Showing Posts For Essence Snow.3194:

Your experience with crafting legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Crafted: Kudzu, Flameseeker Prophecies, Quip, Bolt, Sunrise, Twilight, and Meterologicus

I only gathered all the mats for Meterologicus (took 9 months…8-10 hrs a day), I bought most of the mats for all the others off the tp (took a fraction of the time).

For Meterologicus I farmed everything Orr, dungeons, Frostgorge , etc…
For the others I farmed gold via playing the tp (easy and quick), directly farming gold (slower than tp), and farming some mats outright (slow and tedious)

I play more than most. 1st one took 9 months of steady 8-10 hr days…rest took less than that combined.

I certainly did not enjoy making any of them at all. I’m the type of person that likes building things myself. I get more satisfaction out of things that way. So when farming for things directly is such a chore compared to the alternatives, it bothers me. I don’t like having to buy other peoples’ luck either ( I had to buy my precursr0s b/c they simply wouldn’t drop). I did however have one finally drop (the chosen) after 8,770 hours and I was not elated, I was resentful. It’s just all out a very poor system imo.

Serenity now~Insanity later

please delete

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

There have been several games as of late that have made the change from economic focus to reward focus and they have benefited greatly from it. I hear there is a mmo coming out that mainly focuses on market economics so it’ll be interesting to see how it fares when there is much more competition for a certain type of player.

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Going to PAX East? EGX Rezzed?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Oddly enough I’ll be in Boston during Pax East and then be in London….(well flying into and staying just north of) during EGX. Unfortunately I won’t be able to make either, but what a big coincidence. Wait…“There are no big or little coincidences, just coincidences!”

I don’t know. Gibbs’ Rules state there is no such thing as a coincidence.

Didn’t know what Gibbs rule was, so I followed your link and found out. I was going off Rava No degrees of coincidence

Serenity now~Insanity later

Farming with cap of mf,difference with low.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Kinda odd that rares have a noticeable increase but exotics really don’t.

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Top 5 things I want that Wont happen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

less rng reliance
rewarding action/adventure more in an action/adventure game
less gem shop focus
less clicking
more bug fixing

Serenity now~Insanity later

Going to PAX East? EGX Rezzed?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Oddly enough I’ll be in Boston during Pax East and then be in London….(well flying into and staying just north of) during EGX. Unfortunately I won’t be able to make either, but what a big coincidence. Wait…“There are no big or little coincidences, just coincidences!”

Serenity now~Insanity later

Things you found confusing as a noob

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

I’ll have to agree with some of the other posters here referring to combo fields. I still know quite a few seasoned players that haven’t a clue to how much of a difference utilizing them makes. They are one of the most important things for a player to learn imo.

Serenity now~Insanity later

please delete

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Have you had any moments where you look at the market reaction to something you consulted with and said to yourself “I done kittened up”?

I’d say quite a few fesitval items fall into that catagory. Look at tiny snowflakes, superior rune of snowfall, and superior sigil of mischief as recent examples. They fall into the same shortcoming that butter did prior to the mytic forge conduit fix, or some other mats prior to zephyrite boxes. Even ascended mats gated by t6 fell into this prior to mawdrey and the star. Dragonite will most likely follow suit with a correction.

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Dragon's Gaze achievement mistake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

This would be a good starting venue for one of those “forum specialists” to provide feedback to the devs, seeing how it’s overwhelmingly one sided of opinion.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Please make Masteries Character-bound!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

No and …..what was my other thought on this?…oh yeah…….KITTEN NO!

Serenity now~Insanity later

100% Map completition for Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

I’m still baffled by the number of people who think that the mere fact that maybe some people dropped 400+$ on a legendary (seriously, how many are there that do this?) somehow diminishes their own accomplishments. If you keep comparing yourself to other people like that, you probably won’t enjoy many things simply for what they are.

I like that legendaries and precursors are tradeable, and I suppose many others do, too, far more than people who wish they were accountbound (I’m guessing y’all already had a lucky drop or two?). I haven’t had a single precursor drop yet, and chances are that once I get one, it’s for a weapon I don’t want. So I bought Leaf of Kudzu because it was the only way for me to get it, short of hoping that another 2k hours of playing would get me not only a precursor, but exactly the one I wanted.
If you remove the luck factor from the equation (as will happen with the legendary mastery), maybe, but as long as I need insane luck to even get started on a legendary, they should stay tradeable. And if some people actually decide to buy one with cash, well, that’s not my problem and doesn’t take away from the glee I still feel six months after crafting Kudzu when I log on with my flower-bow wielding ranger.

