Showing Posts For Essence Snow.3194:

John Smith was right about leather...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Thanks. That’s basically what I was wondering about. Just wanted to to see someone else’s thoughts on things.

Regarding Mystic Coins, you might find some interesting info being published soon on reddit. Just a hunch.

On the reg or on the economy reddit?

Serenity now~Insanity later

Forum post statistics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

To be fair “Dev” ( using it to encompass all red posts) posts are less frequent here nowadays then they are on reddit/twitter/FB. In that regard many posters have moved over to where they think they will be heard.

PS…very happy I didn’t make top stats

Serenity now~Insanity later

John Smith was right about leather...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Thanks. That’s basically what I was wondering about. Just wanted to to see someone else’s thoughts on things.

Serenity now~Insanity later

175 Black Lion Keys Results

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

There will always be a tangible value along side of a perceived value, but not necessarily a perceived value along side a tangible one. That’s just the way it is. Kinda like how a lotto ticket might cost 1 dollar and for some the value of hope is well worth the 1 dollar maybe more, but for others is not. Regardless the perceived value of hope, the actual value is still 1 dollar.

Be careful: the “actual” value isn’t a dollar; that’s the cost.

The “actual” value is whatever the ticket is worth after the winning numbers are published (and it’s zero after the expiration date).

The expected value is 50 cents for most US lotteries, in that half the money goes into prizes (most to the jackpot, some to the consolation prizes). In practice, no one is going to see the expected value, because that requires either buying millions of tickets or some weird sort of RNG in which one gets half the costs returned.

In practice, the value is going to be a lot less than the expected value: if you leave out the jackpot and top 1-2 unlikely prizes, the vast majority of lotto players are going to end up with a lot less than 50 cents.

Here’s an example of how we simply cannot do any better than estimating expected value: the expected value of US lotteries is almost 50 cents on a dollar ticket and the chance of winning is always tiny, yet plenty of people (with and without mad math skills) will buy lotto tickets only when the jackpot is over a hundred million dollars or more. The expected return is always 50 cents, but people find it more valuable with a higher jackpot.

So sure, you can look at someone else’s winnings and offer your market valuation of their loot; but you can’t say whether it was worth it to them or not.

And in this thread, a poster expressed their happiness with their prizes, so the gracious thing is to say “gz” — it’s churlish to say they shouldn’t have been happy or that they have incorrectly valued their shinies or even that you wouldn’t be happy with that.

For the most part I agree with the lotto ticket deal except that it could be sold to another person for 1 dollar. Any more than that and they’d just go to the store and buy one themselves. Value can change and does constantly… ticket goes from being worth 1 dollar to being worth whatever the win/loss dictates.

That aside. I never said they shouldn’t be happy with it. I said I wouldn’t be happy with it. Two different things.

The value was the gold value of the gems minus the gold price of tp buyable goods. That left us with a very measurable snapshot value of the rest.

Serenity now~Insanity later

John Smith was right about leather...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194


I know we don’t see eye to eye, but I was curious to your take on the semi-recent laissez faire stance on the economy?

I won’t reply, rebut, or anything. I’m just interested.

Serenity now~Insanity later

175 Black Lion Keys Results

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

The numbers however provide information for others so they can make a informed choice and that’s really the crux of why I added them to someone else’s opinion.

No really … those gold values you put up there do not allow people to make informed choices because the majority of BL chest items do not have real value, they have perceived value. It’s meaningless to attach any gold value to possible loot you get from BL chests, with exception for the few you can actually sell on the TP.

There will always be a tangible value along side of a perceived value, but not necessarily a perceived value along side a tangible one. That’s just the way it is. Kinda like how a lotto ticket might cost 1 dollar and for some the value of hope is well worth the 1 dollar maybe more, but for others is not. Regardless the perceived value of hope, the actual value is still 1 dollar.

Serenity now~Insanity later

175 Black Lion Keys Results

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

That doesn’t change anything. Just because you pin a gold value to your opinion doesn’t make it more valuable to the person who is trying to decide to buy keys. That’s not a statistical measure and the range that any loot value you get from chests varies over a few orders of magnitude, so that gold value you ‘put’ to them is quite worthless, misleading even; one could say there is a chance they get 25 percursor skins worth1000’s of G … that doesn’t mean much. What matters to a person buying the keys is their chances to get something they want.

