key discount = glorified rng. i want the abbadon fractal, but realistically? i’d prefer the wp cost savings much more. the skins? pft. most of them i hated anyway … but then, i’m not a skin collector, and MANY players are.
it’ll be interesting to see how it turns out.
[EDIT – added for proof of the glorified rng comment]
(edited by Isende.2607)
Your complaint is that you don’t want to do the content in the way they specifically designed it. That you don’t want to feel like you have to do it, even though you don’t, and that you want to get the reward without playing in the manner they designed the area to be played as. That is whining.
No, this!
bovinity divinity! aisling, from jq … how DARE you contradict me! (tongue-in-cheek here)
actually, i really don’t have an issue with the achievements being put in pvp land. as someone else mentioned — when it’s an “even” playing field where people can actually challenge each other, and be challenged, as in the sanctum sprint, i’m cool with that. my problem comes with the fact that, as has been pointed out, the achievements being put in os DO encourage griefing.
i was a guild leader on a pvp server in wow for about three years. been there, done all that, so on and so on. i’m cool with pvp being an integral part of play, for many folk. have no problem with it a’tall. but the nature of that particular puzzle, and the ocd nature of achievement kittens like me, just means we end up with a situation where griefers have ample opportunity to flex their griefing muscles and slaughter tons of wee little carebare pve bunnies. that, to me, is a design flaw, and THAT is what i’d love to see addressed.
so. given that, i’d welcome SUGGESTIONS for how this may be circumvented!
I’m talking about ANet attempting to cater to different play-styles. Some players like both PvE and PvP. This particular meta-achievement is aimed at them.
No. It is not. It caters specifically to griefers – the one group of players whose needs should never be supported in GW2.
NOONE is griefing in the jumping puzzle
NOONE kills enemies to farm badges there
EVERYONE kills enemies BECAUSE OF THE FUN to see all the people failing just because you can stop them
NOTHING would change if Arenanet changed removed the loot for killing players in the jumping puzzleso stop talking about griefers and griefing everywhere!!!
it is about the fun of killing others because you are better than they are or because you chose a good point to camp that makes up any differences in numbers in case there are more enemies
this makes my point better than i ever could. what you call “fun” — “because you are better than they are” is what we call griefing. not gonna argue semantics, though. you’re the player who sees this achievement, and says with glee, “oh, yeah! lots of little pvp players who don’t play pvp and so suck at it are gonna come through! GREAT time to go have fun dominating them!”
what’s sad is, if you came over into our world, you would be the one asking questions, and we’d be the ones offering the help, the answers, asking you, “can i help you?”
it’s the difference in mindsets that i’m attempting to point out, and also to point out, this type of achievement fosters one type of mindset more than it does the other.
The thing is, this game was specifically advertised and sold on the promise to PvE players that this was a game based on cooperation. No griefing would be allowed. In PvE every time someone tries to grief others, that is removed.
As an example,while the game was in beta, Mesmer portals would transport people if they went on the portal or if the portal was placed on them. You didn’t have to hit the F key to use it. Mesmers were using the portal to block the exit from Hoelbrak to the noob area. The new people would run up to the Asuran portal, hit a Mesmer portal and be ported away. I saw a couple of Mesmers who were amusing themselves by doing this. They were also targeting people who were af’k and porting them around. In response ANet made it so you had to agree to be ported.
In PvE ANet makes every effort to stop griefing and that’s what PvE players expect.
Now, all of a sudden. PvE players who want to continue the Living Story (which is PvE, not PvP) achievements are told to go to an area where other players are deliberately stopping them from getting the achievement. To them, it feels like ANet has broken their promise of cooperation and no griefing for PvEers. Yes, I know this is a PvP area and PvP happens in a PvP area. That’s not the point. The point is if you are a PvEer, doing PvE content (which was promised and advertised as no griefing) it shouldn’t be in an area that accepts griefing as a normal game play.
excellent point, which has been made in each instance of achievements for pve content requiring pvp/wvw participation. this is the initial reason the achievements for dailies and, specifically, monthlies, were split apart into pve/pvp achievements. further, if you will all remember, the first few months we had monthlies, many people were frustrated and flat-out refused to pursue the monthlies because pvp content was required to receive them. the monthlies have been changed so that you can now choose elements that do not require pvp activity.
the argument then was the same it is now — IT’S NOT REQUIRED TO PLAY THE GAME.
