[KnT] – Blackgate
[KnT] – Blackgate
How’s your match up going? Scores look interesting and well setup for the good set of fights for the rest of the week.
The fact that I’ve actually been able to use my skills in fights the past two nights makes this match infinitely better than last week. We had a rough first 48 hours but it looks like we’ve turned it around. I have no idea how the rest of the week will play out but it’s been pretty fun thus far.
[KnT] – Blackgate
When I mentioned in map chat about how cruel we were being, my teammates were like “don’t pity TC, they deserve it”. What did you guys do to BG anyway?
Not everyone feels the same, and well, you were on EBG afterall. You have to take what you read in map chat with a grain of salt in that zone. As far as the tone, one can only guess. From my play this weekend during NA prime it did seem like TC was being overly aggressive with BG and more passive with SoR, so that could have gotten some players fired up. Who knows. But most of us WvW vets know that there’s usually a reason an enemy commander targets one server over another, or 2v1 a server to break a waypoint or something (like Sat night on TCBL Hills) and don’t get all bent out of shape about it.
9 months ago BG and TC actually developed a very friendly relationship during our month of T2 matches.
What about last night on TCBL bay? It didnt work, but still. I still say its just BG commanders going for the easier win. You could all it opportunistic, and you would be right, but its still against the smaller server, and they could probably take it even without SoR hitting another objective because of that. But because the other server is hitting a larger objective its a free tower basically. Where as smarter play would be to take points from SoR, and try to maintain higher than TC. Not take from TC and sit on them while SoR continues to tick 130+ over you. (AKA playing for second, which is usually frowned upon in any matchup.)
Yeah I don’t know Nick. I certainly can’t speak for other commanders and the choices they make at any given point in time. I do however know the commanders I usually follow, such as in my guild, and we certainly know where the focus should be. Late last night on SORBL is probably a fair example of that. We broke the Hills SoR waypoint hoping you guys would take it back but I don’t think you had enough or any presence on the map at the time.
[KnT] – Blackgate
When I mentioned in map chat about how cruel we were being, my teammates were like “don’t pity TC, they deserve it”. What did you guys do to BG anyway?
Not everyone feels the same, and well, you were on EBG afterall. You have to take what you read in map chat with a grain of salt in that zone. As far as the tone, one can only guess. From my play this weekend during NA prime it did seem like TC was being overly aggressive with BG and more passive with SoR, so that could have gotten some players fired up. Who knows. But most of us WvW vets know that there’s usually a reason an enemy commander targets one server over another, or 2v1 a server to break a waypoint or something (like Sat night on TCBL Hills) and don’t get all bent out of shape about it.
Many months ago BG and TC actually developed a very friendly relationship during our month of T2 matches.
[KnT] – Blackgate
(edited by Liquid.9672)
Just thought I’d drop this here after ZDs was brought to BG.
I doubt Smokee knew about it to be honest. I know it totally caught me by surprise.
[KnT] – Blackgate
(edited by Liquid.9672)
They seem okay to me to be honest. Those that focused solely on them and played a lot are already done. Those like me who are playing the game as always should finish by week 7. I’m somewhere around half way done and I haven’t even focused on the achievements, nor played outside of my normal hours.
[KnT] – Blackgate
Reports just in! Bravo 7 (a 2 man squad) just trapped about seventeen of them in a tower. They are all spamming /laugh for some reason. We’re hoping to catch one alive so we may better understand their alien psychology.
This part made me chuckle.
[KnT] – Blackgate
I heard the plan was for BG to transfer guilds to JQ’s weak timezones
It’s actually pretty smart strategy, I’ll admit. Expensive, too.
You heard wrong. Or made it up. Same difference.
[KnT] – Blackgate
Hills on TCBL just now. LOL!
[KnT] – Blackgate
Season 1 will be over in a month. Tough it out IMO.
[KnT] – Blackgate
Yeah overall group comp quality has been down, but its to be expected. Many are out that simply don’t min/max for WvW, and don’t have the experience. Its all good though. Hopefully Season 1 creates some new WvW addicts to get all of our participation numbers up.
[KnT] – Blackgate
As I mentioned previously, its payback time. Enjoy the next 3 weeks being kittened up
An interesting insight into you as a WvWer …. giggling that your server has more coverage and will therefore dominate PPT.
The dude’s first post on that account was yesterday. That should provide all the insight one would need.
