Showing Posts For Mahou.3924:

Why nerf spider?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


I was unhappy at first about the amount of XP required to level Masteries. However when you stop to think about it, it makes sense.
If everyone was able to level their masteries quickly, complete all the armor sets in a short time what would there be left to do?
Creating new content takes a lot of time. Besides the graphics, textures, storylines and voice overs there is still the bugs to work out.
The Time Gating seems to exist for two reasons.
Time Gating keeps people playing. If it didn’t exist, people would quickly become bored and stop playing. Sure some might take a break but they will eventually return.
The second reason seems to be obvious.

Arenanet doesn’t have any new content available for release any time soon.
The Time Gating and large XP requirement for Masteries is to give themselves breathing room while they work on new content, hoping that it’s enough to keep players interested.
Hence the nerfs to the Spider farming areas below the village of Jaka Itzel.
CoF wasn’t nerfed because it has no relevancy to HoT zones, but the Spiders do since the farming takes place in those zones.

While I can see the point behind the bolded argument, the same can also be said for the opposite faction. People can probably quit as easily if things get for them too frustrating (be it difficutly, being tedious/grind, etc) as the gamer who quit because he’s done with content x too fast. And the latter can also simply return once there’s temporary more to do if at all. I won’t speculate or guesstimate who’s the larger group as there is surely more than one facet in the whole picture.

[Guide] DPS Guardian for PVE

in Guardian

Posted by: Mahou.3924


So I just reached 80 on my Guardian (no HoT for the time being) and was wondering which build between Zerker and Condi would be safer to play if you are not completely good at dodging? I have been using Zerker GS + Mace/Torch most of the time and it feels that – depending on the zones or personal story – I may sometimes have suddenly a harder time than usual (against blind immune enemies like dredges that’s understandable), especially if I get “swarmed” by mobs. That’s mostly for solo PvE, mind you. Thanks.

HoT = Burnout

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


So much QQ. Feel free to send me your items and go play another game. HoT is a great expansion, hands down. All of the “I’m burnt out” is only coming from those who didn’t get handed everything immediately with a bow or from those who blaze through everything and no have nothing to do.

Read again before spouting more blind and shortsighted nonsense.

Stop complaining

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


No. We have a right to complain. Man up. The HoT expac is disappointing and flawed and I will point out when and where

Oh yes, everyone wants to hear you complain. Makes it oh so pleasant.

And how does your whole thread about complaing about complainers makes you any better? Your sarcasm doesn’t help your cause either here.

HoT = Burnout

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


I prefer playing the game to level bouncing mushrooms over jumping on a mushroom 40 times.

Yeah… If by playing the game you mean it really like that, instead of grinding the same most proftiable enemy/-ies or events over and over and over, which would result in basically the same as jumping on a mushroom xx times. Or a better solution would simply be to give both options.

Request Mob Nerf: Mordrem Sniper

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


Get armor or get gud, problem solved.

Take more reading comprehension lessons or think before posting. Problem solved.

[SPOILER] HoT as a Norn

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


The commander needs to be strong, everyone knew the price of going against mordremoth.

Being strong and not showing any emotions (like a robotic, emotionless soldier drone as Shurge would suggest) are two pairs of shoes.

Request Mob Nerf: Mordrem Sniper

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


The whole HoT area is designed to make sure players never really want to go there. With the confusing layout and long empty paths that get you nowhere. With areas that simply kill you because you have not reached mastery XX in specific line. And the enemies, all those enemies that have godly skills and mechanics never before seen in other game areas. As a player you can feel the hatred from developers, you can sense the joy game designers get from punishing the customers and how much time they have spent figuring out endless ways to make you miserable.

If you feel miserable when challenged, why do you play computer games? Why not just grind FarmVille 2 or watch TV if all you want is to see stuff move on the screen and not having to worry about getting “killed”?

And why do you try to belittle other players with unfitting “alternatives” they “should” do if they don’t share your own favorism? Or even dare to tell others how and what to enjoy if they don’t like X and Y?

