Showing Posts For Kuya.6495:

Why are Thiefs so toxic for a PvP team?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I’m a guardian main and i definitely agree that thf is by far the hardest class to play (if you play d/p). Only other thing that comes close is mesmer with portal and moa management.

Make mericful intervention not need an ally

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


if i reccall wasnt MI like that before back in 2012???

It used to port you to an ally with the lowest health pool without targeting. The problem with that was that you had very little control over that since you couldn’t always tell during the heat of combat who had lower health and where that ally was. The new one is slightly better except that it isn’t really useful for supporting teammates either. Heals for too little for the cooldown it has and by the time you place your marker on a teammate to port over to them they have either already moved or already on the downstate.

The rules of the game are stupid

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


One person is not the other four people
The pvp rules cause the players to quarrel with each other
This is your game rules design problems
Is your fault

is that spectral wall?


Condi builds too strong

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


What professions are you using, OP?

why symbolic guard isn't in the meta for wvw?

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


You can run symbolic in wvw if you do roaming. The cleanse on block is good for handling the abudance of condi in wvw roamer classes. it’s very common to run into condi warriors, condi revs, condi mesmers, condi necros, condi thfs. so having superior cleansing is a big plus. make sure to run tankier stats with healing so you can get the most out of your heal on aegis and so you don’t get wrecked by 2v1s. sentry points are small enough that your symbol spam usually wins you the cap. for all other objectives you have to rely on scepter dps so make good use of immob and your spear pull. switch sword for mace as mace provides you with substantial sustain and provides two blocks that will cleanse and heal with a symbolic build.

i tried to run zealots stats but the lack of toughness made it very difficult to survive the occasional zerg showing up to ruin my day. so instead i used the minstrel stats from the meta wvw boon bot build. with enough boon duration and the shout trait you can get perma swiftness. retreat will cleanse two condis. one on use and another on block. with minstrel stats i was able to survive zergs. you have to run of course but if you cycle your blocks you can survive up to 4 or 5 chasing you. don’t expect to survive a blob that is adamant on killing you.

if you run into a friendly zerg and you wana hang with them for a bit you can quickly repurpose your build by slotting in save yourselves, contemplation and stand your ground. syg is obvious what it’s for and you use sy for picking up your group’s condis and then getting rid of them by using cp. you can do additional cleansing if you take virtues. i take virtues anyway instead of valor because stab has a lot of value in wvw. the good thing about taking virtues over valor is that it makes it easier to be of use to a friendly zerg on the fly as well as being useful while solo roaming thanks to the additional 3 condi cleanses for f2 and the stab and stunbreak on f3.

(edited by Kuya.6495)

EU Unity Gaming Org Class Presence

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I haven’t seen the streams hence my question: what role are rev, rng, and engi playing in current meta? Is it power rev as a team fighter? rng and engi doing brawler/stalling 2v1s? Some build information would be nice to see what amulets and utilities are being run by the teams.

and before i forget: pls nerf guard and war more omagah

What ever happened to D.O.T.

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Necro is this to a point. It takes them a while to stack a lot of condis, as opposed to burn guard, rng or engi.

Why are Thiefs so toxic for a PvP team?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


two thfs could work in theory but they are very rarely coordinated enough to work. what makes thf hard to stack is the lack of sustain in a team fight, so you a few wrong moves and multiple team members go down simultaneously, which is the worst possible thing that can happen.


in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


voice chat in overwatch can get pretty bad. but it’s pretty much what you’d get in team chat in gw2 but in voice form.

I’ve found interesting parallels between the sombra or mei who whine about comps when we have 3 dps already to the people in gw2 who are the first to bad mouth their team when their gameplay ain’t any better.

anyway, the end screen is the least of my concern. getting a fa ele or pistol thf triggers me more.

(edited by Kuya.6495)

Give me kitten Mastery EXP from PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Maybe awarding pve exp for doing certain reward tracks might be a good incentive. they just need to make sure they add these reward tracks to wvw too.

Revenant Bunkers

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Condi necros +thf/dh/power rev

cc doesn’t matter on them, what works is condi damage to force them to spend energy on cleanse while the physical dps spikes the rev down.

Is The Meta nothing but damage?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


ventari bunker is a good way to make a thf really mad. they can’t stand it when they can’t kill something solo so they keep pecking at it all match and waste time

then he’ll probably post in the forums about how broken ventari is

Ask yourself this:

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I wouldn’t really pay much attention to official forums on the state or quality of a game. I have never seen an official forum that wasn’t full of complaining. Ever.

Also regarding elite specs, they are only a full upgrade in some cases. Such as mesmer. The reason why they are almost always used has more to dl with the fact that the elite trait line also gives access to utilities and weapons. This is something that isn’t true with core traits.

