Showing Posts For Hoots.9564:

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


The Funny this is TW want to GvG at primetime when the guild is focusing on defending the map, yeah I can undertand that SoR don’t mind in defending anything cos they lose every week in wvwvw but JQ fight till the match is over.

Wait a second, EMP was defending?!?!? If i remember correctly they had all of their keeps fully reset before the night was out.

[TW]Tempest Wolves

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


I spy with my little eye an outmanned buff on JQ in their own BL Looking for a guild to replace EMP for garrison farm session, I’m looking at you PRX!

[TW]Tempest Wolves

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


Score update 12:10 est


[TW]Tempest Wolves

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


Hmm, JQ and BG neck and neck. I guess this means tonight is fairly important for who maintains ppt, deciding factor in my book is who SoR decides to harass tonight and who they let tick uncontested.

Offering 2000g…

We already paid 2000g for this match, might as well pay another 2000g to SoR to seal the deal.

BG for life Motherkitteners! Pay2Win

Just Joking

Seriously, I’m taking bets.

10g min bet
Payout as follows

2 times if BG wins
2.5 times if JQ wins

If you offer Klondike bars for our server then you have a deal my friend!

[TW]Tempest Wolves

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


Hmm, JQ and BG neck and neck. I guess this means tonight is fairly important for who maintains ppt, deciding factor in my book is who SoR decides to harass tonight and who they let tick uncontested.

[TW]Tempest Wolves

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


The Reason EMP avoids TW is not because we are afraid of them, although we do think that they are a good PvP guild. The only reason that TW wasn’t included on that list is the fact that TW has been known to spam troll EMP members, especially our GM, Rawnoodles. Basically all of our leadership has TW blocked, so setting up communication between us to GvG would be difficult.

Understand that we do have respect for TW as players, but as people, we have had some serious issues in the past. We would like nothing more than to test ourselves against TW, but they have made it clear that they are not interested in a friendly competition.

We love noodles, he gets all of our attention on inc! Its a shame though, last patch they added precursor drops for anyone who can kill TW.

[TW]Tempest Wolves

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


TW, TWL, CDS and a few others were running around together with something near that last night. I honestly couldn’t even use skills when they’d get near because of the lag. Choo tends to do the same thing.

Lol, so I’m assuming this is a compliment? TW/TWL have 25 total at our peak, but I guess you could classify that as a 80 man zerg if you factor in that 1 TW = 3 normal players.

[TW]Tempest Wolves

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


We all have serious skill delay in huge battles. It becomes Auto-attack Wars 2.

its pretty unbearable, seems like everyone has come out to play or anet broke wvw again.

[TW]Tempest Wolves

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


Score Update 12:23 am est.


[TW]Tempest Wolves

2/22 -JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


Score update 10:45 est


[TW]Tempest Wolves

2/22 -JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


I take no credit for what happened on jq, all of it goes out to the oceanics.

So does this mean that JQ admits to being carried by Foo?

[TW]Tempest Wolves

2/22 -JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


lol keep the score updates coming JQ! You are making SoS/SoR’s doors very angry right now!

We don’t have any more doors! ….. get outplayed JQ

I’ll give them credit, our doors can be quite vicious at times. I’m sure it took every bit of skill and effort on JQ’s part to take them out!

[TW]Tempest Wolves

Welcome to T1 wvwvw.. I mean Jade Quarry!

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


Jade Quarry achieved something today. To the Commanders leading us and the soldiers sacrificing their lives to make it happen… it doesn’t make it any less of an achievement. We’re not bragging, or showing off… we’re patting one another on the back… because this was a team effort.. and there is no I in team.

Those doors are brutal!

[TW]Tempest Wolves

Welcome to T1 wvwvw.. I mean Jade Quarry!

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


lol what a quality server, Good job JQ for creating such a respectable community that holds itself to a higher standard, Anet should just shut down WvW for these guys, after all they are the best.

[TW]Tempest Wolves

2/22 -JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


lol keep the score updates coming JQ! You are making SoS/SoR’s doors very angry right now!

[TW]Tempest Wolves

The departure of ND, MERC, & VOTF from SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


VoTF is the jewel of all the guilds leaving sos so far, will be interesting to see where they land.

