Ye right. Except it is no animation. I want to see you tell your team to stop the burst in time. We talk about instant 4 seconds here. Worst case you run in some cleave.
Your comment just shows that you don’t get why this is too good.
The comments in this thread make me glad that you guys don’t balance. So much “no way you nerf the broken stuff I play right now”:
I would definitely prefer if activating Impossible Odds would just trigger Facet of Nature.
Let’s be honest here. This kitten is broken and even coordianted teams will have trouble to not attack on this instant activation 4 sec interval.
My suggestion would be either attach a serious animation to it (casting time) or make it cap. For example it could add 10 (or 15, 20, whatever seems balanced) stacks similiar to shiros daggers and consume these per damage taken.
This is honestly the biggest issue with revenant in my opinion (everything else can be fixed by tuning down damage).
Says “not enough profession specific energy” even though I am at 50%. Especially annoying with Facet of Nature active. Please fix this.
I run the Marauder build in PvP with Shiro/Glint and you can always just take Lyssa given the low cd ults and general boon synergy. Offensive stats are high enough anyway.
It wouldn’t be problematic at all imo, given that it jumps. In very rare occasions it would not hit what you want to hit and if it adds the requirement to position yourself tactically then good!
Also would be a stealth counter. I am fine with your suggestion aswell though.
I think the legend problem is a customization problem in the first place.
Everything on the left side of the skillbar is a playability problem though and even more urgent. Since you mentioned dungeons I find it less problemativ having to stick to 2 sets of heal/utilities/elites (even if a few of those skills are not that efficient) than being stuck with 1 weapon set. The “neutral” skill type every legend can swap in would solve many problems but what about the weapon skills?
What if they just designed “legend neutral” utility sills or heals that can be swapped in for every legend.
Like a neutral heal. You cannot equip the malyx heal as jarlis or the other way around but both can always equip the neutral one. That would be rather resource efficient and you could actually even pick that legend neutral traitline and let it interact with those skills.
Maybe just call the mist skills? If you chose the same mist skill for both legends they should propably share the cooldown.
Ye this skill should have been changed to always shooting the nearest target (in a certain range) to make it work with any toolbelt skill. Current implementation is just stupid.
But I suggested that many times before and nothing changes. Also should use the animation of ele scepter autoattack (aka an actual discharging lightning instead of some flying bolt of elecricity). They just don’t have enough resources for such changes no matter how much sense they make. They don’t even have enough resources to read this.
TL;DR So to sum it up, you have some basic “mist-related” utilities, variety of utilities to customize your build with normal weapon as they are implemented, but you can tirgger legend which will set your utilities and weapon skills to be legend-specific.
Yeah I can definitely see some of that happening especially since there will also be an elite spec for revenant, right?
I still find the lack of customization of utility bar less problematic than having only 1 weapon all the time. Even if you just slightly modify that weapon dependent on your active weapon (like add conditions with every attack while on mallyx, heal on ventari) this won’t fix this problem, it would jut create some synergy similiar to ele attunement traits without changing the skills themselves (like ele does when attuning).
This is why I came up with the “thief idea” of completely swapping out certain weapon skills. This is a lot additional work so it would be important to decide if all 5 skills should swap or just 1 or 2 and if so which ones. To REALLY change the way a weapon feels and to change playsytle it certainly would have to be the autoattack because having a different skill #5 which is only 20 sec cd anyway won’t help much. Then again revenant weapon skill cooldowns are that low.
i think that different utilities should be allowed on the different legends, my reasoning behind this is that despite having access to the different legends, elementalists still have more skills available to use, so, i propose that each legend have a wider range of utilities so you can properly customise your loadout (each bar behaving somewhat like the underwater vs on land skill bars) this would also allow revenants to use racial utilities and elites, as they would be available to use on all legends (kind of like ‘core skills’) i would also prefer there to be new legends and new weapons to use though i guess these are coming in the future seeing how this is still in beta (i assume revenants will also get underwater combat, if not, doing HoTW will be very difficult on certain paths)
in clarification, the extra utilities will still reflect the legend in use (ventari for heals, jalis for toughness and mallyx for conditions respectively) but it will give revenants much needed customisation to their builds
The thing is that this might generate future problems and does not fix the issues with the static weapon set which is way more important to how a class feels compared to the utility set. I think the purpose of revenant is to create a system where they can add more and more legends in the future. With your suggestion each of those would ALSO require addtional skills to pick from. Think about it. If we just would have 5 or 6 legends already instead of the 3 we have. Wouldn’t picking 2 of those be already kind of enough freedom? The amount of combination you can create out of 3 sucks but with 5 or 6 is already really decent.
