(edited by EremiteAngel.9765)
For full set, 6570 tickets not including precursor cost.
365 tickets max per week
= 18 weeks
Precursor cost via Ascended T2 armor = 1310 tickets
365 tickets max per week
= ~ 4 weeks
+ Legendary conversion cost of 18 weeks
Precursor cost via Exotic T2 armor to Mistforge Ascended Armor = 1310 tickets + 2620 tickets = 3930 ticktes
365 tickets max per week
= ~ 11 weeks
+ Legendary conversion cost of 18 weeks
(edited by EremiteAngel.9765)
I think what is meant is that there is a cap, but the cap has increased to 365 tickets per week, and the diamond chest gives +14 repeatable until you reach the cap.
Or at least that is what the wiki is saying
Thief: (let us buff your weaker areas to compete with the other stronger areas)
The Daredevil specialization has largely taken over the Power-based gameplay that used to be the domain of the sword, so we are giving sword (and sword-related traits) an enhancement in order to ensure it has some unique utility to offer. Tricks and signets are also receiving several changes to help them compete with the very powerful utility skills offered by deceptions and physicals. Finally, we are also reassessing some traits that we felt were either lacking in power or not offering enough diversity in choice.
Necro: (let us nerf your stronger area to make your weaker areas a competitive option)
One of the biggest changes for necromancers in this patch is the change to the Vital Persistence trait. Previously, this trait reduced the rate at which life force decayed while in shroud and was too powerful compared to the other two traits in the same tier. We’ve changed the functionality of this trait in order to provide a different option that is easier to track and is more competitive with other traits in the same tier.
I predict oysters with spicy sauce will rank above bringing support barriers.
Yum. Lime works too.
Ditching shroud should have been a way to add mobility, blocks, invulnerability, and other things that scale with being focused.
We got the non-stunbreak, non-instantCast Sand Portal! – Necro POF
Good post OP. I laughed hard at the end too.
Roaming is simply having the courage to stand apart from the zerg.
I like this description best.
Short and sweet.
Roaming, especially when alone, doesn’t allow you to be carried by others.
It is going to be you, and only you.
P.S. on the side note of being carried by others though, I think vT guild has an on-going? thing where they invite other players to join their party during their roaming runs to let them experience high-end coordinated small scale roaming and I think that is a fantastic idea. I hope more coordinated roaming guilds can start extending such invitation to random roamers too. I can imagine it would be a totally different and exhilarating experience from uncoordinated roaming.
The way I see it, scourges are ritualists in disguise.
Scourge seems not to be a very fitting name for our new elite spec at this point lore wise from what we currently know.
Scourge means in conventional terms a tormentor or a tool for punishment. But here we have scourges that go against Palawa Joko necromancy (which I presume is really scourgy) and use their life force to gain protection from shades. Yes the scourge does pack a ton of torment and new skills categorised as punishment. But the whole protector of souls and one with the desert theme seems to cast scourge in a much brighter role than the name would imply.
I Guess we would have to have some reason why necromancers have to fight Joko, who is also a necromancer. I would prefer the reasons to be of a more selfish and dark kind though than the bright protector role that seems to be implied thus far.
Not fitting for necromancers. And not fitting for the name Scourge. More fitting for ritualists as the name of our new elite spec though. As they give me the sense of respecting the dead.
Every race can look great with the right gear!
Here are some examples for you to reference:
Scourge brings a whole new support play style to necros while also putting out decent condi damage and I’m really looking forward to it.
At least on paper, anet has done very well giving reapers and scourges a decisive role difference.
I’m wondering how barrier is going to work with shroud though. If I enter reaper shroud and an ally scourge casts barrier on me… is the barrier going to be wasted?
The Reaper had a Minion skill and we’re missing one for the Scourge, then it’s probably a Minion.
A undead sand snake?
I like that idea.
Something like Manda hopefully.
The final utility is the Serpent picture before the Elite slot.
Any guesses on what it would be?
