Showing Posts For Lhos.1643:

Cursed RNG... Not fun anymore =[

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


Just play the numbers game, if you keep throwing stuff in the forge for a precursor you’ll eventually get one.

Actually there are some examples which show that this is not necessarily true.

It’s not possible to prove that’s not true without access to the source code involved. The number of possible attempts to get a precursor from the MF is infinite. You can’t stop at x tries and say it’s a fact that you’ll never get one.

You’re being overly literal, there are players who have thrown an insane number of items into the toilet and not got a precursor.

You’re not being literal enough.



EDIT: Maybe they just needed to throw in an insane number of items +4.

Cursed RNG... Not fun anymore =[

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


Just play the numbers game, if you keep throwing stuff in the forge for a precursor you’ll eventually get one.

Actually there are some examples which show that this is not necessarily true.

It’s not possible to prove that’s not true without access to the source code involved. The number of possible attempts to get a precursor from the MF is infinite. You can’t stop at x tries and say it’s a fact that you’ll never get one.

Cursed RNG... Not fun anymore =[

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


Do i need to sacrifice a goat? How many?

Do not beseech the devil for what RNGesus has control over.

I wrote this in another topic on basically the same issue. It bears repeating here:

For as long as MMOs have had the RNG system, I’ve had to contend with the fact that I never, ever, in all my life, have gotten something that was significantly “rare” enough to warrant special mention. I’ve been playing these games for12 years now. And in these 12 years I’ve learned why it is that the lottery is called a stupid people tax..

#1: You aren’t going to get a precursor. Period. All the money you throw at trying to get one is figuratively going down the toilet.

#2: If you can’t measure your progress, it means you can’t make any progress. You are no closer to getting a precursor today then you were at launch. No amount of playtime or money spent entitles you to miracles.

#3: Luck is for other people. It may seem like it is for everyone, but that is because whenever someone is lucky they shout it to the skies. For every person who is lucky, there are tens of thousands who aren’t.

#4: Hard work is for you. It is much more profitable to sell and merch goods for trading than it is to buy and burn them hoping common sense is wrong. Take advantage of the fact that you can make money off of other people playing the lottery.

#5: Don’t even try to get one. It is a waste of time, money, effort, and hope. The sooner you accept failure, the sooner you can get over it and do something productive.

Ignoring the fact that precursor crafting will be a thing soon enough, they can be purchased with gold, which can be obtained in various ways. Ergo, progress can be measured and made.

[Suggestion] Is armor repair obsolete?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


Requiring repair really only serves as a penalty for wiping a ludicrous number of times. Wait and see what the new “challenging group content” is, I suppose.

Princess+Mawdrey+Star+... Mystic forge?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


You get the hideous creature that is Princess Stawdrey, obviously.

What if they announced 3 PvE maps for HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lhos.1643


If it’s 3 zones the size of verdant brink with those layers that’s already twice the size of the average wow expansion…

Did you actually play BC or WotLK?

EDIT: Average, right. Beta’d Cata, which provided less new landmass to explore but redesigned a considerable chunk of the old world. No experience beyond that.

Sylvari 1 hand running!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


Agreed, the female Sylvari run animation is wonky with weapons drawn.

EDIT: The male animation looks more like proper running, leaning into it and moving. The female animation doesn’t seem to lean into the motions as much and the whole thing looks awkward to me as a result.

(edited by Lhos.1643)

How to obtain rare/masterwork of basic items?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


Why would you want one? I doubt anyone would buy it on the TP and they’re in no way superior to other rare equipment of the same type.

Cost of Bag Slots is too High

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


Agreed. I’d pay 100-150 gems, 400 is silly.

Trapped in the LA Trading Post.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lhos.1643


Alt title: Never leave the mists.

Dropped out of WvW, found myself stuck in a crate in the trading post. Wat. This has happened before; there’s a specific spot on the pedestal there where you can drop to character select and when you come back in, you’ll be stuck in the pedestal.


Not sure about buying HoT need advice first

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lhos.1643


The argument was not whether there was value in the Deluxe edition, but what the difference between the Deluxe edition and the Ultimate edition was.

The only difference is the 4000 Gems, and the price difference between the two editions is $25 dollars; which is half-price for those 4000 Gems.

It’s a completely different argument whether some find the Deluxe bonus items valuable, and some do not.

Good luck.

