Not having the trinity can be good, but it depends on how you replace it.
What we’ve got here is basically “just dps enemies down”, cause any non-attack stat has extremely reduced benefits. I could be healing if i wanted to do that, and i have skills to do that…but why even bother when the effects are so negligible, especially when compared to the damage received from enemies?
Same for control. I can spec for it, then i go in a dungeon and every relevant enemy has got defiant stacks – and all my usefulness goes down the drain.
Frankly, there is a shocking disparity on the effectiveness of the statistics. And thus people just go for the most effective ones – that are, the ones for the straight dps/berserker.
Imho, either they improve the weak statistics, or they treat them as the minor ones they are and put other more useful statistics along with them in gear.
I’m talking about PvE, obviously.
And engineer Transmute change, I applaud, it needs a longer ICD like 30s. If it was just removes a condition, then fine 15s… It converts a condition to a boon. So Transmute needs a longer ICD.
Again: it converts an incoming condition, not a pre-existant one. It does nothing to the ones already applied on the engineer. This is actually a nerf in disguise, and few people realize this due of the wording of the trait.
Before it was an 8% defense against any incoming condition. We had no control, but at least it could have worked anytime. Now it a single incoming condition every 15s…and we still have no control upon it. It will stop just the spare bleeding now and then.
(edited by Manuhell.2759)
*Inventions XI – Elixir Infused bombs. Increased healing scaling by 50%.
Now everyone will QQ about engi being unkillable beast:(As now it is 0.1*healing power. It will become either 0.15 or 0.2, depending on how they mean it.
And we’re still talking about a grandmaster trait that applies on a single utility slot. (whereas any other class has traits applying to whole categories at grandmaster levels).
I could say it is even too weak.Dint play my engi for a month or so but if i remember correctlz with healing kits elixir gun i and healing bombs i could have round 600 heal/sec and its an aoe heal…
Im writing this from my head and memory so i might be exsagerating ,bomb heal was in range of 250-300 or so add to that automated response ,energized armor,protection injection and you are looking at imposible to kill engi.Even with out this buffs wr-guard and engi on one could hold whole teams for 2-3 min,now with imprioved heal and aaegis every 15sec that is 3 man holding point for 5 min.
If trasnmute cures inc.immobilize or fear that is huge improvement for a minor auto trait.
I do not hate engi class,it did need some improvement but not as much
Mh, first, you’re talking strictly from a pvp perspective. A build like the one you described can’t do much other than healing himself and staying on a point – the offense is rather low, since he’ll probably be using a cleric equip and almost all the trait points are on defensive stats. Basically, it works just there because of how pvp is designed.
(even then, with such a low vitality, automated response could be countered easily by a well-timed condition burst near the treshhold, or simply burst damage)
But even then, regarding the “aegis” part, it isn’t actually a problem – you can’t have the healing traits and that one together. There aren’t enough points to get all of them, thus you can take 2 of them at most.
And the problem with transmute is that the engineer has no control upon it anyway. But whereas before it could trigger multiple times in a small timeframe when against condition spamming, now it works much less times. Thus even the probability of stopping some really harmful condition, rather than the spare bleed, is lower.
Especially in group content – be it dungeons, or WvsW.
(edited by Manuhell.2759)
*Explosives VI – Exploit Weakness. Increased the health threshold from 25% to 50%
to much for automated trait….
…that nobody uses. It cripples an enemy for 5s at 25% hp (or 50%, after the change).
If we talk about trash mobs, at that treshhold they’re already dead anyway.
If we talk about stronger enemies, 5s of cripple won’t be useful anyway.
And if there is someone in melee, it does basically nothing worthwhile.
*Inventions XI – Elixir Infused bombs. Increased healing scaling by 50%.
Now everyone will QQ about engi being unkillable beast:(
As now it is 0.1*healing power. It will become either 0.15 or 0.2, depending on how they mean it.
And we’re still talking about a grandmaster trait that applies on a single utility slot. (whereas any other class has traits applying to whole categories at grandmaster levels).
I could say it is even too weak.
*Alchemy 15 – Transmute. Increased % chance from 8% to 100%. This effect can now only trigger once every 15 seconds.