[KnT] – Blackgate
I never see RK anymore :’( i thought they died and SR are like a 10/15 man guild (FROM WHAT IVE SEEN, because ive hardly seen them out)
So ye my counting is accurate
P.S. Smokee i defo wont log my mesmer at all next week ‘hint’ ‘hint’
I’m kind of surprised no one has mentioned the 25ish(?) [SLAY] that transferred to SoR from Underworld (EU) and merged with [IRON] before Season 1 started. Did that not happen?
They have made little to no impact in transferring + it was a lot less who came over
Gotcha thanks Shifty.
[KnT] – Blackgate
Incredible. Well done!
[KnT] – Blackgate
I never see RK anymore :’( i thought they died and SR are like a 10/15 man guild (FROM WHAT IVE SEEN, because ive hardly seen them out)
So ye my counting is accurate
P.S. Smokee i defo wont log my mesmer at all next week ‘hint’ ‘hint’
I’m kind of surprised no one has mentioned the 25ish(?) [SLAY] that transferred to SoR from Underworld (EU) and merged with [IRON] before Season 1 started. Did that not happen?
[KnT] – Blackgate
The question is: Why the hell is anyone in a JP ever?
Fixed that for you.
[KnT] – Blackgate
When it comes to week 7 I wonder if it will be dejavu all over again. You guys must have fun (?) 2v1ing servers. Shows how much skill the servers have.
Two servers 2v1 another server when it suits their best interests. On day 1 of the match, both BG and SoR saw that it was in both of their best interests that JQ took 3rd in this match due to the schedule, so a 2v1 on JQ took place. Around mid-week, JQ realized that they likely weren’t going to win, and that it was in their best interest that SoR didn’t win, so a 2v1 on took place on SoR. The next day, JQ clawed back to within spitting distance of 2nd, while BG had about a 4k lead. The focus then shifted back to the importance of JQ taking 3rd in this match, and the 2v1 moved back to them.
Technically, while there were still some periods of 2v1 on BG, they weren’t as directed and prolonged. You may ask why that is, particularly when BG was in the lead or tied for it for much of the match. The answer lies in who both JQ and SoR feels is the biggest threat to their chances for the entirety of season 1, which is not BG. This position could come back to haunt them, but maybe it was a spot on assessment. We shall see.
There’s a lot of hurt feelings going on in this thread, but I think you’re not appreciating the chess match that took place underneath it all.
I have seen a lot of BG/JQ vs SOR, and BG/SOR vs JQ, but I have not seen much of JQ/SOR vs BG. Seems to me this is very well played by BG, and by taking a very huge lead since Wednesday, both JQ and SOR is unable to recover competitively. All the forum politics seem to have fallen right into your favor. There’s only 1 winner here clearly and its not us or JQ. You are right, this position will definitely haunt us, and we’ll be sure not to make the same mistake for the next 3 rounds. Its all fair-and-square, lets see who’ll be on the kittening end after week 4.
It will haunt you only if BG does what neither JQ or SoR thinks we can do, which is win a 1v1 against them. However, we won’t see this week’s level of politics again until week 7. Until then, it’s going to be a classic straight up beat the other guy, which of course will be determined by who can keep the most players on maps the longest.
[KnT] – Blackgate
When it comes to week 7 I wonder if it will be dejavu all over again. You guys must have fun (?) 2v1ing servers. Shows how much skill the servers have.
Two servers 2v1 another server when it suits their best interests. On day 1 of the match, both BG and SoR saw that it was in both of their best interests that JQ took 3rd in this match due to the schedule, so a 2v1 on JQ took place. Around mid-week, JQ realized that they likely weren’t going to win, and that it was in their best interest that SoR didn’t win, so a 2v1 on took place on SoR. The next day, JQ clawed back to within spitting distance of 2nd, while BG had about a 4k lead. The focus then shifted back to the importance of JQ taking 3rd in this match, and the 2v1 moved back to them. All of this happened while BG was acting in it’s own best interest, which was winning this match.
Technically, while there were still some periods of 2v1 on BG, they weren’t as directed and prolonged. You may ask why that is, particularly when BG was in the lead or tied for it for much of the match. The answer lies in who both JQ and SoR feels is the biggest threat to their chances for the entirety of season 1, which is not BG. This position could come back to haunt them, but maybe it was a spot on assessment. We shall see.
There’s a lot of hurt feelings going on in this thread, but I think you’re not appreciating the chess match that took place underneath it all.