[TW]Tempest Wolves

2/22 -JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


sos is hiding??


[TW]Tempest Wolves

2/22 -JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


Do you realize JQ dealt with this kind of ’’coverage’’…who knows how much months ago, always fighting back.

And here you all are, already crying, you wont be competition here or in any other game with that kind of attitude(the ones crying)…ofc wvwvw cant be really considered a competition model because the way is designed in my pov.

Hope they consider make a huge bracket between NA and EU…but of course people will cry even more because the mighty ’’nightcapping’’ because the world only spins around them and wvwvw in anet words ‘’24/7 fighting non stop’’

wait wait wait wait!!!!! JQ, the same server who earned the name JQQ when they played HoD is complaining because we are complaining?? LOL, in fact if someone were to bring up those old threads I’m about 99% sure that thread looks exactly the same. JQ we get it, you beat the game. As for the prize, well there is no prize for winning WvW, so I guess the joke is on you guys

Wasn’t your guild on JQ when we gained the nickname ‘JQQ’? Interesting…

Quite interesting, hmm I feel like hes trying to tell me something?

[TW]Tempest Wolves

2/22 -JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


Do you realize JQ dealt with this kind of ’’coverage’’…who knows how much months ago, always fighting back.

And here you all are, already crying, you wont be competition here or in any other game with that kind of attitude(the ones crying)…ofc wvwvw cant be really considered a competition model because the way is designed in my pov.

Hope they consider make a huge bracket between NA and EU…but of course people will cry even more because the mighty ’’nightcapping’’ because the world only spins around them and wvwvw in anet words ‘’24/7 fighting non stop’’

wait wait wait wait!!!!! JQ, the same server who earned the name JQQ when they played HoD is complaining because we are complaining?? LOL, in fact if someone were to bring up those old threads I’m about 99% sure that thread looks exactly the same. JQ we get it, you beat the game. As for the prize, well there is no prize for winning WvW, so I guess the joke is on you guys

[TW]Tempest Wolves

2/15 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


But, but, I thought the weekends were when everything is equal?!

Lol, “when I played with them”…“when we were there”… Ugh guys. Servers change, people change. We still brawl quite well, we still have many small guilds that go to WvW, we still fight open field, and yes (as weird as it is) we still like the ppt. The ppt is what’s kept us in T1.

lol, cant brawl when your behind your fully fortified walls every night. Hope Foo is happy with carrying your server.

[TW]Tempest Wolves

2/15 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


I’m so sick of it, I’m sick of T1, I’m sick of JQs mentality, I’m sick of how broken everything really is. Are you guys not tired of how bad T1 has actually become? Can you not see how bored everyone is getting? Noones even posting on the forums anymore, we are all so bored, noone cares to fight for anything for that matter. I’m sick of even attempting to look for small scale fights as no matter what you do, how much you bow, wave etc.. attempt to get a duel or an even fight against JQ you will ALWAYS i mean ALWAYS end up outmanned 3to1 at least. If you somehow have found yourself in a fair fight, expect to get run over at the end of it. The word sportsmanship has been erased from a JQ’s vocabulary. I miss Blackgate and SBI they had some roamers that would wave and cheer and ENJOY the game with you and want to have a fun, fair, fight.
But I have a dream. A plea. A wish. Please for the love of competetive tiers. Something needs to happen. Ideally SoR and SoS merged and Kaineng and Blackgate merge so you end up with 3 stacked servers instead of 1. Then TC would get a break as well and have much better fights against servers like FA. I envy Borlis Pass, NSP and Anvil Rock so much and that’s what every tier should be like.
And this goes to all players in wvw: Please be more fair. If someone is duelling someone else, dont jump in, if a small op is fighting another, same thing, just watch it and walk away… I know this is probably impossible, but attempt to keep it fair for the good of the game and the fun factor. Ganking is and has never been good for a pvp community in all games.