Beware the wording of the trait – it converts incoming conditions, not the ones already applied. Basically, whereas before it gave a little defense shaving randomly some incoming condition here and there, now it will convert just one of them every 15s.
If anything, this is a huge nerf on a trait that wasn’t that great even before. And on the only sort of passive condition removal engineers had got.
*Tools XI – Armor Mods. Changed this to now trigger on struck instead of on critical hit incoming. Reduced the cooldown from 25 seconds to 15 seconds.
-This is just to much i had impression while rading this that these are buffs for several professions not just 1.
Again, grandmaster trait that nobody ever used. On a line that doesn’t even directly contribute to defense. You’ll have to forfeit either toughness or vitality to get this one. Seems like a fair compensation, and i think many people will still ignore this trait anyway (we’ve got to spend too many points in other trees if we want to trait out some kits).
I’m pretty new on Engi class. Keeping that in mind, I would say that main problem is that we use utility slots as weapons slots. So, each trait that improves utilities or weapons is a lackluster trait. So, I would say that what we need is traits that improve our utilities at the same time that improves our weapons. For instance: Accelerant-Packed turrets: also gives damage bonus for each turret.
I would add, many of our traits are focused on a single kit, with the exception of speedy kits, backpack regenerator and kit refinement (that got heavily nerfed, anyway) that work on any kit. We are the only class that has got grandmaster traits focused on a single utility (usually, they work in categories).
As such, you need to invest heavily just for a single utility slot (taking the bomb traits makes you spend 50 points alone). Grenades are basically useless without grenadier.
This goes against the adaptability and versatility we should have with kits, that is also the reason why our main weapons are relatively weak (again, last december balance philosophies).
Imho, we should have more “universal” traits (as master/grandmaster ones depending on their usefulness) and less focused traits (using at most master slots). This would also permit to free some slots here and there, making space for gadget traits (that are severely lacking).
(edited by Manuhell.2759)
Considering we’re balanced taking in account that we will use them (at least according to last year’s december patch notes) it would only make sense.
You keep saying this (and seriously, stop the spam), but it’s just not true. 2 different channeled blocks, 2 different ways to get invulnerability through elixir S, stealth, stability, and more.
And only one of those is in our main weapon, and just if we’re using a shield. No evades at all in our main weapon (but neither in kits) unlike the other classes involved in this vigor nerf.
In any other case we need to use up utility slots – the same slots we already have to share if we want more than a single weapon (and since this first one is nerfed by design because of the possibility of using other ones, we must usually do so).
Our baseline survivability is non-existant.
@Jon Peters
When are you going to do something about conditions ?
The way they are designed right now they affect pretty terribly gameplay turning it from action mode to cast and forget mode ,beating the game’s first promotion factor wich was the action based combat system.
Right now condition damage needs only one stat to maximize dps and you also enforce it with bunker stats.Condition duration and precision are all non standing arguments since it only increases the condition dps in a fight by very little while if you go into power builds,stacking only power will give you horrible damage.Besides that conditions are to easily reaplied in comparison with condition removal and promotes easy non action combat.Conditions have only one counter wich is condition removal.While the power counterpart forces you to stack 3 stats neglecting defence entirely and what is even worse direct damage has a lot of counters.
Range and need of constantly aplying the dps is just the first one.Biggest counter is protection and weakness wich funny enough is a condition hence negating even more the damage incoming to a condition bunker from a power source.
So we have protection,weakness,armor,kiting,dodging,blocking,blinding as a counter to one damage type wich needs to heavily invest in 3 stats to be effective while on the other hand we have only condition removal as a counter to conditions wich need only one stat to be effective
I already suggested that there should be a rework arround conditions and the main one would be drasticly decreasing any base condition durations,remove condition duration from food/runes and sigils and create a new stat combination available for example Condition damage/Precison/Condition duration to achieve the same effect as now and properly mirror the full berserker power builds are forced into to maximize dps.The next step would be to add weakness,armor and protection counterparts for condition damage.
I assume you’re talking about pvp.
Cause in pve, conditions aren’t that much useful as now. They’re constantly overshaded…by the direct damage you’re so much devaluing.
A suggestion like the one you made would make conditions even more useless in pve.