The problems of the class are located more on the left side of the skill bar than on the right side in my opinion.
(edited by Dojo.1867)
People complain that customizability for the revenant is significantly lower than for other classes and I think they have a point. This also results in a very static and not flexible class when it comes to combat. This might cause mayor issues especially for pvp.
In this thread I want to break down the issues and maybe give some possible solutions.
Legend System
I don’t think they will change the utility part. That is kind of the core design. They will rather keep releasing more legends which makes sense imo. You now compare the 5 slots you can freely chose of other classes with 2 slots that each come with a complete new set of 5 skills though. With 3 legends this feels incredible limiting. With 5 (what is planned) this should actually be a lot better already given that they balance them properly. And just like new skills are added to existing classes there will come even more legends, each with a new set of 5 different skills to play around with. So I don’t think it is all that bad, the fact that we have only 3 right now is the main problem. Also keep in mind that quite a few classes always take the same heal, elite or always run specific utility skills anyway.
Weapon Set
Now this is a different story. First of all weapon skills ARE what you do in combat. In a way they dictiate playstyle much more so the argument that instead of weapon swap, revenant swaps utility skills to achieve situational flexibility is completely invalid. At this point with no weapon swap there is NO class with such a static playstyle. The closest you could compare it with are propably warrior pvp builds with two sets of completely melee weapon (some people even try melee only ranger). These specs are VERY hard to make worth just because they have very obvious mayor weaknesses by getting kitet. Engi has kits, ele has attunements. I think the revenant needs something similiar.
Possible Solutions
Out of my head a few ideas that might work:
- Just enable weapon swap. This might solve more problems than it is “bad design”. It kind of would make revenant an upgraded version of for example warrior with the utility swapping. I can understand that they originally want to disable weapon swapping.
- Design weapons in a way that they are all very flexible to use. For example engi weapons are all ranged but also good on close range (even if engi still has the kits) so they can function in many situations. I don’t think that is an easy task though with just 5 skillslots and revenant was designed with many melee weapons.
- Make legends also swap single weapon skills (similiar to what thief has when combining 1h weapons), for example skill 4 and 5 (or even 1 and 2 which would make it very significant since it affects the autoattack and propably most often used second skill) of each weapon set could be different dependent on the legend. With Jarlis hammer could become melee range and deal more damage, with malyx it adds confusion, etc.
Shortbow needs more skills that feel significant.
- This skill is fine. It might need some finetuning but the mechanic itself is great and promotes clever positioning/creates the image of hunting people down.
Poison Volley
- I would have said it needs a mayor change a few weeks ago but it actually also seems fine since the stacking condis change. They could always slightly buff the numbers if it feels too weak.
Quick Shot
- Low cooldown evade and some swiftness? Also fine and allows for skillful plays.
Crippling Shot
- This one feels like it does too little. You just sometimes press the button since the cripple can be useful but it isn’t exactly a super hard thing to apply in general. Pet bleeds are worthless. I would actually like to see a complete mechanical change here.
- Maybe make it a forward dodgeroll and let the next attack (or 3 attacks) apply some cripple. When you click it you see an arrow that let’s you set the direction. Then you dodge roll towards that direction (can be standard dodging anim and distance). Such a skill would be great for a skirmishing weapon like SB.
Concussion Shot
- This one also seems okay but it should make the pet’s next attack deal 50% extra damage like Hilt Bash of greatsword. Would open up BM builds eventually and both skills do almost the exact same thing anyway.
