Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by KStudios.2850)
I suppose the previous meta wasn’t what Anet wanted WvW to be. For example, let’s take guild ownership.
The objectives get flipped so fast in the former meta that there’s literally no point in making one for your guild. If they buff siege up to the point that it’s impossible to quickly take an objective, and make each objective a fortress, then might there be some point in doing so.
In other words, it probably wasn’t Anet’s vision for fast flips. The previous meta was not what they wanted. They probably want WvW to be more like drawn out, perpetual warfare with more meaningful objectives. Yes, that probably will mean WvW will stagnate. That said, the new meta will separate the good commanders from the bad ones since tactics are forced. Also, having few defenders being able to hold off large numbers also depromotes nightcapping.
It’ll interesting to see how this will turn out. Right now it’s simply a matter of waiting for everyone to adjust, or waiting for those who are unwilling to adjust leave. I’m guessing that in the near future, objectives will be valuable enough that people won’t just go do something like “Drain all supplies from X and move to Y”.
He/she gets it. I’m tired of being steamrolled under-foot because some sea-guild nightcaps consistantly night after night in the instances when our “big guns” aren’t around to save us. I’m tired of being just an inevitable smear on the ground in some mobs karma-train. Then having my carcass “bagged” and laughed at in the lord’s room I so desperately tried to defend. Like I was the one whose efforts were pointless, and you cowards can’t take me on in equal terms. There’s no good fight or any measure of respectable PvP in a 4v30+, so that argument is totally moot. We also certainly didn’t get respected for our efforts in trying either.
Defending is actually worthwhile now for those of us who don’t want to participate in your mouth-frothing zergball karma-trains. Someone asks “U mad?” you’re kitten’ing right I’m mad. I do NOT want to get thrown back into just plain ol’ more of the same. Is 80% dmg increase too much? Maybe. We could probably compromise and settle for 50%, but I do not want to step backward to the time when zergs reigned.
(edited by KStudios.2850)
=D nice to see that a few of us /bow when we find folks who play well. Always bugs me when he i get owned roaming for a follow up /laugh by them -.-"
I’m always civil and respectful, I don’t care if it’s on the occasion I straight school someone. A lot of people won’t 1v1 for fear of getting their little pride bruised, so I tend to be courteous to all my fellow roamers. If someone is really good though, I’ll sometimes cheer and leave without finishing them. As long as they’re not hindering my overall objective somehow (such as flipping Hylek, etc). The meager badge or two I sacrificed was well spent for the experience.
(edited by KStudios.2850)
Hope not. I’m lovin’ this. The anti-zerg is here! I don’t know what everyone is complaining about, because you can’t karma train the towers I’ve worked so hard to upgrade anymore? I honestly haven’t been killed by one of the new carts yet. Did get pretty close with some clever use of tower steps as a choke point though.
If a karma train can’t take your tower then what chance does a guild special ops/havoc team have.
It ends up the only good way to take something is Player vs Door, because even 1 enemy player in a tower can keep a guild special ops/havoc team out.
Exactly what we don’t want.
The issue is that the arrow carts don’t care if you are part of a zerg or not – so small guild teams suffer just as much under an arrow cart as a karma train super zerg.
If the AC damage scaled damage based on the amount of people it hit – then you could call it anti-zerg (1 player hit = tiny damage, 50 players hit = max damage).This change doesn’t discourage zerging at all – it merely discourages taking objectives by groups of any size.
Funny, our folks seem to be having little trouble. Just takes a little longer and actually requires strategic planning now. No more omnom-door-with-face. And I’m grateful for that.
To the THREE rangers i just fought @Golta Kudos was fun
If the ranger that downed you in the end /bowed after then that was me. I know I had a good fight with a ranger that had just downed a guildmate of mine at Golanta a couple hours ago.
I’m running a brand new build, using an axe and a dagger both for the first time since I unlocked the skills back in September. I can use all the practice I can get, and honestly I only finished the job because I had guard support in the camp. You are much better than me in this new getup.
