Showing Posts For Jayw.1045:

Fix the Evade Hotkey!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


I don’t know what your talking about I use evade hotkey and the only problem I have is the ranger sword auto attack. But you can cancel the animation but using another ability and than dodging, so yes it’s a bug yes it needs addressed for the ranger. But every other class I’ve played no problems with hotkey ever. You should take this into bug reporting and post screenshots with data, etc maybe it’s a problem with your current set up etc. I for one don’t have a problem here.

Mak ONE pet-wish!

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


I wish they were the right size the juvenile argument is getting old.

Why not staff elementalist in WvW?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jayw.1045


If you don’t understand why people pick d/d ele’s look at daphoniex’s mastering d/d guide and watch some of his you tube video’s you’ll understand why they are so strong.

the most satisfying skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Jayw.1045


If your on high ground with a large drop, utility skill kick and yelling right before hand THIS IS SPARTA! than loling when you pick up your bag.

New to warrior, deciding on a path

in Warrior

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Updated build and post.

New to warrior, deciding on a path

in Warrior

Posted by: Jayw.1045


I’m fine with that it’s an all or nothing build to begin with.

New to warrior, deciding on a path

in Warrior

Posted by: Jayw.1045


I also have bull rush it doesn’t just apply to stun. the idea is to hit once and be done with it. Edit this is also wvw I’m not going to be alone I’m going to be capping objectives with my guild. As long as my target is stuned etc it doesn’t matter if I’m the one who did it.

edit: It would appear I read the tooltip wrong. The oudated version I used included knocked down foes either way you don’t have to be fast to pull it off use shield 4 and during the animation press f1. It doesn’t cancel the shield 4 and rolls right into f1 the second the skill is over. You’ll start your next auto attack before the stun wears off, it’s a very rapid transition. one second is MORE than enough time.

(edited by Jayw.1045)

Warrior overhaul idea

in Warrior

Posted by: Jayw.1045


I read something just a minute ago that gave me an idea to overhaul the warriors traits and class abilities.

As it stands currently we have several stances. Unless your running a specific build these abilities seem outclassed by other utilities.

My overhaul idea is to completely remove stances from the utility tree. Replacing them with other physical shouts and banner and turning other stances that couldn’t fit into this category into shouts IE endure pain. Perhaps even utilities that create combo fields.

The reason for this is we take stances out of the tree’s and place them into the class bar.

f1 weapon/stance based
f2 stance one
f3 stance two
f4 stance five

You could CHOSE which stance goes in which of the three slots. Stances would act like an ele’s atunements. Each one has their own cool down. Switching stances places the other stance on cooldown and the third on a brief cd before you could chance stances again. Each stance would have a passive effect and would affect your f1 ability.

Axe + fury stance = escivate
Axe + Berserk = something else

Adding traits into the game such as switching stances build adrenaline etc etc.
As you can see the idea has unlimited possibilities for an overhaul and could completely change how warriors are played perhaps even giving a sustained bunker build that is viable

(edited by Jayw.1045)

Warrior Stats

in Warrior

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Warrior’s don’t have a real viable form of sustain. The theory crafters are always attempting to find a solution for this. But by design warriors excel at either Lock a single target down with cc (mace, hammer shield type builds) Or kill him faster than he can kill you ie greatsword, axe, sword builds.

in wvw situation you could ever go sniper class and run FULL glass cannon and just f1 people into the downed state. playing a more backline warrior. The builds vary to some degree but warriors excel at hitting for high numbers, the builds capitalize on that. Warrior as it stands now it’s a very vestal class for builds.

