Yeah I’m done posting in the forums you think if you bring something to the community you could get some positive feed back. but it’s full of trolls, if anyone gets anything useful from this congratz.
Do the rest of you scum bags who just go into threads to kitten on other people kitten off.
Condition removal comes from infiltrators strike it’s a built in stun breaker and condition removal. It takes up to 2 off, if you use the build you should already know this i don’t know why a your asking this question.
The current meta is bunker and and conditions you will see more of these builds than not. I struggled as a back-stab thief against bunker build/condition builds and decided to swap and re-learn sword dagger, sword pistol.
Pistol whip was fun, but unreliable damage and required taking out utility to ensure haste. I couldn’t justify it because it was to glassy.
On the other hand after some research and playing around I found a very fun and strong build that has allowed me to do several thing I have not been able to do with this glass before.
Sword dagger is rising in popularity and for good reason, it’s the strongest kit we have.
If your looking for numbers conditions and combo field finishers than no this kit doesn’t have that.
What it does have is agility, and versatility to deal with any situation you may find.
This is the build I’ve found and been working with that I just find amazing.
The build runs 0/10/0/30/30
Focusing on boon’s proc steal, and boon rips
The rune set is really what makes this build very strong and strong synergy. I’m sure you’ve seen builds like Daphoniex d/d ele where he’s able to maintain constant boons. This build allows for the same thing, and SHUTS DOWN any type of boon reliant bunker build. It will NEGATE almost if not ALL of a condition build, I feel like necro’s are an inferior class because of my ability to drop all their conditions as they stack them, while maintaining upkeep. Slippery mesmers get locked down, warriors can’t touch me with their silly mace and shield.
This build is a high skill level though. I have to admit I died A LOT in the begging experimenting with this build.
What really completes this build is the runes.
Lyssa Runes gives this build the final touch for the low cool down withdraw and low cool down Bvenom.
Constant upkeep on boon’s negating enemy conditions, now allowing them to have boons, constant evasion, you always have the option to dodge or evade. Completely negates bunkers regen. I’ve found no real weakness to this build so far. Oh and for once this build also’s me to get up close and personal in zerg fights causing havoc in the back lines or making a tank go OMG wtf just happened. Enemies cannot run away from you, you’re upkeep is too strong.
I’m not saying htis build is op I know it’s sounding like that, but it’s enthusiasm.
As I said this build is a high skill level and takes a lot of practice and does not play like other thief builds that have been popular in the past. You will no see a lot of these builds on newer thief’s.
The armor and trinks run around a valk/zerk sets. You can swap as you see fit based on your own comfort level. I run valk armor with zerk trinkets. Granted my crit chance is around 40% however I also maintain constant fury swiftness and might with 90% crit damage. My dps does not suffer with food buffs. As ascended weapons are release I feel this build will become is only going to become even stronger.
Here is a link to show you the build I’m currently using|c.1g.h4.8.1g.h14|5.1p.h17|1p.7i.1p.7i.1p.7i.1p.7i.1p.7i.1p.7i|2t.d13.2t.0.2s.d13.2t.d13.3t.d19.2s.d13|0.a1.0.u39a.u57b|39.1|59.5b.5f.5c.5u|e
I hope you enjoy.
Also I did not create this build on my own I did a lot of research on other sword/dagger builds currently posted around online and pieced together things I believed worked. So far it’s it’s the best build I’ve learned how to play.
Yeah I know it’s not needed each offers utility some okay utility but I feel it’s also limited to how you can use it.
I mean this is supposed to be our profession skill but let’s be honest most of us just use skill for a gap closer/combo. I’ll use it to get away on a mob creature but I almost never use to for a steal unless there is a 2 v 1 and I’m against ranged dps, then I’m looking for a warrior. Or a zerg fight I’m looking for a necro.
I dunno I’ve used all the builds, and personally I’m a s/d now because of the options and utility it offers. I just wish steal offered more than it did. It’s not that id doesn’t offer enough, I just don’t enjoy the steals as much. A lot of the time I end up NOT using it during the fight, don’t need too.
Thief’s aren’t that hard to kill regardless of the stealth. I main a thief and i get blown up in stealth all the time.
If I make one mistake I’m dead, the skill required to play a thief is intense. At times I can get out of trouble because of stealth but most of the time it doesn’t help that much unless i’m fighitng people who dont’ understand the class.
