Showing Posts For Lian Olsam.9541:

have to spend all glory or what?

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

i didnt understood if after this patch glory will gone, so if we have to spend all glory or if will be usefull also in the future, i’d like to have an official response if is possible

Finally doing it.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

+1 if we have no good surprise i will left ele too.. i m bored to all those stuff i have also a guard and a war and they r stronger in every kind of content… no point to play ele anymore anet had killed it… and this patch its another nerf

Challenge: Dev LiveStream of Dredge Level 41

in Fractured

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

i’d like to see all classes point of view, with builds etc etc, so we will see also how they will feel with classes balance, so u will see a zerk war/guard/mesm do alot of dmg w/o die so much, and zerk ele everytime downed and when he do dmg he do less (or same) then others, but on downed state all the time….
i’d like to see him play this content, or other high end, with those classes, all zerker, for show us how those classes balanced are… cause i think that there is alot of differences
i’m frustrated elementalist, cause i play also other classes and i saw myself the differences, there is HUGE differences… alot of shame for anet… awesome game, i love it, but they need to improve alot this stuff, and with the next updates they prove me, that they dont play classes at all

The Elementalist: A beautiful disaster

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

i agree with u, ele is my main, i love it but…
… he is less stronger then other classes, i also have war and guard, and i feel those classes really much stronger, not a bit, but alot!!
i hope anet will do something about that, my tought is anet will balance classes only for spvp and so we have those unbalanced classes for pve… i play ele cause i like it, but if i need something strong i will switch other classes, and onestly this is unfair, and not really funny
ele need just more survivability like more hp base, maybe 14k, not less, and a little more powerfull healing, the new one sucks alot.

i hope anet will redesign elementalist, cause its really a beautifull disaster and the nexth patch will not change anything, i’ll still need to go deeper on arcana and water for stay alive and enjoy high end content.. i dont need all this defensive build with war and guard..

Arcane Brilliance and new Arcane Wave

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

i’m pretty disappointed for this skill… for be better than others u have to be melee vs 5 mob.. otherwise glyph casted in water attunement give u something like 5.4k heal +2.6 regen in 13 secs.. so its 8k every 20 sec (if u have glyph 20%) w/o have to kill, and stay close to any mob…
i’d like to have guardian heal…

i'v bought a quaggan backpiece but..

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

Increases the size of your character by 50% for 20 seconds.

i just wanna my sweety quaggan bigger on my little asura

improve gemstore previews of armour/weapons

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

+1 they have to

i'v bought a quaggan backpiece but..

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

… its really little on asura, there is any chance to make it bigger?

fotm zerker and fire elementalist bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

when u r downed in fire aoe u cant use skill n2 (mistform)

Challenge: Dev LiveStream of Dredge Level 41

in Fractured

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

if they like so much this lvl, play it in streaming once every 2 days, so after 1 or 2 months u will tell us how do u feel play almost everyday those s****

fire, zerker and ele downed.. bug or what?

in Fractured

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

when u r downed on the fire circle you cant use mistform, it is a bug or u hate ele? :p

quaggan back on asura..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

…its too little, can u pls make it bigger?

Dungeons story be account bound

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

is boring do story more than once or switch caract for open it

Anet lets plan the future of fotm together!!

in Fractured

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

4) the problem is the “future” i like fotm and is a good high end content, but you dont have to need to farm 1k of gold for make ascended armor and weapons… this is farming not fun imho

Anet lets plan the future of fotm together!!

in Fractured

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

we are not on ‘80s we have internet and a good community, so developers can comunicate with players, use this opportunity!!!
i’ve made this topic for interact with u and give some suggestion for the future
i’ll begin

1) the agony bought with fractal relics is be per character, but the “new one” should be account bound like magic find, fotm should be more alts friendly (anytime player can choose what he want is more happy)

2) fotm need more reward, 1 ac path (20 min) is more rewarding then highet fotm lvl (need hours)

3) dredge… onestly its really boring this one, just make it faster, the waves at “mid boss” (i dont remember the name) its boring should be nice just have a boss, one like crow pavillon for example

4)fotm with agony, ascended weapon (and in the future ascended armor), u need all this for run it, its too expensive, u have to farm really alot of gold, for make ascended weapon or buy agony, so, for example, make possible upgrade the exotic armor for be ready to be upgraded with agony (like i think will be ascended) so if u wanna play fotm but u dont have alot of money for make those armor u can, and its also alts friendly

now its your turn, write it, and lets hope to have a deal with devs, for have one goal, more fun, and less rage, for everyone

agony wars 2

in Fractured

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

i like to play fractals, onestly its the only pve content i enjoy, i like some fractal, some mechanics etc, but i also like to play it with different character… and atm is not really possible w/o farming those agony resistance, do u will waste 100 +1ar for use it on alts (for example) when u will need it on main character? u should do it but u will cannot enjoy higher lvl….
they should make those kind of ar account bound, like they already done with magic find, and fotm lvl, so u can enjoy your fotm with all your alts… so u still need to farm, but almost u can enjoy it for all your alts w/o have to chose

