The fact that it’s acceptable to say “DH is less faceroll than these other profession” speaks volumes.
I know right?
Personally I think the Berserker traitline is completely fine. It is all the other classes elite specs that got powercreeped with too much sustain/defense.
I agree though that it is less likely that ey nerf every single other elite spec. I would not find it most optimal though if the Berserker line becomes also a must have pick. Already now it is really good imo, if anything a few traits need some shaving.
Dead or Alive
- now clears all condis when it procs
This is the only trait I feel that kind of fails at what it is supposed to do. Right now most of the time this just makes condis tick for 1 or 2 more seconds and you still die. Especially since poison affects the heal. Beside this change I would also improve other traitlines and especially core skills.
- now physical skill
On my Mark
- now removes all boons from the target
Shake it off
- now cleanses 2 conditions instead of just one
Berserker heal should be seperated from PvE and heavily buffed for PvP. The stances trait should not increase duration (people just stop focusing anyway when the stance is poppee) but also decrease cooldown of the stance skills by 20%.
Finally nerf Plague Signet, Hammer and Shiro.
Good job arenanet. Now people do not only trashtalk me for running warrior ingame but also on the forums.
Great balancing job you are doing!
Revs and Bunker Tempest also common.
Chrono, Druid and DH rare because less faceroll than everything above.
Good Thieves still wrecking.
Warrior absolute trash tier.
Nice. Kittening. Balance. This garbage is here to stay until april guys.
In a month a player can reach legendary staying afk.
All is rolled during matchmaking.playing match don’t really have any sense.This is complete nonsense and just tells me you didn’t reach higher divisions yet. Propably stuck low because you are mediocre at best and now you actually get confronted with this fact for the first time.
This system is much better at showing a players skill level so naturally people with low skill level, something that was masked before, are going to be salty.
Gimme 1v1 leagues and then we can take a look whos the real pro and who just… sux
Nothing justices doing 1v2 while your team cant do a kitten at same time so despite myself being a better players than enemy team i still lose.
What you describe will just not be the case on average. If you consistently do that then you WILL carry yourself out of kitten division. Fact. In a few days only bad people will be left in amber/emerald so it will be you + 4 bads vs 5 bads. In other words it will be conpletely on you. If you still cant do it then you just cant carry at all and belong there.
In a month a player can reach legendary staying afk.
All is rolled during matchmaking.playing match don’t really have any sense.
This is complete nonsense and just tells me you didn’t reach higher divisions yet. Propably stuck low because you are mediocre at best and now you actually get confronted with this fact for the first time.
This system is much better at showing a players skill level so naturally people with low skill level, something that was masked before, are going to be salty.
This is a very good suggestion. We need something to change about the time ranked is disabled.
The only problem is that unranked queue remains a clusterkitten of PvErs doing their dailys, trolls with special snowflake builds and actually competitive people that have to deal with all that.
Then again from my personal experience (even though I hated most unranked matches) I started with quite a good mmr (atleast I winstreaked straight into sapphire with only decent teammates so I assume it). So maybe it still rated me accurately despite the subjectively kittenty match quality I experienced.
To people already losing their kitten again:
I suggested what can be improved. Read it.
As of something like that not existing for other games? Totally wrong. This happens in any league/season based game. Even in hearthstone. The only difference is that hearthstone is 1v1 and has in general more players plus they already kind of do what I suggest.
Still also in hearthstone you frequently get bashed at the beginning of the season because legend players got their rank reset to rank 15. This is not new.
The system is good and with the improvement I and many other suggested this “ugly” starting phase can also be kept to a minimum.
All the complainers should just stop and give the system a chance.
Yes, you will lose a lot if you had a mediocre MMR at the start of the season. At the start the whole thing is rather snowballish. Good people get equally good allies and a team like that will obviously steamroll.
But this will only happen at the start.