Which is why I switched to a s/d perm evade build. Stealth wasn’t as useful in higher skill level fights. Stealth builds are really only good for smashing on noobs.
I know it’s not needed really but I don’t really like the current steals you get from other profession.
Thief steal is fine, but I’d rather it be blind feathers you get from mobs to offer a better utility.
Guardian steal, I feel like this is pretty useless steal because most guardians run constant stability and have so many stun breakers you can’t really make the most of it. unless your running a sword/dagger build with boon rips steal. I would prefer a shield steal that allows a 3 second block, or mimics the guardian’s shield 5 and creates a bubble/knock back.
Warrior steal is legit I have no complaints really reflect projectiles and large dps.
Engi steal really upsets me it’s useful if your a condition thief or if your chasing an engi, but I’d prefer the rifle steal. High dps, and double knockback.
Mesmer steal is great op if you ask me if your running lyssa runes.
however my biggest complain is the ele steal. It’s really weak I’m okay with it causing chill, but I wish it was a projectile over anything else.
I like the ranger’s it’s a great for oh crap I messed up or if you’re running d/d d/p to regen health/stealth or health and apply upkeep for dps.
I love the necro steal by far the best steal next to the Mesmer I wouldn’t ask for any change.
If anything I really want a change to guardian, engi and ele steals. that’s my request a buff to steals, thank you.
wvw a thief needs a shortbow, it’s his best weapon. I use my short bow in almost every fight either for getting away, kiting, securing kills, controlling choke points, defending towers, blasting combo fields etc.
Thief’s are anti-glass builds. They are glassy by nature, so if you run a glassy build a thief no matter what his build is gonna poop on you unless you out play him.
I suggest a s/d build and running a lighting strike build. A glass ele still has teh hardest hitting combo in the game. You can still one shot him.
1200 hs……
XD lmao dude op or not that would be awesome.
oh crap I’m gonna get run over by a zerg….
bunny hopes away Whish wish wish wish wish roll for intitive whish whish whish
wtf I was just at wild creek… how the heck did I end up at ap….. w/e see ya nerds.
Remove condition’s on stealth/Regen health on stealth.
My way to fight condition necro’s
D/D Shortbow
0/30/30/10/0 wvw survivable back stab build with faster movement speed in stealth to help land bs
Initiate with steal d/5 bvenom combo quick back stab and as many auto’s as you can before he stun breaks. If you can’t burst him below half back off and wait for his shroud. Switch to shortbow and evadeshot/autos/roll/evade shot/auto’s till it’s over. Don’t’ worry about a few conditions but watch for out for torment stacks and bleed stacks. DON’T let them get over 4, or let yourself have more than 5 conditions period. If this happens blow your heal even if you haven’t taken much damage. He’s melt you before you know it. Just get rid of them before they hurt you. You may think you’ve wasted your heal however his cool-downs are wasted for nothing and you still have a shadow refuge.
If you’ve negated all his initate burst and conduction stacking you’ve won the fight before it started. but you have to kite that death shroud. Also use you’re shortbow when he uses that shield ability. I don’t play necro’s so I don’t know the names I just learned how to fight them through experience. Don’t waste your intuitive trying to burst it down. Just hit him with a posion field and and a cluster bomb to negate his damage if you miss an evade. Keep your distance let him blow his cooldowns. He should be at about 50-75% health with no cool downs and a few utilities it won’t matter at this point though cause your next combo will finish him.
Switch back to d/d you need infiltrator signet or shadow step for this, signet is easier. Do your d5 combo again but with the signet instead of steal since it will prob be on cool down. Chances are he only had one endurance bar left at this point. Make sure you’ve noticed his dodging patterns. Does he roll forward, back left right? does he double tap to roll? you can see by the glitchy movement.
Roll forward = shadow step roll distance quick backstab
Roll back = pressing forward during d/5 combo to push farther behind him, make sure you rotate yourself or you’ll wiff your d5
Roll left-right = a roll of your own to get swiftness this roll is the best way to avoid a back stab.
Double tap = foward during d/5 instant back stab you’ll have time to pull it off
No roll= lulz
Anyway so you’ve used signite d/5 combo with a backstab from around 75% health he should be around 25% to 40% with no endurance hopefully.
Few options here
1.)Go all in, this can kill you if he has utilities he’s low not dead. he can still blow you up. You will take a lot of damage this way cause you are focused on bursting. I’ve died this way before cause a necro can kill you if you are both in the downed state.