but it does go counter to a couple of things we were promised, among them 1) play your way (i like achievements! i will work to get as many as i can that are not pvp-related) and 2) work with a spirit of cooperation, not competition, in pve.
a situation has been created where folk like me, who like to receive achievements, and do WORK to achieve them, must either 1) endure endless player griefing or 2) accept that the achievement for THAT [kite/whatever] AND the meta will not be obtained.
in my opinion, this violates the two premises listed above, promotes player griefing, and causes untold frustration.
now, for the record? i HAVE obtained both of the obsidian sanctum jp achievements. the first one, i was fortunate enough to finally get in at a time when the three servers were at truce and a mesmer was porting. i’d attempted the puzzle for over an hour, previously, with constant griefing. the second time? found a semi-truce state, no mesmer, so i ran my mesmer through this with occasional activity from other players. this wasn’t a big deal … but after i had the achievement, and had my mesmer parked? a group from another server who’d been parked on top of the dome came down and wiped the floor with my mesmer.
pvp bunny here, guys. many of us are. why is it fun to “challenge” yourself against us? you know, the achievements are going to bring us out in droves. and you find it sporting, and challenging, to collect these “honor” kills?
this is an issue that’s been asked about a lot. to date, i’ve still seen no respone.
woodenpotatoes has some EXCELLENT videos out; he usually makes some pretty great points, especially from the pov of someone who’d played for a long time. i haven’t played NEARLY as long as he has, within the gw1 storyline, but i’ve relied on him a great deal for lore pointers, etc.
for me, the CONSTANT updates with living story (every TWO weeks?) and associated achievements, combined with the new “achievement rewards” we’re getting, has turned this into a different kind of grind.
nope. i’m not doing vertical gear progression … but if i want the achievements (and i am kind of a collector) then i will be pulling away from my characters’ development (i currently have about 12, at various stages of completion, including several 80s) to go “grind” out the bloody living story content.
i’ve been a fangurl for this game since betas.
you’re losing me. quickly.
yeah, but if you’re like me, you ’mute it to put on a low-level character, right? so, i buy the armor on my level 80, then ’mute it and put it in the bank, then switch to said low-level character, and have to blow MORE ’mute stones to get it down to a wearable level!
and if i go the route of getting it from the tp? zomg, i HATE paying tp prices when it’s so CHEAP to just buy it on a lower level character! easiest? the character you wanna put it on? just have that character grab the white gear.
thanks for making that point, @donari!
I’m just wondering, who has bought the med armor set? I would like to know if you can split the set between characters. Ex, I like the hear gear on one character, but the chest and gloves on another.
Or is it that once you open the set on a character, all pieces are soul bound instead of account bound.
I’m very interesting in finding out so I can have a goal of how much to farm.The new armor sets are account bound. So you can easily transfer skins to other characters if you wish.
sweet. thanks
note for application:
once you have applied ANY skin to ANY piece of armor, if it’s green or above, it will become soulbound. if you decide, later, you wish to use it as a skin for another character, or the character you originally purchased it for has new armor, here is how to make it account-bound again:
(best results, have a lvl 2 or so character to purchase armor pieces with)
purchase a piece of white or blue armor (i.e., non-soulbound armor)
transmute the skin you wish to make account-bound on to the newly purchased armor
that armor is now a skin again, and can be used for any character, barring faction or race restrictions.
for instance, i put my warrior in a full set of vigil gear at level 28 by buying the gear on another vigil character and skinning it. because both were vigil, both could wear it; a priory character could not.
i’ve put T1 and T2 mixes of racial armor on all my characters around lvl 2 — but those pieces can NOT be used on other races.
you can make your character look how you want it, within reason, starting at lower levels — just requires ’mute stones of the appropriate type, and white or blue armor!
I love the armor! I gave 50 euros!
But the armor gw1 really miss…
Yes… I can like some things about the Aetherblade light and medium armor, but come on, seriously, that heavy armor??
I know you’re going for steampunk but this just feels so wrong. Just the heavy helm and it’s “goggles” seem awfully displaced.
When I think of heavy armor, I think of this in a game, when will you add more proper heavy armor, Anet?
