posted under suggestions as this is the only logical place provided:
currently, there exists no mechanic for knowing what constitutes a “guild login.” for instance, i’m currently representing two guilds; my home guild, and a friend’s guild, which i represent in order to help her build influence. when my home guild starts getting activity in it, i switch back to that home guild, via the “represent” option available.
i noticed this morning, however, that the history in my friend’s guild did NOT show my logins, on that guild. last night, prior to logging out, i carefully and methodically set each of my characters to be representing her guild; this morning, when i logged them in, not one of them registered on the guild history page.
what we need, anet, DESPERATELY, is knowledge of what constitutes a “login.” for instance, in our home guild, we’ve had days with 32/36 logins, with a membership of 32 people, and only four of us have actually logged in. this would appear to indicate that we’re getting credit for each CHARACTER logged in, not for the account (global) being logged in. is this correct?
PLEASE give us SOMETHING that clearly defines guild member representation/logins and what counts as providing influence for a guild — specifically given that i can log in to the friend’s account, do things, and NOT show up on her history. is this because of my guild rank? we just don’t know!
still missing the kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten goggles! (i just love typing kitten, lol!). anyway, you guys gonna fix this anytime soon? please?
here’s what i don’t get; i see, repeated, the argument “most people don’t have the time to invest to roll alts.”
why not? you’re paying a monthly sub for this game, and your money’s going to run out? oh, yeah, wait, that’s not it … hm. head-scratching here …
the truth is, you have as much time as you need, whether you play two hours a night of 10 hours a day. the game’s not going anywhere. so the argument to change race is only one of convenience. i’ve several friends playing who are completionists, and they’ve purchased AND slotted each of their five members of the races, for the achievement. what you’re asking for would royally tick them off, as it would be akin to anet saying “ok, yeah, we’ve decided you don’t actually have to work for the achievement, we’re making it easy, roll one toon then pay us to change the race and bam! you have the achievements!”
what i don’t understand is — what’s the rush? the game offers enough variety that you don’t have to repeat content, if you don’t wish to. ha, not just across five stories, anyway! so honestly, where are you going, that you want everything done, done now, and then no more?
Just make it aviable for lvl80s…. cause personal history is done.
And about the cultural armor just make it unwearable not big deal, small price for a important change.I think being able to change my race it will make me play more cause im bored and super tired of the animations and looks on my current one.
at level 80, “personal history” is only complete IF the player has completed it. it is entirely possible to be level 80 without completing even the first part of the personal story.
yep, i had the same thought …
with the advent of the fractals dungeon in lion’s arch, lion’s arch map chat has become nothing, now, but “LFG X fractals” or assorted such requests.
now, sometimes i’ve found LA map chat a bit annoying; people congregated there to have multitudinous discussions on everything from gameplay to politics and so on. but i also enjoyed being able to find that player who was totally lost, confused, befuddled, and didn’t know what was going on because they were new to the game.
with map chat exploding with nothing but fractals talk, i started wondering, “how can they fix this so people can actually begin, AGAIN, building a community?” chat, discussion, etc, all enables community-building, especially when we’re all on our home servers.
there are two things i can think of — one of which will also result in less lag related to high populations.
1) because the consortium is hosting the fractals experience, i believe there is room for them to branch out and include portals in each race’s home city. i may’ve misunderstood what i gleaned from this weekend’s, launch, but this IS a consortium deal, isn’t it? this would spread the populations back around to the major cities, as well as lightning the conversational load. another possibility, of course, is the dungeon finder … either would work to some extent
2) create a chat channel that is geared specifically toward the lfg. i think this needs to be a chat channel that is created and presented by you guys; it’ll be up to us, the players, to redirect people who don’t read your postings to direct people toward this chat channel, but it will serve to allow people to take part in map chat without having to endure the constant stream of “lfg!” also, make this lfg channel world-wide, and not dependent on being in any one area. if people get a group together for this, great. a quick trip through the mists to LA, or their home city if you allow the consortium to branch out, won’t take a lot of time.
i’d love to see /map get cleaned up, and made into something that’s useful to the community for more than just “lfg!”. anyone else got any ideas on how to improve this?