I was about during this time frame. I also tend to bow or salute after facing an opponent. Not too many other rangers have a brown bear in tow though.
Had quite a few 1v1’s and 2v2’s down there while trying to flip the Hylek. Two waves of thief pairs back to back… Must have interrupted some sort of super secret thief coffee break or something. Thanks for the help Norn-Warrior-Guy whose name I unfortunately can’t remember! Even if that second wave did eventually get us.
(edited by KStudios.2850)
So how long until you think they’ll nerf arrow carts?
Until Kalkz orders Anet staff
The golems are on their way to Anet HQ? =D
(edited by KStudios.2850)
Omg, that sucks! XD
Hope not. I’m lovin’ this. The anti-zerg is here! I don’t know what everyone is complaining about. Because you can’t karma-train the towers I’ve worked so hard to upgrade anymore? I honestly haven’t been killed by one of the new carts yet. Did get pretty close with some clever use of tower steps as a choke point though.
Gods forbid we should have to actually think and get more involved, right?
(edited by KStudios.2850)
So… Picked up the new dredge digging device. Only thing is, I scrapped my town clothes cause quite frankly they were fugly. So I have to use it naked. >.>
Is EDGE still hunting Ebayers and killing us 1 by 1?
I feel bad for some of the members after that statement
Ours, or theirs?
Been a bit since I saw [EDGE] actually.
Score update for those not present:
Since when was Sekz part of the hoard? Is that your official stance on the issue? If so I’m sorry, and I pray you forgive me, but if that be the case then we must disagree. I’m not Sekz material, nor have I ever claimed to be. I’m not known for zerg-busting on a regular basis. My name does not echo through the halls of these forums.
I’m tired of being steamrolled under-foot because some sea-guild nightcaps consistantly night after night in the instances when you guys aren’t around to save us (and frankly I’d think you’d be tired of saving us). I’m tired of being just a smear on the ground in some mobs karma train. Then having my carcass “bagged” and laughed at in the lord’s room I so desperately tried to defend like I was the one whose efforts were pointless. There’s no good fight in a 4v30+, and we certainly don’t get respected for our efforts in trying.
So you’re mad about trying to hold during off hours? And now you can with the new arrow carts? Now take that situation and apply it to prime time. Realize how much of a potential clusterkitten it is going to cause for any sort of offensive, whether it is our own or opposing sides. There are guilds on the other side that already try to lock down even supply camps with siege. Frame of reference: last time we danced with SBZY, they had 5-6 ballista waiting for us. Those ballista could have been post-patch arrow carts. The situation could have turned out a whole lot different if that were the case.
Furthermore, thanks to a range increase, the ability to potentially clear defensive emplacements is now in jeopardy.
It’s not often that we PvDoor, but now I want to avoid it completely. While I speak for myself on that, I’m sure others echo the sentiments. So you can go hold off the night cap. But don’t be surprised when the forces who pull their weight on offense don’t want to play ball.
And if they’re tossing arrow carts in the middle of zergs? Ugh.
Are you not? It’s how we lost T4 to CD afterall. I was there that hopeless night when their sea-presence rolled over us for 600+ points across the entire board, as I’m sure a lot of us were. We were literally swept under the rug like some unwanted refuse and forgotten after that. By a server we had well in hand during our prime time hours.
I’m no longer saying I completely agree with everything the patch presents, perhaps I’m being selfish. I do think it’s a step in the right direction though, if perhaps an 80% dmg increase is being a tad excessive. I’m a defender, that’s what I do, what I’ve always done. It’s not often with my hours of play (typically between 2 AM to 12 PM USA central) that I get to do anthing else. There is never enough of us to put up a great deal of offense.
We finally have a means of tower defense. As stated, maybe it’s too much, perhaps a 50% dmg increase would have been more fitting. But it’s something, and yes, much like the 30 second rule, a bit of a double edged sword.