These build are attempting to deal as much damage as possible in the shortest amount of time as possible. Because of traits like endure pain and the shields long block time the warrior excels at breaking through the enemy lines wvw and destroying squishes while soaking up enough damage to down two-three people before going down yourself. Also because of the high hp pool going full damage doesn’t really have any draw backs.

side note: A zerg’s worst nightmare is a team of highly coordinated hammer warriors. 8 hammer warriors on a team speak is > than a 50 man pug zerg. remove all keys on keyboard, keep f1 gg. leap frog tactic op

New to warrior, deciding on a path

in Warrior

Posted by: Jayw.1045


k lets recap your missing a lot stuff here

Not a pve build this is wvw
Using eagle runes not solider

Not looking for survivability at all
The point was to create an actual berserker (not to be confused with the name of gear I mean an ACTUAL berserker)
Lots of life tons of damage I get my crit chance from perks and food and by mixing trinkets. Also getting a crit boost from shield bash and bull rush. The goal is to stack vulnerability (hopefully) with axe 2 than from sigil with shield bash and roll right into f1 for massive damage. were talking a 15-20k crit

Endure pain is a stun breaker if any pvp situation you need at least one. Debated sigil of endurance for the condition removal still debating because vigor from/sigil of endurance sounds like being able to constantly dodge. Combined with power minor 5 that could be really useful of even if I ran with a stack might on dodge if I decided to mix it up.

Either way need to point this out again, THIS IS NOT a pve build. I’m playing pve right now to level and get a feel for it. Trust me I know this build is not working in pve I die enough to really kitten me off. Maybe if I was in party I wouldn’t suffer as many deaths. prob going to take the 100% rally perk for pve than swap it out when I go into wvw

Great axe

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Kinda feels like the game should of had a two handed axe in it. I was actually walking around in pve and found one in a stump. You couldn’t pick it up or anything but it was a two handed great axe with a shiverpeak skin. =/ makes you wonder if it used to be apart of the game and got removed before it was released.

NPC: Re-spawn rate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


so again today new complaint about his running through shiver peak again. Find a heavy populated area of frost trolls and the frost rock dogs w/e they are. I pull the vets argo away from the mob and burst him down group up the mob and start to burst them down… not more then 10 seconds after I kill the vet he fricken responses on top of me and freezes me in the mob instant death. This is kittened and becoming a real problem I can’t even enjoy the combat in pve without dying every ten seconds to a darn respawn. This is ridiculous!

New to warrior, deciding on a path

in Warrior

Posted by: Jayw.1045


…. you think this build is defensive? You should prob look at it again. It’s a glass cannon build. The only defensive part about it is the boost in vitality. The only reason for the vitality is to ensure I live long enough to get that lvl 3 eviscerate off

New to warrior, deciding on a path

in Warrior

Posted by: Jayw.1045


I added another link I think the calculator I was using hasn’t been updated so I posted the new link underneath

New to warrior, deciding on a path

in Warrior

Posted by: Jayw.1045


you have to filter through the tabs on top to see the utilities gear etc and no it’s for wvw

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Hey I’m really new to the warrior I’ve only played the ranger (bunker) and Ele(d/d) with primary focus on healing and cantrips utilities. So a bursty cannon type is becoming an adjustment for me. I’ve been practicing pve to level and get a feel for my combo’s. After some debating I decided on my end path where I want to end up at after reviewing everything and decided on this build.

I’m curious though if it’s viable or not. I chose Valkyrie over zerker cause I wanted the larger health pool and took specs to help me raise my crit chance to about 92% I think. If the vulnerability stacks my f1 axe should hit like a truck. Is this a good route to go?

and I got to admit this build is kinda struggling pve for me. I die more often than not most vets survive the initial burst so it may just be my level or gear (I’m maxed out for my level 15) crafted armor jewels weapons etc even threw on some sigils I tore out of gear I wanted. Anyway the character is as strong as it can get for 15…

I know this isn’t designed for pve but if I run a this build do I need a party? Or do I just need to raise my skill cap? I find if I fall below a certain hp threshold my heal doesn’t really do a lot for me. Just delay’s the inevitable.