So no, thank you for reinforcing the idea that opinions and cherry picked gold values are worthless; the statistical data is what is relevant.

It wasn’t cherry picked. It was the gold value of the items that could not be bought on the tp right out. So it was statistical data in terms of deducing odds and value.

1/5 odds don’t mean much statistically unless you know 1/5 odds of “what”. The gold value provided a “what”, not a “what if”. Thus providing statistical relevance.

My opinion doesn’t change the numbers, nor does your opinion of my opinion being wash. The numbers however provide information for others so they can make a informed choice and that’s really the crux of why I added them to someone else’s opinion.

Serenity now~Insanity later

175 Black Lion Keys Results

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

There is no value in any one person liking or disliking keys when someone is deciding to buy them or not. The statistical data is what is relevant, not opinions.

Yep gotcha. That’s why I put gold value to them. Thanks again!

Serenity now~Insanity later

175 Black Lion Keys Results

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Well, thanks for the PSA I guess. The real value is the OP’s data, not comments about how BL keys aren’t worth it to any individual.

Or how they are worth it to any individual. Thanks for helping with my point. Cheers!

Serenity now~Insanity later

175 Black Lion Keys Results

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Then you don’t really have a horse in this race in the first place do you? He’s happy with his haul. I guess you had a point to make about why you wouldn’t pay 335G for those things … it’s certainly not clear what it is. Maybe you got a beef with BL keys and don’t think they are worth the value … thanks to the OP in this thread, people can make some informed decisions about buying them and maybe that reinforces or clears up suspicions that people have.

Nor do you. I was simply adding value to the items so that others may develop their own opinion based on that information vs “happy with it”.

Serenity now~Insanity later

175 Black Lion Keys Results

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Here’s my 25 key haul. I’m pretty happy with it.

To each their own, but I don’t think I’d pay 335g for the glider, 3 wardrobe unlocks, 25 personal presents, and a few odds and ends.

Depends what wardrobe unlocks you got wouldn’kitten That’s part of the gamble that we all understand when we buy keys.

No it doesn’t. I wouldn’t pay that regardless of those 3 unlocks. Someone else might, hence “to each their own”, but my opinion does not depend on those.

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How to not teamplay in a team oriented mode.

in PvP

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Here’s a point not mentioned.

The vast majority of pvp players solo or duo queue. That population is what is keeping GW2 pvp alive. Without them queues become horribly long and pvp suffers. That is why they need to cater to solo and duo queuers.

Serenity now~Insanity later

175 Black Lion Keys Results

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Here’s my 25 key haul. I’m pretty happy with it.

To each their own, but I don’t think I’d pay 335g for the glider, 3 wardrobe unlocks, 25 personal presents, and a few odds and ends.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Helseth carries bronze 4v5

in PvP

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

@ apharma.3741

Sorry I wholeheartedly disagree. Sombody who should be silver and is stuck in bronze belongs there as he is not better then the player in said division worth thier division. If he meets equally skilled players in both his team and his enemy team and isn’t playing better then he stays there. However somebody who is silver and has a team full of just absolute potatoes like in the video and he loses then it doesn’t mean that he belongs there. The video shows it itself. absolutely horrendous gameplay and so many times where the game could have been thrown. Remember that the average mmr is around 1200. In this league u will find a mix of players who are average around the 1200 mark and that is where most players will be centered. those players u will also see starting in bronze. Somebody belongs in bronze if loses games with just absolute potatoes and teams that are actuall consisting of players Climbing to silver. that is a bronze tier player . Bassically a winrate that is 50 percent consistently there.

winning 1 v 2’s and bieng average is not something that often comes around and in no way is the norm. that is incredibly rare and that point one should wonder if your mechanical skill isn’t simply beyond the average joe. not bieng able to 1 v 2 in bronze doesn’t disqualify from bieng worth silver at all. Some averages have basic map awaraness but are better speaking mechanilly speaking etc. An average joe still has place for plenty of improvement. to ask them to carry potatoes, A task that can be incredibly complex and difficult going by this vid makes no sense.

