Showing Posts For Kuya.6495:

PSA toguardians: pvp forum wants you nerfed

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


5 different threads asking to nerf DH in pvp forum now

Trap Guardian Overpowered

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


You know whats the REAL problem with DH?
Its fact that just choosing DH traitline makes Guardian Virtues better than Virtues traitline.

Tell that to the guard forum then.

Test of faith counter play

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


They even gave the kitten thing an ICD on proc and still idiots can’t seem to help themselves.

Shield of Courage is stupid

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Nah, i like it the way it is. Not sure if the stunbreak is instant like fragments of faith is. If it isn’t, it should be.

Dragonhunter too easy.

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Looks like i better start equipping my spirit weapons then.

PSA toguardians: pvp forum wants you nerfed

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Someone there is asking to put an ICD on our traps so we can only set one down at a time…

Guardian vs Breakbars

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Planting at least 2 traps with daze plus the elite melts even a champion’s breakbar.

DH wins again.

Dragonhunter too easy.

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Easy to one shot my theif…… all they have to do is add a global cd on putting traps down so you cant just put down all 3 at once.


PSA toguardians: pvp forum wants you nerfed

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Just letting you all know that the pvp forum is crawling with trolls trying to get our new elite spec nerfed to the ground. So unless you want to wake up to a useless elite spec, i suggest you get your kitten over there and start defending what we spent months trying to fix since beta 1.

For example, check out these rangers rage all over the trolls in this thread trying to get their elite spec nerfed (again):

About time we descended on the trolls like that.


in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Think of DH as you would a bunker. Is a bunker on a point that’s already capped in their favor? Strategy says you should avoid it unless you got backup. Similarly, if a DH is already sitting on a point in their favor, you should consider going to a different point since the DH has probably already set his traps and is patiently waiting for you.

Guild Wars 2 aka Dragon Hunter 2

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Maw can be stun broken out of and stability prevents the barrier from holding you. Daze prevents the use of abilities (except stunbreaks) but you can still dodge.

If you can’t bring stunbreaks or stability, simply choose not to engage a DH since you’re clearly not equipped for it.

you just deleted a balanced amulet

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I’m so confused by all these threads. I can’t tell if people wanted or hated the minstrel amuletanymore.

Bunker Guard is Dead

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


With all the hoopla about DH, people stopped complaining about burn guard, so that’s another alternative you could try.

I haven’t used my shout bunk guard since the expac though. Is it really that bad?

Something needs to be done with Ancient Seeds

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Maybe all this elite spec hate is born out of expansion kitten envy.

Fix invisible dragonhunter knockdowns

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


That knockdown is the least of your problems, baby.


in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Purification and Maw’s duration are known issues.

Thank you!

Btw, thanks for the excellent job with Dragonhunter. It’s such a fun elite spec, i just can’t stop smirking when I a drop a scrub or two in spvp!

So you nerfed DH already?! Wtf?

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Forget the bleeds. I’m content with the high burst from traps. I just want them to leave them alone now.

Test of Faith should be blockable

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


They already gave it an ICD and decreased its duration. Go away.

Dragonhunter Shield of Courage bugged.

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


That’s intended. They just haven’t updated the description.

Trap Bugs

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Make sure you also report the bug in game. Not being able to preset maw to retrigger messes with DH’s combat.

Concerned for DH future because of QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I wish they would at least give maw two more stacks of might on trigger to make up for the increased CD. Would also like added buffs to test of faith’s trigger for the nerfs too.

Is this DH Nerf Enough to Calm the Tears?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


The problem i have with all these posts complaining about DH is how often they seem to confuse DH with medi guard. You can’t go trap DH and medi at the same time. You can’t take invulnerability and take maw. You can’t heal on a 20 sec CD for 8k and block attacks with a heal.

I wish people would get their guard specs straight. T

Is this DH Nerf Enough to Calm the Tears?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


It’s an acceptable tradeoff considering the raw power the DH trait line provides coupled with trap damage.

Trade off is virtues cast time so you can’t use it with other skills, my WoR is interrupted in 99% times I cant even cure 3 conditions on myself because of cc’s.
Before more complaining I suggest you try it for yourself.


[Video] How to fight Dragonhunter by: Arken

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


This isn’t really a question of whether it’s overpowered or not. It’s a video explaining the mechanics of Traps in conjunction with Heavy Light. We do this on the forums everyday, but now we see it in visual form.