Or maybe you guys just haven’t bothered reading the real posts in the last several pages.
Also, why dont you try defending by fighting instead of hiding inside walls? It’s much more fun
I was specifically referring to instances where the odds are 4v30-40 or worse. I’m crazy enough to defend the lord’s room in those situations, but not leave the walls generally.
Let the hoard leave, and frankly “well we’ll all just ragequit then!” is a sad defense.
Welp, you heard him guys. Time to kick back. We’re not needed.
Since when was Sekz part of the hoard? Is that your official stance on the issue? If so I’m sorry, and I pray you forgive me, but if that be the case then we must disagree. I’m not Sekz material, nor have I ever claimed to be. I’m not known for zerg-busting on a regular basis. My name does not echo through the halls of these forums.
I’m tired of being steamrolled under-foot because some sea-guild nightcaps consistantly night after night in the instances when you guys aren’t around to save us (and frankly I’d think you’d be tired of saving us). I’m tired of being just a smear on the ground in some mobs karma train. Then having my carcass “bagged” and laughed at in the lord’s room I so desperately tried to defend like I was the one whose efforts were pointless. There’s no good fight in a 4v30+, and we certainly don’t get respected for our efforts in trying.
(edited by KStudios.2850)
One guy with one superior arrowcart can hit the entire force with no aoe cap.
Why would I want to play a game where someone who I can’t see can down a force so quickly. Siege might, plus arrow cart mastery, plus superior arrow carts, plus no limit on building arrowcarts or aoe limit and on top of it a buff to damage. Unbelievable.
If this isn’t changed in the next 24 hours you will have a mass exodus of this game.
As stated in my last…
You people are really serious about this? Complaining because arrow carts stop karma trains? Seriously? What about those of us who legitimately enjoy the WvW experience in general and do not participate in your zergball karma trains? Where does that leave us?
I’ll tell you where. It leaves us solo defending our towers while our own server’s zerg is off “training” some other BL. Stuck with that feeling of dread an inevitability of death and failure when your 30-40 zerg comes knockin’ (for those of us who won’t flee or back down anyway). That’s gone now. Towers are actually defensible now. That inevitability is no more, and now you guys are complaining because your frothing zergmob is inconvenienced? Gimme a kittening break.
I know I’m likely facing infraction here, but if that’s the way you guys feel about it, you have no place in any WvW of mine. I was lighthearted and joking with my last post here, but the more I read the posts here, the more I say good riddance.
Let the hoard leave, and frankly “well we’ll all just ragequit then!” is a sad defense.
You people are really serious about this? Complaining because arrow carts stop karma trains? Seriously? What about those of us who legitimately enjoy the WvW experience in general and do not participate in your zergball karma trains? Where does that leave us?
I’ll tell you where. It leaves us solo defending our towers while our own server’s zerg is off “training” some other BL. Stuck with that feeling of dread an inevitability of death and failure when your 30-40 zerg comes knockin’ (for those of us who won’t flee or back down anyway). That’s gone now. Towers are actually defensible now. That inevitability is no more, and now you guys are complaining because your frothing zergmob is inconvenienced? Gimme a kittening break.
I know I’m likely facing infraction here, but if that’s the way you guys feel about it, you have no place in any WvW of mine. I was lighthearted and joking with my last post here, but the more I read the posts here, the more I say good riddance.
I completely agree with the new patch changes, minus maybe the “30 second rule” and the fact that it’s applicable to camps.
I have here, in my possession, video footage of a very well dressed and talented invader, and his reaction to standing directly under enemy arrow cart fire as it was just two days ago. See below:
Granted, I do believe that umbrella was an ascended item. Likely leaning heavy on the Toughness + Vitality side.
Do you people ever stop complaining? If you’re dumb enough to stand in three layers of overlayed arrow cart fire, let natural selection take it’s course. I completely agree with the new changes.
