Your rapid fire won’t be auto canceled as long as you move your camera to where your enemy is pointing at you.
Nope. All the enemy has to do is close distance and run through you. Which will be easy because you’re going to have to be in combat before you swap weapons. So unless you run double longbow…
This is false info. Stop locking you camera with right mouse button.
(edited by Dojo.1867)
Holy moly this is good.
Double Maul and Rapid Fire pretty much. Double Swoops (4sec cd instead of 12), longer blocking uptime, doublt hilt bashing.
This list goes on and on. Insane trait.
It’s a variation of the Fury Longbow Ranger build.
I believe someone showed it recently, and I’d consider it better than the standard full glass. Definitely.
I think that it has much more uses than “the meta”. It doesn’t die on sight and still brings the only thing the ranger does – damage. Practically maybe even more of it, considering there’s almost permanent fury uptime.It went something like this:
To me it feels like the better your enemies are the more you want to switch to this build because you have better combat performance in general, more swiftness and especially the lower bow cooldowns (hunter’s shot) allow you to survive when you otherwise wouldn’t.
For stomping noobs the read the wind max range LB is propably easier because it offers the most dmg but once there are some decent opponent that actually target you then you will die the moment your SoS is consumed.
Just want to tell people to give this variant a try. MoC ranger is very fun to play, usually the playstyle is more engaging than max range lb power ranger and you swap your weapons into melee way more often.
What makes this build worth considering:
- Skirmishing has dual dps stats while Marksmanship has only power
- Skirmishing has way better minor traits that result in almost permanent fury uptime (together with SotF) and especially the last minor trait is a good dps buff
- buffs of minor Skirmishing traits go nice with the increased boon duration you have anyway
- lower bow cooldowns allow for more frequent RF pressure and highly increase CC and survival capabilities
- high vigor uptime
- MoC is an underrrated trait. While it is true that there is only really hilt bash directly beneffiting from it (unless ranger gets more daze or stun with HoT) a 1 second longer stun can be huge, same with the dps buff. Interrupting their heal can very likely kill them with a 6k Maul. Another scenario is interrupting a rezz followed by a huge cleave.
What to do with the last 2 trait points (I consider SotF must have)?
- 2 points in power are just super good with skirmishing stats so I would get this for the pure dps over decreased survival skills cooldowns (which often arent necessary since you dont want to spam those but remove condis).
So anyone else running this? If you try it tell me what you think!
(edited by Dojo.1867)
If you are at it increase the autoattack might duration of ranger axe. 100% longer should be a good start. Oh and warhorn 5 might stacks from 1 to 3.
I’d like a Charr as a pet.
That’s racist!
Personally I want a Raptor with f2 creating a smoke field.
I am mainly talking about PvP here that is now WvW.
I am completely aware that in the current situation this trait is needed to keep engi competitive in PvP but believe me when I say it is actually greatly reducing build variety and damaging our class.
Basically what it does is throw burn on everything. This allows for the decent poking damage that engi needs because they have a lot of animations/stuff to do and cannot continuously autoattack like many other classes. However it damages other burning sources of which engi actually has a lot. Stuff that gets hit include:
- Flamethrower
- Bomb Kit
- Rocket Boots
- Pistol Offhand
Sure, you can still play all this somehow but in the end it is very underpresented in the current variety of builds because IP does the job (better). It allows to burn with grenades on 1500 range. It allows to make your burn impossible to dodge, you get the idea.
What I suggest is to nerf this trait and buff other aspects of engi. I would like to see this trait becoming similiar to Ranger’s Opening Strike mechanic. Once you are out of combat you gain this buff, maybe just use FTs toolbelt skill, allowing your next 3 attacks to inflict 3s of burning each. It doesn’t refresh until you leave combat again.
Yes this is a nerf because if your opponent cleanses it and you don’t have any other burn equipped you basically lack this condition (well there is still rune of balthazar). This should encourage actually running other burn sources in your build, engi has plenty. If at the end of the day this leaves engi too weak then I am all for more buffs but IP ruins so much of the classes variety, this has to be done!
Well only thing we know is that it can shoot some kind of straight line of entangling roots. Immobilize would be kind of the only thing ranger already has plenty so I hope it does something a bit more unique or the other skills do.