Why do u think the matchmaker tries to create equally balanced teams that match your skill rating? Because the norm is not to carry your way in with potatoes each and every match through a division. The carry or bust thing makes no sense.

this is me not saying that elo hell exist or anything. If your winrate is 50 percent consistently or u lose the entire time then u are likely to belong there cause not all matches are carry matches as shown on the forums where some matches were lost with les then 150 points difference.

You’ve seen the people in bronze, they are absurdly terrible and these potatoes on your team are likely to be on the other team. If you can’t achieve more than a 50% win rate vs potatoes then you are a potato. I mean they were even stood in the middle of the map having a blooming dance party because it never occured to them what the fluff they should do.

To be clear, people in bronze generally don’t understand skills, blocks, dodges, rotations or anything of the like, it’s been shown on videos and if you cannot win 1v2 against people who mash buttons in no particular order well you are not worthy of progressing. Warrior absolutely destroys people like that, if you have trouble in bronze pick up a warrior and carry like a pack mule on steroids, you’ll be roflstomping them.

Silver you may have to think about what you do and your team but anyone who is mechanically decent with a carry class should progress even slowly. I’m looking forward to seeing what silver is like on stream.

Wait you get even win/loss points? Idk about everyone else but I lose 23ish when I lose and only win 12ish when I win. So I have to win 2 fold+ to climb.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Hard MMR Reset Petition

in PvP

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Look at their winrates. If you can pull a 70% w/l then you could be up there too.

The people up top generally belong there. If you reset MMR all you will get is a week or two of the same players curbstomping randoms as a duo. I’m sure you wouldn’t find that fun.

no, the extreme win rates of top players are a system fault, duoq + low population + playing in hours less populated+ infesting the top ranks whith their alts (that makes top players not playing versus top players) , if sistem works properly, top players had to play againts top players and get a win/loss ratio of 50-60% ( the win loss ratio of a player siting in his place must be of aprox 50% a little higher for better players a little lower for worse players )

higher winratios only may exist in new players whith skills, that fasclimbing the ranks or missplaced players by the placement matches

Im having a little trouble following your logic. Are you saying that top players sitting around for days is unfair. Do you see how volatile the top 250 is. You can not even sit around for a day or you will get bumped. So if you are ranked top 250 your Rating wont change for 3 days but you can be sure your RANK will. Listen, if you can not win more than 50% of your games you should be in silver and bronze. If you can bump that up to 55-60% you will be gold and higher. Alot of the complaining is because people are losing matches or are stuck at a 50% W/L. I started in S3. I did not play last season so i could not benefit from the previous MMR. Now im G3/P1 and will probably be around there for the remainder. I dealt with the grind just like everyone else. I had bad players. But i never allowed myself to lose more than 2 in a row. Individual mechanics as well as q’ing with someone WILL help. If you are unwilling to make that effort than the climb will be impossible. And as for the placement matches… I went 6-4 landed in gold 1, then fell a little, then gained more. So its not impossible to rank up, you just have to stop blaming everyone/everything else and look inward

no, your logic is that the one is failing, rating an win/loss ratio not have any correlation
1)when i say siting im not talking of doing nothing, im talking on be stable in a position
2)when im talking of enormous win ratios im not talking of the 60-70 of climbing players, im talking about being in firts places(top 25) till the first days and having 70%+ win ratio
3)when i say top players i’m not talking of top 250, i’m talking of top 25, the cream of the cream
4)win ratio only indicates the sped with you climb in the ladder, when you reach “your position” the win ratio have to be of aprox 50% because the matches have to be with your “equals”, being nº 1 and having a enormous win ratio only indicates one of these two things:
-1) your skill is godlike and you are far better than the other “pro players” and can carry your team versus others top players
– 2) system is failing and you are not playing versus top players you are playing versus the low pros
5) the volatility in mid lower topranks is another provation of this, you get matchet againts top top players and logically you lose
an apropiate system will make for those players equilibrated matches playing ones versus others not “farming” “low top 250” and this is the reason that they have insane win ratios

I think the reason you are having trouble understanding the high win ratios in the top 25 (I’ll assume that’s correct), is that you imagine that those players are only playing against each other. At the top end of the rating system, the variance in MMR can be much larger than in the middle of the system because there are fewer players to match against. Thus they can play against and win against lower rated players more often than someone who is in a larger pool of similarly rated players.

no, not having trouble in understandibg how they get this winratios, that i dont understand is why there is not safeguards to prevent this
the way is.
-play in low populated hours
-create various alts and put them in top 250
-track other top players and their known alts and q skip them
-duo q with other top of the top player
and this way you obtain a great mmr variance and as they are top players had a greatter impact in their team and ensure ez wins

While I don’t necessarily agree with it…he/she’s not wrong.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Improve Skill Rating Accuracy

in PvP

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

1. No. How many games you played has no correlation to skill.
2. See #1.

That’s bullkitten. Game experience = game knowledge. Game knowledge is crucial in PvP.