2.) give a few autos or a heartseeker and switch to short bow and finish him off at ranged.
3.) blow your shadow refuge and wait for the final backstab
4.) use the fear skull you stole and heartseeker spam.
After this it’s a matter of stomping him. Make sure you stealth stomp they do good damage in teh downed and if your low they can still kill you. Here is a good stomp method. D/5 start stomp animation Shadow Step away utility skill. As you are about to finish stomp shadow return to avoid fear and to avoid getting spiked while stomping. if someone comes to help.
I hope you found this useful g/l
(edited by Jayw.1045)
wanna make a warrior rage, spam blind on him.
Also if you are only running one stun breaker vs a warrior you are gonna die if he gets a hold of you. Warriors have a lot of natural cc with almost off of their weapon sets.
Just keep them blinded perm stealth d/p works so does a pistol whip build. You can sometimes get away with a d/d build if you run blind on stealth trait and it’s a back stab build.
Most effective way is d/p condition build and torment/catrop and bleed him to death.
You’re going to have a really hard time killing him with sword/dagger unless he sucks or is glass.
you can gain extra crit damage from outside sources, shouts banners etc. I’ve never tested this personally to see the result. I’m sure there are some sources in other places
I’m sure this has been addressed a dozen times or so when it comes to people who alt 4 in the down state.
I see this becoming more popular recently. Normally they drop a bag and save me the trouble of stomping them. However I’ve noticed recently if they are fast enough they won’t drop anything. This needs to be addressed, or if they log out just before they are downed.
This is wrong and shouldn’t exist. If they take combat damage and log at AT ALL it should count as a death. Disconnected by accident or on purpose.
you do realize hs does more damage the lower health you get right….
If I have initiative to hs spam you at low health…. you did something wrong. Really wrong…
And your a warrior why are you letting a thief hs you anways. Earthshaker = thief worst nightmare.
edit: you really need to play the class….. only advice thief can give. L2p the class, you’ll never lose to a thief again if you know how to play one. Or that thief is kitten good.
There are two ways to play a thief..
The first play style is vs someone who doesn’t know how a thief works… instant win. Eat while playing in stealth. MMM free bag and a meal irl.
The second playstyle is someone who knows how to fight a thief…. I’ll be lucky if I can get away with resetting the fight. Depending on the class. Play a thief and see how people react to you in pvp etc. You’ll see… it’s no bug. It’s called crit damage foods and might.
Oh forgot to mention VULNERABILITY! Thiefs do that you know.
(edited by Jayw.1045)
“222222222222222, all thief’s are noobs.”
Fleet of Foot: moved to Grandmaster, internal CD increased to 30s, now breaks stun on dodge
To strong, disagree
this sounds like a massive buff that I can’t all together agree with. I main a thief I have no problems with the builds I’ve theory crafted. Against popular belief thief is not a beginner class this has a huge learning curve. intricate combo’s with fine tuned timing with shadow steps/returns.
If you die in wvw with any build as a thief you made the three biggest mistakes most new players do.
1.) you weren’t panning during your fight and got ran over and spiked. UNAWARE of surroundings
2.) you left stealth to early not allowing your cool downs to come off. Cause you saw a pretty backstab… you got baited.
3.) You blundered
If you play your cards right as a thief, you should almost never die. Fluks happen, but experience tells me good luck catching me greatsword warrior. I juked you 4 seconds ago and went ah’that’way. Laterz.
You shouldn’t have to many problems vs engi’s.
Classes thief’s are weak against or struggle against are necro’s or black-water Mesmer, or heal-away guardians these classes have access to very powerful wvw builds that a thief currently can’t do anything about.
If you back-stab something and do less than 3k walk away. No… no don’t try it again you won’t magically crit for 6k-9k…. walk away. You may think he’s dumb by not fighting back… he just thinks your annoying and knows he can turn around and kick your kitten but is trying to get somewhere. Don’t annoy him, walk away. If he happens to be a warrior and has a hammer mace and shield, shadow step away short bow 5 x2 and shadow refuge… don’t even risk it. Gtfo.
You need to run 0/30/30/10/0 back stab to beat them with regen health and remove condition’s in stealth.
You have two options really One is wait for them to burn cooldowns. L2p the classe, roll one in pvp to get a feel for it. DONT FIGHT IN THEIR TURRETS EVER! Engi’s have access to A LOT of cc which is a thief worst nightmare. A locked down thief is a dead thief.
