other classes lately.
So, lets wait what the next balance patch has got for us.
Hopefully something for Condi after deleting my venom share build from the game. ;/ No reason to use anything beyond Spider Venom now.
Once again they not only nerf my build but literally delete it from existence… Merged Share into Venoms- Great, Reduced Radius- Terrible. Removed Might Stacking- Also terrible… Basically removed Life Leech and CD reduce till it’s moved to Deadly Arts because Shadow Arts isn’t worth having anymore.
The other time was when they deleted my Pistol/Pistol build by removing Ini on crit, Range boost, and Ricochet…
(edited by Doggie.3184)
for the ppl who say “if you want a tail, play a charr”, when the charr can walk and run straight up like the flamewielders i would but no, not the kitty cats we have now.
The new /crossarms emote makes me sad cuz it makes me ask “why can’t you just stay that way!?” XD
Okay then, what do we have today? A handful of my best (and personal favorites) that I made over the past year.
Starting with:
1. Legacy of Kain series. Six pictures in 1, featuring:
Kain from BO1, BO2 Kain, Soul Reaver Kain, Human Raziel, Vampire Raziel, and Wraith Raziel.
2. Wraith Raziel (before the scarf shoulder piece was released).
3. Albert Wesker (Resident Evil).
4. Green Power Ranger (MMPR).
5. Winged (preview) Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7).
6. Classic Lara Croft (Tomb Raider PS1).
7. The 11th Doctor (Doctor Who).
8. Sephiroth and Auron (from FF7 & FFX).
9. Mixed Variations of Xiahou Dun from the many Dynasty Warrior games.
10. Master Chief (old picture) from Halo.
11. And the second SS of him.
12. Zhou Yu recreating the Dynasty Warriors 3 scene.
13. Zhou Yu in the imperial capital.
14. Mistuhide Akechi from Samurai Warriors.
15. LuLu the Black mage (FFX).
16. Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
17. Squirtle vs Tequatle (Pokemon Dragon edition :P).
18. Water Gun Squirtle.
19. Pokemon Stadium version of GW2.
20. Pokemon Stadium part 2.(Sorry for the long ^ss post )
I love the Wesker one and also love that you’re using the Hero Sword on Xiahou Dun Cosplay because ever since I saw that sword I been calling it the Xiahou Dun sword and had to have it. XD
Carapace armor gives you a tail, lol
(edited by Doggie.3184)
Buff the initiative based attacks and nerf auto-attack. Give autoattacks a chance to regain initiative. Rebalance the initiative costs around this new paradigm.
While I’m at it….remove blind from Shadowshot. Buff backstab. Buff CnD to give back some initiative on successful hit.
They already removed all that from Thief long ago. And what Anet removes from Thief is always permanent: Like Ricochet.
With the exception of steal requiring a target. That was a mess they had to rollback. XD
I personally like being able to save my Ini for when it’s important instead of nonstop spam. Too bad there’s still so many mediocre ini skills though and Ranged weapon AAs still suck.
Used to be able to at least stack 6+ might on people with venoms but they completely removed it. ~.~ rip Thief’s only support build.
For weapons we need a totally new Dual Weapon for both hands. Focus/Focus h2h Monk, Torch/Torch Arsonist, Axe/Axe Bandit, Scepter/Scepter Trickster, Mace/mace Sabotager with baseball bat skin, lol. Stuff liek that opens up more options. Say if they pick Torch you get;
All with their own Dual Attacks.
You pick Rifle and you get;
The absolute best option for Thief is a new Dual weapon.
They could also just add Off-Hand sword without an Elite Spec too imo since we already know how to use one. ;/ I really don’t think making an elite for that is necessary.We also have two perfectly good Range Weapons that could just get more love rather than throw in a 3rd one.
I don’t think we’d begetting two new weapon slots for exactly that reason, any thief OH weapon opens up more skill than any other class’s one-hands, aside from Ele. We might get one, but two is very unlikely. If we don’t get a 2H weapon, I assume we’ll be getting an OH at most. I still hope Focus.
Considering Ele gets 8 Weapon skills and 4 F skills for their elite spec I don’t see why it’d be a problem. Dual skills are something exclusive to Thief, they should make the most of it.
+1 to salvaging runes and sigils to dust or __________
Only +1?