But I roamed and did small scale things in wvw for most of my time in gw2. This is my first season that I’ve actually participated in, and I only have 600 games played. (Ranked+unranked.) I’m rank 212 right now (1,762 rating) with about 200 ranked games played this season. What does that tell you?

(I’ll answer that for you. Game experience can be earned in places outside of spvp, therefore improving someones rating because of time spent in spvp will make ratings more in-accurate!)

Did I miss the part where they said they wanted “improved rating” for experience?

They said they wanted to get better rating for “experience” so they did yes.

Can you show me where? Quote plz?

Serenity now~Insanity later

Improve Skill Rating Accuracy

in PvP

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

1. No. How many games you played has no correlation to skill.
2. See #1.

That’s bullkitten. Game experience = game knowledge. Game knowledge is crucial in PvP.

But I roamed and did small scale things in wvw for most of my time in gw2. This is my first season that I’ve actually participated in, and I only have 600 games played. (Ranked+unranked.) I’m rank 212 right now (1,762 rating) with about 200 ranked games played this season. What does that tell you?

(I’ll answer that for you. Game experience can be earned in places outside of spvp, therefore improving someones rating because of time spent in spvp will make ratings more in-accurate!)

Did I miss the part where they said they wanted “improved rating” for experience?

Serenity now~Insanity later

Placememt System... Let's beat a dead horse.

in PvP

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Not to mention that duo queue shouldn’t count like solo queue. Maybe .85 of solo or whatever fit their data.

Actually If you que with someone below you in duo que it seems to punish losing more harshly. I duod with a guy 2 tiers below me today, and over 10 games at a 100% rate losses were -21 and wins +6. Soloq’d after that and received my normal +15/win -12 loss.

Hopefully that’s the way it works. I would like it to take it a step further and acknowledge the advantage it gives even when evenly paired and account for it.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Improve Skill Rating Accuracy

in PvP

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

1. No. How many games you played has no correlation to skill.
2. See #1.

That’s completely untrue. The professionals have played several thousand games and are, obviously, very skilled. Likewise, new players (having no experience), have played very few games and are low skilled. By suggesting there is no correlation you are saying experience doesn’t correlate to skill. I’ve never heard such an axiom. That’s ridiculous.

I would go as far as to say there is not only a correlation, but a causation. Show me someone who is good at anything without experience? You can’t have skill without it.

Do you think it is fair for the top 250 spots to be loaded with alt accounts? That makes a mockery of the whole thing. Look at position number one and two on the leaderboards. Another mockery.

I completely disagree about giving people who have played a lot of matches a built in advantage. That game mode is WvW. The game is similar to a skill based sport. Some people no matter how much they play won’t get very good. Take golf for example. There are lots of people that have played for years and are awful at it, where as you can take someone that has aptitude for it and they would be shooting better scores in a couple of months. The leaderboard should not be a grind based one.

I agree the top couple of spots look fishy. Having people on the top spots that have played 1/10th the matches that others have seems wrong. While they may be good players, something makes me think they are gaming the system to get the ranking they have.

I think the final standings should be based off of a final placement and tournament using only the top 250/500/1000 (pick a number) players. Only allow accounts that are tied to a phone number to participate and only one per number.

That’s not what they are saying. They are saying that experience makes better players. Not that in this season alone it applies. Most players with few matches and high ranking have played loads either on other accounts or prior to this season.

Having things tied to phones is a no no.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Placememt System... Let's beat a dead horse.

in PvP

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Not to mention that duo queue shouldn’t count like solo queue. Maybe .85 of solo or whatever fit their data.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Matchmaking Question

in PvP

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

To me the heart of the issue is the 10 game placement system. It simply isn’t enough to even semi-accurately place players. This leads to players of unequal skill levels being paired fairly regularly. For the higher tiers, where the player numbers are less, this should resolve itself in a decent amount of time. Unfortunately in lower tiers, there are enough incoming players to keep this an issue.

