“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
If I’ve met anyone with Eternity, I didn’t know unless they told me up front. You can’t tell from an outside perspective just from looking at it unless you stand there and watch them while it changes from day to night. I pretty much look at people and think “oh cool, a Sunrise/Twilight” and totally forget Eternity is a possibility.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
On TC, I frequently join the Queensdale zerg on multiple characters. I’ve leveled my Necromancer from about 20 to 58 in much less time than it took on my first character, and sometimes I level my Guardian there. I also take my 80 Mesmer there because even though the train is frequently derailed, it’s a much better champ rotation there for me than FGS is. In FGS, the champs typically die in seconds, and I don’t get to tag them. Also, the people in Queensdale are much more fun! We have very interesting conversations. Sometimes people get very bent out of shape about derailing, but I either start skipping champs or leave entirely. Often, derailing occurs not because of new players, but because of guesting players that really just don’t care about anyone else. There are a few well known derailers by now.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
I had that issue for a minute, what I did was switch to another BLTC tab and then back, and it loaded properly. Not sure if it will help you, though.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
I bought 800 gems today, and while the current conversion to gold is pretty good, I’m thinking that it might be better around the Mad King holiday. I remember that last year gem prices skyrocketed (for the time) within hours. What do you all think?
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
I sure hope so! Did old Clocktower (took a very long time) and did the Wintersday jp as a routine loot pinata, can’t wait to see what they unveil this Halloween! Also, I really really hope that one Halloween PvP game is back where you’re either an attacker or survivor and the survivors have to hide or they get turned. I was awesome at hiding on my tiny thief lol.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
I was wondering that myself (I know they aren’t open to trade with other players) specifically about if you gain the weapon as a drop. Hopefully it would be account bound, since if it were soulbound there would be almost no chance of getting one you’d want on that character.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
full condition dmg builds are meant to exist because they have entire weapons based 100% around it.
Exactly. Not just weapons either, they have entire PvE gear sets. You’re meant to use it in PvE. It’s absolutely great for AoE tagging, like on staff Necro. Why then should it be useless in very large groups versus one boss? Not just less effective, straight up useless simply because one or two people like you were there already. It makes no sense at all.
As for being legit in PvP, therefore who cares – you just lost all credibility in this conversation. That’s just irrelevant.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
Quote what I said earlier:
This makes it very easy for players to get angry at each other over playstyle, which sucks.
If youre worried about being made fun of for something that you recognize is terrible maybe you shouldn’t be doing it. I thought this was obvious enough that I wouldn’t have to quote it
The heart of the entire issue is that it shouldn’t be terrible. It’s a legit playstyle except for large groups, which makes no sense. This is an issue of the game being borked in this respect, not players refusing to “be better” or something.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
I will add that you get full rewards if you get Scarlet to spawn, but don’t kill her in time. As in, she shows up, time runs out, she disappears → still get full rewards. We got her to pop in the last 40s and got full stuff.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
Some people are saying something like the invasions are going to be permanent, is this true? I sure hope not… they’re fun and you get a lot of stuff, but it’s not something that should be around forever. It empties the other zones.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
I play a GS/staff Mesmer, but most of the issues seem to happen with the GS out. I use the right mouse button for camera movement. Extremely frequently (to the point of being common) when I am in zergs, I will click on a mob to target it, attack it, and somehow randomly end up targeting another mob or even a player. Sometimes it seems to happen when I release the right mouse button in order to place targeted skills, and sometimes it seems to happen right after I use the GS #2 skill (which bounces between enemies/friendly players.) I do have “promote skill target” checked on, but it doesn’t seem to do anything.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
That’s a good idea, thank you. I missed those additions. =p
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
For the maps that are doing this, I’ll look at them in the world map but the thing missing won’t show up. For example, a couple maps right now say a WP is missing, but I don’t see any undiscovered ones.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
After coming back from a ~6 month break, I decided to do more world completion. For some reason, the maps I’ve already done will have or say they have exactly one thing missing… like a POI, or a WP. When I go back and nab it I don’t get map completion rewards, just “re-find” whatever it was.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
I’m a woman, and I very much agree. On one hand, I am very pleased with the giant cast of strong female characters. What I don’t like is that apparently this strength has to come at the expense of every man in the story. It’s simply not interesting. Logan Thackery is one of my favorite characters in the game, but I feel that he is written extremely lazily, and I tire of the just… total insipidness of his “relationship” with Jennah (come on, she’s not even interested.) His writing is immensely better in the personal stories not involving Jennah whatsoever.
