Who gets hurt?
People who need that item for crafting, legendaries, etc. People who are trying to farm for gold to get something, only all the top-tier items are priced for people who make massive fortunes doing things that would be illegal if the TP was the real stockmarket.
I’m all for a free market IRL. But this is a game. I play to have fun. Not to worry about whether I’ll be able to afford something because someone cough Logun cough has been manipulating market prices so they can make a killing for the joy of trolling other players.
‘Playing’ the TP means treating the PvE game as a PvP game, and it messes up the PvE experience for those who play PvE. It stratifies the market so that people who actually play in the world are in a much worse position to engage in economic activity. It’s part of the reason people have disappeared into fractals, so they can hope to keep up financially. It pushes people into farming the most profitable events because otherwise they’ll be left behind. The only PvE players not impacted are those who don’t care about:
1) Having on-level gear
2) Optimizing their builds
3) Crafting
4) Saving for special events
TL;DR – Flippers and middlemen are useful in real life where transportation and business finances are actually a problem to address. Having them in-game makes GW2 economic activity a problem for everyone who doesn’t ‘play’ the market, turns the PvE game into a PvP game, and messes up incentives to play the open world.
(edited by Gilosean.3805)
People switch on and off all the time, yeah. Red posts have confirmed that it’s accounts listed on the server, not currently playing players. We’ll probably never get the full calculation behind it.
Yeah, redposts have confirmed in at least 2 different places that server population measures how many accounts are tied to that server, not the how many people are currently logged-in.
Plus, that’s the only way to actually let people log in and start playing right away.
Water specc’ed elementalists are awesome healers. Seriously, they make for unstoppable dungeons groups. Healers can be support-specc’d guardians, elementalists, warriors.
If you want to play a healer, there are a ton of ways to do it. Check out the class forums and ask around, don’t post a thread whining about it.
I think this hits a big nail on the head. While the guild issue is a secondary problem to the way the classes are set up. Builds, specs, roles, inter-class reliance is all really homogenized. Mix that with the fact that everyone runs basically the same thing due to lack of skill…it’s a very anti-social system. In this respect, i really feel like it was a bad decision to remove the trinity and structure combat / boss encounters to feel like bosses you would fight in a platforming or action / adventure game rather than an RPG. I think the developers are trying to satisfy too many different tastes, trying too hard to be different that they’re missing what’s important, making a solid game that is fundamentally engaging for the player base, like GW1, which in turn is longevity and more cash in their pockets.
I don’t think so. Having more viable build options makes me more interested in the game, and I think that’s true for most people. I like the actiony combat.
I honestly think that we just need the tools to get like minded people together and a lot of the issues with grouping and guilds will get sorted out.
Also, if group/guild leaders take the time to educate their players more than things go better. If a party lead doesn’t set up roles and strategies in advance and the party wipes in the dungeon, that’s their fault. Relying on the trinity system to enforce roles without talking it out before the dungeon is kind of lazy. Even a pug can take 2 minutes to sort out if someone is specced for support, what to do when there’s a risk of wipe, how to assist with targeting, etc. Guild leaders should clearly communicate the purpose of a guild and structure how the guild operates to support that. Guilds built from random chat invites are going to fail, that’s just how it is.
Welcome shirookami and crowgrrrl! :] I think many of us can relate to the accidentally-on-purpose cliff diving. I splatted myself just the other day after getting to the top of a troublesome vista, only to promptly run off the other edge… All before I got the “view” in. Woo for splatting! xD
EDIT: I’m pretty excited for the Wintersday festivities. Those who have participated in GW2 events before – should I focus on leveling before Wintersday begins, or will there be fun things to do at every level? I’m level 30 or so.
For the Halloween update, they had a bunch of instanced stuff that anyone could do (we were all leveled up to 80), they had stuff in all starting zones, and they also had a cross-zone scavenger hunt that was technically unleveled but low-level characters couldn’t do it because we got creamed by the mobs. Even with a party of high-levels helping, I only barely completed the first part at level 10-15 (went up 5 levels trying it). It was awesome to see people taking the time to help though.
Basically, there should be stuff to do regardless of level. Some stuff may be really really difficult if you’re not the right range for its zone, but there will probably be a ton of stuff to do.