Looks like a damage utility instead of a defensive one.
Could be…poison? or an Immobilize?
scourge will be useless for solo roaming. hope they give us some way to stay at reaper for roaming. PLZ anet, pllllllllzzzzzz. dont kill reaper for roaming.
I have to agree with this one. Scourge cannot solo. No stab, no gap closers.
New specs like Deadeye is going to eat Scourge alive.
Let me share my build too.
I got into low tier Plat using a Core Necro with traited Corruption and Spectral, Lich Elite.
Build gives decent surivability for a a core necro.
The way it works is, kite kite kite.
Edit build: chose the wrong GM trait in SR. Should be FiTG.
(edited by EremiteAngel.9765)
The 20 Sec portal might help keep us alive though against focus fire.
Precast it in a safe spot, portal forward towards the fight then use it to disengage when focused. Gives us like 20 sec of survival. No stab is going to hurt bad though if the enemy pull or push u off the portal and stun locks u
After thinking about Scourge for a while, I feel confident making some predictions.
1. Condi Necros in PvP will still be Reapers. Scourge just doesn’t have any way to deal with focus fire, and Reaper’s Shroud gives better opportunities. Even without Deathly Chill, Reaper is still the best option for PvP, regardless of if you’re Power or Condition. Precisely how it gets played will change (for example, condi builds will change to Blighter’s Boon for more sustain or Reaper’s Onslaught for a faster stun), but it will definitely still be used.
2. Scourges are going to thrive in WvW zergs. Their Sand Shades allowing up to 20 targets hit (15 with Greater Shade, albeit more consistently) for F2 and F3 are huge (technically, all of the Shade skills have that, but you’re much more likely to get 20 allies than 20 enemies).
3. Scourges will do well against foes that use 1-3 conditions constantly. F2 is an instant cast AoE 2 condi conversion every 5 seconds if you keep life force flowing. Traiting for Barriers to remove conditions can easily net you 5 conditions removed AoE every 10 seconds on instant cast. This is in addition to the resilience the Barrier itself will give. More importantly, they can easily cover 10-20 people with this same effectiveness.
3.2: As an expansion of the above point, there will be places in PvE where a Scourge is vastly tougher than normal. Because it’s a condition-to-boon conversion, it will be especially effective against Branded (current ones put out good amounts of bleed) and Forged (almost certainly causing lots of Burning). Having an Aegis every 5 seconds sounds pretty good, no? There will most likely be cooldown reductions possible from Soul Reaping line.
4. People (including Scourges) will often forget that every F skill will have all of your Sand Shades pulse out Cripple and Torment. Even when Desert Shroud and Garish Pillar are down, those sand shades are not necessarily safe to be around.
5. Rune of the Scourge will be Primary in Condition Damage and have a 6 piece bonus that either does something with Barrier or boon removal. I will bet 5 gold on this with anyone who wants to take the bet.
I do have a couple of questions about how the spec works, though.
1. Does Garish Pillar cause foes to run from the sand shade that they were hit by, or from you, the Scourge? I’m betting the latter, but the former would be extremely interesting.
2. Does the Greater Shade provide one or three pulses of the F2-5?
Very nice predictions. All seems likely to happen.
PvP spectral armor to shroud combo will prob be too strong to give up at higher tiers when the focus fire on necros would likely be too strong for Barriers to work. The portal that lasts 20 seconds might help immensely though and still make scourge viable.
WvW I agree wholeheartedly with your predictions. Scourge will be even more effective than core wells necro now at exceling as the backline Dps and boon strip and crowd control. Reapers will still have a place though for solo roaming as the lack of stab and mobility on scourge will make it even worse at handling Long range kiting classes.
Except the scourge runes could easily buff torment or the new punishment utility class. Not betting though as your predictions are just as possible.
I saw some posts on them perhaps changing Deathly Chill to a power damage instead of condi bleed damage. And I really hope this happens.