If you place no value on the fluff, then the deluxe is 75$ for the expansion only. The Ultimate is $100 and it gives you $50 worth of gems. This means either the expansion price is $50 in the Ultimate version with $50 in gems or that expansion is $75 and the gems are discounted in price to $25, depending on how you want to view it.

HoT is known to cost $50 by itself. 4000 gems cost $50 by themselves. Character slots cost $10 by themselves.

HoT ($50) + Gems ($50), get charslot and fluff free. Hooray.

Alternatively, HoT($50) + charslot($10) + fluff($15) + gems ($25), get $25 gems free. Hooray.

One way focuses on things that have a purpose other than being pretty. The other, personally, attempts to look at things to make it seem like the greatest bargain possible. Both include at least $10 in bonuses. The remaining up to $15 bonus depends on whether you value what I’ve labeled fluff or not, that’s all.

Please buy my dust. It is very shiny dust. :P

(edited by Lhos.1643)

Not sure about buying HoT need advice first

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lhos.1643


2 — The larger packs don’t add functionality, they add a mini and a glider skin etc. Nothing you need to play the game. The largest pack includes a set of 1/2 price gems, so if you will spend 50 bucks on gems anyway in the future it’s a stellar deal.

2. That’s true. The only extra thing the ultimate edition has that the deluxe doesn’t is $50 worth of gems for half price.

They’re not half price unless you consider skins and minis to be worth $15.

Not sure how you can state that. Regardless of what it comes with, the Deluxe is $75 dollars. What does Ultimate, for $100, have that Deluxe does not? It includes $50 worth of Gems. What is the difference in price? The difference is $25; or $50 worth of Gems at half-price.

If I offered to sell you an orange for x dollars, then offered you that plus a handful of dust for 1.5x dollars, and then the orange, the dust, and an apple for 2x dollars, would you still tell me that apple is 50% off? Obviously not; the dust is worthless.

It’s a matter of where the buyer places value, that’s all. I don’t find skins to be worth cash.

EDIT: inb4 “well some people do”; note the agreement two posts up.

Not sure about buying HoT need advice first

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lhos.1643


2 — The larger packs don’t add functionality, they add a mini and a glider skin etc. Nothing you need to play the game. The largest pack includes a set of 1/2 price gems, so if you will spend 50 bucks on gems anyway in the future it’s a stellar deal.

2. That’s true. The only extra thing the ultimate edition has that the deluxe doesn’t is $50 worth of gems for half price.

They’re not half price unless you consider skins and minis to be worth $15.

To be fair it is a miniature, a glider skin, a finisher, a guild hall decoration, and a character slot. I’m guessing many people that choose the Deluxe or Ultimate edition do place some value on those items. The character slot alone is a $10 value.

That’s it in a nutshell.

The character slot at least has a function that can’t really be replicated in any other way, at least not for the same price and without hoops to jump through (whereas an unskinned glider will very likely work exactly the same as a skinned one).

Not sure about buying HoT need advice first

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lhos.1643


2 — The larger packs don’t add functionality, they add a mini and a glider skin etc. Nothing you need to play the game. The largest pack includes a set of 1/2 price gems, so if you will spend 50 bucks on gems anyway in the future it’s a stellar deal.

2. That’s true. The only extra thing the ultimate edition has that the deluxe doesn’t is $50 worth of gems for half price.

They’re not half price unless you consider skins and minis to be worth $15.

WTB Stage-based Legendary Crafting.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


Crafting a legendary feels somewhat lame to me. Gather a bunch of materials, condense them into gifts, stuff the precursor and gifts into the forge, out pops a legendary.

Being able to earn a precursor in stages is excellent – steady, visible progression towards a goal. You get a junky precursor to start, then improve it via some sort of tasks until you’ve got a nice shiny pre. The same kind of thing happened with some back items (Mawdrey, Spinal Blades, etc). Why are legendaries not in a similar format? They’re supposed to be… legendary, but making them is like putting bread in a toaster and getting toast. Feels like we should be taking the precursor and imbuing it with those gifts and such one by one, visibly changing it from one weapon into a completely different one little by little.

WTB stage-based legendary crafting pls.

A new idea for Dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lhos.1643


1) Repair canisters. Also, if you’re dying enough that your gear needs repairs, you need to rethink what you’re doing.

2) This only serves to be a nuisance. It doesn’t make combat any harder. Parties would just wait for personal heals to come off CD before moving on.