Re: Fatal Faceplant, it’s a staple of Tyria. The ‘best’ kind is when someone faceplants near you and you can rez them while loling. It’s like free entertainment + XP for standing under a JP. Being on the other end of that is pretty silly too. No idea who put the face-first-landing animations in the game, but they are funny.
(edited by Gilosean.3805)
Fort Aspenwood. I guess I can ask questions, part of the reason I like this game is that its not the same old same old. So Im still a noob.
Like I hit level 10 on my Elementalist, and all my spells changed….And all i had for each element was the first one, I had to keep using them to get the upgrades. All the while getting my ares kicked!
Does that happen every 10 levels, or???
Skills in GW2 are weapon-based. They change whenever you change weapons.
Example: If you go to the elementalist forum you’ll see people talking about D/D elementalist – those are elementalists wielding 2 daggers, one in each hand. Elementalists can also wield a staff (2-hands), a scepter (1-hand) or focus (1-hand), each have different skills.
Elementalist is a bit difficult to play at first. Expect to die a lot until you get used to the play style and get all your skills (lvl 30). Then you’ll start doing better, but the learning curve is a bit steep. The elementalist forum is a good place to ask questions. Also, try making your mouse more sensitive (Options menu), it really helps with moving in combat.
Re: Map Chat, try talking in map if you think it’s quiet. Sometimes you won’t always get a response right away, but after a bit I find people will start talking. Shout out champion events you find, rich veins, ask questions. I once started a 10-minute conversation in a silent map because I started venting about mob aggro. This can vary depending on when you get on too – servers aren’t always populated around the clock.
Joining a guild is another way to have chat going, Operation: Union ( https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/players/OPERATION-UNION-Bringing-Players-Together/first ) is a cross-server social guild, we also do dungeon runs pretty regularly for both NA and EU. We are almost always talking. Or find some people you like playing with and ask them which guild they’re in and if they recommend it. That’s how I found my other guild.
Different races are more or less popular – Charr is the least popular I think, Human and Sylvari seem pretty popular. So that effects how populated their starting zone is.
Honestly, I think the problem isn’t multi-guilding, it’s differing expectations. Some players won’t join a guild that demands too much. Some player want a guild that’s all encompassing. Some players want separate guilds for separate activities. I only see 1 of those types complaining about the current guild setup – the players who want an all-encompassing guild. Game journalists are always in the ‘all-encompassing’ crowd, so naturally the hardcore player concerns get the most airtime in gaming sites.
Some ideas that have been suggested – everything getting broadcast to the guild, single-guilding, forcing all players on an account into a guild – are terrible and would turn me away from guilds completely. But they show the real issue here, that some people are hardcore and want different things than casual players.
The basic issue isn’t multi-guilding. The basic issue is that there isn’t a good way to set and communicate the guild motto to players. We need a Looking For Guild function. Some way (in game!) to browse guilds, and for guilds to get their theme out to players. That way the dedicated players and casual can find guilds where they’re comfortable.
Oh yes, it is a luxury (beyond the bank slot and possibly the BL salvage chest), but I’m not advocating everyone having everything. … The problem is that everyone can’t even afford a single purchase at the moment without bankrupting themselves.
You’re contradicting yourself. Either everyone should have everything, or everyone shouldn’t have everything. Either everyone can afford everything, or there are some things some people can’t afford. Pick one and stick to it, but please don’t go around making mountains out of molehills.
Or ANet could make transforming materials more attractive. Right now I can dump a bunch of stuff into the Mf and get a random amount of Stuff-1-Level-Better out. If that was a better deal I think you’d see people farming more in low-level areas, since it’s a lot less stressful than high-level ones.
The other problem is that low-level events don’t scale costs very well, so it takes more of them to pay for a single waypoint at high levels. It’s pretty close now though, I think making better crafting materials available would draw enough high-level players in.
ok i bought some black lion salvage kits and still have not gotten them
Items from the gem store get mailed to you. Delete mail from your inbox. If you don’t get it after a while and your mailbox is only saying something like 5/10, then send in a support ticket.
I don’t understand why such skills cause damage to the player activating them – they should not, full stop.
Are you asking for an explanation or just ranting?
Explanation: The problem skills transform the player, and some transforms are used for non-violent activities, so traits are stripped out at for those activities. ANet mistakenly applied the trait-removal to all transforms. I have no clue why, since you’d think that player choice should be respected in all areas of the game, but it’s ANet’s call on this one.
