Nobody ever said you HAD to get a legendary…. Besides my main, all my alts are doing perfectly fine without legendaries.
Go on an 80 alt and just run around all the maps and only gather the skill points. Could get all of them in a day if you really wanted. I believe the Bloodstone Shard is account bound also. This is what I did for my legendaries.
Just did FOTM lvl 30 for the daily (didn’t do it today, in fact not in over a month) and I didn’t get the bonus/daily chest, whatever you call it. Pretty upset, not gonna lie.
Only players who beat me 1v1 are prestigous in my book!
Combat Healer because I pull off clutch stealth revives.
Thief. Go big or go home.
Just add an underwater dunk and it’ll be fine.
Right now for example, there’s a Dreamer on the TP for 1555g, and a bid for 1100g. Would the 1100g bid actually get fulfilled? Does anybody know of someone who had an order filled?
I guess I’m okay with these Thief changes.
That’s not OP at all… You run away and live, your opponent can’t catch you and they live.
This would be awesome. They also should remove traps because they suck. When have you ever, EVER, seen a trap build Thief? Don’t worry, I’ll wait.
Yes please buff it again. The auto attack is stronger, that makes 0 sense, seriously please buff :I
Finally a thread showcasing the good things that the devs have brought us!
PS the Arah gates were closed on my server yesterday and nobody wanted to open them Thanks Anet.
I don’t understand. So are you playing the game again?
They wanted a hardcore speedrun, you didn’t/weren’t ready for it. Neither of you guys were at fault. Word of advice though, if the LFG post says they want gear check/experienced players then it’s a safe bet they want people who know the speedfarm routine. If you want a casual run make a post for a casual run.
I prefer Necro, but Mesmer comes in VERY close 2nd.
This is because I play WvW and PvP, there’s just no other feeling of glory than using corrupt boon on your opponent and watching them fumble and panic.
Or kiting them into your wells and marks, putting them into situations where they have to decide whether they want to take damage or take even more damage.
Also, fearing people off cliffs.
Yeah. It’s fun, just not as fun as it could be.
Necro with a greatsword. That’s all I ask.
Also you guys should swap out the 4 traps we have and replace them with more useful utilities, such as maybe a ‘dash forward’ type skill. Like, dash forward and attack something, much like Bulls Rush for warrior, minus the CC. Or maybe a skill that grants fury and vigor, call it ‘survival instinct’ or something. Either way just please do something with traps, as of right now they’re a waste of 4 utility slots.
Can you guys please revert the 4 second reveal?
I don’t even log into my thief anymore just because of this, I used to love doing WvW and PvP on my thief but now I’ll use my mesmer, engi or guardian.
I don’t find anything else wrong with the class, but seriously stealth is NEEDED as a thief.
I have a legendary on my thief and it’s pretty lame that it’s basically going to waste, if you guys are gonna keep nerfing classes can you at least make legendaries account bound so peoples hard work doesn’t go to waste.
There’s no way you got 50 Baubles in 3 hours…
This is the best dungeon in the game. Pls anet dun delete ;‘(
In fact you guys should keep improving on this because it’s awesome!
We’ll find out at midnight… (apparently)
^ How do you know it’s GMT? I’d assume it’s PST aka. Server time.
I have 7 characters at the end of the troll JP in LA and I log in each day on each. I got about 17 coins so far just from that. I’m gonna just keep the chars there once this box comes out, hopefully it’ll keep a continuous flow of coins coming in. Also, I’ve only gotten like 2 rares from this.
Not much happening in LA besides players AFKing on the balcony overlooking the Mystic Forge. Only time I go there is for some crafting and the bank and TP. All the cool kids know DR is the hang out spot.
Yeah, this player vanishing thing really sucks away the experience. It’s not that glorious fighting a huge dragon and only being able to see 10 people withikittenfoot radius of yourself.
I agree, we should be able to zoom out further.
Also, your English is fine, better than most native English speakers lol.
Thanks for the feedback guys!
I know this isn’t a top priority for Anet but I hope we can see it sometime in the future.
I think… We should be able to marry somebody in-game.
Now hear me out…
Let’s say there’s an item in the gem shop called ‘Wedding Package’, and it comes complete with a Groom outfit and a Bride outfit (or 2 Groom outfits, etc.)
Also, Ring skins that start a cute little effect around the couples for when the two are within range of each others rings.
(mini pets?)
(cake trays?)
Also, there can also be a small stat boost given for when the couples adventure together, such as +5% experience when together, or something similar and NONGAMEBREAKING.
Titles can also be given to both players that read something like ‘Mr. (insert name) and Mrs. (insert name)’.
As for the ceremony itself, it can be held in Lions Arch, or depending on Race, an instance started from the characters home city. In the instance you can invite friends, guildies, random people from craigslist, anybody really. Or leave it open to the public.
Invitations can be sent through the mail and the person receiving the mail would be shown where to go to enter the ceremony.
Now for the price… That’s obviously not up to me, but I think 800 gems seems fair enough.
I welcome all thoughts on this topic, both negative and positive.
Edited the gem cost.
(edited by Dommmmmmmmmm.6984)
Agreed. I made a female warrior and guardian just because of this reason.
The pipe organ in Stronghold of Ebonhawke doesn’t work anymore.