Showing Posts For GoddessOfTheWinds.2937:

why is ascended weapons soulbound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


You can only sell the refined ascended materials. Raw materials and weapons can’t be traded/sold.

Fastest way to get Dragonite/Empyreal mats?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


I do world bosses for dragonite and jumping puzzles for empyreal. Pretty easy to get. I can get 50-75 of each mat in 2 hours. And I’m not including all the loot I’m getting. Quite worth the time!

Essence of Luck Mail Item

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


Yes, mail is not instant, as there are 1.2 million registered account. It can take a few hours to arrive!

Super Adventure Box - No Continue = 1 Life

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


This was probably a bug that was exploited heavily in the past and they changed it. I knew it was getting fixed the next time!

Unintended Monthly Achievement Rollback?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


Why are people so kitten ed off? You still get 27 days to complete it!!!

Though I completed it on the first day. Will I get new laurels if I complete it again?

"You have an equipped item that does...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


Have you checked your underwater weapons/breather, full set of gear, weapons, and everything in your inventory?

Have you checked in your stash?

Celestial Ascended Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


If the overall total of the other stats is equal or higher than those withtout MF stats, they will just remove the MF stat. Otherwise, for anything that has a 3rd stat with MF (which reduces the amount of stats overall on the item), you will be able to select a new stat on it.

Halloween weapons, how are they being

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


Sell everything and buy it off the TP I guess or buy back the new mats in October? But yeah, a warning would of been cool for a weapon that requires quite a grind.

Do celestial lose mf or there is a drawback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


Magic find was never a “combat stat” and thus there will be no other changes than removing it. This doesn’t change your power/condition/etc. on your char. Stop asking for more. I’m glad they got rid of the MF stat. I’ll now have more ascended rings that I can use!

Changing Sigil in Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


No, sigils will not affect this. Only transmuted legendaries will be affected but Anet will offer a solution to those who did this prior to the patch.

future plans for rare mats<t6

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


Ascended weapons will mosly requires T2-5 Ingots (Iron, Steel, Darksteel, Mithril for greatsword) and maybe other ingots/wood planks for different weapons.

From what people calculated on Reddit, the Greatsword will cost an average of:
180 Iron Ingots
90 Steel ingots
180 Darksteel ingots
450 Mithril ingots

Here’s the link:

But those numbers are not 100% sure as they were calculated from the livestream. To resume: the price of those mats will surely rise (mostly mithril I think).

However, I’m sad we don’t have more uses for fragments, silvers, etc. Their price is so low for their rarity.

Where's the Patch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


So a 4 hour patch in EU prime-time? Maybe stop taking WVW down so kitten early

GG Anet :/

Yeah, because you’d want them to wake up at 4 A.M. in the US to patch the game early just so YOU can enjoy it? Will never happen.

made it to the event within 10 minutes

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


Seomtimes the event starts a bit sooner, sometimes a bit later than the “clock”. It’s “10 minutes” after the even pops in your server, not 10 minutes after the hour.

Never wait until the last minute!

Two-handed weapons need TWO Infusion slots

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


All weapons have offensive infusion slots. 1 handed got 1, 2 handed got 2. Nobody loses! The video on their Twitch shows it!

Stay in the map you start in!

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


I do not have any problems and I keep switching to join friends.

Verify that:
- You did not have the achievement for that map yet (if so, it will not count)
- You did not have completed it that day (for the reward)

We need culling back

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


The removing of culling was great and now I can see how many people at each event, which is super cool! Glad to finally see the amount of people playing around.

But I’d love something like in a game I will not name:

If you pressed F10, every other players (players only) would disappear from the screen, leaving the field empty and a massive increases in FPS. You wouldn’t see them anymore, but they would still be there. I think this functionality could be combined with the removal of culling. Maybe only show dead/downed players so even then we can act fast if we activated this option.

Also because I like taking screenshots of scenery without names or players in the way :P

I think it’s great we can now see everyone, but as this event demonstrates, it’s sometimes too much of a clutter and we should be able to turn it off.

Very Disappointed

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


Before the 20th patch I was having a blast with the 10th anniversary celebration. One of the things that made me pick up the game about a little over a week ago was the promise of being included. My character was very low level and I was bumped up to level 80 to be able to join in the fun. Then the 20th happened. Imagine my horror when I find out you need to be at least level 25 to participate. This is 10th anniversary content and I will never be able to experience it. With my schedule getting a character to level 80 before it ends is just not possible. So so much for being included. I will still play the game but I am disappointed that this one time content will not be available for me.