First of all, I almost never capitalize anything unless I consider it “formal.”
ArenaNet? I’ve just spent most of the day with my guild out in the Lost Shores, and I have to say, you outdid yourselves.
Yes, there have been buggy events. No, everything hasn’t worked “perfectly,” and there is room for improvement. Yes, it’s a relatively small area, very populated with events, mobs, etc.
But as an ex-geek (is there really any such thing?) I have to sit back and consider the coding complexity, the building, the designing, the timing, the planning, the coordinating … and that’s just the top level, the peripheral. That doesn’t actually take in to consideration the very painstaking detail I saw out there.
I trust that you will continue your path of excellence, you will continue as you’ve set out. You made promises to us and, to date, as near as I can tell, you’re striving to keep them. I’m not happy with everything you’ve done — the Guardian key-strike change still irks me! But from the bottom of my itty-bitty gamer’s heart, I thank you for the time, the effort, everything you guys put in to, and GIVE to, this beautiful game.
ok, let’s be realistic. anet has changed many things, INCLUDING releasing new live content WITHOUT requiring a server take-down, extended maintenance, etc.
when you try something new, you fail a few times until you get it all right. simple truth.
i’m impressed enough with anet’s drive, determination, commitment to new content, and further commitment to speedily fixing things that release broken. name me any other company that has given us, the players, that much concern.
if that means i deal with noll being broken, while they try to fix it? i’ll deal. i know, i KNOW that EACH event they release like this is just going to improve until they’ve got it completely right.
anet? thanks again, all of you — i’m here, and i’m staying.
they finally twittered their awareness of the issue. they are working on it.
Same error code here (3022:1002:3:2863), unable to log in. Tested on my girlfriend’s computer too and I can’t log in from there. Her account works fine.
yep, tried the same thing. fiancee’s computer with his account’s workin’, his computer with my account not workin’ … blarg!!!
same bloody thing. it’s frustrating, but what’s MORE frustrating is that the message was posted 30 min ago saying, “back up, try again!” and we immediately tried, failed, posted, said “hey, we can’t get back in!”
30 minutes later, still not even any word on WHY we can’t get back in. same build, same error code … 3022:1002:3:2863. help please?
Level 80s, Haunted Door Campings, Lower-level farming, and problems with level scaling
Posted by: Isende.2607
Ironically this event IS doing something good, which is taking level 80s out of the pigeonhole that is Orr. Anet created this big beautiful world but at the end of it all you’re stuck forever on this ugly godforsaken island killing zombies eternally. Fun.
What Anet should be doing to fix the problem is NOT to send high level players back to their cursed shore prison, but rather fix scaling so that they don’t have such a huge advantage in lower level zones. This way they can also make it so that rewards are better for level 80s (since it is no longer a steamroll better rewards are justified), further increasing incentive for endgame players to spread out from Orr.
good point on the orr thing. probably why i spend so little time on my 80, and so much on my alts ;-)
Level 80s, Haunted Door Campings, Lower-level farming, and problems with level scaling
Posted by: Isende.2607
Perhaps scaling the doors to map level. If you are too high you get the message: These are not the doors you are looking for. waves hand
Might be more something for the future. It’s tops another week if the coming acts don’t drive the masses somewhere else.
Except the doors are only in three zones.
I think it’s pretty clear that the OP wants to farm the doors too… or why else would he hang around the farming locations?
lol, actually? the op is a “she,” and i wasn’t “hanging around” the farming locations. as i said, i was leveling an alt. this came to light because an event took off right where a door had just gone down. naturally the four 80s who’d taken the door down hopped in to the event — karma!!! and i love to farm karma, too! anyway. the poor schleps like me, who were at-level, never had a chance in the event, due to the lvl 80s one-hitting everything. THIS is what prompted the op. if you read it, i state a couple of things clearly:
1) this is about something that’s come to light, due to the halloween event
2) i’m not hating on farmers — i’d just like something that doesn’t exclude at-level players
to my mind, the easiest fix for this is correcting level scaling, so that no matter what, you’re always at x% … oh, yeah, i’ve already said this!! again. it’s not a whine-cry, it’s a “hey, this became an issue, and maybe there’s a good way to fix it.”
