Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by KStudios.2850)
The fact is, despite what anet can do, zergs are going to be here no matter what. Unless a server has no one on, i really doubt 10 people will take a completely upgraded garrison by themselves.
Stranger things have happened. We took Mag’s fully upgraded SM last week with like six (I actually posted a pic or two in that thread after it happened). We were merely night trollin’ out of boredom when it all started. Set up a total of two catas, lob some rocks at the doors, see what we could stir up. Were honestly a bit dumbstruck when that second set of doors burst open and we could’ve heard crickets chirping on the other side…
Definitely filed in my mind as one of my more bizarre instances in WvW. We kind of cautiously poked about the agape doors, then gaggled in the courtyard directly looking down the corridor to the lord’s room. For a moment or two it was quite a, “so… here we are” moment. Went into the lords room and fought off the two players that had been “guarding” the place (by that meaning up until then they must have been afk until they saw us or heard the commotion). Will say, those NPC’s are actually surprisingly sturdy with only a handful of people.
Can’t imagine Mag was all that happy in the morning…
(edited by KStudios.2850)
Nice skirmishes with EB tonight in YBBL. A little bit of everything from EB. Open field fighting and even numbers about from both sides. Nice little stealth attack from Hills where it was us 4 swapping map sides protecting it against a small EB group. Then some reinforcements coem afetr the fight is over to help resiege.
EB then shows up with 2 golems on Bay.
The skirmish in front of Bay that started it all off was heck of a good time. /salute to EB
We do so love our random golem trains. =3
P.s. To a certain Yaks solo ele who keeps trying to cap our supply. If a solo ranger appears and bows to you, even if she turns the opposite direction after, she is still watching and will attempt to kill you. Then bow again when finished.
As stated at the beginning of this post, all due courtesy to my most endearing foe.
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Meh, at least on YB we’re taking it on a very calm mood, we can do our Guild Missions events all the day, but if things start to get out of control, we’re gonna regret it lol.
Would be nice to have that kind of personnel backing, lol!
What you guys are usually facing is our all out, kittens to the wall, folks who generally do little else outside of WvW. Sure, we’ve got the daily folks just like anyone else, but most of ours are considered “regulars.” I can name most of them from memory. Dunno, just felt like we were on a “bathsalt style” craze today (without the nudity… thus far anyway). Your guy’s pedestal -IS- still pretty lofty at the moment though.
EBay is already riding the coat tails of YB in my opinion… YB is a formidable foe to us in CD and when I wvw my main concern is yaks/magumma or whoever else is in the 3rd spot ebay is good but they just dont have the teamwork/agression and defense against large groups…
This is my personal opinion and i dont not represent the rest of my community with my opinion on this issue.
“EBay is already riding the coat tails of YB in my opinion…” Bit uncalled for. If you’re suggesting we have some sort of pact or something to my knowledge you’d be mistaken. Last I checked we were still killing them on sight too. No cease fires, no non-aggression agreements, etc. Matter of fact, as I unfortunately had to leave due to lack of sleep, there was massive back and forth zerg on zerg action going on with Yaks.
Secondly, best start worrying, cause any opinions or what-have-you aside, as I type this we’re 6k+ ahead of you guys. I haven’t seen a player turnout for Ebay this big in ages! For the first time I’ve seen since our server mass-exodus.
And lastly, teamwork is typically our only means of dealing with your large groups. Saying otherwise is a bit redundant, as even undermanned as we often find ourselves, the dealing with usually gets done.
(edited by KStudios.2850)
In mass PvP pet lives about 2-3 sec., sad, but tru. I do not care abuot pets at all. They are almost useless at WvW. I speack not about solo-spending-time for duel, I speak about WvW teamplay.
I too am referring to WvW, it’s generally all I do. Well, our server seldom has the congregated manpower to “zerg” anyway. So any teamplay I do take part in is on a much smaller scale (four man ranger and one necro degen team). My brown bear has more health and endurance than I do generally, though my wolf is squishier, granted. I almost never take on forces larger than what you find at a supply camp or outpost. My only role in any given “zerg” encounter is to report it’s location, estimated size, and base direction, nothing more. We then let it pass and immediately re-cap whatever they just took from us, so at least their point gain is a very short lived one. The new no “swords” displayed dynamic for smaller groups makes this task even easier still, as it keeps the “zerg” from turning heels and doubling back. By the time they usually realize they’ve lost what they just took, we’re already watching them from afar again. The process then recycles accordingly.