So if you could buy a college degree flat out without actually having to take and pass all the classes and work would it still be valid as a symbol of work? Note..the two key words here….degree….and symbol. Would you’re degree be cheapened as a symbol of what you’ve been through knowing that others look at it and don’t relate it to accomplishment (while trying to get a job it would be irrelevant)

Serenity now~Insanity later

So what's your mf at?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

222% While I see quite a bit more rares, exos still elude me, even though I have a gambling addiction and throw all of them into the toilet.

Serenity now~Insanity later

100% Map completition for Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

The weapon is called legendary, which means there is going to be some work involved. Maybe they need to create a new weapon type for people like you called whiners weapons.

Anet completely invalidated that concept when they allowed them to be purchased outright.

I’ve done 100% map completion on 7 characters and am bout 70% on my 8th. I’ve made 8 legies from that, but definitely acknowledge that all those weapons are mainly invalidated as symbols of accomplishment.

Serenity now~Insanity later

please delete

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Seeing that the RNG thread is one of the forum’s longest active threads, has consideration been given on said feedback for the expansion reward structure. [less rng focus (ex. mordrem parts) yet less overwhelming low end drops (sea of blues and greens)]?

Serenity now~Insanity later

Explain - zerker and active defenses?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

As someone who plays with both zerker and more defensive groups I can easily say that there IS a big difference when running in a full zerker group and when not. Alot of zerker defenses come from profession based skills that do not really decrease damage. Some examples of these are a mesmer’s 2 sword, wars 3 greatsword into wall, guards aegis and blinds, and ofc reflects. They are enough to let zerker groups kill foes, since they kill them so fast that other means really are unnecessary.

Most of the players that I have run into that do not understand zerker simply have not played in full zerker optimized groups. They have tried playing zerker in mix groups and base their opinions on that. So they think there is no real difference and that zerker=dying.

The main defense of a zerker is the offense of a full zerker group. It kills things quick enough to where there really isn’t any damage to mitigate which a few dodges and skills cannot provide.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Male Legendary Bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

this topic is hilarious. the dreamer is probably my favorite weapon in the game. if you can’t tolerate some rainbows and flowers here and there, grow up, seriously. it must be sad to be so closeminded as to be personally offended by an item’s existence because it hurts some man-feelings, or something.

To be fair it is quite possible to be grown up, to like rainbows and unicorns, and seriously dislike the bow legendaries for their use of those elements.

Or be grown up and not care for rainbows, unicorns, death scenes, creepy crawlies, blood, flowers, etc….etc….

Just b/c one is a grown man it doesn’t mean they need to like tutus, fairies, tiaras, etc… to be mature. Just b/c one is a grown woman doesn’t mean they need to like blood and guts, explosions, spiders, guns, etc… to be mature.

We are all different, accepting that is more a sign of maturity to me than a guy liking pink or a gal with a skull tatoo.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Male Legendary Bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Way to turn inconsequential comment that derived in statement that focused more on stylization into a full blown gender issue……..This is why we can’t have nice things.

Serenity now~Insanity later

/Age and precursor drop

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Since I finally got a drop I’ll post. Got The Chosen at 8,770 hours in WvW. It didn’t come with what many perceive as the expected reaction. It was one more filled with contempt and expressed disgust along the lines of “it’s about kitten god kitten time”. Not a very good reward system imo.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Day 1 Revenant: Level 1 or Level 80?

in Revenant

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

People who speed level aren’t going to have as good a grip on the class, and especially not as good a grip on the more unusual skills.

That’s only true if you’re comparing a “natural” level 80 and a speed-leveled 80 while assuming they reached 80 at the same time; in this case if you spend 40 hours (completely arbitrary number here) leveling your Revenant to 80, I would have spent 40 hours playing with a level 80 Revenant with all of its traits and skills unlocked, so I would actually have a better grasp of the class than you would.

A very good point, missed by most people I think.

This and the fact that I’ve done the npe with one toon to 80 and did not like it at all. I’ll be going instant 80 w/o question.

Serenity now~Insanity later

"No-grind philosophy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

The biggest unquantifiable, IMHO, is the why behind the motivation and feeling of reward.

Why do people play, what do they get from the experience, what do they find fun, what do they find rewarding, and is it a mistake or not to tend to equate fun with rewarding? Do people really want a highly likely success or a challenge with a real possibility of failure? I don’t know the answers to those kinds of questions, and I suspect it will be a lot of trial and error before the gaming industry discovers reliable guidelines.

