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Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

Because it’s April Fools and guild wars ALWAYS does something to celebrate it. And just like last year’s bobblehead laboratory, we will more than likely be able to buy something on the gem store that can simulate the airplane whenever we want

I am aware of this. But since it will normally only be available for a single day, it would be a waste of time and resources to build in an manual off-switch. That is all I am saying.

By that logic, it’s an even bigger waste of time and resources to build the prank in the first place. Why is it okay to spend all that energy on the prank to please those that like it, but not to spend far less energy to satisfy those that don’t?

Because it is a tradition that Anet has done since GW1 during April Fools, they go all the way. If it’s that big of an issue, go to your options and turn off post processing to remove the old timey look. If the airplane sound is an issue turn off dialogue volume. But the airplane hands are on the house feel free to enjoy that.

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

Simply put, Anet cannot be expected to know every tragedy that happens in regards to small local accidents but this one was blatantly in the news and it is insensitive to Europeans.

Is it so hard to admit the plane thing is a bit in bad taste or a little too soon?

Would this have happened after 9/11? Probably not. It would have been insensitive.

Plz tell me that you honestly and truly understand the difference between an airplane crash/terrorist attack, so an innocent child running around pretending to be a plane. I have done this and so have you as well as every single person on the forums here.

The Iraq war has been going on for over a decade, there we used rifles, pistols, bombs, mines, daggers, mortars. Hundred thousand + have died during this war. ALL of the things I just mentioned are in game and not one person made a complaint about it ever. Here we have a single incident of a random plane crash. There is no correlation at all between the prank and the event. If you can’t understand the difference then you need to educate yourself and stop being ignorant.

edited: Sorry Hellworthy, you were right I think I did quote the wrong person fixed it now.

(edited by Eight Samurai.6840)

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

This was friggin’ hilarious. I can’t stop myself laughing at the airplane noises as I run around.

Actually, seeing the response of the professionally offended, I can’t stop laughing at that, either.


Airplane mode as a permanent emote?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

I am one of the few who thoroughly enjoyed this. Is there a way we can make this (along with the sepia filter) some sort of emote or mode I can turn on? Kind of like the bobblehead mode? I will love you guys even more than I currently do

Disregard the whiney babies here, just offer them a tissue. However I do believe that someone data mined that they will be releasing the airplane version of the bobblehead laboratory in the gem store as they did last year. I plan on buying it when it’s out!

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

Was this really necessary ? it was only last week some mad man killed 150 on a plane.

This is why ‘merged’ forum posts annoy me sometimes. We have so many pages of posts about the prank already in this forum, and now we get a post like this… again.

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

I know it sounds bad but car crashes are no way near as sensitive to the international public. All I said was it is in bad taste and offered a simple alternative anyway.

Easiest way to put it is ‘too soon Anet’.

But why would it be?
The personal tragedy for people involved is just as great in a car-crash as in a plane crash.

The fact that the plane crash got massive amounts of publicity doesn’t make it worse than a car crash. People still died.

In fact, more people die due to car crashes than plane crashes every year, by idk… 100 fold maybe more?

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

It’s either going to be SAB or a complete disappointment.

…. I guess I was right.

And yet it would be just as disappointing for them to just re-release an old April Fool’s joke.

People really should understand that it is extremely unlikely that we will ever see SAB released on April Fool’s.

Lol it would be great if they also made it so that if you tried to enter the SAB cube, you would be teleported above Rata Sum and dropped down with our airplane hands hahahaha.

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

Could they not have changed the headgear to goggles and made everyone look like they are driving a car? the sound effects would have made sense still and they would have avoided a sensitive issue in the news.

Then you have to worry about upsetting those who have recently been in car accidents or who have lost loved ones to car accidents.

There is no reason for them to change it from airplanes to anything else because silent films, people pretending to be airplanes, and an old game bug have nothing to do with real-life tragedies.

^This… okay we can all go home now.

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

Because it’s April Fools and guild wars ALWAYS does something to celebrate it. And just like last year’s bobblehead laboratory, we will more than likely be able to buy something on the gem store that can simulate the airplane whenever we want

I am aware of this. But since it will normally only be available for a single day, it would be a waste of time and resources to build in an manual off-switch. That is all I am saying.

