Does anyone have a picture on a guardian holding a Gargoyle shield with the aegis effect on? Does it look okay and fitting?
I made a guardian design here with gargoyle weapons but I’m not sure if the gargoyle shield will look okay on him when there is the aegis animation!
I don’t have much gold left so would love to see a guardian picture holding the gargoyle shield with aegis effect on before I buy it…
I think many of us have the headache of finding a matching shield skin for our guardians because of the aegis animation.
What shield skins fit a guardian?
I have wasted transmutation charges on shields that look great in preview, only to realize it is terrible when blocked by the aegis animation on a guardian.
So rather than waste further transmutations, I would like to seek opinions on what shield skins work!
So far only the ghastly grinning shield looks okay to me and that is only because the smoky effect helps cover the aegis animation to some extent =/
Edit: while we are on this topic, can we include the aegis animation in the preview window so we know how it looks like with the item we are previewing? Thanks!
(edited by EremiteAngel.9765)
Unfortunately this means you can’t use traps to interrupt rezes or stomps anymore. Now i need to consider whether traps aside from purification are still worth taking or whether i should take more meditations
You are right and i have the same concerns. TOF is unblockable and with daze, was used to interrupt blocks. Like revenant block healing, warrior blocks etc. At times when they expected to be safe and hav no stability.
Slow can unfortunately be negated by condi removal, resistance etc and is a lot less threatening than a daze.
Focus #4 -Reapers touch- probems are that it is not a copy mesmer GS #2.
The only thing good about it is, it has a cool added scyhe animation like our staff1.
I agree with this.
This skill needs some love. I have no idea why it can’t work the same way as mesmer mirror blade.
Main post above.
No love for necros posted yet.
I hope we will get some buff!
Share your thoughts on what you want necros to get in the coming changes!
Hi all!
I’m thinking of trying out warrior for WvW solo roaming and got a few questions.
- Is there any build that is easier to learn for a new warrior? Does not need to be the strongest, but maybe a build that carries a new warrior easier. Appreciate if you include the full build including runes/sigils/armor/weapon/traits etc.
- Is Greatsword mandatory for roaming? Just about every warrior I encounter in WvW roaming was using a GS.
- Is Sword+Board effective in the current meta for roaming? What are its weaknesses and strengths? Who does it struggle to fight against?
- Does anyone actually use dual one-hand weapons? like Sword/Shield + Axe/Warhorn or Axe/torch + Sword/warhorn
I’m personally gravitating towards using a Sword + Board build. I just love this weapon combination in terms of its look and design.
I don’t know if it is good enough though and not sure which alternate weapon would be a good option to pair with.
Is there any good recent video of a sword and board warrior roamer I can watch and learn from?
Edit: I prefer sword and board power builds. Hoping to use and learn a sword+board build that is generally effective against both power and condi enemies.
(edited by EremiteAngel.9765)
What is a burn DH weak against then? (apart from power DH).
Is burn DH overall better than power DH against other classes and builds?
I can also make a video and cut only the bits where I win the fights.
Some combos are nothing new like knockback and pull through test of faith… it’s not like you gonna trigger some passive stability trait or if your enemy will already have stab on. I’ve done it many times and it works, but most of the time people are not that stupid.
Tons of blinds or just escape on demand (mes, rev, thief) to wait until your CD’s run out and then push you into the ground is also a nuisance :UZodin has been streaming quite often so you can watch the streams to confirm, but the pattern I’m noticing is: He usually engages multiple foes or bites off more than he can chew, and retreats/dies. The second most often scenario is he engages one or more foes and comes out victorious. Very rarely does he encounter a single opponent and duel/1v1 them, then lose (it does happen, just not much).
Also, yeah none of his comboes are especially impressive but what is impressive is how he can read a situation and adapt his gameplay to land said comboes on just about anyone.
What classes and builds does zodin tend to lose to in 1vs1?
Power druids? Condi chronos? Those are the 2 classes i hav the most difficulty fighting on my power DH
You probably should have elaborated on how koda tonics allow players to bypass blocks/reflects.
I’m going to hazard a guess tho, koda tonics make it difficult to see when a warrior uses might signet which makes their attacks unblockable and you just didn’t notice.
Also I got shot by a kodan bear rifle warrior through my guardian’s shield 5 bubble that was supposed to absorb projectile
Then they were using signet of might to pierce your bubble, unless you have video proof of the “kodan” warrior not having the unblockable buff and still piercing your bubble. Otherwise the tonic is not bugged and there is no exploit being abused.
this can easily be tested if you have a warrior friend run kodan bear tonic then headshot a guardian without unblockable signet and see if it is blocked or not.