Healing spring doesn`t heal others, it provides regen only. Scouting for ranger? Interesting, but ranger can`t run away if he would find out enemy zerg, so it`s kind of suicide. Thief does scouting more much better. How much dmg you say you can provide in this build? I sawin video about 300-400 per hit max, it`s really crap. Just for example warriors or thief or ele can do up to 7-9k per 1 hit. How much time it takes to cup camps solo with this damage? 15-20 min.? Also, there is no zerg “facerolling”, if you want to do good teamplay.
300-400 dmg base hit, yes. This however is not taking into account pet dmg, any sort of degen dmg, or the fact that with a precision-based build crit rate/dmg . I for instance have approx a 53 percent crit chance, so I’m basically critting every other shot, every third at absolute worst. Easily doing double or more of that base dmg. Does that mean we’re still not dreadfully underpowered? Oh no, by all means, we’re still chipping away at our opponents.
Combine all that with the degens though, I for one like flame and spike traps as well. So if using my shortbow, at any given time my opponent is also poisoned, bleeding, crippled, and/or on fire. It all adds up pretty quickly. Enough so that even most thieves turn about on their heels pretty quickly cause they cannot outlast me health-wise (keeping in mind I’m evading this whole time too). A fleeing thief that now knows better is no less a victory than an outright dead one in my opinion.
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The first is sunrise over the Overlook. It has weathered the evening. Incidentally the only thing of ours that did at that time.
The second is Tooki and I, overlooking our most likely temporary new abode, the Bay in Crystal Desert Borderlands.
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Sunrise over the overlook, Eternal Battlegrounds.
Love the way my gloves, boots, and pauldrons all make me look like someone from a Warhammer game. XD
here are my approximate stats currently (with food) for my SB/GS roaming hybrid. you should aim for at least 50% crit, but i chose to keep more of my defensive stats (still using apothecary weapons instead of berserker/knight):
1500 power
700 condi damage
500 healing
45% crit
1750 toughnessim really liking the balanced build. i killed 2 glass cannon rangers in about 30 seconds (they werent terrible but used LB sadly) as i had so much more sustain and similar dps due to my conditions.
you can either go condition heavy, or more toward power/crit (which is what Sol does)…in my vids i played a pure condition trap bomber (apoth/shaman gear) and did not like it much because it took too long to kill people…in which case u might as well go for a dueling build without GS and SB. SB is a very kittenty weapon without crit, trust me, i tested it pure condi for a while.
i decided to go halfway and keep some of my shaman/apoth gear for additional defense. i still get 2 leaps through HS, giving me an additional 3400 healing.
toughness and condition dmg from wilderness is way more important than +healing from BM, IMO. pets will still hit hard with no BM traits, as long as u have the skirmishing trait.
this build is much more useful for zerg warfare because you can easily throw traps on stragglers and burst them down quick. downside is you dont have nearly as much sustain as your typical condi buinker.
Interested in finding out much more about this. Not that the bunker was bad. Not at all. Glad to see a ranger pwn a thief once in a great while.
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I watched a Guardian do 4vs1 yesterday, just running around, basically trollin’ and spamming heals and regens the whole time, and we could NOT kill him. Try doing that on a Ranger.
i do it all the time. bunker rangers are fine, but this isnt where we lack. the biggest problem is our utilities SUCK. BIG TIME. so there are profs who can go all out on their dps, but thanks to fun and effective utilities, can actually survive a few bursts and/or get away. so ranger dps builds are basically extremely gimped. you cant drop targets, you cant blink.
their priority should be to fix all utlities in one swipe. shouts, spirits, and most signets are utterly useless. traps and survival utilities are balanced, but obviously nothing game-changing.
Could you show me some specs to this build, or link me to somewhere that can and is up to date?
Is clam bagging still acceptable?
It ever wasn’t?
I wouldn’t want to hurt someone’s feelings. Look at the damage /laugh is doing. I’m not responsible enough for that kind of power.
This mean I should stop playing dead now?
(edited by KStudios.2850)
Is clam bagging still acceptable?
It ever wasn’t?
I took on a mini zerg today and got 15 kills in about 3 minutes. Granted, I was in their keep they were respawning and I was just at the top waiting for them to come to me so that I could CC/ aoe fear them off. So the ground was killing them and I wasn’t…
I think direct dmg is better if you are experienced with the ranger. However, condi is all around good.