Every espec is an upgrade outside of reaper really. Guardian to dh just buffs the virtues to an absurdly powerful level and still offers all the same passives and such. Now you just have extra active play options with them. They are also always taken because they cover natural weaknesses in a class. Mesmer had mobility problems and chrono gave them free move speed. Thief lacked a reliable dodge spec and daredevil gave them that plus condi clear outside of stealth and extra mobility. Ranger got a free healing form. I could go on but I don’t need to.

Also of course there will always be complaints. Nobody is ever happy with a game but looking into what is being complained about can sometimes yield answers with what needs to be done and since anet appears clueless in what they should do then maybe there should be some attention paid to the forums.


This complaint would have made sense before they buffed base virtues. Right now in wvw you do not take dh and nor do you take dh if you want to run burn guard optimally in pvp. Dh is only ever mandatory if you run power in pve or pvp.

Make mericful intervention not need an ally

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


While it would be great from a guardian main’s perspective to have merc intervention not be limited to porting to allies, it would sort of mess with their balance of giving guardians high survivability but few ways to disengage. That’s a benefit squishier classes like mes and thf get.

What i would like to see that i think still maintains balance amongst the classes is make merc intervention port you to a downed ally within 1200 range. Would be a great help for a support guard build.

When is going to be solo que?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I want them to change it to solo queue only so i can see people blame their losses on something else.

Ask yourself this:

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I wouldn’t really pay much attention to official forums on the state or quality of a game. I have never seen an official forum that wasn’t full of complaining. Ever.

Also regarding elite specs, they are only a full upgrade in some cases. Such as mesmer. The reason why they are almost always used has more to dl with the fact that the elite trait line also gives access to utilities and weapons. This is something that isn’t true with core traits.

Ask yourself this:

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


The problem isn’t that they don’t understand player motivations. This forum is full of opinions on what drives player motivations. What anet is charged with is playing a balancing act with all these opinions and sorting out which opinions don’t work.

Gravity Well vs Plaguelands

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Stepping into a necro when he has dropped plaguelands, well of corruption and when he’s landing marks on you is practically a death sentence.


in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I would love the ability to replay a match on video after it’s over. Would help one study what went wrong during a match. Both with your team as well as with your own missplays.

We need more meta level support builds

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


As of right now, the only meta support build is aurashare tempest at meta level and this creates numerous balance situations:

1. makes ele mandatory at the competitive level
2. makes it so any ele not running meta feels like they sre gimping their team or opens them up for flaming
3. creates the presumption that the team with the meta ele will win (not always the case though)

There are plenty of possible builds that could be tweaked to be more competitive. Old vanilla bunker guard. Druid, Ventari rev. But in order to balance them you need to look at what makes ele meta in the first place. It has the ability to passively heal its allies and clear conditions through shouts and auras and it has a big heal on the heal utility.

The other classes don’t have to be able to do the same exact thing. Some can focus on condi clearing, others on boons, others on peeling enemies off allies. But they do need to be able to do a bit of everything to keep up with meta ele. For example ventari rev has enough healing to assist allies but doesn’t have enough sustained condi clear and passive healing to keep up. Bunker guard can clear condis well enough for allies but doesn’t have enough burst healing It also has a bit of passive healing on aegis removal but it doesn’t generate enough aegis to match the number of auras an ele can put out. Druid i am not too sure what it lacks. Maybe needs more passive healing?

What do you guys think?

(edited by Kuya.6495)

The Reason I don't play any Ranked Arena

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I prefer the meta we have now much more to the stack d/d eles meta we had before HoT.

The Reason I don't play any Ranked Arena

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


OP sounds like the kind of guy to place target on a mesmers head in a teamfight and get angry when people dont follow his orders.

the comment reeks of a controlling undertone

I loathe those kinds of players. The ones who bark orders a lot but give bad advice.

Bunker rev not that good

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Maybe if OP didn’t exaggerate his complaints we could take him more seriously.

Bunker rev just seems like an ele that is better at holding and decapping but is worse at killing and protecting its teammates.

Bunker rev not that good

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


are you 1v1 a bunker rev or are you saying you can’t take one down in a team fight even with necro condi and boon corrupt pressure?

I try not to fight a bunker rev at all at this point. I literally tell my team to not fight the rev and just play points he is not on. My team doesn’t listen. And we lose.

And we did have a ranger with that range pressure. Didn’t help them.

It sounds like your complaint is really about bad teammates and not bunker revs.

Also good, you shouldn’t be soloing them anyway unless you’re a decap dh or something. And also, if you are running condi meta necro you should be able to help your team take one down. A bunker rev can’t condi cleanse whilst also try to avoid power damage, he’ll burm through his energy too quickly.

Bunker rev not that good

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


are you 1v1 a bunker rev or are you saying you can’t take one down in a team fight even with necro condi and boon corrupt pressure?

Automated Tournament incentives and issues.