I think as well they need some serious rework…but they must work in all the game modes after that, not just one.
There is just a thing wrong about zerker (and assassin) equip.
That is, they paired in a single item stats with a multiplicative effect between themselves. Resulting in an exponential increase of damage.As I already iterated with explanation, I hace reason to believe this was completely intentional.
I’m just going to keep repeating myself at this rate, but whatever, it brings th game back in line to the feeling of obliterating foes in GW, but not without the necessary training, experience, or knowledge of your class to do so, thus facilitating a truly vertical stat progression (versus tier progression since everyone whines about Ascended).
It could have been if any other full offensive equip worked like that. But it isn’t. Take rampagers. Power and precision are multiplicative, but condition damage isn’t.
There isn’t even a similar alternative for condition users (mainly because there are just 2 stats related with conditions, and neither of those can be found together in the same item).
There is just a thing wrong about zerker (and assassin) equip.
That is, they paired in a single item stats with a multiplicative effect between themselves. Resulting in an exponential increase of damage.
While the other equips have at most additive effects, some of those quite minor (especially when talking about defensive stats).
Also, direct damage is king in pve.
They wanted no trinity, and all we’ve got in return is dps, dps, dps.
I know engineer needs some love. Isn’t a 100% condition convert every 15s a bit OP? Wait for only 15 trait points?? Needs longer ICD IMO
Don’t be fooled by the wording – it converts incoming conditions, not the ones already applied on you.
Let’s suppose you’ve got 10 stacks of bleeding.
You get dealt 2 other stacks and the trait activates – it will convert only these two stacks, but the others will remain untouched.
If anything, this is a nerf. Especially since the engineer has no control on its activation, and whereas with a small chance but no ICD we could count on it as a small defense against conditions, with this change its effectiveness (that wasn’t great even before) got greatly reduced.
And it was our only passive condition “removal”, too.
(edited by Manuhell.2759)
One more thing I forgot to mention. The nice thing about Incendiary Powder was that it was a nice build neutral go to for adept tier. Right now the new build neutral traits there are Exploit Weakness and Empowering Adrenaline. I think a good discussion might be why these are not up to par as build neutral adept tier explosives traits.
Regarding Exploit Weakness: it is simply not that useful. If we’re talking about trash mobs, they would die in a couple seconds at max in any case if they’re below 25%. If we’re talking about non-trash mobs, well…some damage would have been more useful anyway, to kill them faster.
Also, assuming you’re in party, there is probably someone fighting in melee range anyway. And in that case, the trait loses any utility.
Regarding Empowering Adrenaline: giving a bonus dependant on the endurance bar means basically forcing people to waste dodges (or to not use them depending on the requirement) to maintain said bonus.
What about something indipendent from adrenaline instead? Dunno, a “spring-loaded punch” launched every X attacks, clearly indicated by a charge counter and a “flashy” animation akin to the personal battering ram, dealing just some direct damage.
Master tier traits
Some good suggestions on builds that might open up if we improve some of the master tier traits would be good to see. Here is a pretty decent list of master tier traits that I still find underwhelming.Explosive Powder, Enhance Performance, Power Showes, Elite Supplies, Deadly Mixture, Potent Elixirs, Packaged Stimulents, Power Wrench, Leg Mods.
Explosive Powder: imho, it is just that we’ve also got short fuse competing for that same spot. And, well, we’re talking about direct damage, so basically it affects only the autoattack and toolbelt of bombs/grenades.
Enhance Performance: same as above, basically. You could try giving it some other additional effect (some seconds of fury along with the might for example, or some seconds of quickness if the cooldown is slightly increased maybe).
Power Shoes: as other have said, it could negate a control effect. Or even something more tricky. Something like “you gain 2s stability when disabled, 90s cooldown” would work against burst control, for example.
Deadly Mixture: i see two problems here; first, the trait’s location. Neither elixir gun or flamethrower benefit from the alchemy line, as they give no boon. Thus people probably won’t get 20 points in alchemy just to get this trait, but will rather spend the points on the first line to directly increase damage and condition duration. That brings to the second point: while they’ve got a couple nice direct attacks, the autoattacks are quite lacking on direct damage. If you’ve got to rely on the conditions they deal, you’ll rather benefit from a better condition damage or condition duration…and both of those aren’t given by the alchemy tree. Basically, it would be better in another tree.