I have here, in my possession, video footage of a very well dressed and talented invader, and his reaction to standing directly under enemy arrow cart fire as it was two days ago. See below:
Granted, I do believe that umbrella was an ascended item. Likely leaning heavy on the Toughness + Vitality side.
(edited by KStudios.2850)
a picture is worth a thousand words…
That is an awesome potential three-way brawl you’re standing in the wake of. My question, so why you still standing there? Hope you went and got some kitten, and probably ate a little too. >=P
I play a ranger and thief in WvW. All in all, I like my ranger more (especially post-culling). The ranger is far more versatile overall. I think they need a bit more AoE options, as it stands Barrage is really it, but they’re great if built right and in the hands of someone who learns to use on well. I solo camps with mine with minimal effort. They’re also great for group support.
Only thing though, their escapability is rather poor, even with a passive +25% run speed utility skill. They tend to get overrun if the need to retreat arises. So pick your fights well, and you better be dedicated to finishing them, because you ain’t getting out one way or another outside of survival or in a pine box.
escapability depends entirely on your build. If you got a GS or sword, escaping is not that much of a problem, if you don’t, that’s the tradeoff for having more ranged options.
True, though in my experience you can’t have a half decent damage build and yet be able to flee the scene all at once. It’s one or the other. Can’t have cake and eat it too in this case. Personally, I’d rather spec for battle and put my trust in my combat abilites than roll with a kooky build that will only help me run away 2/3 of the time.
I used to play Ranger. It got boring and I hated all the negativity surrounding it. PLus, I felt like only 1/4-1/3 of my utilities were any good.
What negativity? Ranger is my main, and I’m a part time Commander. I’ve never heard a word on the subject outside of these forums. I do agree our skills need some serious work though.
(edited by KStudios.2850)
BP dude getting killed by dolyak.
Invader only lives once! D’X
… oh wait…
Nevermind, they just waypoint.
-Elevator music plays while all of Ebay’s WvW’ers await impatiently near the gates. Outside their natural habitat, having no idea what else to do.-
Here you go Khayoss. A bit late, granted. I just logged on though, so not my fault.
I play a ranger and thief in WvW. All in all, I like my ranger more (especially post-culling). The ranger is far more versatile overall. I think they need a bit more AoE options, as it stands Barrage is really it, but they’re great if built right and in the hands of someone who learns to use on well. I solo camps with mine with minimal effort. They’re also great for group support.
Only thing though, their escapability is rather poor, even with a passive +25% run speed utility skill. They tend to get overrun if the need to retreat arises. So pick your fights well, and you better be dedicated to finishing them, because you ain’t getting out one way or another outside of survival or in a pine box.
My only agreement here is that the AoE cap should be lifted. If you’re dumb enough to stand in three layers of overlayed arrow cart fire, let natural selection take it’s course.
As for zergs. WvW is all about large scale battles, it’s literally the entire selling point of WvW. In short, hawt zerg on zerg action.
Large scale pvp doesn’t have to be just a collision between 2 zerg balls that proceed to auto attack each other to death because skill lag stops them doing anything else. Having to fight over multiple places at once raises the skill level of the game and makes it more like strategic pvp and less like pve that just happens to have human players as enemies.
Ever run into a zerg of actual skilled players? They’ll flatten your average auto-attacking zergball.
So that’s two new guilds we have, right? [HAX] and [NITE]? I’m not sure who [HAX] is nor what their story is but I know [NITE] is our entire server night crew. Organizing that was a pretty good idea. I’m actually surprised just how many made that list, myself included.
yea , it’s the experience man.
putting cost repairs and whatnot limits the experience.
how many have charged into zergs? how many have soloed spawn points?
only someone as mad as me will do something like that
Fo’ sho. As far as I’m concerned it’s to the death or go home. I’ll defend that tower lord’s room long after the enemy zerg starts to trickle in and everyone begins bailing off the sides of the walls. Usually end up getting one or two of them before I’m swarmed. For another thing, tower steps are one of the best choke points in the game.