Personally I also hope for more interrupts. Staff propably will not be a primary DPS weapon but if so I am not sure weither condi or direct dps focussed.
Also you know those attacks of GS, Sword, Spear that make virtual animals appear behind the ranger (like Bear with Maul, Eagle with Swoop, Shark, Snake)? Would be awesome if staff gets something similiar. Personally I am hoping for a monkey which would fit since it is a) most of the time an intelligence focussed weapon for light armor classes and b) would give some kind of monkey king hype with melee attacks etc.
It would be cool if ferocity on TotSS worked like this:
When you had capped the buff, your team gets +50 to all base stats for every point your opponent has currently capped.
That means that if you were 3 capped by the enemy and capped ferocity your entire team would get +150 to base stats. It would lead to closer, less snowball games on that map possibly.
I would prefer this A LOT above the current useless implementation.
Make it a way to swing the game actively instead of hoping new players are unexperienced enough to leave their CPs to get it.
Oh, did i hurt your feelings by using arguments as opposed to “you’re the one not knowing math because i say so”?
sorry. I would really like to demonstrate my theory against you but, as i said, even though i try i almost never get a team that makes it happen so…..
Nope I just think everybody here disagrees with your opinion of doing creeps at start.
As my preposter already mentioned. No team that knows what they are doing actually does it unless their comp literally allows to do it by walking by without even altering their path. Already creating a 4on5 situation (which you do if you go for creeps, there is no discussing that away) for 3 or 4 seconds can be deadly against certain comps. It matters.
(edited by Dojo.1867)
1) Fun.
2) Rank which awards a pretty cool finisher but unfortunately this got ruined by Arenant allowing every pleb to get them via hotjoins.
Anyone else extremely mad if you get those unexperienced players that randomly decide to go for neutral creeps during a match on forest causing the loss of CPs which loses way more points in the end than the 25 you gain?
I am actually really really mad at the noobs who don’t know math who purposedly ignore Svanir and the chieftain, giving the enemy team a 50 point advantage for each, when it takes literally 3 seconds to kill them with 3 players.
Nothing can win you points as effectively, still people go and rush mid which is going to be contested anyway, and leave your team’s beast open for stealing.
This is the reason I NEVER select the forest, as I hate losing to our team’s not knowing how to count.
And by the way, rangers and power necros even need to go this way when opening, to position properly for lich + what rangers do.
Actually this is how you lose CPs and the match but glad someone is outing himself here. Can only be good for the discussion.
Also pls no more people telling the great truth of that you win the match with NPCs if you are at 475 and enemy at 490. Obviously there are moments when you should go for them but the point of this thread is exactly this “noob trap” of people not identifying these moments correctly and just always going for them.
When in doubt and if you are rather new to the game then always hold point over approaching the neutrals.
Actually I think it is a quite difficult decision which is why I questions Arenanets design choices here. Imo it should either be spawned differently (later in the game and only once) OR give such a clear advantage that indeed most of the time should get them even if it means losing a CP.
(edited by Dojo.1867)
Good sign for esports imo.
Well I get that on forest you should convince people how to play but ferocity … this is pure win more.
NEVER have I seen any proteam get it during turneys just because it means losing if both teams are somewhat on a decent skill level. The sole purpose right now is making bad players get it for the scoreboard or because they think it is good. 99% of the time it isn’t and NO it is not “on the way to the sidepoints” and YES it will make you waste a significant amount of time.
Thanks for writing up your concerns so succinctly.
This test season is intended to test an algorithm that’s tailored towards ranking players higher for better W/L ratios, in addition to using points gained from playing (meaning games played does not become valueless). The algorithm we’re using this time around is completely different than what was previously tested, and they both have different purposes. We’re already having internal discussions on how we can adjust this season’s algorithm to better suit the goals we stated on Thursday – rewarding players who play well, not just play. These discussions will continue into the next week, and now we have an entire weekend’s worth of data that we can look at and extrapolate on.
An important thing to keep in mind is that these events are tests, and the only thing we’re testing right now is the formula behind ranking. We’re gathering a lot of useful data that we can use to help us make better decisions. These “test seasons” not a final product by stretch of the imagination.
What was wrong about the old leader boards?
Anyone else extremely mad if you get those unexperienced players that randomly decide to go for neutral creeps during a match on forest causing the loss of CPs which loses way more points in the end than the 25 you gain?
