Showing Posts For Kuya.6495:

Meta-Battle Test - Symbolic Dragonhunter

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll try taking those sigils instead. And also, the mobility issue isn’t something specific to this build, but rather, to all guardian builds. But i get what you mean.

Meta-Battle Test - Symbolic Dragonhunter

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I think going with zeal+honor+DH is better for this spec. It provides more damage which helps you win your 1vs1s. Since you’re applying so much aegis, it also means you benefit from shattered aegis. Valors helps for the smite condition on purification, reduced cd on shield and heal on medis, but i felt i wasn’t lacking in healing and condi clearing by taking zeal over valor. While having a reduced cd on medis is cool, i felt medis were still good even with zeal.

So i usually run contemplation of purity, and fragment of faith. If i see a lot of condis, i take smite condition. If i see a lot of power, i take test of faith. I changed a few things from the meta battle build aside from taking zeal. Let me know what you guys think:

Condis Carry ppl / Nerf condis

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Just use a bruiser guardian. They don’t seem to have a lot of problems with condis.

Meta-Battle Test - Symbolic Dragonhunter

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I think i’m gonna try changing valor for zeal to see if i can up the dps without losing too much sustain for better 1v1 results.

GZ on buffing Dragon Hunters

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Actually, the problem with thfs is that you can’t dodge out of a ward, so when they try to dodge out of a trap they already activated, they just keep falling back in. You gotta port out of the ward if you wana get out but you will get hit by test of faith. If you already took damage from procession of blades and dragon’s maw and are at low hp, the blades from test of faith will probably finish you when you try to port out.

GZ on buffing Dragon Hunters

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I would honestly be more afraid of guardians running sword/focus and mace/shield with hunters fort and pure of heart with fragments of faith than full trapper or medi trapper. The sustain on this variation of bunker turned bruiser is enough to 2v1.

Meta-Battle Test - Symbolic Dragonhunter

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Started using this specific build on meta battle. It really is amazing. Makes me feel like an scrapper. I think what really makes it shine is the healing coming from menders+aeigis+medis. Plus the condi clear thanks to all the aegis you get and hunters fort +medis. Probably what made this build possible is the added aegis on mace 3, less reliance on virtues thanks to baseline condi clear on f2.

Since Anet developers are ignoring us...

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


kitten, it’s almost like they have a lot of kitten to do and there’s development time to take into account with this kitten, aside from tests.

Who knew.

Since Anet developers are ignoring us...

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


How are they ignoring us when they recently let us queue from outside the mists which is something we’ve been asking for?

redesign traps

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


So make the DH even more of a hard counter to thief?

Depends on how much they reduce the damage on traps in return for adding a teleportation mechanic. If they reduce it enough, it would mean no more insta-downs for thfs who cross into a point loaded with traps. I also imagine that guards would take less traps since you only really need two. One for mid and one for home.

redesign traps

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Lol the post dh buffs nerf traps threads have begun as prophesied

In all seriousness though Kuya that idea is pretty nice, i dont play dh but it would be really interesting to see. The teleport would be a flip over skill which would prevent the traps from going on cooldown once used, which may mean base cooldown reductions. This should be fine if the damage of the traps were nerfed in the process.

I imagine Dhs wouldnt mind at all especially since the recalls would work as escapes

I honestly think it would kill so many birds with one stone.

You would:

1. give guards what they’ve been asking for regarding more mobility
2. you could justify reducing the damage substantially given the new level of utility added, so it would please the complainers… for now
3. you can justify making it so traps cannot be dropped back to back (another complaint from those at the receiving end of traps) since once a trap is dropped it transforms into a flip over skill like how rev works, preventing you from using the trap again until you either trigger it manually to teleport or have an enemy trigger it so you can teleport. traps a new dimension that is less noob stump and more strategic, giving traps more skill based use. much like they change they made with heavy light and bow 3.
5. virtous solace was a good start, but changing traps to work this way would give guards better disengage from unwinnable fights. Right now, a guard is too forced to commit to fights that they start.

I would love Anet forever

(edited by Kuya.6495)

auramancer build are fine, use magi amulet.

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Can confirm magi is adequate for bunker guard.

redesign traps

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I would be fine if the damage was further reduced on traps, but that they allow you to teleport to the traps location once triggered. That way, they function as personal portals so that a guard can guard side points from decaps and circumvent the innate lack of mobility the class has. It would further entrench it as a counter for thfs and perhaps a harder counter to side point assaulters like mes, war and rng.