Rant: Yeah, this is really stupid bug. But we got dev communication and confirmation about a fix out of it, and it will get fixed. Hopefully the devs keep communicating. hearing from someone working on this is the only reason I’m not still screaming my head off in all the threads I can find.
One with air: You are looking at it from a D/D point of view. A staff ele, like me, isn’t exactly swimming in auras so perma-swiftness is far-fetched. I’m quote fond of this trait because it makes jumping puzzles a breeze(i don’t need to activate anything, just hop around like a bunny on speed xD) and for general running around and gathering purposes.
Serrated stones: There was a discussion somewhere about it…an ele was saying s/he could solo maintain 25 stacks of bleed. They were discussing what gives higher dps earth-bleed or fire-power build and last I looked, it seemed like a draw. It’s a very specific trait though and one would have to spec towards cond dmg, cond duration(bleed in particular) to pull it off, but it is an interesting possibility.With staff, you can get perma-swiftness by equipping arcane wave, putting down an eruption -> attune to air (swift from elemental attunement) -> put static field over eruption, trigger arcane wave in eruptions (swift x 2 from two blast finishers), then use air 4 (swift). The swiftness you get from this exceeds the cooldowns so you can actually stack swiftness very high like this.
But not having to do that at random intervals while running between resource nodes is nice. I agree that the trait needs fixing, but some kind of low always-on swiftness trait that stacks with swiftness bonuses would be nice.
RTL is indeed a bug. I’ve got a fix and going to try and push it through today.
The only way to appropriate express my feelings about this:
To be fair, it’s only been 2 weeks since the Lost Shores patch.
Hmm, with an MMO life of only 13 weeks – 2 weeks is actually a fair chunk of time
Right, but for an MMO life of 52 weeks? How about 104 weeks?
If we’re still having these issues in a year, than I’m worried. For right now, I’m upset and disappointed, but I know they’re working on it. Communication has improved, bugs are being fixed, and they responded really quickly to the jumping problem last night. That’s all good.
Part of them working on it has to be changing their QA processes, and I have no doubt that’s something they’re looking at also because they don’t like a huge gameplay flaw in Live any better than we do. There’s going to be some serious conversations at ANet after this, and I think we’ll see changes for the better. We definitely already have – Devs were on the forums all over the place this morning and last night, with much better communication for one thing.
To be fair, it’s only been 2 weeks since the Lost Shores patch. A lot of people are rushing to snap judgements that I don’t think are accurate or set in stone. Most of the game is fun, they’re working on issues and they obviously responded quickly to this last patch’s biggest issue. I’m looking forward to Wintersday, and the next few patches after that will hopefully address some of these things (including a new QA process, please).
Honestly, I’ve seen a lot of people asking for bugfixes not new content. There’s even thread floating around asking for that.
Combat mode should go away on its own after a bit, the mob loses interest and wanders off.
Or, look for the mob that’s trying to get near you.
On a scale of 1-10, where 1 is ‘potential minor issue’ and 10 is ‘elementalists and mesmers’, this is about .5 It’s probably a bug yeah, but I’m not sure why you think this is a major issue.
Henge of Denravi is a nice PvE server. We keep getting creamed in WvW, but I almost always see people around when I’m in the world. No idea about the regular PvP scene.
What time will you be playing mostly? That impacts how many people will be around.
/signed. Also a developer, also astonished at obvious flaws in QA process.
I’m sure ANet devs are trying their best. But if the tools and process is flawed, they aren’t going to get very far. Testers can’t catch everything, but you need good testers and good unit testing both for something this complex.
As someone who can happily adapt to bugs until they’re fixed, rather than stopping everything to declare the entire game broken and worthless the instant I so much as hear about a newly-introduced issue, I wholeheartedly support the constant and continual addition of new content.
Thanks for being awesome, ArenaNet. <3
Hear hear.
Since the game launched I’ve only run into a few bugs. A couple escort events and 2 skill points (which have since been fixed). The only major bug was when the Trading Post was down for the first couple weeks of launch and honestly the game was SO GOOD I didn’t mind. It was worth being patient and guess what? It too was fixed
I play an Elementalist, and that class is so bugged that I have to check my build against the forums to make sure I’m not relying on a trait that’s bugged, or that a combo I’m trying to use will actually complete. This latest patch broke some of our fleeing abilities, now they strip out all traits so they actually make a bad situation worse. I love jumping puzzles, and now I can’t do them or even travel properly.