Option two kill their turrets and be slick about it, most risky. If I’m feeling ballsy I’ll just kill the net turret first than the healing second. He’ll blow his cooldowns trying to burst me thinking I’m some dumb thief I’ll stealth heal, shadow step away, shadow step back remove conditions stealth ends DONT attack = no reveal the second I come out BV steal + cd combo no time to react cause I do it the second Ic ome out of stealth so it looks almost like I never left so no reveal debuff. Hit him with the free backstab.
He’ll blow his heal if you haven’t busted him down which is fine cd+infiltrator signet don’t risk missing, take the backstab front or back take it if he can dodge. This one isn’t free. Switch to shortbow postion/blast field. Cripple shot, roll Cripple shot Roll auto attack.
auto’s to infiltrator shot weapons swap dagger 5 combo. back or front take what you can get don’t waste it. HS ftw or autos. Reset the fight if needed.
This is how most of my fights go with condition engi’s. Bursty grenade engi’s just get one shotted and I giggle and stealth stomp.
If the fight goes bad if you get out played, short bow 5 away or shadow step drop and shadow refuge reset the fight.
The best part about being a thief you don’t have to win the fight the first second or third time. You can reset as many times as you need to until they make a mistake when if you find yourself vs a good player.
My keyboard spec is awesome and I’ll share it with you, it’s bloody brillant and takes time to get used to but REALLY stream line.
q e r = 123
m4-m5= 45
F- default + aoe loot
Space= jump
awsd = up turn left turn right back, NOT STRAFE easier kiting with turns more fine tuned movements. No lose in movement speed.
1- steal
2- weapon swap
This is the selling point Shift
Shift is used as a control key so vital cooldowns ARE NEVER wasted by mistake
shift has no binding by it self
Shift+r= heal
Shift + space = elite
Shift + m4 m5 = 6 and 7
Shift + m3 = 8
turna round = x
next target = caps
prev target = tab
Most streamline keyboard spec you’ll ever use.
I made a guardian so I could be a heal-away and laugh at every single attempt to kill me and be op…. No that’s the truth. guardians best wvw class by far.
“The Anomaly” is the coolest focus in my opinion. Really cool skin and it had me thinking about other skins like this one.
Fire, Wind, Lighting Anomaly’s much like the arcane looking one except giving off the appearance of their respected element.
Really simple cut and dry suggestion.
…. thanks for the 50 man zerg again. Press 1 more.
Sick of this matchup, when the fights are even and fair it’s a blast. When you zerg around with 50 people in the middle of the night and bully 10 people defending a keep. that’s not cool.
Shame on you kain.
Brighter note
BMS, made respect for your tactics and small group efforts
We like to think of bms as the Guardian wars
Where as when we get tired of roaming we decide it’s “Hamma Time”
So the next time you see a stack of vlk tags, KNOW we are hammer training and thing CHOOO CHOOO!
Stop… It’s hammer time.
You know there is ONE thing I’ve enjoyed about this matchup against you guys…. I’ve got the kill the GREATEST player in the world like 20 times a day. I can see why NO ONE follows him when he has his tag up… Yeah you know who, that mouth breathing hater. Ranger loving, best player ever….. Oh god did I just say all that. brb need to wash my mouth out with soap.
(edited by Jayw.1045)
Secondly thief’s are primarly a roaming/small group class. They don’t fair well in large zerg fights unless you know EXACTLY when to go in, and get out AS SOON as you get your burst off. Find a sqiushy, burst em down, stealth/haste stomp gtfo as fast as you can. Stick around and they’ll blow you up
Sorry I’m gonna jump in on this thread even though its kinda just an arguement. I don’t wanna take sides or troll or kitten people off but lets be honest here.
I main a thief and the only time I get beat but a warrior is when I make a mistake. Stealth builds are the most viable w/w builds because of survivably something a thief MUST have in order to not get run over. Playing a thief takes A LOT of skill and known when to use you c’d and what utilities to bring to the fight based on the class. IE: If I’m fighting a mesmor with not a lot of out of combat mobility I don’t need signet of shadows, I need infiltration to keep the pressure on him when he jumps. I’m I’m fighting a warrior I need blinding powers and ways to reset the fight if I eat his burst.