GZ on buffing Dragon Hunters

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I’ve seen people run so many builds of DH in unranked right now, and so many have been viable that i honestly see a guardian and i no longer know what i’m gonna be up against. Is it a bunker guard running shouts? A bunker guard running aegis? A trap guard? A medi guard? Is he running hammer, sword, focus, shield, bow, scepter, torch, mace or greatsword?

At this point i just wait to see what the DH is doing before i decide what he is.

A Way To Balance Bunker Without Destroying It

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I also had a easy time dealing with tempest and scrappers as mace/shield condi warrior. The condis wreck the engis and the interrupts ruin the eles.

Can we ditch the condi/bunker this patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Which condi and which bunker specs are you complaining about specifically?

Your DH system is too harsh

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


DH system too harsh?

time to nerf gerdians again.

lol confirmed

How do we make the Guardian great again?

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


We build a giant reflect wall and we make revenants pay for it.

How do I counter a perma-evade thief?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Wards prevent them from spamming evades.

Why is it ok for eles to be unkillable?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


From my experience, eles have a difficult time with condi warriors.

The condis themselves aren’t that bad, but when you’re constantly getting interrupted, it makes it hard to heal, and the next thing you know, you’re loaded with too many condis to cleanse in time before he’s through with you.

This is both from the perspective of someone who has played as a support ele and played as a condi warrior vs. support eles. In fact, i’ve having a difficult time finding out what hard counters a condi warrior.

So devs...

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Any future plans or specific direction you guys intend to take with the guardian class? Not that i need to have the details (although i do want them), but i’d be nice to know if there is anything planned in the future for this class.

Like, for example, are there any plans in the future for enhancing the guardian’s ability to hold points in pvp? Or enhancing it’s ability to support party members when cleansing conditions? Or it’s ability to support party members defensively in pve? Or perhaps changing the mechanics on the dragonhunter so there is a higher payoff for skillful play?

Just want to know if I should expect anything.

Why is it ok for guardians to be so OP?

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


This thread a joke?

Adding cast time to ALL Dragon Hunter traps?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I can understand where these threads come from though. It’s still possible for me to run 4 traps and contribute a lot to a match with multiple downs. Some people just have really bad tunnel vision and just barge into a point without precautions.

Anyone actually playing Guard/DH this season?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


The Hambow medi guard version close to the meta version works fine. As does the meta. Neither are pvp league material though.

Adding cast time to ALL Dragon Hunter traps?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Another great suggestion would be to lower DH movement speed by at least 25% to make up for the uberness in other areas.

Adding cast time to ALL Dragon Hunter traps?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I’m cool with a longer cast time on traps as long as the damage goes up too.

Viablity of Radiance

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Yea, the condition should easily be made relevant changing it to stack in intensity and lower its duration across the board. Or alternative, you could increase the amount of damage it can reflect back (or make it proportional to the damage the attack does) and make it last a really short time, so it becomes the sort of condition you have to use at the right moment to maximize effectiveness. Make it so you have to watch for enemy tells for big attacks that do a lot of damage as your cue to pop it to reflect it back. Sort of like how longbow skill 3 is supposed to work in theory with projectiles.

Adding cast time to ALL Dragon Hunter traps?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Should also shave true shot another 20% while we’re at it.

Viablity of Radiance

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


If relation did more damage it might be worth considering, but it’s a hard sell making a condi that only works if people hit you. On the one hand if you make it too strong, you basically wipe out everyone who even dreams of touching you. If it’s too weak, as it is now, nobody will ever want to use it.

Finally I can make The Ascension, 1000g WHAT?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I don’t understand what the OP wants.

Does he want the legendary to not cost 1000g to make for the gift of fortune making it the cheapest legendary by a longshot and therefore increasing the amount of pvers who rush to pvp just to get the cheapest legendary ever? And why would you blame them if it doesn’t require the gift of fortune?

The only thing with less foresight than anet is its customers.

Is it really my fault if I lose all my games?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Best way to find out is to post a video of you playing a match.

Whats With The Bad Match-ups again?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


i started reading the thread and was like " here we go, another thread complaining about mmr this season". Then i noticed the thread is a year old and the complaints are exactly the same as they are now.

People sucked before leagues, people will continue to suck after leagues.