The game will be 1 year old in 6 days. Where were you ?

^ This

Not everything in the game should and can be done by a new level 1. Some things are required, be it exploration, jumping puzzles, level requirement, etc. If you can’t do it, then you simply haven’t played enough.

Sorry for you, but it’s not because you can’t enjoy it that we can’t!

It's Good That Gauntlet is Hard

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


They wanted people to be able to watch their guildies/friends/w/e fight in the arena. The time limit is to make the achievements harder and prevent people waiting 40 minutes in queue because a tank is just dodging around.

I like it that way and even if I still have not beaten Liadri, I like this challenge. Even if I do not finish it before the 3rd September, it will come back later.

But I agree that I sometimes think I’m out of time when it’s another arena annoucer that’s counting down. The range could be lowered.

Buyer Beware, the new kit

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


Seems like people don’t understand how economy works. If they made this kit equivalent to the Mystic/Master Salvage kit with no cost, it would defeat the reason of gold-sinking into those kits.

Worst if it was account bound. You could switch it non-stop between characters, defeating the purpose of buying any kind of salvage kit ever again.

It will never happen.

In my case, I always have 1 Mystic Salvage kit and 2 Basic Salvage Kit on my characters. Basic for whites/junk/blues and Mystic for yellows. The new kit would be convenient, save me 1 bag slot and prevent me for going that often at a merchant to buy new basic salvage kits. It’s meant to be convenient, not save gold. With the new wallet, you don’t even need to transfer gold to use it. It’s accessible.

Dont’ like it? Don’t buy it! I will probably get it on my first main, because I’m like that.

It’s a CONVENIENCE item, not meant to make you rich! And with the upcoming changes to blues/greens, it might even be more useful then!

Though since it is now a BASIC kit which costs 3 copper per use, it’s still a gold sink in a way, and it would be nice if that one is account-bound so I can save space. I’ll wait and see.

(lack of) waypoints in Queen's Pavillion

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


Did you know you can click on the “upper level” on the bottom right of your minimap to waypoint where ever you want? The pavillion is NOT instancied and thus, you can freely move around the map. If it was instancied, you would see red around on the minimap.

The reason is that the Pavillion is underground, and you need to go up one level to see ground level!

Add more keybindings to H panel

in Suggestions

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


So, this suggestion is quite straight forward: we need more key bindings!

Currently, we have to press H to open the Hero panel, then click on which ever tab we need (and more steps required for some tabs). It’s tedious while we could have direct access to them.

My suggestion:
- Add to each tab in the Hero panel (Hero, Traits and Skills, Wallet, Achievments, Story, etc.) its own key binding. Maybe has them default to nothing (except fot Hero) but gives us the ability to add a key to each other if need be.

Currently I’m getting kitten ed off everytime I need to check my wallet or achievements. Worst of all, the achievements selection never stays and I have to click again and again. For example, I’d like to put V for Achievements and L for wallet.

Please, it’s a small thing that will make a lot of people happy. I still don’t understand why there are no key bindings for these yet!


Please make new fractals like Dredge fractal

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


The fractal overall is nice, but it takes way too long, that’s why it should be cut down.. The bomb part should be removed and the first part with the switches could be modified so there is less “die” on the last 2 switches involved. Maybe mobs that hits less but are harder to kill and you just need to keep the aggro off the one that activates the door mechanism.

It’s a fact that it is the longest fractal and should be modified to correspond to the average. Even cliffside is shorter than this one!

Turbo macro bannable?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


There should be an option to buy an X amount stack of items and use all the stack at once. I don’t want to break my mouse after 1 month. The clicking is ridiculous currently and that’s why I abandoned the Thirst achievement until something is done.

Trait resetting tokens

in Suggestions

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


I’m pretty sure they’ll implement it with their “builds” system they are developping which will hopefully allow you to have a preset of traits (and maybe gear) for each weapon equipped. So if you use staff, you have XYZ build, swap to scepter/dagger, you have the ABC build, etc.

Respec-ing would only be charged if the currently equipped weapons have already a preset.

I’m saying stuff that might not appear but look at the good side: builds are coming sometimes this year (I think).

Ascended MF Gear Please Refund Items

in Suggestions

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


I’m pretty sure they will offer an alternative, such as offering a free item swap at a NPC for gear with MF stats, or something along those lines.