Every time I try to leave Bow Ranger...

in Ranger

Posted by: Mahou.3924


I kinda agree. Given my ranger still has 15 levels left, but it’s been one of the safer classes, even though I ger downed here and there in close combat as I have been using the axe/torch condi build. In contrast to my fresh 80 Guardian where I had zones that felt harder to survive (at least with my non-spectacular skills). MM Necro is also a really safe class thanks to Death Shroud as added survival form. It sometimes feels as if the minions are more powerful than I am, but that’s due to my afore-mentioned low-ish player skill <lol>.

Guild Wars 2: Heart of Paywalls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mahou.3924


Ouch… You can’t really compare MMOs with how many gold you can farm in each of them. In some gold may be the only valid currency, or you simply have more options to spend the money outside of cosmetic goods. And in other MMOs with subscription you have the option to pay your fees by using in-game gold (disregarding that other players are simultanously spending real money for the system to work). And that amount of gold needs at least to be earnt within a month.

Furthermore daily quests are in other MMOs hugely used to farm for money, instead of GW2 where you get other rewards for your daily activies (ignoring dungeons). In GW2 you are not excluded to farm gold to buy gems, but can simply use real money and the amount of gold for a completed heart quest is vastly lower than money per quest in some other MMOs. I’m not saying any of those are good or bad, though, just that it’s not sooo smart to use other MMOs gold farm results to say “look GW2 is fine with the low amount of gold you earn.”

Precursor crafting. I don't get it . . .

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mahou.3924


Refereing to TP-bought “legys” as scrub ones makes you rather look like a prick.

Why is Exalted Glider in Gem Store?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mahou.3924


And the actual rewards you can earn by just playing the content is extremely low quality compared with what you can get with RL money.

No one is asking you to use real money.
You want to skin?
Get gold, transfer to gems, buy the skin.

Everyone please stop kitten moaning about everything.

Compared to other MMOs, gold is terribly slow to get the “normal way” if you are not into playing broker. Of course, it shouldn’t probably be farmed as easy as in current-WoW (or so I’ve heard). And you totally missed the point. Reading must have become a harder challenge than raiding/grinding apparently <sights>. And no, that has nothing to do with “wanting everything asap.” Simply a guts-based impression.

Do you regret pre-purchasing HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


Bought it,
tried it,
tried it more,
tried it a lot,
regret buying it.
Nothing for solo players there.

Soloing is incredibly easy in the open world, all the adventures are completely solo content and the personal story is solo content.

Good for you, I guess?

full zerk reaper in the jungle (PvE)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mahou.3924


If you cant run full Zerk in all content then you are a bad player not to mention a bad necro, we have some of the best sustain if played properly. The way gw2 combat works is just about avoiding damage all together. Not to mention “Rise” is amazing and “your soul is mine” is low cd low cast time.

And yes winions are OP if you need certain things done, Solo HC, fractals all around useful now, AI is still annoying but you simply only run winions when needed. btw dont take bone minions over “rise” that would be stupid XD

Nobody care about bad players as long as they don’t ruin your personal fun, i.e dungeons where you can specifically state “only zerkers with experience(?)” =). Not everyone’s good at memorising enemy patterns or can dodge always in time.

Do you regret pre-purchasing HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


On the flip side, I have absolutely no regrets that I decided not to prepurchase it. Before launch, I thought it looked like we were getting about $30 worth with HoT. Now that I’ve got a chance to read about it and see feedback, I’m valuing it at $20, or $25 max. I’ll be waiting until the price comes down to that, and then purchasing it.

I have the same sentiment towards HoT. I simply wait for a price drop, without making a huge deal out of it.

GW2 the best PC MMO of the last 4 years.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mahou.3924


I don’t know if I’d call it the best MMO, but it’s maybe the “best” within the no-subscription MMOs. It feels annyoing at times to have limited bank slots and character slots, but I’ve arranged myself with it and have found again my fun with GW2 after a few years of MMO burnout.