Oh I apologize, I thought you originally meant that the prank was dumb because it’s only lasting one day, not the button thing. Then yes you make sense lol.

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

It’s not a stupid request. I’m sure nobody expects it to be done this year. If they do, you’re right, it’s unrealistic. But since ArenaNet has a history of this kind of prank, it’s likely they’ll do this type of thing again next year. What people want is some consideration in the future, which really isn’t too much to ask.

But why waste the time to program something like that for things that will only ever be available for a single day?

Because it’s April Fools and guild wars ALWAYS does something to celebrate it. And just like last year’s bobblehead laboratory, we will more than likely be able to buy something on the gem store that can simulate the airplane whenever we want

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

Did they say when the April Fools joke is over? Is it just 1 day? Please make it just be for 1 day.

Nah I’m pretty sure April Fools Day last for about a month, but I could be wrong. Can I get a verification on this??

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

Tragedies happen everyday you can relate any tragedy to video game content. It’s just that the media decided to cover the plane tragedy extensively that everyone knows about it. I don’t know how you people get by in your daily lives if something that lasts a day in a video game provokes anger out of you

When 9/11 happened, Konami reworked the entire ending sequence of Metal Gear Solid 2 to avoid references to the Twin Towers.

A week after a mass murder by airplane, Anet could have not had an April fools where you get victory music for crashing and dying.

Timing is a key part of comedy, but it seems Anet have no understanding of timing, nor tact.

A lot of their white knights here on the forums appear to have no understanding of empathy either.

If you had empathy you wouldn’t be associating a joke about a bug from the beta to a plane crash that you will have forgotten about in 2 or 3 weeks.

You don’t know what empathy is, do you?

So it shows empathy, making connections where there are none and causing the subject to become a hot topic in these forums?

I think not.

People don’t think the universe be like it is, but it do.

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

With the broken logic that running around with your hands in the airplane shape is offensive because of the plane crashes that happened these couple weeks, I just have one thing to say. Using your own logic, you should not be allowed to use any melee weapon, especially rifles and pistols, because people around the world are killed daily because of them.

The only 2 weapons that wouldn’t be offensive are magical staffs and focuses because there are been no reported deaths due to these 2 weapons. Enjoy the game, the Anet teams are professionals at making April Fools fun and silly.


Also, what the hell did you just call me?!?!?!

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

Here’s the thing:

I agree with OP. Getting mad about this is like getting mad at a kid playing cops and robbers because your family member was a cop that died in the line of duty or something. Its absurd.

That being said, we have to stay away from the whole “you kill people every day in this game” argument as well since, no we really don’t. Death in this game and others like it are not permanent and just by that one facet, it changes our perception of our actions in the game. It lessens the severity of it simply because we know it isn’t permanent. With no real consequence we are freed to act as sociopaths (right down to slaughtering waves of bunnies and armadillos, etc) since we know in 5 minutes they will be back. Even our own deaths are mitigated with a quick double click or another player coming along to grope us for a few seconds.

Okay fine, let’s put this same logic into the April Fools joke too then. You are saying that murdering people/npcs in this game isn’t offensive because it is only temporary. That being said, in about 12 hours from now all of our bodies will be back to normal in game which would mean it is also temporary. Therefore, no need to get offended.

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

The only 2 weapons that wouldn’t be offensive are magical staffs and focuses because there are been no reported deaths due to these 2 weapons. Enjoy the game, the Anet teams are professionals at making April Fools fun and silly.

Quarterstaffs were a thing in fighting and you can bludgeon someone with anything.

No no I did not say melee staffs, those do not exist in this game. The only staffs that do are magical ones that you shoot magical things out with. As far as I know, no one has died from those to this date!

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

Win. The OP is full of it.

Yeah, I’m pretty cool I guess.

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

With the broken logic that running around with your hands in the airplane shape is offensive because of the plane crashes that happened these couple weeks, I just have one thing to say. Using your own logic, you should not be allowed to use any melee weapon, especially rifles and pistols, because people around the world are killed daily because of them.

The only 2 weapons that wouldn’t be offensive are magical staffs and focuses because there are been no reported deaths due to these 2 weapons. Enjoy the game, the Anet teams are professionals at making April Fools fun and silly.

