I just wish we would also have gotten an icon for Beastly Warden since that one is actually even more important to reliably trigger.
There is a minor trait that dazes everything around you when you switch to staff. Add something like sigil of hydromancy (or geomancy) and you will instantly also proc some damage triggering the grandmaster.
Yep. Entangle everything around you when you swap to staff every 10 seconds.
yeah thought of that aswell, we gotta see what proccs first tho, the on swap sigils or the trait (or is it coded that on swap traits trigger before sigileffects?)
True and I am not sure what procs first either but tbh even if you just have to autoattack once after the swap this seems pretty strong.
They could indeed add taunt and fear to the list but honestly. The trait is really strong already I before suggesting more stuff I rather hope it won’t eat nerfs before we have even chance to test it.
There is a minor trait that dazes everything around you when you switch to staff. Add something like sigil of hydromancy (or geomancy) and you will instantly also proc some damage triggering the grandmaster.
Yep. Entangle everything around you when you swap to staff every 10 seconds.
Knockback should be included for PBS and CA synergy.
How? Unlike the others, Knock-back happens and is over in basically 1 server tick. Nothing (damaging) in the Ranger ‘rsenal is fast enough to land while the target is "CC’d". They’d have to add a lingering tag to every knockback in the game to create that window to strike.
Wouldn’t have had to make my edit if I knew you post this. ;_;
Knockback should be included and Launch should be removed. We don’t even have Launch in our whole skill set.
Wyvern also does Knockback, as does Devourer for example. They won’t be able to trigger this trait if it’s excluded.
Maybe Knockback counts as a Knockdown, since it takes a second for someone to stand up after being knocked back.
This trait should be balanced around the idea that Knockback works as well.
You should remember that we do not have to trigger the CC ourselves. If someone else launches stuff for us we can still entangle the target – even from 1500 range with a longbow. It is pretty kittening strong.
I think he has mispoken. There is simply no status of “being knocked back”. There is just that super short timeframe of moving through the air when getting knockedback (same as getting pulled) and then you aren’t CCed anymore. So to be affacted “while” knocked back it would have to hit in that super short timeframe.
I doubt it will work with knockback. Being launched is effectively being knocked back AND knocked down at the same time and being knocked down is a status that can last a certain amount of time and can be stunbroken. Just a knockback cannot be stunbroken either (same as pull).
(edited by Dojo.1867)
I think everything depends on the actual percentage of damage trasformed in asrtal form… I hope that with very offensive stats (Berserk/Marauder) the damage dealt would be enough to give you astral force but I don’t think staff would be viable in this offensive druid builds: a standard LB/GS combo has the potential to work fine imo even if I’m not thrilled about it… My hopes are directed towards more hybrid builds with the use both of damage and healing power with staff (something like Celestial/Crusader or even Settler with a staff paired with SB or Sword/Dagger with Skirmishing-Wilderness Survival-Druid split taking advantage of bleed and poison)
Anyway, it is too soon to give a definitive answer even though the potential of this specialization seems amazing…the best out of all the Elite Specialization imo, maybe not the most original but definitely the one that opens more build combination possibilities, both offensive, supportive or hybrid orientated.
I also first thought it would be a conversion of damage dealt/healing done but with the numbers they showed that would mean you only have to deal 400 damage (400 * 0.25% = 100%).
The common understanding is that you actually have to deal damage (no matter how much) 400 times (400 single instances). Thus the effectiveness of skills like Barrage that I mentioned.
It’s not 25% it’s 2.5% btw.
2.5% for the healing, 0.25% (1/4%) for the damage.
Correct, which means your calculation is incorrect because it would be 400 × 0.025 not 0.25.
I worte 0.25% which is the same as 0.0025. 400 * 0.25% = 100%. 400 * 0.0025 = 1.
Right so if you damage someone for 400 then it only fills up the bar by 1 theoretically
1 is 100% in that case. Dude you make that really hard for me. :P
I think everything depends on the actual percentage of damage trasformed in asrtal form… I hope that with very offensive stats (Berserk/Marauder) the damage dealt would be enough to give you astral force but I don’t think staff would be viable in this offensive druid builds: a standard LB/GS combo has the potential to work fine imo even if I’m not thrilled about it… My hopes are directed towards more hybrid builds with the use both of damage and healing power with staff (something like Celestial/Crusader or even Settler with a staff paired with SB or Sword/Dagger with Skirmishing-Wilderness Survival-Druid split taking advantage of bleed and poison)
Anyway, it is too soon to give a definitive answer even though the potential of this specialization seems amazing…the best out of all the Elite Specialization imo, maybe not the most original but definitely the one that opens more build combination possibilities, both offensive, supportive or hybrid orientated.