Rapid fire seems like it should belong on short bow. The mechanics are for quick close hits. Long bow seems like it should have a longer “Kill Shot” type ability. Maybe an “Aimed Shot” that hits for high DPS.
This is exactly why it should be on LB. LB autos deal more damage on long range than rapid fire but if you close in you drop damage. This is when you are supposed to rapid fire.
Too many stupid people just rapid fire in PvE when ever it is up which actually lowers their dps when they were shooting on long range. In pvp you use it because LB autos might get blocked by aegis and stuff like that or short weapon evades.
SB needs love but rapid fire is perfectly fine and needed on LB and doesn’t fit SB at all.
IMHO, there’s 1 reason to take a ranger into the team; traps.
1) They are a strong counter to stealth-openers
2) If you lay traps on key-points on the map, they give you indication of where the opposing team is, since the ranger can see the condition-ticks, even if they happen far away. This also works against stealth-movement.
3) Traps are a good counter to portals (if the mesmer doesn’t use temporal enchanter that is).
4) Traps offer all around very high AoE condition-DPS and CC, especially the spike trap, so they aren’t completely useless in burst-comps.
5) They can be used both offensively and defensively, for example either to burst the person on the node, or in your backline, to launch and dish out tons of DMG to thiefs or other Melee’s that wanna get onto your squishier targets.I currently use this build as a defensive roamer (yes, the condition-DMG looks low, but I’ve noticed that I don’t feel like I do too little DMG at all, but cele-amu gives me healing-power and vita that I can use and the Shortbow actually uses power/ferocity quite well).
Also, if you switch to sword/dagger and dodge, it really increases the DPS of the traps to a very acceptable amount, even with a rather low amount of condition-DMG.If you have enough swiftness on your team, you can also use Krait-runes and if you have some chars that can AoE-mightstack etc. the build actually gets really strong in teamfights.
The build is also pretty decent in 1v1’s.
You can also use rabid amu, but I feel like the vita is a bit low and you loose a lot of sustain.
For the trap argument to work multi traps would have to be a thing imo. Maybe if a trait allowed to place 2 at a time but guess stacking 2 on each other would be kind of strong.
I dont think the mentioned classes do particulary well 1v1 on point at equal skill level using metabuilds already now. Issue non existant.
They cannot keep the point but especially mesmer can easy win 1on1s and cap afterwards. They should literally win no 1on1 with that amount of utility/mobility and I think all classes should have fair 1on1 matchups. So either nerf their mobility/utility or increase utility of other classes imo.
The thing is instant teleporting utility is an actual advantage compared to for example unmatched LB range.
One thing: good
Other thing: meh
Please keep it real. The range is not even remotely as good as the mobility I talked about or we would see LB rangers instead of thieves in top tier.
Fact A: High access to instant teleport (group teleport) creates unmatched mobility and utility in sPvP.
Fact B: To keep classes somewhat balanced thieves and mesmers would have to perform significantly worse in combat aka deal meh damage (currently damage is way too high) or die very fast (while squishy as kitten they have tons of ways to avoid damage).
Conclusion: Their insane mobility and utility creates an unsolvable problem for the balance team. Either they are OP or extremely frustrating to play. While some classes can catch up with their own forms of OP (cele ele, old engi) or atleast also have some teleports there are classes that are completely left behind like ranger.
Solution A: Make them super squishy again or nerf damage. Yes, no mesmer or thief should be able to even remotely beat an equally skilled lets say ranger in 1on1 or on point. I think this would be a very frustrating solution for thieves/mesmers.
Solution B: Nerf their mobility/utility. Also would create many tears and take away depths from the game imo.
Solution C: Give other classes similiar utility but in form of different mechanics. It has to be really kittening good though to match what thief/mesmer have.
I prefer C.
Traps are actually very good.
It is the same old problem of bringing nothing unique to the table and lacking free (group) teleports of mesmer and thief that are instant. They give mesmer and thief like the same damage/fighting potential with 5x more mobility.