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

Hey Dragon, did you know that there have been thousands upon thousands of people dying from pistols, and rifles, and melee weapons. People are shot with pistols every day!!!. I guess you can’t use those in game either… that sux.

Personal Story Restoration update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

Hey Bobby, from what you said with the Arah story mode changes, it looks like we will only be able to complete it once. And if we ever want to do that story dungeon path again we will need to hitchhike with someone who hasn’t completed it yet. Can I ask why this was decided upon. As someone who runs dungeons daily, it’s sad to see a dungeon disappear or be limited to how many times you can run it.

With no news on new dungeons with HoT it makes me a little worried…

Can someone explain to me?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

Not to say one combat system is better than the other, but GW1 had more skills to choose from, with the ability to change your second profession to access even more skills. GW1 was also very much so about split second timing for interrupts and knockdowns. GW2 is much more party oriented, movement is much more fluid (plus dodges), but lack in variations of skills. I do enjoy GW2 combat more, but GW1 I believe was more challenging.

For those that dont like Lions Arch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

Penguin is back haha

Kicked, got some sense knocked into me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

And that’s fine with me and I assume with many people. I don’t kick guildies from parties for not having the right builds. But you can’t also forget that with gw2 getting a lot of new players due to the 75% off sales, there are LOT’S of people right now running bad builds. There is no reason not to at least show and explain to them proper builds. For example, two new players in my guilds began playing warrior with the classic 5 signet build, their play style needed a lot of work, but I showed them the meta builds for warrior. The next couple days they were thanking me and saying how amazed they were with the way they play now.

But, there are way more people who don’t care for pugs or their problems. Some groups will kick you if you can’t perform, and OP choosing to join a fractal whether he was a support build or not with insufficient AR is a valid reason to kick.

Kicked, got some sense knocked into me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

What I’ve gotten out of this story:

-Player has a main warrior: hit things until they die
-Player also has a guardian, but plays it differently than the meta
-On molten duo, player is fine with dodges, can’t do stack-and-whack DPS meta
-This fractal pug, supposedly bad, wanted DPS meta, expected guard with reflect/etc. to handle it.
-OP doesn’t do it. Deaths until /kick
-Everyone jumps on OP and accuses of lying/being a bad/L2P. Meta = only way to play!

I find it interesting when puggers, jumping into random games of hugely different players that never have nor will play together again, demand everyone come in predetermined builds and do predetermined strats, and will kick and tell anyone if they don’t like these predetermined ways that it is they who should go to private groups that do things differently.

The “meta” isn’t the only way. This will come as a shock to some people, but these efficient builds and strats weren’t figured out in PUGs, they came from private groups that wanted to do things the best ways possible. All randoms have done is adopt those strats, and it’s hilarious when they read guides, grind their gear and then join random groups, force others with gear checks and threats of kicks if they don’t get these efficient runs they saw on Youtube.

we are just hearing one side of the story, and the only thing relevant there is how you “can play since beta” and still be a rather bad player without much insight into the game.

How the Blue Meanie is that relevant, let alone “the only thing relevant”? PUGs do not teach someone how to be a good player, or even teach anything. The vast majority are dead quiet players on auto-pilot, with an occasional “stack” thrown into chat for people sleeping. Only way to get this insight is to learn it from others, and I sure as heck wouldn’t blame OP for avoiding the forums for that, just looking through this thread.

The people here weren’t questioning his skill, but his build, and most importantly that he brought 0 AR to that fractal where it was clearly needed.

Kicked, got some sense knocked into me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

This guy is actually being a good guild leader by trying to inform his guildies how to improve their builds and play skillfully. They have no reason to feel bad since they aren’t begin forced to do anything, just begin told simple facts of how this game works and given the knowledge of how to become better if they choose.

If he kicked them out the guild and told them to join a more casual one, that would be far worse than what hes doing now.

trying to funnel everyone into the same build is not being a good guild leader by far. Especially if his people lack the ability to survive in zerker, or find damage builds to be boring.

I clearly said earlier I do not enforce anything to anyone nor do I tell those guildies that they can’t run with me. There are many variations of zerker builds anyone can run, and if they don’t want to it’s fine, but do not expect to have everyone tolerate bad builds. Also, ‘the ability to survive’ is not a good argument, if you’re unwilling to practice and improve yourself, don’t expect everyone else to always carry you. To that note, just because I’m willing to do a dungeon or two with some of these guys sometimes, doesn’t mean I enjoy having hour and a half fractal runs or 20 min cof p1 dungeon runs consistently.