3) I’m assuming you mean the downed health penalty (unless the effect from revive orbs actually does something), but this generally isn’t an issue with how difficult the current content is. Stack in a corner, wreck things as they run over. If people are coming remotely close to being KO’d, how much health they have when they go down generally isn’t the concern nearly as much as the fact that they went down to begin with. This suggestion sort of makes things more difficult, but only if the group doesn’t burn things down quickly enough, which is the problem with content now – stack and burn. Content needs to require more thought than stacking.

Edited because downed penalties apply when downed, not KO’d.

(edited by Lhos.1643)

Free Trail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


they get to do plenty at 20…. that’s two branches of the personal story, and 2-3 entire areas, (since you can easily manage 5+ levels above you,) you’d be able to travel to all the begineer areas complete all of those, and kessex hills and the likes ontop of that, 10 is all that needs to be done to stop abuse of that.

Consider the amount of content completable by level 80 characters and compare it to that.

Level 20 would be fine.

Free Trail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


20 lvls is a bit much. maybe 10 levels so you get the gist of the drop system and how basic rng elements work, as well as a taste of the combat. 20 is 1/4 of the entire levels, unlike wow where 20 is 1/5.

The level cap was lower when the Starter Edition appeared; I think it may have been 85. Also, level 20 characters wouldn’t get to do a whole lot.

No tank, No healer, No trinity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


I don’t particularly care if any kind of a trinity ever appears in GW2, but if dungeon fights could require more organization than “stand in a heap and press 1”, that’d be greeeeeeat.

The Horrible, Awful, Tragic Death of My Build

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


Games change. You can either adapt or whine about it.

Wow, how philosophical of you. Yes they change, point is, when they don’t change for the better, or when that change causes massive upheaval and obsolescence of a lot of hard work and effort in the playerbase, then the change has been done WRONG.

This is crap. Complete crap. With a cutesy, sparkly non-intuitive interface slapped on top of it.

Last time I saw a game go this wrong, this fast, with changes that no one was really asking for, was the NGE in SWG. They too put in stupid circular advancement wheels into the game, and that is the first thing I thought of when I saw the craptasm of the interface and realized the dumbing down changes it was on top of…also, as an interesting aside they did that just as an expansion was coming out. A lot of people got their money back for that…just like many people, including me, are completely unenthused about this game now and will not be giving anet ANY money for this…funny how they also claimed that those changes were in the name of balance and “expansion”…

It is delusional to admit that you are giving your players FEWER choices, with FEWER options, and then claim that is ok, because now those fewer choices are more “meaningful”. That is beyond stupid.

At a minimum they should have allowed you to re-pick the stats on all of your gear, as they have done in the past when certain things were obsolesced. Having to regear, everything, across multiple alts, that you spent weeks/months on, is never going to be received well, and is a sign of dev failure. Having the game changed out from underneath you just isn’t something players appreciate.

It -is- a matter of philosophy. Something bad happened. You can either find a solution to the new problem or complain about it (and apparently die some obscene number of times to what is generally regarded as rather simple content). I’m sure your complaints will have the change reversed immediately.

On the obviously off-chance they don’t, I suggest you deal with the fact your amazing build is now gone and find something that works and doesn’t get you dead 20+ times in AC while you do whatever it was you were doing that worked with that old build and obviously doesn’t anymore.

Alternate post:

TIL why there was a group in LFG for AC asking for 3+ pieces of ascended gear. AC must be hardcore.

The Horrible, Awful, Tragic Death of My Build

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


Games change. You can either adapt or whine about it.

Please Address the Female Human Animation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


Why is this a thread?

Spot the Karka

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


There are hints on how to find the karka. I found 40 of them before realizing this, wandering around and listening for the sound they make. It was fine even without the hints.

Use the hints and quit whining, kitten .

TY Anet for Transgender NPC!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


The sheer volume of arguments against the new NPC in this thread that boil down to “I am offended by this, so my beliefs/opinions need to take priority over those of everyone who thinks differently, even if mine offend them” is amazing.

Moral relativism is a truly mindblowing concept, I know.

New LA: So~~~~~~ disappointing.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


Seaworld looks a little weird, but at least now you can hop into the MF and pretend to be Dr Manhattan.

The New Lion's Arch - Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


I like it, but have chosen to call it Seaworld instead of Lion’s Arch.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


And while SOME medium armors are trenchcoats, a huge chunk are simply COATS.

My thief weeps.

