wow never seen so many people run away like t1
Can’t keep up with those numbers, this could explain why your not receiving the fights you so long for.
For that compote food to work you actually gotta kill something.
Apparently your blob + the Sup ac to the left and the cannon from the bloodlust point wasnt enough.
- Dont worry we ate that food as you kited in to your garri
Whew you guys blob these forums as hard as you blob in game. You guys have almost made it to a page just with your guilds comments.
wow never seen so many people run away like t1
Can’t keep up with those numbers, this could explain why your not receiving the fights you so long for.
That’s a nice open field AC build site you have there TW
Was wondering when someone would point that out!
Yea its funny those rallians will throw just about anything down!
NS seems to think they are the big shots here when you guys are just… not.
At least we have the balls to take on full queues……. unlike you
Probably cause your running with a full queue.
pug commander came around for a swing on that push. To bad your screen shot doesnt show that you still outnumbered us by a large margin. But I can understand how a 5 minute interval of even numbers justifies everyone running away from our 25+ when they easily double our numbers for the rest of the night.
lol, you should watch that stream you guys put up every night and review your mini-map to further clarify the actual amount your rolling with. I do apologize that our meager 23 including TWL were not enough to fill your thirst for fights, in fact your stream shows this quite well. If you wanna get some good fights you might wanna reduce those numbers a bit and run some havoc. We simply cannot match those numbers when we are running no-tag as our lil guild has less people in it than the total players you have online every night.
wow never seen so many people run away like t1
Can’t keep up with those numbers, this could explain why your not receiving the fights you so long for.
Ok thank you for your time. It is my understanding that TWL is a training guild for TW? And that TW accepts 4 or 5 recruits from TWL per month that make the cut, into the original guild?
Thank you.
TWL is more of just a recruit guild, anyone who applies goes into the guild to give us a better method of identifying if they are a good fit for TW, as well as giving us an easier method of finding who actually has applied. TWL is not classified as full TW due to the fact that there are basically no limitations of who can join outside of class needs. This is why you always see us posting just how many TW are on and ignoring the TWL numbers, the amount of time and experience for members in TWL range so greatly that we never account for them as our core in our zerg. And yes we average about 2-4 TW accepts a month depending on the word of the Jade Rainbow.
(edited by Hoots.9564)
I have heard rumors that WARD has merged with TWL. Can anyone confirm this?
Hello, I am still waiting for confirmation. Thank you.
Could you imagine the devastation However, we have not merged, Ward is still Ward last I heard.
The center feels like they merged an spvp arena into the middle of WvW. I’m all for removing the lake in the middle, but the way it is now seems way to cluttered. Guess we will find out if any battles will actually occur there, but I have doubts as it feels way to spvp for my taste.
Here to put an end to “if and when Agg leaves” rumors. We made our Chinese friends in Jade Quarry a promise that Aggression will be staying on Jade Quarry for the long run this time, longer than our longest stay on any server previously (Sea of Sorrows) during our PPT days. The rumors upset our friends and I just wanted to verify that Aggression is going to stay on Jade Quarry possibly up to our last day on Gw2.
I also believe no more transfers are needed, Fort Aspenwood and Dragonbrand could use guilds if there is an intention on having more than 3 “competitive” servers.
I’m actually surprised you guys choose JQ as your final server, especially after that big ole fiasco between AGG and SF on where GvG’s should take place the last time you were on JQ.
You guys are really grasping at straws if your saying TW runs in any force past midnight west coast. Our ops tend to slow down at midnight EST unless its the weekend. Friday+Sat sure we run late if we have numbers, but that’s about it.
We appreciate the fact the residual rhape still hasn’t washed off by EU, but don’t get it twisted, TW runs EST and PST the latest. We have some late night people who havoc, but that’s it.
1 TW in the Zerg transforms it into a TW Zerg. TW runs 80 mans 29 hours a day.
TW is a 24/7 operation, we station 1 commander w/2 guildies to defend every gate, tower, and keep across all the BL’s, all this is of course behind the strength of our AC’s and Ballista’s. TW is all about the PPT!
That’s most likely because GvG guilds are the hardcore WvW guilds
Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.