JUST flagging this one in particular, because i’m really pretty heartily sick of the armor choices in this game. and the town clothes choices.
while you guys are playing around with all the “trendy” things, like steampunk, and booty (cargo) shorts, and stupid hoodies, why don’t you ALSO offer us some … um, period clothing? you know, like we’ve been asking for for … ever?
love the images, btw. some nice sets there.
actually, it most likely IS about people bypassing them; even one day makes a difference in the amount of people who will trigger them. by this point in the game, most of those who were going for the achieves have gotten them, so people like me now just flat-out avoid the holos.
while i was chasing the achieve, though, i went to low-pop servers, picked a zone, and activated EVERY holo projector i could find, first time around. after that, i did notice a significant increase in how many auto-spawned as aetherblade mobs, compared to how many had prior to my activating them. but it absolutely required me activating them once and killing the spawns.
just waded through the longest two pages of reading i think i’ve ever engaged in, and it falls back to @dreadicon’s original assertion:
LIMITED time STORY content-driven dungeons that are VERY difficult may not be the best mix.
saying that? my guild and i will be diving back in there today; it being holiday, we’ve had lots of folk gone, and we’re a small guild. we got to fight #3 in frizz before two people had to leave, and we don’t pug, so …
we’ve read. we’ve reviewed. we understand the mechanics. we’ll be bringing a different set of characters for this. we expect that several hours’ outlay will eventually net us this dungeon. oh, and did i mention, we’re VERY achievement-minded?
we already have accepted we won’t get all the “cool kid” achievements for this, but we’re determined we will, at the least, complete it.
but i can see, as a trend, that if TEMPORARY dungeon content continues being SO difficult to learn, we will eventually give up playing them.
@dreadicon, i wholly concur with your premise, and +1 support it.
what if, in the evolving story of tyria, we 1) ran the aetherblades outta lion’s arch and 2) somewhere down the road someone else moved in to those caverns behind the waterfalls and we had to go track them down? that would be living story, and would necessitate the dungeon being temporary.
i love the concept. we have regular dungeons we do as a part of our story, our growth as characters, that TELL the story of destiny’s edge. and we have a team of SUPREMELY talented designers giving us fun, challenging dungeons that support the living, changing story of tyria.
I did Obsidian Sanctum for the first time this weekend, and it’s my favorite JP in the game. The only problem with it is the opposing players. I was doing great for a while, but when I got to the Arena some Mesmer attacked me for no good reason and killed me. Then later, in that area with the control panel, some other guy was shooting at me and knocking me out of my jumps. It ruined the entire thing.
I think this Jump puzzle would be made much better by making it a safe zone in which you cannot attack other players. If there really must be a PvP element, then make it more like a game than open warfare. Keep open PvP, direct player attacks, as impossible as on a PvE map. However, leave in the traps.
Make it so that players can take over trap controls and launch traps at other players trying to do the puzzles. The trick should be though, that any traps left available are ones which a clever and skilled payer can avoid, knowing that they are there and timing them out, not ones that can prevent progress entirely. And since you can’t kill other payers to knock them off the trap controls, put launchers and trap doors on the trap controls, with a second switch at some point in the area, so that if the advancing player can reach that point, they can eject the other player from the controls and send them back a distance, forcing them to redo the part. Then it becomes more of a game than a combat thing.
ohoni, anet, by design, created jumping puzzles in pvp zones, for pvp players. yes, it is a brilliant puzzle and it was designed as a pvp puzzle. the reason you had issues is because 1) it is pvp and 2) it’s part of an achievement chain for the sky pirates living story, and people have found they can camp it and rack up free honor badges because a whole slew of us non-pvp folk are trying to get the cache, located at the end of this puzzle.
this thread isn’t about the unfairness of a pvp jumping puzzle but rather about the environment of camping/ganking that’s been promoted by having this achievement in a pvp zone.
I’ve given this much thought, over the past few days, and I want to make a few points I sincerely hope someone who makes these decisions reads. Sure I’ll get flamed some, but eh.