Level 80s, Haunted Door Campings, Lower-level farming, and problems with level scaling
Posted by: Isende.2607
again, as i said. the issue isn’t about putting doors, or anything else, in the higher-level areas. people will, most of the time, choose the “quickesteasiest” method to achieve their goals — i.e., if there are doors in lvl 80 areas, and doors in lvl 10 areas where they can zerg everything, guess where they’ll go? i strongly suggest the answer is to refine the tuning.
Level 80s, Haunted Door Campings, Lower-level farming, and problems with level scaling
Posted by: Isende.2607
hologramx, i get your point — the exotic gear, etc. however, i’ve tested this. if i come back to an area to help a friend, and i’m more than about five levels above that area, i am automagically scaled to two levels above whatever i’m assisting my friend in doing. further, without fail, there is at least one ability i will have on whatever character i do that one-hits anything. scaling, by nature, i believe, should scale someone within x% of damage, regardless of their level or gear. give them a benefit for being higher? sure, it’s a decent bit of work to get the higher levels, better gear, etc etc etc. i’m not sure how scaling is managed now, but it seems that there should easily be a formula that brings one’s damage within x% of the area.
also, i think that making them killable only with seasonal items may be problematic, especially for new folk. are we just given these items? do we have to relearn rotations, when we may be just learning how to play with weapons, and weapon swapping, etc? i’m not sure that’d be the best solution, but i see it could potentially be a solution.
just my thinks!
Level 80s, Haunted Door Campings, Lower-level farming, and problems with level scaling
Posted by: Isende.2607
having said that — THANK you for your kind attention to this! this is an issue, it’s just become more of an issue, or a more glaring one, due to the event. thankies!
Level 80s, Haunted Door Campings, Lower-level farming, and problems with level scaling
Posted by: Isende.2607
well, the point isn’t “putting the doors in higher-leveled zones” — it’s giving the lower-level players the same ability to hit something as the higher-levels. if a higher-level is consistently one-shotting things, laying out aoe as things walk through the door, what option is there for the lower-level?
Level 80s, Haunted Door Campings, Lower-level farming, and problems with level scaling
Posted by: Isende.2607
so. i’m attempting to level up an alt, and right now, it appears, is not a good time to do that. why? because, if you ask the gung-ho crowd, “lower lvl zones have more raw candy corn nodes.”
additionally, they’re ALL farming the haunted doors; this means, since their level scaling has them at the TOP end of damage, etc, they pretty much one-hit anything that walks out the door, and that’s that.
why is this a problem? “go play your own lvl 80,” i can hear you saying. or, better yet, “deal with it, this is the way it is by design.”
i’d rather believe that this event has brought to light something many of us have known for a long time, but that hasn’t been a problem previously. see, the karma rewards for karma events in the lower zones do not match the karma rewards in the higher zones. for people farming karma, being in the lower zones made no sense, unless they were exploring or playing with friends. this event, however, has made it ridiculously easy for them to come to a lower zone and one-hit anything that pops up. yep, i can to play my 80s — but what about the new folk, who don’t have 80s? this is their first event, also, and i guarantee you, they will not have the same ability to farm and gather items, simply because level scaling is so ridiculous (i.e., doesn’t really work). they can not compete with a well-geared level 80. period. so for the duration of this event, the halloween events AND the random dynamic events in the areas around the doors may as well not happen, as far as any lower-level character is concerned.
must say, i’d LOVE if we had options like in gw1 to overwrite our combat clothes with costumes, and mix and match them. as it is, i’m blowing money on xmute stones to keep my toons looking how i want them to look — you think i wouldn’t blow money to buy them combat costumes/clothing, also?? forget the chests, anet — go for our money in the fashions!!! i PROMISE, you’ll have us lining up and begging to give you money for this!