I also first thought it would be a conversion of damage dealt/healing done but with the numbers they showed that would mean you only have to deal 400 damage (400 * 0.25% = 100%).
The common understanding is that you actually have to deal damage (no matter how much) 400 times (400 single instances). Thus the effectiveness of skills like Barrage that I mentioned.
It’s not 25% it’s 2.5% btw.
2.5% for the healing, 0.25% (1/4%) for the damage.
Correct, which means your calculation is incorrect because it would be 400 × 0.025 not 0.25.
I worte 0.25% which is the same as 0.0025. 400 * 0.25% = 100%. 400 * 0.0025 = 1.
I think everything depends on the actual percentage of damage trasformed in asrtal form… I hope that with very offensive stats (Berserk/Marauder) the damage dealt would be enough to give you astral force but I don’t think staff would be viable in this offensive druid builds: a standard LB/GS combo has the potential to work fine imo even if I’m not thrilled about it… My hopes are directed towards more hybrid builds with the use both of damage and healing power with staff (something like Celestial/Crusader or even Settler with a staff paired with SB or Sword/Dagger with Skirmishing-Wilderness Survival-Druid split taking advantage of bleed and poison)
Anyway, it is too soon to give a definitive answer even though the potential of this specialization seems amazing…the best out of all the Elite Specialization imo, maybe not the most original but definitely the one that opens more build combination possibilities, both offensive, supportive or hybrid orientated.
I also first thought it would be a conversion of damage dealt/healing done but with the numbers they showed that would mean you only have to deal 400 damage (400 * 0.25% = 100%).
The common understanding is that you actually have to deal damage (no matter how much) 400 times (400 single instances). Thus the effectiveness of skills like Barrage that I mentioned.
Awww!!! I get it, so it would be more related to the atual number of hits rather than the damage dealt (wich means that to charge you astral form faster it would be better to use skills like Rapid fire and Barrage rather than a single 8k on hit skill like Maul for example).
I was hoping it would have been something more similar to Death Shroud in terms of how to build up astral force….
…. I’m very sad now
That is what I thought aswell and which would be the better system imo but check these numbers on the left (celestial being): http://i.imgur.com/8wSBOKg.jpg
0.25% per damage would be way to high for actual conversion which is why people think it means “0.25% whenever you deal damage” and not “for every damage point dealt”.
I think everything depends on the actual percentage of damage trasformed in asrtal form… I hope that with very offensive stats (Berserk/Marauder) the damage dealt would be enough to give you astral force but I don’t think staff would be viable in this offensive druid builds: a standard LB/GS combo has the potential to work fine imo even if I’m not thrilled about it… My hopes are directed towards more hybrid builds with the use both of damage and healing power with staff (something like Celestial/Crusader or even Settler with a staff paired with SB or Sword/Dagger with Skirmishing-Wilderness Survival-Druid split taking advantage of bleed and poison)
Anyway, it is too soon to give a definitive answer even though the potential of this specialization seems amazing…the best out of all the Elite Specialization imo, maybe not the most original but definitely the one that opens more build combination possibilities, both offensive, supportive or hybrid orientated.
I also first thought it would be a conversion of damage dealt/healing done but with the numbers they showed that would mean you only have to deal 400 damage (400 * 0.25% = 100%).
The common understanding is that you actually have to deal damage (no matter how much) 400 times (400 single instances). Thus the effectiveness of skills like Barrage that I mentioned.
It’s not 25% it’s 2.5% btw.
2.5% for the healing, 0.25% (1/4%) for the damage.
I wonder is Troll Unguent ticks count as separate “heal” for this purpose.
Yeah that is what most of us wonder and if the pet ticks count aswell. If so a single troll unguent would actually fill half the bar (50%) which I kind of doubt will happen. Would make it too strong for druid compared to other heals.
Maybe they should indeed make the whole thing a real conversion instead but lower the astral force per damage/heal (since right now 0.25% per damage seems way too much).