agony wars 2

in Fractured

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

Easyer to get but u neet much as before, so its just grind… instability its good idea for make harder high lvl w/o farm

agony wars 2

in Fractured

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

Pretty sad about this agony stuff… u need to farm alot for drop or buy it, u need to farm for weapons (be able to have more agony slot) in the future will be the same for scended gear… alt killer… untill now u had the choice for alts in fotm, now u have to make a choice between your char and farm agony, fArm gold for craft till 500 then make the set….
Farm farm farm…. like others mmo…. what about manifesto?
I m pretty disaplointed… i d like to enjoy all my classes in this game, i dont wanna be a farmer… so pls anet do something about that

Why there should be a dps meter

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

This list should have only your name and others hided with xxxxxx and stats, if they dont wanna show, maybe a ‘privacy’ option ask u if u wanna hide or not your name in those stats so everyone is happy

Holy Trinity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

you should talk about hard content or not, doesent matter, the point is how static is the game, if u need only dps, if u dont care about profession differences, if u wanna only grind and big number i’m happy for you, i’m here for play and have a fun, and atm gw2 it seems just a fps not a mmo

edit: i dont wanna trinity, there is 8 DIFFERENT profession, i whould like have a spot for this differences in the game content, i’m pretty bored to see “lf zerk” everywhere, and wth i’m the first one write this on lfg tool, cause this is the meta… play my ele or my war? no differences, just play zerk, if u do dmg with 100b, lh, or something elese doesent matter cause we have 8 profession and 1 goal, DPS

stack on corner

this is gw2 dungeons

i want see mesmer do their trick, elementalist manage the elements for do his stuff, not conjure a freaking lh say bye bye to their attunement, i wanna see a party with some synergy and differences…. i wanna see some mechanics… “hey engi dude, go alone defend this point, me and war will go to destroy the turret and the mesmer will distranct and take away the gate guards”… “we need to split now, pls thief hide and go over the turret and kill the guys, so he cant push the alarm button, i’ll support the war killing those enemies, and u ranger go over the hill and shoot the far target”…

where is those mechanics?

we cant have

1) alot of mob hit so hard for solo him, so u have to stack on some points and dodge
2) anet maybe love kill and dodge mechanism

i love this game, i think anet made a good job, but we need more, they have to change pve, or if they doesent wanna change content already exist, pls think something about that for endgame, like fractals.
i’m here for be constructive i just wanna a game close to perfection, the team who made contents is not a programmers, but they are artists, this world is awesome, but who write some mechanics… sorry guys, but u need to think different, and give use more option then dps/dodgetostayalive and corners

Lets hope this game dose not become as max and min as your trying to make it because the way your talking the only way to do things is the best way and to do it any other way is bad. Please get over your self and start enjoying games you do not have to play with ppl who think as such if you do not want to.

Side note JP are hard content for some ppl and i guess you can go full zerk in them but its kind of pointless. There a lot more to GW2 then killing things.

its the same for u, gw2 it doesent suppose to be a fps, if u like fps go play battlefield…

i’d like to see more oprions for players, not only have what i want and tell to u “left the game if u dont like it”, i’m not a kid… we should just have some pure dps dungeons, and something else…
what’s the point about have 8 classes with no differences if everyone have to go dps? did u read about alot of ppl be kicked for be a necro or ranger or for dont be pure dps? did u saw lfg tool? “zerk only”“lf guard war mesm only” etc etc… gw2 its not supposed to be like this, and this is not my idea, its anet manifesto, a fun game for everyone…
i have ele war and guard so i dont have any problem for play, my thought is not with a selfish purpose, cause i can play all contents, but its about game quality… why we have ONLY dps meta, when we should have ALSO dps meta but also support, and strategic one?

Holy Trinity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

you should talk about hard content or not, doesent matter, the point is how static is the game, if u need only dps, if u dont care about profession differences, if u wanna only grind and big number i’m happy for you, i’m here for play and have a fun, and atm gw2 it seems just a fps not a mmo

edit: i dont wanna trinity, there is 8 DIFFERENT profession, i whould like have a spot for this differences in the game content, i’m pretty bored to see “lf zerk” everywhere, and wth i’m the first one write this on lfg tool, cause this is the meta… play my ele or my war? no differences, just play zerk, if u do dmg with 100b, lh, or something elese doesent matter cause we have 8 profession and 1 goal, DPS

stack on corner

this is gw2 dungeons

i want see mesmer do their trick, elementalist manage the elements for do his stuff, not conjure a freaking lh say bye bye to their attunement, i wanna see a party with some synergy and differences…. i wanna see some mechanics… “hey engi dude, go alone defend this point, me and war will go to destroy the turret and the mesmer will distranct and take away the gate guards”… “we need to split now, pls thief hide and go over the turret and kill the guys, so he cant push the alarm button, i’ll support the war killing those enemies, and u ranger go over the hill and shoot the far target”…

where is those mechanics?

