Showing Posts For Jayw.1045:

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Lore friendly town clothes
Pet skins for rangers
Animations skins for other classes

I like the idle animation one
also an emote expansion meditate ponder applause etc I’d pay for that

Nerfs & Buffs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


I haven’t developed an opinion on your other idea’s yet need more time to think about it.

However I have to agree stealth is crazy over powered. Simply because the only counter measure is in wvw and it’s a trap you have to place and build…. no one does that. It’s a useless item. I feel like certian classes like ranger, and mez should have some inherit utility or skill that could reveal stealth, or if break it somehow.

Still I like the idea of it so much that I don’t think it should be removed but all things should have some sort of built in counter. Stealth as of right now is one of the few skill that there is no real counter to other than spamming aoe. Thieves do have an unfair advantage and more substain than a class with that much burst should have.

WvW, Commander "flag"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


or have a commander exp system treat it as a weapon swap and earns exp on a different scale. Maybe they can rank up etc.

Pet training traits replacement

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Was thinking that replacing cripple on dog/wolf shouts could be replaced with a trait called Tracking or enhanced smell.

Hounds do not lose sight of their target and continue to pursue and reveal stealthed targets.

Sword Movement Improvement Suggestion

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


If you turn of auto-targeting and turn off auto attack on target swap or whatever the option is, you can just press tab and stop attacking. Most people keep the auto select target with use of ability off. It makes for escaping much easier as you don’t turn around to attack while running away. You can just monarch strike to jump away, turn, tab or click the map and monarch again to jump away, switch to greatsword and fly away. uncatchable.

Questing and Leveling

in Living World

Posted by: Jayw.1045


=/ I got to level 80 in the first week I think the crafting exp system is broke, Just craft man. It’s the fastest way to level up.

Toughness should reduce condition damage...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


I think you both have really good points on why it’s strong and why it’s not needed.

Cd’s are some classes core damage output for certain builds. However if they aren’t spec’ed to DEAL that kind of condition damage the default levels are pretty substandard.

Think of it like this

Your burst types beat lightly armored which are your aoe damage/utility/support right
Your Medium types are you bruisers they aren’t walls but they have ways to heal and bruise our heavy armored.
your tanks are meant to take a beating, flat damage aoe spells, they are the front line. So how do you beat them? Conditions, it’s their weakness. Yes it’s really strong because people are exploiting it in masses and ignore flat damage. Guess what….

That’s why thieves are so strong right now. No other class is trying to content their burst. The current meta has it’s flaws. Just a bad time to be the tank, sooner or later though people will get tired of assassins and figure out something else. Meta’s change new strategies arise, buffs nerfs and new content changes things. Don’t over think it, just do what you have to as the tank… if they are bringing cd’s bring removals. Bring gear that helps you get rid of them like generosity etc. The game has all the tools to deal with cd’s it’s not the trump card. It’s just a tool, you have tools to beat it. Go use them.

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


…. if you don’t want to infract people just lock it. Or me cause I’m not happy about what you just pulled.

Build Diversity: A Myth

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Well thought out post gawker. In a way you’re right, I agree that what you’re saying makes sense. That is if this game’s only class was a ranger.

The problem with what you said though is by taking away things that make a certain build “powerful” or “Mainstream” they actually take away some of that classes diversity. In fact they limit it even more to a single build that works.

The reason for that is rangers are not the only class. We have to compete with, and provide reasonable use to our team/party/guild/zerg whatever the case may be. As they limit us they limit our functionality what we can and can’t do.

The problem is they are giving into the complaints from other players on the ranger.

Truth is I’m really proud of the ranger community has been the underdogs for a long time. However recently have really began to gain strength through understanding and experience of our characters. As time goes on other classes are going to do the same and new builds are going to immerge like back in the day the p/d thief. Rangers have adapted and overcome our classes limitations through constant nitpicking and tweaking a point her a point there, a stat here, a stat there to prefect the builds we have. With every nerf to create a wider range of diversity they instead are actually creating a single build that kinda works.

So what you said makes sense, it’s just not totally accurate. Still good read though man. Well thought and written.

Medium-Cast Ground Targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


+1 for good idea

Real Animal Textures

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Ranger players have been complaining about the pet size scaling for a long time. They don’t listen to us. They don’t listen to anybody.

Thief access to 1,200 range attacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Every class needs a weakness thieves have a lot as is. Almost more than any other class, be thankful they don’t treat your thieves like they do our rangers.