You probably should have elaborated on how koda tonics allow players to bypass blocks/reflects.
I’m going to hazard a guess tho, koda tonics make it difficult to see when a warrior uses might signet which makes their attacks unblockable and you just didn’t notice.
Also I got shot by a kodan bear rifle warrior through my guardian’s shield 5 bubble that was supposed to absorb projectile
hmm…am I right to say that bow has higher burst damage and interrupt compared to scepter/focus?
that is very high praise coming from you guys!
I think I will try running without travel runes too.
But what runes should I use?
This is my current build – very standard. Also is bow better than scepter?
I just watched Dracula untold the movie…
and the main character the dracula can blink and teleport and move at high speed by transforming into bats briefly…
Can we have this skill for the new necromancer specialization please?
Necromancers need some movement skill love!
Bats transformation to blink and move!
Go watch the movie to see what I mean!
Does this mean we can hope for more underwater maps and combat soon??
Underwater combat and maps is an area that has great potential for good development!
I’ve been watching a couple of Zodin videos recently and I was thinking he can be a role model for aspiring DH roamers. I personally learned a lot from him on build and rotations etc. To me he seems a lot more skilled than the average DH skill spammer.
I just wanted to ask the folks here if Zodin is really good though and whether his opponents in the videos are good.
Also he isn’t using traveler runes. I think it was durability runes he is using. Do you guys roam without traveler runes? the lack of movement speed is painful =/
stealth is a defensive mechanic and to get negated for a duration by an external item feels wrong =/
Why don’t we have invulnerability disruptors or blink disruptors or block disruptors as well?
All takes time to lay the trap, all takes supply, all hard to use in the heat of combat.
It has been the closest matchup in terms of scoring this reset!
I’m not sure if there are any undercurrents involved but it seems like we got our new big 3 in NA.
I’m not a thief main but…
Stealth is a core mechanic in a thief’s defense and survival.
It is also an important component of various other builds like scrappers, druids, chronos.
There shouldn’t be an external item that negates a profession’s defensive ability.
It doesn’t seem right.
if i choose different stats for each ring or accessory, will I then be able to wear both on the same character?
Will I be allowed to wear 2 black ice bands and 2 black ice earrings on the same character?
When I saw the newest sylvari hairstyle in the makeover kit, I JUST HAD TO MAKE THIS DESIGN.
It reminded me so much of the old game Street Fighter’s titular antagonist AKUMA.
Crystal Desert to Tarnished Coast
Camp timer/swords are triggered as soon you aggro any guard these days.
Nope, it’s still based off the supervisor, goto a camp and kill a guard without aggroing the supervisor, then wait 1 min and watch how no swords appear. This is still true of alpine borders, not tested it on desert cos I’m retired from camp flipping ;P
P.S that was the technique I used to use to flip your upgraded camps without creating swords :P I would pick off all the loose guards first, without aggroing the supervisor then go aoe mode with a number I could handle.
No, it’s no longer like this since they changed the costest method to be when you aggro anything that belong to the objective (including towers and keeps).
Alright, R.I.P that tactic then.
I used that tactic too previously especially against T3 camps when you don’t want to pop the swords too early.
No longer works though.
But fact remains that ring goes up before swords pop if the player knows what to do. Doesn’t give defenders much reaction time unless they were already near the camp.
Given higher and higher access to damage, camps are getting taken faster and faster from a small scale/solo perspective.
From the time a camp is attacked by a solo roamer or small group, to the time white swords pop alerting defenders to check, the ring is already up and the camp is taken long before any defender reaches.
I suggest lengthening the time for the ring to fill for taking camps so that defenders have more time to respond to the white sword popping.
I feel that given the current sustain heavy meta, there shouldn’t be a 1 second internal CD on the Vampiric Mark actives for healing Signet of Vampirism and traited lesser signet of Vampirism. This will allow necromancers to compete in the current sustain meta much better with combo spike healing.
For example, chaining shroud 4 with signet of vamp active. Or chaining wells pulses + shroud 4 + signet of vamp active.
This will allow necros access to spike healing too as most other classes are capable of now.
And it wouldn’t be OP or uncounterable since necros/reapers have weak access to stability and can be interrupted easily when they are trying to combo chain spike heal.
Edit: to garner some PvE support, it will also be a great party-wide healing skill! I don’t PvE much so I’m just guessing this would help necros too in the PvE scene.
(edited by EremiteAngel.9765)
You are one of the best necro roamers i have seen!
How do we get this axe design?
It looks great in the wardrobe!