To become good ranger needs something unique. Personally I thought taunt of the pet was rather good. Wouldn’t mind a 25 seconds cooldown if it gets an indicator icon to see when it is up and if it stays unblockable. Also slight range increase please.
Last but not least a skill that for example swaps our position with the pet woul be awesome and needed utility. Doesn’t have to be instant if they are against real teleports for ranger class. Can be a short channel or something.
Just a thing to Enlighten you, Quick Draw is not as good as a trait as you’d expected if you actually test it. The duration is extremely short, and requires you to finish the channeling (3 secs at least) before the Quick Draw buff expired, meaning they’d have to literally double cast it immediately, which is actually disadvantageous to the ranger.
Also Skirmishing has very low synergy with the current Meta. A ranger cannot afford to take Skirmish most of the time because he would need WS + Nature as basic to survive. If a ranger want to hit anyone reliably, they may have to grab BM too. If they want piercing for LB, again, they’d have to pick Marksmanship.
Basically you lose immense alot of things and you’d die in WvW or PVP if you pick QD over other stuffs.
Also Signet of Stone is nothing compare to Warrior’s double Endure pain that everyone and their mom has, and nothing compare to the invulnerable period from Mesmer and Ele… Donnu why you can nerf a borderline functional one trick pony signet…
Quickdraw is an amazing but balanced trait. It is extremely flexible since it lets you chose what you want to double up. I don’t think stuff like Rapid Fire is the main use at all though. In power builds people should rather look at Hunter’s Shot or Point Blank Shot, Swoop, Hilt Bash.
Rapid Fire needs to be timed and in very few situations you want 2 in a row. I run Quick Draw in my condi builds to double weapon evades or sword mobility.
So then condi only builds can have their power reduced to zero to compensate? Diamond Skinsays hello. /wave
Edit: that’s only possible with quite a few burn stacks on a Power spec and if they’re hitting those levels of burn stacks then they are doing something seriously wrong or you’re doing something else very well.
Well tbh direct dmg should scale less with crit. Condi dmg = affected by one stat. Direct dmg = affected by 3 stats that scale with each other. That is the reason direct dmg is always higher than condi unless defense matters because you can pick defense easy with condi gear (because condi dmg is only one stat). This is the case in pvp.
oakheart is silly.
Hi, How so?
5% isn’t going to help a ton. It’s just a trait to take because the others aren’t good and it helps theoretically… but in practice I bet there will be few times someone will say, “Phew, that oakheart salve 5% just saved me!”
You should look at it as an increased hp pool. 5% less direct damage on 25k hp are 1250 hp. Because you heal during fights and often take more than those 25k damage it is actually more. Doesn’t consider condis but the regen itself add quite some hp as well. A shame that they kept useless pet traits spread across random traitlines though and the stats on those are still way too low given that pets start at 0 condi damage (especially since the scaling part of condi damage got increased pets really need a base stat here).
(edited by Dojo.1867)
Do people really swap to those traits for jumping puzzles? Never did that ever.
So I’m on my condi Mesmer and I come across this Engineer. I’m like ok, it’s an engi and this shouldn’t be any problem at all really as I’ve never had any trouble with engis of any kind before at all. This was different….this guy was different……..He threw fire in my face and I had like 9 or 10 burning stacks on me instantly along with poison and bleeding. I think I was dead before I could hit my Mantra Condi Cleanse, lol. Good times……..My Engi should be 80 by the weekend :-) I’ve got to come up with a nice condi build to run with for solo roaming as that’s all I like to do.
You must be really really slow if 10 burn stacks kill you before you can hit your mantra. Must have taken you like 5 seconds … well rather more.
Soften the Fall – Create Muddy Terrain when you take falling damage. You take less damage from falling.
So no one knows why arenanet decided to keep those traits that nobody ever uses. Well turns out nobody does use them now either so they are just a wasted slot. Let’s do some brainstorming what could be there instead. Keep in mind that the icon of the trait is a feather so maybe find something that fits this theme.
My suggestion:
Featherweight – Distance of your movement skills is increased by 50%. Auras generated by leap finishers last 50% longer.