^^bump!! i’m getting VERY frustrated with playing, then all of a sudden crashing to desktop, only error is “has lost network connection.” checked, troubleshot everything, ONLY thing that’s changed is the build. ARGH ARGH ARGH ARGH!
truth: the chests are still nothing that i’m going to spend money on
truth: i KNOW that if something is a “chance” it’s an RNG and my personal luck with anything RNG is HORRIBLE, so again, i’m not going to spend money on it
anet, i absolutely love you guys, but i will spend my money on items i enjoy — new, CUTE costumes, town clothes (WISH you guys would give us costume slots for our armor!), bank/bag slots. i am NOT going to spend my money on ANY kind of “chance” item.
last, but not least? nice try, anet — i admit, the possibility of a small chance of getting a skin was a nice way to boost your chest key sales … until the RNG came into play. ;-) but as it stands, i don’t see it ever working, and i do see it completely exasperating your players.
*blinkblink *
well, actually, i think orr IS supposed to be pretty hellacious. now, i despise constant kbs, etc … but i figure part of making it through orr is going to be slogging through insanity like that. hence, my personal plan is to find massive groups of folk and run with them.
too much of this game has been nerfed already — starting areas are cheese now, for example — let’s not zerg another. i figure for mithril, i can farm lower areas. for ori? i guess it’s part of the payment, at least in my mind.
i do not believe, mrsrachelm, the issue is that folk don’t like magic find; rather, i think the issue is as follows:
anet provided magic find as a means to boost loot drops
people are finding rather than boosting, it’s in some cases detracting from
with no clear definition of what, specifically, magic find is supposed to increase the drop rates of — dyes? blues? greens? “magic” items (which are what, again, specifically?) and so on — there are few ways to accurately track what it may be boosting. so if you have two sets of gear, and you switch them, and you notice your loot rate drops, but you don’t notice that your % of “magic” items found has increased, it only seems to be that mf negatively impacts your looting.
what would be beneficial would be a description of just what these “magic” items are, and a yes/no on whether mf is, currently, working as intended.
the ability to have notification of guild members logging in, IN guild chat, NOT in system chat, as they log in, would be an excellent resource. my fiancee, our gm, ended up putting every single guildie on his friends list, then turning system chat ON on his main tab, just so he could effectively greet people as they log in. guild leaders, in my experience, LIKE being able to greet people, say hi, and just generally have an idea of who’s on without having to constantly check the guild roster.
i do have an ssd, and the load screens are still nuts. however, a friend of mine has an ssd, AND a wicked fast internet connection … no load screen issues. so it’s either your connection or, if you’re like me, your wireless — i play on a lappie via wifi.
yes! please! hear! hear!!!
actually, takatsu, i don’t think it sucks. our guild has found out that familiarity DOES breed competence. we die the first few runs, but once we’ve found/figured out the mechanics, we die much less. it’s about learning the fights, and how to work them and with them, not about dps etc. i don’t want to see dungeons become zergfests; even with not dying so frequently, we still have to step lively and stay aware. so yeah, i’m happy with the system overall!!
adding my vote — please please please??? thank you!
Not disagreeing with Sharkinu, but I don’t think people would kick others from party to invite someone with a legendary. In pvp, armour is seperate so there is no imbalance for gear there but in pve, I rarely have groups with people of all high end armour or same armour quality. In dungeons it comes down to player skill not who has the shiny hunk of metal that can hit harder.I can see this idea being unfair as it WOULD make legendaries almost a necessity but I’m just saying for how much work it is for a skin seems a bit unrealistic. How about instead of increased stats, it is the same as exotic but when you make it a window pops up and you can select the 3 types of stats(cond dmg, crit dmg, precision, power, toughness, etc) so it isn’t bound to one set. I think that would keep the balance in order but atleast make it custom to a “Legendary” of your liking.