we cant have

1) alot of mob hit so hard for solo him, so u have to stack on some points and dodge
2) anet maybe love kill and dodge mechanism

i love this game, i think anet made a good job, but we need more, they have to change pve, or if they doesent wanna change content already exist, pls think something about that for endgame, like fractals.
i’m here for be constructive i just wanna a game close to perfection, the team who made contents is not a programmers, but they are artists, this world is awesome, but who write some mechanics… sorry guys, but u need to think different, and give use more option then dps/dodgetostayalive and corners

(edited by Lian Olsam.9541)

Holy Trinity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

i’d like to have some reply from anet…. alot of ppl feel this “zerk mechanism” problem… i hope they will do something asap, i wanna see classes with their trick, differences…
i hate this one-shotted dodge and full zerk situation, gw2 its awesome and should be better then fps

Holy Trinity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

Well, look at it this way. Because GW2 has no trinity, the ONLY via me build in PVE is berserker. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like being forced to play berserker in PVE. Also, having no trinity has basically made balancing classes impossible. Tanks are supposed to have tanks skills, and healers are supposed to have healing skills. Now, every time someone wants to change their build, there is only one best build at a time. No other builds can be equal to or greater than the most viable build.

Guild wars 2 is fundamentally flawed because of this.

agree with u all dungeon is faster with full zerkers, all classes diversity is useless in this game, take war, guard, ele, mesm doesent matter use the full dps build, stick together, and kill kill and kill, what about classes abilities? different mechanics? i wrote a topic about that, if u have interest to go deeper on this

i wanna found a solution, cause isnt so fun atm… ppl have fun with this way is ppl that like farm or see big numbers…. i wanna go beyond, trinity is not a solution, but only dps is worse

Roll heavy or don't play at all

in Fractured

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

See but that’s exactly the problem. A zerker warrior has 2.2k def and 18-19k HP by default, they don’t have to invest a single stat point into it. They can sink all their stats into dps and end up with 5k dps.

You on the other hand in order to get 2.5k def and 21k hp need to put in massive amounts of points into toughness and vitality to get numbers that high. Leaving you with a pathetic amount of dps, probably less than half of the warriors.

So why should I take you? You have basically the same defense as a warrior, but you do half the dps because all your stats are in defense.

well, like i said, its a condition necro, which means the major stat is cond dmg, minors are precision and toughness (i dont have vitality at all, necros have a large hp pool)
i have 1,5k cond dmg, which is quite much, lots of cond duration. i can do 25 bleeding stacks alone on bosses (cause it takes time to stack that up)
ive seen numbers where i do 4000 bleeding dmg per tick (only bleeding!) on every mob around with epidemic, theres also burning, poison.. and every other condition which is copied with epidemic. theres some physical dmg too per atk and also fleshgolem does lots of phys dmg. put that all together and you got a LOT of dmg, especially aoe. but people dont think that far.

its so easy to just say, " yea we need lots of phys dmg and lots of heavy armor. thats it"
lol gw2 was not designed that way. also thought about what keeps the zerk warrior alive? (well its a pain in the * to keep them alive, after 500+ frac runs i can say: they kiss the ground VERY often, because they think to less with their boomboombang builds)
maybe a necro spamming aoe blindess? theres so many reasons to take other classes too, the list is very long bro. players have to be skilled and not your average “google-best-build” player.

you are right but the big problem is full zerk party it works better everywhere!!!
and this sux alot

i’ve made a post for try to change this situation and discuss about this, trying to find some solution and if devs wanna read and reply for discuss about it should be nice, cause this is the biggest problem of gw2, so join it and give some idea and solution… i think all that dps&dodge its a gamekiller for pve and classes diversity…

gw 2 big change (pve)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

that’s an idea, i’d like to listen other guys and maybe anet if they wanna give their opinion on it… classes is better then only dpsing, anet should promote that, there is a lot of way for realize classes differences, and viable builds

