Showing Posts For Erhnam.5732:

Cant buy gems with RL money

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


Already sent a ticket Just wondering if someone else got the same problem recently

Cant buy gems with RL money

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


TP wont accept either of my 2 VISAs, nor my paypal account.

Any ideas?

How much would cost 3 character slots with gold?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


Thanks all

I will probably get them with real money, it will be a bit of support to ANet, and I dont know when I will feel the urge to play a class I dont currently have (and I want to stop deleting chars! lol)

Even tho, I also enjoy making gold in games, so this will probably be my only gem purchase

8 classes, 8 craftings - How to setup

in Crafting

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


You can have two crafting skills active at a time, and you can switch so you can max all of ’m. I get your point here with the combinations, but its kinda useless to keep it to this scheme

I know, but for the moment I dont want to level a crafting twice, and I dont like the idea of having a non-crafter character :P

8 classes, 8 craftings - How to setup

in Crafting

Posted by: Erhnam.5732



I want to have all 8 classes, and since we have 8 crafting proficiencies, it seems logical to me having one character doing one profession (I can always level more than one craft in some classes afterwards, depending on how much I enjoy that class)

Suggestions on pairing? I was thinking in this:


Any comment?


P.D: Yes, my text formatting skills suck

(edited by Erhnam.5732)

How much would cost 3 character slots with gold?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


Is that a lot at level 80? At my level Im completely broken (I have my level 40 trait book and 20s to my name)

Well, it finally happened...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


Honestly I read your whole post, and what I see you saying is that you prefer a different type of game. That’s okay nothing wrong with that. I hope you at least got your monies worth of entertainment.

This. These are not the droids you are…errhhh this is not the type of game you want. I would move along, and come back from time to time, when you feel like it

The Grove, Rata Sum and Divinity's Reach useless

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


Best 2 suggestion I have read here are

- Add a racial, 1h cooldown, teleport to your home city (or just free to waypoint there from the outside)
- Make all city chats (racial citys + LA) connected

Go for it ANet!!

Why level PVE?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


Whats the point of playing if you will end up at level 80 after some time?

How much would cost 3 character slots with gold?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


Hi, I’m Erhnam and I’m an alt-oholic. I want my 8 character slots so I can have one of each class

I know I can pay 35$ and buy the 2400 gems needed. I wonder how much would that cost in gold? My higher char is level 39 (a Necromancer) so its still a long road, but I’m curious


October 1st patch notes

in Engineer

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


wait lemme get this straight, this is the second time they changed grenade skills and they still havent fixed the underwater grenade range with grenadier? :/ well at least elixir gun got the range fix.

You do not talk about underwater grenades!

Are Asurans a hyper violent race?

in Asura

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


I am Asura. What´s more, I am an Asura engineer.

First goes me. Then goes my obviously superior intellect. The goes my personal satisfaction. And of course, explosions everywhere. Progress is everything, and if it doesn’t explode, it´s not yet finished.

I am Asura. I am above violence. Progress, explosions, and superior intellect, that´s all that matters

(Wow, I´m so bored at work)

Leveling Up

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


I’m betting he finished all the hearts in the auto-discovered zone

High survibality/Tanking leveling spec?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


Thanks everyone for your answers Its been rather helpful!

High survibality/Tanking leveling spec?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


I hate when the quote buttong doesnt show up >_<

@Angry Squirrel, thats exactly what Ive been doing, thats why I said that I will die if Im not paying attention – I have to kite or die. Yes I have killed absurd amounts of mobs AoEing this way But if for any chance I get hit and stunned, or knocked, I’m dead

@Kyski, that sounds like fun and something I will surely try once I hit 80. But I was asking for a levelling build Anyway I will make sure to try a leech-tank spec!

High survibality/Tanking leveling spec?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


I´m fine with giving up my minions (although I love the comments when they die :P ), or changing my weapons (hopefully I will be able to keep the Staff, loving the looks of it)

thanks for your answer!

Jagged Horrors, Why do they exist again?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


I dunno, the human necro’s exasperated “sigh I’ll have to make another one” fits the theme pretty well. Gives me a chuckle, anyway.

EDIT: Also “It lived a good life. Short… but good.”

I love that one. I love the VO for pets, but I agree it should not trigger on Jagged Horror creation/death

High survibality/Tanking leveling spec?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


My Necro is only level 27, and I really love her.

Right now I´m using staff+Scepter/Focus, although 90% of the time I only use the staff (I may change the Scepter for an axe or dagger for more st damage)

For my skills, I’m using all minions (all of them except the worm), so I can just focus on droping my staff marks and let minions be some extra dots.