It’s true. GvG guilds are the hardcore guilds.
Other dedicated WvW guilds (like ours) that don’t GvG understand why there is a GvG scene. Because Anet gutted WvW competition.
Also, why do you think there is a lack of PUG commanders now? Because the dedicated guilds who provided them don’t want to deal with hostility like this.
And be careful what you wish for. If the dedicated guilds leave, WvW will die. It will still be there as casual content for PvE’ers, but as a serious game mode it will stagnate and stop living.
Very true, those dedicated guilds are for the most part the same groups getting screwed with this buff. WvW will essentially dissolve without the dedicated guilds providing a solid backbone for the BL’s every night. Anet could very well find this out the hard way if they continue down the road they are taking.
I’m aware of GvG but I do not participate in it (because I don’t like restricting myself to the rules of WvW-only guilds). I’m well aware that many WvW guilds participate in GvG. We actually had the other day one guild on SoR that was participating in GvG asked the other players on the map to protect Bay where we were getting sieged on inner.
That’s a prime example of WvW guilds putting GvG first. It will get worse if they introduce a GvG arena/map separate from WvW with no influence on scores.
I’m fairly certain you are referring to our GvG’s from the other night. If I remember correctly we were winning by 100k+ at that point, on top of that we sent all our non-participating members/spectators to assist. I fail to see how we would fit as a good example for your post.
Goodjob blobbing it up NYS and SONG
Something tells me you’ve never fought MERC or ATM.
Expect next GvG Showdown to be the last in a long time, if ever. I’m moving on to other games. Will deliver a couple more bullets in one form or the other GW2wise, but I think im pretty much done short term.
No sad goodbyes, cuz its not like im dying. No fee makes for an easy return if devs suddenly do things right… but i really need a new game (im figuring gtav).
Also Sacrx trilogy should be out in the next few days.. he had some codec issues but first video should be hitting his channel very very soon. Be sure to not miss those.
Ideally we should all being doing something similar, orbageddon is basically a bigkittento the GvG community. If all the organized GvG guilds took a week-2 weeks, WvW population would drop drastically due to the fact we are the sole reason for most of the organization and turnouts every night. A massive fluctuation in pop. like that would force Anet to acknowledge and possibly start work for the GvG community.
I’ve had so much fun squishing TC like a bug this week. The tears have been flowing, the jimmies have been rustling and despite TC’s dirty tricks, exploiting and general emote spamming they have rarely broken 150ppt. Thanks TC.
And to my fellow Rallians.
Dont hate on tc. They may be your allies in the league
Everyone knows that JQ is our one true ally, our relationship is enough to conquer the world!
For some video evidence of TW players doing everything in their power to avoid a 1v1 and get back to the zerg:
This was a good farm of your guild, in the middle of that fight we put a merchant down in the back of the camp and alternated with Ward selling. Shame you never caught that on your cool video
Judging by all the BG posters in this thread, it’s quite clear they NEED us to be in the matchups with them.
Yeah, even apart they are willing to submit a bucket of tears for us. We shall return in a weeks time BG, and we can go back to conditioning your NA once again!
I share your hope that one day the blobbing will end but let’s not try to re-write history here…
SoR created this tactic to stay competitive in T1 before the IRON/KISS EU transfers.
SoR continued this tactic once they had a large influx of players across multiple time zones and continue to map blob even now.
Every other server has had to do the same to compete and now the lag is pretty much unbearable.
Your knowledge of WvW seems a bit lacking, the server Blackgate created map blobbing in T2 when facing off against SoR/TC/IoJ. Judging by your post history, I’m to assume you are new to WvW and the game so I will proceed to clear things up for you. Once upon a time there was a server called Blackgate, this server was T1 material by sheer population alone. Every single night SoR’s NA logged on, we would be welcomed by full 80+man zergs waiting inside their T3 keeps. To counter this, the opposing server would be forced to match these numbers just to take any territory on a full capped BG map, thus creating the new meta of “Blobbing”. You can give all your thanks to BG for creating this new meta by forcing other servers to counter it.