Or on temple people constantly going for ferocity pretty much causing the same loss of CPs?
I feel like these 2 are the worst and there are consistently people going for this strategy while is is almost never good. The 2 other buffs on temple are completely fine since they provide a high enough upside to even compensate for cp losses. Also mechanics like lord on foefire which are a group approach are a totally good mechanic for a secondary objective.
My suggestions for Forest:
1) Make svanir/chieftain spawn only once during a match at a certain point of time. This is also announced 15 seconds before the spawn OR
2) Make svanir/chieftain award a higher stat buff so that getting them is nearly always worth it independent of the point gain.
My suggestion for Temple:
1) Remove Ferocity. It is purely a win more mechanic.
Now compare melee power ranger with power lb ranger, the latter’s only positioning requirement is LoS to land dmg and the DMG IS HIGHER THAN WITH MELEE. This makes my brain hurt. Yeah sure, LoS counters dmg a ranger player does. And you know what? Melee does no dmg whatsover the moment enemy moves out from the melee range.
While I see what you mean you got the facts a bit wrong there. Dmg coefficients for GS out DPS longbow even on max range. It will still be lower since melee is harder to hit consistently but by the number and for example in PvE melee DOES DO more dmg (and I am not talking about cleave here).
I agree that the dmg should propably be slightly higher but that could be achieved with very subtle changes to GS. 5% more dmg on the autoattack would already go a long way. Maul already is pretty high burst. I hope they do soemthing to GS 5 like lowering the cooldown though. Would also help the slightly underwhelming Moment of Clarity.
I agree and would take a 20% cd increase to balance it out.
I considered asking CD moving to 28 or 30 base, but it could use a minor buff to break from even with HS to account for risk and downtime. Nothing major just a bit. Wasn’t sure how well received the idea would be though so I started small. O.o
I think condi removal with Survival of the Fittest is enough additional upside.
I agree and would take a 20% cd increase to balance it out.
I find it humerous that people using a new toy that a net gave them with the recent longbow buffs all of a sudden want everyone else to l2p and adapt their playstyles to counter it when before the buffs were the same people who cried that longbow just wasn’t good enough for them instead of learning how to use it and position yourself and use your pet to position your opponent etc. You say that the skill ceiling is so low??? You asked a net to lower it. And they did. And now you want everyone else to l2p. I say lol.
Again you can check my post history I’ve been playing power longbow since shortly after release. I am not crying for nerfs. I am calling out hypocrisy.
The skill ceiling is only low on low skill levels. You can do relatively good with it relatively easy.
Versus actually good player the skill ceiling is really high and using certain skills wrong or missing will be extremely punishing. It is so hard to be efficient that people indeed hardly ever include a power ranger in their premades.
This is why the buffs were completely justified and actually still didn’t put the spec on the same level as other classes. Also I don’t get how it is hypocricy if you want people to adapt to a justified buff.
This thread is aimed at the rather vocal part of PvP players that want Power Ranger to be nerfed while it is actually not considered viable at top level by most. This discrepancy must be discussed and explained to new people.
Very low survivability. I can only see this work versus bad players that completely ignore you.
Also concerning the gameplay you should not spam your skills. Especially people just spamming Hunter’s shot like it is part of a dps roation give me a headache. This is for when you need to get away and not something you just but between autoattacks for no reason.
You need gs offhand. Your vid is literally just you attacking people and hoping no one ever goes for you.
Hope you don’t take this offensively.
Stop those threads and learn to play.
Horrible suggestion. Learn to LoS or break it by moving behind him. Learn to play your class instead of spamming the forums with bad suggestions because you are a bad player.
It just has a low skill floor on low skill levels aka it is very easy to wreck bad people with it. Also its weakness (like many beserker classes) is getting focussed, especially since much of the survivability is cooldown capped (SoS pop). This means coordination beats it which again makes it relatively good in the uncoordinated solo queue matches at lower skill levels.
If anything Arenanet should try to raise the skill floor on lower skill levels. Make it harder to play, move more of the dmg to GS, etc. On highest skill level Power Ranger actually sees almost no play because it is just too weak. The rigth direction here would actually be buffs so again …
Pet res is OP whether or not you can do those things. It’s not a L2P issue.
And mistform into portal is op. And necro downed state is op dmg. And mesmer/thief invis/teleports are op.