(edited by Dojo.1867)
Where in the Ranger lore do they evolve into Druids. I still don’t understand how druids and Rangers can be placed under the same category.
Ranger already had the Nature Magic traitline. They already had spirits or skills like healing spring. Druid moves further into that direction with more spiritual/magical focus for the class.
Also we have this distorted picture of druids from most fantasy RPGs but they are actually something that historically existed and those were certainly not capable of magically spawning roots or morphing into animals. They were using herbs and tracking animals though. Ranger already has skills like Troll Unguent. Lore wise it kind of makes sense imo.
(edited by Dojo.1867)
Often I wish ranger had 3 weapon swaps… lb/gs/staff… PLEASE!
our new profession mechanic?
stow pet. get out weapon 3?I wouldn’t give up my pet for anything, except for steal.
I hope Druid brings the ability to merge into the pet from a distance. Add some green/blueish glow, stat boost the pet with our own stats (percentage of it) and let us control the 3 pet abilities. F2 becomes ability #4 and #5 is leave the pet but merging should be low duration anyway since ranger becomes not targetable. Also should propaly take some of the dmg the pet took when leaving it.
On a sidenote. Do you guys really think burning is too strong? I can only speak for ranger and engineer and I think it is perfectly fine for both. Still no match for the direct dps that classes with way more mobility can put out.
I don’t think burning is an issue once everything has settled. It is just the burst of condi builds.
But Rangers can’t receive such a teleportation like that. Come on now, I understand if we shapeshift into a crow/eagle/owl/hawk and swoop/glide/fly to our pet’s location, but not just teleport out of the shadows
Out of the 8 current classes 5 have teleports: Mesmer, Thief, Elementalist, Guardian, Necro. Revenant will also have teleports which makes it 6 out of 9.
Fine. If their design decisions are so very important to them then they should come up with something equally usefull. Meanwhile 85s cd on Search and Rescue …
If it can’t be a teleport then I hope atleast druid will get some useful pet control. Or like Eura said a “pet swap” wouldn’t be a typical teleport and they could explain it with some spirit link animation. Like channel druid staff for 3 second (similiar to guardian staff animation) and swap position with pet. You could combo that with the current guard functionality for pretty much the effect we discussed above.
ANYTHING like that please.
Incendiary ammo + incendiary powder + stacks from jet… Yes you can.
The point was that OP made it sound like only FT1 does that while it is linked to traits.
6 of those stacks will only be applies every 50 seconds so it will already only be 6 instead of 11. 2 more are from IP trait on a 10 second cd. Counting stacks from napalm or fire aura is kind of nonsense. Ofc it does some burn but what enemies to you fight that eat more than 2 napalm ticks?
Please stop hitting golems with your burn and then make forum threads of how good it is. If FT seriously proves to deal much damage in ACTUAL pvp matches then I am all for a nerf but it absolutely does not look like it. A thief will deal so much more damagae than that easily while having way more mobility as well.
At this point mesmer and thief have gotten so much of that stuff. One skill should be fair to also give ranger some ways to effectively compete in spvp.
Also consider that with druid the ranger role shifts anyway more from a skirmisher to a magic user so I guess chances are higher we get utility stuff. One can hope. Guard would just make so much sense if it worked like that …
Im running something like this:
and it feels so cheesy… just using flamethrower 1 for 11 stacks of burning which last for 8 seconds each. It has also very good surivability and melts people in seconds :/
So 11 stacks with just FT1 huh?
Actually you are straight out lying here. It requires FT toolbelt which is on a 42s cd (50s untraited). It also requires the trait which is on a 10s cooldown. Furthermore all the IA/IP burn is single target and will often be wasted on illusions or pets. Practically speaking it is close to impossible to sucessfully hit a skilled mesmer with it.
Just the autoattack will generate 3 or 4 stacks at best and this is if you do nothing but channel autoattack and they don’t ever dodge or move out of it either. The other stacks are on a 42s (50s) or atleast 10s cooldown.
Can you please try to be less manipulative with your posts? This build isn’t good at all in spvp btw.
At 4 stacks it actually felt balanced. Now it’s just…….what have you done?