gw 2 big change (pve)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

Not only this, cause if they increase armor u still need more dps… imho they have to balance all classes and give more specific purpose on it, and change dungeons mechanics… atm 80% of content need dodge for stay alive or u will get downed too fast, and dps for kill mob and boss, dodge is too important in front of any kind of support, funny on pvp, not too much on pve, if the hit less harder and introduce some mechanics u will give a sense for a support classes… for example: now 20 trash mob hit u for 10k dmg per second, so u have to dodge and kill him, u dont need someone that heal u for 1k hp every 3-4 seconds cause its ridicolous in front of 10k dmg per second, so best way is dodge and kill… immagine now 20 trash mobs hit u for 2k per second, now if u have someone in party will help you u can manage those dmg, with healing, stun etc.. and as dps u can focus your build on it, but u still need someone that carry u, cause with some modify if u r fully dps u cant manage alone dmg and condi ( with traits and utility change they shoudnt allow u to do everything) so if u wanna play glass u need a support team mate, if your party wanna run full balanced build u can do that… as full dps u shoudnt stack alot of boons for example, if some defensive/support three will allow u to do that u have to make a support build for give those boons to ally, otherwise u should have an harder or just little access… also condi its freaking, necro in pve sucks alot cause everyone spam condi also if u r fully dmg.. so there is no place for necro or condi build i pve.
U wanna have and give boons? Perfect u have to chose a support three, u wanna have a big dmg? Awesome but u cant also stack 25 might alone, fury and regen.. classes and mobs are op, they should tone down everything and give a purpose to classes.. delete all infiite mobs ppl kill or skip and introduce something that need everyone not only glassy mate

Let me be sarcastic but atm the name of this game should be ‘dodge and shot 2’

gw 2 big change (pve)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

I really love this game, its a little precious jewel imo…
But i d like to discuss on some changes that will make gw2 close to perfection ( in my point of view)

In dungeons dps is better then anything, so glasscannon is a must for hardcore and elitists, mob and bosses hit hard but it seems full glassy party have a faster way for compete it…

I d like to see more different party for complete dungeon, with some glass and somene else support, someone else with theyr utility, i d like to see more differences between classes, less dmg needed in dungeon, but more “smart action”, i d like to see more “soft mobs” w/o all those dmg, cause u need dmg too for clean it then a full dps party is the way.. i d like to have a necessity for party for have more utility classes using their trick..
Its useless give us a lot of different build if anyone have to use the max dps one….
I have 3 character lvl80, zerk ele, zerk war, an support guard, i m thinking to switch the guard for be pure dps too… at the end i have 3 different dps and it become no sense.. all our profession is awesome to play, but dungeon nd fotm doesent allow uz to play it on 100% just go kill everyone asap and go forward

My 2 cent

December 10th Elementalist changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

ether renewal is orrible u cant cast anything and if someone interrupt u you dont get healing, in heavy content u are death before healing is finish to cast
with lh he cant use the focus skill so he have only utility if he use mist form he lose his hammer so it is sensless..

If he would die before he got 2-3 ticks of ether renewal he was going to die no matter what traits or heal he has equipped.

So what if he has to drop his hammer could still use dps with his weapons,pick up another hammer or might stack the group.The point of having the focus equipped is so you can fall back on those skills to stay alive if things go badly.

Dagger main hand damage is not that far behind lighting hammer dps so you can deal with using it for a few seconds.If you have a scepter equipped you can still do somewhat decent dps for 5-10 seconds.He would still be doing more damage than an ele with tons of points in defensive traits or stacking defensive stats on gear

with ethear renewal u cant cast anything for 3 second, its an eternity in this game, worst healing of the entire game imo
in high content u are underpressure 90%of time so you need focus anytime u can just give 2-3 hit with lh before need something else, conditions is the king of the game, and in fotm you also have a big damage…
this is why i asked a video, cause in this forum, everyone is “pro”, maybe they really are, and so its a chance for learn something, but in my experience, when i have played with other elementalist, i see no burst one, stay alive enough, i’ve played with alot of ele, at any fotm lvl, and when i saw a burst one, usually i spent 50% of time ressing him… there is no glory to deal a big dmg if you are downed

another fact is about other classes, i have also a full zerk war, i have really less problem on this heavy content, i do alot of dmg and have more survivability, i dont need to switch and cast fast as hell like ele.. my dmg is like full dps lh ele, and my survivability its a bit less then full bunker ele…

we need a different balance imo
1) because of the last things i wrote
2) because i chose ele cause of attunement if i have to use lh for deal high dmg i have less option than anyone in this game
3)other classes, like mesmer and war (maybe also other classes) do more or same dps with better survivability

ele is my main i love to play it, but if i was an harcore player i dont whould like ele, i can have better dps/survivability with other classes

December 10th Elementalist changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

btw, someone have wrote 1st goal is do dungeon faster as possibile, my first goal is have a fun, i have to be fast as possible with my job…

btw, i also have a full zerk war, i have same dps as full dps lh ele, and much more survivability.. i hope anet do something nerfing some kind of ele build and improve other build, but we wrote alot about this… lets see what they will do.. i hope they reading us

December 10th Elementalist changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

ether renewal is orrible u cant cast anything and if someone interrupt u you dont get healing, in heavy content u are death before healing is finish to cast
with lh he cant use the focus skill so he have only utility if he use mist form he lose his hammer so it is sensless..