Guardian Skill Patch May 17

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


To be fair, guardian isn’t unuseable in pvp. It’s just not meta enough to be pro league material. You can still spec for full traps or meditrapper and still do pretty well. The precise problem the DH spec has is that two of the meta classes are counters to DH: support tempest and power rev. The on point pressure a full trapper can put out is still devastating and the meditrapper is a very good bruiser. What the class really needs is a viable bunker spec to be able to play around the revs and eles.

Guardian Skill Patch May 17

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I wonder if that was meant to troll us.

Any recent comments from devs?

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I heard there was a balance patch coming for season 3 of pvp, but no word on what they planned to do about guardians. Has anyone by any chance heard any dev comment on the state of the class and where they plan to take it? Or what they think might be the problem with the class?

I really like guard. It’s my main, but lately i find that i’m not playing it much because while it’s the 4th highest DPS in pve (the light field on the hammer auto is kind of a drawback), the utility it offers a raid is very limited, and in pvp it feels like i have to try twice as hard as anyone else to win.

Guardian "D Tier"...I'm glad it's not just me

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Well, at least we’re still 4th highest sustained DPS in PVE.

What would it take to make DH competitive?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I’d like to see Altruistic Healing coefficients buffed, and pure of voice clear two condis instead of one with shouts. They should buff other guard specs rather than buffing DH (or nerfing it again because it stomps new people).

Undodge able CC.

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


The Elite trap on guard prevents dodging once inside the effect radius because it’s a ward. I don’t know what you’re talking about with chains, but that’s not a trap. That’s LB5 and is also a ward. They all work the same way that hammer 5 and Staff 5 do, because they are wards and you can’t dodge through them. You need stability.

Any viable specs that is recommended for PVP.

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I’m not noticing much difference in the performance of the medi trapper DH. I have noticed true shot isn’t as clutch anymore and LB 5 is harder to land, but that’s not something i absolutely NEEDED to make the build work. Ultimately, knowing when to use F3, ToF interrupts, F1 pulls and using LB5 to peel seems keeps the build useful.

Why am I not aloud to win a pvp match?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


It’s not your fault, the MMR is random is biased against low MMR players. I know the feeling,

First step, stop blaming the matchmaking. It’s almost certainly the player’s fault. This week we got a pug complaining that he lost like 15 in a row and matchmaking sucks, then he proceeded to throw the game by losing to classes he’s supposed to counter, wiping under 2-3 seconds in every fight. He singlehandedly ended our winstreak of 25-30.

If you have a lose streak bigger than 3-4 matches, you’re the problem, and denying it won’t help you climb.

I’ve run into so many of those kinds of players who, once the first wipe happens, start putting their teammates on blast despite being kitten themselves.

And they are so very certain of themselves.

Certain builds Counter Certain builds.

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Also, a aura tempest isn’t a hard counter in the sense that it can kill a DH outright with no effort, but a aura tempest can make LB on DH practically useless. So i would say an aura tempest is a soft counter to DH who usually run LB.

Certain builds Counter Certain builds.

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I don’t think there’s a build that necessarily counters aura tempest. There are builds that can do better against an auramancer, such as builds with lots of cc and burst, but it can still take far too long to kill the tempest if he’s good with his skill rotations. Generally, you’re going to need two people to kill one.

edit: disagree with the previous poster. From my experience playing as a medi trapper DH, most necros lose.

I haven’t used gunflame warrior in S2, but when i messed around with it in unranked pre season, it was easy to kill DH, thf, and eles.

Just 3 tier in sapphire

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


You want to pay to get into ruby yet you say you’re not a bad player. Curious.

Something Something DH suck?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I use DH when the enemy team has necros, thfs and mesmers. I usually switch to something else if i see multiple eles or revs.

Revert Quickness/Slow on Finish/Rez

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


OP is literally insane

You think Ruby sucks?

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I don’t know. Without the division checkpoints, we can expect the screeching in the forums to reach nightmarish levels.

Plus, losing diamond division after having to claw my way up there would give me ptsd.

Stopped dead on Wings

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Are my eyes playing tricks on me or did i just see an OP complain about getting the legendary when he hasn’t even crossed past sapphire yet?

Any pro leaguer streams using guardian?

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


I can’t rly stream because of my internet but I could upload some youtube videos of gameplay if you want

And yes please!

Any pro leaguer streams using guardian?

in Guardian

Posted by: Kuya.6495


i don’t know any current pro leaguers using guardian but Gamewithstorm pays Rev and DH and he streams often on Twitch.

Thank you!

Ruby division makes people hate PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Some people here have asked for getting rid of division lock.

Can’t wait to see the complaints about this for S3.

The cycle continues.