Showing Posts For Dommmmmmmmmm.6984:

Energy consumption from wep skills?

in Revenant

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984



Basically stop camping one legend and join the infinite energy club.

Energy cost on weapon is there to punish you if you mismanage your energy, and also an anty camping mechanic.
They want you to feel the power of invoking the legend.

Also ws have short cd. Energy cost is needed.

It’s hardly punishing if I can just swap to another legend and get insta 50% energy. Camping one legend isn’t really a bad thing, and if it is then it shouldn’t be. I get that they want to make it balanced, but the energy consumption on weapon skills seems too tedious. It’s not like I can spam the skill like on Thief. It’s already gated by the cooldown. If you’re going to gate the skills with energy then give us ways to replenish energy just like how Thief can replenish Initiative with traits and utility.

If I’m on Glint, then swap to Shiro for Jade Wind, what should I do afterwards? Just auto attack? Should I camp Shiro until Glint is back up then use Jade Wind, then swap to Glint so I actually have energy?

Energy consumption from wep skills?

in Revenant

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


I’m not sure how I feel about this. Not being able to use weapon skills because you’re drained is proving to be annoying. Would it be a bad idea to remove the energy cost from weapon skills? I’ve died a few times because I looked at my wep bar, saw I had my block off cd, went to press it but in the few seconds between checking the cd and pressing it I ran out of energy, thus wasn’t able to block. Maybe it’s just something I have to get used to, but overall I don’t really see a reason to put energy cost on weapons. Maybe increase the energy consumption of utility skills to compensate?

Revenant Lupi Solo with Shiro/Glint, unwalled

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Very nice, the extra endurance from the first shiro utility is soooo useful, however, I still think Ventari is better for lupicus, have 30 seconds or safe DPS is hard to compete with :P.

Don’t you just like when you flip to Glint and activate your Upkeep it just loook so dam cool!.

Good job Dom, really shows Revenant potential!

Thx snow. I agree Ventari would be better, faster, and easier. Ventari is my favorite!

Revenant Lupi Solo with Shiro/Glint, unwalled

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Yeah, was thinking chrono/reaper until I tried Revenant and saw what a superior class design it is. The sword auto is hideously strong, and with impossible odds up it’s silly damage. Glint legend is so flexible and the heal is just amazing.

Revenant gonna be my main short of nerfing the damage. I do wish Unrelenting Assault didn’t fail so much due to pathing issues in odd/elevated terrain.

Anyways, well done!

Ugh yea Unrelenting Assault can be annoying, it’s almost like they didn’t want us to use it in a corner lol

Revenant Lupi Solo with Shiro/Glint, unwalled

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


First Rev solo I’ve seen without spamming the tablet or pushing him into the wall. First or not here it is –

Wasn’t really going for speed as much as I was interested in making it challenging, but looking back I didn’t need the energy sigil, Shiro is pretty much OP. The energy sigil kinda just slowed me down. I also could’ve auto attacked more and used less Unrelenting Assault. Strength runes were probably a waste as well, I think scholar would’ve been better because it’s really easy to maintain the 6th bonus with how much passive regen Rev has and how strong the 2 heals are. Phase 3 was really sloppy, mostly due to UA moving him everywhere. Rev is a ton of fun though, at this rate I think I’ll make it my main

Full Berserker with Strength runes
Energy and Undead Sigils
Devastation – 2,3,1
Invocation – 3,1,1
Herald – 2,2,1

(edited by Dommmmmmmmmm.6984)

The Sickest Guild [NA] Recruiting for Wing 2

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Guild: The Sickest Guild [NA]

Currently Recruiting: Everything. We are interested in talent. Class is not an issue whatsoever. Potential core spots are always available for exceptional players who can play multiple classes at a high level.

Website: Here

Focus: Raiding. Pure and simple. With that in mind we do expect you to already know how to do Dungeons and Fractals for example, and although we are focused on raiding poor performance in the other aspects of PvE will not be accepted, because we feel if you know how to raid you should know how to do the easier stuff as well.


Group 1: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 8PM PST – 12AM PST (or finishing whenever the group wants to)

Group 2: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 7PM PST – 11PM PST (days off if decided upon by the group)

Group 3: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 7PM PST – 11PM PST (days off if decided upon by the group)

Group 4: Sunday 11:30PM PST until raid clear, roughly 25-40 minutes (shard cap that night or day after)

Group 5: Full guild pug that usually forms right at shard cap reset to clear asap.

During progression any and all strategies we find will be shared within all groups under the assumption the groups want to receive the strategies, if they all agree to go in blind that is fine as well. We make it our top concern to always make sure those who are dedicated, skilled, and interested in being part of a consistent team will have one that fits their needs and everyone elses in the group.