Point 1: ArenaNet, you purposely set out to create a game that encourages cooperation, not competition — and it was this which drew many players, among them myself, my husband, and my guild. We love the fact that nodes are set up so that one doesn’t have to worry about someone ninjaing them. We love the fact that it’s considered a normal part of gameplay to help other players, because anyone who tags a mob, gets a chance at loot from it AND gets the kill credit. We love the way you encourage us to rez each other. All these things speak loudly to a spirit of cooperation among your players. For this reason, I fail to understand how it was deemed a good idea to put a limited-time achievement in an environment that a great many of your players actually do not frequent. Given the amount of camping that’s being reported and experienced, what you’ve done is create a situation where it’s “come-slaughter-the-little-pve-bunny” time. People know that we’re easy kills, they know many of us are achievement-minded and will go die over and over and over again, waiting for them to tire of the game. This goes directly against the spirit of cooperation you’ve created. Yeah, I know, it’s WvW — so it’s to be expected people are going to die. But you’re missing the point — we LIKE getting our achievements, and we WILL risk the anger, the frustration, and the increased armor repair costs in the miniscule hope that we can get in there and actually get this achievement.
Point 2: There is a significant difference between the mindset of the PVP-oriented player, and the mindset of the PVE-oriented player. I speak from experience; I started my gaming with FPS. Then, for three years I was a guild leader in WoW on Sargeras — a PVP realm. I dove into the battles, the battlegrounds, the open-world combat. I rode to the rescue, with my trusty compatriots, of my lower-level guildies when they were being griefed. Been there, done that.
Somewhere along the way, I apparently got older. My tastes changed from competition-against-others to competition-against-self. Competition-against-the-game. I learned to rate my abilities by how well I tanked a fight, how well I healed it — how effective I was as a part of a group. How well I knew my skills and abilities in the PVE environment.
PVP requires that one have a strong sense of competition vs. other players. Hence the name of it — PLAYER VS PLAYER. Now, I’ve known many players who were as excellent at PVP as they were at PVE. They absolutely loved and embraced both modes of play. My hat’s off to them!
But most players can be split between PVP and PVE. And despite what all the love-PVP folk would have you believe — your game is not populated solely by people who love PVP.
We, your PVE bunnies, have been begging you for a long time not to force us to go into PVP. You persist in doing this. The arguments why this is a bad idea seem to make no difference to you … but I really want you to stop, and consider:
Is it doing your players a service to FORCE them to cross over? Yeah, I know. No one’s FORCING us to pursue “unnecessary” achievements. But as much as you love your combat against other players? As much as you love building your talents, abilities, and achievements in PVP?
We love doing the same, but in a different venue. We WANT those achievement points. We should not HAVE to submit ourselves to a gankfest, a spirit of “kill-the-wabbit” in order to get them.
Last point: I absolutely revel in the fact that, as often as you come up with “Living Story” content for the PVE world, you keep coming up with new things for your WvW/PVP crowd. I applaud that. I do not think they should be denied anything. Make sure, please, you understand, that isn’t where this thought-process is coming from.
zomaarwat, lol, we hung out there and tried for about an hour. 1) there’s the issue of the free “honor kills” these aholes were getting and 2) when it hits the point that you’re so bloody frustrated, it’s just not fun.
i game for fun. part of my fun is achievements. this setup denies me both the blackout cache achievement AND the meta for the caches — two achievements.
i have a lot of patience. i’ve out-waited pvp griefers for a long time, it’s no big. but after an hour, when their servers just keep sending MORE and MORE griefers to collect these free kills?
yeah. what am i waiting for, again, zomaarwat?
I do have to say that at least some due to the nature of the event are going above it being a pvp zone, for whatever reason, and was floored that Dragonbrand having tons of people in there trying to attempt it too was not finger happy with their skills.
Walked around 10-20 of them at a time without them messing with us Sea of Sorrow players.
Though I am disappointed with PvP being mixed into PvE content in this manner. The little rival games like “Crab Toss” and “Dragon Bash” are one thing, but it was far from necessary to pick a PvP Jumping Puzzle as part of a PvE event.
Its not like its not already hard enough to do some of them under normal PvE conditions.
yeah, but the counter is five of us little carebear types from jq trying to get it last night, and a couple of SOR guilds had entirely ganged up to “protect” the beginning of the puzzle. we couldn’t take a step off our platforms for the ganking.
we are pve’ers. we don’t, as a rule, pvp or wvw. we just like playing our characters, doing dungeons, and collecting achievements. i have all the caches except this one, and i do not have the mini — therefore, apparently, i must have this one, also, to get the mini. further? we, my guildies and i, LOVE collecting achieves, and this one we’re pretty clearly not gonna get without our entire server behind us — and while jq is a fantastic server, i can’t see saying, “hey, guys, come wipe the floor with these folk so we can get this achieve.” oh, yes, and while you’re at it, we’ll just give up everything you guys have been fighting for the past several days …
yeah. as has been posted, it baffles me that a pve world content must be placed in a pvp zone, and it further baffles me that anyone has surprise that 1) SOME OF US DON’T PVP (gasp!) and 2) SOME OF US ARE UNHAPPY THAT YOU KEEP DOING THIS, ANET!