December 10th Elementalist changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

Can u post your build and explaine how can u manage all dmg and conditions? Dont tell me just dodge cause u have 2 and condition dont go away, and mobs doesent disappear in the mid time… i’d like to know for example at high lvl with shaman how can u manage with 10k hp no thoughnes no water/arcana cleasing wave evasive arcana… u will take alot od direct dmg alot of immobilize… i d like to see some videos but some explanation will be fine too, ty

December 10th Elementalist changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

Thanks for your reply, i m curious to see some videos about your runs if is possible

Roll heavy or don't play at all

in Fractured

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

My main is an ele, i have also a war and a guard, in high lvl content i can play full zerk war i cant play full zerk ele, play full zerk war it s easyer then play dps/support ele… trash mobs hit too hard, the base hp of ele is ridicoulus, we have dodge and updraft from dagger, mesm for example, have alot of evade skill and 50% more base hp… anet need to rewrite mobs dmg otherwise war and guard will ever be better choise… i play 90% ele 5 war and 5 guard.. and i really dont underdtand why my full zerk war have more survivability than my ele…

Eles are the easiest profession to survive with in zerker, you can run a bunker trait set up and do moderate damage. I’m sorry but I laugh at anyone who says ele is too squishy. It’s not, dodge and switch attunements.

PS, reading the skill descriptions is helpful too.

I meant zerk armor+ zerk trats… i play zerk armor and bunker setup cause is the only viable way (now and after patch) for play dps ele, but your dmg is ridicolous in front of war… for have same dmg you have to use also dps build, but u cant stay alive as a full dps guard and war… that s the biggest problem

December 10th Elementalist changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

I play s/d 0-10-0-30-30 in pve is the best dps solution for fotm or u will be permadowned

Roll heavy or don't play at all

in Fractured

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

My main is an ele, i have also a war and a guard, in high lvl content i can play full zerk war i cant play full zerk ele, play full zerk war it s easyer then play dps/support ele… trash mobs hit too hard, the base hp of ele is ridicoulus, we have dodge and updraft from dagger, mesm for example, have alot of evade skill and 50% more base hp… anet need to rewrite mobs dmg otherwise war and guard will ever be better choise… i play 90% ele 5 war and 5 guard.. and i really dont underdtand why my full zerk war have more survivability than my ele…

December 10th Elementalist changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

They’re too stubborn to listen to most of these suggestions. They’ll just keep giving us crap no one asked for that makes no one happy and is only a sad attempt to fix the problems with ele that we’ve been telling them are wrong with the class since the beginning of the game.

All we need:
1. Higher base hp. As squishy as we are, we will NEVER get out of water with such low hp because we need the vitality. Swap Mesmer and Ele base hp, problem solved.

2. Better mobility. Other classes have so many mobility skills on such low cooldowns its ridiculous. Revert ride the lightning to its original state. We also need mobility options on focus but i’ll get to that soon.

3. our extreme dependence on arcane for reduction in attunement swap. This is remedied easily by removing attunement recharge as something that is boosted by arcane and making our base attunement swap 9 seconds.

Theres only 1 problem after that. What do you replace the attunement reduction with? Aura duration. This is the first step in a series of changes they have to make that will give us endless build possibility finally moving us away from arcane. If you want an aura build you can still spec into it, but its no longer necessary. Remove all auras from all weapons and replace them with mobility skills. This also solves the problem of our kitten poor mobility. Make elemental attunement trait inherent to the class. I don’t know why it was never like this to begin with. It needs to be done, it shouldn’t be a trait. Replace elemental attunement with a trait that acts sort of like it, except with auras. “Gain an aura based on your attunement on attunement swap.” All weapons now have access to auras, and you can extend the duration if you feel like speccing into arcane.

Some people will still spec into arcane just for the water dodge for healing and condition cure. You can fix this easily by combining the cleansing wave with stop, drop and roll. Which is a totally lackluster trait that no one ever uses. Change it to “when you dodge remove 3 conditions and heal for a small amount” It would have the same healing as cleansing wave and remove 3 conditions. Perfect for a master trait in water.

There are plenty of other things that need to be changed, but I don’t feel like getting into it now as thinking about everything that’s wrong with this class gives me a headache. And other people have stated it already anyway, so there’s no need for me to repeat.

He wrote the truth, if u wanna really change ele and give us a chance to use more builds follow his instruction… please

+10 infusion dont waste +1?

in Fractured

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

and what about the first question?