I’ll agree, I think Heavy Light should be attached to probably Deflecting Shot. It’s just a better option from both the attacker and defender’s PoV.

There’s actually a thread in the pvp forum complaining about deflecting shot being unblockable and a knockback.

Why is "deflecting shot" unblockable?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


The skill is probably unblockable so it can’t be reflected.

Is this DH Nerf Enough to Calm the Tears?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


It’s an acceptable tradeoff considering the raw power the DH trait line provides coupled with trap damage.

Is bunker the new meta or what?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Did you try throwing dragonhunters at them?

Dragon Hunter DPS

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


The damage was there before. The bugged fragments of faith used to do this kind of damage. The real difference is that now the damage is split between 3 different traps triggering simultaneously plus the might and fury buffs that proc. The only substantive addition is the spear pull that can be pretty clutch sometimes.

Nobody noticed this before because people thought DH sucked, so few DHs were around in beta 3. Now that expac launched, the benefits to DH are much more obvious.

Concerned for DH future because of QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Considering how much bawwing there was about how kittenty this elite spec was, i certainly hope Anet devs ignore the whining. It’s not like DH is even the main thing people are complaining about. They are also complaining about reapers and chronos, and only because those have made them forget about burn guards and vanilla mesmers.

People only complain about the flashiest thing that’s kicking their kitten and rarely about the specs that really win team fights, such as shout guards.

Dragon Hunter DPS

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


So many people were talking kitten about DH before beta, but oh how the tables do turn.

"Interesting" Scrapper Gyro change

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


After Herald got the shield buffs we’ve been asking for, guard subsequently got some shield buffs, so perhaps after these scrapper buffs, spirit weapons will also receive the same treatment.

Burn builds are like turret engis

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Burn builds are definitely good for killing scrubs.

No 25% MS Buff confirmed

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Meh, I prefer the pull on spear of justice over that.

Dragonhunter updates, post BWE3 (launch)

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Thank you for the changes! I absolutely can’t wait to try out the justice pull. If i remember right the range of the tether is 1,200, right? So it’s as long as magnet pull? Since it’s unblockable it might let you interrupt other guards using shelter.

It’s gonna feel real good to pull 3 enemies at 1,200 range right into 3 or 4 traps exploding all over their faces.

The fragmentation change sounds like it might make it a nice utility for any guardian spec since it gives not just a stun break, but cripple, aegis and stability. I really appreciate the buff to procession of blades and dragon’s maw. With the damage increase to procession, and fury and might from maw and blades, it might make a very bursty trap, if you also include test of faith also getting an initial burst of damage on activation as well.

Purification with regen sounds ok (condition cleanses might have been more useful), but i’m not really feeling light’s judgement. Still feels like you’re better off killing a stealth user as fast as possible rather than taking this trap that lets them restealth if they get out of the trap. Might be a good troll if you happen to hit them with justice beforehand and then pull them back in to reveal them again.

I give these changes two thumbs up though. Thanks again.

(edited by Kuya.6495)

Just play Burn Guard

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I’m gonna change from my shout guard to burn guard and play some unranked later to see if i can provoke some more of these threads.

You could say, i’m gonna start a fire.

Just play Burn Guard

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Thread game set and match.

Burn Stacking is Broken

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


When not running shout guard to humiliate burn guards, I occasionally run burn guard in unranked to faceroll unskilled players who like to 1vs1 a lot and stack on me. I find that the easiest ones to destroy are warriors, thfs, engis and mesmers.

The Power of DH

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I didn’t have any problems at all with medi guards or ranged classes while running DH traps. I’m sure you’ll tell me it was because the teams i’ve fought sucked, of course.

Ranged classes were easy to deal with using wall of reflection and the new shield of courage. Aside from thf, this was the second class i facerolled the most.

I will concede to you that classes with lots of blocks and invulnerability have an easier time surviving traps, unless my traps are already off CD when they engage in which case they probably die.

The Power of DH

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Some people don’t like change.

BWE 3 Guardian Feedback (Core/DH)

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


The longbow feels much, much better now the los issues are mostly resolved. Traps feel better, but do still feel purification should changed to a concentration. With a pulsing location heal, or a regen and condi clear. If left as a trap, then the trigger should not be the enemy, but an ally. Which would allow it to compete with recieve the light as a support skill.