Although in contrast to maybe a large amount of players, the leveling part is for me (depending on the MMO, to be fair) the most fun part. Don’t ask me why, but “grinding” – unless it’s the first character – for levels seems strangely more enjoyable than grinding for better gear/money/cosmetics to me. Exceptions are pure asia grinders where leveling takes a guts-based eternity. That’s why I liked WoW, and the personal story during the level process in SWTOR. But to be fair, I’m hardly someone who has much of a brand loyalty. If I’m too bored/annoyed, I simply look for something else and hop back on when I feel like it. Not a a loctus swarm burning through content in a fast pace, though.

Spoiler end of story: Are you happy now?,

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


Trehearne, however, was about time that hoebag gave me my kitten Caladbolg back. Filthy thief, that’s what you get.

Your reasoning is pathetic. Caladblog was given to him by the Pale Tree and not not stolen by him, just because you the PC used it once. It only makes you look greedy in a childish way. People like you should be given the option to play as a Skritt, seeing that their behavior of collecting shinys are quite similar.

We need 25% run speed on Dragonhunter.

in Guardian

Posted by: Mahou.3924


It’s QoL improvement, has nothing to do at all with GW2 being a social game or not. So just disable it in PvP and WvW if it were too “unfair” for Guardians to have the boost.

PCgamer GW2 HoT review

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


Pretty well thought and insightful review

This one more is more insightful:

Although I think the game deserves a somewhat lower score than what they gave it.

Yes and pigs fly.
Don’t make us laugh, a review from a guy who wrote:
" Aging engine has surprisingly poor performance"
“Group-focused content in an anti-social game.”
ANTI Social Game ?
“I have an 80 Engineer and 80 Revenant. I’ve spent plenty time in this game.”
Wow 1 class in 3 years before HOT.

Useless trash post by a wannabe hardcore gamer. Yay… Not everyone likes to twink or wants to play the game every free minute of their freetime (just to “brag” about the thousands of hours /played?)

NPC mounts? Are you kidding?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


In contrast to the nay sayers kittenpond in their usual flamebait way like gannondorf, I don’t hate mounts but I also don’t really care that they aren’t (and probably won’t ever be) in GW2. Portals and waypoints fulfill their purpose well enough.

Something needs to be done with Ancient Seeds

in PvP

Posted by: Mahou.3924


That’s why vocal majority of PvPers (excluding the view reasonable ones) are disgusting. Let’s nerf everything, why care how the other game modes are affected by this.

Elementalists rejoice!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mahou.3924


Forums are devoid of ele ANYTHING…

Feel free to check out the other profession sub-forums. I’m sure they will gladly share the nerf train with you guys ;-)

Are there players not client crashing?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


Post maintanance, no crashes for me on Europe servers, no xpac.
Specs: Intel i5 4690k, 16gb RAM memory, Geforce 980gtx.

Leveling build? Returning player, lvl 38

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mahou.3924


My Necro is currently in her early 50s and I’m also playing as a Minionmancer. Bone Fiend, Shadow Fiend, Blood Fiend, Flesh Golem and Flesh Worm. I’m actually not using the Worm that much, unless I need the extra oomph.
Death Magic + Blood Magic:
I’m not that sold on Vampiric Presence, but it’s alright. I’m far from a good player, so I still die due to losing overview a bit but the added survivability has proven valuable for me. Spite + SR line are ready to use once I reach 71 to see where I feel more comfortable with.

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


Solo players cannot advance in the new content, and any decent publisher would disclose such a fundamental change prior to taking your money.


Why? Because I solo advanced with no problems. Soon to be in Dragon’s Stand. Except few mastery gated things I have almost 100% of verdant brink, auric bastion and ~80% of tangled depths since i went there yday.

Using Zerker gear. Rev shiro/jakis s/s + hamm

If it’s about something else then do specify in the OP next time. You’re very vague.

I also don’t think they intended for people to 100% finish maps during 1st week :P

Then again I soloed 100% Orr pre-nerf (nerf reduced mob count/density by 50%, added certain WPs that became uncontested, reduced CC abilities on mobs and dmg, added more WPs)

Uh-huh. You would be more convinving if you actually knew what youre talking about.

What sort of nonsense are you spouting now? Everything I said is a fact. You being clueless doesn’t change it one bit.