(edited by KStudios.2850)
Hey Anvil Rock, you Missed A Spot. Again.
Lol, I see me in that top pic! Still a carcass in the right corner. XD
Wow, AR pulling out all the stops this morning. Rather impressed. Maybe we should play with you tonight instead of BP. You guys are bringing bigger numbers and bigger toys. <3
I’m excited just looking at the score sorrows is putting up in tier 6, hope they get here in one week.
Lol! Really?
My spouse is in Sorrows. Gonna specifically hunt and shank them over and over. Take that, my pug other half. Lmao! Oh how the tables have turned.
“Oh, so now you’re regretting not joining me in, Ebay?!”
-Mocking voice- “… B-but honey, all my friends are in Sorrows…”
-Stabs again-
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*That now irrelevant mes I was working on.
*3/11/13 – Apparently very soon
*May she find peace relegated to humdrum PvE or perhaps deleted if I think of something better to make… Maybe a Guardian. Everyone has one but me.
“… I hope they don’t hit each other too hard.”
(edited by KStudios.2850)
The honest truth is the only resin BP is a threat is because of Kalkz and his morning/night capping crew and upgrading everything for when NA wakes up. If BP didn’t have there morning crew they would still be in tear 6.
AR fought there way up here with WVW skill and commitment. Not being cared by PVD
If we take PVDkalkz out of the Picher, the game is a different story
if you think borlis is one person youre as ignorant as your post looks.
No, Borliss is more than the sum of one person for certain. Kalkz is however the one standing up and taking about 80% of all incoming flak from the two of us. He’s also a large rallying force for your server (that being good or bad being up to you), and routinely hands whatever flak given back to us in golem punches to the face. As I stated earlier, a most admirable foe.
I’ve also had the pleasure of meeting the Commander of [BURN] off the field of battle. Whom I’ve also previousy stated is a very stand up individual.
(edited by KStudios.2850)
Here would be if the guy ran a dual monitor set up. Actually I could go even further down. Not sure why you are embracing hacks so much. Oh wait a sec. Did you ask the guy on the cart if he has dual monitors. This really requires no hacks at all.
How dare you have better hardware than me!! Nerf dual monitors!!!!!!!
Why so many monitors? Why not just one BIG one? We despise television here, so I just use our 40" LCD TV as my monitor.
I do note that in one aspect this can be problematic, because while the chat box size is adjustable, the text size in GW2 only is to a certain point. Which in the case of my ginormous set-up, is a bit too small. Lot’sa squinting.
We don’t have cable anymore because we watch videos we rent, or freeTV online. My wife is trying to talk me into a very large monitor for this. That big of a screen doesn’t give you headaches while playing?
Nope. Then again, I sit almost 7 feet away too. The chat text size is really the only drawback.
Gotta love myself when there’s a whole big server gets insane & tries to ruin my “plans” once they read my name
sooo pathetico. i rolled on the floor when i saw Ebay actually doing it few mins ago. it puts fire in my keyboard to cap all your keeps in my “primetime” hahahahahahahhahah
It was really fun!! I love you kalkz, you make this game so much more fun
I must concur. -Nods sagely-
You sir, are a admirable foe, if only out of mere persistence alone. I care not what anyone else says.
Figures. The night I take a break from WvW and you all go off and have an epic, hour long, three way battle. Please tell me someone took some video footage.
Don’t feel too bad. Thanks to my time slot I’ve never even seen us at our best in the evenings.
I do get to help deal with all of Kalkz’s rampages though. =D
1. Actually the best tactic against siege based AoE, and AoE in general, is to literally stack players up on the gate (multiple people, all occupying the exact same spot of ground). AoE can only hit five players at any given time. A lot of the higher tiers servers use this tactic. It’s scary when your previous 30-40 man zergball suddenly occupies a five foot space.
2. true, they can, but do you have any idea how long this often takes? Build a few ballistas and arrow carts while they’re busy face-ramming your door and have at them.