I think everything depends on the actual percentage of damage trasformed in asrtal form… I hope that with very offensive stats (Berserk/Marauder) the damage dealt would be enough to give you astral force but I don’t think staff would be viable in this offensive druid builds: a standard LB/GS combo has the potential to work fine imo even if I’m not thrilled about it… My hopes are directed towards more hybrid builds with the use both of damage and healing power with staff (something like Celestial/Crusader or even Settler with a staff paired with SB or Sword/Dagger with Skirmishing-Wilderness Survival-Druid split taking advantage of bleed and poison)
Anyway, it is too soon to give a definitive answer even though the potential of this specialization seems amazing…the best out of all the Elite Specialization imo, maybe not the most original but definitely the one that opens more build combination possibilities, both offensive, supportive or hybrid orientated.
I also first thought it would be a conversion of damage dealt/healing done but with the numbers they showed that would mean you only have to deal 400 damage (400 * 0.25% = 100%).
The common understanding is that you actually have to deal damage (no matter how much) 400 times (400 single instances). Thus the effectiveness of skills like Barrage that I mentioned.
“Is staff-less Druid even possible?”
This makes the problem really clear imo. Considering an sPvP match you will take waaaay too long to reach 100% with that. You want to autoattack 400 times? If atleast troll unguent really gave 25% due to the 10 ticks then this would help a lot but no one even knows that for sure. Imagine if it even resets on death (which I assume).
The question is not whether we can we fill it up, the question is whether we can enter the form if we don’t have full Astral Force. Filling it up only halfway should be enough to burst heal if necessary, but if entering the form requires full Astral Force, (probably won’t), then building Astral Force may be a problem.
From what I understood you need full Astral Force. There are ICD less traits that clear ALL condis when entering this state.
I think you need at least half of the max Astral Force, the minor trait Celestial Being that gives access to the form only says that once you “Generate enough Astral Force” you may transform into the Avatar. This could mean 100% but it is not clear so we will wait and see.
Edit: also to address the ICD point, Once you exit Celestial form it will probably have a cooldown so you can’t abuse the condi clear
I hope you are correct but this doesn’t change the very slow fill rate without staff. Guess I would just try to reach the minimum then to gain access to the condi clearing without actually casting celestial skills.
The question is not whether we can we fill it up, the question is whether we can enter the form if we don’t have full Astral Force. Filling it up only halfway should be enough to burst heal if necessary, but if entering the form requires full Astral Force, (probably won’t), then building Astral Force may be a problem.
From what I understood you need full Astral Force. There are ICD less traits that clear ALL condis when entering this state.
So I actually think the Celestial Form and many traits attached to it are strong in sPvP. Same for certain Glyphs. Staff might be cool as well (too little info to tell yet) but I have some trouble to pair it with other weapons and in some builds I might prefer to run Druid but not staff.
Question is: Is this even possible? Out of staff the amount of heals is actually quite limited so will we even be able to gather enough astral energy with just damage? Will it just take too long? Do incoming heals count or only outgoing? I guess regeneration doesn’t.
A skill like LB Barrage has the potential to hit many targets and fill up some of the astral energy but it seems almost hopeless with:
- LB -> a full Barrage on 5 targets would add 15%
- SB -> no ways to fill the bar efficiently beside just autoattacking like 400 times
- GS -> hardly ever hits more than 1-2 targets, you would have to autoattack like 200-300 times
- Sword, Axe -> similiar issue, even Axe bouncing won’t do much
- Torch, Dagger -> forget it
- Warhorn, Offhand Axe -> warhorn might be ok, axe with the whirl but that isn’t even viable now
Non Staff Heals:
- healing spirit I guess :|
- blasting healing springs water field with warhorn :|
- pet healing with traits (does that even count?)
- self heal with troll unguent ticks would be good (25%) but does it count?
So is it even possible to reliably fill the Celestial Form without staff?
What do you guys think?
(edited by Dojo.1867)
It’s not a teleport. Teleport changes the position of the character instantly. It looks like a movement skill such as Mist Form.
I hope it makes you evade for the duration, but it doesn’t say so.
You cannot say that for certain imo. Mist form doesn’t use a targetting mechanic so it could be completely different. I would rather say it is similiar to ride the lightning but that one isn’t ground targeted either. Consider that for thiefs SB 5 he also fires his arrow first and the teleport happens afterwards to where it hits. It completely depends how they programmed the skill so it would be nice to get an official answer here but otherwise we will see in one week I guess.
Ye I actually also think longbow is one of the easiest weapons to fill the astral power bar with barrage/rapid fire beside filling it with healing via staff itself. A full barrage on 5 targets is 60 instances of damage.
Once it is full you have an incredible full condi clear into massive healing into AoE stealth + Super Speed.