Had four separate TW guys engage me in combat first (on land and in water) and then run away when they started losing. Then I finally get a TW guy that doesn’t run and after he’s dead he groups up with me to troll me (see above) ….. as I’m congratulating him on a good fight, lol.
You can only learn and improve by your mistakes. Running will not improve skill. Stay and challenge yourself.
And nope, not wearing any of the new runes, or specced for roaming.
Sounds like your pretty pro, what are you trying to say in this post? Are you sad that players spec’ed and built to run as zerg busting ignored your attempts to solo fight them while they ran to re-join their guild that was in a middle of a GvG.
SoR has a win without pause mentality, spying would not be far-fetched in the least.
Have you seen SoR’s Record to date? 6 wins with 26 losses does not exactly shout win without pause mentality.
While I do agree SoR blobs much harder due to their coverage and numbers, don’t kid yourselves and think you can beat SoR with equal numbers.
But we did in SOSBL, just ask [Hel].
Why not try picking on TW?
TW runs crazy numbers. You’d be hard pressed to find any TC guild that can match that and have an even fight with them.
In fact, I would like to see TW split itself in half this matchup. I think they are good enough to get away with it and god knows it would be good for my lagg :P
TW runs with 25 members, add another 5-10TWL and our average on the night is 35. However, Fri/Sat you will see a large zerg as we run with a tag and have a rather large following of players for our guild. With all this said search for TW sunday night on as we run no-tag and in our own guild channel.
It’s been real guys. Good luck in future matches SoR, JQ, and BG.
RISE out. /salute and the best of fights to you all.
Pleasure fighting you guys, this will definitely put a big hit on BG’s already weak NA. Good luck Rise!
Wake me up when someone on T6-8 gets 250k (without transferring).
In all seriousness, grats on the achievement.
Got to give some cred, wasn’t SoR in a low tier when TW joined them?
Even given the massive average kill counts that TW and the rest of SoR rack up, the amount of game time must be absurd.
Not in the last 9 months:
Unless you count T2 as low.
That’s when we roughly joined SoR. Was around Oct.10ish of last year, millenium does not have history of the match up.
(edited by Hoots.9564)
Congrats, Indo. On the Ultimate Dominator and also on the new rainbow footprints.
We don’t call him Jade Rainbow for nothing!
Count the blue lines, thats totally 20 people. It it a requirement to be completely delusional to the amount of players one actually has around them to be on SoR? Or can you guys not do simple mathematics?
I can see myself in your screenshot!
Sanctum of Rall’s Got Talent
Indo and Pryan will be running a singing commander night on Tuesday. Please send your song choices to Indo (Indo.8629) and Pryan(Nakoor.1980) in game mail. High votes will be sung by Indo and Pryan themselves.
I requested for Indo to sing Candy Shop-50 Cent about a month ago, I am however still waiting I hear he was quite the songbird of his generation!
Nice try but everyone but you seems to be aware of the trend. SOR was 1, then 2, now 3……10th straight week of losing, getting hammered this week in 3rd place. Next stop Tier 2. If not this week, very soon. BYE BYE
You must be new to the game, SoR’s record is 6-23 since Mos started tracking wins. In case you can’t put what that means together I’ll proceed to clarify. We do not care who wins week to week, we have always been about the competition and fights. Most guilds on our server are open field brawlers, been this way since SoR began its climb up the ranks. Granted we have played PPT from time to time, but at the end of the day our guilds are brawlers, that has always been our server’s M.O.
Tonight has been quite possibly the most epic night ever in SoR history.
Good to see BG doing what it does best! Never have I seen a server so willing to submit its bags in such wealth regardless of the time zone. Don’t ever change BG!
(edited by Hoots.9564)
And no, you’re wrong. SoR has the best coverage because it’s the most stacked server. SoR is the only server we know that can leave a group of 45 people in a keep for a lenghty period of time and still be able to zerg with 60 people elsewhere. But I didn’t say this, I’m quoting another SoR person that said this last week. I think he mention it was the guild IRON.
Be nice if we all had this type of coverage.