Instead of leaving Deathly Chill as it is now doing bleed damage and then just nerfing it to one stack or two stack, it would be great if Deathly Chill was changed to a power damage trait.
For example, changing this GM trait Deathly Chill to: do 20% more power damage to chilled opponents.
This would make Reapers solely focused on Power builds and gives Scourge the room to be the Condi Support spec that they are.
I wouldn’t want to see Deathly Chill just left as a condi damage trait and nerfed by lowering the bleed stacks.
Reapers have 3 GM, all with their own flavor.
I hope, as other players have commented, that they change Deathly chill into a GM trait that supports Power Damage and not just leave it as a nerfed condi trait. It is, to me, a trait line that was supposed to support a high damage build and not changing it to support a Power Reaper will probably make Reapers less appealing compared to Scourge.
This link here might help provide a slightly fuller picture than the wiki currently.
Other than that, very insightful hearing your thoughts on the Scourge.
They said in the trailer that its a support focused spec ? Shouln’t that be called something like “twinkle tickler” or something like that ? Scourge implies disease, ripping off somones flesh from their bone with sand, draining their life, menacing stuff, not “support”.
And no stab will make it useless in WVW, maybe if they work Foot in the grave somehow into it ?
I thought it would be a fantastic elite spec for WvW zerg fights actually.
Reaper currently fills the role of a Front/Mid-line bruiser that sticks to the commander and provides the beef to push up against enemy zergs.
The Scourge would function more like a Back/Mid-line Condi Support class that can use the Shades to provide buff for teammates while dishing out substantial condi damage too and soft CC in the form of cripple / boon corruption.
The AOE nature of the shade skills are fantastic for crowd control.
The lack of stability and mobility is not as critical in WvW zerg fights because if you use the Scourge as a Back/Mid-liner, it would be more about positioning.
I currently use core Necro full zerk well-bomber for zerg fights in WvW as I felt it was more the back/mid-line damage dealer that I preferred over the brusier style shout Reaper.
I’m totally excited about having the Scourge providing a condi/support alternative to a pure zerk core Necro as a back/mid-liner in WvW.
The mobility issue has always been an issue of the lack of instant movement toward a chosen area. Swiftness could already be caped from deathly swarm and Spectral walk.
In short, the new swiftness add nothing new and the portal thing only add group utility to an effect that is already existent on spectral walk. There will be no noticeable change regarding the necromancer’s movement ablity in this spec.
As for stability, I think one of the gm trait of the scourge seem really promising giving us the boons that we remove or corrupt. But yeah this spec is still weak toward hard crowd control skills.
This nails it really. Even the portal looks like it has a cast time and is not instant.
I just worry about PvP since spectral armor is prob not going to work like it does now against focus fire with barriers on skills that have CDs. Our defensive barrier has a 8 Sec CD for a measly 2.5k Hp buff that seems to degenerate rapidly on its own over time.
How will we survive focus fire?
While true that a few other skills gives barrier too when used, are we really going to spam all our barrier skills from the start when we get focused? Doesn’t sound very skilful to me. 3 of the possible 5 barrier skills have cast times too which would make activating tough especially without stab.
Will we be forced to slot all defensive utilities just to survive without a sizeable shroud armor to tap on?
Just some concerns for PvP. All moot though until we get to try it. Remains to be seen if the barrier concept works against focus fire.
The 8 sec CD on the sand barrier is a little worrying though from a PvP perspective.
Meaning even if your shroud is full, you can’t utilise the entire bar to tank anymore.
Will this be enough to survive focus fire?
The spectral armor to shroud combo prob won’t work in this case as it refills shroud but not your barrier. Barrier is still gated behind a 8 Sec CD and only for a Low 2.5k Hp.
Granted the aoe barrier to allies is nice and can be given by shades too meaning we could be a Long range support caster similar in play style to the current kiting core necro
Glad. It doesn’t overlap with the stability and dash that Reaper gives and makes going Reaper a viable choice depending on your preferred game mode assuming they balance the power aspect of reaper to compete against the condi aspect of scourge.