A thief strength is NOT in his dps, it is NOT in his stealth it is NOT in his ability to face tank a forest grub, which he can’t. It’s his ability to RESET the fight OVER and OVER again until you get it right, wear them down burn thier cd’s and kitten them off. Thiefs are all about mind games, getting people to chase you, luring them away for a one v one or 1 v 2 or leading a few into a group of friends. If your not a good player I don’t suggest playing a thief they have A HIGH learning curve to play effectively.
really…. kitten is a censored…. no sense was made.
kitten kitten daaa kitten thank you.
Hey I know this is prob a problem that could be solved with a lot of experimentation and experience. Re-guarding the following matter I have both yet I still struggle in the heat of the moment.
I’m going to talk about one class in particular and how this effects me, but the suggestion will be of great boon to all classes.
D/D Thief
D4 ability = 900 range correct?
I would like some from of ui that lets me know when they are in range of that ability.
Green border around skill = true range
Red border around skill = out or range
Same thing with utilities
I forgo having the 25% move speed increase or and extra stun breaker shadow step. I find this more useful in a one v one cause I can’t be kited.
In some instances after winning a fight I find myself directly in another one with limited options as a thief I HAVE to open first or I lose the chance to apply pressure. Often times I save my last shadow step for a D5 venom combo. Only many occasions I believed they were just at the max range of the ability, but… were not and I used a utility and gained nothing out of it other than a 30 sec CD
That has put me at a disadvantage MANY times and really hurt my chance of winning a fight. I’m sure my opponent was thrilled, I however was not. I have to reset the fight than when I run out of options to open or escape. Which isn’t bad more times than not this frustrates the opponent and the opponent and they focus more on “Get that thief” vs watching for fine tuned movement cause they think I’m scared or running.
Over all this is the problem I’m facing with certain abilities just that fine tune range adjustment.
I have a list one was previously stated I’ll repeat it again though for possible improvements to the game.
1st: A range indicator is listed by their portrait that shows the distance between you and them. ( I favor this more because it while it provides useful information and doesn’t offer much of a player skill gap closer. Meaning a player with less skill won’t be able to make much use of this information than a player with more experience.)
2nd option: Apply a colored border around each TARGETED ability that
Red= False (Target is not in range)
Green= True (Target is in range)
Grey = Unknown (No target Selected)
This would be more beginner friendly however I’m not so much in favor for this one because it does offer to much utility to less experienced players. And it would be a handicap to personal improvement if that’s what they were looking for. It would be nice but I feel this would be a little overpowered in a sense if added to the current ui. However it is a possible solution.
3rd option similar to option 1, more favorable than two, less than 1.
Apply the range indicator under the players tag over the head tag (After their guild tag)
LMAO a thief disappeared while losing a fight and was no where to be found… HACKS!
Thief 101
Sword 2
Shadow Step Tel ports to target enemy
Becomes shadow return
Return to cast location I think this lasts 9 secs I don’t use sword much unless fighting a kitten heal away guardian (build in stun breaker)
Shadow step, Same thing as sword 2 but it moves you to a targeted location much like the ele’s lighting flash. But I can return (also stun breaker)
Shortbow 5, same thing as an ele’s lighting flash just doesn’t do damage. (works with immobilize)
^ almost every thief uses these abilities in wvw
Why… it gives us the option to reset the fight as many times as needed.
When I’m fighting an equally good player as I, no matter what class I have to reset the fights at least twice cause I play a backstab thief. Alot of the time they know how to avoid the damage, if they don’t… well those are just free bags.
If your fighting a thief and he is constantly resetting the fight than you are failing to do These following things right.
CC at critical moments. look at his animations If he is raising his arms in the air you have 1 1/2 seconds to cc him. He is trying to use his heal and stealth. It’s channeled interrupt it. You will kitten a thief day up if you stop him from steal thing.
Blow him up in shadow refuge.
I can’t count how many times I got gibbed in my SR cause they just knew how it worked. You can hit thief’s in stealth. Don’t stand there waiting SPAM YOUR AUTO ATTACK!
If you go to the second animation you hit him. You can find thiefs in stealth just run around auto attacking until you hit him, predict his movements. Anticipate jukes.
If you can’t beat a thief you need to play one and learn how and learn it’s weakness.
If you whine about not being able to beat a class or call it op you need to improve your play style. Stop zerging learn to roam, go to fight clubs improve your personal skill level. Stop spaming 1 in zergs and calling yourself good.
