Showing Posts For Kuya.6495:

Legendary Armor in PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I would be satisfied if they lowered the ascended shard cost of the current ascended armor and added a new legendary backpack for season 7.

[Spoiler] It's happening! Firebrand

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


If firebrand really is a condi oriented spec, then it’s likely the axe will also be condi centered, which means we can combine it with torch.

[Spoiler] It's happening! Firebrand

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I hope there will be a power option :/

Why? That’s what DH is for.

[Spoiler] It's happening! Firebrand

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Judging from the name and previous leaks, it looks like it’s going to be focused on condi dps.

Fun warrior facts

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Warriors counter is kiting. Their mobility is weak considering it’s a melee class.

If anet wants to nerf their survivability they will need to buff their dexterity, otherwise the class will become non-viable in higher play.

It’s kind of a “gitgud” issue to be honest. Players who understand what the cooldowns are on the few mobility skills warrior has can plan around them and easily kite. The only classes that really can’t permakite a warrior are guardian,engie, and necro.

Good luck kiting in a capture point game mode.

I don’t understand this statement. You do realize that you can just break los and use obstacles to ruin their f1 burst and then once berserk mode is gone you can start your dps rotation on them, right?

You don’t have to stand on a point and tank hits like an npc. It better to give up the decap for a few seconds and then win the fight then to get killed, lose the cap and leave your team to a 4v5. Same principle applies if you’re in a 2v1. If you’re in a 2v1, don’t be a fool and sit on the point to get spanked. Even if they cap the point, that’s 2 guys playing goose chase with you leaving your team to a 3v4 on the rest of the map which is in your favor.

dragon hunters are not ok

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


What i really find broken / bugged about this trap is that you cannot blink out of it without taking damage. It really make no sense that i can roll over it and be all fine but i cannot teleport outside of it

Because shadowsteps aren’t actually ports that teleport you from point a to b instantaneously without crossing terrain like mesmer portal. Shadowsteps must cross terrain so they are affected by all skills that are ground based (rings, walls, etc).

dragon hunters are not ok

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


don’t really care of they nerf procession of blades and dragon’s maw again in pvp only. it’s not like those two traps are used by any above average dh anyway.

D/D Condi Thief Needs More Nerfs

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


if you play dh with condi clears on block and cp and smite condi you can handle a condi thf, but it still takes so long to kill one that it’s not even worth it. in fact, the real problem with condi and vault spammer is how it can turn your teammates into inmense liabilities. you might be able to handle of these cheese builds but it means very little if your team 2v1 a condi thf or one of your teammates becomes rez bait for vault cleave.

Warrior is too strong in PvP

in Warrior

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I like the endure pain negating cap contribution idea.

If they did that, then it should apply to Signet of Stone too. It would only be a good idea if applied to both.


Warrior is too strong in PvP

in Warrior

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I like the endure pain negating cap contribution idea.

Warrior is too strong in PvP

in Warrior

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I dunno if i want current meta war nerfed. They’re pretty fun to fight as a dh and they are likewise fun to use to punish bad dhs.

Why are thieves so incredibly bad?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Look at it this way: every good thf started out as a bad thf. Just annoying when you get a bad one in ranked.

Please communicate more on your plans

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I get that it’s your policy right now to not promise the sky and then fail to deliver, but the other extreme of only talking when things are ready isn’t working either.

It’s obviously easier to say than to do, but you need to strike a balance and have a realistic assessment of what your team can deliver and when they can expect to deliver it vs. what they can’t do. We should honestly be seeing posts from you guys if not weekly, at least bi weekly on the state of pvp/pve/wvw and what short term and long term plans are for the game with tentative time tables. This breeds confidence and security in the game’s direction as opposed to worry over where it’s going.

(edited by Kuya.6495)

ESL Guild Wars 2 Officially Shutdown.

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I just think that ultimately this is the result of them not making enough money to retain and hire new and competent talent. They have probably switched their priorities to the next expansion and abandoned less successful areas of the game until they can get revenue up.

ESL Guild Wars 2 Officially Shutdown.

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Rip gw2 esports

Why do I keep getting matched with bronze?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Well yes. Queue times have exploded and the quality of teammates and enemies has dropped.

Why do I keep getting matched with bronze?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Platinum in s5, gold right now in s6.

Why do I keep getting matched with bronze?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Players who play for rewards are bad players, because they don’t play for the competition. If more players like that were in PvP population, then match quality goes down more.

I feel that i had better match quality in season 5.

Can't change class mid-match

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


@ Kuya

You completely missed the part where I said “If you lock professions upon queue.”