I can’t speak to the rest of the examples directly, what with having missed six months, but I agree the trend is there. If you want a strong male character, you have to make one. It’s you and only ever you. Strong female characters are good! But making an entire gender, WHICHEVER ONE IT IS, totally weak in comparison to the other is just lazy, boring, and sexist.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
I made my Mesmer before I made anything else. My Thief, who I made third or so, got his present. I’m unsure of when I made some of my other chars, could be up to a few weeks for the next oldest and the rest are around 6 months. I have no idea why my oldest char still hasn’t gotten anything.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
Holy crap, those achievement chests! I got crushed by loot. XD
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
I would love to see wooden antlers (for male and female) a la Green Man or Druids! The actual hair would be oak leaves with acorns here and there. Being able to modify the position/size of the horns much like the Charr would be ideal, but obviously may not be doable with a hairstyle.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
Male TA light glows – some color choices will make it more apparent than others.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
As I’ve stated on the Players Helping Players forum, I’ve been gone since January. I asked over there about some general stuff, but I’d like to ask specifically here: How is running TA at the moment compared to six months ago or so? I know there was a dungeon overhaul but I’m not sure where those patch notes are exactly. I’m very familiar with TA as I’ve gotten all but one of the pieces (and only need two more runs to get the chest), and I’m trying to see if it’s worth it to get back in the thick of it. Thanks for any replies.
For reference: I play a survival oriented Mesmer (GS/staff).
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
I went ahead and made a GS/staff survival-ish build, and I’ve done fine with it so far. It’s my favorite playstyle, so naturally I do best with it. I have to be very aware of my actions, but I’ve gotten all but one of the TA set pieces with just pugs, so I have to be doing something right, no?
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
I only need to do TA two more times to get the chest piece (my last one) but I haven’t done it since January… should I, like… wait for a while? Or something? I mean, I still have PTSD just from doing it back then. Seriously, it usually took like three hours if things went well.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
Hello Tyria!
After a very long hiatus from this game (for a few reasons) I am now happily exploring the world again at my own pace. While I was gone, however, I’ve obviously missed some things.
Firstly, am I crazy or did the default bank space shrink? Has it always been just three rows or did the wallet change do something? Secondly, what is this whole “living world” thing? At first glance it kinda looks like… doing past temporary content again? It’s not very clear to me. Finally, are there any other major changes I should know about? Oh, and are the dungeons harder now? I think I heard something about that. If anyone can help me with this stuff, I’d really appreciate it.
As a side note, I’m actually very surprised with how happy I am to be back. The game is a little quieter than it used to be, but I still see a fair amount of people in the starting zones (so far.) It’s also very nice to be able to come back after so many months and not have my gear be obsolete. I would make a small suggestion, though – I’ve gotten very used to the aesthetic gear systems of other games, and it’s somewhat disheartening to have gear be “melded” when applying looks. It’s much more inflexible than other systems, where I can change my look anytime I want without losing gear.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
Is this a PvP only change, or do we not know? I certainly hope it isn’t across the board… that would make no sense at all.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
I better get my last two TA runs in, those vines are a real pack of kittens…
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
Whoever it goes to, I’ll be fine with it if it’s NOT ele or thief haha, the two fastest classes…
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
Does the TA armor on a sylvari glow as well? Or is it only our true cultural armor?
As a male Sylvari wearing TA light, I can confirm that it does glow. It’s very pretty on the skirt, the spots light up.
Edit: added photo for comparison, glowing is on the right.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
(edited by Golgathoth.3967)
Since they’re putting in this new feature, can we maybe see more waypoints in certain dungeons? coughTAcough
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
You’re not supposed to be able to log out during combat, so my opinion is that part is an exploit.
I dunno, there’s no system in place at all to keep you from doing so, so all I can assume is that it’s not unintended. You don’t even have to alt+f4, you can just log out. Kind of silly in my opinion.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
No, I’m not complaining about the price – I have a question. I have a fair amount of these in my possession that I’ve been saving, all of which I gathered from drops. They haven’t been selling at what I used to post them for, so I’m assuming whoever would buy up to my price isn’t in the market anymore. My question is: should I sell what I have right now, or wait and see if (whenever they decide to implement it) a precursor scavenger hunt would make them more in demand due to the Juggernaut crafters? The only sticking point here is that the scavenger hunt may be pretty far off on the horizon.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
A whole stack you say? T^T
Oh my dear god… why… O-o
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
You have a really nice face going in that /vg/ thread… props to you.
By the way, he was TOTALLY not hacked. You got used.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
(edited by Golgathoth.3967)
I ended up getting mine at level 80 when I completed Metrica.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
I love the necro staff sound. It’s one of the reasons I chose it as my main weapon. =D
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
This just happened to me as well. I harvested all the nodes, came back later, harvested two nodes and the rest are now unusable. If this is intended, it makes no sense given the extremely low drop rate of the flowers.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
I like the music, but I’m getting really irritated with it now. Why? Because it’s just about the only dang song that plays for me when I’m in LA. I’ve got my music set on near constant, and I rarely hear a song other than the “new” one. Either that or the music is about ten minutes too long… but I doubt it.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
So THAT’S what happened…. I played a Psionist named Keldred years before I made a Mesmer here (with the same name as a sort of nod) and I had taken a year long break or so. When I returned, I tried to keep leveling him in PvE…. all I could think was “What the hell, surely it wasn’t like this when I last played or I’d have quit in two weeks!” Needless to say it only took a couple days for me to delete Allods from my system, and I haven’t picked it up since…
Edit: Now I really, REALLY miss my bad apple Egyptian undead Psionist dude… *mourns the fallen
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
(edited by Golgathoth.3967)
I would like to commission a piece of art from you, so I’ve deleted my free request. This will be of my one character Keldred, a Sylvari Mesmer. I’d like to have him in the armor set (and colors, if possible) pictured – I’m a bit shy of the tokens needed for the rest of it. I’d like the picture to have a white background like the other commissions in this thread. Keldred is very flamboyant, so please have him dancing with the signature fuchsia Mesmer butterflies all around him. He’s always happy, so he should look like he’s enjoying himself. =p
If you need more/better pictures or information, please let me know! I’ll oblige. I’m really excited to see what you do with it. =D
P.S. If it’s not a bother, could you also upload the picture before it’s colored? Sometimes I like to color things for fun. Also, take as much time on this as you need! I’m in no hurry.