Everything else seems to be relatively on par for the usual.

which is why a soft reset was done. The MM will get better when the people who grinded the kitten out of previous seasons to reach divisions they did not belong in get bumped down and it will happen Some of them will attempt to only play one or two games a day to keep their rating but it wont last forever. Its those same people that seem to hate the new system because you can lose more points for a loss than you gain for a win.

This will even out and people need to stop freaking the kitten out because they arent in the division they thought they should be in….. 99% of the players in this game are terrible at self skill evals.

If your owning everyone you will move up, if everyone is owning you, you will move down.

There are outliers on both sides and you will get some bad games deal with it.

Also to everyone that reads these forums please remember that the complaints are the Vocal Minority no need to panic for every person posting here about how they should be legendary but are bronze theres 20 people perfectly content to have fun PLAYING A GAME

Just out of curiosity…did you read the part where I said it will sort itself at higher tiers due to number of players, but won’t at lower tiers due to constant influx of players?

I gave logic to back up what I said. I never said anything about myself not being placed accurately.

And i never said anything about you saying anything about not being placed accurately.

Yes i did read it. And i disagree with the 2nd part the lower divisions will stabilize as well WHEN THE PEOPLE THAT GRINDED TO HIGH MMR DROP BACK DOWN.

Then why did you mention it twice?

So you’re saying player influx will cease, both new and alternate accounts to pvp?

Serenity now~Insanity later

Matchmaking Question

in PvP

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

To me the heart of the issue is the 10 game placement system. It simply isn’t enough to even semi-accurately place players. This leads to players of unequal skill levels being paired fairly regularly. For the higher tiers, where the player numbers are less, this should resolve itself in a decent amount of time. Unfortunately in lower tiers, there are enough incoming players to keep this an issue.

Everything else seems to be relatively on par for the usual.

which is why a soft reset was done. The MM will get better when the people who grinded the kitten out of previous seasons to reach divisions they did not belong in get bumped down and it will happen Some of them will attempt to only play one or two games a day to keep their rating but it wont last forever. Its those same people that seem to hate the new system because you can lose more points for a loss than you gain for a win.

This will even out and people need to stop freaking the kitten out because they arent in the division they thought they should be in….. 99% of the players in this game are terrible at self skill evals.

If your owning everyone you will move up, if everyone is owning you, you will move down.

There are outliers on both sides and you will get some bad games deal with it.

Also to everyone that reads these forums please remember that the complaints are the Vocal Minority no need to panic for every person posting here about how they should be legendary but are bronze theres 20 people perfectly content to have fun PLAYING A GAME

Just out of curiosity…did you read the part where I said it will sort itself at higher tiers due to number of players, but won’t at lower tiers due to constant influx of players?

I gave logic to back up what I said. I never said anything about myself not being placed accurately.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Give us more data please anet

in PvP

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

This would be nice, but it won’t happen. Anet has a strong track record of keeping data private.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Matchmaking Question

in PvP

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

To me the heart of the issue is the 10 game placement system. It simply isn’t enough to even semi-accurately place players. This leads to players of unequal skill levels being paired fairly regularly. For the higher tiers, where the player numbers are less, this should resolve itself in a decent amount of time. Unfortunately in lower tiers, there are enough incoming players to keep this an issue.

Everything else seems to be relatively on par for the usual.

Serenity now~Insanity later

PvP season 5 thoughts from a top 10 player

in PvP

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

I have to fully agree on placement matches being an issue. Unless duo’ing to an extent, they were mainly luck of the draw. I played on two accounts one with hot, which we all now is op compared to core, and one without. I managed to get a higher placement with my core account than with my main.

Also to hit on win/loss a bit. Idk why losses account for almost twice what wins do. Losing 30 for a loss and only gaining 14 for a win, just seems off.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Mystic Coins are used to make luxury skins/items; they aren’t required to play the game.

That makes them like 99% of the stuff in gw2. In the end, this game is all about luxury items. Nothing is really required.

This is especially helpful for new players who aren’t ready to start worrying about the extra-shiny acquisitions.