Funniest I’ve seen formerly in Ebay before their transfer to SoS was Cursed Shore Travel Agency [scam].
I’m in your base, eating your pies.
I lol’ed.
By the looks of things though, your Borliss hosts are distinctly displeased and don’t want to share their delicious bakery based noms.
(edited by KStudios.2850)
Here would be if the guy ran a dual monitor set up. Actually I could go even further down. Not sure why you are embracing hacks so much. Oh wait a sec. Did you ask the guy on the cart if he has dual monitors. This really requires no hacks at all.
How dare you have better hardware than me!! Nerf dual monitors!!!!!!!
Why so many monitors? Why not just one BIG one? We despise television here, so I just use our 40" LCD TV as my monitor.
I do note that in one aspect this can be problematic, because while the chat box size is adjustable, the text size in GW2 only is to a certain point. Which in the case of my ginormous set-up, is a bit too small. Lot’sa squinting.
So in summary. We want good fights.
[vT] is always ready.
Lol, am I really that long winded?
To nigh impossible odds! We look at them like a borderline diabetic man leers at a three layer double dutch chocolate cake! The precipice awaits!
In short: O,..,o
(edited by KStudios.2850)
Sooo i just got wiped off ebay BL again.. its been a good 7 hours commanding & holding
the funniest thing i forgot to post few days ago is this. our troops came to take revenge as usual from Ebay BL. We push. we take hills!. we push. we take garri!. we push. we reach inner Bay. we press M. and ……. no comment, they have also got garri after 2 mins of screenshotting … i facepalmed so hard
Um, funny. As I recall in being there, you never got Garrison this time around. As I recall, you lost 4 of your 6 golems in trying. The one I personally destroyed done so with a pot of oil. Everything south yes, but Garrison was relatively untouched aside from a few dings in a few doors. Our Garri was, and still is, fully upgraded. Hence, my previous comment.
-Omnomnoms Borliss Golems-
…Needs more salt.
Old screenie?
(edited by KStudios.2850)
And in classic AR fashion that they just never learn… When BP again takes over all of Ebay BL.. instead of pushing into Ebays corner in Eternal Battlegrounds, AR cowers at the first place server, and engages on BPs corner lol.
Do you really want our eyes turned to you again AR? why wont you learn lol.
You guys are all away over here. Seems like a perfectly legit strategy to me.
-Omnomnoms Borliss Golems-
…Needs more salt.
(Ehmry Bay Server)
Ever wanted to help contribute to your server in WvW, but don’t actually enjoy WvW; or are you already and avid defender of the mists and need a home?
Well greetings and salutations! I’m Yumi, the founder and namesake of Yumiko’s Mists Defense Incorporated. A brand new guild for Ehmry Bay. I feel it is necessary to stress that this is not intended to be a traditional guild per se. It is strictly made with World Versus World (WvW) in mind. The basic premise of Mists Defense Inc is more that of a charitable foundation for the good of the Ehmry Bay server. Anyone who wishes to contribute influence to Mists Defense Inc can do so freely and come and go as they please. It again, is a donation based organization. I am no slave driver, there are no requirements, no quotas, no real restrictions. Just rep us and donate influence as you see fit. No amount is too small nor large. All proceeds gained will be put forth to advancing our Art of War, and for generating boons and such for towers and keeps within WvW. Please help us aid our glorious mist warriors out on the battlefield.
Anyone who wishes to join can PM me either here in the forums or ingame (full character name below). I look forward to greeting anyone who joins to contribute.
You can clearly see there are more Ebay there than seven or thirteen once the wall comes down in this screenshot. Before clones are summoned.
-Le gasp!-
The [CAKE] wasn’t a lie, but you guys killed it! D’=
7 vs 40 + sloppy seconds
I only wish I were part of this. Awesome. /slowclap
So… when a zerg breaks. Do you call paramedics, a repair man, or a janitor? O.o
P.s. Score update por favor?