show a little love, anet. that’s all we ask! DO NOT REQUIRE THE TWO WORLDS TO MIX! some of your players do nothing BUT pvp/wvw, and some of us do nothing but pve. why is this such a difficult concept to grasp?
since the most recent patch(es), i’ve had higher than normal disconnects, as well as MAJOR (like, 5-10 seconds minimum) lag spikes. now, my husband’s computer has all these handy little gadgets on them, one of which monitors our internet connection for spikes. the funny thing is, playing the game on his computer and watching these monitors? they’re not blipping. but, to be sure, i shut everything down, started it again, ran a few pings … everything matched what i was seeing on the gadgets. so, started playing again … and omg, lag spikes and disconnects.
guys. this is causing me to DIE, literally, in game. it’s annoying, it’s costing me money in armor repairs, and it’s REALLY going a long way toward making the game unplayable.
had 100% completion on my thief, updated her as new pois were added. with the addition of the one at broadhollow, i was only showing 1 poi missing. this means that if you have two missing, your other one likely is the one in divinity’s reach. good luck!
i know that the sylvari chargen has two more faces on it, which you won’t see if you don’t actually scroll past. there’s the normal block for selecting faces, with the bottom right empty, as though there are no more selections … but then you right-arrow, and boom, two more faces! so i don’t know how they choose to organize, but i do not believe they remove anything. i am fairly certain every single tat that was available at launch is still available; plus one.
just a guess, here, but i would (if i were the developers) save future other-dragon content for expansions. and we do know they will be doing expansions; it seems logical to me.
for myself, i’m about overwhelmed with the constancy of the changes in the world, that aren’t dictated by the dragon menace — it’s like they’re saying, “yeah, the dragons are bad news, but they ain’t the only baddies on the block.”
yeah, adding my bump to this, as i have to SO many threads which have requested this. by the way, anet? WHY was it an important idea to center the camera in our navels?
so i just created a new norn female, and as usual, i went through the ho-hum of trying to find a tat pattern that 1) i like and 2) i haven’t used before. noticed, however, that you have a new face tat! i love it, which is funny, because i typically do NOT like anything on my characters’ faces! what i wish is that the design extended down over the body … but hey, i DO love the lines, the curves, and the angles on this new tat.
now, if i could make a request? you know that long, flowing hairstyle you have with the bandana wrapped around the head? i’d love to see more similar hair styles that are NOT pulled back and do NOT have a headpiece — just something that flows, like that particular hair style does, and with the gorgeous hair movement you’ve worked in to it! love to see something like that on humans, too!
rofl, matroxion and patriot! clappin’ and cheerin’ here!
happydance time! aw yeah, thank you!!!
ok, copy/pasted from op, in order to address each point individually:
Implement mounts
problem — currently broom mount only occurs within towns — would you wish this to occur out in the world? if so, then do you include speed boosts, etc?
Improve PvE culling
in towns isn’t the worst of it! take, oh, say, the worm event in wayfarer — i can’t see the worms spawn, even with a pretty dang good computer, until they’re lying dead and i go to loot the bodies. i just lay down aoes where i know they “should” be spawning. this doesn’t feel like real battle, it feels like “yawn, oh, another aoe … yawn”
Implement raids
first of all, i absolutely do NOT wish to have vertical gear progression. it’s been a revelation to me, how much i really enjoy just playing the game and increasing my abilities, without having to worry about grinding gear in order to increase my abilities. that said? i’d LOVE some more “difficult” and even possibly 10-man dungeons, but i’d really like anet to consider other mechanics than kb/kd/pulls. yeah, i know, it IS an irritating mechanic, but it seems that almost all the fights rely on to the exclusion of actual FIGHT mechanics.
Loot tables
love this idea! as it is, if you want particular armor, you have to what, like, 123 explorable dungeon runs? so yeah, loot tables would be nice.
Guild Calendar
guild calendar, guild notes, guild management in general needs vast and major improvement; but guild calendar with invite options would be an enormous asset
Improve minipets
big BIG time agreement!
