Showing Posts For Kuya.6495:

Season 5 looks terrible

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


go post that on the wvw sub then. if you havent noticed, this is the pvp section.

Also i do pvp and pve and i welcome ascended gear in leagues.

[PvP] The Upcoming DH Patch

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


because this was a change made by the pvp team, not the pve or wvw team.

Upcoming Changes to Skills

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Guess whomever is messing with the servers is a rev main.

Which professions should I play in season 5?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


keeps saying meta DH

mentions dragon’s maw


Which professions should I play in season 5?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Warhorn more bunkery than focus on ele?

I think i’m gonna go to sleep now.

You use up Obsidian Flesh. Then what?

You use air 5 and water 5. Which is more defensive utility then you will get out of warhorn. Not only that, OF actually lets you res during a cleave or get a safe stomp, which is much more important than that horrible water field. Focus algo gives you an area wide projectile area denial that is far more reliable than a magnetic aura.

Oh, did i mention OF has no cast time and can be used even if you’re stunlocked?

I just don’t see how anyone would suggest warhorn over focus for defensive utility.

I wish my guardian had an invul that lets me use skills during its duration.

(edited by Kuya.6495)

Which professions should I play in season 5?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Warhorn more bunkery than focus on ele?

I think i’m gonna go to sleep now.


in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


It’s the one you don’t like.

Which professions should I play in season 5?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


If you’re going to duo q going auramancer ele and either power rev or condi necro might be a good idea. If you are playing solo, try scrapper, druid, dh or condi chrono. Don’t pic thf unless you are good at rotating and switching to a condi warrior might be a good idea if you want to counter pic an enemy rev or condi chrono. Additionally condi warriors are very good at harassing eles and practically immune to condi necros.

Season 5 looks terrible

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


A 5v5 queue would likely have queue times that would make it impractical. Maybe the best thing anet can do is either sponsor or automate tournaments between pvp league seasons for 5v5s. They can then also have a separate 5v5 leaderboard too with rewards for top teams. The good thing about having separate off season team tournaments is that you can also use that as filler between pvp league seasons to keep the community occupied. Kill two birds with one stone i think.

Year of Ascension achievements

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Crossing divisions = pips gained in S5.

sPvP Season 5 2016?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Any way we can get a toggle to hide the ranked badge on our nameplate? It seems unnecessary in PvE.

You can hide your badge on a per-character basis from the League UI.

I just wanted to give a thanks for the info,

You have been on top of alot of posts since the S5 news came out. So thanks


Same. Thank you for the responses.

Matchmaking has to Stop

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


The start of complaints? The complaints have never stopped.

Season 5 looks terrible

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I am honestly baffled that there are people complaining about new ascended armor exclusively from pvp when it was previously only rng from this game mode.

Lord help me

Will there be balance on the 13th?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


If they do a balance patch on the 13th ya’ll will inevitably be complaining about the dozens of broken stuff that inevitably surges from a recent balance patch and a fraction of you will complain about how it ever could have occurred to anet to perform a balance patch so close to the start of a competitive pvp season.

Tier Matching (No MMR) / Faster Queue Times

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


This much activitiy from a dev. Im guessing this big s5 news is going to happen towards the end of this week

An article suggested more info would be released today.

Will there be balance on the 13th?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Wouldn’t make sense to do a balance patch right when season 5 starts.

Season 5 looks terrible

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


These seasons are terrible!>Anet where is my season 5!>Season 5 is terrible!

And the cycle continues

Anything being done about Broken DH trapper?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


the things that you read on this forum…

I've Cracked Anet And You Don't Care

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


What does the OP not understand?

Anything being done about Broken DH trapper?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


How does an unblockable skill like deflecting shot promote low skill play when i can time it with mesmer shield block, rev hibernation or warrior shield 5 to counter their blocking? That’s the opposite of low skill. That’s reactive, not passive play. Furthermore, using deflecting shot to combo it along f1 to bounce a target on test of faith has nothing to do with low skill play.

Has the definition of low skill play changed in the last second or something?

Also, why would you even bring up DD? That’s another class accused of being cancer. Hey, you know what’s low skill play?

Dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge etc

sPvP Season 5 2016?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


New about season 5 is coming very Soon™!


PVP is dead - Long live DH meta

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Why not just nerf the radius of traps ?

That would certainly make it even easier to outplay full trapper dh by good players but it wouldn’t lead to less complaints on this forum.

I suspect that the people who make these threads would still dive right into the traps with no defensive cds to escape and then strafe the aoe field. They will probably jump right on top of the dh, fail to get out of the aoe, and then come post here about it.

