Showing Posts For Essence Snow.3194:

Oh My God.. the KIDS!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Question…how do you give them candy? When ever I talk to them there is no such option.

Serenity now~Insanity later

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Tbh I’m quite surprised by the “fix” (if you will). It really doesn’t achieve what’s in the best interest for Anet. Let me see if I can break down the issue…idk if I can appropriately

The issue:
Players that spent rl moneys are ill content with the BLC and the MKC.

The holiday items have an extremely low drop rate which was not conveyed. That same thing was repeated with the consolation MKC.

Players who were the most likely to spend rl moneys have a less likely “chance” (had to use that word…lol) to repeat said action in the future. Essentially killing the “golden goose” for an temporary gain. Also, those players who feel jaded by the deal are most likely to voice their concerns to other potential cash shop customers. The future possible pool from which Anet was likely to generate revenue from has diminished, which leaves less positive cash flow that could be used to work on the game.

While I myself did not buy a single key, I can definitely see where those (well some of) who are upset about it are coming from. Had Anet related the odds of the chests to the players, I feel this could have been avoided for the most part. The most surprising aspect was the “fix” was basically the exact same thing that got said players upset in the first place. I could understand not revealing the odds if this had been an obvious fund raiser, but when promoted under the guise of a holiday event, well it simply leaves a bad taste in one’s mouth.

For me the worst part of this whole deal is that the most likely players to spend rl moneys on the cash shop (ie support Anet) are now less likely to repeat said support. This will negatively effect the rest of the player base (ie all of us) as Anet will most likely receive less funding/support in the future, thus have less revenues to use for future game enhancements/additions.

PS…any posts utilizing text along lines of “whine/rage/entitlement/cry/fail/baby/kids/etc” trying to get a msg across are not worth responding to….food for thought

Serenity now~Insanity later

Wealth Distribution

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Bizarre thread…original post is a person complaining that Guild Wars 2 which he/she uses as an escape from reality is not meeting their expectations due to having an economy which reminds them of their own financial woes…?

I’d suggest perhaps your expectations were either unrealistic or inappropriate, or that you simple chose the wrong game…either way the issue/problems sits with you.

Of course if you have a considered opinion with regards to improvements to economy within the game then by all means lets hear it

Ahhh assumptions…lol. I was noting that the current ig economy is nothing like the only official posted write-up on it and thus misleading.

I play too much to have any personal issues with the ig economy. I am more concerned about other players who are either just starting out or who have a more casual play style. They will be the ones who are effected by this the most. Where population is of vital importance it’s not really a good thing to have such barriers for a majority of the current or possible future population when they have the choice to play or not. As for rl economies…well let’s just say my family doesn’t need to worry bout that too much and as such I am extremely fortunate to where I don’t have to either.

The basic improvement would be to make the ig economy more friendly to the masses, since they are the ones that keep the game population elevated. With out them the game will suffer. Idk how exactly to go about this, but I w/o question believe they should take another look at it and evaluate how it effects the mass of their players.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Head accessory colors after character creation

in Suggestions

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Gonna 2nd this……tbh surprised more haven’t commented on it.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Wealth Distribution

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Remember this tidbit:, where the beta gw2 economy was compared to the 2007 US economy?

Idk bout ya’ll (<—the way we spell it from where I’m from), but I’m pretty confident that we (as a game economy) have moved a lot closer to “the haves and the have nots”. As the game progresses and the tp (trading post)and gem:gold ratio indicate, prices are w/o doubt on the rise, for the most part faster than most can keep up. This leads us to a massive gap where “the haves” (minority)control the gw2 economy and “the have nots” (majority)are left to feed “the haves”.

As anyone can see, those with early starts were able to capitalize on cheap gem prices. Those joining late to the party will have a much more difficult time obtaining gems via in game methods. This has created another disparity in terms of the “ig” economy. I completely understand the reason prices of gems are on the rise. I just feel bad for the late comers(<-that have 2 m’s? idk) /new players.

All that said (it’s not much I know), I just find it odd that in a game where we come to escape our day to day lives, we have almost a copy of what most of us consider an (not sure of the appropriate word choice) unfortunate disparity.

Serenity now~Insanity later

(edited by Essence Snow.3194)

Elementalist: summoned Fire Elemental, sound

in Audio

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

The “wing flapping” audible bug is not alone. Sometimes pet footsteps also are elevated to extreme lvls.

Serenity now~Insanity later

guild chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Definitely agree…. From gw1 our ally is having a difficult time staying together having no binding glue (if you will). The guild leaders are all on friend lists together, but that really doesn’t cut it. Maybe a color scheme for guild 1-4 much like how local is green and map is red. It can’t be that difficult/time consuming to implement.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Audible skill Spamming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Was just wondering is it is approrpiate to report someone for spamming if they spam an audible skill in town 24/7? For instance on the server I’m in if you go to the bank vendors be prepared to either turn your audio off or hear “For Great Justice!”for hours/days/weeks on end (spammed on recharge) by the same player. I know it sounds rather nit picky, but when you have/decide to turn off your audio due to one player spamming audible skills 24/7, the question arises.

Serenity now~Insanity later