Just because you’re not good enough to solo most of the things doesn’t mean other players are at your level.

“Oh look how awseome I am compared to those other mouth breathers. And if I, the mighty and awesome Killyox can do it, there’s no need to ever do content differently. Hohoho”

ArenaNet please stop nerfing content.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


Quote: “hardcores don’t whine, they get it done and over with. they wouldn’t even whine about how freaking hard it is and will find ways to overcome it. hardcore play the game as it is. the only things the hardcore ever complain are no new contents and bugs. so, it is pretty obvious that the many who are whining and whining and continue to whine are not hardcores.”

That applies for the hardcores, who are actually friendly and care to at least understand where the other party is coming from. Most forum hardcore gamers tend to be rude or flock a whole group of players together to maintain their narrow-minded image of “casuals” “free loot grabbers” “mout breathers” and what not to call them. The hardcore complainers in this board were very, very vocal about not nerfing HPs and whatnot. Unfortunately, many of them posted these concerns as flamebaity and provoking/derogating as possible.

(edited by Mahou.3924)

Worse than Cursed Shores...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


ITT people who only read the first few posts and decide to bash OP despite the OP having expressed to improve.

How about giving some real advice like some of the initial posts did? ;p

I agree, it’s getting really pathetic. Most people simply fail to understand simple posts and rather put their trashtalking template in these kind of threads. I really start to believe that those players leave their reading comprehension skills in the cloakroom before enterting the threads, while at the same time complaining about others not reading their posts correctly (so they assume, at least).

Worse than Cursed Shores...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


Its sad day when players complain about the difficulty of content. What makes a game fun is that there can aleays be a goal, always a new challenge, and these new zones are just one huge challenge! Sure, some people aren’t ready for it, well thats your goal, get ready!

“Get ready”? Most useless adivice, ever.

Worse than Cursed Shores...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


And as usual some leet players have left their reading skills outside in the trash bin before posting in this topic. While it’s true that the OP wishes for respawn and density adjustments, no, the post wasn’t a “QQ wanna instant-kill button” request. Secondly, the OP also said he/she appreciates the few advices given here, so stop being leet for a second and just be helpful? In doing so, the “need” for adjustments will get reduced (not saying completely disappear).

250 HP For Elites [Feedback][Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


Sorry kitten “warriors” that your so-called sense of accomplishment got just flushed down the toilet, but as usual you simply failed to realise the core point of the whole deal. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to experience the majority of the xpac with the new specs, instead of only the last quarter or at whichever point you usually reach 400 HPs.
I would actually feel a bit sorry for you if most of you guys wouldn’t have portrayed some kitten attitude. Most opening statement of the “400 HPs r fine lolz” threads started out fine, objective and well-mannered, but as if it couldn’t be resisted those posters just had to add some flamebait catchphrases at the end which ruined the whole preface of a “normal” debate (not saying that all complainers had been the perfect example of how to discuss!) and people’s inital impression of the topic creator.


in Guardian

Posted by: Mahou.3924


I’d use either Zeal or Radiance. The former is more damage-orientated, while Radiance offers a Blind on F1 + auto-recharge after you kill an enemy which makes it spammable against normal mobs to avoid inital damage. There are some cases where the monster isn’t considered as one in a few personal story missions so. So the recharge effect on Virtue of Justice didn’t trigger.

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


I keep seeing this “people wont want to help out with old content” but the champions from the new Hero Point challenges seem to drop some good loot once a day if you’ve already unlocked it for you character. Am i wrong about that?
Seems like a really good incentive for helping out people who don’t have it already.

If that is true, that is a step in the right direction. The biggest problem with doing old content (i.e. Orr, Living Story) the don’t make it rewarding for people who have already done it.

Yes it is. The hero challenge champ events give champion bags, map currency, experience, and map event participation once a day. The hero point itself is kind of the icing of the cake for first-time participation .

I’m fully expecting “hero point champ trains” to be a thing in the future.


What’s going to be the motivation to do these hero point champ trains, when people have nothing to put their hero points into? (i.e. they finish their specialization)?