Guild Values:

We love challenge. We are competitive and we’ll always be going for any advantage possible. Optimal group comp, sigils, runes, food, it doesn’t matter, we have our goal. We are not interested in players who don’t understand the bigger picture. We are not perfect players but we absolutely love growing and having fun improving ourselves to be the best possible player.

Community. Be open minded, accept criticism, and understand that you are part of a team and not against each other. Have patience and understand that at the end of the day we are more than just a raiding guild. I’d say have some thick skin but if insults and words become too heated it will become an issue. I have a very low tolerance for racism and prejudice comments. If somebody messes up there won’t be any raging or yelling, we expect them to realize their mistake and/or accept the suggestion to fix it. We strive for fun while maintaining our competitive attitudes. We like chill people, so be chill.

No arbitrary rules. We don’t care if you are 12. We don’t care if you’re a girl. Live in your moms basement. Or run a smuggling business. Whatever it is we expect you are a decent human being and know how to act properly.

Teamwork. We’re looking for good vocal communication, ideas, strategies, and the ability to adapt as a team. If you only care about personal gain I suggest you find another guild.

Equality. Nobody will be getting special treatment. The leaders won’t be keeping anything special to themselves. I don’t care if you are the best player in the world, if you are disrespectful to your guildmates you will be handled. I have dealt with toxic players again and again, if you truly think you’re arrogant behavior will be tolerated feel free to join and I will gladly show you the reasons it won’t be. If you are in the guild you will have a voice, even from day one of joining the guild. Feedback is very important to us.

What we can provide for you:

Solid Teammates. If for some reason players aren’t up to the standard then it will be dealt with by me and them privately. Since everybody is good and friendly it comes natural that there aren’t any cliques or one good group carrying the rest. If you haven’t ran with competent, open-minded players that you can rely on then you need to try it, I promise you it is unlike anything any other guild can offer.

Player Experience. We understand that you need to surround yourself with great players and strong teamwork to fully realize your potential, but there is a standard of skill you can achieve by yourself by looking up guides, videos, strategies as well as pugging to gain that knowledge on your own accord. Once you get to that level we are more than happy to help fine-tune your gameplay and knowledge. We are not a teaching guild, if you are interested in getting carried or not pulling your weight please do not apply.

Quality over Quantity. We have proven that we are more than capable of delivering hard, fast, and solid progression through raids. Our pulls will always be a learning experience, we will always strive to improve our understanding of the encounters far after our initial clear. The raid hours might seem like a lot for some of our groups but overall our attempt counts and hours will be much shorter in the longhaul. It might be intense the first couple of weeks/months, but once we figure everything out it becomes more relaxed.

Our expectations:

Skill. We want players who can come up with new ideas and present them with confidence. We are also interested in playing with people who have a strong understanding of their main and any alt they play, as well as players who have a strong understanding of the current metagame.

Loyalty. We expect you to rep outside of things such as personal guild banks, wvw, and pvp. Rep us when you’re doing raids, fractals, dungeons, or anything PvE. Failure to rep will result in your removal from the guild.

Your priorities. If you decide it’s a good idea to wash your car instead of showing up to our schedule, or going out to buy pizza and show up 20 minutes late that won’t be acceptable. If you sign up for a schedule of course it is expected of you to show up to that schedule, but we also understand that real life can get in the way, so if it’s something genuinely important that’s no problem.

Alts. You must know how to play an alternate class other than your main. This is a requirement not a request. If you can play all classes at a high level then that’s what we’re looking for. If you can only play one class you’re just shooting yourself in the foot.

Gear. Run what’s ‘meta’ If you aren’t aware of what the meta is for PvE, unfortunately this is not the guild for you. For every new wing we theorycraft our own builds and do tests to make sure they’re as best as possible. You must have one full set of Ascended gear for your main and alt prior to joining, this includes All 6 pieces of armor, all 6 pieces of trinkets, and at least 2 Ascended weapons per character. It is also highly recommended that you begin gearing your alts if you haven’t already. Ascended gear on more than your main and one alt is not required, simply encouraged.

You can begin your application process by clicking here

Accomplishments worth noting thus far:

World First Vale Guardian kill:

World Second Gorseval kill*:

World First Sabetha kill*:

World First Full Clear of Spirit Vale

World First Chak Gerent (with Att and LOD): No video

One final note, if you have any questions feel free to message me in-game, if I don’t respond to a whisper try again or send me a mail.

(edited by Dommmmmmmmmm.6984)

[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


We’ve been getting a lot of good players we are still interested in potential raiders!