Your words ring so true! Little known secret about SoR, since we have the bulk of developers on our server for WvW testing, they actually raised our cap to 225.6 players per BL. This is how we are able to hold down our home BL so effectively, we station 3 separate 60 man zergs per keep, leaving of course the extra space for any havoc teams/rallians for our maps.
I couldn’t respond to this without a video.
1) No doubt there are even-ish numbers. 2) It is clear Indo is leading, we had a target on him see 4:50 (and Silver Invader? dayyyummm). 3) You guys obviously retreat into the camp to build two arrow carts, one of which does not get finished.
Woo, so many casualties on your side! Those Tempest Wolves sure do hit hard, nice job wiping us in one fight during the span of an entire night! Really should work on the blurry picture though, I enjoy seeing just how high ranked our lil guild is from the perspective of our enemies.
Better question is why Pryan was playing PvE rather than hanging out with his new girlfriend.
Yeah that is quite odd, especially after the big news! He’s probably gonna kill me for telling everyone, but hes now officially off the market. Congratulations Pryan!
I remember feeling exactly like that on JQ as well to be honest. I’m not claiming that BG and SoR were double-teaming us in the past, but there were times it certainly felt like it. Odds are it’s more an internal thing however… numbers lower from a little burnout, seeing the same servers over and over again can take a little of the bounce out of your step. It seems to happen to every server that sits on top for awhile. Soon enough, if the trend continues, you’ll drop down to a more pure tier 2 type match for a week or two (not seeing either SoR or JQ) and one of two things will happen… BG will either begin to fade into mediocrity as many servers have, with guilds jumping ship and people losing interest, or the change of pace will rejuvenate the WvW crowd and things will turn right around again. So expect a month or so of growing frustrations and an overall sense of ennui, but the fate of BG will depend on whether the community pulls itself back up with a fresh restart or fades away to the lower tiers.
Hang in there kid, you can do this.
This is a good post, I hope that you guys can pull through your internal issues and remain in T1 BG. I have to admit though, a selfish part of me would love to see Merc return to SoS with AGG and raise SoS back to its former glory. Good luck with your issues BG!
The thing that confuses me the most during NA. Other than their own border BG only pushes in JQ BL. I do not recall us taking your garrison and waypointing it. Haven’t really made sense of those tactics. Is BG afraid to push in SoR BL?
The Tempest Wolves live in SoRBL.
(edited by Hoots.9564)
Gotta give SoR a chance of winning or they just don’t show up for half the week
Careful when trying that, your server has the largest fairweather population in the NA. Would hate to see my bag intake reduced because of it
Oh My where is BG? That’s embarrassing!
I do believe you met quite a lot of us inside our garrison… Or did you easily forget that? :P
Yeah, BG definitely had a large lagblob trying to hold that garrison. Was a very nice take on Waha’s part though, his guys always impress me when I play during Oceanic/Sea.
i’ve ran into a hooded RE thief, or maybe a few iirc. what dyes are your outfit? lol
also, any vids of TW v RE?
would love to see.
Probably won’t have any videos till at least tomorrow evening. Great fights tonight RE, looking forward to more brawls with you guys.
i thought tw was new to gvg. i mean wvw wise they might be well known.
First official GvG was on May 3rd for us.
(edited by Moderator)
I say…TW vs BT GvG….except with Singing. Indo vs Quenta. Battle of the century.
You already ruined everything PRU PRU!! BT dislikes the term GvG, you should of called it a fight to the death between 2 guilds with equal numbers on both sides. They get all moody when you mention the term GvG!
Every single BG NA guild on a daily basis? Dude, do you and your fellow SoR and TW peeps actually believe this false garbage? If so, here’s one for you: Every single BG NA guild has farmed TW on a daily basis. Giggity giggity, huh?
I challenge any NA guild on BG to prove my statement wrong. None of your guilds have been able to beat us on a Daily Basis, yes you had guilds win certain nights but on a consistent basis none of your guilds can prove this statement wrong. I do hope we can have some challengers for my post though.
Definitely not fear coming from my guild; you guys give us some of the best fights.
Your guild was not one of the guilds that came to mind Always a nice brawl with you guys.