Ok I have the feeling that this skills exact mechanic will be one of the biggest arguments if staff will see sPvP use or not. Does it teleport?
It is a ground targeted mobility skill similiar to the existing teleports (thief shortbow, mesmer blink, ele teleport) but you still kind of travel to the are even if transformed to some flying whisp thing. Will this allow me to port to edges like for example on clock tower, keep or the walls near the center of foefire? The wording says you “traverse” to the target location.
Imagine a LB power spec being able to do that. This WOULD be viable even if it is the only thing it does.
Anyone else thinks this is odd? They create this new boon and a super heavy support spec but won’t give it to us in any way? Ranger could actually benefit from that since stuff like Empathic Bond is constantly ticking.
I would say no. Knockbacks, while interrupting, don’t really put you in a CCed status. Launch does, knocdown does, daze and stun does. There are still plenty of ways to trigger this:
- GS #5
- SB #5
- Spike Trap
- Daze Glyph (AoE)
- Astral Form #3 (AoE)
- Various pet CCs (dogs, new wyvern, …)
Especially with glyphes it will be easy to trigger it on multiple targets. Seems very strong/annoying for the opponent on only 10s ICD.
Btw we have a lightning field on the wyvern f2 which allows us to leap daze. Just that electro wyvern can trigger that kitten pretty often.
Hey it is not much but I wanted to say that the WHAO change will now give us out of combat swiftness with LBs hunters shot. Before that you had to pick BM and Resounding Timbre.
Ye I will say again that this post is really mostly out of a sPvP point of view. I think for PvE the spec offers a lot and same for WvW. Just a bit sceptic concerning staff and all that mostly group (not self) healing in conquest.
First of all it feels like the complete opposite of engineer. This one was pvp, druid is clearly pve focussed and it is hard to say how a weapon like staff with almost exclusively heal functions will perform there. The numbers seem certainly high but while I loved engi hammer and hated the utility skills it is kind of the other way around for ranger.
That being said I don’t think the new stuff is bad at all. The pets are great and not limited to druid. For pvp especially the electro wyvern looked amazing and reminded me of the dog pets which are the most useful for pvp.
Also the druid traits were decent. I can see people picking that line even with conventional ranger weapons like power LB/GS or condi specs. Just charging that druid form to clear ALL condis on demand and get a lot of healing out of it before you leave and gain stealth/super speed? I am on board. Not to mention the 10s cd entangle grandmaster trait.
Also I am curious if the staff mobility skill will work like a teleport (thief sb 5) which would be insanely usefull and I could even see marauder specs run LB/Staff if you can jump on edges with it.
That being said I would have loved a shapeshifting mechanic. The way they did druid it isn’t linked to pets AT ALL which I find kind of disappointing, a wasted opportunity. Still it is a very different playsytle and I doubt it will be useless.
(edited by Dojo.1867)
Nobody has ever done that in the history of gw2.
Ok since function gyro has a LOS requirement I really advise lowering the cooldown. There would be really nothing more frustrating to waste that kind of thing for 30 seconds just because there was some scrap (hoho) inbetween you and the target making it say “obstructed”.
I would actually remove the LOS requirement. I would also find it interesting if the function gyro would be summoned in front of the scrapper and still have to walk towards the target before he can rez/stomp. This would have a cooler feel to it, more counterplay and you could actually reduce the cooldown a lot in exchange.
Did you consider letting the function gyro pick up turrets aswell (also an F key interaction)? Many people complained this “new engi class mechanic” would be too situational and limited to pvp.
(edited by Dojo.1867)
Imo that is exactly what makes it good.
The point is that on top of being propably the best heal in the game (even if just by 10%) it provides so much more utility. Like stated in the opening post you heal allies aswell, can amplify the healing with combos of which engi has plenty, gain regen, gain condition cleanse (!), gain a blast finisher for other utility combos, gain a knockback.
This is way too much if we stop being biased for a second.
This is a good suggestion but if I was in charge (inb4 glad you aren’t posts) I would make healing turret and turrets in general actually feel like turrets. Right now this is just a button you press twice and then F1 or just F. Why does it even have a model if it stays in play for like 0.1 seconds? The design of this skill is actually terrible but everybody has just accepted it by now.
I would add a 3 second activation time to all turrets before you can overload them and buff their effects. This would add a serious downside to healing turret of actually staying near it for atleast 3 seconds but it IS a turret after all. Engineer needs all the love he can get but I like my classes and skills to atleast make sense thematically.