Nice reading comprehension. This is why people are having trouble with the content.

And you have the manners and attidue of a trash bin. I suggest to look up on reading comprehension for yourself, seeing that you are another simpleton who doesn’t understand the main complaint in each thread you decide to post. Pro tip, it has nothing to do with “Bwa wah everything in GW2 should be soloable” or “QQ Me wants everything for free”.

Why elite spec reqs DON'T need to be changed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


I feel like a broken record by now.
1) Of course, you DON’T NEED the elite specs to play HoT, b u t that was never, ever the question and main grief to begin with. And hardly anyone asks to get them the moment they activated HoT, just that by the time you unlocked the spec as far to to be useful it shouldn’t be when most of the xpac is already over and there’s nothing left but join the OPVE zerg rush or do fractals/raid-or-die system.

Sure, in other MMOs you need to level the new profession or new race + old profession to max. level as well, but those MMOs offered also in most cases individual starter zones to “spice” things up (matter of taste, though) or had the new profession at a higher starting level, instead of throwing you into max. level zones with an freshly unlocked elite spec.

(edited by Mahou.3924)

Dear Colin, ignore feed backs on grind

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


Another thread that misses the point by a huuuuge margin.

You like it?! Post something!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mahou.3924


Hi there,

I am actually very satisfied with how HoT is right now (How dare I!?). I’d just like to reach out to the people who enjoy it and don’t feel like posting something.

Do it! Make a post about how you like the game, how you actually enjoy HoT and don’t let the forum get filled with whinners.

I know, I know, you’d rather be playing than posting. Just take 5 minutes of your time. You don’t have to spend hours here like the crying keyboard warriors.

So thank you Anet, I am really enjoying HoT.

It might not be perfect but when I log in, I get that “man there’s still so much to do” feeling and for me that is great. The maps look awesome and a big praise for the new soundtracks.

Why is it that people like you start off a new topic in a neutral, positive way to make the thread not a pain in the kitten, but need to drift away shortly after with flamebait words like “crying keyboard warriors”? That’s more or less ruining your whole inital matter of the topic and/or your impression.

Don't qq about solo, get better

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


Not everyone is able to get “better”. I’m outside of Open PvE voluntary tagteam play only a solo player. Yet I’m quite unskilled. I have sometimes a hard time to see the dangerous attacks or to time the dodge correctly (that part is correctable, yes). Sometimes when I dodge using the arrow buttons so that I can control if it’s forward or backward dodge, it simply won’t register. And while not a disability I have a general problem with processing information in time, i. e. I see the “danger”, but it takes a few seconds until I react to it. It’s not grave as to endanger others while driving, for example, but for gaming it may be important. And I get easily lost in big events and multiple animations and people flying through the screen. Heck, I know I’m a “bad” player so I don’t do dungeons and stuff to begin with. There are even some SP challenges in old Tyria I struggled alone, but that’s mostly in late zones.

And not everyone plays games or MMOs for a challenge (in whatever form it is implemented). I know most skilled players do and that’s great for them. But for other players it may get tiresome to read that “argument” over and over and over. If that is Anet’s envisioned way, no deal. I can accept that and have no problem to quit, when I’ve reached what I could achieve, without making a “fuss” or complaining big on the forums.

(edited by Mahou.3924)

How would you rate the HoT Fun Factor?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


Boy oh boy I’ve never seen so much cry babys. So what a lot of you saying is: We wanna play an MMO, we buy an MMO, but we don’t like this game to be so much MMO’ish… Maybe a lot of you forget that masteries are acount wide? So when you have them all unlocked you don’t have to do it anymore on other characters, never again… After that you may come back here to cry about how you all have nothing to do etc… Common guys, enjoy the game, or go play some other crap game like WOW… -.-

Okay, now here is my comment/rating:

10/10. There is no better MMO then GW2… Period…

(I’m not even starting on those sour people who wanted their elite spec on log-in).

Ouchy, you are really not brightest bulb in the room, aren’t you.

Really? People just need to toughen up

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


For you people that say HoT is not fun, what do you say to the majority of players who think it’s really fun?