[NA] Returning Player LF Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


[NA]Veteran LF HC, PvE guild for new content

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


The future is here. With the announcement of raids we are now interested in skilled players to join us in competing for world firsts

Why 2 Thief Teams Fail-Lose ALL THE TIME?

in PvP

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


You just need good Thieves!

Warhorn Audio Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


The Mai Trin cannons sound are broken as well

Powerbuild: shiro/glint/jalis

in Revenant

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


I guess the swiftness is cool for out of combat. But almost every class besides mesmer has better party swiftness. Regen facet is pretty useless, might facet is pretty useless, protection facet is strong, just too bad it’s gonna drain too much energy. Unless pve all of a sudden needs aoe reveal I don’t really see a reason to use Glint unless it’s really niche stuff.

In what way to other classes have “better” swiftness and how is might facet “useless”. I’m not sure if you understand how little upkeep those facets are ,but they are far from useless in fact our swiftness Upkeep is better then other classes you literally toggle it on for -1 upkeep and its always there no other action required. None of our other facets are useless other then maybe the Regen one the might one will really help keep people capped.

It’s not about how easy it is to toggle it on and off, it’s about effectiveness. The range on the facets are only 600. Unless the group is running really close to each other the swiftness is not going to be beneficial on every 3 second tick. Warrior has 1,200 range swiftness, Engi has own perm swiftness, Ele can blast perm swiftness easy, etc. Plus you have to stay with the Glint utility set to maintain the facet. Which means no quickness from Shiro… which means you’re giving up DPS… If you’re solo and need the fury and might then yes stay Glint, but if you’re with a group Glint is pretty worthless. Glint utility needs a huge buff for both pve and pvp imo.

Powerbuild: shiro/glint/jalis

in Revenant

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Why would you need Glint when the Ele’s will just blast fury and might anyway? Take the Glint tree for the increased boon duration and GM % modifier. That’s it really… if you need more condi cleanse or more whatever then just take what you need otherwise stay Shiro. The only real reason I can see why anybody would use Glint is for the protection, defiant strip, and opening with the dragon slash facet thing for vuln. If you really need fury then go ele.

Glint’s is actually pretty useful in PvE due to boon on demand, not necessarily just Fury. I think it’s more of a case where Glint’s skills offer more to your party than Jalis/Mallyx do when you are not using Shiro for DPS, so it gives more room to support your team.

I guess the swiftness is cool for out of combat. But almost every class besides mesmer has better party swiftness. Regen facet is pretty useless, might facet is pretty useless, protection facet is strong, just too bad it’s gonna drain too much energy. Unless pve all of a sudden needs aoe reveal I don’t really see a reason to use Glint unless it’s really niche stuff.

Powerbuild: shiro/glint/jalis

in Revenant

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Why would you need Glint when the Ele’s will just blast fury and might anyway? Take the Glint tree for the increased boon duration and GM % modifier. That’s it really… if you need more condi cleanse or more whatever then just take what you need otherwise stay Shiro. The only real reason I can see why anybody would use Glint is for the protection, defiant strip, and opening with the dragon slash facet thing for vuln. If you really need fury then go ele.

[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Are e-daters allowed in your guild?

Yes. We also allow Love Triangles.

Vis Invicta [vC]: Arah P4 (16:17)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Now this is a record

Guide to Thief Guides

in Thief

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Geez all of these are insanely out of date…

[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Guild Bounty is built!

[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Guild Missions currently being built!


[NA] Recruiting Talented Future Raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


IMPORTANT: Once HoT launches we will be closing recruitment as we won’t be able to trial new recruits since we will be focused on raiding and everything else the expansion offers. There is a possibility that recruitment will reopen once we get the content on farm, but that could be months after release. If you want to join you need to join as soon as possible.

Currently Recruiting: Everything. We are interested in talent, class is not an issue. We are looking for people who can commit and be consistent for our core group. We are also recruiting for our secondary groups that might not be as demanding of peoples time.

Website: Here

Schedule: We don’t have anything set in stone yet. Once I receive enough feedback about peoples schedules I can make sure everybody is sorted out and able to raid at the times they want. Our main core group has very limited slots, about 1-2 left. This group will be looking to raid as much as possible. If that means 5 days a week for 5 hours a day we will do it. If people are on to raid we will be raiding. If another guild is pulling more hours and getting better results then we will pull more hours. If you are interested in this group let me know asap.

Our second raid group still has a few spots open, about 5. This group will be less time demanding, and will more than likely be aimed towards people on the east coast, or west coast players who are getting out of school/work. This group will probably be raiding 2-4 hours about 3+ days a week.