What is it we have as rangers that causes fear? Is it a boon of a particular pet?
That’s one thing I won’t complain about overall. Being somewhat underpowered has really made me an expert in using the environment to my advantage in combat. It’s always amazing if you can find a way to dig in somewhere, and bottle-neck the incoming flow of enemies so they have no choice but to walk through your AoE. Like on top of jump puzzles for instance. Barrage and Point Blank Shot really shine in those conditions. Use Barrage to rain cumulative damage onto your foe, then if they persist, Point Blank Shot will usually knock them clear off the walkway and the damage you had already inflicted is usually enough to polish them off once they hit the ground (or at very least make them think twice).
(edited by KStudios.2850)
Maybe the plan is to strip the Ranger of all ‘overpowered’ (read not working exactly as the text says abilities top priority) then once they have this fixed, but weak profession they now have a large stick to keep the rest of the community inline as Ranger is the example of what can be done to any profession at anytime.
Well, if this is the case and they wish to see firsthand the fruits of their labors, then I cordially invite anyone from Anet who has the power to look over my account and follow me about on cam to do so. I’m in WvW on my Ranger most mornings from about 8:00am – 12:00pm, central time USA. They can watch me wipe-out over, and over, and over… Many times in matches I should stand a fair chance in (minus 1 on 1’s with Thieves, 9 times out 10 those never end well). Despite the fact that, not to sound like a braggart, but as far a Ranger is concerned I’m pretty good. I’m even experimenting with a new test build. I’m looking for something somewhere in between “glass” and “tanky,” with at least some points in Marksmanship. Omahgerd, actual bleeds, crits, and possibly even piercing, CANNOT HAZ!
Anyone who can watch this, and feel as if they’ve “a job well done,” is one really sick sadistic kitten.
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1: There’s the bunker Ranger, which relies on regeneration and vigor. It deals damage with the pet, since it’s only affected by Beastmaster traits, and not your stats.
2: If you play the bunker build, then winning a 1v2 should be possible. There’s a far in between great players in WvW, and most of them run in zergs.
3: No, not any garbage weapons as a whole. But direct damage weapons deal garbage damage, even though they have some good utility.
4: Yes, just don’t touch Marksmanship. Make a bunker or condition damage trap build.
5: Condition damage all the way. Direct damage for the Ranger is a joke.
Number 5… ^
I just began a Thief in PvE, at lvl 16 and with lvl 13 gear (dual pistols at the moment) and she’s already putting out more than 150-250 dmg per attack. More than a lvl 80 ranger standard attack with a shortbow and no points in Marksmanship (which almost no legit ranger build with any survivability uses).
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Ebay looks like their trying to steal 2nd~! Go EB!
But then they started taking Mag home towers in Eternal, so we decided to eat their keep. Tastey Golem foods :’3
We were really pushing hard yesterday morning (I go ahead and say yesterday, since it’s 11:43 pm as I type this). Unfortunately this left only a tiny contingent on our mainland. So it was me and a half a handful of folks doing a lot of dying for the cause, lol.
To whomever that mes was who kept hanging out in Greenbriar EB BL, lots of trade-offs. That rezzing one of your dead comrades through the keep gate was a clever trick, and it almost paid off. =)
Point Blank Shot apparently works wonders for enemies near cliff precipices…
Dunno which is worse, the fact that it worked, or the fact they let me do it twice.
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Forgot to post this before I left yesterday. A friendly Asura and I got REALLY bored in Pangloss Mine that morning. Decked the place out in siege. To the misfortune of a Mag flyby capping group and later a solo ele.
When life gives you ballista’s, make humanoid kabobs? O.o
dont get the wrong picture by all the posts from ranger haters and qq’ers, the ranger is an awesome skirmishing class in wvw and you’ll have alot of fun.
I never specifically said don’t do it, I said do it only if you love the class. My ranger is my only lvl 80 and she’s all I’d take into battle in WvW anyway. A few of Ebay’s best Commanders are also rangers.
The general concensus among most other players is, “Ranger? Are you stupid?!”
Welp, slap me with an angry wet beaver and call me stupid. Lol!
(edited by KStudios.2850)
Please don’t think you are winning your 1v1’s through skill. Most of us could not see you for more than a few seconds and did not have enough aoe to burst you down before you safely disappeared to the other side of the map.