I just wanted to share this insight with everyone in WvW…
I am a Necro main for about 2 years now, roaming mostly solo in WvW seeking solo impromptu fights…
After the past few patches, I felt necromancers were getting left behind in the power creep. I had just about abandoned necromancers and gone for a low skill floor dragonhunter for roaming…
Dragonhunter was fun, mobile, strong. 6 months of DH and I was just about killing almost every single opponents I met. Everything the necro wasn’t. But it wasn’t the same…it wasn’t MY NECRO!!!!
I went back to the Necro forums in search of a hope, a light to tell me that necros can still compete in the current meta in WvW solo fights…
it was a revelation to me after I spoke to necromancer greats like Hesacon and Flow in the Necro forums.
Necromancers are actually strong solo duelists even in the current meta!
The reason why many necros feel weak is because necromancers have a high skill floor!
You need way more skills to play necros well and effectively to compete in the current meta.
I’m falling in love with my necro again and I wish all fellow necros to stay strong and continue to improve!
When you reach the high skill floor needed to play a necro well, you will get an immense joy roaming with your necro again.
Of course, if you are looking for lower skill floor classes, then necro is probably not for you.
How great is necromancer great Flow? in his own words which I believe, and it was this belief that I could one day possibly reach his heights, that has propelled me to continue roaming with my necro! (he was referring to duels against thieves on his necro by the way in the necro forum how to beat a thief thread)
Needless to say, I have indeed beat Sindrener and every other popular thief you can think of several times in a 1v1, simply because I’ve played long enough to have encountered all of them lots of times.
But of course, you took what I said to literally mean 100% winrate against every thief ever.
No, obviously I meant that I’ve had arranged duels on several occasions in which I won most fights. Or I had single chance encounters which I also mostly won.
The losses among those fights, however, were never ever because that opponent had a build advantage over me.
In fact, most times I used to hold back my elite skill and sometimes even some more utility skills in addition to that, just so I would even the playing field by giving myself a handicap. And yeah, you’ll probably think again that those opponents must’ve been bad, but they weren’t.Anyway, it’s your word against mine at this point.
If you still don’t believe me, and if you’re on EU, I’ll gladly take yours or anyone else’s challenge to a duel.
(edited by EremiteAngel.9765)
any thoughts on the thief and DH in the video above? were they good? could the DH have done better? or did the thief show he can hold his own against good DHs?
I think your build is generally fine; I’m a big proponent of playing whatever you want and making it work, and I’m decently known for doing such shenanigans, so I don’t really want to say you should change X, Y, and Z since that will change the “identity” of the build you’ve created. My only points of contention would be Spiteful Renewal and your crit chance being a little low. I like to shoot for 40% in general, and Spiteful Renewal doesn’t have great uptime or consistency, although without running Focus you have both marginal Chill uptime and no use for Spiteful Talisman, so it’s an understandable pick. You could probably trade off some of that extra Vitality for some more Precision, maybe even a touch more Power, but it’s all up to you.
As you yourself have stated you finally found out through the insights of someone else, a major component to Necro success is making sure that you have suitable methods of generating Life Force, creating sustain for yourself, or both. A lot of my builds utilize traits like Parasitic Contagion, Master of Corruptions, and Blighter’s Boon because you need to be capable of filling those gaps. A “bad” build can even be made reasonably good by taking some of these traits over others, even if it feels incorrect or simply wrong. A big thing about Necromancer performance, in my opinion, is understanding exactly what your build falls flat to. Necromancer’s might honestly have the greatest number of useful/viable traits and utilities in the game, but that’s because in general there are no catch-alls on our class, and you have to actively decide what you need for the job. We have Spectral Armor as a good catch-all, but that’s mostly it; everything else has drawbacks of some sort. Understand your good and bad matchups and where you are weakest at a given moment, and learn to be flexible.
hmmmmmm a lot of things i need to think through and digest from your post. especially the 2nd half of it! but yes the first half got me trying out more crit chance!
I run reaper, spite and blood. I run a 95% time as reaper. With 30k health it means lots of health. But I don’t 1v1 in every always small party. Using lots of chill to boost bleeding is a big help. As you are giving bleed and vulnerability. Cc can clear things out but you constantly apply it just means a constant roll over.
I found I run a modified version of Brazil’s build. Found his after mine. It’s a YouTube video just look up Brazil’s max dps necromancernot saying run his build saying look at different builds to compare. Find what skills etc causing issues and adjust.For me no axe ever. Auto attack on axe takes 1sec. Dagger has no timer. It works out to 3-4 hits a second. I run similar to you but different enough I won’t veer off with my build so just offer suggestions
i see thank you. I’ve never had much luck with dagger main hand though. I cant seem to get the hang of it =/
I’ve never liked blood magic as a general rule, and even less so in a 1v1 situation. If you’re going to use it, you might consider well of corruption as a utility, as that’s one of the best ways to shut down many builds. Corrupting stability turns it into fear.