We don't get much for a Pre-Purchase

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lhos.1643


The $75 package is pretty impressive, IMO. ANet will permit you to buy a bunch of functionless digital extras for $15 if you also agree to buy a full-price character slot when you preorder HoT. Looks like a lot of thought went into that one.


Since there are only two options IMO, only one of them is really weak since the $50 option is just the game plus beta access. You’re still getting what you pay for; there’s no extra required expense beyond the expansion, so even if you don’t get a bonus it’s not a bad deal. The only real preorder bonus items are the digital extras, and you only get those if you also agree to buy $50 of full-price gems along with the expansion. To be fair, pretty much all preordering for digitally-available goods is an attempt to raise/recoup money before launch, regardless of what you get with it, but if it’s done right it doesn’t seem that way.

TL;DR: One amazingly horrible package, two unimpressive ones that seem like blatant attempts (rather than veiled ones) to raise money.

editb4 someone gets salty: Go ahead and preorder if you want, it’s your cash. I’m just not impressed.

(edited by Lhos.1643)

Give existing players 1600 gems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


…What? We are getting screwed out of the $50 we already paid on a now-valueless game.

It’s almost like someone had to pay for the computer systems, electricity, people, facilities, and other things required to allow you continuous access to the game for the last three years.

Give existing players 1600 gems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


You do realize that price of the expansion is jacked up to 50 BECAUSE it contains “free” base game, yes?

Source please. GW1 xpac pricing, content, or perceived value is not a valid source to justify this kind of claim.

Suggestion: Just buy the Ultimate Edition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


Ultimate is actually a reasonable deal. You drop an extra $50 on gems at the time of purchase, and in return you get a free character slot and some functionless things like skins and minis. $10 bonus at a minimum.

The Deluxe ($75) package is so awful it’s incredible. Basically, ANet will allow you to buy all those functionless extras for $15 if you’re also willing to buy a character slot at full price when you preorder. Who on the sales team suggested this garbage?

[Review] My first lvl 80 after 130 hrs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


The best action combat system I have played is Monster Hunter, and the second best doesn’t even come close. MH has no “dodge skill” that will make you invulnerable during the animation. “Dodge” is simply a method of moving. You move out from the attack, you dodge it. You move into the attack, you get hit. That’s the “dodge” part.

Dodging in MH grants a very short invulnerability period. Evade +1 and +2 extend it to a duration long enough that you can use that invulnerability very intentionally, though MH does have the caveat that some things can never be dodged at all.

I disagree with a lot though. Monster Hunter has an abominable combat system. Utterly unintuitive and every bit the opposite of the fluid, fun system I enjoy here.

MH’s controls are horrid, but the numerous functions have to be mapped to buttons somehow. Once you learn the controls it’s not too bad. Each weapon also provides a distinct combat style, combo set, etc, with their own strengths and weaknesses. When appropriately geared (as opposed to overgeared), teamwork ranges from being useful to absolutely necessary. GW2 PvE combat can (and often does) boil down to mashing 1 and dodging when necessary. Boss fights/champs/etc are a complete and total clusterkitten here because there’s no trinity, no aggro management, no taunting, etc – bosses just wander around swinging at whoever they seem to feel like, spamming AOE and cleaves to make up for how easily everyone can avoid taking damage.

MH has a steep learning curve and awful controls, but personally, the combat there is vastly more rewarding.

Also, “clusterkitten” is excellent.

(edited by Lhos.1643)

Disappearing cursor leading to CTD?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lhos.1643


Oh goooooooood. This is happening to me now as well. It happened for a week or so during Halloween, then vanished. Reinstalled/updated graphics drivers, reinstalled the game, adjusted graphics settings, etc. Nothing worked.

Just did my first Tequatl

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


Teq is an example of the kind of content I’ve missed here, having played BC/WoTLK WoW.

While teamwork is required in some boss encounters here, the soft trinity means it’s a completely different kind of teamwork, and nobody feels like they have a role of any kind. Fights seem to devolve into 5+ people just running all over the place and tyring to smack the boss while not getting stomped on or hit with any of the the aoe being spammed around.

Teq enforces roles. This organizes the fight. Everyone knows how to down Teq now, but it’s the kind of fight you will inevitably fail to complete unless you can figure out the puzzle.

Dancer in the Dark

in Living World

Posted by: Lhos.1643


FINALLY beat this.