(edited by KStudios.2850)
So far tonight AR has took 2 of our towers and tried for more. GOOD job AR!! I’m proud of you. It did take you over 30 minuets and 8 catapults but you finely got the SW tower. That’s why we like AR, they never give up!
And BP has taken nothing in EBBL. Only in ARBL where you took there bay, and tried for lots more
hhhmmm thats funny i remember EBBL being ALL red at one point yesterday… does that not count ??
It’s doesn’t count unless you take it during NA prime time… Do something during that time and you might get a shout out…
Why would we want a shout out from GH?
The point was simple we do take eBay stuff, which is why you give us so much love. If AR went for eBay when we’re in sweet embrace then the total ppt for eBay would go down and the currently lowest rank server wouldn’t have to worry about dropping down a tier where they’ll ROFL stomp everyone for week after boring week. Who does that sound like hmmm.
Any how many folks on bp hoped AR could take first last week if we focused eBay. Some of the folks probably feel that with a slightly different strategy AR could have done it and are venting frustrations that it didn’t happen.
I believe AR can take first if they work with BP. I know they can’t take first if they work with eBay and it’ll just turn the tier into a snooze fest IMO.
The best fighting in tier 6 happened when nsp and ar mostly focused bp so we do have a reference model.
So in summary. We want good fights. A balanced tier leads to good fights. Red and blue working against green will lead too a more balanced tier.
“The point was simple we do take eBay stuff, which is why you give us so much love. If AR went for eBay when we’re in sweet embrace then the total ppt for eBay would go down and the currently lowest rank server wouldn’t have to worry about dropping down a tier where they’ll ROFL stomp everyone for week after boring week. Who does that sound like hmmm. "
You guys do not have the manning to take first. Even both of you together, I just don’t see it. Yeah, we could ROLF-stomp you guys, we’ve proven that. All in all though, I think we’re being pretty lax really. I mean, [Rekz] and [WAR] are having 20v20 guild on guild matches? C’mon… And merely one example. Do you guys really think Crystal Desert or anyone else that drops down here in our place when/if we go back to T4 is going to do anything constructive like that? I highly doubt it. We could be much MUCH more ruthless if we wanted.
Secondly, and I’ve said it before, there’s a lot of us who right now that are only “punching our cards” and going in to WvW on the occasion when our score is low. I’ve only been in for my Daily 10 kills or 5 yaks here lately… and generally WvW is about 80% of my overall gameplay. I’ve been mostly leveling alts and doing dungeons (I’m about sick to death of CoF). I check the scoreboard periodically, and if I see us above 250-300 I don’t even give coming in a second thought.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not scolding or attempting to downtalk anyone necessarily. I’m just saying a lot of us are either bored or are taking it easy while times are slow, and it’s fact. There have been instances when you guys have rallied together and done great things. Even if only for a few hours at a time. Kalkz latest little rampage the other day on our BL is a good example, and that was a ton of fun. I nommed that bait like cake.
“The best fighting in tier 6 happened when nsp and ar mostly focused bp so we do have a reference model.
So in summary. We want good fights. A balanced tier leads to good fights. Red and blue working against green will lead too a more balanced tier."
And yet here Borliss is… It apparently worked brilliantly in halting Borliss’s rise to T5… oh wait. >.>
My advice, by all means rally your folks and gives us kitten! Borliss is always complaining most of thier troops are pug-based. So change that! Now is the time to test and train, work on your organization, test out new tactics, get together for more fight clubs (folks like [GH] and [FTF] eat that stuff up), see if [Rekz] wants some more big skirmish matches! Ask us! Communicate. Most of the above mentioned folks at this point might adore such opportunites. Personally, I think we’re being a lot more cool than many that might step down that latter into this tier in our place.
