Showing Posts For Kuya.6495:


in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


dont worry, they add a huge salt sink hole, thats is that Arena Pit, The good old days of people discounting frustration in the chat are gone. The losers go to the arena and discount their anger at whoever is there.

And let me tell you it feels amazing.

AT monetary rewards... severely lacking

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I would rather wait to see who wins daily tournaments on average before readjusting the rewards. You don’t want the situation where you got like 20 gold in rewards for top spot that always go to the same 5 people 3 times a day.

If anything, demotivating the top players from farming the daily tournies might be a good idea to keep it from being the same faces winning every time. Hell, i’ve seen some top pvp players complaining that 500 liquid gold isn’t enough for a monthly which to a player like me is absurd when monthly i can probably make maybe 100g just by playing casually.

I think from a casual non professional player’s perspective, the rewards are okay and i suspect the idea behind these tournies is more about getting new people into 5v5 organized games rather than the same esl guys we’ve grown accustomed to seeing.

The new PvP Lobby! I love it!

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


how much money did they give you to create this thread

i bet monsanto is behind this too

Nobody cares about your Llamas, Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


i want a llama made of salt . i wana call it salma.


in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I think anet definitely understands that the purpose of pvp is salt harvesting.

EU NA Unity Gaming Org Class Presence Top 3

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Was it power revs they were using?

NA Unity Gaming Org Class Presence

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Why does NA use dh but not EU? NA doesn’t know better or has it figured something out that EU hasn’t?

Was Warrior ever "balanced" in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Not that i recall. Although i was just inconveniencef by what seemed to be mace/hammer war that was incredibly irritating to fight as a dh but seemed to have been wrecking our necro and ele.

Unfair leaderboard soloQ DuoQ

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


They should make league seasons solo q so i don’t have to see these threads anymore

lost every placement, yay!

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I don’t think that’s necessarily a problem as long as new players are attracted and retained long enough to learn game mechanics.

Rev buff...

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Why don’t you just use condi rev instead.

Did any team use a condi Rev in UGO tournament?

Not necessarily what works in solo queue is also great for organized 5v5s. Take for example DH.

Rev buff...

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Why don’t you just use condi rev instead.

AT Questions

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


As a participant in the the pro scene for over a year I plead to youDO NOT ALLOW CLASS STACKING. That will lead to the most broken comps imaginable.Please just please dont

Like what comps? I am genuinely curious what class would be stacked right now.

AT Questions

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I’m willing to wait and see how tournaments play out before i consider class stacking an issue. I haven’t really felt that there’s any class worth stacking right now.

Condi thief

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Use a dh varient.

AT Questions

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Ben is on a roll with answering questions this week.

120 games are too much

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I haven’t noticed less people playing though. I just queued during off hours on plat and found matches relatively quickly. But the season just started so…

120 games are too much

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


WvW doesn’t have seasons so it’s ongoing. You can just do the pvp league until you get to byzantium or are satisfied with your rank, and then go WvW either during the PvP league season or during the off season.

AT Questions

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


These are very good questions and hopefully we can get answers to at least some of them.

2v2s are coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I think they’re willingness to put a custom arena for 2v2 with actual custom rules shows that they intend to implement this in queues in the future, but they are testing the waters to see:

-how popular it gets
-taking in early feedback before putting it in queue

I think it’s a brilliant approach to use custom arenas as a sandbox area to test future game modes without devoting too many resources that then go to waste because of a lack of acceptance from the gamebase like desert borderlands and stronghold. It saves them money, time, and massive backlash if the venture fails.

2v2s are coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Any chance if you can tell us if this 2v2 map is a new map or just a pre exisiting map with the new rules you’ve just mentioned?

It’s a new map.


2v2s are coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


But let’s see how things will work, probably 2v2 will die on the custom arenas, it’s expected to be this way.

They made a “2v2 map”. This just tells me it’s a smaller version of Courtyard so… if they don’t make any tools to add in-game functions to make it a legit 2v2 custom arena then it’s going to be as popular as it is presently… not popular.

I truly hope they actually add map timers, round-robin, two stomp wins, winner stays till next round, etc etc. These are the tools; certain in-game specific rules, that players would like to incorporate for a solid 2v2 custom arena. Not Just a smaller Courtyard map.

Of course Anet could throw a curve ball at us and say, “There will now be 2v2 queuing during off Season.” /crossesfingers

You’ll now be able to select “Arena” in the custom arena options. In this mode, our 2v2 map is the only map option. It changes the rules to a “deathmatch” style game. No score, just kill the enemy. You can also select a number of rounds, a time limit, team size and some other options. Should the match get to the end of time, we have a mechanic to effectively shrink the playable area, and turn off healing and stealth, in an attempt to force players into combat.