Helpful in the short run (though not so much, the MC trickle is so slow that it won’t be significant for a single-account new player), but in the end every one of those players (assuming they will continue playing) will get to the point where they will want them. Except the coins will cost more then (the price keeps rising, and ther’s no indication that this is going to change).

Their small short-term gain will be a big long-term loss – but they won’t have enough information yet to realize that.

Imo this is the worse part about prohibitive pricing. New player retention. In the short term yes it helps, but in terms long term retention it accomplishes the opposite. That is the real issue for me. I could care less how much I can make off these from my multiple accounts if it’s keeping other players from enjoying the game ie playing more.

Serenity now~Insanity later

umm ANET you forgot something.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

They need to get a team together and go over recipes as a whole. There are a lot in the game which, due to other changes, have become ridiculous.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Loot Box Odds in China

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

I think they will have to be probability %, as I doubt China will play the rare/common game. The have stated that “publishers are lucky that they(China’s Ministry of Culture) haven’t banned them outright”.

Regional odds are something I find much more likely. “Here’s China’s odds. Everywhere else has their own table.”

Serenity now~Insanity later

Loot Box Odds in China

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

So China has passed a law that in May 2017 all “Loot Boxes” must have their odds revealed for contents within. This should include Black Lion Chests.

It’ll be interesting to find out how bad/decent some game’s loot box odds really are.

Can we draw any parallels from their odds once brought out into the open?

Serenity now~Insanity later

Anyone else not like quaggan?

in Living World

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Imo Quaggan are the Jar-Jar Binks of the GW universe.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Update on the Economy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Yep b/c there’s nvr been a case in free markets where a handful of players control markets. lol…..

That said…..I do not understand the approach to markets stability in this game from it’s conception. At one point everything was taken with a heavy handed approach. Now we have a hands off approach. Why not try small incremental changes?

Serenity now~Insanity later

Accessory Colors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

It’s great that new hairstyles and colors keep being added to the game, but without updating accessory colors as well most of the hairstyles with accessories clash.

I know I’ve been lobbying for this for about 4 years and seem like a broken record, but it really does seem like such an obvious thing to do.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Thank you for chuka and champawat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

While I agree for the most part, having to redo the Nia quest every time to talk to Cymbel is quite annoying.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Changes to the BL Chests

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

The move changing the booster slot to a seasonal item really was a poor choice. It will overshadow the positive changes for many players.

How to remedy: Reinstate the booster slot and make the seasonal item a + item. Keep everything else the same.

Serenity now~Insanity later

An issue: raids and their accesibility

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Yes I have. I’ve tried helping friends that don’t have exp.

A lot of ppl benefited joining groups when the content was released when it was reasonable to do so to get exp. Now finding a no exp group is painful to say the least. So it’s kinda like trying to find a job where you can’t get them b/c the all require exp, but you can’t get exp without a job.

Serenity now~Insanity later

An issue: raids and their accesibility

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

As the topic title says, I think the accessibility to raids really is an issue.

That was pretty much my only goal yet, until the legendary armor was previewed.
It simply shouldn’t be that top tier content is limited to a small percentage of players.

And that really is the case – I’m in a large guild and roughly 5-10% are successfully, experienced raiders.

Other people (and I think that’s reflecting in the rest of the gw2 community) simply don’t get into raids – cause of the reasons mentioned above.

You’d have to join a somewhat professional raid guild to be really succesful.

Now i’m gonna teach people who keep saying Raids are inaccessible a lesson real quick here.

You see that LFG tool. Use it.

Here’s what you do
1) Create your own group
2) Label it one of the following things, Inexperienced / Fun / Teaching / Learning run
3) Set you own req for comp & let people know what if any voice tools your using.

You are now the proud starter of a raid group.

Lets stop using this false equivocation that raids are inaccessible, when the cold reality is people whom claim this don’t want to put in the same effort those before them did in building raid groups & learning.

To be fair even if they did do this the group would most likely never fill. Few would join and eventually leave b/c they realize it won’t fill in any reasonable amount of time (talking hours of waiting in the slim chance of filling).

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Competitive Ruling: Car Crashed and Vermillion

in PvP

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Account sharing comes with certain risks, which is why we have a rule against it. Normally we don’t action against it (unless one of the parties was doing bad things). Doing it during a tournament is a bad idea.