I absolutely agree. I find it stunning and odd that they’ll blow trumpets and create pageantries of attention for hiring real economists, yet I’m not sure if they’re aware that economists are almost as qualified to do a sociologist or cultural anthropologist’s job as might a car mechanic or a part-time rodeo clown be.

We desperately need some social science experts up in these businesses, methinks. I honestly don’t trust the metrics of an economist’s purview when it comes to things like community management.

Managing people isn’t something mmo devs seem to be very good at, anyway. I’ve seen far, farfarfar better implementations of community building and management…heck, anywhere that real attempts by genuinely proficient human resource directors were made.

The company I work for retains the services of a whole image consulting agency that does nothing but provide the execs and department heads with insightful guidance on inter and intra-office culture, how to foster successful business relationships and how to engage clients in terms that are most likely to appeal to them.

And bloody hell if it hasn’t had a dramatic impact. Real experts on how people work and why people do what they do versus some folks with engineering degrees, some MBA’s and a passel of yet others with physics degrees?

There’s no contest. And I suspect there’d be no contest in the outcomes real experts on how people work and why people do what they do could bring about in comparison to the best-guess figurings a bunch of computer science and game development and art majors can come up with respective to such matters either.

I dunno. I don’t see the effects I’d expect to see if game studios actually employed humanities experts upon such endeavors. The human animal isn’t nearly so mysterious as it likes to think, but you can spend billions of dollars trying to come up with magic algorithms and heuristics and tools for refinement of metrics to predict it…and fail. Or succeed so marginally that you might as well have just consulted tea leaves, or a magic 8-ball.

Fantastic post!

Serenity now~Insanity later

How to remove "ESL Monthly Finals" on HUD?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

To be fair GW1 had a much more customizable UI. I’m not sure why they took a step back for this game. I wonder now that the old UI person is no longer with Anet, if the new one (if there is one) would be open to improving it to at least it’s predecessor’s level.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Slaying potions question

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

I was under the impression that they worked in TA, SE (dredge), and CoF. The only reason I ask is due to recently watching some maxing guides on youtube and they had all three of the specific potions in addition to the Scarlet armies.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Playing in another country

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

I’m going to be traveling to the UK for a few weeks soon and was wondering if there would be any issue playing while I’m there? (security wise or other)

Serenity now~Insanity later

Slaying potions question

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Is there any reason to stock dungeon specific potions in which Scarlet Armies potion encapsulate?…….in other words is there any reason to have dredge or fire legion slaying potions when scarlet potions only take one slot?

Serenity now~Insanity later

I just opened 13985 bags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

I don’t think they are saying it’s not a lot of loot. More so that it’s a lot of junk loot with too few good item in between. It’s quite a hassle to convert all that junk into something actually wanted. 10 hours to open the bags and then how much longer to sort through and convert?

Serenity now~Insanity later

When can we pre-order?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Pre-orders are BAD. They lead to sub standard products, disappointed customers, and deterioration of industry. Don’t be a part of the problem if you can help it and surely do not champion for it it screams of “I want to be taken advantage of”.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Revenant OP, needs nerf

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Sorry, but this post is either a masterful Troll example or a PRIME example of why this community is so endlessly entertaining…..(and a bit sad).

Very simple to deduct that. Look at who opened it and their post history.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Selling on the LFG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

There is a secondary market for those who buy an expensive item via a buy order then turn around and sell it via lfg. As long as they are the second to act in the lfg trade, it’s safe for them (the seller) and they stand to make decent coinage.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Precursors and TP: Farewell

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

What does your post have to do with his or did you accidentally quote him by mistake?

well he implies that people will want more than one of the same type of legendary, I merely point out that people that do feel the need for that, instead of transmuting, will be in the minority, meaning that while his post encourages the stability of the precursor market, I point out that the amount of consumers will still fall considerably, meaning that it won’t be as stable.

He was talking about weapon type as in greatsword, dagger, sword etc. If it’s only one precursor per weapon type, a player would have to make a choice between dusk, dawn, and whatever the new greatsword precursors are.

It seems as if we will be able to get all of them via a collection.

There will be a unique collection for each of the precursors, including the existing precursors used for the legendary weapons currently in game. “You will be able to build every precursor, unlock all of them in your wardrobe and eventually unlock all of your legendaries,” Colin said, “if you are so inclined.”