Our third raid group is the weekend group and semi weekday group. They will pull decent hours on the weekend, approximately 3-5 on Saturday and/or Sunday, and depending on peoples schedules Friday and any day in between.

Our fourth group and beyond will be a guild/friend pug group. This will be the least consistent and most sporadic of the groups but a great group nonetheless. It will be the group that forms with people who just want to raid at that time.

Unfortunately I do not know the exact raid times as of right now. These are approximations as of right now but keep checking back in the coming months as I will continue to update this thread. Join soon to get priority on votes for raid times. These are subject to change.

Focus: Raiding. We are after world firsts. Afterwards we can focus on things like Fractals and Dungeons. We expect you to already know how to do Dungeons. Dungeons at this point are the skill equivalent of Silverwastes and map completion. Although we are focused on raiding, poor performance in the other aspects of PvE will not be accepted.

Guild Values:

We want #1. We are competitive and we’ll be going for any advantage possible. Optimal group comp, players, schedule, it doesn’t matter, we have our goal.

Community. Be open minded, accept criticism, and understand that you are part of a team and not against each other. I’d say have some thick skin but if insults and words become too heated it will become an issue. If somebody messes up there won’t be any raging or yelling, we expect them to realize their mistake and/or accept the suggestion to fix it. We like chill people, so be chill.

No arbitrary rules. We don’t care if you are 12. We don’t care if you’re a girl. Live in your moms basement. Or run a smuggling business. Whatever it is we expect you are a decent human being and know how to act properly.

Teamwork. I feel like this is obvious but I’ll say it anyway. You are part of a group, there are other people who now rely on you. Do not let them down and they won’t let you down.

Equality. Nobody will be getting special treatment. I don’t care if you are the best player in the world, if you are disrespectful to your guildmates you will be handled. If you participated in the raid you are equal to everyone else.

What we can provide for you:

Solid Teammates. You can ask anybody in guild chat for a run and know it will go as smooth as possible. If for some reason players aren’t up to the standard then it will be dealt with by me and them privately. Since everybody is good and friendly it comes natural that there aren’t any cliques or one good group carrying the rest. If you haven’t ran with competent, open-minded players that you can rely on then you need to try it, it is unlike anything any other guild can offer.

Quality over Quantity. We will deliver hard, fast, solid progression through raids. The hours might seem like a lot but overall our attempt counts and hours will be much shorter in the longhaul. It will be intense the first couple of weeks/months, but once we figure it out it will definitely become super relaxed.

Our expectations:

Skill. We want players who can come up with new ideas and present them with confidence. We are also interested in playing with people who have a strong understanding of their main and any alt they play.

Loyalty. If you leave the guild you will not be invited back. We expect you to rep outside of things such as personal guild banks, wvw, and pvp guilds. Rep us when we’re doing raids, fractals, and dungeons. If you rep just to use us as an LFG it will get noticed very quickly.

Your priorities. If you decide it’s a good idea to wash your car instead of showing up to our schedule, or going out to buy pizza and show up 20 minutes late that won’t be acceptable.

Alts. The more the merrier. You must know how to play an alternate class other than your main. If you can play all classes at a high level then that’s what we’re looking for. If you can only play one class you’re just shooting yourself in the foot.

All right, so how do I apply?

You can begin your application process by clicking here

All of us are super pumped to finally have raids and we certainly hope you are as well!

One final note if you have any questions you can message me in game, my IGN is Dom

(edited by Dommmmmmmmmm.6984)

[LOD] Arah Path 4 17:46 min

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Uh oh the DnT brigade is here to defend their honor, where have I seen this happen before :x

Probably on your macaroni-fingerpaint DnT collage on your fridge

[LOD] Arah Path 4 17:46 min

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


I’m so happy you melee’ed melandru. No offense to other guilds, or your own previous records, but the excuse that it was faster to range the boss was a complete joke and I’m glad you showed it.

Thank you internet for allowing people whose guild hasn’t done a record since FGS nerf and gets convincingly swept 3-0 by a PvX guild on live stream to voice their opinions.

Not sure how this thread has anything to do with DnT, but it’s always a pleasure to see my guilds name brought up by random people. What I find interesting is that I don’t recall you participating in the tournament, I have no idea who you are, and the amount of mishaps my guild has is more than the amount of times whatever guild you’re in will accomplish anything.

On an apparent side-note, good job folks at LOD, I really enjoy seeing people improve this paths time specifically.

Dishonor, but no Honor?

in PvP

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


What if instead of just getting penalized for disconnecting, or missing a game, swapping characters, or not being ready after queuing we could be rewarded for showing good player behaviors. Such as always being in your game ready to go after queuing, not swapping when a match loads, or always making sure you click ready when it pops up.