See a pattern? Stupid thread.
I really do not understand how they could rework this buff and STILL not take account of that. I remember two years ago when I got a response out of Karl in twitch chat that they “want to do this”. Classic arenanet.
This is such a clear issue of an obvious flaw that works against a player friendly pvp, against a pvp that claims to be an esport title. All that while it would be so easy to improve. You create a ton of new effects every small (gemshop) update but you cannot add something that important?
Nice suggestion but I would also like some general rules applied to pets that makes them more predictable for both, the owner and enemies.
For example I still find many f2 a bit unresponsive. They should interrupt any other action and cast instantly no matter if targets are in range (that should be determined by the player, not some automatic algortihm). Also pets should use other skills whenever off cooldown. I actually think it would be better if they just always rotate through their skills once swapped and then just keep autoattacking. The rotation should be possible to se in the pet menu (like which skill to use first).
Btw one reason I cannot wait for druid is the new class mechanic. Personally I think he will be able to fuse with the active pet for a short duration. The player becomes the pet and can control it. Not sure how they handle hp for that time but in the end it should be somewhat like death shrout but with skills depending on the pet.
Also make more pets useful kitten .
Seriously. Out of all the things this would be an important effect especially if you try to CC multiple people. I thought they want to telegraph things and not make people check buff bars.
I nearly always burn zerker classes.
To be honest for me it isn’t just not being able to dodge roll. I also don’t like it when my character leaps after the target during the autoattack since it kind of allows the enemy to determine my movement.
They wouldn’t even need to care whether or not that “trait” existed. It could be forced upon them (e.g. not a trait, but just fixed) and they could continue doing what they do now … not dodging.
The trait would change the chain to non control locking attacks aka no more leaping. Think of it more similiar to any other chain like warrior sword but still giving might stacks to pet on 3rd hit etc.
That or make the no leap thing the normal version and let the trait add the leaping again so that people that like it (which as you can see are quite a few according to this thread) can keep the original version.
The trait is not supposed to be a fix, then they could just fix it. It is supposed to make a much hated mechanic alternative instead of forcing it onto people. We kind of have 2 groups right now, some hate it, some want it.
I agree with Serbent. Why can I break the animation with weapon switching but not with a dodge? Anyway, I still think a trait which offers both versions would be the most clean solution.
I’d like to use the sword, but with the bouncing around it’s just not that fun and it actually makes evading harder.
Now I use axe but that isn’t melee weapon, for some reason, as all of it’s attacks are ranged and can be bounced back to you with reflection.Major problem with the axe that it hits like 3 wet noodles.
I don’t know I think it would be really cool for condi/hybrid builds if the might stacks would last twice that long.
I actually really like the skill cap for sword main hand. Please don’t fix what isn’t broken.
That is the whole point. You keep what you like. Others also get what they like. Why would you not want others to get what they like.
Ok just played a game with settlers and goes really well. Also helps that there is a high amount of power rangers in ranked right now which kind of makes people jump you.
I see what you are trying to say Ariete but Axe MH still isn’t a traditional melee weapon just because of a shotgun like #2 skill. Could as well call engi rifle melee then, just because it requires some close up positioning.
Only if returned players will get a +50% incoming damage debuff + revealed for next 10s after coming back. Falling shall be a punishment for failing CC game, not just a break to restore HP and cooldowns.
I would rather make it that you can only trigger the glider if you are above a certain amount of hp (like 40%). If they knock you off below 40% you should die. Also it needs to be balanced wisely in terms of where the updrafts are and how much time you lose with that. Should still be a significant disadvantage to get knocked down and “oh I am about to die, let’s escape by jumping” should not be viable.
Wow so much useful info in this thread. I personally struggle with condi setups that don’t use shortbow becuase I kind of miss my skills and still hate sword autoattack. But makes sense that I constantly screw up my axe 2 stacks by going sb auto and making them easy to cleanse.
I think condi ranger needs a good way to access out of combat swiftness. Soooo slow.
What if there was a trait that removes the leaps (which also removes losing control) and maybe adds something in return (short bleed stacks f.e., post your suggestions).
Some people like it, some people hate it. Now they can chose.
Alternatively they could just remove it and add a trait saying “Sword autoattack chain skills leap to your target.” for people that want the original mechanic.