+10 infusion dont waste +1?

in Fractured

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

i’ll make an example…
i have some +1infusion now i can craft +6 infusion, i will use it on ring… i will do other runs i’ll receive others +1 infusions…
shall i use the +6infusion that i’ve already used for make the new one or i have to make nother one and replace the “older” +6 one and then lose it?

edit: 10 is the maximum or will be some other cap? (in this patch i mean)

how much agony needed after update?

in Fractured

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

thanks for the reply, so with 55ar we can do 40-49 w/o problems?

how much agony needed after update?

in Fractured

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

i’d like to have a table like the one we have on wiki, only cause i dont wanna waste my time doing the new lvl 30 and at the end, will be shotted by maw cause we need 80ar..
so pls could u tell us something about ar and new levels?

Sudden AR change: 250 Ectos gone?

in Fractured

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

and the 10 one will be avalaible only with crafting +1+1+1+1+1+2 etc or will be other way?
and what about already used infusion? i mean i have +5 on backpiece i will have to replace with another one or shall i use it for upgrade?

Agony changes

in Fractured

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

pls some devs explain us how it will works… and also a new table of ar/lvl whould be really appreciated (like the one on wiki) cause i dont wanna be in the situation to run a new lvl 30 and be oneshottet by maw after 2hours of fotm… thanks

[EU] lf active guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

Hi everyone, i play gw2 since bwe i was in few guilds but onestly i didnt found a good one, so i will tell you what i lf

_more than 50 player active/online
_playing time from 5pm till 9pm cet
_guild mission every week (only for guild commendation, some gm doesent give it) you have to run it from sunday till thursday on my playing time (i mean u have already to do that i dont wanna change your guild agenda )
_ts3 (i hate mumble)
_pve/spvp i dont care about www
.pve usually i do some speedrun with pugs, but i’d like do it with guild mate, when i found exp ppl the runs will be very fast, i will do also fotm when will become more rewarding
.spvp i’d like to play with a team, but i know its not so easy on this playing time
_friendly guild

something about me
my main is ele, but i have also lvl 80 guard and war
personal lvl on fotm is 53 (its some month i dont run it cause of low reward)
my english is not so good but enough for the game :p
i play guard and necro on spvp (also war but i dont like it so much) my rank is 42

December 10th Elementalist changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

omg it was an example, this is not the point, with 30 30 0 0 10 its worse, so the point of my idea doesent change, if u play 30 30 0 0 10 i hope to dont find u in any dungeons or fotm… like i said i’ve played with some full zerker or half zerker (happy now?) with 30 on air and no points on water and 10 or 20 on arcana, and they was ever downed…

my english is bad i know but i’m not speaking martian… the point is if u have full zerker EQUIP and u play with offensive build like 30-30-x-x-x or 0-30-30-x-x u r a burden for the party, your vitality is really low (more or less around 11k at lvl 80) and you have no defensive skill like evasive arcana cleasing water/wave (i dont remember wich one) renewed stamina and elemental attunement, and your cd between attunement is too hight

i saw a post of dev (maybe john) told us they wanna make more viable builds, i told to everyone that is not possible if those traits it deeper on the three, cause imo its a must have…. u can play a full zerker but if u are everytime downed your dps is 0 and someone have to spend time for ress u, that’s my point, big number imo is not dps, dps its average damage that u (and your team) do, and atm i tryed a full zerker setup it’s really no possible to play without those traits, it too important for elementalist

like i told i play ele since bwe, i’ve done played hight lvl on fractals, and almost all dungeons, so i dont speak only cause i have to waste my time, i also played with other elementalists with some more offensive build, and they was ever downed so there is no point imo to play with those build.
i have also full zerker war, and a guard both lvl 80 and almost full ascended, i see the difference between those classes and ele, with those one full zerker its possible stay alive, with ele full zerker, really impossible…

That’s pretty much bs @ pve since all the defence you need is renewing stamina and you can run as glassy as you like.

Clear l2p issue.

do a video with some dungeon and fotm, with a glass cannon build and show us how pro players play…. cause everyone is a pro in this forum when talking, but i never saw ONE burst ele stay alive as u say… i repeat, i never saw noone stay alive in dungeon with burst build… if u can make some videos “how to play ele in dungeon” everyone in this community will tell you a big THANKS for teaching, and i will be the first, i’m not sarcastic, i’m here for found a solution, i think traits and build is the one, but if u r so sure about l2p, me and all the ele i’ve found (alot with hight ap, hight lvl on fractals etc etc) need it everyone need to l2p this class…

i dont think so but i will be happy to be wrong

December 10th Elementalist changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

omg it was an example, this is not the point, with 30 30 0 0 10 its worse, so the point of my idea doesent change, if u play 30 30 0 0 10 i hope to dont find u in any dungeons or fotm… like i said i’ve played with some full zerker or half zerker (happy now?) with 30 on air and no points on water and 10 or 20 on arcana, and they was ever downed…

my english is bad i know but i’m not speaking martian… the point is if u have full zerker EQUIP and u play with offensive build like 30-30-x-x-x or 0-30-30-x-x u r a burden for the party, your vitality is really low (more or less around 11k at lvl 80) and you have no defensive skill like evasive arcana cleasing water/wave (i dont remember wich one) renewed stamina and elemental attunement, and your cd between attunement is too hight