Example being, queue 100 games and always show up with no disconnects allows you to gain Honor and be able to leave the mists while queuing. Or, gain Honor by not swapping characters mid-match or leaving, and gain 10% reward track progress after a certain amount of full games. I just really don’t enjoy having to sit in the Mists for a long time because of the queue times.

Tonic Burst

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


What is a tonic burst?

Average time of LFG fractal 50?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Like 50ish min average if you ask for zerk and they end up being average. Could potentially speed it up if the pug decided to go as close to a meta comp as possible.

Game crash in Aether Retreat Fractal

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Towards the end, in the final boss room with the lasers, or once you ready up and hit the loading screen to go to the boss fractal the game crashes for the entire party. The classic “Unable to access the log-in servers” message pops up and forces you to restart. Once you relog you can not reenter the instance, the log-in error message pops up again. This happened on a 50 and a 30, twice in one day. We lost the instance, never to be recovered again. Not sure what triggers it aside from just doing the Aether Retreat shard normally.

Character level 80 Human Guardian, Blackgate, in a group, Team comp Guardian, mesmer, thief, warrior, ele. All humans. Game build 41,703

(edited by Dommmmmmmmmm.6984)

CDI-Guilds- Raiding

in CDI

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


1.) Skill – Players raw skill, knowledge, innovation, and class proficiency. Challenge players by making them think smart and quick. Design the content to fill the same role as SAB Tribulation mode, Liadri 8-orb, and Triple Trouble, then like quadruple that level of challenge and make it the base learning curve.

2.) Group Coherence – Groups need to be aware of what combo finishers are, their class utility, what they can handle as a group, they need to be able to coordinate, they need to be able to time boons, heals, dps, interupts, etc. It needs to be a collective effort in one form or another, whether it be a 15-man zerg, or a 3-way split. Somehow everyone needs to have a role and fulfill it perfectly.

3.) Prestige – Skins, Titles, Minis. Whatever the reward is, it needs to be able to be shown off. The winners need to be proud of their accomplishments, and the losers need to be jealous.

Massive lag on IP's ending with .161

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Even better then

Massive lag on IP's ending with .161

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Players on NA servers have been complaining about lag and skill delay lately. It is extremely noticeable during events like Tequatl. I noticed it’s always the servers/maps that IP ends with .161 that seem have have the disconnects and lag problems. IP’s with .161 effect dungeons and other instances as well. I think this is worth investigating and fixing. As for players, I recommend doing /ip when you zone in and if you get a .161 just rezone until you don’t. That’s the only solution I have until this gets fixed.

Example of a broken IP below


CDI-Guilds- Raiding

in CDI

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Chris, I noticed you mention you want the raids to be 15-man, with the possibility of completing it with less than 15. So with that in mind we would need to avoid ‘puzzles’ like the CoF P1 brazier room and TA Aether static room. Please avoid puzzles that require players to physically be there in order to complete it. Let’s say for example there are two buttons that need to be stood on to open a door, normally you would need two players. But with a workaround one player can stand on one button to open a panel above the 2nd switch that they can manually aim with a ranged weapon to drop a boulder onto the 2nd switch, and repeat vice-versa to open the door. That way the player could solo this puzzle easily. If the encounter is designed for 15 then I can see 3-way group splits coming into play. Three teams of 5, coordination via voice com is assumed, so there can be encounters much like Triple Trouble where you have a small window to kill the boss at the same time to complete it. I can also see encounters where 1 of the bosses is harder than the other 2, where the best 5 players in the raid need to tackle the most difficult boss while the other 2 teams may be busy somehow helping make the fight easier for them, via disabling boss mechanics, removing adds, buffing the 5 players, maybe weaken the main boss by killing the bosses 2 underlings, or activating traps. Raid encounters like this should sometimes focus on key players skill, assuming all 15 players in the raid are going to be exceptional is not a well thought out idea. There are always going to be all-stars and lesser-skilled players in a group. Make both of them feel equally as important and provide them roles that create a nice symbiosis to completing the encounter. Teq has something like this were players need to be on turrets, defend, and damage Teq, the fight really isn’t possible without everyone doing their part in some way.