Probably because i wasn’t responding to you.

Why do you not play?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I play daily but last season i played a lot more. Playing less because:

1. queue times are longer
2. matches are more volatile even after 60 games. it feels like I’m still in placement matches sometimes.
3. rewards are harder to get so i don’t feel compelled to grind 15 matches a night like i used to.

4. no new legendary so i don’t really have something other than the chests to get.

So now I’m changing my attention to raiding.

Can't change class mid-match

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


It actually seems like something that adds layers of complexity to pvp in this game rather than just relying on mechanical skill and knowledge of rotations. I don’t see adding complexity as a bad thing.

(edited by Kuya.6495)

Stop with PvP ascended items, please!

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


To what extent are people on this forum blaming, wrongly, pve players for their losses? I ask this question because anet nerfed the pve rewards for this season and the general consensus is that there are decidedly less people playing this season. If people are still claiming that pve players are ruining their matches under these circumstances, then perhaps the claim that pve players ruined season 5 in low tiers was actually a misperception on the part of the player where they attribute mistakes made by teammates to lack of experience instead of temporary misjudgment or lack of skill with a profession or versus certain enemy teams, whilst vastly underestimating the number of mistakes they themselves make in a match (and are probably being juged by, silently, by their teammates).

Can't change class mid-match

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


The real problem here isn’t that you can adjust your comp before the match starts….

I’m gonna say the real problem is there are simply too many things that hard counter rev right now. I bet at least one of those those thieves wasn’t even thinking about countering you.

If you lock professions upon queue, many matches will be over before they start due to luck.

Imagine team 1: ele, scrapper, necro, power war, condi war
and team 2: ele, dh, dh, druid, rev

GG, Team 1 wins before the gates even open (unless they are really bad). and there is almost nothing team 2 could do about it, even if they could still alter their builds. There is simply too much paper rock scissors in this game.

I can see that both sides have their arguments on whether or not professions should be locked, but the bigger point behind my post is that it should be consistent throughout the match, to prevent the problem I described in my first post.

Using your example, let’s say Team 1 and Team 2 were originally balanced and it would have been a fair fight, but Team 1 changed professions to counter Team 2 just before the match began. Now Team 2 is at a disadvantage, and they can’t switch classes to even the playing field.

In your same example, team 2 should notice that team 1 is trying to counter comp and:

A-wait to see what the new enemy comp is and change before timer runs out.
B-attempt to predict what comp team 1 would be going for and try to counter-counter comp it.

Or scenario C might happen: team 1 was just faking and team 2 either fell for the bluff or called it.

Can't change class mid-match

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I agree, there should be no class switching after you queue up.
I think you should be able to adjust your build as you wait for the match to begin but not swap.

There was a poll on this already and this position lost.

Can't change class mid-match

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Why didn’t you just switch before the match started?

No more re-logging, please!

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Even if matchmaker didn’t stack classes, that still doesn’t mean you have a balanced team comp because it doesn’t take into account what build every teammate is running. In fact, even when you try to counter comp, you’re still not assured you have a balanced comp. Just because a teammate of yours is on ele, doesn’t mean he’s running auramancer healer, so you didn’t switch to ele thinking you had a support only to realize too late it’s a fresh air ele.

Never seen balance this bad.

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I’m not gonna say we currently have the best meta but it’s certainly one of the most stable metas we’ve had in a while with no class being clearly op against everything. In fact, if we still had tournaments and class stacking were allowed, i don’t think there is any class you would want to stack on a competitive level.

Meanwhile the problems right now are: low season participation, no tournaments, no competitive team pvp environment below the pro level, class stacks, no custom build templates.

Stop placing Top 10 players against Gold.

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Better they work on raising player participation in pvp seasons to fix this issue kitten bonus rather than focus on this specifically. The ultimate problem this season has is low player participation.

Warrior vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


condi war is pretty easy to control as a dh. so many condi clears are available that you can facetank. power warrior is another story though. you can’t afford to get hit by that gs.

revenant decap lol

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


It’s pretty funny to be honest. Ventari/glint with staff has cc for days.

I'm actually enjoying season 6

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I’m actually having more fun this season than last. Found a new build that’s not half bad, moving up with a steady win percentage.


Matchmaking system at League Season 6

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


About how long do we usually have to wait before it’s worth playing? It’s completely intolerable at the moment, at least 75% of matches are complete blowouts.

At first i thought it was due to placement matches which are volatile, but it seems matches are still volatile. It seems there are simply less people playing this season making the match quality really bad.