Serenity now~Insanity later

Ranged and easy build for old-man reflexes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

I just want to make a quick note about a lot of the obvious non-meta recommendations. If one is intending to pug dungeons, using the fore mentioned will vastly increase odds of other players acting rude towards you and/or kicking you from pugs.

I’m not trying to be mean just pointing out the reality of what might happen.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Questions about Pricing and Payment [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

To the dude that says gold – gems is not profit it is. The cash have already been generated its like having a investor give you money upfront to do something later. So if Anet use that money for something else its not anyones concern but Anet’s. I for one would like to see it in the gemstore. Unlike most folks im one of those poor gamers money is extremely tight. I do however agee that it would cause major gem price issues. So maby wait a month or 2 after release.

Assuming I am the dude…

Please explain how a player using Tyiran gold to purchase gems generates income. That is lost revenue that can only be recouped by players purchasing gems to exchange for gold. The gem exchange as a whole is only profitable if the number of gems bought with real money to convert into gold exceeds the number of gems purchased with gold that would have been purchased with real money instead (not everyone who used gold to buy gems would have used real money instead). Theoretically, the gem exchange as a whole could cost Arenanet revenue.

Investors expect to be repaid, the gem exchange is nothing like an investor.

I am not trying to tell Arenanet or other players how to behave, just trying to describe the realities involved.

Let me explain. Gems dont fall out the sky it have to come from somewhere so this is how it works. People buy gems with real life money meaning anet makes money that is how ammount of gems in the store is generated which other people buy with gold. The point is something was bought with real money now if you use the gems you buy with real money yourself or someone else uses it. The gems have been paid for meaning profit.

So what would happen if no one ever buys gems with real money the gem prices (with gold) will shoot through the roof.

Hope this explains it.

I want to add to this just a bit. Knowing that converting gold>gems reduces the gem pool and increases the amount of gold players can get by converting gems>gold the former serves as incentive for players to do the latter. The net result is that buying gems with rl cash to convert into gold becomes more appealing. Think of it kinda as advertising. Does it directly increase revenue? No, but you can bet your sweet tuchas it ultimately results in increased revenue.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Game stutters every 30 seconds

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Your pci-ex16 lane on your mobo is 2.0 in other words u cannot change w/o a new mobo), but that shouldn’t be an issue if it’s x16.

What kind of internet connection are you using?

Serenity now~Insanity later

please delete

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

What are you asking? Are you asking if you can double up on a type of node in the instance? Like have have 2 sets of lumber nodes there?

Serenity now~Insanity later

please delete

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Not sure if this is under the right section but seemed best to ask. For the new nodes that are available from Black Lion chests or the trading post is there any sort of limit to them? I imagine not in purchasing but in use of them as unspecified limits to home instances?

They are bound like all other nodes in home instances. Once per day per account.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Precursor drop, Lucky account is a thing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Sort of. There’s the one set of odds you’re talking about “what is the probability the 8th flip is heads”—that is 1/2, yes. But then there’s a different set of odds: “what is the probability you will get 8 heads in a row”. That is not 50%. That would be (1/2)^8 or ~.4% probability that heads will land 8 times in a row on a coin flip. While each flip can be considered independent of each other, probability is based on the larger set of data. It can happen that you get 8 heads in a row, but it is certainly not common.

Yes, the chance of 8 heads in a row is 1 out of 256. The flip side of that is that for any specific string of 8 coin flips, the chance is exactly the same, 1 in 256.

HHHHHHHH = 1/256
HTHTHTHT = 1/256
HHTHTTTH = 1/256

Whats my point? That 8 heads in a row is nothing special. But because the human mind is really good at finding patterns, we want to attach some special significance to it.

For all intensive purposes any combination of an odds is essentially the same thing no?
There are 16 possibilities of 1/8
There are only 2 possibilities of 8/8 HHHHHHHH and TTTTTTTT

It’s why the bell curve is a bell ya?

Serenity now~Insanity later

Precursor drop, Lucky account is a thing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

And there is also this…

There isn’t such thing is some accounts getting stuck lucky. Yes there’s an RNG, yes it’s random and there are streaks and outliers and an even aggregate distribution.

That’s not a good one to quote as it contradicts itself. Streaks and outliers are essentially accounts being stuck.

As wanze pointed out, an account can get “unstuck” the very next roll. However what this quote does show is that there are no “lucky” accounts. (That is accounts who have been determined to be more “lucky” than any other).