(edited by Dojo.1867)
If HT would be nerfed it would become more prevalent how underpowered a lot of engi stuff is. Right now engi seems “fine” due to HT carrying the class so they don’t see a reason to change much.
So is this thread about nerfing HT to make the healing gyro less awful in comparison?
If you read my posts you would see that it is about nerfing HT and buffing the other heals/underperforming engi skills in general.
People here stating HT is balanced are kittening hypocrits. Yes, engi is balanced with HT because most of his other stuff is bad. HT does way too much though.
Neither of the water fields last long enough to utilize all three leaps from Rocket Charge.
You’d want to use Elixir Shell with it.
No this is sparta op. And yes.. the HT is overpowered.. but we can have atleast some nice things right?
It’s our best standard heal, with Elixir H good in HGH builds, but what’s actually overpowered about it?
I can only advise you to read my opening post a second time because all the arguments are in there.
And btw it is likely that the leaps will fit, atleast 2 of them. With 10s cd on Rocket Charge you can actually use that very well with the 2 water fields of HT, it matches very well with Rocket Charge cooldown unlikes the other water fields.
No I say that that Healing Turret is too good. All the other heals need help (except maybe Elixier H in niche builds) but even when they are at a decent point compared to other classes they will not be able to compete with Healing Turret.
Unpopular opinion here but it is utterly broken OP. There is a reason other healing skills cannot compete. I understand that it is needed to make engi competitive right now but it needs to be nerfed to make room for buffs for all the actually underpowered things we have. In a way it is preventing engi from becoming better.
Healing turret:
- best heal sustain due to superior heal per cooldown
- 2 water fields
- permanent regeneration
- blast finisher
- condi removal
- knockback with explosives
You will now get another 3900 healing from it by tripple leaping with hammer 3.
STOP THIS MADNESS! All of engis effectiveness gets pidgeonholed into that single skill.
(edited by Dojo.1867)
Some of those are really cool. Many of them are unneccessary complicated though and less would be more.
Not AoE. It checks for targets in its AoE, moves to one target and cleanses 2 condis. This every 3 seconds.
Recycled Renown - Destroyed gyros drop scrap. Collecting scrap reduces the recharge of all gyros by x amount
Excellent suggestion imo. Would go perfect with the specialisation theme and improve gyros overall with a very interactive mechanic. Even if you run no gyros this could still lower he cooldown of your function gyro. Also there is already incencitive to move to the location of destroyed gyros due to the lightning field trait.
(edited by Dojo.1867)
Have a few ideas for fun, troll-ish builds, but hugely skeptical this will EVER replace the current pvp meta. Being locked to a melee role doesn’t seem viable, even with all the regen potential. Pug vs Pug sure, it may shine. But I’m not convinced it will hold under coordinated/constant pressure, and a disadvantage of being locked melee is that while you are pressured you are essentially offering little to no counter damage to appropriate and vulnerable targets while you kite. WvW and PvE? I don’t think this specialization was created with those in mind. Unless they have done some stupid cheese mechanics in the “raids” that force you to spec a certain way for a certain encounter.
I think you will either run grenades or mortar with it for those ranged moments. Both have decent power scaling. Actually mortar seems best due to the fields. With grenades I would propably stick to a ranged playstyle in general.
There’s a reason no mesmer takes iDefender in their utility slot.
Checking the wiki this one only has 7.2k health though which is a significant difference. Also no associated toolbelt skill and remember that mesmer playstyle is more focussed on avoiding damage differently compared to engi.
(edited by Dojo.1867)
Oh and lots of instacast…. Not one stunbreaker…. So a pvp designed spec with no internal stunbreaking…… Again we do not learn our lessons.
The most broken trait of the reveal goes well with slick shoes though. Those 5 seconds Super Speed on 25 (?) second cooldown heal like 2.5k alone.
So this seems to be one of the Gyros that grabbed some attention. From the preview videos he seemed to have about 11-12k hitpoints which is quite the extension of your own health pool. The toolbelt didn’t seem terrible either.
Ofc in a pvp situation with lots of AoE going on you will never get the full effect out of it since the gyro itself will eat some cleave but this creates interesting counterplay where the enemy really wants to hit both, the player and the gyro, at the same time. Also in general it will die really fast when it has to tank multiple allies as opposed to just the player because also there cleave will happen more likely.
What really matters is how the cooldowns perform for the sustain imo.
I actually think with hammer you really want pack runes because what other fury source is there?