(edited by Jayw.1045)

New to warrior, deciding on a path

in Warrior

Posted by: Jayw.1045


That’s odd no one’s said anything about it. So I guess it’s not a bad build than?

New to warrior, deciding on a path

in Warrior

Posted by: Jayw.1045


New to warrior been leveling pve trying out different weapon types and getting a feel of how I’m going to build my character end game I know warriors have a really high damage potential and I really wanted to capitalize on that. So I was deciding on my gear traits and everything and I wanted to run it by everyone first.

I was messing around with the calculator and this was what I decided for my finale build.
I saw a lot of zerker builds with the greatsword and personally I didn’t want that for myself. I believe this set up has nice Syngey. I havn’t had a chance to try it yet but it looks like it’s going to hit like a truck.

Edit: You know after rethinking what player saidI went back to drawing board on this one. The fact that it hits kittene good time isn’t exactly what I imagine a berserk to be like.

I imagine a berseker as an unstoppable force that get’s stronger as the battle goes. I realized this build lacked boons and was really just a one hit wonder and that’s not exactly what I was going for to begin with. So I’ve revamped the build completely started over and focused on stacking might and CONSTANT fury.

for now I’m very satisfied with this build and I think this is going to fill the role I was looking to create. Link was updated in first post.

(edited by Jayw.1045)

Warrior stances relevance

in Warrior

Posted by: Jayw.1045


I think the way they are implemented is wrong. I think they should be a toggle function with a draw back for having it on and a strong perk for using it. Toggling another stance turns one off and sets the previous stance on cd.

Burst not high enough?

in Warrior

Posted by: Jayw.1045


They may be pulling you’re leg a little man your hitting like a truck as is. Maybe they have traits for under % health or something I dunno but 34k is kinda kittened high.

Are you sure you want to exit to desktop

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


I’m guilty of this two lol every now and then I exit to desktop not even meaning to.

Ignore the other guy his math sucks anyway.

giver pve armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


thing is you can keep constant boons without givers with certain builds and set ups.

Sure wearing givers could open up some major traits or maybe two rune slots at most. I considered it at one point but found I could achieve the same results I was looking for without it. Your largest stat increases come from your gear wasting a slot on boon duration when you can allocate that stat to something else.

It just turned out to be easier not using it for boon based builds.

And lets recap on something there are several ways to increase your boon duration. One of them is in your traits, runes, foods and prob something else I’m not thinking of at the moment. either way you didn’t do your homework on this one man.

Main hand only

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


This is more like a wishlist other than a suggestion

I wish there was more synergy for dual wielding like what the thief has for knifes. His skill set changes if he has two daggers for his main hand I wish it was like that for all classes.

Secondly I wish main I didn’t have to use two weapons or a two handed weapon to have 5 skills.

I kinda just want to roam around with a single sword. It would be nice if all classes had access to 5 weapon abilities no matter what weapon or hand they chose etc.

Main hand sword
(1)-(3) same

(4) Stab them while they’re down:
(1) kick enemy causes knock down
(2) Channeled: does heavy damage to knock downed enemies
(5)Now you see me
drag sword against ground throwing dirt in targets eyes causing blindness 2 sec

that’s just one example of how a single main hand could world. Please consider.

Warriors two handed wield running animation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jayw.1045


So I picked up a warrior today and was fooling around with the different weapons when I noticed when my character was running with two swords she looked do awkward. It didn’t look natural at all even the way she looked while standing still and the combat animations looked awkward =/ anyone else feel the same way?

Icing Dyes?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Well what if there was a limit on the amount of items a player could own. For example you couldn’t own more than 1000 iron or 100 iron ingots at the same time. you couldn’t own more than 10 of the same dye. Therefore if you had 10 X dye on market you could not store 1 x dye in your inventory. There would still be work around around this I could think of a few loop holes right now, but it would be a lot of hassle for what it was worth.