The portal though…
Good fights as always. You guys really make it look easy.
And I used to think your opponents were easy.
But when I actually fought you guys, I realized I was as easy looking as those opponents on your video XD
Like my friend who always reminds me when I get critical of others, good players have a tendency to make their opponents look average.
Been wanting to ask though, your thoughts on what mix of classes would you recommend to have in a 5-man group comp for roaming and fighting outnumbered? I noticed at least in your latest video that you were without a Revenant which I’ve been hearing from others that they are one of the best class to have in a roaming party currently.
I got 2 commentaries here that could help you.
One against Druids and the other against Daredevils.
Edit: thought I should add that I agree with Justine on his point that reapers are a lot more viable as team roamers than solo roamers. You can watch Helly’s videos for a good example of how necros are far superior roaming in a group. I experienced going against his team first hand and saw how much more deadly a necro can be in a group.
Edit 2: I also agree with krhome on his point that a good DD with the right build is going to put a reaper to the sword. Especially condi reapers. Power reapers still has a small chance…but it’s a massive hill to climb.
A really good thief roamer to search for is Min Scherzo. He has a few vids on YouTube. He totally wrecks opponents.
vs Daredevil
vs Druid
(edited by EremiteAngel.9765)
And uh… in spite of my nooby understanding, I did actually survive a few fights opening exchange better against condi chronos that try to outright down you at the start with the F2 burst > F4 invulnerable > F3 interrupt.
SA plus shroud still kept my LF high against the chronos burst rotation. Just not the way I thought lol…
Sry it seems like I was mistaken.
I think what I experienced during the fight with the chrono was:
Chrono shatter burst > I used SA and entered shroud > chrono continued to shatter and burst. His repeated attacks after I used SA plus shroud was probably what kept my LF full despite being heavily loaded with condi.
My bad on the post. I did initially think the condi damage ticks was refilling my shroud.
Hi Warriors! I recently fought two skilled players and thought of doing a commentary on how to fight a Reaper as a Berserker.
Admittedly I’m not a berserker main and never really played one much except for some rifle bursts while hiding behind my guildmates.
It was mainly just via my perspective as a necro.
Would you consider the commentaries I included helpful?
Were there other advises that I could have added?
Thanks in advance!
This is probably nothing new to most of you but I just found out Spectral Armor can give pretty OP sustain against Condi burst!
In the past I used Spectral Armor as a stun break + LF refill only and thought it was a utility that works against physical damage only with its protection boon.
Having watched the PvP Noscoc use his though, I realized it is not just a stunbreak + means to gain Lifeforce and doesn’t just work against physical damage.
You can use it to soak condi burst damage extremely well if you activate it first then enter shroud immediately after.
I’ve been thinking hard about what utilities would work best against a condi Chrono who loads and deny my transfers through invis/blocks/evades/F4 without having to change my entire build to anti-condi.
By using Spectral Armor then entering shroud when I got condi loaded, I could survive the burst. It would work very similarly to the Revenant’s Infuse Light that heals based on damage taken. The Shroud remains full for 6 seconds when I activate Spectral Armor and enter shroud after taking a load of condi burst. This would actually outlast some of the Chrono’s initial countermeasures when he tries to deny your transfers like evades or F4 invulnerable etc.
I just tried it against a very skilled Viper Chrono earlier in WvW (wasn’t using Moa though).
Won the first fight. Lost the second one after a close fight due to bad rotation from me as I was still trying to get used to the idea of using Spectral Armor against a Condi enemy lol.
If you already know about this, just ignore me.
Super excited to find a good utility against those Condi Chronos and condi any class that knows how to deny our transfers.
If they use Moa though…it would be a different story…much harder to dodge if they do it from invis…I usually save one dodge for when they go invis…then the other dodge for when they try it without invis…which means no dodge for their bursts which I would need to transfer or clear them…and Spectral Armor was incredible to help me sustain through a condi burst!