Other needed improvements (not WoW related)
Make WvW meaningful
from what i’m aware of, the wvw bonuses gained by teams that are given to the server are the “meaning” behind wvw, besides the fact that some folk just love to kill other players. but i can see that more “meaningful” bonuses could be complementary
Improve outmanned buff
honestly, thinking back to wow days — no matter what was done with this; added to or taken away, it was NEVER enough to make folk happy, of either one side or another
Larger serious content
i agree with this for the reason stated, AS WELL AS the fact that with the CONSTANT influx of new content, and the CONSTANT need to keep getting these “new achievements,” i’m beginning to feel like i’m on the treadmill again. not happy-making.
Less RNG Boxes
omg yes!!
i’ve had characters throughout all my games who’ve run around barefoot. ok, in rift? if i wanted ‘em nekkid and still-combat ready? i could have that. in fact, it was quite funny — folk in rift complained about the “unfair advantage” of people who had custom costume pieces over their armor, as they "couldn’t tell what the class was." so trion changed it, so you couldn’t display your costume pieces in pvp … boy did THAT get a MAJOR outcry! the theory was, if a player can’t look at a weapon set and the skills being used, then that player is handicapped and needs to learn. it was such a huge issue that trion re-instituted the ability to wear costume pieces in pvp.
bottom line? please PLEASE give us more abilities to customize our characters! and if you REALLY need to keep it “fair” for the training-wheel crowd in pvp? fine. make that a non-ability IN WvWvW or PVP. but really? all we have are town clothes, which suck anyway?
yep. i have a couple of characters whose feet get itchy from havin’ to wear shoes alla time!
especially when i get the stupid wvw/pvp boosters, which NEVER use and now i have to type out the whole bloody name every time i destroy them. yeah, i do not want them taking up bank space, and i have no alternatives? thanks, anet!
oh, hey, yeah — and the diving goggles one! i was SO disappointed when i completed that, and there was no title!!!
zacchary? you are my new hero. <3 ya man!
i posted in the other post on this topic, and i’ll post again — anytime someone gets their behiney handed to them in pvp, they decide that, rather than figure out how to counter the issue, the winning profession just needs a nerf.
here’s one for ya — i have two thieves. yes, i know, makes no sense to any of you, but i LOVE learning professions from the ground up, and i build my own builds. anyway. the first thief i built, i incorporated no toughness, no stealth. she’s designed as a highly mobile attack machine dishing out super-high levels of condition damage (i can get bleeds ticking at 127/tick), and she also has four — count them, FOUR — self-heals built in.
she’s a beast. yeah, the steal/zerker thief is fun, i just finished creating my own version, because i wanted to find out about this “perma stealth” thing the op in the other thread was complaining about. and as someone posted, there? it’s possible to stack invisibility up to 12s … and you CAN have a lot of stealth skills built in. but the bottom line is, if you are NOT a superlative player, and you aren’t constantly aware of your surroundings, and you don’t take the time to absolutely know your profession? this build ain’t gonna do jack for ya.
as zacchary said? L2P. if someone’s givin’ you issues? research. find the counters. trust me, they DO exist.
oh, wow, this one revisited! we actually started asking for this back in betas — noting it as a beta item to hopefully be fixed. another fix? just make ALL merchants carry ALL tools. +1 to this
well, well … well.
to sum up, here’s what i’ve seen so far, and i’m REALLY summing here:
1. players think they should be allowed to swear because it’s someone else’s problem if that someone else becomes offended
2. other players respond with things like — courtesy, respect, and so on
3. players in #1 then begin with “freedom of speech” ad nauseam
and then it goes back and forth and back and forth.
here’s the scoop, folk. you have as much right to swear as you want. if someone’s offended by it, THEY have as much right as THEY want to report you for it. finito.
now, here’s a clue, in case you haven’t figured it out — swearing doesn’t make you sound “all growed up” or anything else. it’s just an expletive thrown out there because you can. you wanna take that risk? cool. take it. but don’t whine and cry when others say, “hey, ya know? this TEEN-rated game doesn’t need that in it” and reports you.
oh, and for what it’s worth? i’ve dropped an f-bomb in /m a time or two, ya know, when i’ve gotten my buns royally kicked, or slipped off the edge of a cliff i shouldn’t have … and i’ve realized, each time it’s slipped, “oh, boy, hope i didn’t offend anyone!”
i’m willing to shoulder the risk, but i strive even more to be respectful, courteous — you know, all those grown-up things.