[KnT] – Blackgate
(edited by Liquid.9672)
This week played out best for BG, so-so for SoR, not good at all for JQ. And week 7 will be a repeat of this week.
What week 7? The season schedule only shows 6 weeks of matchups…There won’t be another BG/SOR/JQ this season.
There are 7 rounds, hence 7 weeks. Check the season schedule again.
My guess is he was looking at the excel spreadsheet image that Devon attached to his post, which only shows weeks 1-6.
[KnT] – Blackgate
This week played out best for BG, so-so for SoR, not good at all for JQ. And week 7 will be a repeat of this week.
The strategy in week 7 will all depend on how things play out in weeks 2-6, and where the scores are. The most important variables are how BG performs in our 1v1s vs. SoR and JQ, and the outcome of the SoRvJQ 1v1.
Note: I really don’t like using this 1v1 term, as I think it’s rude and reeks of condescension toward the other 3 servers in the gold league, but I can’t really think of a more appropriate way to describe these matches in a short easy way. So, no offense meant to those players on TC, SoS and Mag.
[KnT] – Blackgate
I’m sure those that were on the receiving end of 2v1s the most this week will disagree with me, but I personally think the 2v1s were much more interesting this week, because they actually meant something, rather than being based on trivial things like forum troll retribution, disagreements with map politics or past rivalries. All the 2v1s this week had a purpose, based on the scoreboard, and I thought how things shifted throughout the match was kinda cool to watch play out.
Assuming the match ends where things are now, I think this first week played out the best for all of us, as I believe it may make for a more a more interesting Season 1. Having things decided in the first few weeks of a seven week season isn’t good for anyone.
[KnT] – Blackgate
None of the league brackets were thought through very well. Ah well, maybe they’ll do so with Season 2 next year.
[KnT] – Blackgate
I don’t know if anyone told you this, but you seem slow, so I’ll help you out. There’s this mentality, call it a 1-sided rivalry among all NA servers that have played in T1. A certain rivalry that stretches back all the way to beta. Have you figured it out yet? No?
Ok, here’s a hint: It has something to do with JQ and JQ being the only server that can claim that it has been the most relevant server in all of T1.
Still not got it? It’s ok we’re all on NA servers, perhaps you’re from the States, you’re in luck. We have these programs to help the mentally inclined citizens.
Well in short, the mentality that everyone hates JQ overshadows any of your pety server v server rivalries. Has it ever occurred to you that you’re actually being overshadowed by JQ? Since you like to quote and bring up the past, where was BG, or where was SoR in 2012? Oh wait….it took them awhile to become relevant…..
There’s a saying, don’t bite the hand that feeds, now stand still and bend over please.
LOL! Okay bro. Excuse me while I stretch out and relax in the shade of your massive shadow.
[KnT] – Blackgate
There is a rivalry between all 3 servers, but the BG/SoR rivalry has always overshadowed other ones, and JQ has blatantly taken advantage of it.
Which makes Jed’s point. The only reason the BG v SoR rivalry goes deeper is because of those 9 weeks in T2, while JQ and SoS were playing slap the monkey.
[KnT] – Blackgate
One of these days, people will figure out that the server that most often eats a 2v1 is the one who is considered to be the biggest threat, and go “oh hey, I should feel some pride about that”. Instead, the first instinct is to run to the forums to cry, make threats and shake your fist (players from BG have done this in the past as well).
It’s not that hard to figure this stuff out guys. JQ could have easily shifted focus to BG last night if they thought we would have the upper hand in matches 2-6. Clearly they don’t. I’m hoping to prove them wrong.
Edit – By the way, I expect there to be some serious fireworks tonight and on through to reset. I believe that this will end up going down as the most intense WvW match in the history of the game. Too bad it was tarnished a bit by skill lag.
[KnT] – Blackgate
(edited by Liquid.9672)
i act solely under my own duress. i am part of NO guild on ANY server.
….and you’d like us to do what?
Nothing man. These types are on every server. It’s just part of the game sometimes.
[KnT] – Blackgate
i act solely under my own duress. i am part of NO guild on ANY server.
[KnT] – Blackgate
A cookie for you
Awesome I love cookies.
[KnT] – Blackgate
The match started with BG and SoR doing the 2v1 against JQ because of Icoa commander making the post about the schedule.
As of yesterday, as I went to every map I saw that we JQ were not attacking BG and only focussing SoR. I asked every commander and they all said the same thing, we aren’t attacking BG, we are attacking SoR only.