Yeah, Henge got gutted when the WvW guilds left. The people remaining are trying and I always see at least a few people, but there’s a lot of solo time now. I almost always see a few people around, but where and when you play has a big impact on that.
I’m interested in starting an RP guild on Henge – if we can’t go to the RP we might as well RP where we are. Hopefully we can draw more players to Henge and out into the world so it’s a bit less empty.
High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Gilosean.3805
Never been hacked in a MMO 20+ years, account was fine, left to Japan for a month, just came back and I could not log in. Tried reset password didn’t get anything, so I logged in to NCSoft master account and see on my GW zhuhiangXXXXX@123.com. No idea how my email was changed without my authorization or the serial code.
Big question is has anyone had any luck with support and getting a restore? I don’t seem to see the original posters anymore and that response from Karpuz was cryptic regarding Gaile’s email "
If anyone recieved the email from Gaile, it is legit and whatnot (i feared it wasn’t initially, before i even got to read her comment) but you must follow the exact instructions in it, or else it seems the offer falls.
So don’t try to get a backup, don’t try to save valuables in case something bad happens, don’t try anything…just leave it be…Or you’ll end up wishing you didn’t even get your hopes up in the first place."
Offer falls? Hoping they can do a restore as I havent been able to bring myself to even playing after this due to all the time lost, not to mention it possibly happening again.
Bad news – they not only can’t do restores, they won’t even send some compensation through ingame mail to get you back on your feet.
We’re working on it. It was an intended change to certain types of transforms (for things like activities, etc) so you can’t have any active traits while the transform is active. There was a bug where trait line buffs (stat boosts) were still active, while minor and major traits were disabled.
A few transforms like Moa, and Ride The Lightning were unintentionally and negatively affected by this change.
We’ll have this fixed soon.
For transformed activities? Oh no. Please don’t nerf me while I’m fighting the Xolotl event chain in Caledon Forest. I love that chain and it’s hard enough already when I’m downleveled. Don’t steal all my HP so the jellyfish boss ROFLstomps (ROFLstings?) me. Please make sure that any changes you make don’t apply in to that event chain.
And why do you want to remove traits for activities anyway? My elementalist has such low health already, I can’t see why you want to make that situation even worse. Please be careful with this approach to activities. They should be fun, not stupidly deadly.
Regular keyboard macros don’t seem to be fast enough, need something driver-level or even kernel-level to accomplish this. Some keyboards have their software for this I suppose, but not all – mine doesn’t.
Ouch. I know some keyboards have their own driver software. FYI, it’s an open question whether ANet bans people for keyboard macros or not, so I probably shouldn’t have suggested it. Sorry, used to more respect for players than that and forgot.
i love to see bug fixs more than i like seeing other content. so im thinking it was a great update. i’m always afraid that if they release too much stuff and not fix whats needed they put bugs on bugs. you know what that leads too super bugs. id love to see content come every two months with a hugs bug fix in the month between
But they didn’t actually fix things. They broke jumping, mesmers (again), elementalist (again), dungeon fixes apparently still don’t work.
I’d love to see bugfixes too, but at this point I think the best bugfix is to hire new QA staff.
Glad to know I wasn’t the only one noticing this problem. Made the JP in Plains of Ashford more difficult than usual.
Can’t you guys just revert back to what it was before patch? It’s starting to feel like you are trying to fix “fixes” on things that had little to no issue before.
As a question, have you ever coded something before? I’m in basic Javascript and just a single error or added character (0-9, a-z, and anything like a ; : or a ,) can cause problems. It can take me 30 minutes just to find the problem in a simple 12 line code. And even then there’s a chance I screwed something else up, causing another error I have to fix! It’s a tough game of trial and error at times.
Imagine how much work this is for the programmers, since it’s over 1 million lines odds are. My hats off to the programmers, as you have some rough nights ahead of you.