The only relevant part… And the answer is easy: If the “majority” or people in general is having fun with HoT, why should “we” say anything to them. They like it? Great. Honestly, no sarcasm, irony or any ill-intent behind it. But being called names by those people when they think they have the right to dictate how to “enjoy” the game “correctly”? Sorry, but that’s bullkitten. And always the same pathetic standard keywords with “not wanting to put effort” “instant gratification” etc even though none of those catchphrases has anything to do with MOST complaints.

Anyone not buying HoT and still playing ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


Yeah it’s turned out kinda strange. I’m one of those funny players who (usually) get their joy of leveling up. It was fun in WoW, interactive in Swotor – way before the first xpac, though – and after a reset of the whole MMO setting fun here in GW2 (as I finally managed to get two charas into the high 70s). Yet from what I’ve read so far grinding for mastery points reminds me somehow – without any prior research – of Diablo 3’s paragon system, which I found terribly boring to focus as a main task while playing.

Really? People just need to toughen up

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


It’s a game. There’s nothing and shouldn’t be anything to “toughen up.” “Working” towards a goal in an MMOG may be fine and dandy, but it depends all on how it’s realised.

PVE Hardmode, awesome

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


Don’t let the people who want to whole game given to them at launch hate on you. HoT is awesome and has loads of content and something to work towards whatever that maybe. Some people just want to complain they have to do something for once. Then they want to complain there’s no content for the game.

learn to read and think, pleb.

Honestly about elite specs...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


With this said, to be able to unlock the elite specialization you only need 60 points, which isn’t that much, so you can still experience the new specialization by mixing the olds ones with the new ones.

Err have you played HoT? No one wants to use a kitten 60pt whatever intro spec. Especially in this difficult HoT content. You’d be 2/3rds of a character.

Yes I’m playing HoT and enjoying the new specializations, No one wants to start a game at level 1 either, maybe we should all start at level 80..

When you start a game at level one you are facing level one opponents. Starting an elite spec means being effectively sub level 80 while facing post level 80 content.

That was not even the point, the point was before you can reach level 80 you need time to reach it, the elite specialization is no different that is why it is called elite, there is nothing preventing you from using your old build to unlock 2 or 3 masteries to be able to reach the new hero points, and then start building the elite specialization.

It’s the same logic as anything else, before you can start bulding new gear you use the older gear.

So you say people should just run around with 2 and a half trait lines when most bosses will just one or two shot you? When the map was designed for lvl 80 in a decent gear? Hot is not where you’re supposed to level so please don’t compare it to starting as a lvl one when everything you’ll face there will be weak lvl ones, too. Didn’t see any mobs with just half of their skills in Hot, yet.

I don’t think you read what i said.. actually i said quite the opposite, i said that you can use your current build to enjoy the new content.

Please read the opening post again. Because that’s been Pezz’s whole freaking point. He wants to enjoy the NEW CONTENT with the NEW BUILD.

Of course you can use the old builds to see the new content, everybody does so, but that’s NOT the point. Some because the elite specs of their class do not appeal to them, the other half because they “have to” OR because they like the way ANet implemeted the elite specs.

Honestly about elite specs...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


The biggest argument for the gating seems to be “its progression but once you unlock it its worht it.”

But after playing for a few hours, it seems most points are gated by mastery grinds. So once i grind my masteries to get my elite spec whats left?

Judging by what i see ill be done the hot maps and my masteries will have a serious dent in them. So i “progress” the entire new content to what? unlock my spec to farm whatever the new SW is and raid? Ok so im not raiding. So what, i grind for weeks finish the hot content to… boss train as a scrapper?

im not trying to be rude here but from what i see most of the content will be done by the time i even fully unlock the new spec, so what am i going to do once i have it?

if it is just playing base classes for all of hot and then world boss/silver wasting on new spec after its all consumed can someone please be honest so i can move on?

well so what the heck do you want to do? Becasue pve zones for you are grind, where well..are just new pve zone with new story to enjoy, you won’t raid…i guess you won’t wvw either? Don’t know what to tell you…

Wow… It’s clearly in the post what he wants, but I’m nice and simplify it for you.