Honestly there is no need for servers merging, SoR,SoS,BG,KG, and TC are all balanced servers for the state of the game atm, all of those matches are close, and if for some reason they are not close I can guarantee that the fights make up for that. The only problem with WvW atm is HOD 3.0(JQ), If your able to seal the deal by monday night in T1, then you should already know that there is a balance issue. At this point its just a waiting game. JQ will eventually shed some of those numbers and then they can be considered an enjoyable fight, but as of right now they are just a PPT server looking only to defend what they have and take as much ppt as possible. Its a shame really cause JQ used to brawl with anybody like nobody’s business when I played with them

[TW]Tempest Wolves

2/15 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


I was playing in JQ BL last night. Given the numbers you stated, we had quite a bit less than that. The bulk of the pugs you referred to were actually in community TS. In that respect there is very little difference between them and your single guild force apart from the the guild tag above their head. Maybe your single guild might be a bit more proficient with combo field tactics etc due to more practice but alot of those JQ small guilds know that stuff as well. They don’t need the same guild tag above their head to perform it. What you see is a mixed group of guild tags and assume its a bunch of “pugs”., however you want to define that term.

We had folks on scouting and defence and camp flipping/yak running and a mixed strike force running around harassing bay and hills to keep you tied down. We even flipped hills at one point with 10. All organised by TS and chat.

The force you faced on JQ BL was actually quite organised which is why they were doing ok against you despite their limited numbers and keeping you from making alot of progress but because you didn’t see a single guild blob then you assumed it was a bunch of randoms. Don’t worry, all other servers appear to make this mistake.

You are right though, the strategy we were following last night make sense for us. Your home borderland is always predominantly a defensive map.

I have kept away from these boards this match up until now as I could guess exactly what a certain small section of the SoR players would be saying given how T1 match ups play out over a few weeks. Pleased to see that they have not dissapointed me.

Enjoyed fighting Choo in the last 2 weeks. You run a solid show for sure.

I actually agree 100% with your statements about JQ pugs, in most cases I’d take them over any of the organized guilds on JQ. When we were on JQ the pugs were a force to be reckoned with, used to roll all the “big name” guilds regardless of tier or skill. Its unfortunate that you guys don’t take as big a role anymore, as all I hear about now is the best guilds you guys have, but JQ pugs at the start were not something you mess with. Mad props to JQ pugs <3 Actually you guys probably hate being called “Pugs” so I’ll call you Quarrians?

[TW]Tempest Wolves

2/15 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


I usually play JQ BL, and I think last night was only the 1st or 2nd time in the past 3 weeks that JQ has held garrison at night.

Usually it’s gone, all the organized guilds have abandoned us and TW and friends are farming us by 9/10pm est.

It was a pleasant change and I’m glad we showed that we can hold it if we work together. They still won the open field fights pretty handily, but at least we held garrison and our towers.

Yea yesterday was kinda one of those days for us, Indo logged early due to a headache and most of us either farmed what we could or simply logged to spend time with wife/family. I’m sure you will see us back out there again tonight

[TW]Tempest Wolves

2/15 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


….well that’s a bit embarrassing, sorry about your golems Tsym

[TW]Tempest Wolves

2/8 - JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


dl;akjfdal;jfalkjfdla;kfj 1:09am est


[TW]Tempest Wolves

2/8 - JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


Our thread is alive again!

[TW]Tempest Wolves

2/8 - JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


PRX and SF seem to be running a super zerg in SoR BL now.

Shame, PRX was on JQBL with that zerg for a total of 3 open field fights then they left us At least one of those fights they grouped up in one big stack so as to leave the bags close! Just an FYI for JQ’ers if you decide to take that step into JQBL, confusion bombing has already been used unsuccessfully multiple times on TW/CDS!

[TW]Tempest Wolves

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


On a more serious note, I’ve heard there’s some bad blood between SoR and BG but not a reason as to why? I think someone mentioned guilds transferring or the like, but that could have been different servers too… or as well…

Bad blood came from BG bragging about winning every week against doors. And I’d guess BG’s hate comes from SoR claiming NA superiority over them and some of there guilds, of course any mention of SoR having a better NA gets BG all tender. I don’t feel any bad blood between us atm, but i’m sure once they come into t1 they will be shooting for us, just like we will be shooting for them, its a love hate relationship.

[TW]Tempest Wolves

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


T1 forums are where its at, this thread reminds me of the SoR/BG threads of t2…lol so much anger in those forums too.

Well SoR here now, I see a trend forming.

yea so do I, I’m thinking we have some competitive players on SoR that like to rouse the competition for more fights!

[TW]Tempest Wolves

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


I just read the last two pages.