I’ll make something very clear. When you share your account, we know. You can try to hide it, but we know, and we will be watching.

So can we assume that the max penalty for any account sharing is a 1 year ban and accounts can be reinstated after it?

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2 golds for daily is too much ! Its 730g/year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

According to Anet response from AMA, this is meant as one of the means to help the more casual players. Most of the liquid rewards it seems are generated by relatively small number of players (and it’s also those players that are setting the prices for the more costly goods). For them 2g more per day don’t change anything really. On the other hand, people that do not farm are going to be helped by that boost.


Here’s the quote:

Daily completion now giving 2g – We felt we had some room for increasing player income without risking major problems but we will continue to monitor the situation. Most wealth in the game is generated by people who are very proficient at generating wealth. They can bid a lot for what they want, because they have a lot of gold, and that process drives inflation. Meanwhile the broader player base is just getting by. So we keep a close eye on how much gold can be generated from extreme farming, but at the same time try to provide a decent income to normal players.

So this is something that has been known for a long time. Those with the means will set the prices. Those prices in turn provide incentive for others to acquire more gold.

That aside imo unless the wealth gap is addressed …ie enforcing some sort of cap on the high end, nothing will change as all the new wealth will funnel to them anyhow only reinforcing the status quo.

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Refund policy is offensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

To expand on the above AUS has just set a precedent where as games are now defined as digital goods and not as digital services.

It’s the first time an Australian court has defined digital products as “goods,” according to the ACCC, and Chairman Rod Sims warned that the decision could have major repercussions for other companies operating digitally in the country.

“There’s going to be a lot of companies we can now turn to and say look, be careful what you say about consumer guarantees because you are liable under Australian consumer law,” he said.

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Upcoming changes in Spring Quarterly Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

I feel the fractal achievement retiring is a mistake. People do not like having things they’ve been working towards be taken away. I don’t see why they couldn’t just add the two new instead of replacing. What harm would that do?

Scribing just feels off to me. The changes mentioned really don’t seem like they would need much time to make, thus making me question why we have had to wait until the quarterly update for them.

Those gripes aside…really enjoying being kept (somewhat) in the loop for once.

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No MMR Hell? Prove it and WIN

in PvP

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

This kinda has applied to me today. I’ve won some matches and Ive lost some matches. The matches I lost I was paired with at least 2 of the same ppl from all my other losses.

After one loss, if your teammates are so horrendous, you should take a 2-3 min break (or however long your queue is) to avoid playing with the same people in your mmr/pip range. I find it hilarious some people who claim go on “40+” lose streaks (exaggeration) playing with the same people don’t realize brute forcing instant queuing losses will likely pair you together again if they do the same.

Isn’t that kinda a testament to the system being messed up if there’s a need to use a work-around?

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No MMR Hell? Prove it and WIN

in PvP

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

I will say this to u. If this system proves I was stuck in emerald, cuz I suck cuz my losses only begat me more losses (losers are paired with losers against winners), ankitten ow in ruby cuz I did nothing but grind, and I need to face reality that I am not as good a player as I thought I was, then I would say that the same system should make you realize that your wins got you more wins (winners are paired with winners against losers) and your easy short grind to wherever you are should make you realize that perhaps you are not as good a player as you think you are just cuz you are in an upper division with a winning train ride ticket to the top.

This kinda has applied to me today. I’ve won some matches and Ive lost some matches. The matches I lost I was paired with at least 2 of the same ppl from all my other losses.

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Ruby division makes people hate PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

I’m surprised more ppl don’t mention WHEN players reach a respective division. I’ve noticed that it’s vastly easier to cross divisions early in the season. In other words if you want to solo Q your way to legendary you’s be well advised to play as much as you can early on. If you wait till the season is in full swing you will most likely have a much much more difficult to almost impossible time getting past ruby or diamond w/o a group.

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wizard hat DYEABLE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

On one hand I like being able to dye it, but on the other I still won’t use it as it makes toons go obviously bald when equipped. Fix the bald issue and we have a winner.

Serenity now~Insanity later

I really hope Anet wakes up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

I don’t hate raids. I actually like them being in the game.

I don’t like them affecting other content being released.

They don’t.