Just limit what people can have. That would prevent a monopoly right there. I’m sure a lot of people hate this idea already cause they own like 20,000 iron ore something. =P well I hate the fact you have a kittened amount of gold and I’m stuck with 30 silver so chew on that.

Enemy Recovering Too Fast

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jayw.1045


No he’s right the health refresh time on monsters is way to fast.

I have an example from personal experience that made me extremely mad and I’m still mad about this actually.

I like to solo champion group monsters for the challenge, some classes really excel that this. Rangers and Ele’s especially because of their really strong healing.
Anyway playing my ele Gerendarn fields or however it’s spelled. I’m at the mansion with the champion spider. use my d/d ele clear the creeps in a second flat with a churning earth combo and glyph of storms now the champ. You can not just stand in front of this boss and fight him. He’ll kill an ele with like 2-3 auto attacks. You litterly cannot let him knock you down ONCE or you have to burn your cantrips. So I’m kitting him back and forth through that small hallway hitting him with conditions and using los abuse on my spells around the corners back and forth forever. I get him to about 5% health when I notice his cc immunity is down again. Sweet, RTL+updraft combo I flipped off the side cliff and onto the beach.

Note monsters do not follow you past “unpathable” terrain. The AI set a path to my location and the path excided it’s Following distance and he reset BEFORE I EVEN HIT THE GROUND! He was at full health as I was standing up from the fall. I was fighting him for ever 20 min!!! on top of that not only was the fight so long after he reset he vanished and went on cooldown. I couldn’t even trigger his appearance again. I was so mad I turned the game off.

Second example Champion branded devour. Prob one of the hardest champions to solo because of his move that can ONE SHOT you at full health. His high hp pool takes him about 30 min to 45 min to solo. I managed to do this one time with my ranger, came back to do it with my d/d ele. Fought this guy for the longest time!

I fought him for so long he timed out during the fight and his hp reset to full WHILE I WAS STILL ATTACKING HIM!

Again so mad turned the game off.

The server I play on is not very populated but I’m okay with that because I prefer it that way. I bought the game for the rpg pve experience. I fell in love with pvp and wvw after, but I still spend most of my time in pve cause I like to explore it. Pve as the game is isn’t exactly party friendly. I mean sure you and guild mates might get together and saw, lets go complete this map together. Sure that happens but most of the time your off in the middle of nowhere by yourself and you manage to finish quests with whoever shows up every now and then.

The game needs to be more friendly towards those who are roaming solo.


Champion monster vs 1 player inside event ring = 10,000 hp
champion monster vs 2 player inside event ring =15.0000 hp

etc something along those lines I’m not saying follow that fomula I’m saying make these things soloable. Make them harder as more people show up, more people better the reward. etc but STILL playable by yourself.

Remove the health bar regeneration all together. Just take the whole thing off. If if take me 100 re spawns to kill it so be it It’s my armor repair bill. Just turn it off.

The dialogue... oh lord, the dialogue...

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jayw.1045


You know I was skimming over this thread and this was the first thread ever I actually saw someone related to area net post on. that fact that he took an interest in this thread is a real relief to me. It just shows me that someone cares about the experience.

I just want to point out it’s not just the writer here. A good actor can make even a bad script believable and touching. I think if you took on the mindset that “I want what I write to win their hearts and minds” than you’re not going to write something bad. I’m convinced some real effort is going to be put into it based on what I just saw here.

I think you’re major problem is you’re voice actors. They aren’t into it and you can feel it, they are just reading from a script. The way the story is revealed is this cinema (if you can call it that)

You have two or more players with your character talking to each other side by side and the most they every do is shake their fist. Writing is a form of communicating right. You goal is communicate the story ina believable and suspenseful way correct. 10% of communication is words the other 90% is in body language. This isn’t a failure on the writers part.