Wow. Actually sounds interesting!

Any chance if you can tell us if this 2v2 map is a new map or just a pre exisiting map with the new rules you’ve just mentioned?

Current Optimal DH in PvP

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Well, at least we have a lot of options unlike some other classes. Shame guard still seems to suck for organized play though, if the last tournament is any indication. Hopefully ATs will increase viable high tier buildcraft for guard and discover something that is a must have for teamplay.

Excited for the changes

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I am pretty excited about ATs and the free for all pit. The exclusive area in the lobby sounds like a great idea and something i would definitely strive for.

EU Unity Gaming Org Class Presence

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495



Better nerf true shot again just to be sure.

2v2s are coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I don’t get the complaints about the 2v2 custom arena only. Why would they rush to invent game mods with queues with specific maps without first letting players test put 2v2 in custom arenas first?

This is what they should have done for stronghold before releasing it to ranked and unranked queue.

I am hoping this is the beginning of a more structured development pipeline. Custom arenas > unranked queue > ranked queue.

Eternal Coliseum, Capricorn....

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I’m actually pretty happy about capricorn though. The secondary mechanic is actually important and different from other maps. It’s like the map with the meditations which is also my favourite map.

Eternal Coliseum, Capricorn....

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I actually like this change. Makes the new season more interesting. Only issue i have is that the buffs in coliseum seem a bit underpowered to me. I generally prefer it of my teammates ignore the buffs and focus on points.

Ranger vs Guardian tough fight ?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Yeah, I remember getting wrecked by such engis in unranked last few days.

I’m not saying it’s impossible for a ranger to customize to fight condi builds, but some classes just have a harder time dealing with other classes in general.

For example, almost any necro build you take you will have lots of trouble with a thf (due to thf ability to disengage until necro exits shroud). Similarly, thf and mes have trouble dealing with guardians in almost all the builds guardians can use (due to guardian’s ability to shower a point with damage killing clones and nailing waiting thfs and even if you go condi, most guard meta builds inherently have a lot of condi cleanse).

If you insist on going rng, your best bet is just to stack as much condi cleanse on yourself as possible and keep your distance from the guard and your pet.

Ranger vs Guardian tough fight ?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


as a rng you will have trouble with almost any condi build.

A condi engi would probably rip you apart faster than a burn guard could.

What class is actually hardcountering thief ?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


sanctuary is the only one that does pulse

Current Optimal DH in PvP

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


With all the condition spam, you kind of have to take medis by default even if traps were optional (which most are).

We are back to trash tier boys!

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


As far as suggestions are concerned, i think as a start, anet should consider making strength in numbers a 10% reduction in all forms of damage for party members in range, and Protector’s Strike into a channeled block (IE: it doesn’t end when it blocks an attack, but rather continues to block all attacks within the radius for a set duration of time. Think warrior shield 5 meets well of precog.) Also speed up of symbol of faith.

The way I see it, protector’s strike could be used similar to how mesmer’s use distortion to help allies in raids avoid damage. So PS could be used for VG green circles and for stuff like Deimos. It might need a range increase though to make it practical to use. Not sure it needs its duration increased. Mesmer signet distortion only lasts 1 second i think, and mace block already lasts 3 seconds if not interrupted.

(edited by Kuya.6495)

Current Optimal DH in PvP

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Symbolic is way more flexible than the LB meditrapper build. You can go either menders or marauder with it and still have it be succesful, LB meditrapper requires a very specific playstyle to work and if you don’t have the team support, it’s meh. Symbolic even lets you carry harder due to the higher block up time that lets you 2v1 or 3v1 better if your opponents are sufficiently below you.

Symbolic is also strongest vs. condi builds, which are very common now that wars are going back to condi war and revs are going mallyx.

LB meditrapper only really works now if you are at the top 1% regarding mechanical skill, and if you have a competent team with you. For 99% of the guard population, LB meditrapper is garbage now.

(edited by Kuya.6495)

We are back to trash tier boys!

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I would prefer if in terms of pve raiding, they would buff base guardian’s defensive contributions. More means of damage reduction and mitigation that don’t buff guardians in pvp and wvw.

I really don’t want them to just do a dps buff.

What class is actually hardcountering thief ?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


The pull on f1 works even if you dodge and thf has no reliable source of stability.

What class is actually hardcountering thief ?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


In most games, a dh is a hard counter to thf. A thf has a hard time landing on a target if a dh is showering the area with aoe. Especially test of faith which really nails thf hard. At the highest levels of play, the only thing that really counters a thf is another thf, since a dh can’t keep up.