Another idea. Players play their class because it feels right to them, and the class they play has utility that other classes can’t provide. AFAIK 6 classes can reflect in either a line or a circle AoE, that is a majority of the classes, so designing an encounter that required some form of projectile reflect/destroy uptime should be easy to maintain even with a low number of players. Focus on class strengths and design encounters around them, Thief and Warrior are super mobile, maybe design some ‘puzzle’ where you need to stealth and sprint? Or one or the other, not too many classes can compete in a footrace with a Thief or Warrior. Mesmer can port like 10,000 range? Maybe utilize the Mesmer to have a port ready for everyone in the raid to escape a massive 1-shot telegraph from the boss. Guardian has good stability and block uptime. Maybe design something where you need 2 dodge twice + 1 block? I think it’s a good idea to have to use their class utility no matter what. I would not design an encounter that needs all 8 classes at once, this goes against being able to low-man the raids. I think a good idea is to have encounters where maybe 1 or 2 classes are absolutely needed to complete, anything more than that and I can see issues arising, like not being able to find enough players to fit that role. Class specific encounters could also fall into side-objectives in the instance, maybe if players want some extra loot they could tackle these if they had time.

CDI-Guilds- Raiding

in CDI

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Hi, I’m bad at formatting so I’m just gonna type my ideas out as they come to me. Dodging is obviously a key element for GW2. It provides movement and an invuln window. If I were to design a raid encounter, the first boss would start with the focus on dodging. More so on the movement side of the dodge, rather than the invuln window. Too much invuln would cheese the fight, maybe make the Raid boss unblockable, but I could see issues arising with Aegis and other class invulns, so I can’t speak on behalf of that concept. Every player once they hit 80 knows how to dodge. It is a low enough skill requirement that everyone can do it, the encounter would need players to focus on exactly what to dodge and what not to. You could implement some sort of endurance regen into the encounter, maybe a 100% endurance regen buff while in the instance. This alone would make the encounter feel much more fast-paced by allowing players to zip around the map quicker and focus on coordination and positioning much easier. I’m assuming any raid boss would have the nice red telegraphs as seen at Teq and TT. Use these telegraphs to force players into making much smarter positional calls while focusing on burn phases and survival phases. I noticed a Halloween tonic had a red telegraph I’ve never seen used anywhere else in the game, design more intricate telegraphs like that to make encounters much fresher and more fun to learn. Since players would have the endurance regen buff, use it to allow players to get to point A and B much quicker, etc. I could also see some consumable being granted to all players in the instance that give them a 900 range leap every 15 seconds or so rather than the endurance regen buff. The consumable should not overwrite skills, it should give players a new skill in place of their F5 key. Sort of like a unique raid skill only for that encounter, they can rebind the key as they feel suited. Bring interesting player mechanics to encounters like 100% movement speed, 25% less gravity, 50k more hp, a 4th Utility slot, or permanent out-of-combat mode. Ideas like these can really change how players approach fights, which I feel is key to a raid encounter. It’s all about theories and testing and failing. Finally beating the boss you spent hours working on is an amazing feeling. Not even the most exceptional players should be able to clear a raid encounter the first night the content is released.

Announcing Fall 2014 Dungeon Speed Clear Open

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


I hope to see a lot more Thieves.

Good luck, I love you all.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


bye. See ya soon.

Status of the offline/block feature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


It will come in the Feature Pack 2016

Full melee Melandru solo, including Gorillas

in Community Creations

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984



No idea if a complete melee solo has been done before, but there you go. Pretty simple strat, the only thing I would recommend is to have 1 stun break for reliability.

List of profession specific PvE channels

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Autocast Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


There is an Autoattack Bug for Thief Shortbow and Dagger. It seems they are intertwined with eachother. Example being, when I turn autoattack on my Shortbow it also turns it on for my Dagger mainhand. This only happens with the number 1 skill on both sets. Kind of annoying because I like to keep autoattack on with my Dagger, but keep it off on my Shortbow. Not possible anymore with this bug, I have to keep turning autoattack on and off.

Delete inactive character names, please.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


But in the end, we’ve all got to remember. Will this make them any money? A very simple question directly tied to if this will ever be done or not.

Thanks guys, it was fun reading your comments, but this sums it up nice enough for me to move on. Continue talking amongst yourselves and have a good day.

Delete inactive character names, please.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


  • So recently I had to change one of my characters names due to it being inappropriate or whatever – this is not a good opening line for your argument. If you had an inappropriate name, it kind of sets a negative connotation for the rest of the post

Yeah, anet never told me why I had to change it, there was just a prompt for me to change it when I tried using that character. Whether it was inappropriate or not falls under the “or whatever” part of that sentence.

  • and after I got through trying about 50 different names, I realized that every single good name is taken. – so you were unable to come up with an original name in 50 tries? To validate, I created 4 new characters last night for Key runs, all 4 different names went through the first time

That is just a ballpark number, if I knew I would have been going at it for names I wanted believe me I would have kept track. I could have said any number in existence and somebody would complain about it. I can come up with Key names on the fly also, since there is no drawback to making them considering I delete them within 20 minutes.