This is a failure of two departments withing arenanet not committed to the same goal.
The graphics lead, head editor, needs to get with however is doing cgi’s put your voice actors in suits, and have them ACT OUT the scenes. Than convert that captured data into a cgi. This is the most effective technique in the animated industry right now, and it creates LIVING animated cgi’s with REAL body language. good writers don’t write stories, they paint them.

music duration

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


so like you would want to extend the time that certain songs play? like repeat? I have the music set to off I play my own music in the background =P certain composers fit really well into this game. Carl Orff is a really great classic music composure that was around before ww2 I think. he has his own pandora’s radio station you can tune into. try that out. I know that’s not what you were looking for but I figured I’d make the suggestion anyway.

Guardians sword could use a buffing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


=/ guardians that do tons of damage… that just feels wrong.

Make all classes 15k HP.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


really bad idea man if everyone had an equal hp pool classes like the ele or mez’s that have really strong nuke potential could just go glass cannon without any draw backs. every class has a role, every class has a purpose. you can change that role and purpose b y their builds but lets face it you can build the tankiest thief ever, he still isn’t going to be a better tank than a guardian with a tank build. See where I’m going with this? It’s fair as it is because every class every build has a counter. Learn the game and study it more before making suggestions like this, it will cut down on troll posts.

but fyi no matter how good the idea is… there is always one troll. This forum is about 70% decent people 30% trolls. However trolls make up most of the pots… they look for people like you on purpose. Be more careful.

Guild Commander Tag - Guild Visible Only

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Great idea also as in addition to perks for commanders remove the chat suppression. They have to talk a lot as is it’s not fair they get suppressed by the chat system and not allowed to talk.

In depth Mount and new siege suggestions wvw

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


“I really think you’ll find there is more people against a mount rather than for it. And those who are for it are either lazy or tightfisted.”

if you don’t like people speaking for you don’t turn around and do the exact thing thing. I’m neither lazy or “tightfisted” whatever the heck that’s supposed to mean.

you know when I posted I think everyone wanted mounts I didn’t intend for this to be a flame war.. Kill the thread.

New Weapon Sigil Idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Veni ta’whaever you can easily stack bloodlust anyway just run infont of your spawn wvw and kill npc mobs for 2 min. This is honestly a really clever idea there are already traits and skill devoted to reviving other players. The idea is fluid enough that implementing it into the game as is wouldn’t even be an issue. Two thumbs up!

NPC: Re-spawn rate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


also I feel like some npcs should run from you. Ie moa’s deers etc.

no deer lets you walk up to it, and if you attack it…. It’s going to run like crazy to get away from you. I wish the environment was a little more interactive. The worlds are pretty sure but they feel bland and lifeless.

NPC: Re-spawn rate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Honestly I completely feel you on that!

Just recently I’ve noticed a few things regarding what your saying. I was in shiverpeak and I killed a npc the second I looted him he respawned. WAAAY to fast this has to be a bug.

Also same area exploring a highly populated enemy area with a chest in it. It took me a long time to get through there I had to pick apart the enemies a little at a time. The chest was guarded by two vets and a decent mob. By the time I cleared the mob and one vet working on the last vet I FINALLY kill him and the mob re spawned RIGHT on top of me everything on cd 120 health… Almost lost my keyboard. The re spawn rate just isn’t right.

Again I get why it’s high they want everyone to have a full experience of the game as they pass through that area. However if they toned it down by adding a extra min to a min 30 on the current creeps respawn time wouldn’t hurt. I support this 100%

can we please change blinding fields?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


I feel like there is already enough condition removal skills and condition duration to have a need for a field designed to remove a single condition. I can’t think of a build that you would need to run a “remove blind” only field or not whatever the application anything targeted to negate a single condition is kinda pointless.

Ie: I build a warrior who is immune to blind… okay what about fear posion cripple etc etc it’s not practical. Not to crap on your idea man but there are already a 101 ways to deal with blind already.