Elite Supplies: Imho, the problems here are mostly due to the presence of other interesting traits. And the effect is relatively minor anyway. After all, it affects just the elite skill, thus a little bonus for a skill with a long cooldown (or, in mortar’s case, plagued with other problems).
Potent Elixirs: i didn’t think this would be considered underwhelming. As others have said, maybe change a bit toolbelts when this is slotted?
Packaged Stimulants: i would say it is just that throwing them isn’t that useful anyway. Maybe it could be moved on the adept tier (and kit refinement could be moved at master tier while giving it the old effect).
Power Wrench: well, it partly deals with turrets, and as turrets are broken, there is no reason to take this trait for the effect on turrets. But it isn’t that bad anyway, maybe it is just due of the other traits in the tree.
Leg Mods: imho, it is probably due of the tree it is located in – it is a defensive trait in a tree that doesn’t give strictly defensive stats, after all.
Incendiary Powder
Moving this was just something that was a long time coming. It was simply forcing almost every engineer into 10 points in Explosives which was really hurting build diversity. We have tried to counter this by improving other triats that might now be reachable by dropping those 10 points. For example Modified Ammunition, Elixir Infuxed Bombs, and Armor Mods. Now all three of these lines, some more than others, have a strong reason to invest 30 points to match the strong grandmasters already in the other lines.Grenadier, Autodefense Bomb Dispenser, HGH, and Automated Response.
Imho, almost every engineer uses that because it works with anything, something we can’t say for many of other traits, especially adept ones.
And getting more offense works better than getting defensive traits, anyway – a dead enemy can’t damage you, after all.
We still feel this line is lackluster and in the future some merging and redesigning will take place, but we took the lowest hanging fruit for now. We talked about this line more than any other trait line, but at the end of the day the work and testing required got out of scope for this release. The other spot this line could get a quick pick-me-up is by making at least 2 or 3 of the adept traits in this line good choices.
Imho, we’ve got many traits there that have got mutually exclusive effects.
A trait like hair trigger reduces recharge on rifle, harpoon gun and pistol. Still, you can’t use both a rifle and pistol together. Same for rifled barrels, but at least there is also the elixir gun involved there. Basically, they do many things, but in practice only some of those effects can be used together.
Then there is Coated Bullets. Frankly, it is quite lackluster, mainly because its effects are limited to two skills out of five. Seeing as warriors’ crack shot is getting moved at the first tier, this could be paired along some other adept trait (hair trigger? It would basically end having the same function of crack shot – a reduction in recharge for the main weapon, piercing (with pistols) and a reduction on recharge on the underwater one).
Also, as main weapons, they can’t be compared with kits. Mainly because of their damage reduction because of kits (as explained in last year’s december notes).
Assuming some merging of other trait is done, and a master slot is freed, maybe a trait could be introduced in a master or grandmaster slot that increases damage of pistols or rifle for every non-kit skill slotted. Something like a firearm specialization. And Napalm Specialist could be moved down to master – as a grandmaster trait it is quite lackluster.
Because they are doing it cross class.
Except those other classes have also got other defensive mechanics in their main weapons (especially thieves, with evades) or higher health and armor on top of those in the case of warriors.
In the engineers’ case, there is just the shield – assuming you’re using it.
All the other options require us to use up utility slots (that we must also share with our weapons, still while getting nothing on return for the lack of a second weapon slot). For some survivability other classes can take for granted.
This is a definite nerf for the survivability of the class, it is useless to deny it.
And as always, we’re getting almost nothing in return. Oh, sure, some grandmaster trait no one used got buffed to make it decent (hello, modified ammunitions and armor mods).
Other changes are just a joke – Transmute converts an incoming condition, and just that – it doesn’t do anything to other stacks of that same condition previously applied. And we have no control upon its activation. So if before was just a random chance of getting some stack transmuted every now and then, now we’ll get maybe a couple bleeds transmuted and nothing for the other 15 seconds.
Changing the turret traits is useless too, if they don’t do anything about the turrets themselves.