This will happen at the phase when people are still traveling fast through leagues because nobody has reached his proper level yet. Know why the winstreak system exists? Not to make us feel a bit better for winning often, no. The sole purpose is to push good people out of bad leagues so that the bad players that naturally exist there wont have to face them for long.
Yes, I also felt like the first 30 matches were a total steamroll but sooner or later everyone will hit a wall (except the 5 overall absolutely best players I guess).
What should I do if I get constantly matched with bad allies?
Ok the honest and bad news first. You propably, for whatever reason, had not the best rating at the start and you ended up in this spiral. Stop playing for a few days. It will be infinitely easier to progress once good players have left your league. Still have trouble then when it is basically you + 4 bad players vs 5 bad players? Well then you lack the ability to have any impact on game outcome (some people call it carrying) at all. After all even in the lowest league there will be some people that just belong there. Don’t feel bad.
What can be done for further improvement?
People should not all reset back to the start of Amber. This will basically speed up the whole transition phase and safe some of the “selection” that happened last season.
- Legend players should start in Ruby.
- Diamond players should start in Sapphire.
- Ruby players should start in Emerald.
You automatically get all the previous rewards if you start higher up when the new season begins.
(edited by Dojo.1867)
That is an interesting suggestion. Who else would you like to see as returning heroes in stronghold?
It’s comforting to know that you read this forum. Does anyone read the profession forums?
Why does it need evade. Explain.
A 1.75 second channeling skill. After activation, you gets locked into a triple leap animation.
W/O evade, this is like the easiest to interrupt skill in the world.
Then use it with easy to acces stability? Oh, no my 1.75s channel skill can get interrupted. My class is so underpoweder like that. This is exactly the mentality that fuels Arenanets blatant power creep.
Any type of CC gets devalued.
Why does it need evade. Explain.
Rocket Charge should not evade, simple as that.
Rev needs to get shiro and herald defensive traits tuned down.
I play too little necro to say what they should do with reaper but I always found cleansing five conditions and applying five conditions on a target on that cooldown was ridiculous. By now condition damage is so common I don’t get how necro gets away with dealing 200% better with it that other classes. In comparison a warrior shout willl cleanse a single condition and that’s it.
Giving warrior also more sustain now would be a typical arenanet move.
To me it feels like warrior is the only remotely balanced class with deticated weaknesses and actually decent build/traitline variety.
The sustain/defense of all the other classes elite spec is silly and needs to be toned down for all of them.
Druid – CA was not intended to refill so fast/be on such a low cd making the associated traits (stunbreak, full condi clear) and the healing broken.
Scrapper – Way too much defense in a single GM trait (also both, condi and direct which they almost never did before) and hammer skills with sick damage while also reflecting/evading/blocking.
Daredevil – They continue with the permanent evasion game pidgeonwholing thief into this glass cannon role.
Tempest – This spec feels closest to warrior in terms of the traitline and weapon skills. They kittened up when they randomly decided the new heal should also heal the whole team for 8k.
Herald – Don’t even get me started on the stupidity that is crystal hibernation and permanent stunbreaking/evading paired with stability. Any defensive stats feel silly on this class.
Dragonhunter – Yeah let’s make the new f2 heal for 4k, why not. Let’s give dh a second healing skill out of nowhere with instantly resettable cooldown. Very squishy class indeed. /s
Chrono – There was so much wrong with this class but it already recieved the nerf bat. The silly defensive mechanics remain but atleast got toned down.
Reaper – 50k hp. Now with mobility. Oh also everyone around you is slowed now and takes 700 dmg per second. Have fun.
(edited by Dojo.1867)
Yeah should propably have said that I don’t PvE.
Yeah I understand now why it is so bad. It is balanced around PvE.
Just another case of a skill becoming compeltely unusable in a game mode because they try to balance for all modes at once. Which is just not possible for a skill like this one. This is very unfortunate because of the additional functions like giving adrenaline, being a rage skill and resetting primal burst cooldowns basically go to waste. There would be cool stuff you could do with that in PvP.