Also quick question, is there going to be legendary armour? Again same stats as exotic just a sick nasty skin with the 3 stats of your choosing.
much as i hate to say it, my experience tells me you’re wrong. simple example? introduction of gearscore to wow, which led to iscore. initially players started restricting runs based ONLY on another player’s gearscore — if yours wasn’t high enough, you were passed over for a slot in whatever was being pulled together; this completely negated player competence. then, when wow introduced iscore, THEY took it one step further and set their dungeons up so that you MUST have a particular iscore in order to be able to do the dungeon.
i’m crossing my eyes in memory of some of the truly horrible runs i’ve had, in wow, and in rift, because raid members or group members had the right gear, but totally sucked at the game.
anet said flat-out that gear progression WOULD stop at a point, and any changes to be made (which endgame allows you to work toward IF you’re willing to pvp) will be aesthetic only. your idea of selectable stats, however, i do like — i’d love to customize my gear per character to reflect how I play. keep the numbers the same, but let me choose my stats? win!
anyway. that’s me two cents’ worth ;-)
considering how many times i’ve had “this is a pvp game!” crammed down my throat, i find this interesting. i don’t know what to say, as i don’t pvp, but i know guildmates who do, love it. i also believe that anet has stated that there will be expansions to the maps, they are considering duels and something along the lines of arenas … and LOTS of folk are asking for gvg. good luck, but also be sure and check their posts, blogs, forums, etc, so that you know what they are planning on implementing. hopefully, it’ll help cheer ya up ;-)
rift’s system is the bomb, and it’s based on lotro’s system, which i’m sure was based on someone else’s system … in short? it makes us happy. yes, i love having dyes. but in the end, having to transmute and so on just to have a “look,” then do it again when i am bored with that look?
please please please give us wardrobe slots! heck, you had costume slots in gw1! i’m NOT pushing that, i’m asking, think that line, and add to it!
purdy please?
Frankly if you spend that much time gaming, you need to add new things to your life,
what a way to not add a dang thing that’s constructive, troll, and show your (ahem) brilliance. wtg man, wtg!
dkp, i hear you — i’ve got that many hours or roughly that many played … but i play different. i FINALLY have one toon at lvl 77; i’m kinda simultaneously leveling six. so for me, endgame hasn’t become a consideration yet, but when i stop and think about it, i’m faced with:
1 i won’t be doing monthly completions nor building my legendary weapons because pvp is a requirement for both
2 i won’t be getting 100% map completion, for the above-mentioned reason
so. i guess i’ll be hanging with guildies, working on getting the rest of my crew up to 80 … hanging with guildies …
i’m certain i’ll be doing a great deal of exploring areas that each character HASN’T done, because anet has stated that they’ll be releasing content, sometimes with notification, sometimes not, which will change the dynamic events. i know i’ll be doing jumping puzzles, all that. but considering two of the primary things … three, if you count pvp … available to end-game won’t be there for me, i really DO have to wonder what i’ll be up to once my entire motley krewe have reached 80.
well, let’s put it this way. because i know that i will be unable to change my hair accessory’s color, my hair style selection has become SERIOUSLY limited. in short? i won’t pick a hairstyle, anymore, that has an accessory, because the dye i use on my character’s armor changes over time, but i cannot change this to match it.
hair accessory color = eyes/etc? pft. whatever. it’s a bloody ribbon. or headband. in the real world, we match these things to what we’re wearing. in the real world, we take one off and put another, of a different color, ON. now, if you want to argue that anet’s INTENT was to treat it this way, i may give you some leeway — after you show me where anet said, “this is our intent, and we’re not changing it.”
many folk are asking, please, let us change the dye colors on hair accessories and under clothing, which also shows up as bathing suits. i don’t see a problem with this, nor do i see the need for anyone to say, “it’s not gonna happen move on get over it.” it’s not your call to make.