The game engine and your artificially long invisibility are the reason for your wins.
Do you feel better now?
Well I don’t! Here I am, a ranger, roaming about with my forest friends. The utter epitome of ingame squishiness… and all I get in exchange for wanting warm soft hugs from other kittens like me is invisi-shanked in the face! Oh cruelty, oh woe! D’X
Rangers are not squishy compared to thieves. In fact im getting around on my thief with 10k health, whilst the average ranger is getting around with twice this much health.
My post was mostly tongue-in-cheek lol
First off, some basics for any measure of survivability in WvW.
1.Warhorn is typically the offhand of choice, it allows you, and those immediately in your vicinity, to cross the map(s) in short order.
2.Were I you, I’d spec for a high vitality, high toughness build. Yeah, it lowers our damage output, but honestly I’ve NEVER seen a ranger do more than 400-500 dmg on any bow attack that was not a critical anyway (which is shameful since even with health above 18k-19k I have been downed in seconds by warriors, eles, and thieves). Even so, you will quickly find we are still the squishiest thing on the field.
3. Ranger in WvW is a game of precision and also of chance. I’ve compared our class to the card game poker, as that’s about how playing ranger in WvW feels. Know when to hold, know when to fold, etc. Be aware of, and do your utmost to control, your surroundings as much as possible. Become good at dodging and kiting, and prepared to chip away at your opponent. Cause again, our damage sucks royal.
4. Having said that above, a solo ranger is usually a dead ranger in WvW. Travel in packs if possible. Several rangers together (again with warhorns for speed) are a fast moving, bleed and poison stacking DPS force. If you do solo, (as I often do cause I have zero friends on my chosen server) be aware of nearby NPC patrols/guards and their movements. If you do find yourself facing 2-3 vs 1, there is zero shame in leading them into an NPC ambush to help even the odds. Most of the time, you’ll find your opponents are kill-happy enough to follow a single opponent just about anywhere anyway. Use this to your advantage.
5. Interrupts are your best friend. Learn to recognize the healing animations for each profession, and fire immediately upon seeing them. Sometimes some of these cast quite quickly, so at times it is a guessing game, watching your opponent’s health bar and anticipating the cast.
6. Holds are your worst nightmare. Classes like warrior are completely outmatched mobility-wise without them against a ranger. Find ways to break/counter them. Furthermore, groups of warriors like chaining those skills.
7. Keep your pets alive at all times, regardless of whatever boon they give, a dead pet is a useless pet.
8. Try not to face a thief 1v1 if you can avoid it. 9 times out of 10 this is death (unless you’re facing a nub thief). Rangers have almost nothing to counter thief skills unless you just happen to get lucky and interrupt one of their cloaks. Kite, pack as much damage in as you can, and remember, a fleeing thief is no less a victory than a dead one. Do not give chase if alone. You are one, unlikely to catch them, and two, just as likely to get lured into the enemy group they were initially scouting for or some other unnecessary nastiness.
9. When in large groups (aka zergs), act as direct support if necessary. Use warhorn again to boost the movement speed of those around you when on the move. Healing Spring if you wish to add regen to nearby part members. Lastly, use longbow to fire AoE Barrage over the bodies of comrades fallen but not yet dead to ward off anyone attempting to “finish” them. If someone does step up to finish them, use Point Blank Shot (also longbow) to knock them away. Also use Barrage on the tops of tower walls enemies are standing on to deter them from retaliation.
I’ll not lie. Ranger in WvW is not for anything but the most diehard fans of the profession. They are thoroughly broken, and as far as anyone can tell, the issue is either not getting addressed or is openly ignored. Anyone even mentioning the fact that it’s utterly imbalanced runs the risk of having their post deleted or worse. So I hope you read this before it is. I love mine to death, as I did my original in GW. They are such a blast to play, and it saddens me to the point of overall almost wanting to shelf the game that they are so overlooked. You have been warned, I do not pity you for all the deaths you’ll suffer during your learning curve.
Might want to change your focus. Rangers got nerfed in wvw.
Well that’s a productive statement. =/
(edited by KStudios.2850)
Please don’t think you are winning your 1v1’s through skill. Most of us could not see you for more than a few seconds and did not have enough aoe to burst you down before you safely disappeared to the other side of the map.
The game engine and your artificially long invisibility are the reason for your wins.
Do you feel better now?