Edit: Good gravy… Epic wall o’ text is epic. x_x
Shout out to the enemy Commander who stopped by Ehmry Lion’s Arch yesterday morning to visit and shoot the breeze for a while (I’ll not place names or servers and leave it up to them whether or not they wish to reveal themselves). Was pretty bold of you I thought, not knowing what you might be walking into and all. On that note I hope everyone was cordial and treated you well. It was unfortunately right about my time to crash.
Also, should any sort of conspiracy theories get started, it was really just casual conversation from what I saw. Nothing more. Not a thing wrong with a stand-up fellow taking at look at the opposition as far as I’m concerned.
You guys have your share of good players but you have far too many uplevels and uncreative commanders. Your commanders almost never use a portal bomb on us, or chain-invis to sneak a large group on top of us, or a flank we can’t see coming miles away. It’s not the individual skill that is so much lacking on borlis it’s the larger strategies and field tactics. You guys spend more time typing up long posts on your server forums than working on it in-game. Ar has the tactics but not the manpower to drive it home, sadly.
Without Rekz and FTF, Ebay would be Borlis. Until these two guilds show up, Ebay isn’t particularly dangerous. Sure pk can field a zerg but so can Borlis during our high population hours. BP does lack organization and strategy but that comes from being mostly a PUG server.
Wrong. You don’t give enough credit to Imtl, CoS, SWAT, Para, HIGH, PUNK, CLAW, and the numerous other medium/small guilds that have good synergy on this server. We respect each other here, work well together, and talk to eachother. Most of us are together on a Teamspeak that isn’t gathering dust and averages ~250 players during prime time (even if a bunch aren’t in WvW, they can still be called to arms). One of our best WvW resets was when only they were present in home borderlands without a “big three” guild. Those guys are good.
I don’t know enough about BP guilds to say that its guilds couldn’t do the same without a larger guild in the borderlands backing them up with numbers, but these guys can. The best part of it is that they aren’t pugs, and EBay isn’t all that like Borlis Pass. Guest to Lion’s Arch for a little while like another classy commander on these forums did, and you’ll see that.
It’s also kind of weird you mention our lack of portal bombs, stealth tactics, etc etc. We were doing plenty of it when we first moved into the tier and it turned into a festival of complaints on the forums about how that’s all we knew how to do when it worked. Now that we’re practicing other tactics while we can, we aren’t up to par on our skill apparently. Just an interesting observation.
I agree with Faux. I think a big thing we have going for us is definitely the community in general. Most of us are addicts and regulars, and most quite seasoned at that. As I’ve stated before, I can typically name off many of those on during my timeslot. I know them and see them pretty much everyday.
Oddly enough, it seems to me even our pugs and Daily-folks aren’t a terribly bad lot either. Most of them need very little in the way of pushing when it comes to getting in there and doing what they’re supposed to. They usually get in, and get to the Commanders straight away. It’s only when there are no Commanders present that they tend to panic in a “oh gawd, we’re all gonna die! D’X” fashion. Which doesn’t happen very often anyway. When it does, the rest of us are kind of like, "guys, most of us here are pretty straight on what’s going on… <.<; "
(edited by KStudios.2850)
I think your fight for second isn’t stale at all…
I find it hard to believe you don’t want more of a challenge.
Well, I had fun. Thought they did pretty good all in all. Been a while since I’ve had to kamikaze anything. I was the [YUMI] Thief who kept probing our Garrison you were holding onto quite tightly. Killzone was pretty impressive too I might add. Tried desperately to get that treb down you had on the supply hut. Thought I had it too, but your fellow up there manning it thought quickly and used knockback to shove me off there into the somewhat stupefied masses below. Ended like crowd surfing, but with sharp objects. =D
Borliss, and Kalkz, thank you for a delightful time. Sadly, I must go do other things now…
D’aww, his crowning acheivement.
Well, at least until our server wakes up. Then Borliss will probably be green. =/
I admit, I peeked at the score after a series of CoF runs to see that it was below 150, and I squee’ed cause someone was fighting back.
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