comission result!
now back to sketches (again) xP
I love it!!! Thanks for working so hard on my commission. Definitely recommending you to my friends!
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
If we’re going to have Lyns indefinitely disabled, can we PLEASE at least make her shut up? Very tired of hearing “Will you doNATE?”
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
Better they learn how to counter it than them convince anet to nerf one of our useful dungeon elites into THE GROUND!
if this is a pve v.s pvp issue im sure that things will be kept different and they can make a split version of the skill. already assuming they wont do this before anything has changed and there has been no patches yet just sounds like “end of times” talk to me
I certainly hope they split it… they’ve failed to on other occasions, which is what has me all jumpy. Nerfing TW would make boss fights just that much longer… ugh.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
If the problem is that TW supposedly makes Mesmer a requirement for any team, the answer is NOT to nerf Mesmers, but rather to BUFF all the other classes in some way. Apparently this needs to be said, and often.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
So whatever is causing teams to consider mesmer a-must-have-member needs to be nerfed to the ground so that noone considers mesmers (nor any other class) a must-have-member of top team.
And if you cannot grasp this simple concept, you should not be participating in balance discussions.
No. No no. No no no, a thousand times NO NO NO NO NO.
You do NOT nerf a class to the ground to make other classes viable. That is an absolutely terrible design philosophy, and you should be ashamed for being so selfish as to even suggest it. If you nerf a class to the ground, you just end up with another “underpowered” class that will not be used.
That then requires a new class to become the sacrificial lamb. This philosophy encourages a “Flavor of the Month” style meta where ENTIRE CLASSES become obsolete.
If this is a problem that needs to be fixed, fine. Buff other classes to make them more flexible and more desirable to bring… don’t make an entire class useless. There is an enormous difference between balance and selfish whining, one you clearly don’t understand. If you cannot grasp these simple concepts, you should not be participating in balance discussions.
WoW, where have I seen this happen before….
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
Great, so this is next on the “we hate mesmers” list… I’m going to echo what some others have said. Since obviously devs like to listen to these threads and will likely change this if there’s enough crying about it (which there always is), PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MAKE IT A PVP ONLY CHANGE. I never PvP. Never. There is zero reason to change this in PvE if you change the skill at all, which I frankly don’t see why you would. 10 seconds of quickness… every 210 seconds. Also, have none of you though to bomb a timewarp with confusion?
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
I back pretty much every suggestion in this thread. Spot on, sir.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
Oh, sorry, I forgot that the whole server is supposed to be doing WvW all the time. It’s not like there’s dungeons and sPvP, or world PvE. In all reality though, I’m not sure you’d want all the people who don’t like WvW to get into it. We’d probably plummet down the ranks. I’ve been in and out of borderlands myself to get completion, jumping puzzles and the like, and I am BAD at PvP.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
(edited by Golgathoth.3967)
I don’t know that I really agree with needing more “dark” places (we have enough edgelord stuff as is), but I can definitely say I’d like more “awe-inspiring” places. Orr comes very close to being like that, but I’m usually too distracted with trying to stay alive. Just as some examples (and I don’t mean to start anything here), some places that really made me feel hushed and in awe at just the vast implications of what was going on were Icecrown, Zul’Drak, Felwood, etc. I don’t know how, but those areas just make things feel so much bigger than yourself.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
TA is a perfect example of the mantra “You shall not skip.”. The lacking of WP is also annoying. Combining with skipping mobs -> needless deaths.
I’ve been in a group once that skipped almost everything in TA fine, sadly I was the one who was bad at it since I hadn’t done that before. There’s some stuff in there that any group can skip, though, like the archers at the end of the gauntlet for the Up path.
I agree, though – TA could be a lot more fun for the amount of pure annoyance it has in it. It’s basically tunnels of trash mobs separated by some very easy boss fights (excluding the vines, since almost all pugs have issues with those.)
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
It’s not a bug, this is how the fight works. You have to kill the acolytes as fast as you can in animal form. It’s doable with around ten people or more if you have 2-3 on each acolyte.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
We ended up having around two people on each acolyte. I think he healed a total of 5-7 times. You have to be persistent. Only reason I was doing it was to free up a skill point I needed for completion.
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!