Gyros are total crap. Completly useless crap. Shredder gyro is only decent imo.
Shredder gyro would be the most useless one in pvp.
Depends on team comp. Dark field + Shredder might be great for lifesteal. Poison bolts from poison field might be ok. Condi builds will love Napalm into Shredder Gyro, literally setting a point on fire in pvp. ethereal with a mesmer might be funny consitering all that confuse stacking. Its a very combo field oriented gyro and as such is situational.
I can guaruantee you that this thing will hit close to nothing unless the target stands right on top of it which will rarely happen even on point unless the target is some pve mob.
Bunker spec and has synergy with hammer 3 with its toolbelt.
You can get atleast 2 leaps with healing turret toolbelt I’d say or you will propably want morar anyway to have something for ranged situations when running hammer (no weapon swap).
Gyros are total crap. Completly useless crap. Shredder gyro is only decent imo.
Shredder gyro would be the most useless one in pvp.
Hammer is very good.
Gyros are lackluster but one or two might see some play. Stealth seemed nice, also the knockback but propably not worth the slot, rest seemed bad.
Traits seem okay and on slightly higher power level than average engi traits. The regen on superspeed/swiftness trait seemed incredibly good and kind of justifies the other superspeed traits. However no other trait seemed that amazing, guess the toughness GM makes Marauder relatively tanky.
Builds will propably use hammer, always the regen master trait and most of the time the toughness grandmaster trait. Maybe 1 or 2 Gyros might see play but I doubt ever more than 1 per build. Still think bomb kit is kind of nice with the hammer and propably mortar to have something for ranged and to tripple leap the water field (not sure if healing turret field is long enough).
The gyros have traits attached to them anyway. Stability, stun field, damage on death so there is that. Making just any interaction work via the gyro seems hard to implement. That being said teammates DO die in PvE even if it is a suboptimal scenario. If you can come up with some additional feature that would work then go for it but persinally I find it hard to find something. Quality of life stuff like trading post interaction etc is a very bad idea and will only cause grief since onther classes don’t have it.
Edit: Guess they could let gyros pick up turrets but since this would not matter at all for the only turret that really sees play (healing) this would not exactly be huge. Only good part would be that you had more ways to proc the second minor trait that gives boons to you when your function gyro does somthing (revive, stomp and then also pick up turrets). So it would basically proc boons whenever you use healing turret and if in some distant metagame more turrets would be good picking them up with gyros might be actually useful.
(edited by Dojo.1867)
I has 5 skills. They just didnt preview the autoattack and #2 skill yet. They specifically mention that the skills they preview are #3 Rocket Charge, #4 Shock Shield and #5 Thunderclap. Also one of the released pictures is named #2 Electro Whirl so there is propably some 360 degree hammer swing on #2.
(edited by Dojo.1867)
Think about it. Engis original class mechanic will always make him gain new F skills with any skill added. A new class mechanic would basically have to alter this fact which would efficiently add less new stuff than we get right now anyway.
Personally I am completely fine with that. Engis core mechanic makes him change more than any other class just by adding new skills even if those other classes gain new F skills.
I don’t think this is a good reason for what we are getting.
If you think so, why did elementalist get overcharge? Their old class mechanic gives them more new weapon skills than any other (with offhand 8 instead of 5). And they still got reworked attunements.So if elementalist gets a 2h weapon in future, they don’t deserve any new mechanic because they get so many new skills?
And engineer doesn’t deserve any meaningful class mechanic change just because their toolbelt gives them more skills with theit utilities?
If you think so, we will get some really depressing future expansions…..
Engi still got a minor mechanical change with the revive/stomp alteration. Ele would not have any F key change with new weapons. I think with new class mechanics Anet specifically focusses on differen F keys. I still cannot think about a new engi mechanic that would not rather be a downgrade to what we have right now. For example they could force an energy resource on the class or change the toolbelt thing but both would be more likely to add limitations than improve stuff. Also I really doubt they would ever add even more F skills than 5.
Think about it. Engis original class mechanic will always make him gain new F skills with any skill added. A new class mechanic would basically have to alter this fact which would efficiently add less new stuff than we get right now anyway.
Personally I am completely fine with that. Engis core mechanic makes him change more than any other class just by adding new skills even if those other classes gain new F skills.
You should finally allow multiple trap placement. Might actually even limit that to certain traps if that is a problem (tooltip: Maximum Amount 2, etc). Would really help to create ambush what traps are all about to begin with and help out ranger as well.