Fragments of faith, in fact all the trap damage save lighta judgement and procesion of blades (!? Really, this is the weak sister now?), feel better and are enticing enough one or two traps into a utility slot. But they only work in so, so few situations that its hard to justify keeping there. Eg, drop some traps on rally points or capture points, slot a meditation or suitable concentration one cd is done. The trap will live for another 4 mins.

I actually like this suggestion regarding the heal trap over mine. Make purification trigger not when an enemy crosses but when an ally or you cross it. It would make for very interesting play. You could make the heal trap trigger only when you or an ally cross its radius while below 75% health or something. (the heal trap could be changed to heal up to 5 allies in its radius) The interesting thing about it is that you could plant the heal trap on the home point in pvp, head off to mid, and leave a teammate defending home who can use your heal trap to win a 1vs1.

In addition to that, i think it might be a nice idea if there were some notification when one of your traps gets activated. Perhaps a symbol similar to what appears over your utility slots when virtues are active. When you place a trap, its symbol appears on your UI, when it gets triggered, the symbol disappears, and so you know someone triggered it. It could make for some interesting play in conquest where, you leave some traps near home point, and nobody on your team is on home point to check if it’s being attacked, but an enemy, while trying to decap your home point, triggers your traps, alerting you that someone is going for your home point. Would add an interesting dimension to DH that goes beyond just DPS, but also map control.

Burn Stacking is Broken

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I suppose i must have spent so much time playing shout guard that i’ve forgotten what burn looks like.

Burn Stacking is Broken

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


At least the OP is consistent. Most of the posts i see from him are him whining about burn. Right now most of the forum is whining about scrapper, chrono, reaper and herald, but at least our friend the OP stays true to his cause.

The Power of DH

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I found DH is best played in pvp when you preset your traps at your location while you snipe at enemies from afar. Enemies who come close to your location are usually destroyed unless they pop dodges and invul. Ocassionally, if you’re bunking a point, you can also sit on the point and guard it with preset traps, which works wonders on thiefs and mesmers trying to surprise you while stealthed.

I suppose a reason lots of people don’t like the DH spec is because they refuse to preset traps and instead simply want to either use them at melee range or target them like you would consecrations, but I can see how being able to target traps like consecrations could be very broken considering how much damage they can do and what a low CD they have.

BWE 3 Guardian Feedback (Core/DH)

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Ah, another thing. The healing trap, which i barely commented on because i barely ever used it. Has a pretty strong heal which is nice and great for pve, but for pvp is a bit of a gamble since it takes a while to activate and you still take damage while using it. It would help make it more appealing if it cleansed maybe 3 or more conditions on use (not activation) to give it an added reason to use it over shelter. Condition removal i found was a problem for DH and your only reliable condi cleanse was wings of resolve if you traited virtues for it. I don’t believe having access to two condi clears on DH would be game breaking for the spec. Giving it immobilize on activation of the trap might also give it another mechanic as it can be used to hold the enemy in your damaging traps as well, giving you a reason to pre-set it instead of keeping it off CD. The immobilize on activation can also help you escape a dangerous situation.

(edited by Kuya.6495)

Burst Trap Build for Stronghold

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495



If they do change fragment of faith, they should up the damage on all the other traps too to keep burst trap build possible. I loved being able to drop all my traps down, sit on a point, and just destroy anybody who tried to push me off. It was also handy that, if you had set the traps down beforehand, and enough time had passed. the enemy could trigger your traps only to find you set them up again a second later.

BWE 3 Guardian Feedback (Core/DH)

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


After playing DH more, here are a few more of my impressions:

I absolutely love it for pvp. With wall of reflection and the shield virtue, it’s pretty much your game when you’re up against another ranged spec, and traps make it difficult for melee players to approach you. There were times when the enemy team could not move me from my position because if they got close, they had to retreat and they couldn’t fight me at range. So for pvp, i think it works, wonderfully.

Now i have a few comments on certain traps: I found it very difficult to convince myself to take light’s judgement. I tended to use if it i saw the enemy team had a lot of stealth using classes and it worked well enough, but at times i felt that i was better off using a damage dealing trap since the thief could just leave my trap, wait for reveal to go off, and then return to try again after the trap’s effects have ended. Meanwhile, when i took two damage dealing traps and the elite trap, the thief was much more likely to die from trying to attack me. I felt like Light’s judgement was too easy to shake off. I think the trap might benefit if it had more lingering effects: for example cripple or perhaps chill. That, way, if the thief triggers the trap, he gets revealed and then he must limp away from me, which gives me ample time to put a few arrows in his back before he gets away.