Dungeon Que Party Finder

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Simple, add a tab next to pvp wvw called pve

Under that tab you can add all kinds on interesting information. You can take the story journal out of the hero tab, and place it in it’s own little tab. You can list pve updates and announcements. Recent achievements, achievements your close to getting etc.

Best part, Dungeon Que (imagine looking at this.
Would you like to que for a dungeon (Yes) (No)
– You click yes and a pop up opens with a drop list
Which dungeon would you like to Que for?
All the dungeons you have been to before are listed in this drop box.
You select the dungeon you want. Example AC.

You have susses fully entered ac dungeon lobby. (there are currently 2 other players qued for ac.) Please wait while we find your party.

You close the tab go farm roam around than 5-10 min later a pop up comes up on your screen.
We have a full party for ac, would like to join them now? (Yes) (No) You click no you leave that que and join a new one, and the next player to sign up starts with them.

At any time you can leave the que and you have no obligation to join in case something comes up.

I saw a complaint about the dungeons and I see people spamming for a party all the time. Problem solved.

Allow access to uninstanced Home districts..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Hi Anet!

This is a request from a Role-player… and I think its a really simple one…. Please allow us to have un-instanced access to the Home areas in the major cities!!

I don’t think it would take too much effort. All that would be required (For some areas) is to Just remove the Doors blocking the entrance to the area, and let us walk past the “Enter this Instance.” This would allow us to stay in the open world, and have access to some areas that are really great for Role-playing.

try D&D neverwinter it was made by fans with the support of a staff. For players by players free to play mmoprg with unlimited user added content dungeons, and dungeon editors etc. It’ feels way to much like D&D as your creating your character, but the game play is HIGH paced action packed and really fun. If they had the kind of resources arenanet did for gw2 it would be getting a lot more hype than it is now.
For example, the Hospital in Salma District, the Farhar in Hero’s Canton, or the lab equipment in Applied Development Lab…

Please, this would make RPing in the cities so much better, open and inclusive if we didn’t have to go into instances just to visit these areas. It would also have ZERO negative effect on anyone in the game.

i’ll be brutally honest here. the vast majority of MMO companies don’t care about roleplayers whatsoever. oh sure, they’ll say that they do, but they’re flat out lying to our faces. they have to keep up appearances, so that RPers will keep forking over cash, so they give us a tiny handful of nonsensical emotes and then ignored entirely for the rest of the game’s lifespan. and GW2 is the perfect example of that pattern. we’re in a fantasy setting, and given dances from modern pop culture, and a few other basic emotes. chairs don’t work. beds don’t work. the home instance never worked properly, and has been ignored entirely. guild housing, put into the “maybe” pile (by “maybe” i mean, don’t hold your breath)

asking for anything that will benefits roleplayers is a lost cause. at best, they’ll say “we really do care about RPers!” and then….. nothing. they’ll even send a representative to a guild summit to push that lie (and already actually have). it’s all smoke and mirrors. just deception to keep the cash flowing in with zero progress to make good on it.

after a certain point, their words lose all value, and already have a long long time ago. don’t expect them to ever do anything to benefit roleplayers, because no how matter how many time they say they care, their actions (or complete lack thereof) prove that they don’t.

it isn’t just GW2 either. all of the other MMO’s i’ve played in have followed the exact same pattern. at best, we’ll get some insignificant and utterly useless token gesture once a year, and then told to go back under our rocks and shut the hell up. nothing that actually benefits roleplayers will ever be in this game, despite all of the lies they try to feed us.

while it may sound harsh, it really is the truth. it’s not a pessimistic view, it’s a realistic one. and here’s the kicker, this post will most likely be deleted and i’ll get an infraction simply for being honest.

Allow access to uninstanced Home districts..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


I say DONT make them instances make a limited number of houses in each city Noblemen, Rich, Midddle Class, Working class, poor house in each city Tack em on etc.

Create a market, you wanna house fork of the gold. Start a relistate market in the game.

Craft furniture, buy it. Get quest reward decorations to add and customize. Craft em buy em, win em games. Invite people over, higher servets build a safe etc. Why not man. Who wouldn’t want a player house. Maybe a guild could pitch in a buy a big house and make it Guild House Whatevea’s. You could even add names from your contact list for entry etc.

I like the idea of personal houses.