I feel like I’ve walked out of that scene in Robocop this thread is so toxic.

If this keeps up, I’m going to ask all of blackgate to boycott this kitten (yes I wrote kitten) if/when we get to Tier 1. We’ll just send Steven Segal back to Flava Flave’s party with Lindsey.

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, but know covenns arguments by heart, I feel sad for you.

if/when you get back to T1, I am expecting some Fiesty score updates…..

Yes, we will bring Feisty, however, we will hold Feisty score updates hostage until the thread becomes civil.

But this thread has finally gotten entertaining, first 10 pages were sos and jq bickering like a married couple, now there is rage and entertainment in every post.

[TW]Tempest Wolves

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


Ya, to bad I cant upload the whole thing without making 15 posts.

But anyway, this what SOR refers to as JQ PvDing them.

Looks like an organized FOO zerg vs SoR Pugs, but props for taking the tower.

[TW]Tempest Wolves

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


Sorry if EMP runs one of the best defensive tactics on the server. Sorry if you feel so distraught by “T1” tactics. Sorry for actually bringing competition on JQB.

Hmm does not seem like its enough, JQ do you guys have any other guilds that can swap with EMP for the week? SF, PRX? oh well I tried, guess we are stuck with them

[TW]Tempest Wolves

08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


words cant describe how perfect your posts are doran! LOL

[TW]Tempest Wolves

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


That’s it SoR.
Im removing the welcome mats at garri in JQBL.
Im also taking all the beer and women away too.
There is nothing there for you, please move along!

But its so shiny and new, can we at least have it for an hour or so too take it out for a spin?

[TW]Tempest Wolves

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


Score Update….


[TW]Tempest Wolves

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


epic defense of bay on sor bl, props to sos/tysm <3

[TW]Tempest Wolves

Jan 25-Feb 1 | SBI, TC, SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


Good fights from Pink, AL, and DIS these past couple of weeks, fun watching you guys grow in both tactics and skill. Good luck this week coming up, BG is surely in for a surprise <3

[TW]Tempest Wolves

(edited by Hoots.9564)

Scenario: You are the lead WvW map designer.

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


I love the idea of every server having a unique map. But realistically 2 new maps would add a similar effect, leave the bl map for one bl, keep eb, and create 2 new unique maps. One could be desert as someone suggested and the other jungle?

[TW]Tempest Wolves

Dear Sanctum of Rall

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


So the WvWvW forum belong to SoR now?

all your base are belong to us

[TW]Tempest Wolves

Jan 25-Feb 1 | SBI, TC, SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


If Blackgate were to ever go against SoR, I’m sure the outcome would be as it was when we were in T2 against them for 11 weeks. Especially since SoR is not the only server that got new transfers
To my friends in TC, hang in there… You’ll be placed in your appropriate tier after Blackgate finishes steam-rolling next week.

lol silly blackgate, you do realize that you were stuck in t2 with a server that had only NA coverage lol. Not only that but you guys actually lost about 75% of the launch weekends, which forced you guys to go out in force during the weekdays just to catch up and take the lead. Don’t come onto our forums, especially since your from icoa…lol

[TW]Tempest Wolves

(edited by Hoots.9564)

Update: No WvW Rating Reset

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


t1 projections

Jade Quarry
Yaks Bend
Emery Bay

yes, this sounds like a good fix anet

[TW]Tempest Wolves

Update: No WvW Rating Reset

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


Just let it play out. It will be great to face some new opponents. With the current ratings the matchups are nearly the same every week.

If you are from a top server, your “new” opponents would be run over by you. Unless you really enjoy lop sided fights I don’t see how that’s great for you.

If you are from a low server, your “new” opponents would run you over. Unless you really enjoy getting tortured, I don’t see how that’s great for you.

Lose-lose if you ask me.

Sure, if you’re only looking at the next one or two matches.

In the current environment it’s going to take at least a month for T3 through T8 to settle down. The current environment also makes it statistically improbable for certain servers to move up into positions they belong in, exacerbating the problem.

I will gladly exchange two weeks of bad/awkward match-ups for long-term fun for everyone, and you should too. It’s about every server everywhere getting better and getting into a better place, not just your server.

Win-win if you ask me.