I’m a programmer. And you know what? We keep careful track of what we change so we can rollback if needed, we test it in 2 environments (with internal and external testers!), and we release changes during off hours in case we miss something so it impacts the fewest users while we scramble to fix it. Oh, and when we make a major change to a basic part of the software we spend days-weeks testing it. Sometimes we still mess up, but we don’t mess up every time we release an update.
ANet devs and management and QA just keep failing to do their job. The ideas behind this game a great, but the execution – it would be funny if I didn’t have to pay money for it. As it is, it’s infuriating.
With patches, comes issues. This is common (at least with this game.) I’m not complaining but rather saying you should expect it and not cry bloody murder. Just bring it to their attention and they will fix it.
It’s the continual blatant failures to do basic due diligence that are so upsetting. If a patch introduced a few minor things, OK stuff happens. If a patch broke a major thing, OK everyone drops the ball sometimes. This patch breaks multiple huge things (some skills deactivate all traits, major game mechanic is randomly failing, etc), and that’s actually starting to be typical.
(edited by Gilosean.3805)
Your tournament or fixing possible game-breaking exploits?
Public Test servers and actual quality control would prevent ArenaNet from designing so many exploits that they then need to patch up.
I hear rumors that ANet has them, they just don’t pay attention.
At this point I have no hope that ANet will actually produce a patch that doesn’t introduce terrible game-breaking bugs. I just hope they make a patch-rollback system next.
Wow. O.o
I’m starting to think of this as the anti-patch. I just hope the Devs lay off eles for a while. I’ll take the bugged, squishy, low-DPS class as-is if they’ll just stop making it worse. Go ‘fix’ some guardian or warrior stuff please. Maybe if all the classes are equally broken they’ll actually start fixing them. Or, you know, misery loves company.
(edited by Gilosean.3805)
Keyboard macros?
There was nothing wrong with jumping before… Nor was there anything mentioned in the patch notes as being changed.
Yet here we are with unresponsive jumping.
Because pressing jump and nothing happening as you plummet to your death on a really long and complicated jump puzzle is a feature not a bug.
They edited the mention of the change out of the patch notes. You have to go to the wiki to see the original patch notes. (Gotta love that open and honest communication!) http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2012-12-03
Look at the last bullet in the General section.
My question is, why did they even think they needed to make this change? I’m honestly curious about what kind of decision-making process could produce this result.
This is really annoying, and jumping farther back doesn’t do anything. Just jumping as I walk around also fails randomly. Seriously ANet, what kind of QA did you do on this patch? It’s an update to a major game mechanic, this should have been QA priority #1 for days.
The thing that really gets me is that it’s not even fixing a problem! I never saw anyone complaining about ‘spam jumping’. I can imagine it being a big help in some circumstances, like when a door is bugged out and we need to get to the top of it (like that dungeon bug you all just ‘fixed’). You didn’t even need to do anything, and now this unneeded tweak to a functional mechanic has messed up an major part of the game.
TLDR: If it ain’t broke, DON’T FIX IT.
How on earth did anything in the patch notes impact jumping?
Either GW2’s engine code is horrible spaghetti code beyond belief, or you guys made a change in a patch and didn’t put it in the patch notes.
“Fixed a bug that would allow users to “Spam Jump” to scale walls and other obstacles."
I’m doing ctrl+F on the update notes in the News and Announcements forums and not finding the word “jump”. Didn’t find it reading the post either. Where are you seeing this?
Not there either. Looks like that page is automatically gathered from the forum posts, so that doesn’t surprise me. After reading the whole patch notes post, I think the reason for the missing info is finally clear. Bottom of the post:
(edited about 2 hours ago by Mark Katzbach.9084)
How on earth did anything in the patch notes impact jumping?
Either GW2’s engine code is horrible spaghetti code beyond belief, or you guys made a change in a patch and didn’t put it in the patch notes.
“Fixed a bug that would allow users to “Spam Jump” to scale walls and other obstacles."
I’m doing ctrl+F on the update notes in the News and Announcements forums and not finding the word “jump”. Didn’t find it reading the post either. Where are you seeing this?
Oh no. They broke jumping and elementalists? I knew about jumping, what’s wrong with eles now?
How on earth did anything in the patch notes impact jumping?
Either GW2’s engine code is horrible spaghetti code beyond belief, or you guys made a change in a patch and didn’t put it in the patch notes.
Congratulations! That does look awesome. Now I want a legendary more than ever.