Legendary Weapon Naming

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


The game can’t even remember the pet name for rangers. It forgets them all the time… let alone a custom weapon name for all the players? It’s a logistic problem as well. They have to create storage space for this data, and even though it’s small it creates problems requires maintance. I can see why they WONT

However I have to agree after I Transmute an item to get the skin there are times where I go…. why does it still say it’s the sword of so and so when it has x stats and x rune now? I’d rather they fix the how the system recognizes weapons after you transmute them.

But don’t get the wrong idea, I’d like to have the option myself. I really would I would use it and enjoy it. =/ they seemed more focused on fresh content and balance tweaks. They want to draw in more players and keep these players playing. =/ I don’t think they realize if they just improvement on the fundamentals payed more attention to smaller details, that it would have just the impact their looking for. Personally I think they have a very small team of people left behind from the original development team working on new content. I believe the real brains who made the game moved on to new projects and what we have is a bunch of interns trying to play game designer and building portfolio’s for their career. GW2 is more than likely a setting stone now for upstarts. I personally don’t believe the staff is as devoted as they were during the creation process. They may say they are, but lets get real this has prob lost is luster for them.

Have waypoints unlocked at the account level.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Isn’t it bad enough you can already trans… you know what. No I’m not sharing that information. You can’t have a left 2 ranger runnning up and killing jorgmag with a pve zerg. Defeats the purpose of the game. I don’t’ support this idea.

Plz stop the whining!!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Don’t like listening to other people complain, don’t read it. Take your own medicine.

I’m not happy about the nerfs I did chance my traits around, I changed my entire build/armor/runes/weapon sets the whole 9 and you know what I like my old one better. I’m making it work.

you wanna see an uproar… Nerf the mez and watch what happens to these forums. you think were bad, were just a few.

Fellowship of the Ranger (Our code)

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


=P don’t take what I said here to seriously.

Give us something!

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


also the bm bunker build gave the ranger a role in combat. The beast master, it felt right. Now I feel kinda lost, we already have ranged dps with mez and ele’s we have tanks and melee burst, are we just utility now?…. She we focuse on spirit builds and just build support?

Give us something!

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


GS: Hands down THE BEST gs kit in the game, just so happens the ranger CAN’T make the most of it. I’ve got this skill up to around 1.5k damage with decent crits on gs 2. Howver the chasing power of the gs hands down is our best one. I feel like we need to focus on GS builds. This may be the next place we need to re explore. However we’ve recently discovered our Cd builds were doing the tricks. Now with pets not putting out as much hurt we’re having a harder time with our drawn out battles staying alive. Our goal was to do high damage over a logn period of time while keeping them from healing with posions, letting our pet chunk them. Much harder to do now, but it still works with experience.

I recently tried a GS with a s/a. The kit itself was REALLY solid except….. Were are completely kite-able. Mez’s, >_> the now super necro’s, pthiefs had the kits to just stay out of range and break down teh gs tank build. Just does not have thehealing and sturdiness you get from bm.

So even though were suffering from a lack of a solid build we have our flexibility.

I think we need to focus no on the best build for a ranger, but the best build to take down other classes period. Instead of coming up with cookie cutter builds like the other classes. THEY HAVE the advantage without a doubt, but with the right build we can focus on taking down specikittenit.

So we should work on this instead

Anti-thief ranger
anti-mez ranger
anti warrior etc

Granted were going to have a lot of builds but that just means they won’t know how to fight us. Each ranger is different and I think that’s what makes our class the most unique.

I know I was talking about code of the ranger thing before, but I was buthurt.

GS/SD build is an anti-melee build. running zephyr.

Gs burst starts with a well timed counter, if they don’t take the bait throw it, activate pet active, gs 3 to gs 5 to gw 2 pop zephyr. If they run we have two otions entangle (not recommended for gs build) or rao, which I think is better. gs has great chasing and if they manage to get away, switch path of scars and s1 for unlimited cripples swap pets etc. This is a great 1 v1 vs warriors. I found I almost always won. However you will almost NEVER win vs a mez. I admit that mez are just really hard for ranger, our cd build is better.

So as a ranger we need to adapt the mindset of TOTAL flexibility. The problem with this is traits…. We just can’t allocate them where they need to be to make the most of any two weapon sets OTHER than glass cannon and bm bunker. This our our only two complete solid builds. However the glass cannon trade off… we’ve already found out that’s to risky. Bm was our safest bet.

