To be honest. I am just waiting for A-net to come out and say: " Well guys we totaly failed this PvE and PvP have the same balnce thing sry"
Becaus thats how it is at the moment. Mobs in PvE have up to 10 times the Hp a squishe in sPvP has macking it totaly brainless to try that mob wiht that dmg/ CDs.
It is great that A-net trys to mack sPvP a e-sports. But they should remember back how they made PvP in Gw1 one of the best PvP’s there is. Balancing stuff acording to that mode and ONLY that mode.
I still not get how the devs see use as the magic version of the thife. We have less burst, less stealth, less CC, less condtions. The only thing we out do a thife is in raw suvival power but then again. he got more blinks and runs faster so how cares about that point.
(Some) devs on A-net just love the assassin archtype. they made it stupidly strong in Gw1 and it is stupidly strong in gw2. Maybe I am crazy becaus it is late, but it does not look like A-net learned to much from giving an Assassin class to many suvival moves.
Ok you sold me on it. Was thinking for quite a bit to start a ele now you got me with that.
Oh I see thank you
Got some movement improvements coming for Mesmer also. Mostly more reliable swiftness.
I really hope so. It is a pain to get no loot in WvW becaus you are either A) not there or have your AoE dmg not up besieds F1
They broke the Mesmer …again.
The animations are pretty much the best in the game for all races. ( All other pretty much get the same animations. Charr have some but only a few)
There Voice is just great. Both male and female have a great and fun lines you can hear over and over again. While some other races , especial the females, have some pretty lame lines ( female sylvari getting hit anyone?).
On top of that they have the best cutrual amour, Labs all over ther starting area and a awesome city.
Happens to me sometimes after using a way point.
Cannon rifle. There is no diffrence in the Eternal Alchemy.
Thiefes. It is not even their dmg it is just the fact that it can take 5 sec for them to render and then they invis again and run. THAT is the annoying point. So in the end you got tons of ppl running glasscanon thiefes running around and if you clash with one he either runs and denies you farm like no other class could ( Mesmer are annyoing but they can stealth/ heal, stealth again and have mulitple blinks( the fact theat they are blinks and not dashes is the annoying thing) is making it pretty much the most unfun class to play against in WvW.
Some PvE mobs finisher the move regadless if the target is invis or not. Some player skills do as awell ( our staff 1 for example). The guardian thing on the other hand is a to part skill. First he marcks you and then he pulls you. If you are marcked it does not matter if you invisble or not he will still pull you ( same as TC if you are in range you will get pulled)
Running mirror images and dodging into the enemy before shattering is definitely an easy but bad strat for bads. I agree with that. That’s an awful strategy. Even if you are going to run mirror images – which most good mesmers don’t these days – you would never want to use it that way.
I see one of those everytime I do sPvP. Then again I don’t do sPvP that much and still level 6.
I would rather say. Shatter builds are a foo strat. You don’t need much skills for the basic Idea behind it. Mirror images dodge into the enemy hit F1 done. If enemy lives repeat.
It is intended. It is the second part of “Temporal Curtain” called “Into the Void”.
As I don’t know what you play here is a small list of options for every class to do the same.
Thiefes have a pull a a kick.
Nercos have fear and pull.
Guardians can use the Spirit Hammer and there walls to push ppl around.
Rangers can push you back in several ways or just poke you at 1500 and mack you miss the jump
Eles can poke you and mack you miss the jump or use a long ranged stun on you mid jump.
Warriros can kick or push you around ind several ways. If it fails you can CC lock ppl with Hammer.
Engis can put there torrents at a randome place that hit you and slow you(snare you). Also the can kitten you back or get in a fight and still mack the jump.
Also if someone camping with TC is the worst you saw you are lucky. I saw several times ppl camping with siged weapons in the JP. Arrow Carts, Balistas and a Trebuche I saw it all. Yes even a Ram. Placed at the small end path at the end of the Areana.
(edited by LaronX.8079)
- You can compansate our lack of AoE in WvW by either a galmour or a shatter build. Shatter builds work better if you roam around in a small group while glamours benefit from big raids clashing.
- You don’t need to have tha focus on equippedall the time if you just want it for the speed buff. Open you inventory equip the focus use the speed buff and switch back to your off hand weapeon of choice . This can help in PvE, sPvP and WvW.
- With Illusionary Persona you can use our shatters at any given time. Which means you can. Do a 4 shatter with Mind Wrack and hit Diversion to get a bit of extra time. You can also use Destortion this way to “tank” a big hit or survive just that bit longer for your heal to come of CD.
- A lot of PvE bosses that don’t spawn ground traget AoE will jump on our Illusions if they are to close so try to set them as far away as possible and spead them out a bit.