Well I don’t! Here I am, a ranger, roaming about with my forest friends. The utter epitome of ingame squishiness… and all I get in exchange for wanting warm soft hugs from other kittens like me is invisi-shanked in the face! Oh cruelty, oh woe! D’X
Seriously..85% increase and you still complain?
For an offhand absolutely nobody in their right mind uses… but it’s a start.
As a profession, we’re just as “sidekick-ish” now as we were in the original GW. Only differences now, being that then there were over 90 interchangable skills to choose from per profession. And back then we were the official go-to bane of spellcasters everywhere when we could carry as many as three or more interrupt skills per skill bar (before mesmers created a similar interruption build with lower energy consumption that is). In short, though still underpowered, we at least actually had purpose as interrupters and trappers.
Now we’re only good running in packs. I will give us that. You get three to four rangers together, two with longbow, two with short, warhorns as offhands on our secondary weapon set, and we’re downright scary as a fast moving bleed and poison stacking unit. It’s really all we can do, especially in places like WvW. Run as a pack, or be mowed over by just about everything else on the field.
What began as boredom… and for some reason landed us the Overlook. With only one player defender inside no less. O.o
Also, got my baby Mes to lvl 50 through the capping. Thankies!
“I won’t make this a long post like the other servers. It’s quite simple.”
-Entire page of text proceeds-
P.s The answer be no..
(edited by KStudios.2850)
Do you need d20s for ERP?
The sheer number of unusable jokes based on this because the mods would can this whole mess in a heartbeat is utterly overwhelming…
Duels in Mag BL at usual spot.
Forgive my ignorance, but where is this? I’d like to see it. PM me if you need to.
cd and ebay loves the jp, so much more so than anyone else i’ve seen.
i’ve been having a great time this match up so far.
I know last week we and CD had a non-aggression pact within the JP. Is this still standing?
Guiding/protecting Dolyaks should give roughly the same rewards in karma etc that capping a sentry position does. Sure, there’s sometimes no combat involved, but it certainly takes longer.
Protecting Dolyaks should have karma rewards >3<
I support this.^
More than once I’ve been relegated to dolyak herder. Sometimes for long periods during times of particular Yak shanking tenacity.
We’ve been there. Funny thing is we’re actually better off in tier now than we were before the mass exodus took place. Dig in, be prepared for changes/adjustments, don’t lose heart, and you’ll weather this hardship. Best wishes.
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Didn’t think I’d be agreeing with Saiyr on much
Ha. It may surprise you to know that I don’t troll 100% of the time, and I’ve known Rebel since Guild Wars 1. He is (too) nice and I’ll be un-nice to compensate to anyone who thinks otherwise!
D’aww. Comradery for the win.
Perhaps someday. When the score isn’t tallied based solely on who owns the board, zergs will become largely irrelevant.
a small team can take keeps and towers also(we are at times haveing a groupe of 4 people taking a keep of the enemy but it requers alot of planing and useing the map to the fullest
Towers can be “ninja’ed” by as few as two people, supplies depending. One on a ram/cata, and one on watch/spot. This is often my perscription for the zerg issue as well. Have a suitably sizeable contingent occupy said zergs attention. Then deploy several of these types of small scale units. Often camps are as simple as having a high speed team (mine is a ranger warhorn squad) that can move across the map ahead of any zerg. Zergs being generally all encompassing, but seldom all that fast as whole.
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I’m just confused as to who you would rather have in this tier if this is the closest match you’ve had. You guys have fought hard on your borderlands whenever I was on it and I’ve had a lot of fun. Ignore the WvW scores and go where the fun is. You guys do a much better job of defending than we could with our morale in T3. Half of last week our borderlands was gone (along with everyone in it) by the time I got home and there wasn’t much to do. I guess if it reaches that point for you then I can understand wanting something new, because I kind of did.
You know, you may have me there…
We give our all. I can’t possibly sum it up more eloquently than that. Call me stupid, but I’ll run headlong into a horde of 4 or more attacking a camp, if by that my frantic kiting and eventual, nay at that point inevitable, demise will stall the enemy long enough for the rest of our folks to respond. Staying in the cap circle, staying alive, and staying the rise of that cap bar JUST long enough to hold until the cavalry arrives. That’s Ebay. If a single death on the field, one badge or two lost, holds that +5 up there in our favor once that clock runs out… I’m rambling now.