I feel like the bread and butter of a thief is the back stab build
This has 2 major variations with several mini tweaks for preference
You’ve got you’re
Standard glass cannon build
This is full zerker/ruby orbs upgrades trinkets at all
8-12k crits just note you will get hit just as hard
This is geared towards more experienced players who can mitigate damage on tiher own. You’ll more than likely not enjoy this build until you’ve spent more time as a thief.
Other main variation
Valk gear
Zerker trinkets
This is more newbie friendly cause you have a larger hp pool and toughness from SA.
You won’t hit as hard but this kit synergies really well with other weapon sets. You can rotate a d/d or a p/d or d/p without losing much of anything (p/d not a very true statement there) It can work though.
This still does good damage though if you take the 100% in stealth crit valk gear really adds the punch to the backstab (also ruby orbs) Divinity when you can afford them.
Thiefs have other amazing builds
Perm Evade
Condition bleed/venom
No stealth builds are fun but not beginner friendly
Run through one build at a time. Backstab is the easiet place to start, and it has a learning curve after you understand the basics but. but you can get by with those basics for a while till the more advanced stuff starts to settle in.
=/ only one problem with commander perks
more commanders
Overlapping perk
Team with most commanders wins fights
It could lead to a larger lop sided advantage.
Small guilds would have problems competing with larger zerg guilds who would gain exp more rapidly due to how fast they can flip objectives. I like the utility functions and I like commander levels. It would be nice to know how good that commander is before joining in on his tag. I don’t think being a commander should give players any kind of in game bonus stats or perks though UNLESS it was the same for all commanders and could not stack.
Just playing the flip side of this and pointing out the obvious exploits.
ruins built in fall traits, anything with flight mechanics will more than likely never be implemented unless in an instance.
Dude out of ALL the classes as a thief I have the hardest time vs warriors. You don’t have a right to complain until you stop being a pug.
I mean god forbid you get downed by someone that is better than you XD lol Surely your build and your play style is the best ever. Please share your secrets master of gw2…..
pugs man. Get beat by a d/p thief all the time it’s YOU not them.
Here a tip you don’t deserve, get a hammer.
(edited by Jayw.1045)
Honestly I found mobs REALLY easy to deal with as a thief however this requires a much different build than your standard back stab thief.
I use a condition build hybrid build so I don’t get those really high crits but I spam 3 and catrops when I run out of intuitive I use roll for initiative and apply more stacks I get roughly 20-25 stacks very very quickly and it melts even group champs solo the best part is during the entire time you are constantly invading after words using d/d I wait for a cloak and dagger and pick off low health with heart seeker/cloak and dagger and repeat dropping argo every time and having time to kitten the situation. I’m VERY comfortable fighitng large mobs 20+ and Creating my own mobs but getting me to case me around an entire area.
If you have a bleed stack on them they chase you pretty far from their spawn point.
IE: Gendarran fields first waypoint I can group ALL the fireflies right there in one spot. I was able to farm 90 venom sacks the other day for my armor set in less that 2 hours hitting going back and from to the spider camp. It was VERY fast I’m sure if I did this for a day or two I could go into the market with a few hundred and start selling them. There are much faster ways to make money granted but for a low level this is a good start.
I also recommend for pve mob farming, d/d (hybrid condidtion) off hand Sword/d or sword pistol for the on hand blind. Don’t farm using s/p 3 against a mob it will get you killed more often than not, the on hand evade is good and setting up a shadow step sword 2 in case things to bad you have th extra shadow return incase you need to stealth heal/drop sr. You just gotta know how to handle argo, also while kitting NEVER EVER EVER backpeddle, Run left right or straight.
Remember mobs can not attack you if you are behind them unless it’s an aoe attack sometimes the best escape from a mob is to dodge right through them to behind them during their auto attack and as they turn around use roll for intuitive to jump back to the other side. This makes them VERY clustered and d3 hits all of them. Easy peasy farming
(edited by Jayw.1045)
I noticed a delay when playing the first note just he character moving the flute to the mouth. it really doesn’t affect song playing though. As for skipping over notes and speeds, I think that’s just you I don’t have the problem in fact I play several songs that have a rapid note transition and never missed a note unless I messed it up personally and clicked the wrong key.