- Blink can be a bit tricky to use. The rule of thumb is if can walk to that point within 10sec without jumping you can blink to it. If you blink down it will only blink as far down as you would not take dmg from the fall but that only works if you blink to a place that is ground level. If you try to blink from a roof to a lower roof it fail most of the time.
No the ranger pet has no effect on the story as far as I can tell. It is like the armour the other classes get at the start.
Well iduelist is probably the only decent Phantasm at the moment.
The only that actully can deal his dmg befor it dies. The iWarlock is also still Ok. If you have him vs a boss that does not spamm AoE. He almost has a iWarden delay between his attacks.
I agree with most of you that the tree can be very strong. But it is rather rare. TC is about the hight of my keens and I play Asura. More offen then not I saw arrows or anything just fly over it and hit me. Warden on the other hand can be awesome dps and utlity wise but if the enmy moves you wasted a CD and and off-hand slot.
Yeah Domination also got a bit of bounds. It seems like the tree was based around a diffrent build in the game where you could interuppt like in Gw1. In the current stat of the game it is just ok. You get decent dmg traits in it but all disruptive traits are usless.
On last thing. Our Grandamaster traits are pretty bad in general. The only one I find usfull is Illusinarey Persona as it ads dmg to shatter builds and allows you to caste a quick destortion to get away from on last hit.
A small pic of a small asura witha 1 h weapon XD
With 0% crit dmg yes. But it is really easy to gain enough crit dmg to mack crits worth while so there is no real build/point into a pure power build.
I think the number a-net dropeed was 2. Which is to low even for that. Sure you don’t need a full dev team on that. But 2 guys that are supposed to cover, engine, mechanics and balancing sounds a bit low.
No they had 2 teams assigned to the specific issue that dev was talking about. Which sounds about right, my team assigns 1-3 to each specific ticket in Jira.
Oh then I just got that wrong.
It is funny that this is a sticky. Wasn’t A-nets statment their game does not need a LFG tool? ^^
This goes back to realese I think and it not limited to our class. It just seems like A-net has to less ppl for live support.
Which isn’t really surprising. It needs an ungodly amount of manpower to bust out a whole game in anything less than 1 DNF unit, but it takes a comparatively tiny team to support, bugfix and extend the game once done.
Ofc… they are unfamiliar with large parts of it
I think the number a-net dropeed was 2. Which is to low even for that. Sure you don’t need a full dev team on that. But 2 guys that are supposed to cover, engine, mechanics and balancing sounds a bit low.
I think it is becoming painfully obvious that the person or people who designed the original class and combat mechanics and wrote the code for it is / are no longer at the company.
The bugs in the last few patches that have been introduced smell of people trying to fix code that they don’t really understand.
Each release now they try to fix the fix from the previous release, and break it even more.
This goes back to realese I think and it not limited to our class. It just seems like A-net has to less ppl for live support.
I mean you don’t really benfit from spcing into that tree. In itself it seems to contradict. It wants to be the tree for keeping up Illusions as long as possible while give the option to shatter them. Now that Illusions die way to fast ( even traited) and shattering them does not deal a lot of dmg if you build around keeping them up I really see no point in that tree.
Yes the glamour and Focus trait are really nice but the tree in itself it just bad in its current stat. It was desinged around the fact that clones do a decent amount of dmg but that is history since BW2.
What do you think? Does it need a change or am I just to blind to see.
You can also go condtion clone spamm and kill him faster…. WAY faster. And the neat thing that build works vs more then 1 mob in the game :p
I would like another main hand option. Sword is nice but it does not fit all builds ( condtions builds only can use the 2 for a decent effect) and the scepter….. untill that is fixed I don’t even consider it a really option sure the conffusion is nice on a condtion build but to stay stuck with that thing for 9 sek is cutting your possible dmg and utiltiy to near 0.
Durzlla. Besides feed back non of them is really usfull. Mimic Mirror is just a wast of a skill slot . Warden dies to fast and has horrible delay between his attack, is static and on a long cd. I mean to give us a lot of kitteny things that are supposed to do the same is not good.
Happens to me all the time. The real question is, do other people see you sliding or do they see your legs moving normally?
They see slide. Mass Mesmer slid XD
Also what Ross said.
Was about time. Thank you. It was just insane if you had 3 orbs.
I use the scepter as second weapon for condition dmg builds. I totaly ignore the fact that you can have and auto attack and use it as a tool to blind the enemy or get confussion on him ( which ticks pretty hard). As Off-hand either use sword if I face vertrans and stuff like that and pistole for the rest. Both have there benfits and draw backs and non really does more dmg over time then the other. I tried using tourch and it did work out really well but the CD are just way to long and it is not worth it to reduce the CD by 20% and not get the dodge clone thingy.
No you have to let him hit you with the root stun what ever. Then he runs up you and you use Decoy. He burst down the clone AND then you do the combo. People feel so stupied after that.