  • And to make things worse I know most of them are taken by people who have since quit the game. – This would be impossible to know

Um okay, so I could have worded that better.

  • I think there should be a wipe of all names after 365 days of inactivity from the game. Simply give them the same name change prompt I got upon log-in once and if they decide to ever log-in again. – As ANet has said numerous times in the past, they consider it perfectly fine to put the game down for a while and come back whenever you choose, so this forced name change when someone comes back after a year would go against their own policy

You really do not want to get me started about policy.

  • Give the active players the ability to get the names they want, it is only fair. Why should inactive players get all the pretty names? – it is pretty much a first come first served basis. In the first hour of the Head Start, two names that I wanted were unavailable. Somebody just beat me to them. I had alternative names already prepared and picked one of those. Both of the alternative names went through fine, I just had to be a bit more creative

I guess another question I want to bring up is why does it have to be on a first come first serve basis? Isn’t that how traditional MMOs do things. I believe GW2 policy is to be the opposite of traditional MMOs

Delete inactive character names, please.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


they payed for the game, they have every right to keep their name.
sorry to burst your bubble but how would you feel if you return to give it another try and be forced to rename all your character, i bet you’ll be kittened.

Wrong. If I took a year+ break I would not feel entitled to keep my names. I stopped playing the game, I made that decision. I stopped being a member of the GW2 community. I stopped contributing to the growth of GW2. If they gave my names away to players who actually you know… played the game and funded them I would not be upset in the least, what kind of person would I be if I felt entitled to keep them. The above post regarding sending them a 2 week email notice to log in and save the names seems like the best idea I’ve read so far. In fact that email could motivate people to relog and check out the game again. Where in other situations they most likely would not even bother updating the latest patch.

Delete inactive character names, please.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Or rather you could have originally come up with a name the first time rather than trying to be funny/edgy. “All the good names are taken.”. Be more original instead of wanting a generic name.

Well this is a bit of a crude assumption. I have plenty of original names in my kitten nal. It was simply none of the names I tried previously were available, and those were the ones I really wanted. Instead I had to just settle with names I hardly want.

Delete inactive character names, please.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984



So recently I had to change one of my characters names due to it being inappropriate or whatever, and after I got through trying about 50 different names, I realized that every single good name is taken. And to make things worse I know most of them are taken by people who have since quit the game. I think there should be a wipe of all names after 365 days of inactivity from the game. Simply give them the same name change prompt I got upon log-in once and if they decide to ever log-in again. Character names are a huge contributing factor to keeping active players around, it is great for bringing their own personality and style into the game. It is literally their identity. Give the active players the ability to get the names they want, it is only fair. Why should inactive players get all the pretty names?

How do you guys feel? Same boat as me or not. Is 365 days too punishing, or not long enough?

Path4 Melandru encounter?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


The only attack you really need to watch out for is when he lifts his left leg up. That is the telegraph for his knockback. Once you see the leg go up you need to have either a stability or an aegis ready to prevent being knocked back. Also, in the video you can see we made sure to not CC him to put defiant on, that is because if the Guardian is all out of aegis or stability you will need to quickly CC him to interupt one of knockbacks.

Dungeon group [DPS Calculator]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


there is no 30/25 strength rune warrior . RESTART THE CALCULATOR

That’s because it’s a solo build?

All I want is ONE new dungeon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Anytime you have to say “like GW1”, you just look stupid. GW1 is still available to buy and play. People still play it, if you want something like GW1 why not just play GW1…

I want new dungeon content as much as the next guy, but seriously, get a hint.

Lag is making game unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


pls, I nid the connection pls arena net. This was a frend from a while ago but still today skill is bad, pls halp fix.


Why are you asking Anet to fix something that’s so out of their control it’s plainly obvious? Even if it was the vast majority of players experiencing this lag, 9/10 times it’s not Anet’s problem. Why? Because it’s an issue taking place with the infrastructure of the internet itself. Maybe there’s repair going on between you and Anet? Maybe it’s been damaged somehow and repair is pending? Maybe it’s some twit-headed script kiddy with a bunch of panties in a knot over a perceived insult DDoSing that particular branch? Anet neither knows nor cares.

What an idiotic attitude.Complacency and despondency solves nothing.It’s pretty obvious when every other online game I play runs smooth as silk it’s on Anets end. Of course they care.

On topic I’ve been fine all day till I hit the new content which is pretty much unplayable with all the platforming involved. Get a jump crystal, hit the skill and then wait 5 seconds till it actually fires, while getting attacked by mobs I can’t even see due to lag. Map chat is full of lag complaints and log offs.Only time I’ve ever had lag in GW2 outside WvW Zergs. There is obviously something seriously wrong with the new living world content implementation, as stated everywhere else works fine for me.