Edit: I take it back I havn’t played it after the patch the flute is broke. It used tow ork perfectly but you can’t transition notes rapidly anymore. REALLY angry about this cause I can’t play any of the song I used to without them sounding super choppy!
Here is a tip to help you play the flute better use your number key pad. Set the secondary skill to number pad 1-9 respectfully. It’s helped making play songs SUPER smooth
(edited by Jayw.1045)
Ele’s have more survivability than guardians, ha… right. Sure they do
Ninja, enough said.
Edit: Batman would be fine too.
Would need Shurikens, Kusarigama and 2 Handed Katanas then. F2 Skill for throwing ninja tools.
best I got for this is Dagger 4 and exotic sabers =P CLOSE ENOUGH
blinding powder See ya
Please add a profession type skill bar to the top of instruments
f1 = record song 1 / delete song one
f2 = play song 1
f3= record song 2 / delete song two
f4= play song 2
^__^ Thanks
Bards need profession skills to
Can someone make this song easier to understand
Star Spangled Banner
5-3-1-3-5-8 U3-2-1 D3-kitten U3 21 D7 6-7-8-8-5-3-1
3-33-kitten 4-3-2-3-4-4 3-21-D7-6-7-8 U3-kitten -
8-8-87-6-6 6-U2-4321D7-5 5-8 U2345—1-2-3-4-2-1
I tried messing with it but it’s just forgien to me. I think people should just post them normally without going into depth
352 352 352 9 21 9 5432 etc instead of making all these symbols. It’s a simple flute keep it simple stupid =P kiss
yeah after trying to play amazing grace and not being able to cause the way it was written was really upsetting =/ props for the people who figure this stuff out. I honestly just memorize the tabs people post here. but some are waaaay to complicated for how simple the in game flute is. just post 9 from now on please it’s much easier.
(edited by Jayw.1045)
Deciding on a trait path could give us a better idea of how to help you theory craft your gear set up.
The general idea for a balanced gear set is to ensure you’re not loaded one way or the other. So if your runnin 0/30/30/0/10for example you’re going to need vitality and power you don’t want to overload your toughness or your crit chance as you already have plenty from traits. Lightly supplement your strengths and power up your weakness due to lack of traits for a balanced armor set.
Again this will be mostly based of your utility tree (or vise versa)
Decide on a play style main utilizes major traits and weapon sets and progress from there.
Also if you’re going to forgo shadow arts you might want to debate adding some extra healing into your kit somewhere. And anywhere around 15k would be fine for hybrid build. Stacking more depend on how fast your fingers are for safety net.
Finall tip never get caught up in “whats” best. no such thing superior stats aren’t going to achieve more than superior skill. Do what you feel will be fun and you’ll have better results because you’ll enjoy it and it will be “your” build.
(edited by Jayw.1045)
data it’s okay were here for you during your identity crisis. Deep down we know you’re still a ninja. we’ll support you during your moment of need.
1.) Add stun breaker and Regen to Heal 2
2.) Make thief’s say GET OVER HERE when using scorpion wire. Intimidation buff =D
this is just be personal opinion but scorpion wire is the coolest skill EVER! 1200 range pull effective pull is about 1000 (terrain dependent) and just gives me this feel that I’m playing mortal combat. I mean hello…. “Scorpion” wire. Thank you devs for the easter egg skill. Best gw2 skill ever. I know it doesn’t have a place in competitive builds but i will never not use this skill. what would make it even COOOLER is if it latched onto terrain it brought you to the target location instead like sb 5.
but it’s cool as is. just my ode to scorpion wire ^_^ here’s to all my fellow GET OVER HERE! players cheers.
Ninja, enough said.
Edit: Batman would be fine too.
(edited by Jayw.1045)
Every class has a pretty steep learning curve once you get a hold of the basics. For a thief all you really need to get by is the basics. However they have a very steep curve after that.
Tip one
Manage your initiative
keep, count in your head over time it just becomes second nature to know you can do this move this move and this move and in one second I can use this move. Don’t burn it recklessly you never know when a fight’s going to go sour. IE getting knocked down is pretty much game over. Have some form of stun breaker JUST in case you get knocked down. Some classes are fine, a thief will not be.
- Know when to back out
The best thief’s I ever fought never gave me a chance to fight back. I was dead before I even knew I was getting thief’ed by some dirty thief. Get in, get out don’t hang out. Clean and quick.
As of now your comfort zone is one to two mob types (that’s how I started out as well), mine now is about 10-15.