Whether people want to admit it or not there is a reason why zerker is the meta for 90% of this game and you will find hundreds of reasons as to why on the forums. Those that dungeoned from the beginning of gw2 knows that builds eventually evolved from being support to dps because the longer a fight drags on for, the higher chance of a party wipe.

Kicked, got some sense knocked into me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

Noob question: when doing the Mai Trin fractal I’m hit with agony before the fight even starts and I think the same happens in any other fractal- it seems as if agony is randomly applied – so how do I dodge it?
And if I can’t then there’s nothing one can do except getting “enough” AR.

Every ‘boss fractal’ applies agony to everyone in party when they enter the boss room and no you cannot dodge it. This is where you can easily see who has the proper amount of AR and who doesn’t.

Now for your other question all bosses in any fractal have the ability to apply agony to people in your party. This is not done by entering the final area, but rather by getting hit by specific skills. Some skills don’t apply agony if you are hit, but other attacks do and can apply several stacks instantly if you’re not careful.

(edited by Eight Samurai.6840)

Kicked, got some sense knocked into me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

Also, just to add that there are ‘non support’ guard builds like the vulnerability/blind build. It’s a highly dps which I wouldn’t classify as support.

Euhm those guardians are actually the most supportive guardians out there. They don’t just classify as support, they classify as the best support you can get, hence they are the meta.

Blind spam, vulnerability spam, aegis rotations, reflect rotations, a huge kitten nal of group condi-cleanse and 100% protection upkeep when needed, all that while also having decent DPS because of the Berserker gear with Scholar runes makes guardians the most desired class for any dungeon/fractal run, especially in pugs.

I meant non-support relative to the typical pure heal guards that OP is probably using. I run that blind build in dungeons if I take my guard though it is a really squish.

Kicked, got some sense knocked into me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

Please don’t twist my words. I do not insult any of my guildies for running builds they want, nor do I enforce any builds in my guild at all, I have better things to do in game than that. What I do however is give them advice and reasons as to why zerker is the way to go and it’s up to whomever in my guild to listen or not. When you get as good at dungeons as my guild is, it really doesn’t matter if several in the party aren’t running zerker because it will still be a fast run either way. However, just cus I don’t care either way with my guildies, doesn’t mean that some aren’t running efficient builds. There are few people in my guild that fall under this, and when I do run dungeons or fractals with them, there is clear evidence that runs are significantly slower because their ‘support’ builds are actually selfish survivability builds.

Kicked, got some sense knocked into me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

you wont get 6% agony though, you will get 12% agony. which puts you to be downed, your ability to recover after the intro is low, because they dont stand around and do a cutscene any more.
people reviving you will likely take damage, and most likely you will be killed even while they try to res you, keep in mind at this point there are two enemies with large AOE and projectiles. getting downed with no AR is basically death.

Is it impossible? not at all, is it likely, or easy? not really. Like i said, they could have carried him, but people tend to get offended when they start off fights with fully dead people, especially once they lose more than 2 times.

I wouldnt kick him, but many other players would.

I had a fractal that when essentially the same way at level 30
after like 2 tries they kicked the guy who insta died with 25 agony resist (18%) is full death
then they kicked the guy who probably had 30, who took 12% damage, and went down at start, and died when things got rough.

I didnt vote to kick them but at that time it only took 2 people

Also, though the other agony is avoidable, it isnt easily avoided. And reviving people in this fight is fairly difficult, which makes people less tolerant of death.

everything that heals or sponges the damage still works with agony. On my necro I would just death shroud, on a guardian you could take out your support book just before hitting agony and heal to full before you hit 0.

So, are you trying to say that because he didn’t enter the fractal with the proper amount of AR, that he should now use an elite skill that has a 3 minute recharge just so he wouldn’t die before the fight even starts? That is such a selfish play style. I have several guildies in my pve guild who no matter what believe that ‘surviving’ is the most important thing in a dungeon and therefore run the most inefficiant builds there are. If you can’t adapt to the fractal/dungeon or whatever don’t get upset at everyone else (not to say that the rest of OP’s party was any good which I do not know if they were or weren’t).