I’m curious what skills people believe need split and whether they are too weak/strong in pve/pvp? Nearly everyone on this thread has been using hypothetical situations of a skill. Until there is an actual skill that needs this, it will most certainly remain unimplemented. Regardless of whether arena net did this before or not in gw1, it makes the game more confusing which is something they don’t want.
read the patch notes, what they did to guardian greatsword, and the reason why. it’s already been done.
Guildwars 2 is in danger if arenanet doesn't act on their endgame while they still can
in Suggestions
Posted by: Isende.2607
it’s classic and it works… for some people, not for all, sadly. They explicitly said their endgame is a horizontal not vertical progression, so I’m dumbfounded as to why people are even asking such from a game that from the get-go, said it didn’t wanna be like those games.
I don’t think you’re understanding what the issue is, people are getting bored. I’m not refering to wow gameplay, not at all. (Or atleast I didn’t wanted to put up that feeling)
Something has to change, im adressing an issue, im not bringing a solution here
of course, it didn’t post my full comment. ok, i’ll re-add it, thus the edit.
anet has committed to adding more content, in the form of new dynamic events, some announced and some not. i believe, though i don’t follow pvp, that they’ve also committed to adding more pvp content. what they’ve also committed to is not adding a grindfest. for those who wish the “classic” vertical progression encompassed in the “classic” gear grind, this may not be the game for you.
for those of us who love the world, who love the idea of horizontal progression? it’s the perfect beginning of a fantastic game.
(edited by Isende.2607)
lemme see if i can sum up the dissenters:
1) shouldn’t happen
2) you pvers are lazy and want your hands held, shaddup and go away
3) any written ai can and does function at the same level as human twitch-conditioned reflexes, accumulated experience, etc
i think that’s the gist of what i’m reading, so let me address these things:
1) why not?
2) where do you come up with that idea? we actually, many of us, are a bit miffed because content in the bwes was epic, hard, frustrating, and now it’s become a faceroll. some things needed tuning; many things have been over-tuned. because we don’t pvp doesn’t mean we don’t want a challenge, please rethink this.
3) this is not currently true. yes, i read your examples above, and i think it’s horse hockey, to paraphrase one of my favorite fictional colonels. ;-)
pve and pvp are vastly different arenas of play; therefore, they attract vastly different types of players. people who enjoy pvp seem to think, many of you, that you’re the only “skilled” players in the game, that the game was written for, developed around, and should cater to, you. i ask you again, please rethink this position. i want my challenge. i want to know, when i’ve completed a dynamic event, it was one of the most epic events i’ve experienced, and i want the thrill of contemplating the next one, because it has the opportunity to be even more epic. what i do not want is to foresee a time when every skill i’ve learned is changed/deleted/moved, without any verifiable need within pve, to make things easier for some pvper.
oh, and another thing? i love my ele as much as i love my warrior. my warrior’s a brute; she can wade through darn near ever’thing solo, and come out with nary a scratch. my ele, on the other hand, has to dodge, strafe, kite, and flip attunements to be almost alive at the end of an encounter. but my ele is more challenging, while my warrior is just brutal fun. again? i love them equally. so don’t tell me, please, that i want to be carebeared.
you contend that this makes it more fair across the board, but here’s been my experience:
for every person who screamed that this class was overpowered, there was another person who said, “i don’t have an issue with that class, this is how you counter it.” for every attempt to give something to the screamer, something was taken away from the quiet pver, you know, the one who was happy with the game. and for every game company that started down the road of balance, there was at the end a game company people reluctantly, sadly, walked away from.
the lore in this world supports a rich pve experience. the world itself, vast, beautiful, filled with secrets, supports a rich pve experience. the art, the music … these things support a rich and full pve experience. please don’t make the mistake of thinking everything can be, should be, or is better off being centered around pvp.
dang it, knew i forgot something! yeah, rift did that too. pretty much, until we entered a random code generated and emailed to us when we logged in, we could do nothing but sit.
but, you ask, how does anet know the account’s hacked?? well, first of all, the account’s probably reported as soon as it spams its ad … but that’s after one key item has occurred.