12 matches in a row of one-sided trash

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


It’s cuz there’s a lot less players playing in S6 which means you’ll get wide berth of MMR from your team mates. Like Sinderer on stream was playing with some realllly bad players like bottom of gold type of players and he’s top 5 or w/e.

Pretty much this.

Now there are a lot of problems with pvp in general, but the fundamental difference between season 5 and season 6 is that the pve crowed does not want to get back into pvp because the pve rewards were nerfed.

What does this mean? Less players for matchmaker to choose from, so matchmaker takes even longer to try and find appropriate teammates and enemies, and when matchmaker can’t find players with ratings close to yours after a certain period if time, matchmaker widens the search criteria, making it so players with widely different ratings are put together. Additionally i believe this also causes there to be more class stacks in matches, as there are less players to choose from.

Ironically, by chasing away the pve crowed, everyone, including the hardcore pvp crowed, suffers the consequences.

By adding crafted marks AND lowering the ascended shards you get, they’ve made it so pvers do not want to pvp. If you notice, matchmaker is currently behaving the same way it did around the end of season 5, which is when most people were done grinding until they got their max amount of ascended shards. After that, match quality dropped significantly.

Matchmaking 2017

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


i think this is largely due to this:

less pve rewards on pvp = less pve casuals in pvp = higher queue times = more volatile match quality = more blowouts = more class stacks


overall lower satisfaction for everyone in season 6

Sigil Update

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I would like to see sigils that remove boons more predictably, and preferably more than one boon at a time, since most classes apply them by the more than one boon very frequently. Since i noticed some disinterest in adding on more swap sigils, you could tie more sigil effects to the activation of healing skills, utility skills, elite skills or professional skills. Other options include activation on dodge, activation on block, or activation on when using specific utility types such as shouts, signets, etc.

DH is a bad class

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I never understood the concept of claiming a class is op because you use it to mow down lower ranks.

I can get on fresh air ele or condi engi and wreck people in gold and unranked too. Doesn’t mean fresh air ele or condi engi is meta or op. The only thing about the number of dh players says is that the class is easy to learn and use.

PVP Ascended Gear Changes! UNNECESSARY!

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


the original way was a GREAT WAY for PVP players to obtain full sets of ascended gear

Translation: the original way was a GREAT WAY for PvE scrubs to come ruin the game-type players to obtain full sets of ascended gear

“Why is our game type dying?”

“Hi guys, these rewards really drew me in and it’s kinda fun. I might stick around.”



season 6 your thoughts

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I’ll probably ignore the ascended armor this time and just buy the trinkets. I also wana get into top 250 and perhaps, legendary. I am expecting a lot more contentious matches with there being less clear cut op builds. The only thing about next season is that i expect to see revs even less unless that new bunker build is refined and probably more warriors.

How do you kill a guardian as a necro?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Use power necro. Take well of corruption, nothing can save you, elite shout or plague, rise/spectral armor/flesh worm. Use axe/wh and staff. Trait spite, reaper, and the trait line that makes marks unblockable. Whenever a dh blocks with f3, if no stab is on, wail of doom > nothing can save you> axe 2.

Another balance suggestion thread

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Your thief changes are just awful. There’s no semblance of balance in anything you listed for them.
Removing evade frames from vault- The evade frames don’t last the long anyway, if you haven’t figured out the timing for it yet you need to l2p. I would argue a damage reduction seeing as how it’s essentially a spammable burst but the evade is justified with the cost and telegraph of the skill.
Add immob to dust strike- The skill doesn’t need it. The blind and damage not needing a target is very strong and giving it immob would just make staff too powerful
proj hate on weakening- Too much for staff. It already has reflect on the auto, it doesn’t need more. Plus the skill already hits hard and spams lots of weakness if you position it right or use it with a port so buffing it like that would make the set way too strong.
Removing evade frames from db- Awful change cause you kill the only defensive option the set has. Instead remove the bleeds that don’t belong on the set to begin with so there’s no evade condi spam and then the power variant is actually usable.
Life siphon- Maybe if it’s a small amount of life siphon on a successful interrupt but with PI being a thing that would make interrupts far too powerful from that skill.
Healing for condi damage- So you want to give a build that already has ridiculous amounts of sustain even more sustain? That is a bad idea when you take into account how much sustain condi thief already has. Just… no

I skipped to see thief stuff to begin with but I’m not reading the rest of what you have posted if this is the kind of stuff you’re promoting.