i saw a post of dev (maybe john) told us they wanna make more viable builds, i told to everyone that is not possible if those traits it deeper on the three, cause imo its a must have…. u can play a full zerker but if u are everytime downed your dps is 0 and someone have to spend time for ress u, that’s my point, big number imo is not dps, dps its average damage that u (and your team) do, and atm i tryed a full zerker setup it’s really no possible to play without those traits, it too important for elementalist

like i told i play ele since bwe, i’ve done played hight lvl on fractals, and almost all dungeons, so i dont speak only cause i have to waste my time, i also played with other elementalists with some more offensive build, and they was ever downed so there is no point imo to play with those build.
i have also full zerker war, and a guard both lvl 80 and almost full ascended, i see the difference between those classes and ele, with those one full zerker its possible stay alive, with ele full zerker, really impossible…

December 10th Elementalist changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

Did u try full berserker ele in dungeons and fotm? With no points on water u have 11k hp at lvl 80 i play 0-10-0-30-30 and i have to be very smart and fast or i m death, i have to use 3 defensive utility or i m death… and this is my dps build… doesent look so much dps but a death one make 0 damage.. ip ve played with other eles with more dps build and i ve spent my timeto ress him… i have also a war and a guard at lvl 80 war is zerk too its really another world… open the lfg tool and u will see lf zerk war/mesmer for any content ppl lf ele only for bow on ac… i play ele since bwe its my main class… spvp is different i know but dpsing on pve atm its freaking hard also with my defensive dps build. So this patch wont work on dps pve contents or u do some modify on build like i wrote before o u have to design the mob attakking differently or i will go to play war if i wanna dps and guard if i wanna give support on team… i dont wanna play ele support i want dps with him

Btw thanks for talking with us

You have problems surviving with 0/10/0/30/30?

Well, that’s exactly what I was thinking while reading the post, if the build was like 30/25/0/0/15 or such, I can get it, but with bunker build, I feel very durable even while in zerker equip, well, for an elementalist. Any other class feels indestructible with such build

you dont have understand what i wrote, i’ve explained (hope better this time) some post ago, on this page

Well, you had written the initial post exactly like we understood it (“Did u try full berserker ele in dungeons and fotm? With no points on water u have 11k hp at lvl 80 i play 0-10-0-30-30 and i have to be very smart and fast or i m death”).
So the reaction was pretty accurate, 0/10/0/30/30 is not dps build by far, it’s survival build aka bunker build. Even in zerker equip, Ele has pretty good survivability when traited like this.

I meant with 0-10-0-30-30 with zerk gear i have good survivabiity i dont have it with other builds.. if u go full zerker with, for example 0-30-30-0-10 your survivability is 0 this is the problem…u need evaseve arcana a good cd between attunement and other stuff i wrote before…. my english is not good so it was a misunderstanding, ofc with water-arcana build u have good survivability, the point of topic is this one.. if u wanna leave water and arcana like devx want, u r pretty death… i hope to clarify my point of view this time, with zerk build and gear u cant stay alive

December 10th Elementalist changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

Did u try full berserker ele in dungeons and fotm? With no points on water u have 11k hp at lvl 80 i play 0-10-0-30-30 and i have to be very smart and fast or i m death, i have to use 3 defensive utility or i m death… and this is my dps build… doesent look so much dps but a death one make 0 damage.. i ve played with other eles with more dps build and i ve spent my timeto ress him… i have also a war and a guard at lvl 80 war is zerk too its really another world… open the lfg tool and u will see lf zerk war/mesmer for any content ppl lf ele only for bow on ac… i play ele since bwe its my main class… spvp is different i know but dpsing on pve atm its freaking hard also with my defensive dps build. So this patch wont work on dps pve contents or u do some modify on build like i wrote before o u have to design the mob attakking differently or i will go to play war if i wanna dps and guard if i wanna give support on team… i dont wanna play ele support i want dps with him

Btw thanks for talking with us

You have problems surviving with 0/10/0/30/30?