How much will guild halls cost?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

No offense to smaller guilds because I have been there building up from scratch before, but I really hope making large guild halls is a long time and challenging experience. It will most definitely be more difficult for smaller guilds either way, but I wouldn’t enjoy it as much if building a full guild hall took very little time and wan’t a communal effort from the entire guild. On that note, I sort of want to have it a secret more or less till the expansion does come out. I would just say if you think you need it for the guild hall in preparation in the mean time, then get it!!!

Kicked, got some sense knocked into me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

So can someone explain to me what most people in this thread mean with “support guardian”? Because I don’t get it. To me “support guardian” sounds like saying “wet water” or “round wheel”.

So what is a “support guardian” and how is it different from other guardians in terms of supporting the team?

I’m not sure what he is talking about. But guardian by itself is a support class. “reflect, healing, aegis” etc. Just like warrior people think of banner, ele people think of ice bow, thief blind.

you can trait and gear for max dps 4/6/2/0/2 and you are still expected to be a support class.

Yeah OP does not give any specifics at all except that he is using a shield and a staff. My guess is he is using clerics armor and some poorly placed trait points. My co-leader gave me a great support/dps guard build if anyone is interested which I do use for lvl 49 fractals with great success. Full zerker gear with trait points set to 0/0/6/6/2, using a hammer and either scepter/focus or staff. You will be healing and removing condies from the party and reflects of a typical guardian, but the damage actually comes from the hammer auto attack. If traited correctly those symbols from the hammer are perma and deal massive aoe damage while also giving everyone inside it the protection boon.

Also, just to add that there are ‘non support’ guard builds like the vulnerability/blind build. It’s a highly dps which I wouldn’t classify as support.

Kicked, got some sense knocked into me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

Playing a support class is fine, so long as the rest of the party has enough dps to kill the boss. However, your problem is that you are entering a fractal with insufficient AR to support yourself. You can’t blame the rest of the party for being upset at you for not having the correct amount when I’m sure you knew beforehand how much you needed. I’m sure you are busy and it can be hard to find time to get the relics to buy the infusions, but you can’t blame pugs who want efficient runs (or who also are busy and have time constraints).

Undocumented changed downed state color

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

The green text and downed state health might be for St. Patrick’s day maybe?

Revert Camera Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

Sooo… in your post you just mentioned 3 good things about this one change. You also mentioned a couple things that you weren’t interested in about the new changes that don’t affect you. You then link a video showing how this affects WvW with siege, even though people who played with window mode on could do the same thing.

What mistake does Anet need to apologize for I’m really confused?


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

I wrote a ticket for a gem-refund because the are bugging in the floor… so sad

From the floor it looks like you are in Divinities Reach. If so the floors are weird there and are not typical of the rest of the world. Even some minis sink through the floor on some of the streets there. You might want to check out a different location before deciding.

Making Players Feel Stupid is Bad Business

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

I think when Anet released the collection achievements, didn’t they SPECIFICALLY state that it’s not intended for players to grind? That it was simply there for the chance that you do collect all of something. Which is why the rewards for collecting everything usually isn’t that impressive.

New players guide: how not to get kicked.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

Also, just to add to my previous post. As someone who taught MANY people how to dungeon, the most ideal way to teach new people to dungeon is to not have more than TWO new guys in a dungeon party. Assuming the other 3 members are knowledgeable and skilled enough, teaching 1 or 2 pugs/new guys a particular dungeon is not difficult.

I have found over my thousands of dungeon runs that having more than 2 new guys is not helpful for anyone. Having 3 new guys will mean the majority of the party doesn’t know what to do which will mean much slower dungeon than when there are only 2. Also, I found that having at most 2 new guys will mean they get much better personal assistance and learning experience.

New players guide: how not to get kicked.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

I really like OP’s statements here, and maybe it’s just me, but i find most of these replies here to be a bit cynical. As a guild leader of a pretty experienced dungeon/fractal/pvx guild, I find most of what OP said to be true.