But I feel rather squishy, when the mobs are hitting or chasing my minions, is all fine, but if for some chance all of them decide to come chase me, I can go down pretty quick if im not paying 101% attention.

Could you recomend some kind of “Tankish” build? Ive been hearing and reading that Necros are one of the more survivable classes, but I fail to see how. Could you give me some hints? Spec to use? Stats to focus on?

Also, whats the stat that improves my wells and minions damage? Power? (although this is secondary, I prefer to focus on surviving)


Crafting, MF gear, and legendaries

in Crafting

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


Quick questions about crafting. Please bear in mind that I started playing one week ago so this may sound a bit noobish. My main is a level 27 Necromancer (all my other chars are level 5 or below and get no play time for now :P )

I have tried several crafting proficiencies, and the three I enjoyed the most for my necro are Tailor, Jeweler, and Artificier. Since I only want to level 2 of them…

- I want to be able to craft my own armour. This probably makes Tailor a must have. Crafting bags is a plus
- How useful would be Artificier and jeweller at level 80? I guess Artificier would be fine if I want to make myself a neat Staff (my preferred weapon with the Necro), and maybe with time a legendary. On the other hand, with Jeweller I can craft some jewells + gems to upgrade stuff?

What would you choose and why?


Gem Purchase Blocked by Bank

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


so, your bank is denying the transaction (probably because you already spent a lot, as a security mean), and somehow you blame ANet?

Thank you for the game you offered me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


+1 OP. I´m loving the atmosphere. I feel absolutely no rush for levelling, unlike other games.

ground targeting to single target

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


You can autocast them on your cursor location

New player questions: Necro Or Mesmer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


Necromancer has more survive-ability, although good Mesmer can survive also.
Necromancer in terms of AoE damage have wells, marks and have the ability of spreading conditions among mobs with epidemic. Mesmers are more duelists, one on one, but they also have some AoE options.

Necromancers are quite bugged and lack power/burst damage. Both proffesions have quite a high learning curve in terms of mastering, necromancers in certain situations can be quite deadly where a good mesmer can turn the tides in battle. You’ll probably be more accepted in groups as a Mesmer.

Coming from Guild Wars 1 as a Necromancer, i’m a little disappointed how the necromancer turned out, theoretically it could be great, i really like the mechanics of the proffesion with death shroud and all. But the bugs and the lack of power damage put me off. If addressed, i will probably re-roll my Necromancer.

This was really helpful, thanks! Ive been playing my Mesmer lately, but I guess I will put more time on my Necro too

Or I may wait for them to get patched and then start having fun from level 1

New player questions: Necro Or Mesmer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


I like both of them, I’ve levelled both of them to 10 or so. Still unsure which one to play. Im mostly a solo, pve player. I will do some PvP from time to time, but I dont care if Im the FOTM or my class cant beat a puppy

- Which one is more survivable? (PvE)
- Which one has an easier time to farm? (PvE, AoE?)
- Which are the cons and pros of both professions?

I still cant decide, hope you can help me choose

Lowbie PvE surv/aoe build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


Thanks all for your tips! Scepter/Dagger sounds nice, will try that and some of your advices.

Is a shame that health leeching is not viable I really liked how it sounded.

What about survivality?

Lowbie PvE surv/aoe build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erhnam.5732



I´m slowly levelling my Necro (my first and only char, started playing 2 days ago) and now am level 10.

I´ve been playing with whatever weapons I can, in order to unlock all the attacks, so far my favourite is Scepter+Focus (unlocking staff right now)

I´m not sure how to setup my char. I got the Signet of the Locust for improved movement speed and secondary healing method for my 7th skill, but not sure how to keep traiting.

What I want is a survivability (sp?) build. I guess that would be using blood-magic line, health leeches, and so on. I want to build a “drain tank” of some sort, with good AoE power (since most of the time I´m fighting more than one enemy).

Any ideas on how to build?

I´m also trying different builds for sPvP, trying supportish builds right now (buff/debuffs), but this is not as important to me right now


Why I don't log in much after only 4 short weeks.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


Seriously the same mobs over and over again? There are tons of varied mobs in GW2. Go play LOTRO then you’ll see repetitive mobs. In that game you get a wide choice of trolls, goblins, orcs, dwarves and wargs to kill and that’s it.

You forgot boars. Boars everywhere!! I can´t wait to kill the Giant Board next to Sauron