(edited by EremiteAngel.9765)
Yea if you see him in centaur form, he is either healing, or removing condis. He can still deal damage obviously with his weapon, but his skills are purely defensive, id put a few condis on him so he wastes his energy removing them, then apply heavy pressure after. You won the fight so you did fine. I have seen people switch to centaur just to fake the heals, and instead they start to burst you down but thats some mind trick stuff, and most people dont pay attention or they dont play rev to know what hes doing. I main thief but ive made it a habit to get the pvp titles for each class. This helped me learn what each class does and how their builds work.
That’s cool. I never thought of learning via the PvP titles as a form of gating. I mostly went to learn about a class via wiki and other youtube streamers and the forums (like yourself who helped). I’ll definitely consider that though especially since my friend has been bugging me recently to join him in the PvP season lol. Says it is more fun than WvW -_-
Pros: alittle bit of healing, amd more condi remoVE
Cons: your damage is poopoo.
That thing is the tablet, it the centaur stance. It has only healing capabilities, the ult has a knock back but the rest is just healing and condi clear. Only usedul if you invest in healing power. Which then reduces your damage.. i like the stance but i find it hard to use. Also staff has condi clear which he was using, not sure about his secondsrg he dropped too fast. Im assuming he was running a regular build but with the centaur stance because the healing on his tablet was very low. Hes nothing to worry about. Just watch out for the demon stances out there
Thanks! that was very helpful.
Hi Revenants! I recently fought a Rev in WvW who was using a rare build that I’ve never seen before him at the 7min 10 sec mark in the video.
Most I fight use Glint and Shiro legends but this Rev was roaming and dueling with a yellow legend that dropped a lot of green shiny things on the floor.
He gave me less offensive pressure compared to the others that I’ve fought but he seemed to be able to clear condi better?
Could a pro Rev share more on how his build works and the pros and cons to his build?
Oh…and if I may add, I actually had the chance to fight Helly’s vT guild twice recently.
First time I was on my guard with 3 other roamers.
Fought vT’s Elementalist + Revenant duo.
4 vs 2.
They killed one of our thieves and forced the rest of us into a mutual retreat…
Second time I was on my Necro with 4 other roamers.
Fought vT’s Necro + Elementalist (It was Helly I think, looked like his Charr, unless he has a twin in the guild).
5 vs 2.
They killed me before going down themselves shortly after.
I was ashamed. Dying in a 5 vs 2 lol. But at the same time I also ascertained that their teamwork and skills were very good and I wasn’t anywhere near their level XD
I would second the above thoughts on the workability of non-Soul Reaping builds.
I’ve not tried it much myself since I use unblockable marks more often for larger zerg fights, and rarely use my necro for small scale fights.
But I have been on the receiving end of spite+curse build in small scale fights on my Guard and it is devastating. It does so much damage that I get downed in one well-timed shroud burst. Usually the window when I have used F2 and F3 on my Guard and before I reset with my elite. I always tell myself to reset early especially if the enemy group was heavy on condi fighters. But always end up holding out and then regretting XD
Dude because of you I started to use my necro again. You have doomed my soul. Thanks.
Welcome on board =D
well…I guess what I showed in the video is nothing new to veteran WvW players and probably a waste of time…
will be helpful to the many new players who have little experience in WvW though and are just taking their first baby steps with the new updates and such.
Hi again everyone. I did another step-by-step commentary of a Hybrid/Condi Reaper VS Staff Daredevil. This time using the proper utilities I usually swap to when I see a thief from far.
I recommend watching my first video here if you have not already seen it as I go into more details at the start on what to do and look out for.
You can also see this thread here from the thieves who gave me more insight into how the daredevil was fighting me which I found very helpful.
Hope you find it helpful!
Thanks for the tips too War and Tao. Was very helpful!
I’ll go ahead and delete the main post since I’ve gotten my answer.
Hello all.