Amazingly, somehow BG seemed to be doing the same thing. Guess they were playing both sides and it was time to put that knife in the back of SoR.
Sorry SoR, personally I want everyone to just fight but T1 has become too much about fixing the matches and gaming the system and as of now SoR is the prime target.
With the introduction of the league, this match, and possibly the final match, will be driven a lot my match/score politics. Direction of server focus will change throughout the match depending on the expected outcome and what could be done to change that if anything. This shouldn’t surprise you. JQ obviously decided that it was in their best interest to focus SoR, and it seems that’s what they started doing. BG needs to win this match to have any hope of winning Season 1, so it makes sense to try and keep SoR’s score down as well. However, it’s also preferable if JQ takes 3rd, and with a match this close, anything can happen and the focus could shift again.
Bottom line, go with the flow and don’t get all bent about it.
[KnT] – Blackgate
It is a core latency problem in distributed system and latency between network nodes and the client/server side.
Elaborate, please.
He’s basically saying that it’s a technical limitation with CPU power/bandwidth. It’s certainly not limited to GW2. And it’s more because cpu processes/data transfer increases logarithmically, not linearly, with the number of players in a battle.
In short, servers aren’t fast enough in general for that kind of real time process. So realistically, if you want less skill lag, you have to reduce something else like AoE cap or player limits in maps.
And therein lies the problem. If they cannot solve the skill lag problem via engine optimization or throwing more hardware at it, then they have to reduce the map caps. The game needs be able to handle close to worst case scenarios, which is every player, from all three servers, in one place, all attacking each other. If it doesn’t, then the number of players needs to be reduced to the point where it does or close to it. However, reduced map caps will increase queues, which are broken and are definitely not FIFO, and to make things worse, there is no report of estimated wait time which is absolutely necessary. They can’t reduce the caps until they fix the queues, and if they do, it would ultimately break up some of the larger server communities.
All in all it’s a crappy situation with no easy solutions.
[KnT] – Blackgate
You gotta admit, at the end of the day this week has been pretty awesome so far…. all three servers are neck in neck for first place! IMO one of the more fun weeks in WvW in a long time, even with queue issues.
It’s a great match-up but horrible gameplay.
I must wonder where the score would be at if WvW had no skill lag.
Queue’s I can deal with, skill lag I absolutely loathe.
I’d have to agree. I can’t say that I’ve logged out any night this week feeling like I had fun. Most of the encounters have been horrible skill-lag fests, and the frustration is compounded by the fact that I play a Necro. From what I hear in some time zones, the gameplay has devolved into stacking Staff Guardians spamming 1. Forget that. No stupid finisher, server pride or questionable bragging rights is with worth that.
[KnT] – Blackgate
(edited by Liquid.9672)
In case anyone is interested, the first time this was officially acknowledged was EIGHT MONTHS ago, by Mike Ferguson in a website interview. Here’s the snippet …
Queues do indeed behave in a strange manner. Unfortunately, I don’t have any more news about that as it does boil down to resources. It’s a fixable problem, but we need some time from a very specialized type of programmer for that job and they’re all currently busy with other tasks.
Obviously fixing this dropped down (or off) the priority list, since the frequency of queues diminished quite a bit by that time, but someone at Anet should have seen this coming when they came up with the Leagues idea and maybe more impactful … adding Achievements.
[KnT] – Blackgate
Everyone double teams everyone.
true, I even double teamed myself once.
LOL. I’m trying to work that one out in my head and so far it ain’t pretty.
But yeah, we’re all getting 2v1’d, as it should be in the three-way (hot) match. I would argue that the top 3 servers are the only ones that can pull it off correctly and consistently. So ya’ll should be patting yourselves on the back rather than crying about it.
[KnT] – Blackgate
SoR or JQ should never complain about anything. You have such stacked numbers during anything but NA timezone you guys should be ashamed of even thinking of complaining.
I take it that you are from BG? This was posted by Ascii a few pages back.
Ah yes. Because we all know that more potential players in WvW = more players in WvW.
System Message: Please equip your sarcasm detector before you read this post.
[KnT] – Blackgate
LOL @ EB tonight. Makes no sense but whatever.
wait people were able to get into EB? I think I saw more people complaining about the queues on EB today than i’ve ever seen in GW2 lol.