The only time I’ve ever seen us truly down was during our last encounter with Kaineng, and only then because Devona’s seemed of little relief and they owned the map in its entirety almost 24/7. Even then we pulled fast moving groups together for drive-by caps, despite that we knew they’d be gone again in the time it took their zerg to meander along. Zergs are all encompassing generally, but not always fast moving.
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This is the closest match you’ve seen in awhile but you want us to stay in T3? Wat. And I thought the previous weeks were closer in T4.
What would you have me say? Would you rather stay here outclassing us and in constant boredom? I’m aware you guys didn’t fair so well on your previous T3 run. I’m not saying I’d like to condemn you to more of that, hence I hope for your success.
I am wishing you well. Go with it.
(edited by KStudios.2850)
This is the only stain on the week?
We have more work to do, clearly!
Perhaps another time? I wish you guys the best in moving up. I hope you don’t end up here with us again. Not because I dislike you, but because you guys are clearly higher and need a better opponent than we can at present be for you.
I feel the same about us in the case of Devona’s Rest. I dislike uneven matches. This has been the closest I’ve seen in a while.
Friendo, you’re doing something wrong.
.Longbow within 500 range (wtfstupidlowdamage)
.Glass cannon (wtfyou’rearangerpetsdohalfyourdamagewhyevengoglass)
.Signet of stone (youwent30deepinpowerwhichisaterribletraitlinewithloweffectforaterribleinvun)
.Bears (whyifyou’reaglasscannonareyourunningtankypets,you’lldiebeforetheydo)
.Your pet is dead, your pet swap is off cooldown (switchyourkittenpetsoutstupidyou’relosing50%ofyourbeastmoderangerdps)
.You’re playing ranger (nuffsaid)
So far some fun fights, I wish we could stay in t4 and maybe we were weaker to be more in line with the other servers populations
Are we really debating my build, weapon, and methods now lol? Alright then…
-Longbow also has the ranger’s one offensive AoE skill. Which until I ran up to get that great huddle pic, I had been using it to assist in warding off your peeps trying to finish any of ours. In conjunction with Point Blank Shot, to knock them away. Doing so VERY successfully I might add. I was acting support mostly, little else.
-Don’t diss Signet of Stone. With a certain trait equipped it offers a tremendous boon. And it’s a trait from a line you mentioned elsewhere in your post. I’ll not reveal the secret directly, but it’s worth it, especially in WvW. Once you see it, you may just —-- bricks.
-I fail to see the problem here.
-Tooki is dead because he’s all up in your happy little indestructible conglomerate up there.
-Ranger suits me fine. I often have little trouble with supply camps solo. Same with most 1v1 with the exception of thieves (of whom hardly anybody has any real defense anyway), or even 1v2-3 if your folks are kill-frothing-dumb enough to follow me into a patrol (90% of the time they are, and not just your server either mind you. I’m not picking at you in particular here). Does anything else matter?
This to me was the only stain on an otherwise great week. You all seem under the impression I have some sort of disdain for you now, but you’d be mistaken. Gonna miss CD especially. They’re very close, and very level with us. Slightly higher though, which the numbers prove, this is even better. Either way it’s far closer than a few of our previous matches.
(edited by KStudios.2850)
you still outnumbered us.
I have the outmanned buff in that picture. How… I don’t even.
Were you the bad glass SLVR ranger that I killed like 10 times? I guess that would explain all the angst in your post.
You gathered all that info from my sig, lmao. You’re right though, you do. No idea how, that was only like all of us on the EB Borderlands up until that point lol.
Angst where? I’m not the guilty party. It was fun until… that (so much so in fact I didn’t even want to go back for repairs). That is my one and only lament. My biggest trouble is I have a love for rezzing comrades, and it does often get me killed yes. Worth potentially dying for? I’d say so. I tend to give all despite the odds. Again, you’re most welcome.
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Yeah because we’re just going to run our face into your zerg over and over like idiots. Thanks for standing right in front of us so many times for badges I guess. After an hour or so of that I came out with 1 death and 25 stacks at the end. gg.
Don’t get snippy just cause your pants are down. First off, check the names versus the map, you still outnumbered us. Zerg… pfft. Got plenty myself. You guys flop over pretty easily yourselves when not huddling together like sheep in the rain in the safety of known glitches. If that’s the kind of tactics you guys employ, you guys can have tier 3 back lol. It’s okay though, we left a small contingent there to keep you guys entertained while we recapped everything you had taken. Cost us a bit (and you’re welcome btw), but it worked. Badges maybe, but no extra points for you.