Hi guys, thanks for the guides
So I relogged and half of the items I discovered were not on my list… my mats were still gone. I also can’t rediscover them… anyone heard of this happening before? I’m thinking of remaking my level 4 mezzie and starting fresh, cause I’m not really comfortable continuing if something’s wonky with my experience gain
I don’t feeling like grinding out duplicates for a fraction of 140 XP I get from discoveries. Luckily green wood is vendor-cheap right now. Still… so many blue mats. Off to Queensdale I guess
Hopefully no one else finds themselves in this situation.
You mean recipes disappeared from the production list, or mats aren’t appearing in the discover window?
Once you’ve discovered all the possible recipes for an ingredient, it won’t appear in the discovery window anymore.
The production list items are grouped, and you can accidentally shrink the groups. I’ve done that a few times and panicked. Take a look at the groupings in the production list and see if the arrows next to the item types are pointing down or out.
Basically, but you can transfer at any time a server’s open so there’s not much reason to delay starting. It’s irritating – I’ve been trying to get into Tarnished Coast for the past week.
Players can do cross-server dungeons, but most everything else is server-based.
I’d see if your friends are willing to transfer to a non-full server you can join. Guilds are cross-server, so if you’re all in a guild you can chat together regardless of server.
I think the ele is harder to play than at least some other classes, and that’s great.
I also think that my ele is lacking in HP and damage compared to other classes at the same level. Part of that is because of the mixed-messages issue in where we need to spend trait points (Arcane attunement vs other trait lines), so other classes get better options to use their trait points and effectively have more trait points. A clearer focus would be good – should we be flexible by design, or powerful by design? Don’t make us sacrifice both so we can be all-around mediocre.
If attunement switching is equivalent to weapon swapping, it should have the same cooldown as weapon swapping. I don’t see any reason to say “These things are roughly equal! …Except one takes much longer than the other”.
Actually, I think people running FotM were saving their ectos for ascended gear, and also buying up more. The early-bird power players worked their way through the ecto supply to make the BiS gear. As more of them get the gear we’ll see them put ectos on the market and the price will drop.
FotM definitely drops more rares and exotics by all reports.
Yeah, this kind of problem is why I don’t buy directly from ANet any more. I bought the game in a box, and buy gems with gem cards through an actual retailer. ANet’s problems with not accepting legitimate payments started with one of their ‘routine billing maintenance’ updates and they haven’t fixed it yet.
Getting a dungeon run together is easier than people will tell you.
The thing is that a bunch of elite players get upset with new players, that’s where you get complaints like SolarNova.1052’s, where s/he’s basically saying that new players mess everyone else up. That’s not true, how much fun a group has in dungeons depends on player attitude, not how skilled they are. There are some minimum requirements – level is enforced by the dungeon, you should have decent gear, and settle party strategy beforehand if possible.
If you’re worried about it, join a big guild or a cross-server guild so you’ll have a pool of friends to do the run with. Or there’s ways to make sure you’re ready for a dungeon.
I’m on Henge of Denravi, and I usually see people around in the East Coast evening and other standard play times. I don’t do dungeons, but I do see people forming groups for non-fractal dungeons. We keep getting creamed in WvW, so I think the only people left at this point are the PvE players.
I’d join a guild too. Operation: Union is a good cross-server guild, and they do a bunch of dungeon runs every week.
It’s the thread right below yours in this subforum. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/crafting/Ecto-Salvage-Stats-Spreadsheet/first
Please search in the future.
Try for other sigils, inscriptions. Make sure you have materials. Check your recipes against this list: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Huntsman/Green_Wood_recipes
@NoOne (lol)
Could you elaborate that recipe please,
And what does it make?And i still think destroyer weapons are too expensive for just a skin. there are other nicer exotic skins that are easier to get.
The dungeons skins for example.
You can donate food, armor or weaponry in the mystic forge to help rebuild Lion’s Arch. You get Captain’s Commendations that you can exchange for gathering tools, rares or exotics. Wiki is your friend: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Talk:Captain%27s_Council_Commendation
Ty for your info, but In regards to diminishing returns on salvage, the Devs have stated more than once that there is NO DR on salvage. You will need a really big sample size to prove them wrong
Yeah, but the devs have been wrong before. Won’t hurt to try it out.