Party Limit

in Suggestions

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


I agree that the PvE open-world maps could have a much higher limit. Let’s wait and see if they review party size when they’ll add the raids

WvW Titles

in WvW

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


Great! I can’t wait for these changes! I hope it will give more AP to WvWers and more people will be interested in completing the WvW part of achievements.

No title for completing all Jumping Puzzles?

in Suggestions

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


I agree. The title pool is very limited and more titles are always a good idea!

Race Change (Solutions: Cultural Armor/Story)

in Suggestions

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


I’m all in for this! I created a Guardian Charr for the story (and achievements). I love guardians, but I hate my charr. If there was a way for me to keep my toon while transforming her into, say, a Sylvary, i’m up for it!

But I think the idea to limit it to level 80 with completed story line is a good and valid point. It would reduces a lot of problems with the story line.


in Suggestions

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


I think it would be cool if marriage enables special emotes, dance, town clothes, and a few functions such as a permanent icon visible on map and maybe a unique transformation with special skills.

What I loved from another MMO was the fact that men could pick up woman in their hands. It was really useful to help for jumpings and such. It could be integrated into GW2 in such a way that it is only between the married (without the gender restriction). That’d be cool.

No need for shared stash or w/e.

new map idea- siege

in PvP

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


Well GW1’s PvP had some NPCs depending on which map/game type you were playing on. I’m not against PvP game types where there are NPCs. I love Jade Quarry, Aspenwood, Team/Random Arena, GvG.

I would have more fun in PvP if there were more game types, just as the one mentionned here, to play on.


Southsun Survival: Friend Friendly?

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


Organizing Sanctum Sprint races with my friends/guildies would be so great. We could hand out rewards to winners.

Just disable all achievements/rewards while playing with friends.

I’m glad Anet is listening. I can’t wait to see the day we’ll have mini-games to play with friends!

Can't sell gloves?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


Yes, gears/weapons with runes/sigils on the TP are looted, thus can be sold. Anything you craft will be rune-free, and if you apply any on it, it will soulbind to you.

You have the choice of:
1) Applying an upgrade to it, soulbinding it to the character
2) Moving it to an alt before applying an upgrade
2) Keep the item upgrade-free and sell it

If you can’t do anything with it, you can always throw 4 exotic gear in the mystic forge for a new one that you can sell.

Fractals of the Mist

in Suggestions

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


This asura gate has been affected by time distortion and will teleport you back to XYZ in the past. Simple.

Though I’d love more permanent dungeons/raids. If we have 8 permanent dungeons, why can’t we have more?

Finish first? - I can barely finish at all!

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


You finished 3 races and cry you did not finish first? It took my 20 races to finish first. You need practice to understand shortcuts, skills and avoid most of the glitchs.

I now finish first 75% of the time (though I never cross the line before 4th position).

Yes, jumpings were always a bit glitchy, but it shouldn’t prevent you from finishing first.

Anet please! im begging you really!

in Suggestions

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


Yeah sure, eles got attunements, which is 4 times the skills you would have. However, we do 4 times less damage/control if not switching elements, so I don’t think you can consider attunements as “more weapons”. Eles are required to switch attunements permanently to be effective. Don’t throw that crap at eles if you don’t have one!

And we don’t have many weapon choice too!


Deleted Characters

in Suggestions

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


Rollback will probably not happen. It is against policy to share accounts and it was YOUR own fault the characters were deleted as you gave someone else access to your account. You should NEVER share your account, even with your family.

All weapons for all professions

in Suggestions

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


Would love Elementalist with greatswords, hammer, sword, etc. We already have those enchanted weapon spells, so why not have a permanent weapon that acts similarly?

I love the Greatsword ultimate and would use it 95% of the time (5% is the staff for specific bosses) if it was a full 4 elements permanent weapon!

I think there are a lot of weapons that would be great on more professions. I think it’s unfair Warriors get to use the most… :S

They really should have more weapons to each class. That’s a fact. Currently there’s not enough diversity on most professions.

Add customizable weapon slots to weapons too (each weapons has maybe 10 skills to select from) and I’m sold.

New achievement window: Comments

in Suggestions

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


I think we should have a “custom” option in which we can drag and drop achievement blocks to where we want. So we could place the Slayers we will most likely complete at top and the completed ones at bottom for example.

Also, each tab in the Hero panel should have its own shortcut. Right now hitting H for skills, achievements, etc. is painful. I’d like to hit “J” (for example) to open my achievements straight up!