New Weapon Combinations Thread.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Rangers with rifles warriors off hand daggers ele’s with short bows

In depth Mount and new siege suggestions wvw

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


The suggestions was to add the sense of Calvary to the game other than just foot troops =P

and yes a mobile siege designed to fight players horse dolyak a fricken oversized moa Idc. I didn’t think of it carrying more supplies that has a pretty practical application right there over the combat sense I was going for.

“First, not every one wants mounts. Like you said as the game is there is no place for mounts. Please stop asking for mounts.”
How about no, I’d like a mount so I’m going to keep asking for them. If you makes you that upset don’t read these type of threads and if your going to be negative don’t post in them either. So chew on that.

Warriors need to announce thier feelings bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jayw.1045


you really didn’t think that post through did you… Ever felt pumped before? seriously dude stop trolling the forums it’s just stupid.

Warriors need to announce thier feelings bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jayw.1045


When my adrenaline meter is going DOWN due to being out of combat I’d really like my warrior stop saying “Almost there” and “adrenaline rising” I’m pretty sure in background history I selected bear for my norn not bi-polar bear. Ty

In depth Mount and new siege suggestions wvw

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Forgive me for speaking for everyone but I’m pretty sure everyone wants a mount. The problem is incorporating them into the game. They simply don’t belong with the current set up. If anything they would just be a convenience at this point and just don’t add much other than something cool to ride on. However if vamped the right way I think they could add a new and dynamic feature to the game. I’ll go in depth to explain how my suggestion would function.

For every keep, garrison and castle add an upgrade feature “Stables”
For x supply your keep produces a stable and a stable master where they train mounts over time for the cost of additional supplies. Other upgrades are could also be purchased for the mounts to upgrade them armor, speed, power etc. (meaning you lose the keep you lose the stable.)

Each mount would act like a piece of siege equipment IE when you mount them you are bound to a certain skill set. They would have a set amount of hp etc. It would be like getting in a golem.

With a few differences you would have access to a class bound elite on the mount, your heal and a few utilities. As if you were under water. Skills on the horse would be bound by your class NOT your weapon set. So a guardian’s skill set for a horse would not be the same as a thief’s. This would essentially add 8 new classes to the game in a sort.

Lets talk about death and ownership mechanics
If you the horse hp runs out you go into a downed state where you can be stomped.
While mounted you are not prone to certain cc skills like cripple, daze, stun immobilize and barrier type skill that prevent movement. Chill will still apply as well as fear.
Debating skills or skill sets that could knock a player off mount or under x conditions met he could get knocked off. Tricky matter for fair and balanced gameplay. I won’t touch on that for now as I don’t have a decent solution for incorporating that mechanic if any.

Mounting: Mounting the horse begins with an ownership process Player 1 claims horse, horse becomes “So and so’s horse” Can also use rename function like in siege. Once dismounted no other player my claim that horse Unless a commander kicks them off. Then that horse becomes the commanders horse. Commanders may not own more than one horse, claiming a new horse sets the old one back to default. If a player dies while dismounted for whatever reason the horse is set back to default with no owner and returns to it’s spawn on foot. It can be claimed on the way back.

Horse’s regenerate health over time WHILE in the stable, not in the field by may be healed by the player PERSONAL heal only. They have no form of regeneration and are not affected by heal over time sigil of regeneration etc Flat heals only. because of the larger hp pool these flat heals will be multiplied to better compensate for the hp difference.

debating a steal mechanic to steal ownership from enemy team need a balancing mechanic for total mounts on map rule before moving forward. Possibly not implemented at all.

Control features
only x amount of mounts can be on the map at a certain time, bound or unbound (meaning have a rider.) Keeps, castles garrisons etc can only train x amount. The amount going up by the size of the structure. Stables can be “locked” by commanders meaning no one can take horses from the stable unless a commander unlocks it.

Now lets get into the fun stuff ability theory crafting!