I mean isn’t this suggestion perfectly solving this? You could cast without target and it just circles yourself then. Cast with target and it will normally travel to it, deal dmg and then circle around the target.
I did some testing with this skills on pretty much immobile targets and even in the best case scenario this heals less than the average healing skill.
Shouldn’t it be atleast like 20% of the damage done or longer duration?
Also wasn’t Mending supposed to become a physical skill?
Search and Rescue not as strong as people made it, huh.
Ye I think King of Fire should just always cause the burn when a fireshield runs out or is overwritten by a new one. No special skills required for activation.
So you say, nerf all pets by reducing attribute bonus and then buff all pets except for smokescale and bristleback? Here is an idea, nerf smokescale and bristleback?
You completely missed the argument. Even smokescale and bristlebac are currently only mediocre without BM traited. Rest of the pets is pretty much garbage.
Your suggestion is terrible, lazy and short sighted but propably what Arenanet will do.
Considering that arenanet wants pet dmg to be a major part of ranger dmg this is too much in my opinion.
What is too much? The damage increase from the BM traitline? So you want to give that as a baseline I guess, right? Fine by me.
Pretty much. What I would do is nerf the attribute bonus to like 100 instead of 150 for a start. Together with the bugfix for bristle f2 hot pets would be completely fine then.
And together with that change I would buff all the old pets and wyvern.
- Druid: Staff AA DMG buff by 20%, Bristle and SMokescale DMG reduction by 20%
Stop suggesting that garbage. How often are we supposed to tell you that staff dmg exceeds all the other ranger weapons even though dmg is the main purpose of those. Do some testing if you don’t believe it. Staff already beats all ranger melee weapons because their slightly higher dmg is so much harder to connect on melee range. It also has a much more reliable chance to hit dodging thieves or through aegis due to the 3 small pulses per attack. And it straight out beats longbow damage on close and midrange. Max range is literally the only distance where a signle weapon is left (lb) that beats staff.
Stop. Suggesting. That garbage.
You have to consider that direct damage in this game scales exponentially. Stats like power, precision and ferocity amplify each other. 150 is not a huge amount but if pets with usually zero precision suddenly get some precision or if pets with decent precision suddenly get some ferocity it really shows.
Some clean testing would have to be done but I estimate the dmg difference between traited and untraited pets around 30-40%. Considering that arenanet wants pet dmg to be a major part of ranger dmg this is too much in my opinion. And it also is what makes the new pets feel like doing too much dmg. It didn’t really show with the old pets because those went from terrible to okay. New pets go from okay to over the top.
And about AF. The system I would expect is a system which allows to fill astral form consistently dependent on how much heal sources AND healing power I put into my build. And the AF generated by damage should be a bit lower but still decent and most importantly the AF generation rate should be same across all weapons, not significantly higher on those that have very many little hits.
The way it is now AF does not get generated by your healing. Not at all. It gets generated by you taking damage (not being full health) and waiting for all the passive regens to fill the bar. Honestly, at this point they could even just make it a fixed number as long as you are not full hp. Their system completely missed the goal.
(edited by Dojo.1867)
Why do you guys think healing power would fill AF faster and this would promote going berserker? It is the opposite. Currently healing power does nothign to fill AF faster because the whole thing is tick based. The current (!) system promotes berserker.
And seriously how do you think a more or less 10 second cd (and yes people do just toggle for druidic clarity) is okay for a stunbreak and full condi cleanse. Even 20 seconds would be questionable here.
You have swiftness all the time already due to traited shouts. This already overwrites those 25%. The 25% or Natural Stride add nothing.
The purpose of this thread is to give feedback to Arenanet so that those nerfs won’t be at the wrong places and make the class unplayable (something that happened in the past).