Currently you guys are complaining about the beating your receiving this week and that’s in T2, how do you think T4 down will fair when you have anvil rock fighting SoS, or yaks bend fighting SoR. Not sure how this is a win-win scenario for anyone. In a perfect world two weeks of bad matchups would be great, but in reality its likely gonna be more like a month before the dust settles, and a lot of lost players for anet

[TW]Tempest Wolves

Update: No WvW Rating Reset

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


Here’s what’s going to happen to the smaller servers everyone is worried about:

Week 1: have a good match, gain 30-50 points, end up in T2-T3 the next week
Week 2: have a bad match, lose 50-100 points, end up in T6-T8 the next week
Week 3: have a good match

If everyone is at 1500 points to start, then losing 100+ points in a single match-up (as we’ve seen happen multiple times the past few weeks already) is going to stabilize things rapidly. We’re talking one, maybe two poor matches.

This isn’t the end of the world. Don’t sensationalize it. I’m fine with this decision.

one scenario though you might wanna think about, say BG dominates T2 this week and you guys fall from t2 to say t4, being that SoR is untested in T1 we lose and fall to T4. Not to sell you guys short but looking at the match up right now SoR will demolish you guys again forcing you to stay in t4 or fall even further down the tiers, that would force you guys to start from the beginning. Def. not something I personally wanna see happen which is why this idea could backfire very very badly for anet.

[TW]Tempest Wolves

Update: No WvW Rating Reset

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


So you’re ending free transfers to make the matches more even… but you’re also resetting the rankings which (you admit) will make the matches less even.

That sounds like precisely the type of solution you guys would come up with.


[TW]Tempest Wolves

Update: No WvW Rating Reset

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


True, but it also means that all servers that want to get into Tier 1 will have to earn their way in, not exploit a dead servers uncorrected high rating to shoot into Tier 1.


[TW]Tempest Wolves

Update: No WvW Rating Reset

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


Around 4 weeks to roughly balance the servers before big WvW patch / update. Anyone else nervous?

lol this is not a good idea at all, the established WvW servers that have worked months to finally balance the tiers so as to not blow out the competition such as t2 and t4 atm, will finally be somewhat normal on the week that they are resetting the ranks. Any of the t1 servers/t2 servers that lose will fall and demolish any t3 and beyond pairing. So I’m not sure why this is happening considering all WvW oriented servers are already in/about to join brackets where they will find competiton.

[TW]Tempest Wolves

Red Guard vs. VOTF and HB GvsG and Wvwvw.

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


Looks like we are gonna be a few days too late for the party Hopefully in the future we can set up some GvG with you guys. Nice fights RG, HB, and VoTF

[TW]Tempest Wolves

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


SoS what is going on? cant speak for TW but I can certainly say I was personally looking forward to a rematch with SoS and of course our first love JQ. Pull it together guys its still very early.

[TW]Tempest Wolves

(edited by Hoots.9564)

Tier Predictions in a Month

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


I don’t know how SOR is in non NA time, but unless they can field a minimum of 2.5 maps worth of people at all times(i mean 24/7), they are going to find every single one of their keeps and towers reset daily in T1. This has nothing to do with skill, but thats how it will be.

I’d agree but SoR is not afraid to take your fully upgraded towers and keeps each and every night, so whether we lose during off coverage times or not I can guarantee we will be out in force during our coverage brawling with whoever wants a fight. in the end that is really what WvW is all about atm

[TW]Tempest Wolves

Tier Predictions in a Month

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


T1 after settle will be SOS-JQ-SOR

SoR has better prime time than BG and just got the coverage to most likely match them at Oceanic hours, which was the only reason BG got out of T2 at the time anyways. I suspect BG/SOR will be trading places in T1 alot.

SOR has better primetime? What primetime? From your post you seem to think NA primetime is THE primetime, and everything else is just extra “coverage”.

You are in for a rude awakening if and when you make that T1 jump.

lol silly blackgate, of course NA is considered the primetime for NA servers. And yes SoR does have better NA, can you think of a server other then SoR that has nearly beaten/matched scores with SoS and BG with only NA? I cant seem to think of any, and with all the awesome oceanic’s we’ve gotten the past few days we have put our community in a position to succeed in tier 1.

[TW]Tempest Wolves