Well, that’s exactly what I was thinking while reading the post, if the build was like 30/25/0/0/15 or such, I can get it, but with bunker build, I feel very durable even while in zerker equip, well, for an elementalist. Any other class feels indestructible with such build

you dont have understand what i wrote, i’ve explained (hope better this time) some post ago, on this page

LFG problems and suggestions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

anet pls do it something about lfg tool allow the “party maker” to set some filter, like i need 2 war with 5kap+ for example and if u dont have the stats i ask u cant join me, or i make a lfg that doesent allow to merge parties etc etc.. lfg tool is awesome idea but need something more ty

December 10th Elementalist changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

Did u try full berserker ele in dungeons and fotm? With no points on water u have 11k hp at lvl 80 i play 0-10-0-30-30 and i have to be very smart and fast or i m death, i have to use 3 defensive utility or i m death… and this is my dps build… doesent look so much dps but a death one make 0 damage.. i ve played with other eles with more dps build and i ve spent my timeto ress him… i have also a war and a guard at lvl 80 war is zerk too its really another world… open the lfg tool and u will see lf zerk war/mesmer for any content ppl lf ele only for bow on ac… i play ele since bwe its my main class… spvp is different i know but dpsing on pve atm its freaking hard also with my defensive dps build. So this patch wont work on dps pve contents or u do some modify on build like i wrote before o u have to design the mob attakking differently or i will go to play war if i wanna dps and guard if i wanna give support on team… i dont wanna play ele support i want dps with him

Btw thanks for talking with us

You have problems surviving with 0/10/0/30/30?

no lol , i meant that i have to play with 30 in water and 30 in arcana for have a good survivability, the problems is to play other builds…
my thought is about elementalist change… if u wanna play zerker build with zerk gear, so u wanna be a dps, for have a good survivability u have to place 60 point in water+arcana (or some like that), otherwise u will be shoted… i’m taliking about dungeons and fotm, i’ve done alot of dungeon and played lvl 77 on fotm and i play ele from bwe, i know what i’m talking about, and i never saw any elementalist with fresh air build, for example, survive enough on this contents..
like i told before there is some traits wich is a must have for elementalist, cause really save your life, and some more hp is not bad onestly…

“Evasive arcana on fire-air-earth adept and attunement
Cd range 11-8 on attun swap
elemental attunement on 5 of arcana
renewed stamina on adept

Make those change and u will unlock every kind of builds, sadly to say but imo every one wanna those traits at any cost… it s a must have for any ele build… otherwise this topic is only gossip… u wanna make more viable build just do this modify"

i hope to explained better this time

(edited by Lian Olsam.9541)

December 10th Elementalist changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

The point I’m trying to get across is that it is once again going to be very exciting to play Ele come this patch. It’s much more effective and there’s a lot more options for players. We will also continue to work hard for you guys in continuing this trend across all game mode. If it were easy or even possible to perfectly balance a game for everyone across 3 different game modes with the systems we have we would be doing so I can assure you.

Here are some quick ungrammatically correct thoughts:

To address the other player regarding his comments stressing the importance of making unappealing trait lines better; Burning fire and Diamond Skin are steps in the right direction. It’s a big patch and we are doing a lot of things for each class. We only have a certain amount of time to make changes and it shouldn’t give you the impression that these are the only things we want to do.

Burning fire will allow you to invest offensively in fire and get some defense capability that you lose if you opt points out of water/arcane. This will likely be more useful to PvPer’s rather than PvE’rs, however, PvErs already find it innately easier to take points in fire since kiting mobs is more easily done as compared to kiting players in PvP.

I think you’ll find Diamond skin will give you more freedom than you think as well. We’ve considered bringing Diamond Skin to 85% but we worry it would be too much. It definitely gives you some freedom of mobility as well as much needed negation of condi dumps on inc. This trait will help lower the risk of swapping attunements too early as well. Surely this trait scales in effectiveness with your HP and ele does have the lowest health pool however, I wouldn’t say all ele’s have 12k health pools. Your typical support elementalist with 30 points in water in PvE have around 16-19k HP and some elementalists can get their hp up to 22k. This will let you take around a 1600-2200 hit before conditions are applied. Sure thats a common hit to take in PvE but it’ll most likely have its strenth in safeguarding you in the encounters that have immobilize spam. This trait will help you negate those immobilizes and give you the opportunity to use your cleanses and heals on teammates much easier. In PvP I’m fairly certain only cleric amulet elementalists are looking at 12k hp builds. The majority of builds that are played are actually 14k+ builds. Regardless, it’s a trait that is now way better than it used to be.

Did u try full berserker ele in dungeons and fotm? With no points on water u have 11k hp at lvl 80 i play 0-10-0-30-30 and i have to be very smart and fast or i m death, i have to use 3 defensive utility or i m death… and this is my dps build… doesent look so much dps but a death one make 0 damage.. i ve played with other eles with more dps build and i ve spent my timeto ress him… i have also a war and a guard at lvl 80 war is zerk too its really another world… open the lfg tool and u will see lf zerk war/mesmer for any content ppl lf ele only for bow on ac… i play ele since bwe its my main class… spvp is different i know but dpsing on pve atm its freaking hard also with my defensive dps build. So this patch wont work on dps pve contents or u do some modify on build like i wrote before o u have to design the mob attakking differently or i will go to play war if i wanna dps and guard if i wanna give support on team… i dont wanna play ele support i want dps with him

Btw thanks for talking with us

(edited by Lian Olsam.9541)