If you think druid is totally fine and should not see any kind of nerf whatsoever then I suggest you stop reading here. This is an honest discussion and not some kind of “ranger protection force” that tries to keep their class at the top of the meta. I consider this hypocricy that I unfortunately observe in almost every class forum.
Another important fact on why nerfs are not a bad idea is the complete dominance of druid over core ranger. The way Arenanet “balances” I find it unlikely for them to buff core ranger before nerfing druid. Let’s face it guys: “If you have to eat kitten, best not to nibble. Bite, chew, swallow, repeat. It goes quicker.”
What is the main issue with druid?
Celestial Avatar Uptime
Clearly Arenanet didn’t intend to be able to enter this form so often. Druidic Clarity has become a completely broken way to cleanse condis and stunbreak every 10 seconds and you get a ton of good healing/condi cleanse/cc out of the form itself. But not this trait is broken, it would be completely fine if the cooldown was more in the range of 20-30 seconds. What happened was very short BWE testing time (last elite spec release). People complained that druid was too bad in PvE and like so often they tried to balance it for PvE and PvP at the same time and guess what, they failed hard. They actually attempted to:
- make AF degenerate out of combat -> community outcry and they reverted it
- butchered the way AF is generated -> it should have never been based on heal/dmg ticks but the exact amount of healing/dmg done instead, many people (like myself) suggested htis over and over
- allowing players to keep a part of AF when leaving CF which made the “toggle” for the stunbreak/cleanse very efficient
The main reason of those back and forth changes was like I said Arenanet trying to please PvE and PvP at the same time. Personally I think AF should not degenerate out of combat. However leaving the mode prematurely should still consume all remaing AF. Furthermore I would still rework the way AF is generated (based around actual healing/dmg amount instead of per tick).
This traitline is actually not that much of a problem as people make it sound. First of all it is a core ranger line. HOT pets (except wyvern) are infinitely better than old pets but not because they are too good but because old pets are terrible. Also without traiting pets stats via BM the pet dmg really drops off. Rather than nerfing smoke/bristle they should slightly reduce the attribute bonus of the BM line (making it less mandatory) and buff old pets. Bristleback f2 would actually be fine if bugs were fixed. If I recall it still shoots more projectiles than the tooltip suggests.
Uhm the amount of damage (just like the amount of healing) does not matter for astral force generation. The individual instances count. Since every attack that applies condition also does a small amount of direct dmg astral force will be charged at the same speed in a condi build.
This suggestion makes no sense. Also isn’t Celestial Form already charging really freaking fast? Is that still not enough for you guys? I mean clearly Arenanet didn’t intend CF being up every 10 seconds when they designed an adept trait that clears all condis and breaks stun when entering CF.
Warriors clearly needs survivability buffs. If they think their current state is fine for the next few months then they have lost another player.
Cool that everybody likes it.
- the old functionality remains completely unchanged, you can still do what you always did
- the selfcast comes with upsides (can better control to heal certain allies, sometimes no good enemy target available) but also downsides (no way to heal yourself with it)
- the skill always felt like something was missing to me, maybe that’s it
Now I only wonder if it will actually happen. Dev response maybe? :/
Here is what I run with Marauder as a well balanced offensive shoutbuild.
High ranged pressure combined with the team utility of SnR. Potent ways to escape focus with celestial stealth, traited SoS (which unlike guard stops all damage and wont kill your pet) and the general survivability of staff (mobility, heals) and longbow (stealth).
OP does not seem like the brightest to me.
my matches are totally fine but you people will never be happy
Those posts are effectively useless. What tells me you aren’t one of those players that tell me to “chill, it’s unranked” after a complete clown fiesta point running zerg fest?
Some people want a competitive game with people playing for the win. The current situation couldn’t be more far away from that and if you think it’s fine then you are propably just some casual. That is totally okay for me but arenanet continously tries to sell me the esports story. Then it is not okay.
Suggesting cd increase and other nerfs is trying to twist/hide OPness. Today I learned.