What it shows is that “they” believe there are no accounts determined (prior to rng) to be luckier or unluckier, but there are, in actuality, accounts that are luckier and unluckier. That’s what ouliers in this scenario are.

So what is it about these outliers (admitted to exist) to become so? The RNG algorithm correct? So the RNG algorithm determines that some accounts become outliers.

Serenity now~Insanity later

(edited by Essence Snow.3194)

Precursor drop, Lucky account is a thing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

They may and then again they may not. The best forecast of future occurrences we have is the past.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Precursor drop, Lucky account is a thing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

And there is also this…

There isn’t such thing is some accounts getting stuck lucky. Yes there’s an RNG, yes it’s random and there are streaks and outliers and an even aggregate distribution.

That’s not a good one to quote as it contradicts itself. Streaks and outliers are essentially accounts being stuck.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Precursor drop, Lucky account is a thing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

^ That’s the bit a lot of people forget. As these “streaks” continue their probability chance becomes so infinitesimal that the probability that something is wrong becomes quite substantial in comparison. The probability of multiple events is different than the normal distribution curve.

So if the statistics of streaks are correct why then would the statistics of there being an error be incorrect? Food for thought

Serenity now~Insanity later

Perplexity Runes to strong pve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

This is based on theory or testing? I’m leaning towards theory as it’s still too soon for testing to be finished.

That said unless they updated the AI, confusion is still unreliable dmg as the ai coding causes foes to slow attacking with inflicted with confusion.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Ranged and easy build for old-man reflexes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

If this is for pug dungeons I simply cannot recommend longbow or shortbow ranger for pugs. It’s probably one of the most despised combinations for players to see who pug. Dungeon pug meta is stacking…ranged with pet no less will not really be amicable to that meta.

Have you thought about a PS war?

Serenity now~Insanity later

Precursors and TP: Farewell

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Just by thinking rationally we can conclude that demand for current pres will be less than prior to the announcement that new weaps are on the horizon. The players who have had issues with having to buy pres no longer need to, so that demand is less. The players who just want the latest will stock resources for the new ones, so that demand will lessen. There will be some increase in demand from those looking to acquire current ones at lower prices, but I doubt they will be enough to offset the others. That all said for the time being the supply should mostly remain unchanged. So with mainly unchanged supply and decreased demand prices should decrease to a new equilibrium. How far? I have no idea.

Serenity now~Insanity later

I have $300 to improve my PC.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

oem windows licenses are tied to mobos…while technically it can be done…it’s not something we can recommend here

Serenity now~Insanity later

I have $300 to improve my PC.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Ya’ll are forgetting that if the OP get a new mobo/cpu they will also need a new windows license. That would exceed their budget.

Op I’d stick with your am3+ socket You have several choices to upgrade your cpu alone while retaining your mobo and windows license.

Serenity now~Insanity later

I have $300 to improve my PC.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

It’s really kinda hard to suggest anything without knowing a little bit more. Off the bat I want to assume your current rig is a premade, so I would need to know a few other things before making any recommendations.

What is your PSU? We need to know if your current one can handle the added load of a beefier gpu/cpu/or overclock.
What is your case? We need to know how much room there is for a larger gpu or a cpu cooler.

That all said for $300 I’d change both, I wouldn’t blow it all on one or the other as the remaining component would most likely be the bottleneck. (example if you spent 300 on a gpu, your fx 4130 would be your limiting factor)

Serenity now~Insanity later

Leveled Maps

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

I wonder if the snowfall runes were made for the new maps. If the new maps are indeed made with levels core to their design could they lend relevant use to the basically useless runes?

Serenity now~Insanity later

Bought a $2350 PC for HoT

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

3. 1TB HDD? Really? 3TB+ at a min for a new built system today.

You wasted 1200 on that build, easily.

Return it, and just build it yourself. Or buy the parts and have a shop build it for ya. But you are over spending by 60% easily.

As much as iI don’t like saying it..I agree…. return it.

Serenity now~Insanity later

please delete

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

That would be dependent on old accounts becoming stagnant (not played). If new accounts are added, there should be more chances for the to drop. The only way it’s flawed is if accounts are not increasing mf or more older accounts are becoming stagnant than new accounts being added.

Serenity now~Insanity later

please delete

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

In theory pres should be dropping more often over time as the population’s mf increases

Serenity now~Insanity later

Shut Up And Take My Money

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Although I will be buying this, I am highly disgusted by the thread title and the mentality that fuels pre-orders. As much as I hate to admit it this game is the only one which has caused me to disgust myself.

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