He wants to play the HoT Elite specs while doing the new HoT content before there’s “nothing” left to do but raiding or jumping on the Open World PvE boss train. Like doing the new hearts or whatever IN his elite specialisation.

Taking Grind to a whole new Level

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


Player shouldn’t be able to earn legendary precursor from doing open world contents at all. Those are mindless press 1 activities.

Players like you should never be allowed to participate in decision-making tasks. Raids become easily as mindless once they become farm status and/or “boring” (which is highly subjective) before that point is reached.

Anyone not buying HoT and still playing ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


For me it’s a mix between “wait and see”, no interest in the known content options and no money available for the time being. I’m a solo player, unless it’s unforced during open world events. So raids and dungeons don’t faze me the slightest. Elite Specs sound fun, but outside of Revenant, due to it being a completely new profession, nothing’s shouting “must have” at the moment. So yeah, no hard feelings or anything. I still have my Guardian and Warrior at least to get to 80 (both are around 72) + my Ranger (45) and Necro (38) if I feel really motivated.

Taking Grind to a whole new Level

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


The reason why people are unhappy is NOT because there is a lot of grind in a game, but because there is a lot of grind in the xpac of a game originally advertised as one that “does not require time to prepare for fun” and “respects your time”.

Players have been asking for a better way to get Legendary Weapons, a way that has more focused grind instead of just grind and they delivered. Now players complain that the grind they asked for is there?

I am not talking about ways of getting legendary weapons. I actually got one in the old way by playing less than an hour a day on average, and I don’t really have comments on different ways of getting legendary weapons.

The topic was about Legendary Weapons requiring a grind but oh well if it’s not the new legendary weapon system that is a grind then what is? The mastery system is the problem?

No, the problem is we all want everything right-the-hell-now. And then we get bored when we do get everything and want more.

The problem, gentle reader, is that we’re our own worst enemy.

1/10. If that is really all you understood of the posts and threads, then you should really work on your reading comprehension skills. Or are simply a troll who loves to generalise or simply lumps everyone together.

Day 1 Revenant: Level 1 or Level 80?

in Revenant

Posted by: Mahou.3924


I usually love the leveling process, but with GW2 it’s a bit different. I felt already “tired” when I had originally started playing and reached ~ 40 with two characters. Now after quite a few years of break, leveling 20 levels more was somehow more fun. So it hugely depends. Guess back then I was too used to WoW’s level speed (which was for me great) and now after a huge break of MMOs in general it feels unique?
So yeah, I’ll try it out normally or at least use the Birthday scroll. I don’t do PvP as I’m in general a terribad player so Tomes are a no-go (I have around three from log-in boni)

Grinding is the best part of the game!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


Wrong, I think the people at Anet are inherently good people and good game designers. I’ll continue buying their games, but also continue talking to appeal to their good natures and occasionally grant benefits to their paying customers.

…look, it’s become abundantly clear that sarcasm isn’t your thing so let’s try this your way.

What the hell, SPECIFICALLY, do you want to see here? Besides an argument with me, I mean. (That much has become obvious.)

No. It’s bad or poorly-done sarcasm that’s hard to detect on the internet as I could clearly imagine yourself raging about people who aren’t the biggest fan of grinding talking bad about something you may enjoy.

Taking Grind to a whole new Level

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mahou.3924


It’s a legendary, a vanity item and long term goal, why keep kittening whining about every single crap out there…

Same reason why you whine about “whiners”?

Merit on a one person guild?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mahou.3924


One person isn’t a guild.

actually it is. The guild is named and created, it just has one member, no matter how you turn or twist it, it is still called a guild within the realms of Tyria.

Fine, you and your guild can go do a T3 Bounty Hunt. I’m sure it will go over flawlessly.

I’ll never understand the appeal to being a lone wolf with a tag, but more (or in this instance less) power to you.

With all due respect, but whetere you understand the appeal or not is completely unimportant to the actual topic. Same to your sarcasm in the previous line. This is not an (endless) debate of principles thread.