In this video I’ll show you how to take Supply Camps in WvW efficiently and as safely as you can.
Whether you are doing it for a quick reset to your participation points, to experience camp flipping, or to help your server win the supplies race, I hope you found this video helpful!
1) This thief has a few stuns. Traited Steal, which dazes for a second, and Impact Strike, which has 3 available CC’s, Each with about a second stun each :
- Impact Strike
- Uppercut
- Finishing BlowHe also probably has Bandits defense, which when blocked, he gets a counter attack that kicks you down for a second.
2) The thief used a certain combo, and triggered it in a certain order. You dodged steal which is good, but because he starts out with blinding powder, he dodges, triggering bounding dodge animation, while stealing (which you evaded), the Bounding deals damage to you, followed by him entering stealth, ending with a backstab.
The order is something like this : Blinding powder -> Bounding dodge -> steal (This made him teleport to you) -> You dodge steal -> Bounding Dodge stealth -> Backstab
.edit: edited for clarification
That was very helpful.
Looks like I am better off not dodging his steal from blinding powder? The backstab seems to hurt a lot more…
If I don’t dodge his steal from blinding powder, will he still be able to go invisible and backstab?
Removed, got my answer. Thanks!
(edited by EremiteAngel.9765)
I think we can all agree that WvW achievements take REALLY REALLY LONG to complete. Each one of them takes huge time and effort and should really reward us with something more than just a ‘title’.
Give us 1000 skirmish tickets per WvW achievement that is fully completed!
Look at those numbers! 250,000 kills! 1000 keeps! 250 SMC! Protect 2500 animals! How long must I play to get those! 1000 skirmish tickets is already a small reward in return.
I show you some simple math.
1000 keeps for example.
For a hardcore WvW player like myself, capturing 1 keep per weekday and 2-3 keeps on weekends is already a nice return.
Let us say 10 keeps on average per week if I play every day. that would take me 100 weeks for the achievement.
And 100 weeks = 25 months = 2 years +.
Lets say I’m lucky and get 20 keeps on average per week (which is VERY HIGH). That would still take me 1 year +.
And that’s not even looking at the protect animals portion. or the taking of 250,000 lives.
For a hardcore WvW player like me, it took a good 2 years odd to get those achievements. And for my friend who WvW less, it took him 3-4 years just for the 250 SMC achievement.
The conditions are not always there for you to work on an achievement. Defend SMC 500 times? You better hope your server is strong enough to take and hold SMC in the first place and during your time-zone too. Take 1000 keeps? Keep are usually the most heavily upgraded and defended. Taking one is no easy feat. Take 250,000 lives? 3 years of constant WvW and I’m not even half way there.
Giving these hardcore WvW veterans who have completed such gigantic achievements the 1000 tickets per achievement also will not make them lose incentive to play in WvW because to achieve those achievements in the first place would have meant they love WvW.
1000 tickets for years of dedication? It’s a small return.
(edited by EremiteAngel.9765)
No one focused you = bad opponents, which was also obvious as most of them were low ranks.
Not one single time a thief pressured you. He would two-shot you.
No one dodged your heavily telegraved GS skills.
The one time you were focused by 3 enemies your team babysitted you immediately but you still ended up in downstate.
I saw some solid gameplay, but also no competent opponents.
Oh and regarding your point on the GS 5 skill, one way of increasing its chances of connecting is to do it later in the fights when dodges are expended or when your opponent is channeling a skill. Which I felt OP did pretty well in his video especially shown against the solo Mesmer fight.
oh! Is this one of those hijack the thread with pictures of our characters thingies?
no harm posting your characters I guess since it gives OP ideas =)
To clarify though, my posts above are of other players’ design that I found very well done for asura females.
(I have a terrible reputation so lest anyone thinks those posts are done by me and goes to down-vote them or something XD)
If you are looking for me to down-vote though lol…this is my own asura female necro.
If you are into less dark necro looks though, this asura female here is just perfect for cute designs. Although you wouldn’t think she was a female at first glance. At least I didn’t lol.