[PvP] The Patch and Meta in S7

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I agree with the previous poster. If condi is the new meta, symbolic dh, whether mender or marauder, is more than equipped to handle it. Primarily thanks to Hunter’s Fortification which is what symbolic dh had over all other dh specs that helped it handle condi better.

We are back to trash tier boys!

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I wouldn’t really worry about condi because that seems to be where the new specialization is going. I also wouldn’t worry about pvp just yet. Where guard does need some adjustments is in pve raid scenarios. Either a dps buff or some added utility.

We are back to trash tier boys!

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


To be honest, most of the nerfs they did to guard were aimed at pvp. In pvp, it honestly didn’t get less competitive in a non esl level since pretty much everything except rev got nerfed in some way. As far as pve raids are concerned, the problem there is that other classes got indirect buffs to their dps and dh got none, leaving it behind, but it didn’t get nerfed because dh didn’t run lb in raids. In wvw, well there i don’t know but i presumed dh were just running stab there and that’s it.

[PvP] Symbolic Zealer Burst build

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


If you’re having trouble with power druids, try switching zeal for virtues and going 1, 2 or 1, and 3. Save shield 5 and sword 3 for pew pew.

If you decide to switch zeal for virtues, change fragment of faith back to test of faith and pull the rng into your trap once his stab is down. A fight vs a power druid playing it at range is basically a waiting game of you using shield 5, sword 3, and f3 to eat his ranged attacks while you cap the point, and then closing the gap with f1 and sword 2 once you’re done capping to retaliate.

[PvP] Symbolic Zealer Burst build

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


double smite condition + shield of wrath is glorious.

Dragonhunters NEED to be toned down ASAP

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Why would nos and toker want dh nerfed?

edit: again

My Take on 'Next Best Sigils'

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I messaged you already Mes but gonna post here also.

Naru, try this build out. If you’re losing to some one with it in 1v1 let me know.


Annulment + Revocation

I’m using essentially the same build. Instead of fof i use test of faith still, and instead of zeal, i use virtues for the extra condi clear on f2 and stab on f3. Been considering dropping piercing light for soaring devastation and just adding that to the dps rotation since i’m only taking one trap anyway (tof).

With this build power revs are the only ones who give me trouble (but it’s not a hard counter, it just becomes a protracted 1v1 battle). This build is especially good at killing condi classes, even condi thfs like maygi. Last time i fought him, i noticed that smite condition tended to nail him (psa: anet nerfed the damage on smite condition, but not smiter’s boon, so by using litany of wrath, you can use your heal utility as a second stronger smite condition that you can use back to back).

(edited by Kuya.6495)

My Take on 'Next Best Sigils'

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


You’re wrong, before the patch guardian was a 100% better 1v1er than rev.If you were losing to revs before the patch then you were playing bad. Now even if you’re a god guardian a good rev can beat you, and they are not cooldown dependant like you are so in conquest its even easier because you don’t start out with every defensive CD. S7 isn’t going to change anything. The quality of games off season are the exact same during the season. It’s just monkeys everywhere. My point is that for any future tourny guardian no longer has a place in a competitive setting where the 10 players in that particular game are not absolute ranked Q level idiots. Even before the patch guardian was 6th maybe 7th in the meta competitively and the most optimal comps didn’t even run guardian, but me and mobs made it work. Like how does Anet manage to hit the weakest classes the hardest. I hate every single person on that balance team.

I blame thfs whining about guardian all the time.

Guardian is the new Revenant

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


We’ve been in this stage before. I just wish anet would decide that if they’re gonna buff pve raid builds, they should probably also buff some for guardian. If not, then they got a lot of power creep to nerf in raids then.

[PvP] The Patch and Meta in S7

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Yea, probably going to see a lot of marauder and mender’s symbolic dh running around this season. Which means we better start finding a new build since that will be nerfed next once the thfs start hollering again.

[PvP] The Patch and Meta in S7

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Thankfully it seems i can still run marauder symbolic dh and still suceed. I am peeved about the nerfs to f2, f3 and smite condition though.

What killed pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


What killed pvp: season 6’s disappointing results.

What made season 6 disappointing? Matchmaker was inaccurate due to low player population. Why did the population go down? Pros lost interest due to lack of support for organized team vs team content. Casual pvpers lost interest due to substantial drop in rewards from participating in pvp.

Thief is uncounterable and OP

in Thief

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Op is correct except that since a good thf is so hard to find, it ends up being irrelevant anyway unless you get that rare thf that knows what he’s doing. And if you get bad thf? gg, it’s a 4v5.