Eliminate Stacking

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Seen plenty of matches where the team with 3 dh fails miserably. It looks like the op is just complaining because dh generally counter mesmers. If it were a mesmer daily, you’d see more people such as power revs whine about class stacking.

Anything being done about Broken DH trapper?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Enjoy the aids of season 5 if DH dosent get nerfed. A bunch of scrubs standing still and spamming aoe damage. Im just gonna play Dh aswell I dont care. If you cant beat them join them. When there will be 4+ Dh on each team maybe anet will do something

Remember to mention in map chat that you are a dh hater that is just jumping in the dh bandwagon during the match.

Those kind of dh are even easier to focus down than a necro. I love them!

Anything being done about Broken DH trapper?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


To be honest, I’ve been smashing the kitten out of DHs with an A/A-Longbow base warrior build. Gotten fairly efficient at it too. I think part of it is attributed to people not expecting the build, but not entirely. What I’ve learned in the last 20 some odd games is that you can’t win the attrition war with DHs. If you’re playing a chip ‘em down build, you’ll never kill them 1v1. The sustain and blocks will prevent you from doing any lasting damage. So, either start teaming up on them or pick yourself up a build that can burst between blocks or provide such constant pressure that they blow CDs early and die from staying too long or have to run. I agree (mostly) with the thread regardless, DHs have way too much staying power and self sustain. kitten forbid if the class is stacked.

For getting rid of dh on warrior i run rifle, mace/shield and take signet of might. Go into berserk mode and spam unblockable gun flames on them. Pretty funny sight.

Anything being done about Broken DH trapper?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Since i play dh and necro i can say this: i have no sympathy for thfs whining about dh. Fighting thfs is the height of frustration as a necro. At least if i play power necro i can handle a dh but thf is just awful.

I play mes less frequently but i don’t see why anyone would care about them being slaughtered by dh when they drive circles around power revs. Hell, there’s a thread on the front page whining about condi mes right now.

(edited by Kuya.6495)

Necro/Reaper is a joke!

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Maybe instead anet can put shroud on a timer like berserker and get rid of life force degeneration and then buff defensive capabilities of necro. I think they are concerned with giving necro too much sustain through utilies and skills which would no doubt get way out of hand. But if they make shroud time based like, idunno, 10 or 15 sec, then they are free to buff necro elsewhere. Maybe they can even buff shroud damage to make it more menancing when a necro actually uses it.

Nothing annoys me more on necro than the lack of tools to deal with cc. With almost no acces to stab and too long cast time on some skills, reacting to an enemy can be almost impossible, much less 5. Maybe they can:

1.give spectral walk stability. it’s already a stun breaker.
2. make well that applies blindness, insta cast.
3. give gs defensive utility. make gs3 apply blindness every 1 sec instead of 3 sec.
4. make poison cloud insta cast

(edited by Kuya.6495)

Sword n' Board Guardian?

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


You can use sword/focus scepter/torch for dps. You can go sword/shield scepter/focus if you wana go more defenmore.

I’d rather change the offhands. Shield (especially #5) doesn’t harmonise that well with sword, but it’s fine with scepter.

Going sword/shield, scepter/focus creates a more even distribution of defensive skills between both weapon swaps. You get one blind (sword 2) and one block (shield 4) and on weapon swap you get another blind (focus 4) and 3 more blocks (focus 5). You get enough sustain on either weapon swap to comfortably spam your symbols without finding yourself in the uncomfortable situation of being pressured whilst your defensive weapon set is on cooldown.

Sword n' Board Guardian?

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


You can use sword/focus scepter/torch for dps. You can go sword/shield scepter/focus if you wana go more defenmore.

Anything being done about Broken DH trapper?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Oh i forgot another one.

Bonus round pro tip:

1- if it has procession of blades, it’s a trapper dh and not a medi trapper

Anything being done about Broken DH trapper?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


The OP titles his thread dh trapper yet procees to complain about what seems like either a symbol dh or a medi trapper.

Pro tips:

1-if it spams blocks and invuls, it’s not a trapper dh
2-if it spams blocks, invuls and symbols, it’s a symbol dh
3-if it has invuls and a bow, it’s a medi trapper
4- if it bounces you around a lot, it’s a medi trapper (pay special attention to lb3)
5- if it has high sustain, it’s a symbol dh
6-if it spams alot of aoe but it has invuls, it’s a symbol dh
7-if it’s running dragon’s maw, it’s a trapper dh
8- if i thas alot of blinds, it’s a symbol dh

Guardian Hammer 5 Problem

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Well that’s weird

Necro/Reaper is a joke!

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


So anet gave reapers chill damage leading to a season where necros were stacked because they hate necro so much. Got it.