Anyway long story short our traits skills don’t need changed really, the BONUS need to change IT WS gives tough/healing not tough/cd Bm gives Pet at/power marks gives perc and crit damage etc. Our trait bosuns are messed up. They aren’t where they need to be.

Finally… If rangers are the “Ranged” dps class…. why don’t we have the darn rifle?

Give us something!

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


A lot of people feel the ranger is a ranged class I couldn’t disagree more to be honest. A ranger is whatever he wants to be, am I right? I think that’s the best part about being a ranger is the Diversity of what we can pick from.

We’ve got our bm bunker build
We’ve got our zerker glass cannon
We’ve got our Tank Gs

And several hybrids in between.

the problem is with all this functionality we don’t have anything solid. We can all agree we’ve got one of the hardest classes to play, it takes skill and a LOT of practice.

At any rate we’ve addressed our more worthless skills

Longbow 5, decent for wvw seige or defense but lets be honest you’re not going to pop this skill in a 1 v1. Cast time is to long and it easily dodged. Where better off with single target long rage nuke ability. Headshot etc something.

Shortbow great utility and even with the range nerf THIS MAKES sense. It’s a shortbow peps it can’t be shooting the same range as a long bow that’s just not right. Still great utility weapon average conditions, daze/stun and a really good jump ability that can be used while running away without having to micro, very useful. Even though our shortbow has been nerfed it’s still one of our most useful weapons.

Sword 2 slow initial cast time, can be interrupted when timed right, I feel this skill would be 100 times more useful and viable if the animation was instant like shortbow 4.

Axe main, hit and a miss. Gives us conditions we need lacks the damage. Decent aeo potential. Conditions priceless in cd builds.

Axe off: Path of scars buff is kinda fun opens up new options. The problem with this is whirling defense… The axe’s only melee skill in an entire ranged kit. A5 is very kiteable and doesn’t do the damage you need it to. However if you’ve every laughed at a zerg focusing you awhile you a5 and take no damage from their ranged than you know it just feels good, but sadly even with path of scars this skill is very limited and prone to melee interupts. Says the hammer warrior “… heh channeled abilities don’t even think about it.”

Dagger off: Prob our best off hand arguable the torch running second. I feel like all builds are going to find a way to throw this weapon in.

New player picked Ranger -- Advice

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Code of the ranger, we know nothing about rangers.

Rate the Norn Name Above You

in Norn

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Oh I get to do two! Awesome!

Olaf, Viking name… berserkesr great warriors, not really known as the guardian types, lore friendly so bonus!

Aetra Ironbender. Well did some research on that one because I couldn’t find any names “Aetra” Closest I found was a greek name Aethra which means “She knows”… so She knows how to bend iron. Weaponsmithing lvl 400? =P

My amazing female Ranger Norn is

Riven Winterwolf

Riven is an old english name meaning “To rip to pieces” Winterwolf is actually two surnames. Winter was an old english name meaning “bad temperament, cold” Wolf was one who hunted wolves.

The female norn plays like and acts like a total brute. She’s always talkign about how she’s going to kick someones kitten so I feel “Riven” To tear to pieces fits her, and she seems quick to get upset over small things. Also I picked her spirit as the wolf and started her pet as the wolf given her a solid theme. As the story takes places in the snowy shiverpeak mountains and my trust sidekicks are my wolves. Running a bm bunker built I go for long fights where I tear them down piece by piece until I catch them with all my conditions at once.

Fellowship of the Ranger (Our code)

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


From this day forward if you find a build that works keep it to yourself.

The bm bunker build was amazing so amazing it had to be shared. Because of this the pets were nerfed because it became so mainstream.

At every turn rangers have been hit and it’s causing us to scramble for new working builds or going back to ones that were okay. I just recently found some good builds that are no longer viable. Still the ranger is my favorite class and I refuse to give up on it.

So from now on I encourage every dedicated ranger player to keep their mouth shut. Don’t make vids, don’t offer advice don’t share privileged information. The reason for this is simple, we don’t want anymore nerfs. We don’t want to expose anymore strengths that can be taken away.

So our code is silence. If you figure something out, great. Keep it to yourself. This way we keep ranger complaints to a minimum. Also people who aren’t good with a ranger will constantly complain about no viable build options. With any luck this will lead to small buffs we can take advantage off.

Rangers code? What code? Ranger builds? What builds? we know nothing, nothing but ranger noobs here.

Pet sized increased with patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Is it just me… Or do the pets seem larger. It’s barely noticeable, but before while playing norn ranger I hated how much bigger I was than my pets. Bear most of all it just felt weird…

Today when I logged in after patch It took me a minute to notice as I was looking at some of the stat changes… When I noticed my bear actually came over my waist. And my jaguar seemed beefier. Am I imagining things or did they finally listen to our complaint about our little our pets were?

What Pets would you like to see

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Cerberus (three headed dog)
A Chinese dragon
Male and Female Lions
Large snake’s (anaconda’s pythons)
Fairies (Like the one link has in ooc)
Rhino =P
since my thoughts turned to pegasus, a Clock owl =P I wonder if anyone here is old enough to pick up the reference.
Saber tooth tiger

Legendary Pets - pve

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


If you want fair, come up with your own suggestions for legendary contentment. and the man bear pig was a joke…. jesus christ. Gtfo

Legendary Pets - pve

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Ah yes, Man bear pig for the bear. What was I thinking. =D Thanks for setting me straight.

Brainstorming ranger, need some brains.

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Sweeeet I already got my membership. Say could I borrow your keyboard… I don’t really feel like bashing my head against my own.

Legendary Pets - pve

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


I was thinking of a way to spice up pve pets.

My focus is pve content I don’t really want to make suggestions for pvp seeing as I don’t really play it yet, still in the leveling process getting used to the game etc.

however I just thought it would be need if each ranger had a “Side-Story” Where they could go into instance based missions to obtain a certain legendary pet. They could pick one and go with it. They would have to fight, beat and tame it.

For instance:

Bird Type: phoenix or Griffon
Drake Type: Dragon or Some sort of anaconda
Hound: Some bad kitten skinned wolf or some nine tails fox, a Cerberus(I know, sue me)
Cat: Saber tooth or Lion
Bear: Volibear =P jk I dunno what kind of cool mystical bears there are. I dunno.
Support type: A fairy

Anyway I’m running out of idea’s but the point would be, at some point during the story you would have an option to go on a hunt for a legendary beast. This could be decided by any number of ways. Race, story background, in game choices and access to areas because of choices. Maybe you could just choose which hunt to go on. The point is, you could only do the quest once and obtain on legendary pet that would surpass your other pets in that category.

Brainstorming ranger, need some brains.

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


hrm =/ well scratch that idea…

Brainstorming ranger, need some brains.

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


how many do I get? I figured with 80 levels I got 80 points? like I said I’ve only been playing for a week.

Brainstorming ranger, need some brains.

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Oh… and THANK YOU ALL for you input and expertise! This was very rewarding for me, I hope to fine tune this some more and share more findings with you all. Hopefully you’ll find something useful you’ll want to try for yourself =D

Brainstorming ranger, need some brains.

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


I’ll be fine tuning this as the weeks roll on, building more synergy with weapons and runes. Trying to make the most of on these on hit effects and crits. As of right now I’m really happy with my damage out put and my pets. With my items and traps I’ve got a perm cripple that never runs out and constantly adding bleed ticks, poison, burns, and criting for decent damage myself. I still have some mild kiting ability with the axes if I don’t want to go melee. The only problem with this build is it’s Lack of escape and hard cc.

However with my focus on survivability and massive damage output I DON’T think that’s going to be a big issue in team play. I may suffer in pvp 1 v1’s with a total kite build that is until I land that first cripple than It’s cripple all day. The thing I like the most about this build, is You can only run for so long. I’m GOING to hit you with a cripple sooner or later and than you can’t run. Your going to HAVE to out damage me to survive and to be honest I don’t see that happening.

Brainstorming ranger, need some brains.

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Wow GREAT success!!!

I found what I was looking for and the damage out put is 100 times greater that I expected!

I want to share my findings after playing around.
The bm bunker build is a really powerful without a doubt, the information shared there was a boon. However I myself like to know I’m doing damage myself in the event my pet goes down.

So I’d like to call this build the BT build (Beast trapper)

We’ll of course for weapons run
Sword and Dagger to apply condition’s and be a slippery kitten
Axe and Torch for ranged

For healing I’m running troll salve I swear it makes pets unkillable even my eagle is tanking mobs and dealing out tons of hurt

Utility I’m running
Flame Trap
Spike Trap
(Healing Regen wild one?)

For traits
30 skirmish;
-pet prowess
-trap expertise
-Trap Potency

20 WS;
-Vigorous Renewal
-Offhand Training

30 Bm
-Compassion Training
-Rending Attacks
-Natural Healing

It Just so happens I’m playing a norn and going lore friendly Culture armor and culture weapons adding to my healing power is working out great.