I +9000 that.
Deposite runes! Yes, an inventory only for runes, that would be soooooo OSOM.
Used to be for the PvP locker before they removed it. So they have the technology: They can build it! XD
I may get this one for my wife, but I’ll pass. It’s great that anet is putting some fun costume pieces in the game, the hook hand that was released a while back was just what I’d been wanting! I feel an uneasy shudder building though, how long until we see someone RP a human pretending to be a charr with those ears?
Oh some people are way ahead of you. Here’s a charr pretending to be a hylek. I took this screenshot back in January and they’d been working on the idea for some time apparently.
I love it. XD
No, because I deserve my money back from when I needed them. Now I get to sell all the ones I find now. Away with your suggestions. >=(
Used to be able to at least stack 6+ might on people with venoms but they completely removed it. ~.~ rip Thief’s only support build.
For weapons we need a totally new Dual Weapon for both hands. Focus/Focus h2h Monk, Torch/Torch Arsonist, Axe/Axe Bandit, Scepter/Scepter Trickster, Mace/mace Sabotager with baseball bat skin, lol. Stuff liek that opens up more options. Say if they pick Torch you get;
All with their own Dual Attacks.
You pick Rifle and you get;
The absolute best option for Thief is a new Dual weapon.
They could also just add Off-Hand sword without an Elite Spec too imo since we already know how to use one. ;/ I really don’t think making an elite for that is necessary.
We also have two perfectly good Range Weapons that could just get more love rather than throw in a 3rd one.
Buy them right meow!
(edited by Doggie.3184)
Would be nice considering I have 160 slots (and can’t even buy more) and still fighting for space with the amount of trash that’s thrown at me from events and salvaging. They keep giving me new keys, misc items (like the portal device last update), quest items (can I throw the dwarf thumb away?) and etc but really don’t make up the space for me. I had to stash a lot of fun toy items and tonics some time ago because it was getting to be too much.
Dunno why there are still people who don’t realize how great it’d be to get a new 1handed weapon we don’t already use that can be wielded in either hand… lot more build diversity if they do it right.
Salvage All function was solution to this. Now if I could just set it to automatic like Marvel Heroes does.
I vehemently defend the actions of the players in the video.
What’s vehemently mean? He was trying to behave and even told others to.
No they’re all gone.
And we don’t need new races, we need more polish on what we already have. The vast amount of effort to make a new race is far better spent on Armor scaling fixes on Charr, Sylvari males and Asura, creating unique animations for Sylvari and Norn (Norn male visual improvement overall would be nice too so they actually look bada**) and possibly even adding class/race specific dances and more emotes.
(edited by Doggie.3184)
I’ve often found it rude of people to join a game’s NA/English server and spam global/map with a language other than English. I personally try to avoid doing it myself if I play a game on a foreign server.
Screw riffles. Give us double torches instead!
That’s what I want the most. Arsonist.
Would be nice if home instance was more like an actual house and actually let us place stuff in it like Guild Halls do.
I’d rather have pistol/bow AA buffed moar and Pistol 2 and Pistol/Dagger 3 removed and replaced with better skillz than have another gun…
Mounts actually slow down travel in mmos. WPs are faster.
It makes me sad that it doesn’t connect to your back at all, whether idle or combat pose (which is even worse).
(edited by Doggie.3184)
This one is new to me. First drop since I started farming. I guess it has the same drop chance as the Boot Box (?), so another failure :o
Looks like another Anet troll is at it again.
The point of The Invisible Boot box was to be a rare drop not everyone should get.
They should do that kinda stuff for an actual amazing visible skin and not for something that required no design work to make outside of the icon art and coulda just been a toggle like the other ones.
(edited by Doggie.3184)
I miss my home country. and my sexy male Luxon Assassin vest. :<
I rather have a parrot costume for Asura and the ability to set Asura players on my shoulder.
Tried to swap to another character a few mins ago and can’t enter game as any of them anymoarz.
I thought this would be about the lack of Flavor Text on every trophy item.
I heard the next balance update is coming soon (next month?)