As for Procession of blades: the impression i got was that this skill was supposed to be the highest damage trap skill but it seems to lag behind fragments of faith. Now, i have heard FoF might be bugged, which i hope is not the case since that makes the trap pretty decent, but what the current situation is you want that you want test of faith and fragment of faith for damage, leaving little reason for taking Procession. I think it might make it more enticing if you either outright increase its damage, or give it some other effect that raises its damage indirectly. That could be either by letting it quickly stack burn innately, or letting it stack bleeds innately. As it stands, not only is FoF better for in terms of sustain and utility, it is also better damage wise than procession, which i imagine wasn’t the intention.

Now regarding traits: it seems there is a bit of a problem with synergy between DH traits and core guardian traits. There are a few scattered good ones around, but it seems you need to take traits you dont want to get them. I have a few suggestions to alleviate that: In zeal, tier 2 and tier 3 traits are fine, but the options are slim for tier 1. Might i suggest making zealous scepter not just give might with scepter but also with longbow? It used to be a trait you’d take if you wanted to range, but now that we got a long bow, it makes sense to include it here too.

For radiance, wrath of justice in tier 2 seems to be the only reason you’d take that line if you wanted to use justice’s active effect (more on that later). I think we need to add some things to tier 1 and tier 3. Perhaps you can modify Right hand Strength to also give buffs to long bow? Reduced cooldown? More crit? It doesn’t have to be both.

Finally, regarding pve: while in pvp traps work well because more often than not, the enemy will have to run into them if they want to get you or get to the point, and while traps may also work while solo in pve because they enemy is always after you, i can see a problem if you pve in dungeons or raids. It’s far more likely that in a dungeon you’re not gonna want to be next to the enemy if you are using longbow, and it also likely the enemy might be attacking someone else and not you. In those cases, traps might be of very little use (unless you are a melee dps guard). It’s been suggested before, but i think it should seriously be considered making the new justice active effect work as a flip over pull. This might help with being able to drag an enemy to your trap to activate it. This not only helps solve one problem with traps in dungeons, but it also gives DH a reason to use the active of justice, which right now, there is little benefit to doing.

Most likely, DHs in dungeons will not want to use knockbacks, so they might very well be using Big Game Hunter, but unfortunately, the traits in DH such as Zealot’s aggression and dulled senses promote the use of justice’s passive. There needs to be more benefits to using the active of justice.

Finally, returning to pvp, one thing i find lacking in DH is the ability to disengage from fights. The best i have is wings of resolve which isn’t very effective for getting away. There are many ways to make it more fruitful to use as an escape virtue. You could give it stability. You could give it evade frames. You could increase the range. Lots of ways. I just feel it needs to be considered, at least when it comes to pvp, as a tool, probably the only tool, you can use to create distance. Hell, if the buff to wings of resolve were large enough, you could potentially even use it to lay traps near the enemy, and then jump back to range with a good buffed wings of resolve virtue. Might help for pve too.

Anyway, that’s it. Thank you for all your work!

(edited by Kuya.6495)

Damage is Way Too High

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


It’s really strange. You got people making threads about the bunker/sustain meta being out of control while others make threads about damage being too high.

I don’t understand this forum.

BWE 3 Guardian Feedback (Core/DH)

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I’m still deciding on pve, but so far in pvp the elite spec has been pretty decent. Enemies usually have to disengage from me if they land on my traps and if you bring wall of reflection then you also get an upper hand on ranged opponents.

My only complaint on the pvp side is that the procession of blades trap isn’t very useful unless you can hold the enemy in the trap, so i would find it more useful if the daze on the trap trait were replaced with a 1s stun to give me time to land a cc to pin the down to the the spot. On bow 5, i would rather if the rings would appear faster during the channel as it’s currently a bit difficult to actually catch an opponent in it due to the rings only showing up at the end of the channel, giving the enemy more than enough time to leave the attack area.

Anyone else think burn gaurds are op?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Burn guard is pretty much just a scrub killer. But boy what a beautiful sight when the enemy team is full of scrubs and they are up against a burn guard. 1 burn guard, 3 dead burning bodies.

Burning OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


As a guard main, it’s absolutely enjoyable to watch 2 to 3 people drop from stacking on your aoe burns, but it’s even funnier when you’re a shout guard and a burn guard fails spectacularly at trying to take you down.

Bonus points if he kills himself on your retaliation.