Or your computer is simply utter junk and/or in need of some TLC? Maybe stop playing with ultrasuperhighomgwtfbbq graphic settings? Get a grip people. Stop crying that it’s anet’s fault every time something “goes wrong” in this game. Lost a pvp match? Anet’s fault. Died in wvw? Anet’s fault. Computer cant handle new area? Anet’s fault.

And that’s not even getting into how sorely lacking you are in comprehending networking. It’s no different than traveling cross-country. Two people at drastically different locations do not take the same route even if they’re traveling to the same destination. It’s the same situation YOU have with GW2, except you’re either seeing high traffic (a DDoS attempt), or slowed traffic due to a crash (repairs or other actions). Neither of which are Anet’s problem, purview, or responsibility.

To top it off, you understand GW2 is throttled by CPU strength and not GPU, right? That’s the other reason you can be having a crap time in Dry Top. Might be time to upgrade that dinosaur of a computer.

Stop. Obviously other people are having the same issue since they are posting in this thread. This needs to be fixed or people will stop playing, simple as that.

True. It appears to be happening only in Dry Top. It’s not people’s machines. Most of the folks in the map wrre complaining a few minutes ago. I am in Alabama and a friend is in ATL and we were getting the same lag spikes simultaneously. I think the server is in Dallas so it could be an internet issue between here and there, but it could also be an ANet issue.

Bottom line is that the type of content in Dry Top is almost unplayable with it.

Not only Dry Top, as shown in my video the lag happens in Arah as well.

Lag is making game unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


pls, I nid the connection pls arena net. This was a frend from a while ago but still today skill is bad, pls halp fix.


Why are you asking Anet to fix something that’s so out of their control it’s plainly obvious? Even if it was the vast majority of players experiencing this lag, 9/10 times it’s not Anet’s problem. Why? Because it’s an issue taking place with the infrastructure of the internet itself. Maybe there’s repair going on between you and Anet? Maybe it’s been damaged somehow and repair is pending? Maybe it’s some twit-headed script kiddy with a bunch of panties in a knot over a perceived insult DDoSing that particular branch? Anet neither knows nor cares.

What an idiotic attitude.Complacency and despondency solves nothing.It’s pretty obvious when every other online game I play runs smooth as silk it’s on Anets end. Of course they care.

On topic I’ve been fine all day till I hit the new content which is pretty much unplayable with all the platforming involved. Get a jump crystal, hit the skill and then wait 5 seconds till it actually fires, while getting attacked by mobs I can’t even see due to lag. Map chat is full of lag complaints and log offs.Only time I’ve ever had lag in GW2 outside WvW Zergs. There is obviously something seriously wrong with the new living world content implementation, as stated everywhere else works fine for me.

Or your computer is simply utter junk and/or in need of some TLC? Maybe stop playing with ultrasuperhighomgwtfbbq graphic settings? Get a grip people. Stop crying that it’s anet’s fault every time something “goes wrong” in this game. Lost a pvp match? Anet’s fault. Died in wvw? Anet’s fault. Computer cant handle new area? Anet’s fault.

And that’s not even getting into how sorely lacking you are in comprehending networking. It’s no different than traveling cross-country. Two people at drastically different locations do not take the same route even if they’re traveling to the same destination. It’s the same situation YOU have with GW2, except you’re either seeing high traffic (a DDoS attempt), or slowed traffic due to a crash (repairs or other actions). Neither of which are Anet’s problem, purview, or responsibility.

To top it off, you understand GW2 is throttled by CPU strength and not GPU, right? That’s the other reason you can be having a crap time in Dry Top. Might be time to upgrade that dinosaur of a computer.

Stop. Obviously other people are having the same issue since they are posting in this thread. This needs to be fixed or people will stop playing, simple as that.

Unplayable Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Past 48 hours the lag has been unbearable, specifically around reset. Crossing my fingers that this issue gets resolved quickly.

Lag is making game unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


Since yesterday the lag and unresponsiveness of the game has been so bad that I actually don’t believe the game is playable at this point. I would like to know if anet is already aware of this. I know I am not the only one with this problem, I have asked my guild, and my friends list, nobody has been free of this issue, it just seems like certain people are getting hit harder than others. As you can see by my Shadow Assassin outfit that I purchased on the gem store, which is perfectly dyed to reflect my individuality and immersive character development, I am an avid anet supporter and I would like to continue staying one. Please fix this, thank you

Here is a link of a video of mentioned lag:
Take note of the Skill clicks per minute (SCPM)

Connection test: