Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
Finally met Kalkz ingame outside of combat! Saluted in passing. Unfortunately I had other places to be. =3
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
Would be nice if everyone picked a server (in both NA and EU respectively), a time, and we all just went and did this a few times daily… Been waiting almost a month for this to be open on Ehmry. I even tried finding groups/open temples on… Nothin’…
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by KStudios.2850)
Only sentries have the right to complain. No way sitting at your garrison ticking siege all day long will ever reward you with a laurel.
Not even WvW at that point, that’s more like SiegevP… Even then though I imagine it would be kind of hard not to at least get your daily 10 kills and such. Unless your server is just roflstomping the competition so hard they are afraid to even visit your Garrison, lol.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
I’ll admit, if ANet releases Kasmeer’s swimwear as new underwater options for female characters in the gem store, I’d buy it. It would be the first town clothes I would actually buy. XD
Agreed. The standard undergarments are drab anyway. Since I’ve already dumpstered my regular townclothes.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
both kasmeer and faren mention a ‘jory’. i believe kasmeer says that she and jory are “investigating” something on southsun. anybody know something that i dont?
Something odd is happening in Southsun, yes. I noted some Consortium goons whipping settlers the other day, as well as got word from that grumpy lil Asuran fellow that the local wildlife, which seems to have been driven mad, is attacking Consortium supply crates supposedly containing “records and other documentation” with little reason. Those angry critters certainly hate data, lol.
1 + 1 in this case is not coming out to 2
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by KStudios.2850)
1.kill 5 yaks
2.kill 10 players
3.kill 13 diferent monsters – you find 7 or 10 diferent npc’s at hero’s orchad (citizen /engineir /tehnician/soldier… etc)
4.50 kills
5.ambient killer
6.veteran slayer
7.champion slayer
8.5 events
9.crafting (home border – cost less that 1 silver – 10 bolts of silk)
10.mystic forge – (Garrison) -gamble your loot from karma train
14. skill points acumulator (3 lvls)
15. savage
this is fair for everybody
We should punish scouts, cause they don’t follow the karma train ?
or roamers, ppls who run in smal groups ?
daily take 10 minutes maximum to complete – but if you don’t follow teh karma train you might need 1 week to get 250 badges, while you get it in 3-4 hours zerging.
So you want more zerg ? i had enough, i spent my badges, i bought sieges, i bought items for my alts, now should i follow the karma train in your humble oppinion ?
This! ^
There’s absolutely no reason you’re not getting your daily done. I get mine done everyday and seldom even leave WvW (my acheivements permanently locked in the 2000’s and my world exploration at 48% proves this). I’m a solo/small group-roamer to boot, so it requires a touch more skill than your standard hive-minded zergling, but it can be done. Not only that, but I typically get my dailies/monthlies done faster than my PvE-based guildee counterparts usually. Even the laurel merchant stands directly outside the gates to WvW. Just grab him for a chat before entering. Running 15 yards worth of PvE won’t kill you I promise.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by KStudios.2850)
We’re going to T4!
We’re going to T4!
We’re going to T4!Yay!
Meanwhile, AR is going to stay at T5 and BP will drop to T6.
If this is true, and CD is stepping down to take our place, I lament for AR… They already don’t like our occasional nightcapping. When last we met CD had actual legit sea-guilds. We do not.
As for Mr. Dovgan’s commentary, we have improved. Considerably I’d say. Not only with the formation and introduction of the the guild [NITE], but with the increased small guild presence and participation we’ve seen in the last few weeks. I’ve noted we’ve increasingly filled a lot of the Commander presence and tower occupation gaps we used to have. Including with the creation of my own guild [YUMI], which was made strictly to help with said tower boon issues (cause in my mind, there’s absolutely ZERO reason Klovan, which sits right on enemy borders, is unclaimed and boonless… EVER). Though I admit not quite up to the level of production I’d like to see it at just yet, is ready to begin pumping out boons. Also, our reaction time has improved immensely. I thank Kalkz and BP crew for the nightcapping shenanigans, and AR for their tenacious determination.
In short, I don’t think we’ve been more ready than we are right now. All that’s left is to knuckle down and follow through.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by KStudios.2850)
Hey KStudios, nice sentiments. I’ll be right here with you 6 years or however long down the road.
I certainly hope not, lol. I recommend turning down the pills, I refused to sacrifice intelligence for greater temporary sanity.
Take care of yourself, and those around you, out there. They’ll follow in kind.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by KStudios.2850)
They are not the enemy, they are other people who play the same game as me. They are the competition. There is such thing as friendly competition, I believe they call it sportsmanship and it started falling out of style years back in favor of “get on my level brah”.
Excuse me, Hello Kitty Island Adventure is thataway —>
Meh… I’ve said it before and shall do so again, many of you take this game, and yourselves, far too seriously (sometimes I ponder if a bit unheathily so). That mind you coming from someone who played this game’s precursor for six years, and will do the same here in Gw2 no doubt (cause there’s even MORE to do in this one). Long after a great many of you are gone, having fluttered away for other things. Not to talk down on anyone or anything, there’s not a thing wrong with “fairweathers,” I just happen to not be one of them and that statement merely is what is stated. So I hope you’ll pardon me when I can’t help but laugh at a short fused Commander that resorts to yelling over TS or CAPS texting in chat, or a player who cries “Dumpster!” after defeating another player and then ranting about it.
Ralathar is right in this, our opponents are people too. They have feelings, families, pets, jobs, and taxes. No different than you or I. What’s a real mind-frag is when you come to this realization in actual war, after killing droves of people. Then, and only then, can you get serious. This? No, this is a happy pastime, and occasional guilty pleasure, of which I gladly spend 5-6 hours of my day partaking.
[Quote to a removed part of a post was removed]
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by Moderator)
There’s apparently minis of the pair too. Saw someone running about with a mini-Kasmeer in WvW. How are these earned?
RNG chest in gem store.
I hear the chests are also rare drops ingame.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
Mini Karka is the sexiest minipet and you can’t deny it.
The price ratings in comparison with the other two minis agrees with you.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
There’s apparently minis of the pair too. Saw someone running about with a mini-Kasmeer in WvW. How are these earned?
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
I take comfort in knowing that for many of the forum trolls, if I met them in real life, it would be as they cleared my table or took my keys to park my car so why begrudge a little electronic gloating.
personally, i find that to be a pretty disgusting attitude to go through life with, thinking that you are somehow better than the person waiting your table or parking your car; so much so that you would deign to “allow” them to be forum warriors.
honestly, nothing is the most correct in that if we were all just kittening around having drinks together at the bar, likely none or at least very few of us would trash talk so much. most of you guys actually seem to be pretty cool folks. that being said, this thread is a lot more entertaining after the forum warriors got to it. i was a bit worried for a second. 2 pages without trolling and all the kitten ba-ya stuff was getting boring.
Oh, but you misunderstand. Busing and waiting tables is a fine job, in your teens and early tweenties. I was actually paid minimum wage when I was 16 to have my arm up a horse’s bottom for 45 minutes on the way to a vet trying to untwist a colicy bowl. No tips btw.
My point is that most of the people that are really heated about all this are young and haven’t actually accomplished much that is real in life so being LEET beans in an MMO is “important”. There are exceptions, some young people accomplish amazing things very early and some older people never accomplish anything at all, but I am speaking of the norm and am confident I am correct.
I’d be forced to disagree with the bussing tables being being a fine job statement lol. You wanna talk about a profession in the world where people feel they have the right to treat you the way majority of this forum talks to one another, go bus tables for a living. Did it for two years to get myself through college. Never… again. Lol!
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
And here I’m just happy to see you all. =P
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
I’ve taken the week off to go outside (the graphics were overrated).
Ew the sun. Traitor.
What is this “sun” you speak of? O.o
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
“The thing I don’t understand is why people simply gave up.”
Lemme ’splain then…
Borlis had a short streak where we pasted everyone with no challenge for three weeks in a row. Anvil’s last matchup in T6 was a blowout that left them with a bad taste for lopsided too. We do understand your feels but…
EBay spent a lot of time jumping up and down between tiers and facing fresh opponents for a long time before you got stuck in here. You had a lot of fun winning and a lot of fun losing as you bounced between T4 and T5. I think it might have given you a false impression on how much fun getting constantly kicked in the face is.
You say you understand a humiliating defeat because you got pasted by Kaineng on their climb to dubious glory. But you faced Kaineng how many weeks in a row…? One? That must have been rough. Yeah, you guys totally know our feels…
Efforts were made to make this match up more fun and they failed. I think you’re gonna just have to deal with the new reality until they fix the point system. I don’t see anything changing until then. T5 sucks.
I honestly feel bad you’re comparing us to Kaineng. As far as I know we haven’t stooped to the level of just having patrolling zergs on each BL yet like they did, but I do understand your perdicament. I don’t however, necessarily understand what it is you’re wishing for us to do to amend the situation. We’re still here, and many of us are still icthin’ to fight. It saddens me that our presence has become somehow overwhelming. I can’t speak for us all, but breaking your spirit was hardly my personal intention by any means. Especially when you guys are so fearsome an opponent with consideration to your overall numbers.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by KStudios.2850)
Palerider is actually a nice guy, he just doesn’t like you Kalkz.
AR don’t give up on your borderlands, keep trying and if you fail, try something new.
Been hoping to catch a glimpse of either you or Kalkz off the field myself. Made my second trip to Borliss Lion’s Arch. Later in the early afternoon this time I might add. Much much more active. Wasn’t there very long before someone actually recognized me, oddly enough. Again, won’t divulge any names or such out of respect (not everyone wants their name tossed around here after all). I’ll let that person come forward if they so wish.
Anyway, delightful conversation. Handful of common forum names came up, inevitably. You, Goat, Bob, and of course Cookie and Kalkz. No worries, not a negative thing spoken. I never speak ill of anyone, let alone you guys! =D
P.s. I resemble that remark! Minus maybe the drooling.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by KStudios.2850)
I cant imagine what im going to do to SBI once they drop
“buying 100 golems”
You Should Kalkz!! And get your but in T4 with us. Ehmry Pass? “EP” ROFL!!
Bad Goldiy. =/
O.o …?
Strange things happen here when I’m away.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
I am here to give a shout out to Richard Z Rahl, Rreelliicc,few [BURN] and the few [TANK] guild members we had some nice duals/2v2/3v3 tonight, was fun gotta get more BP and AR in this
Is it over?! Did I miss it?! I want to spectate you awesome folks doing your thing!
I miss everything… Curse being a responsible productive member of society…
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by KStudios.2850)
The swimwear would be fantastic, but I could honestly settle for just having the ability to dye my undergarments different colors at this point. =/
Something beyond the tans and bieges we’ve become accustomed to would be nice.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
Finally, some good sense on the threads! Let’s have some summer clothes, beachwear, and summer (cooler) armors too. No one would were heavy plate in the summer sun, they’d be boiled alive!
Yes oh my god this will make the game so amazing! kawaiii desune swimsuits to make all these desperate young men happy with their female characters!!!
Please for the love of Lyssa, tell me you are trolling and don’t really act like that. lol
On topic, I don’t really see an issue with it. At least it will be better than people running around in their underwear. I’d rather see people in a bikini or swim trunks (which is meant to be seen in public), than people running around in their underwear (which is not meant to be seen in public).
It almost feels degrading and embarrassing to have the game strip you down to your underwear when you are on the beach or doing diving goggles. It’s rather humiliating to be forced to walk around in your undergarments in public. At least swimwear would be tolerable since it is meant to be seen in public.
Lol, funny that. I for one have never really drawn a huge distinction between the two. Since many swimwear types, especially some of the micro-kinis out there, are actually scantier than the majority of casual underwear. Both are similar in design and overall function, it merely comes down to our discretion as a society overall that makes those said distinctions valid or invalid. In short, individual and societal interpretation.
I digress a bit, but meh…
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
They are invisible of course that’s the only possible explanation. Surely you aren’t accusing ebay of something like this, when BP is known to glitch into towers/keeps?
You always say this yet I have never seen a screen shot or details of an actual instance from you or anyone else and I have never read of anyone else accusing BP of this. (Much less never heard of anyone on BP admitting to this or having knowledge of someone on BP doing this.)
I think its only well-known in your mind. Put up some evidence.
You can’t post it on the forums, or you’ll get a ban for character assassination. I already sent in multiple screenshots of Kalkz doing it with his mesmer “buddy” who took off his guild tag. This happened like two weeks ago. All I got from the support was “we’ll look into it”. Feel free to believe what you like, BP has known glitchers.
In fact, a perfect example was when servers went down like 5 weeks ago, and BP capped hills in a matter of seconds, when we had just recapped it before servers went down. Considering there was no mesmer inside ofc due to the server kicking everyone out, BP clearly glitched inside.
I can’t speak to the Kaltz accusation, so i won’t.
The second item sounds fishy. Let me check my understanding of what happened. The servers went down, was that the BG servers or the world servers? How long were they down for?
Everyone was kicked: everyone ended up in Lion’s Arch or everyone was kicked out of the game?
What I want to get at is:
a) how do you know everyone was kicked? I have been in bgs where large numbers of players were kicked but not everyone.
b) how do you know everyone came up at the same time. Is it possible BP players were able to enter the BGs a few minutes before EB players?
c) Since Ebay had “just capped” hills, how do you know the “re-capping” wasn’t simply a roll back to before EBay had capped?
d) If it did happen in “seconds” then it would seem like someone would have had to hack there way into the lords room and then instantly kill everyone with a hack as well as solo player, even glitching thru walls, would not have enough time to run back, glitch thru, run to the lords room and kill everything in a matter of seconds. Is that sort of hacking even possible?
My memory of the incident was that it was a NA-wide WvW drop due to an upgrade patch being uploaded. It admittedly could have been “roll-back” related. As to my knowledge we really have no notion of just when the servers “save” their current settings prior to patch implementation. It could be seconds, it could conceivably be minutes (though one would certainly hope this is not the case). In which case it could just be chalked up to horrible luck on our end.
That “when does the pre-patch save occur?” is the key question that would need to be answered before anything could be proven or disproven conclusively. Who knows, maybe from now on, just prior to patch implementation we should all just meet somewhere and merely kick back for a few minutes. Seeing as it’s quite possible anything taken or retaken just minutes prior to the “big boot” may not even be accounted for.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by KStudios.2850)
Arrow carts have been acting rather strangely anyway since the patch that buffed them a while back. I was the sole person defening Mendons against BP mere days after the buff, and had a cart literally poof from my very hands when struck with a ballista bolt from the peak of everyone’s favorite rocky outcropping outside the gate. No health drop, no typical cart “explosion” animation, it just faded out into nothing. When struck only once with formerly full health. I mentioned it in chat, and everyone asked, “did it despawn?” It shouldn’t have, I had just been and still was using it at the time.
I had pondered at the time if people had begun crafting anti-AC hacks since the buff, but brushed the notion aside rather quickly. As it’s not generally in my nature to think ill of others, nor jump to potentially unjust conclusions.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by KStudios.2850)
If I am wrong, show us the screen shot. Monsieur le president de Ebay, J’accuse.
Ay, we love our Cookie very much, but he is not our President. We have a self-elected governing official already. His name, most aptly, is Ehmry Bay President. Lol! I’ll try to get a screenie up sometime. Swell guy.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
All they really need to do is add an extra slot under town clothing for underwear. Problem solved,
I wouldn’t care if the swimwear took up the pants and shirt slots of my town clothes selection screen. I currently have absolutely nothing taken them up at present anyhow, lol.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
It’s modeled on humans so Norn and Sylvari should be ok. The Asura get something cute. (floaties?)
But what to do with the Charr…
they get borat-swimwear
So imagined a big burly Norn with one of those inflatable ducky waist-floaties… XD
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
Archer, Why don’t you post a screen shot of your mains.
I have no idea who you are in game ( And I really hate Anet for not putting name in WvW).
Are you one of those mesmer that roam around and think they are good because they kill people?
I am curious how you judge “good” in wvw if not by how effective you are at killing people? I assume you want to identify him so you can kill him to invalidate him as being good. See the logical inconsistency if this is indeed your intent?
P.S. He is the human GF mesmer with fractal back piece. Fair warning though we have been known to use him as bait because of tunnel vision people get when they realize it is him, don’t let the forum rage he generates distract you from the GF group he usually roams with. We typically set up siege and call it Zerg bait, but for some reason just the sight of Cookies seems to have nearly as powerful of an effect.
He is a forum warrior, I wanted to verify what was behind it. Some people troll because they are good and they want some rivality, and some because they think they are good and they want everybody to know it.
Yet Archer is a weird case because he troll even in non-matchup related thread. So I’m not sure what he is about. Not that I really care, but I’m getting bored of WvW so I might as well find something different to do.
But since he is a mesmer, I’ll prolly not know for sure what it is all about. My build is pretty kitten again mesmer, as my damage got cut by 50% last patch, and I lack the range damage to keep up with the low CD escape mecanism of mesmer.
Don’t let Cookie’s forum kitten-slinging fool you, he is indeed quite good. As are many of the “fight mongers” in the [GF] 1v1 community. On the rare occasions I find him and hang about for a bit, I generally won’t even join him in a small scale fray. Unless one, he asks or we’re after something specific and have larger goals in mind. Second, the enemy numbers against him are more than 4 (personally seen him handle 4 at once a time or two). Or his health drops below half. Fully content to hang back and let Cookie play.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by KStudios.2850)
No more than everyone standing around in city in their underwear, which has been an option since the beginning.
Yeah but no one does that. If you pay 800 gems, you want to show that off, like happened with all the previous pieces of cash shop skins, especially if it’s a skimpy bikini, which would probably become the most popular of them all (also you don’t have to manually remove 6 pieces of armor every time).
That wasn’t very good argument.Nothing is stopping anybody from equipping nothing for their town clothes. Instant underwear swap if you chose to do so.
But anyways who cares if people run around in a bikini while out of combat. This game needs to lighten up.
I run around in my underwear half the time anyway, lol. May as well make them nicer to look at I say. The town clothes are rather drab and the selection pretty limited at the moment.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
Relevant to this thread
Answer: Glicko, and the fact that almost all servers in the tiers above us have more or less balanced out.
We’re stuck with each other! =D
-Cue appropriate 1980’s theme song about a group of misfits coming together and finding harmony through strife-
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
I’d certainly buy it. +1
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
Sooo, when we gettin’ them? The ones Lord Faren and Lady Kasmeer are wearing? I’d buy those up in a heartbeat! Hope they take dye as well.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
Just so people don’t get the wrong idea:
Ebayer’s are trying to break up the alliance because it’s a legitimate threat. Alot of Ebayers out there got boo boos and ouchies from the big bad Borlis Rock and want to go back to rolling over both sides easily.
Of course the sensible parts of the server not trying to compensate for their own inadequacies online enjoy the elevated level of challenge that your alliance has so graciously provided us with.
Think of it this way. Continue to team up and let Ebay have it and the bad Ebayers will just cry and whine and attempt to sabotage more while the respectable ones will be happy with good fights. You hurt the baddies and please the honest players.
A Win-Win I’d say.
I wish ralathar would stop speaking on behalf of Ebay, he has the mentality of a true carebear and does not represent anyone but himself. I hope to continue dumpstering BP and AR.
Points of view differ just like like people do, Cookie. As do feelings lol. We can’t all be, “grrr snarl, dumpster the baddies!” -wall of hate text ensues-… No one of us can proclaim to speak for the others either. Each of us stands for themselves foremost, but it’s the fact that we come together for the greater goal that makes us amazing as a unit.
Group huggle time is over. Now go forth, my little snowflakes… My bloody BLOODY little snowflakes. The blizzard has come. >=D
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by KStudios.2850)
just one of the wonderful snippets from the rage your server has =)
You Borliss guys are awfully interested in our communications. You’re on our website, we’ve had a few of you mention having access to our map chat in Eternal, and more than a few of you have mentioned listening in on our Teamspeak. I give a nod to your espionage capabilities, but seems pretty shady however. Not very sporting either that you would go so far, when you’re still losing. I don’t mean that to be insulting… Just seems to me the means at this point far outweigh the given results. On another note, hope any transmitions on my part are entertaining though, I do try.
As for our end of the spectrum regarding this message. I’m sorry you guys feel like you’re carrying us, I truly am. Love ya’ll to death but I just don’t know how much more I can possibly die for you, lol. Some of us truly do give our best. Should that not be enough, then there isn’t much that can be said on the issue. =/
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
All good. I don’t even mind if they nerf all other classes to 1K health and 10 toughness. As long as there is a mechanic to reveal thieves (even though it’s really a rare occasion).
I know to you thieves the 3 second visible between stealths feels like an age, but we have to find you first (1sec), then target you (1sec TAB targeting between all the wildlife or 1.5sec horrid double click targeting), then let loose my best attack (1 sec cast time at least). so there you go, thief gone before anything hits… I have to hunker down and wait… and pray… in plain sight… with no shoes… in the snow… while you guys lol in behind us.Likewise, the 3 seconds we’re invisible to you guys may seem like ages (cause all stealth skills except Shadow Refuge are only 3 seconds long. Don’t believe? Look ‘em up The one with the shortest cooldown actually requires us to get all up close and snuggly to hit you for kittens sake). If you’re standing there just waiting during that time however, you’re just asking to get shanked. You know the thiefs last location, step backwards from that point, dodging back as well if you really feel the need. He’ll almost have to debuff stealth before reaching you. I emphasize the moving backwards part, turning your back to a thief is a huge no-no, as many thief skills double damage from behind.
Also, don’t be afraid to spam your base attack while kiting. May make you look a little silly swiping at the air, but despite common belief we do take damage while stealthed.
Understood and I do try not to have my back exposed most of the time, but to go ahead and waste endurance just to get away from an invisible target? So woopy your only invis for 3 seconds, but you have the initiative on attack. We can take a “best guess” approach but never really know where the next attack is coming from. So you get to attack and we don’t get to counter attack because you vanish again asap. Running away from a thief fight is not an option. So stand there and fight is all we can do. Die when it goes bad, tap myself on the shoulder when it goes good. Thieves tap themselves on the should when it goes good, run away and reset the fight when it goes bad. (because let’s be honest – a thief only dies in a 1v1 when they over extend and get arrogant about their skillz.) But they’re always still around…. aaaaalwaaaays still around… somewhere…. just waiting to stab us in the back. When we think we can go on again with our game: TADAAAAAA here’s that thief again, cling-cling-cling-cling…. that’s when I start hating you guys sooo bad. A good kind of hate, but hate none the less.
Actually, unless that person is otherwise blocking or camping an objective of mine (such as he’s soloing a camp and I’m the only thing between him and success), if I’ve engaged once or twice and had to escape I generally don’t hang around. At that point it’s time to /bow and find a new (preferably squishier) playmate. The whole premise of the thief class against groups is about harassing the enemy, leading/pulling/deterring them if possible, and general demoralization. We’re really not entirely all that effective otherwise in a mass combat sense. What’s the worst we’re going to do if we’re up against 6-10 of you? Sure, we might get lucky and drop a few into downed state, but if you guys are doing your job and looking after one another there’s really not a whole lot we can do. That’s the part that makes me wonder why we’re such a big deal. We aren’t by any means bringing home bigger bacon points-wise than anyone else. Quite the opposite actually.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by KStudios.2850)
All good. I don’t even mind if they nerf all other classes to 1K health and 10 toughness. As long as there is a mechanic to reveal thieves (even though it’s really a rare occasion).
I know to you thieves the 3 second visible between stealths feels like an age, but we have to find you first (1sec), then target you (1sec TAB targeting between all the wildlife or 1.5sec horrid double click targeting), then let loose my best attack (1 sec cast time at least). so there you go, thief gone before anything hits… I have to hunker down and wait… and pray… in plain sight… with no shoes… in the snow… while you guys lol in behind us.
Likewise, the 3 seconds we’re invisible to you guys may seem like ages (cause all stealth skills except Shadow Refuge are only 3 seconds long. Don’t believe? Look ‘em up The one with the shortest cooldown actually requires us to get all up close and snuggly to hit you for kittens sake). If you’re standing there just waiting during that time however, you’re just asking to get shanked. You know the thiefs last location, step backwards from that point, dodging back as well if you really feel the need. He’ll almost have to debuff stealth before reaching you. I emphasize the moving backwards part, turning your back to a thief is a huge no-no, as many thief skills double damage from behind.
Also, don’t be afraid to spam your base attack while kiting. May make you look a little silly swiping at the air, but despite common belief we do take damage while stealthed.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by KStudios.2850)
“As far as I am aware, thieves are one of the weaker and least played professions in tournament PvP because everyone in tPvP has already learnt2play. So it sounds like everyone who thinks thieves have “OP mechanics” need to L2P.”
This is irrelevant. I’ve seen thieves easily escape entire zergs they were caught in the middle of. I’ve also seen them solo 6 people at once due to the simple fact they stealthed out continually and reset the fight until they essentially found the weakest player and 1 shot them.. then rinsed and repeat. This happened over a span of about 8 min.
The way Anet built the stealth mechanic into thieves is all wrong. You cannot have at any time a class that can duck in and out of a fight and reset it as much as they want rendering their opponent completely useless. Yes WvW is mainly about group fighting, but not everybody does that in WvW. There are smaller groups that run around doing odd jobs that are essentially sitting ducks.
Think of it this way, suppose Anet pulled a 180 and gave one class a superior advantage over thieves (much like thieves have a superior over other classes in 1v1 and small groups.. except this is just 1 class having an advantage..
Suppose Anet gave ranger pets the ability to automatically uncover thieves in stealth mode then the pets enrage. Then once uncovered, the rangers now were given CC immunity, increased movement speed, damage, and defense. A giant arrow is now placed on the thief for the entire zerg to track.
Are thieves going to be happy about this? Do you think they will be a tad bit miffed? Do you think their class will feel they are completely useless because the Rangers now have this OP mechanic rendering them useless? Now take that feeling, and multiply it by the 5 other classes. Now you should know how others view the thief..
Have a problem with it.. L2P of course.. figure it out.. it’s your own problem.. The attitude doesn’t really work. Stealth needs re-working, and this stealth trap wasn’t the right approach to it (if it was indeed designed to counter thieves, which I highly doubt it was)
I don’t have to know how others view thief, I felt the very same despair every time I heard that now infamous debuffing stealth noise somewhere behind me, only to get ganked for 3/4 of my health seconds later. You know what I did? I rolled a thief and conquered those fears by learning the mechanics of the “monster.” Thief quickly became my second fave class right behind ranger. They’re tremendous fun (well, were), and thief on thief fights are some of the most intense cat and mouse scraps you’ll ever have, period. I have hardly died to a thief since that time, even on my little squishy squish ranger. I have a full understanding of how they work and function. I also note that hardly anyone in their right mind brings a thief into tPvP, because everyone there pretty much smokes them.
I now have a hatred for warriors, and their multiple holds and snares (only 1-2 of which I have counter-skills for), which they almost always follow-up with 100-blades. Which is even worse than Backstab ever was. Despite that I know and see that it’s coming. It’s actually almost worse, simply because of that fact.
I play mesmer, ranger, guardian, necro and would welcome any of your listed traps with open arms it matters not because I know I won’t trigger these traps every 5 yards. If I die, I die. WP and carry on. Thieves just don’t like dying because they regard themselves as immortal because of stealth. Honestly you might trigger on of these traps in open fields once per day, I just don’t see people spamming the landscape with traps just to reveal thieves for 30 seconds.
Funny, my main is a ranger and I don’t. Thieves were fun, and personally, I’d rather traps of any kind be more my expertise.
But I never expected the OMG you broke our profession retorts
too good!
As I said earlier, enjoy it while it lasts. We’re working our way to being able to simply call World verses World D/DvD/D.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by KStudios.2850)
If Veil and Mass Invis were the problem then Arenanet would just nerf the problematic individual skills (like they nerfed Portal to max 20 players recently). This is obviously targeted at appeasing all the crying about thieves. If Veil and Mass Invis are the problem then they should be nerfed and the stealth trap can be removed from the game. Alternatively, they should offer traps that nullify other professions to make it balanced:
- Boon trap – clears all existing and new boons for the next 30 seconds (Guardians)
- Sticky Hands trap – weapon swap/attunements cannot be switched for 30 seconds (Elementalist)
- Pet trap – pet instantly dies and pet swap goes on cooldown for 30 seconds (Rangers)
- Clone trap – clones and phantasms cannot be created for 30 seconds (Mesmers)
- Bundle trap – kits cannot be equipped or used for 30 seconds (Engineers)
- Condition trap – conditions and lifesteal cannot be used for 30 seconds (Necro)
- Flashbang trap – all heavy armour attacks will miss for 30 seconds (Warrior/Guardian)
All of these traps sound unfair to the impacted professions because they are.
“Stealth trap – can’t stealth for 30 seconds” is just as unfair as any of the traps listed above.
This. ^
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
Say what you want. Thief class is now dead.
Oh please no-one is going to use it in one on one fights, as has been said multiple times its a way to combat zergs veiling.
Oh yes they will.
As stated, say what you want. I’m not being reduced to what amounts to a hack n’ slash mouth-frothing warrior in medium armor simply because some sore loser spends a few silver. It’s done. Thieves were something unique and lovely, completely different from everything else on the field, and they’re gone. Their numbers were already decimated post-culling post-Revealed. Which granted, was okay. The fairweathers left sure, but the best of us thieves learned and adjusted, and most of us were okay with it. We were pretty good after that, mostly balanced. The fights got a lot better and a lot more challenging afterward. But this… this just makes an entire skill-bar utterly useless, and I’m not taking the chance of it happening to me on the field. I’m not going to flail about uselessly awaiting death, again because someone with too much money, too much spite, and too little understanding stopped by a merchant. People like this:
I’m actually enjoying seeing Thieves whine. How many rage threads against thieves has there been since launch? Answer, too many to count! Yet, thieves still complain, complain, and complain it’s not enough for them.
Honestly, these traps are way too expensive. I may buy one or two if a thief starts harassing an area. Otherwise, I have no desire to waste resources on them. If the large Guilds start spamming the supply one like in the video, people are just going to quit playing. I’d bet the total number of user hours in WvW has been declining the past month already.
Yes, enjoy it while it lasts. I think you’ll find a lot fewer of us on the field now. I know I wont be out there. Revel in all those times you never got to kill a skilled thief because they slipped away. Like a good thief is supposed to. This thief just died permanently. No badges, but a victory nontheless.
A mechanic that renders targeting skills of all 8 classes useless and can be invoked whenever you want without much casting time is better than a mechanic that renders stealth of 1 class quite literally useless for 30 seconds that requires 4 seconds of cast?
I think it’s better if thief changes from stealthy class to dodgy class. Remove stealth completely and introduce more dodgings mechanisms for thief.
So basically a melee ranger? In the meantime though we’re sitting ducks, and even after they overhaul the class it’s basically going to equate to relearning a new class. No, no, it’s better to start from scratch on something new. Maybe I’ll make a d/d ele. Must be good, right? Everyone but me has one.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
Say what you want. Thief class is now dead.
Oh please no-one is going to use it in one on one fights, as has been said multiple times its a way to combat zergs veiling.
Oh yes they will.
As stated, say what you want. I’m not being reduced to what amounts to a hack n’ slash mouth-frothing warrior in medium armor simply because some sore loser spends a few silver. It’s done. Thieves were something unique and lovely, completely different from everything else on the field, and they’re gone. Their numbers were already decimated post-culling post-Revealed. Which granted, was okay. The fairweathers left sure, but the best of us thieves learned and adjusted, and most of us were okay with it. We were pretty good after that, mostly balanced. The fights got a lot better and a lot more challenging afterward. But this… this just makes an entire skill-bar utterly useless, and I’m not taking the chance of it happening to me on the field. I’m not going to flail about uselessly awaiting death, again because someone with too much money, too much spite, and too little understanding stopped by a merchant. People like this:
I’m actually enjoying seeing Thieves whine. How many rage threads against thieves has there been since launch? Answer, too many to count! Yet, thieves still complain, complain, and complain it’s not enough for them.
Honestly, these traps are way too expensive. I may buy one or two if a thief starts harassing an area. Otherwise, I have no desire to waste resources on them. If the large Guilds start spamming the supply one like in the video, people are just going to quit playing. I’d bet the total number of user hours in WvW has been declining the past month already.
Yes, enjoy it while it lasts. I think you’ll find a lot fewer of us on the field now. I know I wont be out there. Revel in all those times you never got to kill a skilled thief because they slipped away. Like a good thief is supposed to. This thief just died permanently. No badges, but a victory nontheless.
I’ll stick to my ranger I guess. Can’t possibly nerf that one any further…
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by KStudios.2850)
What’s a girlfriend? Does it drop precursors?
Does a prenuptial agreement count?
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
Say what you want. Thief class is now dead. 30 seconds is ridiculous, kitten the 3 seconds of stealth feels practically a lifetime in combat. As if I didn’t already eat enough dirt from every OP warrior with four different holds and 100-blades. You guys complained about Backstab? 100-blades is death to anyone under 14k-15k health, and unlike backstab is only a single keystroke.
Hangin’ up the daggers. The whiners and haters won.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by KStudios.2850)
I love this place, you all are so cute. The way some around here talk, you’d think they ran across water and their corpses never littered the field. I know better. Rezzed, and been rezzed by, probably everyone here from our side at least once. =D
So what’s up with the new updates, for someone who hasn’t actually been ingame to see them yet? Seen patch notes, but it’s not quite the same as eyewitness testimony. Can I get a field report please?
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
Lol, another action-shot score update.
…lil too much exposure there as your firin’ your lazor.
You loved it, lol.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
No one came at me to fight, im disappointed, Kalkz wins
D’aww, if I’d have known I’d have come to play, Kalkz! =D
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
Ohnommed so many Borliss golems yesterday. Becoming a dietary staple quite quickly.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
Lol, another action-shot score update.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
We even have people in Ebay crying about your numbers… Who would have thought?
Yeah we do. I lament about AR’s numbers all the time… If only their population were more stable. They have tremendous potential with all that tenacity they show on the field.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
Scorey scorey score!
PVD much ?
Hardly… That night EB was so full there was a massive queue to get in, so I was relegated to home defense, as were MANY of my fellows. We had a force strong enough at home, even after a full EB queue to stop all your incoming zergs. Most of which belonged to AR.
Besides, you guys were tag-teaming us with another server, and still losing. Any rights to complain went out the window with that, lol.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by KStudios.2850)
Just a word of encouragement to AR, the purpose behind this alliance is for us (BP&AR) to be in 1st and 2nd. Your help has been invaluable and we will continue to need it. As far as who gets first and who gets second I personally don’t care as much, I am happy that together we can give Ebay a challenge. As long as one of us takes 1st (either BP or AR) because they took more of Ebay’s points than the other (and not from the other) than I shall be fine with that outcome.
See you on the field of battle,
-General Michael
Ha! AR are fools if they think AR is going to get anything out of this “alliance”…
We’ve gotten buckets filled with Ebay tears. We can listen to your map chat in Eternal.
Wait, wait… So, you’re on our map chat, why? Bit underhanded.
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]