No, apparently you did not get anything.
“Necro was broken in one season so it is legit that now they are absolutely unplayable”. No, it is not.

Yes necro was having too much damage in this season, does not mean that nowadays it is the case anymore.

Even worse, it does not mean that it is what people are complaining about. The damage output/sustain ratio is clearly one of the lowest of all meta pvp spec and that is what people are complaining about. Being the OBVIOUS #1 target, no mater what is the situation, is what anoys people.

I was responding to people saying that anet hates necro and that is why it is in its current state by pointing out how absurd that is when placed in context.

Your reply has nothing to do with that.

Necro/Reaper is a joke!

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


So anet gave reapers chill damage leading to a season where necros were stacked because they hate necro so much. Got it.

Necro/Reaper is a joke!

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I guess ESL teams must take necros to give their enemies free kills then.

What is in your 1v1 spec tier list?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


When using symbolic dh:

1-mender druid
2-other dh
4-power rev
5-dodge spam thf (it can’t kill you, it just takes forever to die)
6-everything else

What? AGAIN!?!

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Did something changed recently or something? Few months ago the boards were a full on dh whine a thon and now everything is being complained about. Especially thf now. I don’t remember thf getting buffs though.

Guardians Falling Behind Fast

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495



DH and Vanilla Guard are still a high demand class for team play for the stability, blocks, and other great skills.

On top of that you say you still win most of your fights.

Honestly I don’t see a problem here.

Thread is from may. Before sword, scepter, and boon thf updates.

Guardians Falling Behind Fast

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I have played quite a bit on every class except for engineer with majority being on guardian and mesmer and I can safely say that I agree that guardians are woefully lacking when it comes to spvp. Not a lot of mobility, not enough dps, and very little in terms of sustainability. Thieves and warriors in particular seem to melt me down with ease. I could almost deal with the low dps if there was more sustainability. A bigger health pool or more viable healing. For a heavy armor class I don’t understand the low hp pool. Like others I enjoy the guardian and don’t like that I’m kinda force to play another class to be competitive.

What are you running exactly on guardian?

Jesus...Condi Engi is ridiculous

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


They can be very overwhelming if you use a spec that’s already vulnerable to condis but condi wars, guardians running medi and cleanse on block, condi transfer necros and perhaps eles with earth specced don’t have a lot of trouble managing condi engis. I wouldn’t call something broken if it has multiple counters.

Build Diversity

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I get the feeling that most of these lack of diversity in build complaints are basing themselves off what’s highly rated on metabattle. Yet what’s highly rated in metabattle seems to be builds used specifically in highly coordinated team matches in esl and not solo queue.

Perhaps if the diversity complaint is a perception problem, it might help if metabattle had two separate categories? One for solo queue builds and one for team oriented builds? Making the distinction might lead to more public knowledge of builds better suited for solo play.

Signet of Courage

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


If it heals for about what writ of persistence does then giving the signet no icd and longer range might be fair that way you can get a nice pay off from using f3 on an ally. If it heals for closer to pure of heart values then it certainly needs and icd and limited range.

Block, invuln, reflect and more block

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


There always seem to be two groups on this subject. Those who think anet is nerfing sustain too much and those who think there is too much sustain. Evidently this thread is an example of the latter.

Signet of Courage

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I meant that when you block an attack (regardless of whether it’s aegis or not) heals allies in a radius. Alternatively or additionally, the passive on the signet might be made to pulse an aoe heal whenever you remove a condi on yourself which would synergize with medis and condi removal on block from hunter’s determination.

Now the aoe heal on top of the heal of pure of heart might be a bit much but you do lose out on taking renewed focus if you do this which means less personal sustain for more group sustain.

edit: the signet passive might need an icd of at least 1 second to keep it from getting ridiculous if you use f3 or shelter. if it activates on condi removal you might not need an icd since hunter’s det already has one and medis aren’t infinite.

(edited by Kuya.6495)

Signet of Courage

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


A passive that triggers aoe healing on blocking or removing a condition might have good synergy.

Update on PvP Map Achievements

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I didn’t really have a problem with the way it was but kudos for listening to complaints I suppose.

Signet of Courage

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Reducing passive cd to 5 or 6 sec and making it channel 4 healing pulses of 25% of max hp for 5 allies sounds like a good way to make it more appealing.

Pvp state as bad as ever

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


To think that anet could have avoided all this whining if they hadn’t allowed players the ability to choose traits or weapons.

Can someone give me the build please ?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


You might be able to counter a dodge spamming thf with wards.

the thief is using staff

And? Movement skills are interrupted by wards.

Can someone give me the build please ?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


You might be able to counter a dodge spamming thf with wards.