I wrote the kittening cooldown difference in the opening post myself because I think it has to be considered. People here are ridiculous bigots trying to push agendas for the classes they personally play and nothing else.
Would like to here some more opinions.
I see you didn’t even play ranger and try this skill. It has no range indicator especially since people suspect the range actually counts from the pets position.
In my opinion while you usually indeed have to look at the whole build this does not apply to these skills. They should be rated individually, usually they don’t add anything to a build specifically.
Also Ithilwen, I back up my post with hard facts but ofc someone has to make it into a childish “my class, your class” discussion. Going with your argument I don’t see why I should sacrifice a precious utility skill slot to revive some guy I don’t know in soloqueue.
I think there is quite a big amount of classes that can counter the teleport. 1200 range is not the world, often it will be lower or the ranger risks the skill failing. It is really only hard to counter on maps like khylo with clocktower.
I think this is a fair assessment. Although Druid staff auto-attack dps is already pretty high for a 1200 range non-projectile piercing attack that also heals allies. I actually think the auto-attack damage needs to be reduced and more damage shifted to Wisp and Vine Surge. Auto-attacking for the bulk of your damage is just boring.
Druid staff auto, good damage, lol. The damage for staff auto is pretty bad actually, since its main purpose of building up astral energy. If the damage seems to be good, it’s only becuase the numbers keep adding on due the weapon constaly channeling damage over time; the number may be large, but big numbers does not equal DPS, especially with how long those big numbers take to do with staff auto.
I am sorry but you are very uninformed. Many people tested and found staff dmg exceeds almost all other ranger weapons in terms of dps.
Recently I observe a lot of hate towards this recent addition to the ranger class. People think because something is new it is easier to ask for nerfs than adapt to the existance of the skill. I want to discuss if a nerf is needed and if so how significant.
Utility skills of this kind don’t exist much. They are mostly unrelated to the overall build strength but add a high amount of utility to the team by slotting them. This sometimes allows them to make a class competitive that is otherwise hard to fit into a team.
Mesmer Portal
- Team utility: evacuate potentially the whole team, evacuate downed eles, reposition, cover two points
- Player utility: disengage, portal stomp, use it to evade enemy attack during a fight with a low range portal
- Cooldown: 72 seconds
Search and Rescue
- Team utility: move a single downed ally to a better position for rezzing, rezz him at a higher speed
- Player utility: 8 seconds of regeneration (shouts already cause 10 seconds of regeneration any since they are almost always traited)
- Cooldown: 45 seconds, 36 seconds traited
Portal is the stronger skill but has twice the cooldown. Search and rescue cooldown should propably be slightly increased since it is almost always traited and a bit too low then. The functionality should propably be kept in place. A range reduction from 1200 to 1000 could be discussed. Another posibility is removing the initial teleport and forcing the pet to run to the downed ally before it teleports him back. This would be a very significant nerf though that has to be tested first.
While I mostly agree on your verdict the druid change show little knowledge about playing the class (it seems you rather play against it and take your knowledge from that).
Staff autoattack already deals more damage than longbow on close and midrange and just more damage than greatsword in general due to being more reliable and not requiring melee range. Buffin the autoattack is a horrible suggestion as druid dmg already pretty much comes from just autoattacking.
Protect me should have its group protection/stunbreak removed rather than its cooldown increased by that much. This and maybe a 35s base cooldown seems more appropriate.
Search and rescue gave ranger much needed utility on high level play. Arguing about weither it is too good is like arguing about weither mesmer portal is too good. I find it kind of biased how people complain once ranger gets a useful skill while it is okay for other classes. Search and rescue has counterplay by keeping an eye on the druids position. Nerfing this skill before people even tried to adept is silly. It is a classic case of a change that feels new to people and they are kind of mad about it.
As for pets. Bristleback f2 needs a slight dmg reduction. The pet damage also is only that high with BM traited.