And I think a “detailed view” of Achievements break-down of friends/guildies could be nice (maybe like Slayers : 90, Jumping Puzzles: 100, Dailies: 456, etc.). This could be a good way to encourage people to see what they missed and what they can do to increase their AP. This would increases competition to have more AP than others.

Unlimited Salvage Kit

in Suggestions

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


Well there are Mystic Salvage Kit with 250 uses and with all the Mystic Forge Stones from the AP chests, I can do 2 on all my chars and still have plenty of leftovers! I don’t think we need an unlimited use salvage kit.

The difference is that people could move all their items onto the character that has that unlimited salvage kit to salvage everything, so even if that person only has 1 kit, they could use it for all characters. I don’t think we’ll ever see this happen!

Make Zephyr Sanctum Model a collectible

in Suggestions

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


I agree, these should be collectibles (because they are)!

Guild Mission Permission

in Suggestions

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


Most often happen without warning by new members. It’s hard to prevent it if not spamming “don’t start it yet”.

I’m up for this option.

Have 2nd place be able to get Blinding Flash

in Suggestions

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


If the 1st place goes too far ahead, other racers will be able to get access to Light Travel.

Light Travel goes to the next Check Point, not the next player.

Yes, but if you are not a really bad (and by bad I mean really really bad) racer, you will be able to get to first place using a Light Travel. Sometimes I’m like 5th because of a bad start, get a Light Travel, wait until I pass a chekpoint and BAM, I use it and get another checkpoint further and hop, first place (I teleported to the front). Now you just gotta spam Fake Powerups and Aspect Master (with Shield when possible) to get more speed and slow down others behind you!

Otherwise, there are strategies, shortcuts and other things to take into consideration.

Shield is intended to be used BEFORE a jump (in a preventive case for Gust) or to absorb the Lightning spell targeting you.

It took me 20 races to finish first, and now I finish first around 75% of the time. You just need practice.

Race is working fine and I love it that way.

/ commands Anet needs to add.

in Suggestions

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


I’m up for /facepalm! I do sometimes type it with a space in chat when it’s just… well… you know… XD

And I’m up for emotes such as /violin and /guitar.

The wait at the finish...Sprinting

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


It shouldn’t consider people that finished as “racing” if they go back on the tracks and people before the first/second checkpoint as they just joined and will probably wait until timer is over (since they will not be able to complete it in under 3 minutes).

Name change / Racial change?

in Suggestions

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


There is already Name Change Contract on the Gem Store.

Race Change might not happen because of the obvious Story Line specific to your character. However Anet hasn’t confirmed anything on that.

Permanent Activities (such as Sanctum Sprint)

in Suggestions

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


At first I would have thought that’d it integrate very well with Guild Halls (the NPCs could have been there), but we don’t have Guild Halls yet haha!

Salvage tools that don't destroy gear

in Suggestions

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


I’m totally up for a quite expensive gem item that could enables the “extraction” of a rune/sigil without destroying the gear. It should be quite expensive to limit their use, but available to those who don’t want to lose a precious skin!

Aspect Knight

in Suggestions

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


I really like the idea. A mix of multiple professions with its own uniqueness. Could be really interesting and I think it would fit with the game lore.

Permanent Activities (such as Sanctum Sprint)

in Suggestions

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


I have come to the conclusion that these mini-games ROCK! I’d love them to be permanent, but with a twist: friends/guildies.

We are a guild that loves fun stuff as a guild. We like organizing Jumping Puzzle races with prizes and things like that.

So my point is: I’d like it if our activity organizer could create an instance at the said mini-game NPC in which friends and guildies could come in and compete. We could include Crab Toss, Dragon Ball and many others as mini-games, but I’ll stick on Sanctum Sprint for this post.

So, let’s say a Guild officer creates an instance of Sanctum Sprint, we could then join the match. As soon as everyone’s ready, the organizer could launch the countdown and then… let’s have fun!

Some things to take into consideration:
1) Playing this way would not count towards achievements
2) Limit of people decided by the instance creator, for example he could decide on a 50 men Sanctum Sprint race or a 16 vs 16 Dragon Ball match. It’s more fun if as many people can participate! Or if it’s not possible to have a 16vs16, maybe be able to host multiple instances (so we’d have 2 instances of 8vs8 instead)
3) It would gives no rewards to players (it’s only for fun). Rewards will be hand out by our organizers by mail.

This game is in need of stuff that can be done with guildies/friends and this Sanctum Sprint mini-game is one of the best so far! I want it permanent and run it with my guild!

Thanks for hearing me out and I hope I can look forward to it forever!