EDIT: on a side note, just something to consider — you can’t report someone for swearing. you CAN report them for being verbally abusive. there’s a difference.
(edited by Isende.2607)
my guild regularly does activities where we roam across the map, and we end up having to make multiple groups. something like an ability to make larger parties, even OUTSIDE wvw (gasp! i know, people do stuff that’s not wvw??) would be OH-so-helpful!
then you get to someone like me who plays through 12 characters and really doesn’t have a “main,” per se — oh, and it’s not just me, pretty much my whole guild functions this way. not to mention, it’s already pretty fast to level your alts! and, i’ve found new content here and there throughout the world … the ability to learn the new profession, for me, takes away from the “humdrum” of the repetitive material. and always, if i get tired of it? i just go craft.
just my .02 worth …
HATE the bloody “teeny” crap that’s available as town clothing — oh, wait, hoodies? cargo “shorts” that should rightfully be called booty shorts on females? yeah, i won’t drag out the whole list, but these new HATS? really? as much as we’ve been BEGGING for some decent town clothes, you give us THIS crapola??? puhleeze!
on that note, being able to customize armor is the suck, in this game — and i do like some of the armor sets. but really … the amount of variety is nearly laughable and it has NOT grown since launch in any perceptible manner. please? hear us? oh, yeah, and the ability, as we had in gw1, to put COSTUME pieces in slots OVER our armor would go a long way to helping … assuming you guys ever get around to giving us some decent COSTUME/town gear!
there’s another thread, i can’t remember but the gist of it, which was essentially — give us dynamic events that allow us to cleanse orr. even if it maintains the ruins, give us the ability to make it “pretty” and potentially hold it that way. i love the idea that is orr-that-was, and i hope someday there’ll be a fractal that lets us explore it — but for now? i absolutely despise time spent there, as it’s depressing and annoying, to say the least. so … hearty agreement, with a plug for someone else’s idea that i thought was also quite brilliant.
Isn’t the solution obvious? When you click inspect it should show you the armor and weapons, but not the stats.
OP is asking for a way of seeing what specific armor parts are because he likes them cosmetically. Just have the inspection work on a cosmetic level.
EDIT: Scratch that, I read further down and realised he got all immature about people disagreeing with him and WAS talking about seeing their stats. This counters the design philosophy of the game.
Cosmetics, yes, I’m all for inspection. Stats, no. Your assumptions are not reality.
Hey, I am actually for a cosmetics inspect, rather than a stats one, I just got annoyed that everyone was saying no on a stats viewing basis and the only valid reason they were giving was elitism. I also was in a bit of a bad mood that day with a dungeon because my team sucked real hard and it took me 3 hours to do a dungeon that usaually takes 40 minutes to an hour. Originally though my idea was for a cosmetics inspect button. As I said I just got a bit carried away with arguing.
blaze, pugging is/can be painful. if it’s not elitists, it’s folk who’re new to the game, or the mechanics, or just casual … whatever it may be. again, i won’t pug for these reasons; the only time i pugged in other games was when i was either healing or tanking, BECAUSE i was in a position to not have to deal with elitist jerks, and happen to have a LOT of patience for working with folk who’re new, or learning how to play, or what-have-you.
i can understand wanting to see gear for the purpose of identifying it visually; i’d recommend going to dulfy and viewing there or, if she doesn’t have the gear yet, find out how you can help her GET the pics of the gear she puts up on her site. another tool i find eminently useful is the pvp locker — i’ve found lots of sets that way when folk don’t answer my questions. beyond that? i’d just as soon not invite a way in for elitism to rear its ugly head even more than it already is. you already have pundits who’ll tell you the “best build” and the “best gear” and so on and so forth, which completely changes gameplay for many casual players, who just want to … well, they just really wanna have fun.
my first recommendation for this is always to find a core group you can run with, that functions the way you do. my second recommendation? if you pug … try offering help/assistance/guidance, rather than getting upset. experience has taught me that there’s a wealth of good feeling available from being in a position to guide and help, rather than just run through, and it can make a harsh (i.e., three-hour-long) run a little less harsh.
wish you luck!
yep, i’m gonna use the “i” word. idiot threads like this make me even more happy i don’t pug. here’s a scoop for ya — my guild runs dungeons with anyone, in the guild, who wishes to come, playing whatever they wish to play, and however they wish to play.
uhmazingly, we complete the dungeons! oh, and our best run so far has been the run with two necros, a mesmer, and two thieves.
skill counts for far more than people want to give it credit for; teamwork counts for even more.