Queue wasnt bad for us at all tonight. I waited about an hour and got to ninja JQ Garri while i was waiting. /tease
[KnT] – Blackgate
LOL @ EB tonight. Makes no sense but whatever.
[KnT] – Blackgate
I dont know what server you play on but scouts, siege and fierce tower/keep defense is a commonplace in T1 NA.
[KnT] – Blackgate
Most of us that take issue with this just want the schedule to be a bit more even in terms of the effort required to win the league. No one can deny that JQ is heavily favored due to the schedule. That said, I can’t disagree with Indo on this either. At least we’ll have some better matches overall. Also, if a server does score more overall points than JQ, it will make the win oh so much sweeter and actually mean something beyond a silly finisher. Yeah it’s probably JQ’s league to lose if the schedule stays the same, but it’s also ours to win. I like being in that position.
[KnT] – Blackgate
Actually, it is locked on the first time you LOG IN after the league starts (as of 9:00 EST tonight). If you haven’t logged in yet, you can still xfer.
Login button is before transfer.
You are logged in before character select.
Sigh. One of these days people will read the Anet blogs.
This world is set the first time a character on an account loads into the game after the start of the season.
[KnT] – Blackgate
Not sure if you guys have been looking at all our gari’s. We are all getting. 2 v 1.
Yup. BLs were being played right tonight with every server on full map queues. Sadly the lag on these garri fights pretty much eliminates any skillful and tactical play.
[KnT] – Blackgate
How many bags do you all think dropped at BGBL Garri tonight? 6 figures?
[KnT] – Blackgate
Actually, it is locked on the first time you LOG IN after the league starts (as of 9:00 EST tonight). If you haven’t logged in yet, you can still xfer.
This is correct.
[KnT] – Blackgate
up to 90 minutes in Q. Hey ANET, how about you let all of us in and see how it goes…
And here is what their servers would look like …
[KnT] – Blackgate
Maybe Anet is just trolling. “Hey let’s mess with them and give the #1 ranked server the easiest schedule in Season 1 huehuehue”.
Edit – To me, it really illustrates how little thought they put into this stuff sometimes. Somebody probably scratched out the schedule on a beer napkin while gobbling up some chicken wings at Hooters.
[KnT] – Blackgate
(edited by Liquid.9672)
They’re just trying to get people excited about the format again, which worked, for now. WvW will never be balanced.
[KnT] – Blackgate
BG wins GG jq and sor thanks for coming out
Jesus… BG has 100% more points then SoR and JQ combined, wtf is going on!
Leet skillz.
[KnT] – Blackgate
[KnT] – Blackgate
Well I transferred to Blackgate looking for more competitive WvW. First I go to Eternal Battlegrounds to see that we’re #1 outnumbered, #2 no commander on the map, and #3 no keep with waypoint on any of the four maps (even TC have two). There was also #4 no siege in any of our keeps and towers. I flipped a couple of camps and sentries and with nothing else to do started running supply to build Burning Oil, escorting yaks, etc. Throughout all the time I spent on the map, nobody said anything, no “JQ zerg at Lang” or “let’s push to Speldan”, even though JQ and TC were going at each other.
Then I switched maps to BG BL, where there was a commander. Before I got out of the spawn area I noticed a 30-man JQ zerg taking Hills, so I call it; the response is “seriously leave the tower” and “I’m in contact with JQ”. Lol! Talk about karma training!
I know it’s reset night and there’s no way BG will make up the 70k point deficit this week, but I must say so far I’ve been awfully disappointed. It feels like playing for SoS, except with more players.
It’s reset day and the match before Season 1 starts. Very few if any are serious about the match today. Things will be entirely different as of 6pm server time tonight. Welcome to Blackgate! If you haven’t already done so, I would encourage you to register an account at blackgatewvw.com and get validated as a player on the server. It’s a great resource to stay in touch with the happenings in wvw for the server and interact with other guilds/players outside of the game.
[KnT] – Blackgate
Yay I can post again
Oooh I bet I know what post sent you on a vacation. It’s all good you needed to work on your tan anyways. Pastey white is bad for the eyes. Welcome back to the warzone.
[KnT] – Blackgate
The propaganda being pushed by people to further overstack their server is fun to read, thanks guys!
9pm Server is PST prime. You can’t claim you guy’s aren’t stronger than other server’s during this timezone.
That’s when I usually get online Stei, so yeah, of course we’re stronger.
[KnT] – Blackgate