if i’m not mistaken, anet has now put in place a check that ensures the isp you’re logging in on is “near” the one you last logged in on. this means that if you log in in texas, then you take a trip to new york and log in, supposedly you get a notification that your account’s logged in from somewhere else, can you please confirm this in your email?
anet, while you’re waiting for this confirmation, if you disable chat/mail/tp, i bet you’ll do a LOT do deter hackers. if they can’t advertise, what’s the use of continuing the hack?
rift utilized this, it was their coin-lock feature. i loved it, personally. it was a very rare thing, in rift, to see gold spam and when you did, you were pretty certain that the spammer actually paid for that account. ok, so we make the farmers shell out some money to continue supporting the game. i don’t see the problem with this!
deimos, yes and no on the heavy armor. you can mine the iron, for instance, but you can’t mine the ingredients required to make the insignias, such as blood, claws, poison sacs, etc ad nauseam.
crafting is very mats-intensive. it kills me; playing only one character, it’s impossible to gather enough mats to keep the character’s profession able to support her level. for instance, at level 30, a caster’s tailoring needs to be in the 125-175 range (not sure? someone correct me?). but by level 30, i’m barely making ends meet just in the cloth required, let’s not mention finding all the claws, scales, et al that i need to make the insignias.
i currently have … six? think it’s six … characters that i’m leveling simultaneously. the only one who’s crafting is equivalent to her level is my baby elementalist, and that’s because she’s the sixth — she’s able to utilize what the other five have left in the bank.
then, you also have the fact that mats, right now, cost far more than the items they make. this is normal, in a new game whose economy isn’t stable yet.
i know that in order to combat bots who farmed areas for items, anet decreased the drop rate of items supposedly after a specific amount of time — like, 20, 30 minutes. however, what’s really happened is that the drop rate has decreased from the get-go. for instance, there’s a river below divinity reach where i used to farm skale for blood; i could easily pick up 12-15 in about 30 minutes. now, i’m lucky if i get 1-3 in that time, it’s usually around 1. so i hang there for about 30 minutes, then i run to another area where there are bats, or harpies, and i farm there for about 30 minutes. now, keep in mind, one insignia requires eight of the bloods, or the claws, or whatever. that’s it. in order to level, i have to make one insignia per piece of armor i’m creating — so i have three insignias i’ve just learned, and six pieces of armor. that’s 48 bloods, 48 claws, 48 poison sacs i need just for that one level of discovery.
right now, it’s bloody frustrating. i don’t know what they’ll do, but i know that something, somewhere’s gotta give, or people are going to walk away from crafting.
if they followed your suggestions, op, the next thing that would hapkitten folk would scream even more loudly for mounts. i do the same thing as erin; i use wps when i die, when i have to go to my major city for a story quest, or if a guildie needs help somewhere. otherwise, i hoof it around — but i do love love love the ability to zoom to wherever said guildie is without a lot of effort or trouble.
**edit — interesting. the sentence with kitten inserted has no vulgarity, whatsoever. in fact, it literally reads ’what would h a p kitten …" problem here, anet?
(edited by Isende.2607)
you know, it’s the same thing in pve — we get silver completion on des when we support, rather than gold, because every counter is damage based. so for both pvp and pve, i’d say this needs a massive /bump.
woohoo grrreeaatttttt idea!! love it, /bump etc!
hear hear! and please let me add to this suggestion. currently, we’re able to put people on our friends list, and receive an indicator when they arrive — however, that indicator is in with system messages. now, if you’re like me, you turn your system messages off of your main tab and set up a separate tab for them — otherwise, you’d never see guild chat, party chat, or emotes or what-have-you without having a separate tab for each of them. so. please give us guild notifications, but include them in with guild chat, so that the tab we have open for our guild chat displays all of this.
great idea, thanks for posting it!
Oh my god yes please. I’d pay a lot to change my hideous sylvari town clothes.