I’m going to spec my weapons with Geomancer for extra bleeds. When swapping weapons.

I haven’t decided on a rune set yet, I think I will make try to find something that does extra condition damage with a critical hit perk somewhere as I’m noticing I am criting aA LOT with auto’s.

I’m going to spec my accessories on healing and condition damage.

I’m debating Dropping Trap potency for Carnivorous appetite as of right now I’m running Lynx and Eagle both dealing tons of bleed damage with their active and lynx causing vulnerability synergies well with my autos.

With this build I’m soloing champion type group event monsters without breaking a sweat and they are dropping in a matter of minutes, my pets are not dying and mobs fall in a matter of seconds. For fun I turn my pet on passive I’ll run around in the wild getting the largest mob I can to chase me. Pop entangle, drop my traps, hit my combo. The Dps is so high I don’t even have time to switch weapons before the mob is dead most of the time.

I am VERY happy with this build crossbow days are over for me. Melee ranger from here on out! Dear god that damage is insane…

Brainstorming ranger, need some brains.

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Anyone know what Castaliea is going on about?

btw the bm bunker build was really awesome I watched the video and the guide he posted. A lot of information there to take it. That was a great resource and I learned quite a bit.

the axe torch and sword dagger applied all the conditions I was looking for, and the damage was enough that you really don’t need the damage from the traps either opening up space for signets for survivability. I think I’m going to model my build after that one.

However I can’t make up my mind between the birds and cats. If I’m going to dedicate myself to a certain path I’m wondering if runing two birds, or two cats would be wise. Should I always have a tank pet say a drake or a cc pet like a dog or spider. Only rotating to the bird to use his ability?

Again I’m not really sure how I should tackle that.

Brainstorming ranger, need some brains.

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Hey I’m jay I’m a new player about a week or so on and off. I just made it to 60 and I was really starting to put some serious thought into some different types of builds. However I’d like to build a different type of ranger than what I’ve seen and read about so far.

Melee Ranger with some mid range capabilities.
Set 1: Sword and Torch
Set 2: Double Axes

Utility: Spike Trap, Flame Trap, Zephyr
Heal: Spring
Elite: Entangle

My goal is not to build a burst damage ranger but to focus solely on Condition damage and duration. Increasing his Vitally and Toughness as well. I have a clear mind of what I want to build, however I’m not experienced enough to actually piece it all together. I understand there are better builds out there I’m sure some elite player has some super speced gear set up etc etc… Not going for that. I don’t like the feel of the rangers ranged capabilities I spent a lot of time with them and well I find it boring. I want to build a higher skill cap. With the primary source of damage being his DOT for bleeds, poisons, burns.

So what I need is to decide on the Rune set I’m going to use to achieve this, Best weapons to shoot for as well as weapon upgrades. The trait path I should pursue and what pet features (if any) I should consider as well as what would be the best pets for this type of engagement.

As of now I’m debating Debuffing types that cause blindness, bleeding, knockdown, or snares but I’m not sure if that’s what I should go for.

As this is a dot build I’m planning on keeping the ranger in the fight for an extended period of time so a focus on survivability will be a must.

I’d really like to see what some of you more experienced players know that could help contribute to this idea. Thanks!

Larger Pets - Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


I’ve made a post re guarding the same thing, I really want the pets to resemble their real life counter parts.

Also I’d like a wider variety of pets vs the pet clones we have right now. I don’t need 3 moa’s that do the same thing. I’d rather pets have a more dynamic approach.

Ex I get a juvenile wolf (no suffix) as HE levels on his own ASIDE from my level I CHOSE his abilities he will use on his own, and eventually pick a tier Black, White, Red, Rock Whatever type wolf he turns into. And for added affect…. when I choose pets I say I choose you !!! No just kidding. But I’d like to see a real change to the pet system to make it more immerse. I don’t like these cookie cutter pet themes, it doesn’t feel like a pet or a companion… It feels like my meat shield. v_v I’m so guilty of animal abuse in this game. Rabits more than anything. However that’s another story.

Pet names

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jayw.1045


yes I know this already, I’m saying when you change to a pet in your inventory of pets the names go away. They get lost.

Pet names

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jayw.1045


I don’t know if his is supposed to be like this or not, but every time you change pets they lose their name and go back to default. It’s kind of annoying

Show Profession Trainers on Hoelbrak map?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


LOL thank you google.