Just an anti-climactic end to what was until then a good and honorable fight.
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Shame shame! This is no way to finish out a fight that had me dead and revived so many times my coat and shoulder pads were broken. =(
And why was one of you carrying cabbage, lol?
Hey I can see that guy on the ground shooting arrows up at me! Really, truly I can see him! He is standing right there! Look! Yet when I go to fire back I get this thing called “obstructed” and I have to stand right on the edge of the wall in order to hit him. Now correct me if I am mistaken but should not the people IN THE FORT have more protection then those OUTSIDE?
This! For the love of the late Queen Salma, this! ^
Cause that single foot high wall at my feet, while so graciously saving me from being pulled off the side of the wall by a certain notorious skill, is such a massive obstruction to my view.
“Oh, why hello there Sea of Sorrows invader, pillager and pirate of my homeland, murderer and enemy of my people. How is your day? Oh what?!?!? STOP!! WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING ME? THIS IS A JUMPING PUZZLE. WHY WOULD YOU ATTACK ME. STAHP!!!”
This is why your local “porting” mes, or in some larger servers the entire guild of them, should also be trained diplomats. We often try to forge truce-treaties within JP grounds.
(edited by KStudios.2850)
No offense, but this reply really does nothing to help, thanks for having fun at my expense though, I’m glad I was able to provide entertainment to you. :P squish
None taken, intended, nor was it meant to be at your direct expense. Humor is at times all one can offer, as a means of helping one cope with a given situation or circumstance. You’ve taken steps to communicate and research your dilemma, and
in time it may yet through such efforts be resolved. Until then, I humbly offer a chuckle to ease your way.
Secondly, I never said it doesn’t exist. =D
Night folks, was a fun day
Bear Grylles: Lost in WvW. Better eat giant grubs and drink my own…
Second pic you’ve posted with a giant worm. Don’t be that guy, Sovvie. XD
There are no tanks here.
If you meant a guardian, it’s possibly because he was a lv80 and properly equipped/traited for tanky dps build, and his enemies were upscaled lowbies. While you do get upscaled to lv80 in WvW, you still are weaker than a ‘real lv80’, which is understandable; it’s not about putting you on par, but about letting you experience this part of content early on.
Hence the creation of Ebay’s patented Streaking-Zerg-Division. The SZD is dedicated to quality camp and tower capping, as well as providing a newbie friendly environment, and doing so completely in the buff! Why, the whole reason for the organizations existence is that if you’re low level anyway, and your armor therefore has very little benefit, why wear it at all?! For our friends and allies, great fun with a great community of like-minded zerg-frothing nudists! For our enemies, what could possibly be squishier and more entertaining?! The SZD: Bringing on high quality and fun-filled squishiness since its creation in January of 2013!
Disclaimer: This organization, and its associated affiliates, are not in any way responsible for any burns, lacerations, piercings/stabbings, blunt trauma, heat or cold exposure, falls, skeletal reconstuction by means of being punched by a siege golem, offensive verbal one-liners upon your person, or otherwise general maiming, emotional distress, or untimely demise.
(edited by KStudios.2850)
Arrow carts should be mobile at half normal run speed.
The maps being required for 100% completion when the other 95% was PvE content.
And yeah, dunno about you guys, but I actually feel bad when I come up on someone alone and kill them, only afterward realizing they were likely just mapping. Unless openly attacked, there are often times I will even leave someone I see going for vistas and such alone. At very least they’re new.
Is it true that to play on ebay you have to read Sun Tzoo’s Big Book of War?
Don’t forget the “Book of Five Rings” by Miyamoto Musashi! Argueably the greatest swordsman that ever lived. Related war and swordsmanship to carpentry… all while beating people to death with boat oars in his spare time. Odd fellow, but fascinating.
If he only knew about the golems, oh the golems.
where da zerg @
Mag will be running it in NA primetime w/ CD running it while we all sleep.
Ebay will be the actual server here running tactics.
Either way i welcome the Mag players back b/c they do have a good roaming population
I’m coming for you Jinks.
Dibs on the winner! Love me some d/d ele. With my morning coffee!… Wait, wait… What’s this?… d/d is their build name? I seem to have something misconstreued… Gonna meander along now before I get into trouble by the mods again. x_x’
And Sovvie, I don’t yet believe I’ve made your acquaintance on the field yet. At least not knowingly so. Where you been all this last week?