And saying to see the other classes too is meaningless. Should we compare patches since the game started? Should we see how much warriors got buffed every single time while we were having core traits nerfed to oblivion, kits heavily nerfed and traits reworked to make them useless?
Cause spending 10 points for an additional super elixir is wrong, while a passive, ininterruptable massive regen for free is fine and well, if you’re a warrior. Meh.
It would be better if it hadn’t got something like a 6s/7s travel time at max range and an arc so high that hits any ceiling, especially in dungeons.
This made me more hyped than any of the living story seen so far.
Blame sPvP. Balancing has been based on it since headstart. Warrior isn’t usually used in tournaments couple months back, and Anet saw this so they started buffing warriors even more.
This, basically.
They buffed and nerfed classes due to sPvP without considering the consequences on the other – radically different – game modes.
Also, conditions. Those would need a total rework for PvE, thus classes that have to rely on them are kinda disadvantaged.
(edited by Manuhell.2759)
This event is a paradox for the game itself.
It should bring life to a lower level zone, but all it does is shoehorn people in a corner of the map for hours to wait for the fight to start (and due to the character cap, the rest of the map is consequently empty).
Also, due of the base scaling, there is no reason to go there unless you already know there will be enough people. So what happens is that no one goes there in less populated servers and the ones who want to try doing it are all guesting in some other server known for doing it (or organized overflows). Thus making the zone either deserted or completely full (and due to the overflow system, this also means that a disconnection or a crash means you’ll have wasted hours for nothing).
Obviously, the organized people (cause you need organized people, it isn’t like you can go there with some random equip and expect to do it…all the offensive stats apart from power are useless after all) are going early enough not to find themselves in overflows, thus people in unorganized overflows often aren’t even going to try doing it or are trying to get in the main map during the fight (since there wouldn’t be any chance of winning it anyway).
But even if you deal with this and win the fight, what you’re getting is just a ticket for a lottery – all the nice things purely depend on the rng. So you can be lucky and get ascended weapons and such things, or just get the bare guaranteed minimum (that, for the time involved due to the issues previously mentioned and the random window, is basically a waste of time).
Imho, what it should need is:
lower base scaling – make it possible to do it with 40 or 50 people. This doesn’t mean making it easier, by the way.
a token system – get tokens when you win the fight and spend them on (account bound) tequatl rewards – effort is what should be rewarded, not luck.
It is, and i guess i may have misinterpreted what you said in your other post (i thought you was talking about the cooldown you have when you use a skill in water and you get back on terrain; that is obviously normal).
I would then assume it isn’t a problem restricted to engineers, but still a problem indeed.
Guess the issue may be clearer with some screens.
Here i am in divinity’s reach. No cooldowns there.
Just used rocket jump. Now i switch elixir B with elixir U…
…and as soon as i switch, it goes on the same exact cooldown as the rocket boots.
Edit: guess i can’t properly post images, uh. Well, there are the links, anyway.
Edit2: oh, and just for info, elixir U is one of the skills that i’ve slotted for underwater purposes; but obviously i hadn’t got any skill on cooldown, as you can see.
(edited by Manuhell.2759)
I know what you’re talking about, but i’m talking about a different thing. It could be related to the skills you’ve also slotted underwater, though, now that you make me notice.
Using a gadget and then slotting an elixir in another slot makes the elixir immediatly share the same cooldown of the gadget.
Edit: it doesn’t work everytime and i’ve been able to produce it with a gadget and kit too – the kit itself goes in cooldown.
Quite weird.
(edited by Manuhell.2759)
Imho, that trait could have been reintroduced in place of the fifth ability, sort of. Maybe something like 6s of stability and protection and some might stacks, with the 50% slower movement and locking kit change during that time (or eventually making it so switching kits removes those effects). Heh, maybe with the visual effect making the player bigger. A juggernaut, indeed.
Well, the old effect wasn’t much different.
“You move 50% slower while wielding the flamethrower, but gain stability and 200 toughness.”
And sure it made more sense than the one we’ve got now. But it got changed to the actual one due of pvp, i suppose.
Well, i find a bit difficult they can change an entire skill by mistake.