Resilience of Shadows + Shadow Refuge for the AOE, just tank it. Don’t shoot. He just stands there for a while before starting it, that’s a pretty good time to get some backstabs in for damage. Dagger storm helps with the adds, survival is more important there than dealing damage to the boss.

Such a pain.

Dancer in the Dark

in Living World

Posted by: Lhos.1643


Go in with a group – stay outside the vines blocking the way – they kill him and you get the achievement.

That’s not really completing the achievement.

Also, soloing this (D/D + SB or P/P Thief) has been the least fun thing in the game thus far for me. Adding even more opportunities for potentially chained knockdowns/stuns and covering the entire arena in an AoE is not the right way to make the fight harder.

Gwynefyrdd, the Halloween miniature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


I like how people are losing their minds over a bunch of pixels.

Mouse cursor vanishes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lhos.1643


FIXED: Updating to Nvidia drivers v344.11 fixed the issue. I had been runnning 314.22 due to numerous unstable releases after that set.

Logged in and started up with the Halloween content, and ran right into a brand new issue. When I right click and hold to turn the camera around while moving, my mouse cursor sometimes fails to reappear when I release the button, and never reappears. After this has happened, opening the map crashes the game.


Did some searching – I do not have cursor trails enabled. Enabling, playing with them on, and subsequently disabling them did not solve the problem. Switching my mouse to a new port did not solve the problem.

EDIT: No crash log is generated. Repairing did not solve the problem.

EDIT: If I continue to play the first instance of the Halloween content, I get to Magister Tassi, and the game crashes shortly into her speech.

EDIT: The mouse cursor disappears regardless of right-clicking or not after some time in the first Halloween instance. The game crashes as mentioned above. I cannot complete the instance as a result.

(edited by Lhos.1643)

silly ranger weapon question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


Also, all three medium professions running around irn the same armor with the same dual-wielded pistols would be uninspired, no matter how ‘cool’ it might be.

Medium armor is already ludicrously bland and similar across the board. It’s like Halloween, except the only costumes left were Pirate, Cowboy, or Outlaw.

baby quaggan brutally murdered

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


It’s so distraught ;_;

Fall Damage Nightmares

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


I can drop 100feet and barely take damage, but trip on a snowball and a cascading damage effect takes hold and I find myself requiring a masseuse to continue down the path.

Nobody gets “downed”, they just develop sudden leg cramps.

Did ANet actually say this is cuz of tripping? lol

. . . people here take things far more literally than I anticipated. Too used to the WoT forums, I guess. :P

I love Wheel of Time I just wondered cuz I would not put it past ANet LOL

World of Tanks. Not quite the same thing. :B

Fall Damage Nightmares

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


I can drop 100feet and barely take damage, but trip on a snowball and a cascading damage effect takes hold and I find myself requiring a masseuse to continue down the path.

Nobody gets “downed”, they just develop sudden leg cramps.

Did ANet actually say this is cuz of tripping? lol

. . . people here take things far more literally than I anticipated. Too used to the WoT forums, I guess. :P

(edited by Lhos.1643)

Fall Damage Nightmares

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


Tripped, faceplanted, and broke your neck.

Working as intended.

SUGGESTION: Medium Armor Masks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


Medium armor is pretty bland in general, personally.

All the better reason to hide behind a mask while wearing medium armor

Fortunately, we have all the bandanas we could possibly want to choose from. :P

SUGGESTION: Medium Armor Masks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


Medium armor is pretty bland in general, personally.

Dual wield pistols auto attack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


But for Akimbo pistols, always shooting both at the same time is waste of ammo and you cannot use the sights properly, you’d only unload both guns if you are in a good position to do so.
That’d be part reality…

Most pistols are single-shot designs.

Nobody ever reloads between shots.

Spam unload as a thief, something like 32 shots without a reload in about 8 seconds.


Dual wield pistols auto attack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643



There is a reason Unload exists.

gw2 needs more new and technical dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lhos.1643


I think you dont realise what no communication is.

“Everyone ready?” doesn’t qualify.

gw2 needs more new and technical dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lhos.1643


The majority of boss fights I’ve seen thus far have required zero communication and/or organization, and have basically been five people soloing a champ that happened to pop during a dynamic event – it just happens that they’re all in a dungeon/fractal together.

Soft trinity + bosses with ADD and no taunts = that. Hard trinity isn’t necessary. Organization to the fight is.

Miniature Skelk

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lhos.1643


Do want! Was just running about and spotted a Skelk skin that I really wanted on a mini, but sadly there are only Skales.