This has been confirmed repeatedly by the raid team themselves and ANet’s upper management. They are completely isolated from the living story team, the fractals team, the pvp team, the wvw team, and every other team. They are a team of 5-6 full time employees out of ~300 employees. Additionally, the tech that the raid team has developed has actually proven useful in other areas of the game, such as in fractals and open world content. The only impact the raid team has on the game is positive.

Pretty sure they don’t have 300 “employees” anymore. That 300 number was during a time when the xpac development was in full swing and most likely included quite a few temp ppl.

The latest numbers we have came from Mike’s AMA:

We have about 120 devs working on the live game, 70 devs on Expac2, and 30 devs on core teams that support both. Within these groups we have cross-discipline teams with focused missions. For example on Live we have the PvP team, the WvW team, the Fractals team, the Raids team, the Living World team, the Legendaries team, and a couple others. The teams are charged with carrying a feature from inception and design through completion. When they finish, we typically package work from multiple teams into a single release, then we hand it off to release teams for final voice integration, localization, QA, and release management.

So about 220

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Anet to reduce decoration/scribe cost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

This is very good news imo. To me part of the greatness of guild halls was tragically denied by the expense of everything attached to them.

Now if we could fix scribing being bound to one player and formatted as a guild cost.

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Compact bags an issue?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Without using overly dramatic exaggerations…yes. That’s what they are for. We’ve had them well long enough to where it’s nothing new. The fractal bags are the cheapest 20 slot ones we have and they serve this purpose rather well.

That said, maybe the word choice of “waste” was a bit harsh.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Compact bags an issue?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Just going to move this here instead of the reference thread for sake/request of keeping that one clean.

Things Anet is working on

Deposit/compact bags button too close. Anet realized this was an issue when a streamer complained about it. They are working on a solution. Not coming next Tuesday but coming soon (still need to test it).

This is really not an issue. I would hate to see Anet waste dev time on this when the solutions are already in game for it.

The worst part about the streamer “raging” (video was titles something rage) about this is that they had the means to avoid it in their inventory, but chose not to utilize those means. If they had only put their fractal bags in the last slots, then items in those bags would not have compacted. In other words the only “issue” was her own lack of utilizing the bags she had in a manner that would prevent the “issue”.

Please do not waste dev time on this. Use that time for more pressing real issues.

Serenity now~Insanity later

droprates in general

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Things that effect your drops

Magic find….account, character, wvw, and guild bonuses

Foe Level…a level 80 foe has a better chance than a level 45 foe of the same rank

Foe Rank…a champion has a better chance than a veteran of the same level

Number of foes killed…..this is a given, the more foes killed the more chances you have

Non drops

Mystic Forge….level of items placed in forge…exotics have better chances than rares (there’s more to this but it’s pretty easy to figure out)

Silverwastes Chests…these are affected by magic find upon opening

Hot bags..ones denoted by notes on the items themselves are effected by magic find
Now the bit I get criticized for….

Not all accounts are the same….We don’t exactly know why, but we know this to be true due to evidence of certain bugs. Some accounts have been affected by bugs that effect drops while others remain unaffected. An example of this would be the wvw bonus bug in the 1st year of the game wher4e some accounts were not receiving the added wvw bonuses while others were.

DR…diminishing returns…we don’t know exactly how this works, but play enough in an area and it’ll likely effect you.

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(edited by Essence Snow.3194)

Is CDI a dead thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

From a PvP perspective, I can guarantee that the developers are seeing the reports.

There have been some player requests and issues that have been addressed that have made it to the game ((though rarely the patch notes)) [[Mystic Forge Conduit now works btw]]

I do stay in constant contact with 3 Anet Employees. One of which I have at least a weekly convo with.

Of all the PvP issues and requests that need addressing the MF conduit being able to work has to be one of the lease significant. It’s kinda bordering insulting to fix something so mundane as glaring issues go unattended.

That is just the most recent one bug wise… other issues have been reported… just haven’t heard anything back on them. You can bug the devs for the reports if you believe none of the important issues are being reported on.

I guess that’s kind of a symptom of being left out of the loop. We simply don’t know what’s being reported or seen. Is there a NDA that the forum specs have agreed to as to not disclose what they are reporting? If not maybe a forum spec thread in the respective section would help alleviate some of the symptoms.

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