A New Class

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Soldier class
Main hand:
Short spear (I know… I’m dreaming. Let me dream.)
Off hand

Two hand
Spear (must have a javelin throw option.)

Suggestions after playing over 50 RPG Titles.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


I think what teh devs were going for on this game, is you can only be good at so much. You can’t be a do it all super hero. This is a game that is supposed to be enjoyed with friends who work together.

Also being able to class swap whenever would kill pvp and how would you even go about collecting the gear you needed for the classes. The game just isn’t built to Incorporated features like these.

And secondly your suggestions aren’t really well described… I got lost a few times thinking to myself wth is he talking about.

Dynamic Camera

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


I hate the camera in this game. Because of how it’s incorporated you can’t use your left or right click mouse buttons for anything else. I would raterh have my left click for my (1) auto attack ability and my right click for another. using (f) to pick up any items or interact. I’ve looked up several key binding guides and none of them ore really fluid. And you always end up giving up a feature in order to spam your abilities more smoothly.

So my suggestion is completely change the camera feature, this way releasing the mouse buttons from their already useless feature.

The camera becomes dynamic and moves WITH the cursor. The camera operates separately from the character.

You can still use the mouse to engage targets on screen by moving the center of the camera to the object, Think of this camera as a “cross hairs” type.

Now the problem with this would be the using items on the screen. Unfortunately this option would go away HOWEVER there is a way to still make use of it.

by pressing the ALT key you release the “cross hair type camera” and switch to a secondary mode where the cursor is free from controlling the camera. This secondary screen would have limited functionality you wouldn’t be able to play the game this way. This is just for moments where you want to access an item-screen or mailbox in a safe spot.

A prime example of this camera feature would be any type of game that uses a cross hair type camera or a more recent game and where I stole this idea from goes to Dungeons and dragons 2 neverwinter. They’re action based combat system is a breath of fresh air, and should be how games from now on take an approach to mmo’s. It Just works.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


All the characters are so skinny and fit…. I wanna make a fatso.

We Need Players!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Make it unforgettable. Actually I came back to rewrite this for a legit suggestion.

Abandon gw2, the game is a flop. Sandbox mmo’s are sinkholes that you have to invest way to much time and money into to be viable.

Leave a team to fix bugs handle user problems account problems and move on to gw3. Take all the mistakes learned from this game and incorporate it into redeeming the series. If you could find a way to combine a legit rpg story with the sandbox feel of endless adventure you would have it made. The problem with this game, was it’s total lack of immersion.

Do something no one’s ever done before. Make an evolving world, not a respawning one. Make a true adventure, and capture the hearts and minds of those who play it. Reinvent the way people play online gaming.

If we go back to the one of the oldest and best rpg’s of all time we would jump back to the super nintendo. I’m talking about chrono trigger. Now that was a game and to this day still fun as hell to play. That game is a real legend and one of a kind. It’s mechanics weren’t even totally unheard of. and atb system was already in affect from square. What made it a game was the story.

Write a story that wins hearts.

(edited by Jayw.1045)

New Class Ideas?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Instead of adding new classes, I’d rather see classes break down into better classes as they advance. Like a tree branch system. 2, than 3.

IE: Thief > Rouge or Assassin . They each get own unique skill sets with weapons like starting from scratch again.
From rouge you can get Infiltrator or Pirate
From Assassin you get Pirate or Ninja

The Ranger long bow...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Hey I did some looking around before I posted this and again I want to recap anyone who has been following my posts here. I’m new I just started a few days ago, and I’ve always been the ranger kind of guy when it came to rpg’s. I just loved em the idea of kiting around my enemy laughing as he tries to catching me etc. Just my kind of play style…

So far the ranger… KINDA does that but eh… this long bow man… I dunno.

I’ve always seen the ranger class as a High risk high reward kinda play style. Tons of damage, the one hitter quitter if you play your cards right…. man the ranger DOES NOT Feel like that at all…

I mean whose idea was it, to give the starting item of the ranger an axe…. that bounces….. Oh and is apparently a boomerang as well? Someone should seed that design over the Link at Nintendo, I’m sure he’d love one. Me on the other hand… I’m a ranger I’m not a f-ing lumberjack?! I don’t cut trees… oh wait apparently I do if I want to be a huntsman…. >_>

So lets talk ranger… what is a ranger… No I’m not talking mighty morphing ranger either. When I think ranger what comes to mind is an out-doorsman, an hunter an early law enforcer. A man who uses cunning and wits to overcome is target(s) A man who ends fights quickly, but can prolong them if he’s out gunned. This is NOT what we have here.