Lets start with something basic the warrior mounted skill set
Weapons includes lance by default bow whatever(These weapon skins could be guild based or set personally in the wvw menu somewhere lots of ways to implement this.) Or they can simply be bought and the weapons could be owned etc and played in a new weapons bar, underneath the underwater bar. etc

Ability 1
Warrior does large damage in a cone shape in front of him
2 etc so and so on

Hope you liked the idea and than at this point realized yeah right never gonna happen =P than left the thread with broken heart laters!

Legendary weapon? why?

in Crafting

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Thanks for the info I don’t like how any of them loooook soo that’s a wasted effort I don’t have to go for. Still crafting one eventually and selling it will prob be what I end up doing =D

Legendary weapon? why?

in Crafting

Posted by: Jayw.1045


What’s the point in legendary weapons? I notice some have certain perks next to their damage (fire) etc.

Are these weapon’s worth the effort? I don’t know why I would want to get a legendary weapon when other weapons have higher stats? Or do legendary weapons do damage that isn’t blocked by armor I dunno what the point is can someone tell me?

omg turn it off!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045



OMFG If I hear it ONE more time I’m going to go nuts!!! Why do npc’s need to repeat themselves 1000 times in one min?!!!!!!

is there an option to turn this off? the npc’s are too noisy and annoying stwwwwap!

Norn Ranger build wvw

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Been having a lot of success with this build as I’ve grown more comfortable with it and confident. 1v1’s really aren’t a problem I’ve got a strong pet I deal strong damage myself I have a lot of escapes and chases. I’m tanky with substain this build isn’t amazing it’s just perfectly balanced between ranged/melee and damage/defense. I haven’t found any weakness yet or come across anything I couldn’t handle.

Dead Pet Ressing his master.

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


finish a ranger under water with two jellyfish and unlimited aeo blinds.. go ahead try. I’ve survived a 12 v 1 under water battle and still managed to kill people before they got me Yeah it’s op… Deal with it it’s all we got.

Norn Ranger build wvw

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Ah and I’ve dubbed it a Bruiser build.

Norn Ranger build wvw

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


I’ve found a build that’s proving very effective in kiting and escaping and dealing a very decent amount of damage

Running Valkarie armor with runes of the warrior
Specing for pet regen/eageeye/piercing

Running zyhper/qr/swaping between stone/hunt/wild depending on situation mostly hunt for movespeed (just for passives)

Accesories are berseker with Valkyrie upgrades

26k health with good toughness and reliable damage
In order for this build to work you MUST turn off autoattack on skill use. Great sword is mostly for getting out or range or chasing. With auto attack on you reengage it has to be off so you can turn and run when you need too.

Here is the kicker my elite is snow leopard. THE BEST ESCAPING SKILL EVER I can’t count how many time I got zerged. Popped elite stealthed and used my 1600!!!!!! dash than leaped for an extra 900. NOTHING can catch you EVER!

Also it’s great for chasing or LEAPING INTO THE ZERG. The pounce crits for over 6k and you can stealth in zerg and dash to the back line swipe away pounce and dash out restealth it has a 9 sec cd. Aslo when you transform you sporting over 38k health with improved armor.

For pets I run Dog/wolf for cc. This build is working very well in wvw and pve. I havn’t tried it pvp yet but I’m thinking it could have applications as well. You’re not going to solo a lot of champs, this isn’t a roaming solo cap build. But it’s fun, lots of cc lots of escapes. Catch me if you can.

Skill Guard me

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


I haven’t used it yet but I’ve been debating it’s usefulness. This is basically a 6 second invulnerability to our self. Could this skill find it’s way into a glass cannon build?

Curious as to how other people use this skill and how effective it’s been for them. I’m going to think of a build that revolves around this skill alone and see what I can come up with.

Seems boring? How is it actually?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


The ranger is a fun class for sure takes a lot of skill to be good with. I think we that’s why us ranger players are so upset over the nerfs. They’ve taken a lot away from us and don’t address problems were having.

Either way it’s a fun class just not a strong one.