That’s an unfair characterization. You claim i give condi thf too much sustain with healing from condi damage yet you also claim i would kill the defensive utility by removing the evade frames from d/d. The point of adding health to condi damage is to reintroduce sustain after taking it away from death blossom by removing the evade frames, because the former has more counterplay than the latter. A thf can already apply conditions while evading with Lotus Training.

And Impairing daggers are the condi daggers, the interrupting ones are called Distracting Daggers.

edit: And the point of removing evade frames from both DB and Vault isn’t because it’s too hard to beat. It’s meant to make builds that give too much for so little from being used to stomp novice players in lower ranks. This is the same justification for nerfing procession of blades damage on dh. It’s not that it’s meta and it stomps pros, it’s that it’s cheap and easy to use to kill unsuspecting players. It’s meant to make the game more user friendly at lower ratings without affecting higher ratings (since high rating dh do not use pb, high rating thfs do not use condi thf and they do not spam vault mindlessly).

(edited by Kuya.6495)

Another balance suggestion thread

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


For DH:
1. Cut Procession of Blades damage by 50% (pvp only), add 1 bleed stack per hit.
This change is meant to kill the full trapper build that kills newbies in low tier matches. Meta dh builds don’t take this skill anyway, so it doesn’t matter to them. Adding bleed stacks to this trap might make it a potential option for burn dh.

2. Buff stability access on rev and power necro, make mind shatter unblockable with a trait on power mesmer.
The point of these changes is to create betters counters to dh. High power burst is a dh’s weakness, but it’s protected by blocks. Problem for necro and rev is that a lack of access to stabilty makes it easy for a dh to spam interrupts on them, not allowing them to land a hit. Power shatter could be a counter to dh if it could get past the blocks.

For Warrior:
1. Raise resistance interval to 4 seconds instead of 3, and raise Berserker Stance duration to 12 seconds (pvp only).
The point of this change is to make a more clear cut counter to warrior. In this case i think the best counter to warrior should be necro boon corrupts, but the current problem is that resistance spam is too frequent and the warrior has so much cc it overwhelms a necro.

For Ele:
1. Make a trait in the arcane specialization line that allows an ele to regain hp from damage done via arcane skills.
Dps ele has plenty of damage options, but it lacks in the sustain department. I think a good way to address this is to give ele a way to sustain without relying on tempest and auras. Basically, if an ele uses an arcane skill, a % of the damage done is returned to the ele as healing.

For Rev:
1. Stability on activation from Inspiring Reinforcement.

2. Stun break on Forced Engagement.

3. Pulsing Stability on self from Vengeful Hammers.

4. Make the ventari tablet automatically follow the player around.

5. Change Ventari’s Will to instead heal all allies around it (around the rev). Make it comparable to Wash the Pain Away.

6. AoE healing on Diminishing Solace. 2k with healing power gear sounds good to me.

7. Aoe healing on Energy Expulsion. 3k with healing power gear seems good.
These changes are meant to bring rev back to meta and create more alternatives to rev besides shiro, glint and mallyx. Stability and stun breaks on jalis make it the go to legend when you are being focused and need to respond to enemy CC. The buffs to ventari are meant to create an alternative in the meta to support tempest. That’s why ventari’s will should heal for about the same as wash the pain away. The other skills should heal more than tempest auras since a tempest has access to way more auras than a rev has access to energy for healing, hence why the other rev skills heal for x2 or x3 more than tempest auras.

For Druid:
1.Seed of Life from Verdant Etching should heal for 2k with healing power gear (pvp only).

2.Lingering Light should heal from 800 to 1k with healing gear and reduce internal cd to 6 seconds (pvp only).
The point of these changes isn’t to buff bunker druid, hence why the buffs are to alternative traits than the meta build. The point is to create another alternative to support tempest in the game.

For Mesmer:
1. Make either Shattered Concentration or Mental Anguish also make Mind Wrack unblockable.
I think Power mesmer still has a sustain problem, but at least with this buff, it can put more pain on a dragonhunter which is a major counter to current mesmer meta.

For Necro:

1. Pulsing stabilty on Nightfall.

2.Stability on Spectral Armor.

3. Increase projectile speed on Grasping Darkness.
Here the point is allowing a necro a chance to respond to enemy focus and not let them die so easily to thieves, warriors and dh. By giving a necro more stability you let them more effectively counter dh with power, and war with condi, and not get mauled to death by pulmonary impact. Giving Nightfall this buff also helps the gs be more attractive.

For Engineer:
1. Increase in superspeed duration (by 1s or 2s) when using pistols from Invigorating Speed.

2. 25% movement speed when wielding pistols from Chemical Rounds.