That’s what happened with the rocket turret (whose damage was supposedly raised, but got burning removed) and its toolbelt skill (that is basically different – switched from player target to AoE target, with a different range, damage and travel time).
Imho, they did forget to write those in the patch notes.
If it’s a bad design, why is it that I’ve been able to beat him numerous times, and max out my achievements? The players who get mad are the ones who don’t organize for the fight. Make friends, join guilds, and coordinate.
A bad design doesn’t mean it isn’t feasible.
But as an open world content, it requires far too much organization and the respawn timer and random window greatly incentive people to go afk.
Even when killing it, you’re just getting a shot at something nice. Unless you’re lucky, you’ve spent two hours – cause the few servers that are doing it are seeing all the people interested there, cause it scales up too much and either you find yourself on empty servers or in full ones, thus you must go there in advance – for a couple of golds and three rares, all things you could have took in a couple fast dungeon runs in a third of the time.
Imho, they should reduce the random spawn window, reduce the scaling and put a token system so that you don’t find yourself beating him 25 times without finding anything good.
Or make it instanced (but still with a token system).
Imho, we are far too much dependant on kits.
Uh, people, they could prioritize AoEs to hit players before pets/minions/whatever eventually, you know?
The whole “give them AoE resistance and the game goes bonkers” is a non-issue.
Still trait #10 for me.
Quoting this, still a master one here.
But yeah, the bugs are still there, and turrets aren’t still worthly enough.
I may now eventually use those elixirs when i need those situational boons, and that is nice. And i could change the bomb trait since it isn’t necessary anymore, freeing 10 points.
Other than that, there isn’t much else.
So, according to the preview, it would seem engineers may be near to getting out of beta phase, being able to attack the enemies they want and not having to rely on rng for heavily situational boons that are near useless otherwise. Well, and not having to trait a kit just for it to be useable.
Now we just lack a way to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome while using grenades to fully go gold. Like, dunno, having an autoattack like every other weapon in the game.
While we wait for such basic features, the other classes will continue to get buffed. But it is fine, it isn’t like we’re the least played class of the game.
With my experience in PvE, I have to say, I feel 3/4 of the ranger pet complaints are completely invalid. the problem is 90% lazy player and 10% pet issues.
I control the flow of battle, I control where my pet is, and I watch for the telegraphs of bosses and move myself and my pet. I almost never, ever see other rangers doing that.
You want to complain about pets, try being a turret engineer, those things very literally cannot move at all.
Necro minion masters can’t do any of that
Heh, at least your minions can move.
Engineers’ turrets, on the other hand…
I hope they’ll post a nice article about the balance changes before the actual patch. With an update regarding the balance philosophies about the various classes, and what they aim to do in the future with them.
Basically, ascended weapons aren’t worth using for condition damage users.
Teq is killed daily by many organized groups in pre selected overflows/servers.
And at the same time the event is deserted in a lot of servers. Because people already know they have no chance to do it there, so they can only guest elsewhere – that is, what those people you’re mentioning are doing, in private-like instances.
You are never going to just show up and kill him.
“We created dynamic events to encourage casual group play and cooperation between players. They are designed to scale in difficulty depending on how many players interact with them.”
Seems this isn’t true anymore, huh.
It is not abandoned at all.
It is in a lot of servers, just face the truth. It isn’t even a matter of failing, people aren’t even trying anymore in many of them. Only the ones who’ve got a lot of time to spend guest in other servers, and only in the ones who are known to do it. And to do that they must be there hours before the fight starts.
That whole map is basically either full of afk people in a corner of the map that are waiting for a fight, or devoid of any people because they’re all in another server.
Instead of making the world feel live, they’ve killed it for good. Nice job, heh.
I still have to understand where the boss is difficult by itself.
The only difficult thing in the fight is organizing without any instrument to do so ingame, finding/joining a large enough group for the content and having people with some brain on the turrets.
Apart from that, it is the usual zerg.
I’ve tried to do it everyday, but i can’t afford to spend hours just to be there and try doing it, especially when a single disconnection or crash – and it is basically the only event where i crash, like a third of the time – makes all those hours wasted.
Also, the base scaling is too high anyway. People don’t have any reason to try it in less populated servers, they go where they already know there are people doing it – that means, either you’re in a deserted server, or in one that is completely full.