This is a pretty shallow point of view to be honest.
They buffed burning across the board by altering the formula, enabling intensity stacking and doubling the burning of most sources. It wouldn’t have made sense to not do it for Incendiary Ammo (keep old amount) which would have made it kitten compared to for example the trait.
It makes very much sense that it applies the burn stacks now that it was supposed to apply and to be compeltely honest with you. FT needs every buff it can get. If people finally start playing some more flamethrower then this change was great.
Shallow point of view? You’re not serious.
I’ve been playing FT since the trait revamp patch landed and it was very good on day one; so good in fact that I didn’t notice that incendiary powder was bugged. This recent patch, just made it so that people don’t even have time to react when I condi burst them. They just drop as soon as I hit 10 stacks. That’s not balanced to me. That’s not balanced to me at all.
But I’m sure some there are people out there who would gladly call this perfect balance. But I sure don’t. Might as well drop FT engies in with the Condi guards and Interrupt mesmers of the world.
Heh, funny thing is, those 3 specs are specs I was an advocate for. Made builds for them when everyone said they were crap. Now they are TOO good and I just would like them to be toned down.
I was not trying to offend you personally. English is not my first language so maybe shallow was the wrong word but you said yourself that you didn’t even realize the trait was bugged. Personally I realized that pretty much during my first 5 min of trying out the new stuff. You cannot change the formula and mechanic of a condition and then adjust every single skill but one. 3*3s of burning might seem good in the old mindset we had but on a 42(50) second cooldown it really is a very small amount of burning compared to everything else in this game now. In the end FT finally does what it always was supposed to do even with just the autoattack but never really did. It burns people.
I think you are extremly overrating the stregth of that as well. This is all single target burning. If you don’t apply it properly it will be wasted on pets, illusions, minions which is actually easy given that much of engis skills have an aoe effect. Furthermore the cooldown IS 42(50) seconds at the end of the day and the stacks last only 3s untraited. It is a nice burst of single target burning on a long cooldown. That’s it.
I am all for changing CotW even more but increasing the might stacks over 1 would be a good start. The point I was trying to make is that you wont just get the warhorn skill on pet swap because it would be stupid op unless the warhorn skill stays absolute garbage which would be bad design. This is why the trait needs to be weaker in its effect. Only then it can be applied to every pet swap (which should happen, unsynced ICDs are a total mess and should be kept to a minimum).
Them kittening up this skill has nothing to do with it being a trap.
That is just arenanet incompetence. Nothing else. And are you really kittenening serious comparing an ingame skill to vietnam war? Guess you have to change a bit more stuff then to make the game more realistic lol.
They completely messed up the design of this trait. (what a surprise)
You cannot just throw a weapon skill on pet swapping because:
- if you balance it with a rather high ICD it becomes extremly frustrating to use since you expect it to proc when you swap weapons especially since you want to combo the blast finisher
- if you sync the ICD with pet swap cooldowns (which is hard again because you can trait both seperately) the skill becomes relatively OP and makes the weapon itself really obsolete
What should be done is divide the trait and the weapon skill from each other. Make the trait proc on every pet swap no matter if traited or not. Make the trait effect weaker like only 10s of fury and swiftness, no might, no blast finisher. Change might stacks of warhorn skill from 1 to 5.
I have never seen a company do that much unfinished work and push it to live without testing.
Shame. Finally adress more resources if you want to be taken seriously or just stop claiming to develop an esport title.
I don’t know, it is still a good trait, so probably. I might just go into marksmanship instead of BM…
Then again, shouldn’t we all just play mesmer?
I guess we just wait and hope Melandru delivers the druid of our dreams.
+ something is seriously wrong with healing spring
To me the answer is more GS buffs. Autoattack needs a boost and Hilt Bash only has 220 range while stating 300 making it way too hard to connect. If they just straight out improve this kind of stuff and maybe atleast add SOME utility with druid’s new utility skills then we might be fine?
Mesmer also will be tuned down I think. Their rotation and uptime of “being invis, evading or not targetable for other reasons” is insane right now. In the end it is just not fair to throw skills like portal or on demand teleports at certain classes and leave others with nothing.