(edited by LaronX.8079)
We can farm pretty good. I would almost say solo we can farm better then most classes becaus they lack the sustain dmg we got. But in BIG zergs like in WvW( 50+) we have a hard time. Not becaus does not enough dmg it is more that it does not instant dmg. Unless you go iPersona and Midewrack in there faces you have a little delay between the cast and the dmg most other class don’t have.
We can make ppl Chaos armour why would someone not want use O.o
I knew it we getting nerfed becaus Anise is using super l33t h4cks.
How to WvW as a Mesmer. Get GS and Staff. Build for glamour and confussion. Use Chaos Storm, Feedback and Null fielde on the enemy. Use Time warp on you team. Spamm GS stuff. At walls get a focus and anyone enemys
Tbh. It is usless atm. It’s role is to support shattary/on-kill condtion builds. The staff does the same better.
I just pulled some low level twinks though the ini. It was a pain in the kitten and what did I get? Some green plat armour…on my mesmer. And what did the guy get that id nothing 2 exotics on a level 2 char. There is no way there can be a less rewarding feeling. That little kitten didn’t even say thank you.
Ok I got it fixed by going into another dungone (TA)
The made king instance is bugged for me. I did get in with some guys and we killed the adds but he never came down. I relogged changed maps and everything but he still won’t come down for me. If I join another party they all get in there own instance and I get into my bugged. Anyone got a fix?
edit: I did try to use all emotes in front of him to see if he debuggs but he just ideals.
(edited by LaronX.8079)
sigh this again. we need to mack a stick with “QQ ppl read this first”
1. ALL our ullity is bound either to a area or to shattering/keeping our Illuisons/phantasem. By looking and moving around as soon as you see certain stuff droped you can negate the effect. The enemy Mesmer uses time warp? Well move back he blew a massiv CD and if you don’t fight him on the ground he wants to he wasted it. Or push him out.
2. We have sooooo much burst. True mindwrack is on a pretty short CD if spec for it (12 sec) and you can use CoF to cover the down time pretty good. But all our burst can be avoided pretty easy. Shatter, B-frenzy everything. We have 2 stuns. Both have a decently long CD(25sec) and one of them is a utility that gives cond. dmg. Which means it is pretty usless for burst builds. The problem most classes have is that they tend to only take a stun breaker and try to use it at our leap frenzy combo. Which is stupied as hell. “Immobilized” is a condtion and can be clansed by any condtion remover. And there are tons of ways to get ride of condtions for every class.
3. You try to get into a 1v1 fight with the most confusing class in the game with little to no knowledge about the mechanics of the class. You pretty much ask to get killed.
It is a knowen thing. Either the tooltip is wrong, becaus as Esorono said in BWE1 it used to do that and A-net gave use the big nono or It is a bug which can be cause the scepter is pretty buggy ( no traits work with the first 2 skills)
It is a genral flaw we have.
They do a kitten load of dmg IF you can get some out and keep them alive. If not they are less usfull a water drop in the desert. It is just sad that the two main mechanics of our class ( shatters and Illussions) contradict each other most of the time.
But it is also quit hard to work around it with out reworking the classes mechanics. Because both can work a shatter build and an build based on Illussion as long as the enemy is so kind and does not use AoE. Which all classes do .
It is nice and it probably A-net first try to do a moba styled game. But they need quite a lot to work on. It suffers the same bugs the genreal fight vs structers stuff in GW2 suffers from. Also the scaling of some skills is strang. Ranged skills do 2 the dmg of mellee range skills why should someone even want to engage XD
A Op chaos storm . I don’t think A-net will give us that. But why not take the idea and change it a bit.
Instead of all the randome effects make it have a set behavior.
Field lasts for 12 sek and it ticks every 3 sek.
1 enemys in it = stun to all
2 enemys in it = daze to all
3 enemys in it = blind (5sek) to all
4 enemys and to 10 = 1 stacks of confusion (3sek) for all
Ethernal combo field. Would fit perfect into the punish if you let me do what I want thing the mesmer does. The first tick would happen after 3 sec so you the enemy has time to react to it.
The sword/pistol combo is
- #5 #3 maken another clone or phantasem #2 shatter you stuff.
sword/sword is
drop and combo field #5 #4 #3 extra clone # 2 shatter
Both are burst combos. sword/sword will give you chaos armour up to 3 times ( on casting the swordsman, on casthing the clone for leap and on leaping) You can cast and extra clone either by using a utlity skill like decoy or by useing the dodge utlity.
I like this idea. A-net can we have this please? There is no way ppl could exploit it. It is win win
Nope just a wrong tool tip. It still stuns dazes and blinds in that order. But I think they need to rework the 4th proc when you have Illusionary Elasticity. One stack of short confusion on an enemy you can’t really predict is not that great.