Your crit rate is pretty low, especially considering your choice of sigils. You might consider going knight’s over cavalier’s if you still want the toughness, or just having a berserker’s to switch to if you feel your DPS is low.
Lately I’ve been running this with a lot of luck:
With the axe buff this (for me) went from good to great.
hmm you are missing one utility skill in your build!
Also do you struggle against condi opponents with only one transfer and shrouded removal and healing?
Also is it worth using one utlity for the speed signet without the signet trait?
Also, like Flow, you got at most one stun break on your missing utility slot…do you struggle against stun heavy opponents?
(edited by EremiteAngel.9765)
He’s suggesting that you run the reaper trait line, it has a trait that causes all chills you apply to also apply bleeds. Along with that he’s also saying to run reaper runes which causes shouts to apply chill. This requires you to be running shouts for your utilities though, which requires the reaper specialization. If you are unwilling to take those, then the bleed from staff 2 should be enough, you also have mark of evasion in blood for some bleeds while you’re not on staff, and the possibility of corrupting a boon into bleed.
i see i see. thanks!
First of all, regarding your questions in the other thread, I haven’t seen all your videos but your Shroud timing seems to be pretty good and that alone makes you a decent necro.
I sometimes feel like you could use your skills more in response to what your opponents are doing, so it feels a bit spammy sometimes and there’s definitely some room for improvement.As for my personal build, it’s not a secret at all. I’ve had a build thread on this forum for more than 3 years (it’s not really up to date except for the build calculator links) and most of the time I’m still using that build today. This would be the current WvW version.
Also something that has been troubling me is, if I use the blood magic line as a power necro and go with axe/war horn + staff, what am I supposed to choose in the minor trait line? I don’t use a dagger, I don’t cast bleed, and I don’t run with allies often =/
You have Mark of Blood, Mark of Evasion and you could corrupt vigor into bleeding, so Blood Bond is still a good choice here.
Other than that, if you don’t fight in groups I highly recommend Banshee’s Wail over VP when you’re using a warhorn. Personally, I don’t use VP in WvW at all, because the only times it would make a considerable difference (in zergs) there usually are several other necros sharing vamp aura anyway.
The only other thing I would change is sigil of force and Close to Death. I know it’s tempting to stack dmg mods when you’re running a power build, but I think you’d net better results with Spiteful Spirit and another crit or swap sigil in matchups you’re struggling with.
I’m curious about your build and playstyle – do you struggle against stun heavy opponents with only one stun break in your build?
Halloween is upon us!
Happy Halloween!
I wrote a short story and took some pictures to share! Hope you like the story =D
Could always add reaper runes and go with deathly trait as a alternative so you can get that signet to proc, but thats my 2cents
sorry but could you explain further? I’m a little lost on what you meant.
Also is it possible to beat this thief as a necro/reaper? he has so many evades that all do damage!
This thief here shows how to kill dragon hunters in pvp duels.
I took Hesacon’s advice (marauder/soldier mix, i added couple of Cavs) and Flow’s many posts on the thief thread (which I gleamed that I needed some sort of lifeforce generation and sustain) and tried a new build…I WON FOR THE FIRST TIME AS A NECRO since the past couple of patches!!!!
It was against a condi chrono…um…I think I was supposed to win? not sure but I won and it felt great.
Will any of the better necros have a look at my build and advise on how I could fine-tune it?
Many thanks!
Also something that has been troubling me is, if I use the blood magic line as a power necro and go with axe/war horn + staff, what am I supposed to choose in the minor trait line? I don’t use a dagger, I don’t cast bleed, and I don’t run with allies often =/
I hope anet lets us buy ascended armor/weapons/trinkets with WvW badges.
it will be a great halloween gift!
We shouldn’t be made to get it via raids or crafting or lucky drops only. and the drop rates in WvW seems much lower than high level fractals =(
Could the mini be made into a hungry cat like the broom-summoned one? (It’s not hungry at the moment.)
The mini is just a mini. They won’t have special interactions that NPCs have.
There’s a hidden effect where it’ll cause bag luck to another player when they cross it’s path.
… a thief should win vs a necro with out much problem
The only thief you can’t beat is one that plays perfectly, which is maybe one per server, and even then they won’t be perfect every time.
If you’re talking about a Good thief, you will never be able to kill him in 1v1.
What are you guys talking about?