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


One solution is to up the daily rewards significantly but limit participation in tournaments once a daily reset to keep the pros from just farming the rookies all the time.

That is, unless somebody decides to use alt accounts.

+3/-20 gg

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


On the flip side, i only lost 7 points losing to nos and zeromis. I was more amused that the necro thought we were losing cause i sucked at ele, while our thf thought we were losing cause our necro sucked.

The new mists is terrible

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Maybe adding a second arena with a capture point might help new players learn a bit.

The new mists is terrible

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


The free for all arena is lit though

Wardrobe save feature suggestion

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Now that they added ATs, i imagine this might be next on the agenda.

Condi is easier to counter than power

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


It’s pretty clear to me that the people generally doing the complaining about condis are usually players who main classes who are the weakest against condis (revs, thfs, rngs, engis, etc). Same thing happens when there’s a thread complaining about guardians. It’s usually good to bet it’s a thf or mes main doing the whinning. Same thing when a thread pops up whinning about thfs. You can also bet it’s probably a necro, mes or ele main.

I've seen this before...

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Pretty much. The more customizable your characters are, the harder is it to balance the game mode. Yet people want more viable builds as of that were an easy thing to do while maintaining game balance on 3 different game modes on a game that doesn’t even have a monthly fee.

Pretty much unrealistic expectations.

Condi is easier to counter than power

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


The benefit of condis is that they allow you to be offensive and defensive simultaneously. With that said, one thing power specs have over condi is that they aren’t rendered completely useless by things such as resistance and high cleanse uptime (guardians and elementalists).

Mesmers one shotting people

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


First of all, this is the reason why auto stun break traits exist. People complain about these traits, but they give you a chance to respond to a surprise attack. Use them.

Second, power mes make a characteristic sound right before they spike you. It’s the sound of a mantra going off. If you 1v1 a mesmer you should be able to learn what this sound is. They are attempting to stun you so they can mindwrack you. Once you learn the sound you will know yo dodge it once you hear it. It sounds kind of like a bell.

Match Manipulation

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


So now that you are talking, Gaile, I have a question:

Does ANET punish accounts by downrating them during the season so they get worse games? Was my account so punished? Is that why I got 68 straight losses?

I’m almost positive that you’re really a mod posing as a really bad poster in order to bait flamings to infract.

It just has to be.

Rev knockback

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


The issue isn’t that they’re able to regen energy fast enough. The elite only costs 10 energy. when people bring up that the skill uses up all energy they mean that using the elite costs 10 energy to use but drains all remaining energy, leaving you with not enough to cleanse or heal, forcing you to change legends when pressured to survive being focused.

You have to choose. Either you try to outsustain a focus or you devote your energy to decapping. You can’t do both and expect to live unless your enermy is really bad or something

Got stuck in a wall. "16 Min Timeout"??

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


You can also get yourself stuck by porting too close to the walls at mid in khylo. I lightning flashed myself into the wall at mid and couldn’t get out.

New PvP Daily = :/

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


If you win one match you get 3 pvp dailies done in one go. What’s the problem?

edit: also, if you only PARTICIPATE in a tournament you get 4 potions. One from thr tournament itself and 2 from daily, which is more than what we got before.

(edited by Kuya.6495)

Rev knockback

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Definitely don’t see how a rev having to use up all their energy for the elite kb is worth the risk of doing it unless you’re not the one being focused.

(edited by Kuya.6495)

Necromancer How to kill a block target?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I was making the assumption he was referring to dps oriented guardians during league season since bunker guard hasn’t been meta in a long time.

Hows 2v2?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I also would like to see 2v2 arenas replace rank queue during off season.

Necromancer How to kill a block target?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


In a 1v1, the guardian should be able to kill you, but in a team fight, a necro should be perfect for helping bringing down a guardian due to boon corrupts. Power necro is stronger against guardians than condi necro as well since guardians have a lot of cleanses. , but a power necro should bring boon corrupts to get rid of the stability and protection.

sooo dragon hunter

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I hope dh gets more popular so i stop seeing two thiefs on my team every other match.

Hows 2v2?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I attempted to try it out myself but it never managed to get 4 people for it.

sooo dragon hunter

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


dh is low skill floor. They’ve nerfed it multiple times already in many different ways.

The new 'Victory' screen is a step back

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I find that when you win, the end is even more satisfying.

Tournament Daily

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I would prefer that the the daily achievement for tournaments be changed into an alternating daily stronghold, daily 2v2 arena, and daily murderball to get people to try these different game modes on different days. The problem with the tournament daily is that it’s not accessible for most people to complete.

What do tournaments effect?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Tournaments are neither tied to PvP leagues nor are they linked to the Legendary backpiece. They are their own separate reward system for 5v5 fights.

So about the victory...screen? Please no...

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


GW2 pvp community has never been friendly.

What do tournaments effect?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Participation gives large potions that progress reward track.