I mean I get that they wont bring teleporting to everyone to keep some distinction between classes but their would be other unique things that ranger could get.
Seeing skills that nobody ever uses at 85s cooldown STILL after their “big rework of everything” makes it hard to take their pvp ambitions serious though.
Btw this is a suggestion I made for Guard in another thread. Speaking about stuff that would actually improve the class.
Guard [30s cooldown]
Command your pet to guard target area aggressively over the next 30 seconds. During this time you gain ‘Return to pet’.
Return to pet [sequence]
Activate to instantly move to your pet’s location. Breaks stun.
Guard cooldown starts when activating ‘Return to pet’ or when the pet dies or after 30 seconds.
Your opinion?
(edited by Dojo.1867)
At 4 stacks it actually felt balanced. Now it’s just…….what have you done?
This is a pretty shallow point of view to be honest.
They buffed burning across the board by altering the formula, enabling intensity stacking and doubling the burning of most sources. It wouldn’t have made sense to not do it for Incendiary Ammo (keep old amount) which would have made it kitten compared to for example the trait.
It makes very much sense that it applies the burn stacks now that it was supposed to apply and to be compeltely honest with you. FT needs every buff it can get. If people finally start playing some more flamethrower then this change was great.
Edit: Also it was never 4 stacks. It was 3*1 stack so 3 stacks. Usually you would generate 5 stacks due to the trait (which already provided 2 stacks). Now that IA also provides 2 stacks it will be 3*2 which means 6 stacks and 8 with the trait. 5 becomes 8 if you run flamethrower. 2 for pretty much everyone else on a 10 second cd.
Seriously unless you really expect a zerk thief around it is totally fine. Try it and you will hardly ever be like “kitten I blew my heal”. Most of the time you need that swiftness after respawning and running out of base anyway.
You can’t really call it shout build to begin with if you just run Guard.
That’s exactly what I’m doing because the others are not worth while to take. If you’re blowing multiple shouts to get regen and swiftness, that’s borderline idiotic.
Uhm I am talking from a spvp perspective here but it is completely fine to blow heal as one for out of combat swiftness. CD is 16 seconds. And DURING combat you propably want to use it or Strength of the Pack anyway.
No it doesn’t need to be low for perma swiftness. I would rather have a useful skill on its own that some stupid regen + swiftness enabler. Shout builds will still generate plenty of regen and swiftness if you have atleast 2 (which is easily done with heal as one and strength of the pack). You can’t really call it shout build to begin with if you just run Guard.
So essentially the on demand damage output just got doubled.
6 instant burn stacks (8 considering the trait proccing as well). Cooldown is 42s traited (50s untraited) but it lasts kitten so you can prepare it for double use. Will obviously not work always but it somewhat makes the cd lower.
I actually think we might see quite a bit more FT specs running around. Still a pity that Juggernaut is garbage.
Guard should actually be rangers access to more mobility:
Guard [30s cooldown]
Command your pet to guard target area aggressively over the next 30 seconds. During this time you gain ‘Return to pet’.
Return to pet [sequence]
Activate to instantly move to your pet’s location. Breaks stun.
Guard cooldown starts when activating ‘Return to pet’ or when the pet dies or after 30 seconds.
(edited by Dojo.1867)
Did you ever play any other esport game? Because what you say doesn’t match reality.
Companies like blizzard or valve will patch way more often even though their games are more polished on release than gw2 3 years in.
Guard should work similiar to necros flesh worm. You send your pet to protect an area. If you trigger the skill again you are teleported to your pet.
Do they actually think it is that good? Most people won’t run this with no cd at all.
You should sort them into the existing groups. For example a tiger would be really easy to add in the feline family since you just need to come up with 1 skill.
Maybe we get one new family in HOT ( here is hoping raptors) but I doubt it will be more than 1.
(edited by Dojo.1867)
That damage is way too low. I agree with that.
Triggered traps should break the stealth though. We don’t need another class with permastealth bullkitten.