Personally I see the problem not in the existance of this mechanic but rather the fact that ranger lacks other mainhand melee options. This would have made more sense on for example warrior where you just could pick another melee mainhand if you don’t like it but ranger lacks alternatives and we wont get more in hot since it will be a staff.
Hello. Ranger is in a weird place with some overpowered things but weak overall.
Greatsword autoattack. Increased attack speed and damage, reduce the evade frame. Lets be real, it’s not like the evade is reliable enough and currently it gets shut down completely by blinds because it’s too slow! Nope, just needs slightly more dmg but the evade can be great in both, pvp and pve.
Reduce maul cast time! It’s a huge freakin bear animation! People should be able to dodge it anyway. Now they can just walk away slowly.. Maul is a great skill. If I would change anything I would add a blast finisher but this is uust wishful thinking.
Fix swoop and other rush bugs regarding terrain. More a learn to use it issue imo.You didn’t comment on the only skill that realyy needs a change imo. Hilt Bash has a huge cooldown while being very hard to land. Increase range or decrease the animation time or alternatively the cooldown to make missing less punishing. Also unblockable would be super cool here.
Entangle. Requires the ranger to stand still. No more fancy jumps to reduce the telegraph. Well they might do that, then again it is already so very easy to break it for many classes.
Shortbow. Move the bleeds to other skills. The autoattack has no counterplay. Move them to crippling shot or concussion shot or whatever. Wtf. The counterplay is facing the ranger. This skill defines the weapon. Overall shortbow skills 2-5 need something fancy imo. Feel all very underwhelming.
Axe mainhand auto. Even after buffs it’s pretty meh and the might is too short. Increase the might duration but add an icd. Takes longer to build might(and less stacks) but it doesn’t go away instantly. No ICD pls. Beside that a small buff to the autoattack would be fine.
Signet of renewal. Now works even if your pet is far away/dead/ etc.
General pet stuff. Remove the penalty for dead pet swap. They explode in team fights anyway. No reason to punish the ranger further.
Merge piercing arrows and read the wind traits.
Shared anguish has a buff icon. Yes pls.
Hunter shot stealths even if it misses/gets blocked. Longbow needs higher skill ceiling, not lower. Target pets/minions/etc if you want guaranteed hits.
Tone down the burns on the torch bonfire. What the actual kitten?
Add more condition removal that’s reliable. Empathic bond is strong but too unreliable. Survival of the fittest is fine but it requires a big investment. I feel like some of the offhand skills should get condi removal. Also there needs to be some trait for easy put of combat swiftness. Ranger is supposed to be a fast class but especially condi builds have no ways to travel between points fast.
I cannot understand how some dev can look at the stability traing master trait and rework it just like that. This trait is horrible.
Would be pretty gud.
I wonder if you can target gliding people.
Search and rescue used to rez defeated players. That;s when people ever used it. Then they murderered the skill for no reason — oh, wait, we know the reason. Usual spvp whine most likely.
spvp ruins this game for class balance. It’s also why mesmers and necromancers have been constantly kitten.
No. Your comment makes no sense at all.
Guard will be changed in HoT making the pet taunt on activation.
Nope I am just kidding.
That would require people to buy HOT. The new stuff is being locked behind a paywall (except stronghold and WvW).
I don’t think it would be troublesome to add this to one of the old pvp maps as a map specific mechanic.
I never said it was about difficulty.
Neither did I. I don’t think it would be troublesome from a marketing point of view. They are already adding new features to the old game. If it makes the map better I can definitely see them do it even if gliders stay exclusive to HOT on the PvE side.
That would require people to buy HOT. The new stuff is being locked behind a paywall (except stronghold and WvW).
I don’t think it would be troublesome to add this to one of the old pvp maps as a map specific mechanic.
Btw it could be modified in a lot of ways. Like only allow you to trigger the glider if you have more than 50% hp (to stop just gliding away if you are about to die). Mainly it should make those 100% hp fall deaths that are just too punishing less polarizing. Create an inbetween, ya know?
(edited by Dojo.1867)
If you break through the glass or fall from hammer platform you can activate the glider and fly to the nearest updraft eventually to get back into the game instead of dying, This way you still lose time but don’t give the enemy points and maybe you are back faster than if you have to respawn. Should not work from every position though (depends on updraft placement).
Probaly some map modification needed.