Knowing the type of monster you’re fighting helps A LOT they have skills that have cool downs also. IE a risen brute ALWAYS leads with his knockdown skill and it’s about a 10 second cooldown give or take. Wasps do a TON of damage if you just stand there they have a huge rapid attack but can’t move, it’s channeled.
I read earlier about ranged enemies. This is true your biggest asset as a thief is being mobile. Move around the fight, don’t wait till you get hit to dodge do it preemptively better safe than knocked down. DO NOT just stand there and auto attack and trade blows. you are not a guardian you are not a warrior you are a thief you have to hit without being hit etc 90% of the time I don’t even get off my full auto attack combo before backing off. Learn how to melee kite with dagger 5 and dagger 3. NEVER NEVER heart seeker spam unless they are under 25% health and YOU KNOW you have enough initiative to kill them. Also never heart seeker spam if there is more than one enemy. This goes back to rule number 2. You burn it, you’re out of options.
Steal, and steal often
this move is a free shadow step and sometimes a get out of free jail card.
Here is an advanced tactic I use when dealing with very large mobs
Steal Kiting
Keep at least one enemy perm crippled (dagger 4 works best)
While kitting the mob if things to bad you can shadow step to him with steal since he is separated from the group due to the speed difference. Giving you a few seconds to kitten your next move (or you can use sword 2 and sword two again when mob catch up.) I prefer steal cause If i’m trouble I’d rather not waste initiative if I don’t have to.
Rally Abuse
Sometimes I make mistakes, get caught on terrain did a heart seeker one to many times or just got gibbed from knockdown before I could react.
Just because an enemy is low health doesn’t mean you should kill it. worst case scenario where you would not kill the low hp enemy.
Heal is cd, stealths CD, initiative burnt, less then 10% hp danger of getting spiked by mob. few enemies low hp. Get one enemy as close to death as you can WITHOUT killing him. Rally on down. Rinse and repeat as needed just don’t do it 4 times in a row.
This can even work in some pvp wvw situations as long as you drop some stealth’s before you go down and you’re team can finish them off.
Bleed out/mixed mobs
If the mobs creatures are of a different type they will fight each other especially neutral monsters and aggressive ones. Pull aggressive monsters to the neutrals and attack the neutrals, pop stealth once they are in mob. They take argo to each other and kill each other for you. Spam dagger 3 and collect your loot. I do this when farming certain areas. Makes fighting mobs larger than 10 a snap.
My last tip is don’t get caught up in the which gear is best which traits are best this player is amazing I’ll use his build crap. Theory crafting is fun and I personally really enjoy it hooowever if you get into this is the best build crap you’ll never really learn the character. Dump 30 points into an entire tree line get a feel for that tree line mix and match them. Don’t stress if it’s “good” or not. Find what works for you. Cause some elitist build that’s been speced for years may not fit your play style. Maybe going perm stealth isn’t your thing, maybe it is. Figure that out through trial and error and LEARN the class. This is what i’ve learned from playing the game, there are alot more advanced techniques like managing conditions on you and the enemy, boon’s and boon theft combo fields etc. But just knowing the basics will give you a solid stepping stone for when you learn more about the class and game.
I personally feel that support builds in wvw get underplayed because it’s not as easy to tag players.
Personally I feel that if I’m laying down combo fields and another player uses burning bolts etc that damage should count as my damage not his. Or if I’m constantly healing someone I should get an assist even if I didn’t tag that person myself. Going as far as buffing etc If I’m keeping my teammates alive and laying down fields that should count towards my bag count at the end of the fight.
Say I’m a guardian and I use my ultimate to heal my team and because of that they downed a few players I never had contact with. That should count as an assisted kill
If I’m an ele and I lay down a fire field and a warrior/thief whoever uses a whirl combo finisher because that’s my field I should either get numbers from that attack or I should get an assisted kill of they down a player as well.
this is just my personal opinion though.
The aoe damage for the auto attack and skils is perfectly reasonable damage. not everyone can be the elitest assassin’s going through perm stealth and picking off people in the enemies rear like some super ninja. Some of us are just normal casual players.
I’m all for the kodan and the tenju. I think they would make an excellent addition to the game. And as much as i’d want to play a centaur =/ it’s just not right or lore friendly.
Fun idea and yeah I agree nice pipe dream =P but op is op and we don’t get op we get nerfs.