This one here is also another fantastic Asura female I feel.
Oh and to add, I love how OP was using different builds in the video. Just love that we have so many viable combinations now.
Asura female is a great choice.
I found this design here fantastic for example.
No one focused you = bad opponents, which was also obvious as most of them were low ranks.
Not one single time a thief pressured you. He would two-shot you.
No one dodged your heavily telegraved GS skills.
The one time you were focused by 3 enemies your team babysitted you immediately but you still ended up in downstate.
I saw some solid gameplay, but also no competent opponents.
You have good points.
I would say though that most players don’t seem to know Necros should often be the top priority to focus on in a group fight, which would make skills like wurm/spectral walk/warhorn almost a must for a necro in roaming group fights (unless you have good teammates who can sustain you).
That said, I would think OP’s positioning in the fights made him a lot less of an obvious target, especially to enemies that don’t prioritize Necro or anyone at all.
Great skills/shroud rotations! But what I love most was your positioning in the fights.
Reaper = decimate defenses. a trait that boosts the crit stats.
Scourge = looks like the guy is in ZEN mode…boost…healing stats? please NO
Reaper = Increase chill duration and lessen damage from chilled foes.
Scourge = This is possibly the new healing skill that was swapped with the position of trait 3 on the Reaper traits. It looks like a grim reaper with his hand near his mouth about to swallow something. Or is he saying LOOK AT MY HAND!!!
Reaper = new skill. Offensive. unblockable shout. boon removal.
Scourge = new skill. offensive. 2 hands. erupting from the ground. Maybe aoe immobilize?
Reaper = Gain life force or HP on boon. It was represented by a butterfly or moth image =/
Scourge = Looks like some sand is dripping into a bowl, like an hourglass type of dripping. Perhaps something to do with time/accumulation for some gains.
Reaper = Deathly Chill. Chill condition does damage. Offensive.
Scourge = Burning does even more damage? Look at the image. The poor soul is being burned and in agony!
Reaper = Attack faster, gain ferocity stat, reduce shroud skill recharge. Offensive.
Scourge = Looks like someone in shock with 3 exclamation marks. Possibly something to do with our shroud skills, offensive in nature.
Reaper = new skill. Defensive shout. damage reduction.
Scourge = new skill. Looks like a large serpent. defensive or offensive? it looks very offensive to me though. A summon/minion? NO PLEASE NO Could it be a…mesmer-themed manipulation type of skill?
Reaper = New elite shout. Stun. Stability giving. Chill.
Scourge = New elite skill. It looks to me like a mask or head screaming. Its too blur though. Could be anything.
What is our new type of skills going to be?
For Reapers it was the Shouts.
For Scourge?
I’m thinking it might be similar to Mesmer’s Manipulation.
Manipulation is a skill type used to evade attacks, mislead opponents, redirect forces or to simply escape from a deadly situation. Many of these skills focus on the aspect of control, turning what could have been a player’s end into an opponent’s undoing.
Lets look at the new skills trait images again.
Trait 4 : the trait that if mirrored with the Reaper’s 4th shout boosting trait, is a trait that boosts our new skill. A man is standing between 2 shadows. Manipulation? Deception?
Trait 8 : the new aoe skill. AOE convert all conditions into boons maybe? Fits the Manipulation description above.
Trait 9 : A movement skill…An escape skill? Similar in purpose to mesmer’s manipulation blink? I WANT THIS!!!!*
Trait 13 : Reflect projectiles and heal yourself for mesmer manipulation. This skill with the grim reaper looking at his hand…I don’t know…
Trait 14 : Again a “double” hand image that could be manipulation themed.
Trait 18 : An illusionary serpent? Or the serpent bites back which fits the theme of manipulation. The opponent comes near you thinking its a branch but its actually a snake and it bites.
Trait 19 : Elite skill. I don’t know. Let me know your thoughts =p
(edited by EremiteAngel.9765)
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