All in all you should keep an overview about the amount of nerfs you ask for in a single batch of changes. It is never good to ask for 5+ significant nerfs for a single class in a single patch. This makes it very likely to overnerf the class into seeing no play as it happened very often in the past. People will have to accept that Search and Rescue exists, just like Mesmer portal exists. Making skills like that any weaker makes them not worth the utility slot since they add nothing to the individual strength of the person that slots them.
Casting Astral Wisp (Staff #2) without a target now attaches the Wisp to yourself.
Uhm it doesn’t really matter that there is offensive and defensive stuff in one traitline since we can pick three traitlines anyway.
I still see what you mean. Arenanet thinks they can balance this game with minimal effort which ultimately holds it back like nothing else. Until they start to take balancing more serious that wont change.
In fact most people agree that their classes are broken but they are scared to openly say so because of possible kneejerk nerfs that render their class useless for months. As a ranger I am glad to be part of the meta wince druid was released. We were not for years. Druid adds just silly amounts of sustain and condi cleanse in a single traitline though. It would make any class competitive…
(edited by Dojo.1867)
Traiting damage would also further increase it for gs and longbow. Staff autoattack damage is just too high, traits don’t matter here. And I don’t know what you mean with healing power but it doesn’t really change the fact that #2 does the same healing and. dmg as the autoattack so using this (otherwise thematically cool) skill has literally no meaningful impact.
Vine Surge is a terrible skill. It is just weak and unrewarding compared to the animation time you spend and how hard it actually is to hit it. I suggest setting the immob duration to 2 seconds
Astral Wisp is terrible aswell and barely makes any difference compared to just autoattacking. Should remove condis from allies it passes through.
Now staff autoattack is way to good. The weapons focus is support and utility. Makes absolutely no sense that the autoattack damage almost caps at what longbow and greatsword do, both weapons with a focus on direct dmg and no healing whatsoever.
Do the changes I mentioned to #2 and #4 and nerf the autoattack by atleast 20%.
This is not instant cc at all. If the next attacking thing is some mesmer clone, illusion, necro minion, ranger pet then those get taunted and it goes to waste.
Super silly thread.
lol @ Druids are easily killable.
If you are killing Druids easy, you are playing against bads. Go queue pls.
Druid meta build is more easy to kill than following classes:
- necro
- thief
- revenant
- dh
- scrapper
Menders is as tanky as Marauder amulet. The high healing doesn’t matter since cc is required to kill stuff anyway.
Thank goodness tourney teams are limited to 1 Druid only, people would definitely stack them for their superior rez skills.
If that Druid is any kind of competent, he’ll likely teleport his ally away from the zerg fiesta AoE area. By the time you focus target the druid, he’ll likely already rez his ally (he only needs 3s to do so).
They’re interruptable but not everyone has an instant teleport + CC skill on hand like a Guardian.I’m not saying Druids needs a nerf (you can’t stack them in ESL), i’m just saying they’re incredibly hard to deal with in non-regulated SoloQ matches where a team has two Druids. It’s pretty much an insta win for them.
Yeah stacking search and rescue would be such a good strategy. /s
If at any point a nerf needs to happen then force the pet to run to the target before it can teleport back to ranger. But then also nerf mesmer portal please.
A few things:
- bristleback and smokescale are the only 2 pets on a completely different level, I would say atleast 80% better than the average and still 40% better than “decent” pets (dogs, birds, tiger)
- even bristle and smoke require traited beastmastery, without it dmg is only mediocre (and absolute garbage for other pets), stats like precision, power and ferocity amplify each other, the difference between traited and untraited pets is too high
What needs to be done:
- all the bad pets need buffs to their damage, survivabilty and utility
- beastmastery needs to be toned down, only +100 stats instead of +150 would be a good start
- this would already nerf smoke and bristle and it should be reevaluated if further nerfs are required or not