Sometimes we do end up pugging a couple spots for dungeons and MOST of us don’t mind taking on a low AP guy. Low AP doesn’t always mean the player doesn’t know what to do. But again, OP is right about communication, explain to the rest of the party that you are somewhat new to this particular dungeon, but also be willing to listen and ask questions at APPROPRIATE times (not in the middle of fighting a boss).

Also, if you are new, don’t join an ‘experienced only’ group on the LFG. Even if you are wearing full exotic and you ‘look’ like you aren’t new, veterans can tell in the first couple of minutes of a dungeon if the pug knows what to do or not do, and if they are dealing any proper DPS.

Lastly, if you want the safety of not being kicked, do join a pve/dungeon guild to get your dungeons going and try to jump at any instance you can to go with them. It will show initiative and that you are an active member. But again, the most important thing is to take the guilds advice on weapon, build, and stat choices. It may sound elitist, but if you are trying to learn, don’t question the ones that already know what to do. Having a veteran explain why those decisions are for the best is one thing, but having to justify every single thing can be annoying (probably because veterans had done so many times before).

Forum Specialist Program

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

I’m truly so excited to hear that there is a dungeon/fractal specialist! I think the game has been lacking a bit in the development in these two section over the past year.

I believe Anet already announced that there will be new fractals when the expansion comes out. Can we expect new dungeons or even paths to be added as well? Would be great to know!

kitten RNG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840


Ascended Trinkets easier than exotics now!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

Fractal runners will laugh at this topic

[Spoiler]Sylvari toon refunds / new mechanics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

There is no way to answer that question. We don’t know which sylvari are affected by this, how Modramoth is affecting the sylvari, it could be that there is another pale tree who became corrupted and those are the only affected ones, and I’m sure many more ideas. I would assume your sylvari is safe, though in the future if you do play a sylvari, you might experience different in-game dialogue when talking to NPC’s, but no one will know until PAX or later…

Expansion on the way! Any predictions?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

So, I’m a bit confused by the end video. I don’t log on as much, and only now do so to complete the story. Why is everyone saying that there will be an expansion? Watching the last video just sounds like there will either be another episode or a new season to Living Story/World coming.

Great Job Anet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

Just as OP said, I tend to be very critical, but also honest (IMO) about GW2. Point of No Return was amazingly fun and one of the best Living Story releases to date, and no bugs that I found which made it even smoother! Great job ANET team

wow another Teleporting Ranger hacker

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

LOL I saw exactly the same thing during WVW season 2 but it was a warrior with a rifle, trying to use a camp as protection, and still couldn’t kill me. These people are pathetic.

Let me guess....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

Gaile- I’m sure the rewards are going to be nice. Who knows, maybe I’ll actually log on to see what’s in store for me. My complaint is the lack of vision and new content. There is no reason you can’t throw in some new content and not the same old stuff.

Why no 2012 halloween elements?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

2012 Halloween event was not only the best of all holiday events in GW2, but also released some of the SICKEST looking weapons to date. Some of those weapons were even cooler than the legendary weapons, such as the ghastly grinning shield and the chainsaw greatsword.

Let me guess....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

This coming Tuesday, October 21, the Mad Realm returns with our annual Halloween release. On December 16, we’ll release our usual holiday-themed festivities with Wintersday. Both of these releases will feature the same content as last year but with refreshed rewards, giving you fun new festival-themed items to earn.

This is a direct post from the GW2 post on the coming ‘new’ content. So pretty much DON’T expect anything new to do in game, except grinding out to get new skins (the usual). kitten like this is why I’m not playing atm…

Will you ever fix it ?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

It’s funny cus their whole new thing that anet is trying to push out is dynamic events. How can they do that if a large chunk of current events that are already in game either never start or bug in the middle.

I think I need to take a break...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

Other games with elements of Guild Wars include Archeage and Rift. You can find some interesting build mechanics in both. While not a fluid as GW2 with regards to combat, they offer more satisfying talent/skill/class systems.

Nothing tops GW2 combat — it should be the benchmark adopted by other MMOs. However GW2 doesn’t have the build complexity and sophistication that existed in GW1. You can find that in Rift and Archeage.

The first MMO to get the two together will probably dominate.

Yes I agree. I hear a lot of what friends say about Archeage. Same exact thing as you said, idk if I want to start a new game atm though. I think i’m still going through the grieving process of having this game ‘die’ on me lol…