Rangers in this game feel like a substained dps, with bleed and burn effects. I would expect that from the thief or magic casters. Not the ranger….

I would expect a Ranger, to surprise than burst… Lure than trap, finally finish off the target. If the initial attack failed. I don’t see a kit for that. I see a circus performer jumping around. I guess that’s why it was an option to join the circus in the creation menu… really the circus.. who picked that anyway???

The long bow kit is aweful so I have some suggestions to make it more ranger like.

The Longbow was the one of the first siege weapons ever invented, but lets avoid the history lesson and get to the point. Range, and power. Kill before they have time to react, that’s the idea were going for here. I’m going to list the kills by their default key bindings.

(1) Shoot your foe from long range. The farther the arrow flies, the more damage it does.

facepalm how… useless…. So uh… So my MAIN source of damage… my auto attack… does LESS damage as they get closer…. Brilliant! Who the hell came up with this idea.

Solution and rename
(1) Passive: Every fired shot increases the ranger’s chance to land a critical hit. This passive may reach 100%. The chance to crit is reset when another ability is used.
(1) Active: Ranger raises his bow and fires a single long range shot up to 2800 (50 cd)
Using it’s active does not put auto attacking on cd. The farther the arrow travels the more damage is dealt. If targeted at max range, the attack will still land even if selected champion moves out of abilities max range.

Explanation of skill it’s perks and limitations:
A ranger is a high damage dealer by default, however the use of his abilities should only be used when necessary. Giving him a substantial auto attack with the long bow.
Also the active component, is meant to be a finisher or engaging tool. Making use of the already in game mechanic.

(2) Pinning shot
Immobilizes target for 3 sec causes bleed effect for 5 sec
Pet deals bonus damage during debuff.
(long bows much needed cc)

(3) keep point blank shot this skill is remarkable and the only skill worth using in this kit.

(4) Go for the Heart
Targets vitals, increases targets cool-downs for 10 sec causes cripple for 2

(5) Right between the eyes
Targeted head shot, deals bonus damage based on targets health, deals double bonus damage if critical.

Finally now the ranger skill set is addressed, another final note…

A ranger is a stealthy champion and requires stealth options as well as the thief… HOWEVER with that said, the ranger is also a keen fighter and plays the role of front line supporter. Get in range of a ranger and you can easily kill him with his long cool downs.

Which is why it’s important for the ranger to have some built in stealth detecting utilities.

First Impressions, obvious changes needed.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Lets talk about the Story and the writing.

You know what the best part of an rpg is, Falling in love with the characters, falling in love with the story. And rpg is a fantasy we get to act out, and no a days choose the outcome. Part of the reason I’ve avoided sandbox games is the lack of immersion. Now I picked up skyrim ages ago and at first you fall so deep into the game than you realize is just another sandbox it falls off pretty hard mid game. Yet still it initially gives you a little immersion before they blow it. Good stories are just hard to come up with these days and that’s fine, not every writer is going to be a shakespear and live on well after he dies. Some of you have to suck so we know who the good ones are.

Well you guys hired the bad writers. As if that wasn’t enough… As if having bad writers wasn’t enough of a problem, you also hired the worst voice actors in the history of gaming.

Nowaday’s if you want get the immersion in a game you take real people, you put them in those fancy suits and you have them act out the scene with directors a staff and THAN you animate…. you don’t let the graphics guy do it from scratch, that’s why you have these stiff uneventful cut screens where they just stand there and point at each other. Ohh woooow… Whats going to happen next?!!!… asked no guild of wars 2 player.

Hire some actors!!!! have them act it out and record them… throw their voices in the game. Don’t just let some joe smuck off the street read a script in front of the mic anymore.

Guild of wars 2, zero production value.

Okay so that’s not it for cosmetics but I’ve got another thread for that. This is manly just my disappointments in the game so far I’ll be posting some more later on other issues, bugs I’ve found etc….

This is the saddest fact of all… This game has been out for a while now and well… it’s this bad. Honestly this game STILL feels like a beta. It wasn’t ready to be released and in fact it’s just awful… I’ve never been so disappointed in a game in my entire life, but I guess I shouldn’t expected much from a sandbox they are on the bottom of rpg’s for a reason.