Well, thieves for have really killed WvW for me. When I first jumped into WvW I was excited, and how quickly that changed. No other profession is unreasonably strong except thieves. I play a ranger and have had no trouble dealing with any other class. d/d eles and all included. Sure, these meta-build folks are sturdier than most, but they’re not all but impossible like a thief is. Tonight was the final straw. It’s at present downtime for our server, so there’s only about three-four defenders present right now as is. A single thief alone is capping all our homeland camps/sentries, and all the NPC’s and additional reinforcements (Quaggans, Ogres, etc) are of no help for the three of us against ONE thief… Props to him/her I guess, whoever they are.
I’m not suggesting perma-stealth should be nerfed. By all means I think it’s cool they can get around unseen. They however, should not be able to:
1. Attack while cloaked.
2. Finish an opponent while cloaked.
3. Remain cloaked while under certain conditions, bleeding/burning/etc (anything else just doesn’t make sense, “Oh look! Profuse blood trail… and it’s still trailing.”).
Fair or not, this was the intended design as has been stated several times even in these forums by devs. They want the thief to be slippery and very difficult to pin down.
Every class has builds capable of killing any thief or forcing them to run, the fact that players choose not to use those builds is no one’s fault but their own.
The only builds a thief has at the moment which are any good vs a build with adequate defense also lack the crazy mobility you mention here.
So where’s the diversity in this? We’re all supposed to be relegated to one specific build to be able to deal with a single profession? That makes sense. So it just happens that I’m half-useless with the one specific weapon that this build requires, be it ranged or melee, I’m just overall out of luck? As mentioned above, I’ve had little trouble with everyone else minus thieves. Meta-build eles, mes, etc. As a ranger I consider myself half decent as a player, I’m not the best, but I’m pretty good. 95% of the time a 1v1 with a thief spells death… And the one or two instances it didn’t I almost felt bad about it afterward cause I’m certain they were either a newb player exploring or simply a baby-thief.
If you can’t tell, I’m not a voter for the “lets all just meta-build and wail on each other” school of thought. =D
With all due privacy in mind, of course. -Nods-
yak mesmers are glitching up the tower walls and inside towers..
clap-clap.. pathetic.Please try and get some screen shots. As a whole YB does not condone players glitching to get into keeps. If we can figure out who they are either as a server or as a guild we will deal with them.
We have been having to deal with enemy Mesmer dying at gates only to be rezed from the other side and placing portals right on the inside and having players use the portals
I was there to witness this on my own mes actually. I believe the mes Asura in question (I unfortunately did not catch the guild tag) was using Blink to get up on top of the tower wall. While not necessarily a serious threat with a keep full of defenders, this could be pretty grievously annoying if it meant the keep was being capped without any resistance. It would forfeit any means of anyone being able to soundly hold that keep.
“Porting” in itself is not necessarily a crime, as it is what the skill was meant for. If a mesmer can manage to stow away inside a keep when it is overtaken, and the new tenants are not thorough enough to sweep the area, that is one thing. Though agreed, they should not be allowed to use open exploits to achieve their goals.
My thoughts on this match-up, summed up by one, Mr. Jensen Ackles…
I love the intensity this week. Though my group isn’t likely going to win anything out of this whole mess. Overall it has been a pleasure, folks. =)
P.s. I’d also like to humbly give props and my gratitude to the CD crew, for being civil and enacting a truce with us within the Jump Puzzle grounds. Dunno who put that together between us, but you’re all awesome!
(edited by KStudios.2850)
Bags of Goods, like the ones you receive quite a few of in the final PvE story missions for instance, should be stackables. I ended up with these taking up over half an inventory box all on their own by the end of a guild-based assisted completion of the final endgame story missions. There’s little reason for that imo.
Lastly, I propose that all guildees and friendlistees should (if desired) show up on the overall world map. Much in the same fashion that party members do as a blue dot. Perhaps guildees as a gold dot, and friends as green/red? That way one can seamlessly find someone and join them in combat or in difficult regions of the game if one wishes. No party invite pending necessary. Now, in the interest of privacy, I also propose that there should be a way to simpy turn these off completely should any person not wish to be found for any reason. For instance they should not be active if the member(s) are in “away” or “offline” status, or are not currently guild representing.
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