It was for all the bg trolls who claim TW can’t do anything without a map zerg. This bg hate towards TW is pretty amusing though.
It’s fear, I would love to read/listen to BG’s chat when they realize TW will be on their map. TW has farmed every single BG NA guild on a daily basis for how many months now?
(edited by Hoots.9564)
BT asked and you shall receive. Here is BT “25” man vs TW/TC gvg groups
Rallies to crash GvG, farmed for attempting. Can’t think of many guilds that can take that credit! Gratz bt
So, after sadly reading through what will surely be the least interesting two pages of our thread ever, the only question I have left is…
Do you guys from BT not realize how bad you are making yourselves and your guild look, or do you just not care?
(from someone who wasn’t there and really doesn’t care outside of your forum kittening)
Sigh… why does it only matter when your enemy does it? [FEAR] is known for crashing some GvGs. Are they making themselves look bad in your eyes? Or do they not count?
Fear actually wipes the GvG’s when they try. BT only wipes themselves when attempting to wipe a GvG. This could probably explain.
I guess everyones perception is different here.. RE had 15 thats it.. you did get a couple of us since you came in from our backside yes. I tagged a couple of you as I got out of the way then hakittens plopping at my feet from TW killing you all. But what I find most funny is this GvG was last night… and you cant seem to stop talking about it still.
First time in I did find it a wee bit funny.. second and 3 and 4th time tho just annoying. There was no real win or lose there tbh.
TW.. you guys all seemed super cool and I do hope in the future we can try that GvG again. I think we could have alot to learn from you all. Thank you to the time you guys did put in out there with us.
Would of been nice to finish/start our GvG, we will set something up next time we face
What we learned:
1. Don’t GvG on BT’s map.
3. BT can’t run more then 20 or the will be “map-blob zerging” apparently.
I have to disagree with this point as we farmed you after your failed attempts at wiping it, earning us an easy 60+ bags from your blob. So for any future GvG’s for any guild, I’d recommend doing it on the BL BT is on for the simple reason that they will actually deliver the bags to you. No harm, no foul for TW, we enjoy trolling and wiping your blob! For point 3, Once a blob guild, always a blob guild. As I stated many months ago, when your blob guild is ready to fight an equal numbers GvG for both sides, TW will pop your cherry.
(edited by Hoots.9564)
[TW] ??? ha… I remember now, it’s pve guild … XD
Exactly! Evidence Below
Great video of RE and TW trying to wipe us at the same time. We utilized the bridge as a choke with the numbers they had on us. The fun part was positioning RE and TW between each other during the fights. Was a hot of a time.
is there a reason why the video was cut short?
Have to cut their video short as they got farmed on every single engagement they attempted. I found it surprising that they were willing to put up footage in the first place!
Hope you’re having fun talking among your own guild members on the forums. I know you’re trying to put on a little show for everyone, but really, you’re not making any progress. Zerg the forums more. Always have something to defend, huh? As for the video, do those not count as engagements? gg
You keep saying you only had 15, but your other members who weren’t in the 15 for the GvG (they were standing by) joined you in the fight. All someone has to do is open the video to see how many numbers you had on the bridge. Numbers that BT so nicely dealt with.
I’m not in TW and was there watching the fight, the bottom line is aside from the 3 min video BT got ran off or rolled out every single fight. Literally every single fight they either ran into a tower, or were crushed so bad the rest had to run.
Good on them though, that 3 min video is probably the biggest accomplishment in their existence, so here’s to BT!!!
Now if they were only as good at fighting as they are at talking and running they might have something… unfortunately though…
I follow BT quite a bit, and your insult towards them is pretty much not warranted.
I have to agree with this actually, attempting to wipe a GvG and and instead being farmed for it is quite a morale crusher. Hopefully this does not affect BT’s blob turnouts for the future.
Great video of RE and TW trying to wipe us at the same time. We utilized the bridge as a choke with the numbers they had on us. The fun part was positioning RE and TW between each other during the fights. Was a hot of a time.
is there a reason why the video was cut short?
Have to cut their video short as they got farmed on every single engagement they attempted. I found it surprising that they were willing to put up footage in the first place!