Seriously, where are those unbeatable thieves? I’d really like to fight them some time.
Before this thread I didn’t even know that beating a thief was considered a big deal.they don’t need to kill you in a single hit like all the bad thief try to do, just hit, kite, hit, kite, hit, kite and then you’ll die without be able to drop the enemy thief under 50% hp.
Easy.The irony here is that you say what a bad thief wouldn’t do, but in this scenario they are apparently fighting the worst necro in the whole game.
Flow, i seen u around for a long time and have the utmost respect for u. I sincerely ask for your opinion if i m a weak, decent or good necro from my video links in my signature. Do i manage and use my lifeforce well?
Personally i m very interested in your roaming build but i know sometimes we all have our own secret builds. But would love it if u could pm and share =]
I am struggling a lot now against warriors and rangers especially. I love necro but it feels so weak now.
I know my current builds i m using are prob not good which might also be contributing to my losses =(
My build is just a lot of damage but little sustain…
Meta? Not even close, you’re basically cannon fodder. A mixture of marauder’s and soldier’s is probably better since you need survival against other roamers. Sigil of force is also going to outperform sigil of strength.
The thing with power necro is it’s all spike damage, so slow-building things like might stacking aren’t going to build, so sigil and runes of strength are not doing you many favors.
You want wells for clearing camps.
You’re not generating a lot of chill, but have a lot of traits based on it.
These changes might help you out, if nothing else the traits:
thx for the build!
so…what were the results of the duels?
I used to love my Necromancer, but we’re such a joke now that we’re literally free bags if we aren’t behind allies or a wall.
We’re passable 1v1, but as soon as the situation scales up, we immediately get focused and die. There’s no way around that. As a roamer and someone who likes to run in havocs, the rule of any fight is to target the Necromancer first. Not because Necromancers are dangerous, they’re much less threatening than many other specs. We target Necromancer first because Necromancer dodges twice (3 times with energy sigil) and then has to take all of our damage. The Necromancer is too slow to do anything. It can’t even get into melee with us if it’s allies aren’t pinning us down.
We can still win 1v1s, but we are often a liability in anything bigger than a 2v2 that isn’t a zerg.
In comparison, my hybrid ranger has 16000 hp and 2500 armor, and she has more damage, range, mobility, and survivability than a Necromancer. The only thing my Necromancer does better is corrupting boons. That’s it. This ranger build isn’t even among the best condition builds, and it is blatantly superior to Necromancer.
Lastly, I am offended that we’re “performing well” in every game mode when the commonly expressed opinion is that we’re just scrubbing by. This isn’t just a small issue. People are quitting the game over this. Money is being lost. Necromancer jokes are being made. Please address this.
i totally feel your pain.
i stopped roaming solo much with my necro 4 months ago.
I’m on my guardian now. so much better.
when i do roam with others on my necro, i bring a boon corrupt healer tank and laugh when the enemy takes too long to kill me before they die themselves. i contribute only in boon striping and damage soaking…
dont take evasion rune, the bonus (6) will eat the remorseless prock and its a bad rune set.
If you want to take the boon duration approach for quickness stacking go with durability rune. Like @UmbraNoctis.1907, its less optiaml for your build, its more for NM+shouts builds, but can still work.
i dont really want to go boon duration route. is there a better rune i can use?
Smokescale and tiger are the best pets for remorseless builds.
I don’t recommend wanderer gear, because this kind of builds doesn’t benefit that much from boon duration, especially when you take WS. I’d rather take some crusader/valk/cav/soldier pieces for additional defensive stats and more dmg than wanderer.
You also might want to consider BM over WS for traited shouts/better CA access/perma swiftness (personally i can’t stand roaming without running speed increase), GS trait, stronger pets (that will be an important part of your dmg anyways), additional cc or quickness. LB instead of staff can work pretty well too, but it is up to you if you prefer the mobility/healing or more dmg/cc.
may i ask how you get the perma swiftness with BM?
do you activate your shouts while running?
Hi all druids! I’m eagerly anticipating my first forays into using a druid for solo WvW roaming and would love to have inputs on my build below!
Staff is optional but I must use greatsword!
Also I’m not sure what pets to use with my build. Its based on fury reapplication to trigger Remorseless trait.
Appreciate any thoughts on how I can improve my build, especially the pets choice!
I edited build slightly to use wanderer armor instead of soldiers!
(edited by EremiteAngel.9765)
you can always play the unkillable dire chrono build if it bothers you…
just something that might help though…if you run reaper with every single transfer and mitigation of condi possible, you have a decent chance of winning against the unkillable dire chrono build.
Especially using the reaper aoe shout that transfer 1 condi per target.