Hope this is considered. =))
This outfit looks nothing like a mursaat, the only thing that makes it kinda sorta pass as a mursaat are the wings which aren’t even part of the outfit. The female version should be named something else if it’s not gonna look anything like a mursaat -_-
Sure, it’s not exactly like it… but it’s pretty darned close. Also, it’s worth noting that your screenshot is of a female, when the image your comparing it to is of a male…. So, that’s going to make a bit of a difference too…. at least if ANet wants to keep GW2 from being R rated.
Well the way I see it is if I’m gonna spend almost 2,000 gems on a Mursaat outfit set I should look like a darn mursaat…but I don’t, it looks dumb. I think they could of got it closer than that, especially the top part.
I wouldn’t even mind if they flattened the chest on females and gave them a manly chest as long as it looked like a mursaat…..There were undoubtably female mursaat around somewhere and unless they floated around with their breasts hanging out they probably wore the female version of that outfit.
All mursaat looked the same, none of them looked anything like the female version
of that outfit. And their cloths aren’t all ripped up on the bottom like gw2’s version of it either.Annnnd all the mursaat we saw in guild wars were male, so of course they wore the male version. So your point on that point….. is pointless.
I will give you on the ragged hems though. Arenanet has a ragged hem fetish or something and it shows up when it doesn’t make sense, Notice they call her a she, and notice she wears the same armor as males.
And just to prove my point even further I went and did the mission and took a pic of her in person ( She was attacking me so my spear got in the way but I think you can still see it pretty good)
She’s beautiful.
Who the mursaat boss? They all look the same ( at least in gw1)
And they’re all beautiful.
This outfit looks nothing like a mursaat, the only thing that makes it kinda sorta pass as a mursaat are the wings which aren’t even part of the outfit. The female version should be named something else if it’s not gonna look anything like a mursaat -_-
Sure, it’s not exactly like it… but it’s pretty darned close. Also, it’s worth noting that your screenshot is of a female, when the image your comparing it to is of a male…. So, that’s going to make a bit of a difference too…. at least if ANet wants to keep GW2 from being R rated.
Well the way I see it is if I’m gonna spend almost 2,000 gems on a Mursaat outfit set I should look like a darn mursaat…but I don’t, it looks dumb. I think they could of got it closer than that, especially the top part.
I wouldn’t even mind if they flattened the chest on females and gave them a manly chest as long as it looked like a mursaat…..There were undoubtably female mursaat around somewhere and unless they floated around with their breasts hanging out they probably wore the female version of that outfit.
All mursaat looked the same, none of them looked anything like the female version
of that outfit. And their cloths aren’t all ripped up on the bottom like gw2’s version of it either.Annnnd all the mursaat we saw in guild wars were male, so of course they wore the male version. So your point on that point….. is pointless.
I will give you on the ragged hems though. Arenanet has a ragged hem fetish or something and it shows up when it doesn’t make sense, Notice they call her a she, and notice she wears the same armor as males.
And just to prove my point even further I went and did the mission and took a pic of her in person ( She was attacking me so my spear got in the way but I think you can still see it pretty good)
She’s beautiful.
The Thermal Tubes look like that were placed backwards and fire you through it’s pointy wall
Oh kitten. I was about to waste huge summ of gems…
You still can. Just buy tons more!
I didn’t even notice the difference on my Thief
While Caithe is stuck babysitting the baby dragon she’ll begin building a strong bond with it and eventually learn how to command it. Caithe’s constant exposure to the dragon’s magic will also slowly change her over time. Eventually while protecting the dragon from constant invading Primordus forces she’ll realize that she can control the magic radiating from the dragon and use it to force the enemies back with crystal magic and, with a nearby Torch in hand, she spreads dragon fire similar to Kralkatorrik’s around them for protection. But Primordus’s attacks will still be too much. Caithe is overwhelmed and escape becomes the only option but they’re completely surrounded. Her only chance is to take a leap of faith with the baby dragon and take to the skies.
Thus Caithe and her Dragon become one and unlocks the next Thief Elite Specialization: “Dragon Rider.” (The arch nemesis of Dragon Hunter; able to fly over traps.) .-.
You are meant to look like a Mursaat. Shoulders and all.
Wonder when they’re gonna add Floating animations.
Already in the gemstore. Kinda.
I’m talking character idle and walk type animations. :P
You are meant to look like a Mursaat. Shoulders and all.
Wonder when they’re gonna add Floating animations.