And being full is terrible in case of disconnections/crashes, since it means you won’t get back.
They should have done it in a private instance; as an open world event, it is just a failure.
So not only i have to deal with my server never doing it – but ok, i can guest away.
Not only i have to deal with a stupid random timer – i can go before the spawn window and wait.
Not only i have to deal with overflows – making it so i must go there even earlier.
Not only i have to hope not to get disconnected – either because of my internet connection or the servers – since i wouldn’t probably be able to get back.
No, i must also crash 1 time out of 3, often near the end of the event, making me waste entire hours without no reward at all. And i’m not crashing in any other single event in the whole game, just in this one.
And even when i get the rewards, it is usually terrible compared to the time needed – because you don’t spend 15 minutes there, you spend hours just to be there when it starts.
Feel free to do this terrible boss, i’ll stay out of there.
(edited by Manuhell.2759)
…basically making it a sort of private instance, instead of a proper open world event.
Because as many people already said, as an open world event, it has been an utter failure. Since it was designed as a raid, and not as an open world event.
Indeed, it would be marvelous like this.
You can drop ascended weapons as well, though, so it could even be simple luck instead of effort.
Imho, the only things that really display effort in this game are the tribulation mode skins.
At least you didn’t wait two hours just to see the game crash after the first stun phase. That’s exactly what happened to me yesterday.
The variable spawn window should be reduced a bit, imho.
Other than that, the problem is that you’ve got to be there quite early in a successful server because you wouldn’t be able to find a spot later.
And due to the number of players involved, many players are guesting on successful servers because they can’t do anything on theirs.
And while i can search for materials in the time before the actual respawn window, i can’t do much when i’ve already chopped down all the trees and mined all the platinum. After all, getting some food and positioning only takes a few minutes.
Ugh… we don’t need more mats.
Well, we haven’t got ores, logs and scraps for ascended materials as now, after all. And you can’t pretend to get an ingot or plank from a ring. Subunits are necessary.
Imho, they should create some new crafting materials (ex. splinter of spiritwood, nugget of deldrimor steel, piece of elonian leather) and make them obtainable by salvaging ascended rings, trinkets, amulets and backpieces.
Then add a recipe using them, along with some globs of ectoplasm and some other material, to make the ingots, planks and whatever.
Signet of the Beastmaster, Spirit Unbound, Unsuspecting Foe…
The first two refers to ALL the signets and ALL the spirits respectively.
The last one isn’t even a grandmaster trait, so i assume you just wrote the wrong trait.
There are a couple ones affecting the class mechanic, but as far as utilities go, it is as i told above.
Just had a similar problem as well – but i got a game crash instead. During the first stun phase.
So while in the server they downed it easily, i couldn’t get back (since the server was full) and i basically spent two hours for nothing, wasting time and just getting angry at what happened.
If they pretend to have a full map fighting a single boss, those issues shouldn’t even exist.
Like the title says. Give it a period of time (let’s say, five minutes) during which you can reconnect to the same map, with that same character.
So that you can avoid wasting 2 hours due to crashing while doing Tequatl and reconnecting to useless overflows, for example.
Something that just happened to me, by the way. And i’m quite furious about that.
He would just like to lessen the gap between traited and untraited ones. As it stand now, since it adds a grenade, you’re basically doing 50% more (potential) damage. And the kit is balanced upon having the trait, not the opposite – so instead of having a viable kit that gets good with the trait, we’ve a terrible kit that gets viable with the trait.
But as i said above, the problem is another, imho – if you put a grandmaster trait that affects a single utility, it must be really good for people to get it; but at the same time, you can’t make it so that the utility gets overpowered when traited…so what they did was move too much power into the trait.
If you see all the other classes, we’re the only one with a similar problem. No other class has got traits that buff a single utility.
Imho, what they should do should transfer some power back to the kit (put it 3 grenades from the start, then reduce the damage per grenade of 5% and put it back via the trait, along with the increased range like now) and make it a master trait. Same for the bombs one, and put other traits that buff categories in their place as grandmaster ones (this would also free slots for gadget traits, who are lacking, by the way).