What were you thinking? Leg warmers?
rofl! ok, yeah, no leg warmers, please! but GREAT idea! heck, even put it in the gem store, i’d buy! each of my characters are individual, so the face that one loves her pirate outfit doesn’t mean the rest will! and there’s a HUGE scarcity in town clothes right now!!! so yeah, please please please??
lol, this is a problem in pve, as well. wholeheartedly agree!
let me put this in perspective, my perspective anyway. i came in to mmos from fps. i played fps for years, my first three years in an mmorpg was in wow, and i pvpd there. then, i got entranced by the story. and the pve. and all the lore. then people started screaming about “balance,” and i watched this game i once loved destroy itself by trying to make everything fair, everything easy, and responding to the squeakiest wheels. we who chose to only pve watched our classes get destroyed, so that the pvpers could say “ok, NOW i can kill that class!”
i left wow a couple of years ago, and i haven’t looked back. played rift for a while, and they built and integrated a separate system for pvp/pve. this meant that my pve specs weren’t touched when they attempted to balance things for “fairness” in pvp. with the exception of the fact that rift was, like so many other mmorpgs, in the end only a grind fest, i loved that game. but i’m sick of the grind, so i came to gw2 after playing gw1 for a while to learn the lore of this world.
recently, not only was one of the useful runes for guardians changed to balance things for pvp, the developers decided to also change up the key layout of three of the skills i use, requiring me to reteach myself a key combo. no big, you say, you can retrain yourself. and you’re right, when you say that. i can. but now the question comes in, with the dread — what am i going to have to relearn, over the course of playing this game, in my pve world, so that pvpers can have their balance, and their fairness? how many times will the professions i’ve come to play with skill and love be changed, in order to balance pvp?
i’m already beginning to loath the idea of what may come, and the joy and exuberance i had for this game is dimming. i’ll stick with it, and i’ll hope for the best, but developers? you need to hear and understand — yes, we know, you want this game in esports. that’s cool, i get that. but i’m not a pvper. are you going to destroy this gift you’ve given me, or will you rise to the challenge, and implement a solution that worked wonders in your first game?
put this thread here, as there’s really NO other place that i could conceivably place it.
my guild resides on US server jade quarry, which stays perpetually locked. this means, when we have new folk come in to the game, whom we’ve known forever, they have to play with the “change worlds” button for sometimes days in order to join us on jade quarry.
soon, transfers will cease being free, and we’ll move in to the model we’ve all anticipated — paid transfers and server guesting.
where this is problematic is a couple of places:
1) server population, as i understand it, is based on accounts registered to the servers, NOT on player population (yes, i get the logic behind this)
2) without the population being “tweaked,” i.e., upped occasionally, we’re just full, and we’re going to remain full.
3) people who WERE active, but have stopped playing for whatever reason, will still show as being populated on a server, though they are not, and may never again, be active on that server.
what i have issues with, from an account base are:
1) MOST servers show either full or high capacity, so moving the guild isn’t necessarily a desirable outcome, especially considering we’ve been on jq since the bwes, and it’s a good community. if we move, and the server sucks, we’re just sol.
2) there is no indicator other than “full” or “high” that states anything about the viability of a server we may wish to transfer to — how are they in wvw? what kind of thinking shapes their community?
3) moving our guild off of jq, in order (hopefully) locate a home our new guildies can come to without days of attempting to transfer, would result in our losing all our guild-influence related everything.
now, for the record: yes, i know, you can be guilded cross-server. that doesn’t help when you want to do jumping puzzles, map completion, or exploration as a guild. yes, i’m also aware that guesting is “coming soon.” THAT doesn’t help for folk who enjoy pvp together.
is there something we can do, short of blindly jumping to another server, so that our guildies have a home to come to when we are finally able to get them in tyria?
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yeah, had to stop playing her for a bit. it seems to be the greatsword and hammer that make her squeak; sadness? the greatsword is one of my preferred weapon combos. would hate to have to reroll her, just because of this — in every way, the way she is right now (sans squeak) is the way i see my guardian. blarg!