This guy wins the thread.
lol, thanks — gal, but the idea’s the same!
sirendor, what about those who do NOT do wvw/pvp, but could use some kind of “targeting laser” for group/guild activities? part of what’s being broached, and that we’re hopeful of getting implemented, are guild-related tags of SOME sort that are useful and for use solely OUTSIDE of wvw/pvp.
it’s so funny.
every time someone screams “it’s not fair” there’s at LEAST one person able to point out a counter to the perceived unfairness.
tbh, i think anet did a great thing with thief. it’s not perma stealth, which means folk have had to relearn how to play. as dual pointed out, it’s not necessarily a good idea to go glass cannon, but folk do it. so … do YOU, as the other player, need to work on YOUR survivability? relearn how to play?
something to consider.
there’s another thread somewhere in here about guild interface improvements — this was brought up in there, as well. it’s a much MUCH needed idea that’d be GREAT if they’d implement!
i like this idea! here’s something to think about — our guild does a LOT of guild events, such as jumping puzzles, exploration runs, etc. it would be lovely, since we have to group up in teams of five, if we had some kind of tag we could get that would allow us to find the “leader” of each respective group, easily. my husband (guild leader) and i have spoken of getting the wvw commander tags for this purpose, but we DON’T want to do that, because we are NOT good enough in wvw to have folk following us — so, while we can target one person in a group, folk in other groups can’t see/follow that target easily.
yep, i’m gonna use the “i” word. idiot threads like this make me even more happy i don’t pug. here’s a scoop for ya — my guild runs dungeons with anyone, in the guild, who wishes to come, playing whatever they wish to play, and however they wish to play.
uhmazingly, we complete the dungeons! oh, and our best run so far has been the run with two necros, a mesmer, and two thieves.
skill counts for far more than people want to give it credit for; teamwork counts for even more.
I’d like a hotkey to change it. And could we pretty please not change back into our armor if we fall? Drives me batty.
Agreed with this. Right now any damage done changes you back into your armor. It should only happen if you’re actually under attack by something, which is impossible within towns.
It surprises me that anet hasn’t introduced more towns clothing yet. I know this other game where the world is not so perfect who utilitizes their boutique with a looooot of good looking fashion (anet can learn from them). It’s one of their biggest incomes probably. Anet could make a lot of money by introducing more towns clothing.
actually, they HAVE introduced LOTS of new town clothes options, since launch. like, riding outfits (ugh). hoodies (ugh). cargo shorts (ugh). as well as seasonal outfits such as the wintersday set i have. that one’s not-so-ugh.
the problem appears to be that more folk want more “world-themed” town clothing, not more “irl-themed-gangsta-hip” stuff like the hoodies, etc.
falling back on what the devs said, when they were still IN development — they didn’t want a whole host of possible skills per weapon; they wanted people to find the weapon that supported their playstyle. personally, i find the challenge of doing that to be refreshing, rather than the other way around.
we’ve been asking for wvw to be removed from map completion for-literally-evah. hasn’t happened yet; in fact, there’s been absolutely no response, ever, even saying “sorry folks, ain’t happening.” it’s like, as far as anet is concerned, it’s a non-issue. and kishter, i’m on jade quarry — wtg you guys! we’re having to work our way back up to #1!!!
and yes, i hate wvw too, lol!
i’d hate it. i work my buttocks off to get my characters outfitted in a way that’s “close” to what i want them in — and only ONE of them currently has town clothes i’ll flip to, when i’m in town. so an auto feature that put them in it? i’d bloody scream, yell, tear the house down — you name it. toggle feature? maybe. but until/unless we get some good town clothes? HUH uh!
additionally? i can’t think of a game i’ve played in YEARS (possibly decades? am i REALLY that old??) where slowing down when hit isn’t a feature of the gameplay.
omg GREAT ideas! please? we’ve been asking for lots of this stuff since betas … c’mon, anet, we love taking pics of this wondermous game — help us take even better ones! PLEEEEEEAAAASSSSEE!!