3. Boonstrip (2 or 3 boons) on Glue Shot.
The purpose here is to create an alternative to thf in the +1 department by raising its mobility. I think the condi bomb it can do on a single target is already very high, but it’s not quite as mobile as a thf. By increasing innate movement speed and raising superspeed duration when wielding pistols, it might help bring that spec up to snuff.

For Thf:
1. Remove evade frames on Vault.

2. Add immobilize to Dust Strike.

3. Block or reflect projectiles on Weakening Charge.

4. Remove evade frames from Death Blossom.

5. Add life siphon to Impairing Daggers.

6. Add healing for a % of condition damage done to Assassin’s Reward.
The point here is to get rid of the cancer evade spamming builds, but giving buffs elsewhere in sustain.

(edited by Kuya.6495)

Custom Build Templates

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


If that’s the case, they could try to claim they were testing the feature in pvp to later export to pve and wvw. It makes a lot more sense to put this in pvp first, because you only have 60 seconds to change your build before a match starts, but in other game modes, that isn’t a problem. PvP really should be a priority for this feature.

Custom Build Templates

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


If coding for traits, skills, and weapons is what is making this feature take so long to be implemented, why not just make custom build templates for traits only since that’s the most time consuming part? And then we manually change our weapons and skills until you can finally update the custom build system to include weapons and skills.

I know this has been a feature that has been requested since like the dawn of civilization, but given the recent poll on profession locking, the requests for custom builds takes even more urgency and is long overdo. I am just saying that I would be placated (temporarily) with just custom build templates that only save traits, since that in itself is progress over what we have now.

So you voted No for Profession Leaderboards?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


If there are customizeable build templates, i would be in favor of profession locking, but since there isn’t, i voted no.

Profession Locking Poll - February 16th 2017

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


The reality is that people use swapping to stack dh and war. It’s been a plague for a couple of seasons now and it’s an exploit.


Profession Locking Poll - February 16th 2017

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I just have to reiterate, locking professions is possible and might even be preferable if we are able to build custom templates. Otherwise, people will rage, instead of getting two thfs, will rage about that ele playing fresh air instead of meta or the condi necro who is an easy kill for the enemy thf.

If i had the option to queue as dh, be locked into that profession, but after seeing my team comp and noticing we have no support, i can then press one button to change my build to a support spec, i would be a lot calmer about this poll.

Profession Locking Poll - February 16th 2017

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


which would probably be a nightmare to code, or forcing players into some terrible matches that were 90% decided at the start thanks to bad comp rolls.


Under locked class, Warrior, Guardian, and ranger would be the only classes you’d want to queue on because those are the only classes that don’t get completely screwed over by certain comps.

Exactly that. The system would ironically motivate people to wana queue as guardians, rangers and warriors, classes that have less counters, while purporting to wana decrease the presence of these very classes. So what you would get is people running more selfish, self sufficient builds and professions so as to not be frustrated by bad comps yet be punished for it with larger queue times, which, if you also implement a cut off point, might lead you to get class stacks anyway.

It’s almost funny in a diabolical way.

(edited by Kuya.6495)

Should Top Stats count toward rating?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Though there should be a way to reward players for playing well. I think the easiest way to do it is to reduce how many points are lost based on how close the scores were. But, I’m sure there are flaws to this solution as well. It just sucks when you lose a bunch of points even if you lost with a score of 499-500.

I would prefer that actually. Less points lost the closer the final score is. However, in order to avoid opposing teams from colluding to allow eachother to have close scores, the point gain for the winning team should also be higher (counterbalanced by mmr difference between teams) when the score difference is higher. That a losing team will try to get their score as close as possible to the last minute but the winning team will be motivated to prevent that.

Lower Merciful Intervention CD

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I rather they just rework the skill to port you to the nearest downed ally. Probably needs some additional effects though. Like granting aegis, aoe cc after port or healing downed allies, aside from the self heal. I think it would synergize well with other guardian skills that are good for saving downed allies, such as your shield 5, dh f3, and protective reviver.

Profession Locking Poll - February 16th 2017

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


What i don’t get is the purpose of this change. Nobody asked for no class stacking after you’ve zoned into the arena. People have been asking for the queue to lock you into your class in order to avoid class stacking. But doing the latter doesn’t fix the quality of matches since it doesn’t account for the variety of builds that each profession can have. So you get longer queue times and a match where one team has a support ele, d/p thf, condi necro, power dh, palladin engi, and the other team gets fresh air wle, condi evade thf, minion mancer necro, full trapper dh, and condi engi. The difference is now you can’t switch to fix the disaster on the latter.