Showing Posts For Manuhell.2759:

revert player to previous state when dc

in Suggestions

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Regarding this problem, i’ve got a suggestion as well.
The servers could “reserve” the place for the disconnected player for some minutes, as long as he doesn’t log back with another character or in another map.
So, basically, you would be able to reconnect and get back with the character you had in that map, but nothing like freely changing character or going away and letting the place short of players.


in Engineer

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


So let me get this straight… You don’t like investing 30 points into explosives for grenades to be viable, so you suggest we just get the 3rd grenade for free. Then you want to buff up the grandmaster trait… Making us invest 30 points in explosives anyways.
If your just asking for a but then come out and say it. To me it makes perfect sense that a grenade engineer would need to putt 30 points into the explosives tree to get the most from his/hers gasp EXPLOSIONS!

A kit shouldn’t need a grandmaster trait to be viable. It should be viable even when untraited, and good when traited.
Our traits with them are an oddity in that sense – no other class has got grandmaster traits that buff a single utility. They usually buff entire categories with relevant, but limited buffs.
And imho, there lies the problem with grenadier. To make it worthwhile they had to make the trait really good, but also balanced the kit over having that trait, thus making the untraited one really bad.
They should have made it a master trait instead, so that they were allowed to give a minor buff compared to the current one. Or buffing other things beside grenades too if they still wanted it as a grandmaster, but it wouldn’t make sense with the name of the trait then.

And before you claim the kit is broken without our master trait take a look at our other kits. The only kit that beats grenades (without trait) would be bomb kit, and that’s a melee range ability. Throwing 2 grenades is right about the same damage as an untrained FT and more damage than EG or Tool kit.

On the other side, grenades at middle/long range suffer from dispersion, meaning that not all the ones you throw will necessarily hit, especially with moving targets. And are mainly a skill shot, since we are manually targeting them.
So, yeah, they have the potential of doing the damage you’re talking about, but that doesn’t mean they’ll necessarily do it.

Also, it isn’t like the last three kits you listed shine for their damage capabilities…

I think what you mean to say is without grenadier the grenade kit is not our most powerful kit… And that’s not ok with you.

No, it is that it is really terrible. And for a class that already pays a versatility tax on their main weapons due to kits, i can’t understand why that should be fine – if i’m always penalized due to kit, make them always viable even when untraited.


in Engineer

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


yes grenades are one of the engi’s strongest kits but let’s add more to it!

They’re also one of the worse ones when untraited, that’s the problem.
A suggestion like the one i proposed would lessen the gap between having Grenadier or not, while still giving some little bonuses to make it worth of the grandmaster trait spot.
The bonus damage would be detracted by the normal kit anyway, making its attack the same as the current grenadier when traited; at the same time, the untraited one would still see an increase in damage over the current one due of the third grenade, even if the damage is slightly reduced per each grenade.

The travel time would be the only real bonus introduced. And it is there because i had no idea what to add to make it nice enough for a grandmaster trait that impacts a single weapon, but not too strong over the untraited one.
After all, aside from the damage – that we can tweak just because we’ve added the third grenade – we can’t exactly touch other parameters of the base kit without risking making it weaker than the current one.
If you’ve got some other idea you’re free to post it, though.

Edit: i’ve also just thought about making them more precise/reducing their dispersion, but that too may be considered too strong.

(edited by Manuhell.2759)


in Engineer

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Imho, they should put 3 grenades per default, and making the trait increase the range and give some other bonus.Something like “You throw grenades 25% farther, travel time is reduced by x% and their damage is increased by y%.”

Where x and y can be something like 10% and 5% respectively.
That 5% increase could be deducted by the normal grenades eventually and it would still be a buff for the untraited one, since the problem lies in the untraited one being lackluster.


in Engineer

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Grenadier is a grandmaster trait that acts like what a grandmaster trait should be. BTW that means so good it is worth investing 30 points for much like HGH,

No, it makes a mediocre kit good enough to be used, that’s the problem.
Grenades are terrible when not traited with Grenadier – they were clearly balanced with the trait in mind, and are subpar without it.

Engineer lacking in mobility?

in Engineer

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Albeit, to use speedy kits you need to invest points in the tools tree – something you can’t do at will, where the other classes’ signets are utilities and thus changeable in every moment.

Tequatl back to his original timer?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Well, sure it would be appreciated if they informed us about the respawn timer change, if that is what happened.

A plea from a Tequatl commander

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


As an open world eventi, anyone can do anything as long as it isn’t against the rules.
And unfortunately, not collaborating and working against the completition isn’t against the rules.

Obviously that wouldn’t happen if this was an instanced event, since people may be kicked if they aren’t working toward winning the event…

Oh come on, seriously???

in Engineer

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Truth be told, an adept trait shouldn’t be a build-defining trait anyway…

This is not a guild raid!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


1. It isn’t guild only content. A lot of servers that didn’t have organized guilds still beat it, they just decided rather than whining they would organize together and beat it.

How do you organize with random people that may not even want to equip properly, or use foods and nourishment, and even not respawn to the waypoint when killed?
You can’t. And that’s a problem. Because…

2. There is so much content out there that is for people who want achievements, and don’t want/need the help of others. This is the first event since the game came out that requires teamwork. So if you don’t like it, feel free to ignore it and do other content.

…while it does indeed require teamwork, it doesn’t give any instrument for that purpose. No kick option for afk people or trolls, you can’t choose when it starts (and since people must wait, many go afk), no way to invite just trusted people, and there are people in the map that aren’t even interested in doing Tequatl.
Unless you search for empty servers, effectively creating a sort of private instance.

3. This game IS called GUILD WARS 2… hence GUILD. So it isn’t surprising or wrong of ANET at all to do a piece of content that requires organization which could also be looked at as best to do WITH a GUILD.

Actually, no. It is called so due to the “guild wars” in the lore. You can find informations about them in the wiki.

4. This content doesn’t take all but 100 people to achieve. Most guilds have over 100 players, and if they band up on an overflow… etc., they can get it done quite easily. My guild fills 3 overflows full a day, and beats it back to back… so if we can, you can.

They should have done it as a guild content from the start, then.
Since this event hasn’t got anything to do with an open world one, anyway. Treating it as one of them as only brought failures.

Oh come on, seriously???

in Engineer

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


well if you use thumper turret for the stunbreak then logic dictates you wouldn’t place the turret down in the first place.

Then why use the thumper turret at all? He should rather use another stun break directly.

He isn’t wrong in this regard. A full turret build won’t ever use his toolbelt skills (aside the one to detonate them) unless some turret gets destroyed. It would be like blocking out the ranger pet/ nerfing them per every spirit summoned, or locking out the necromancer life force based on how many minions are summoned.
Sure, they needed a way to detonate them, and we can profit from that as well if we can place some combo field beforehand, but that basically means that we have to choose between using the utilities or the class mechanic.

w2z2 Trib Way Point Fix?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Yep, they fixed it with the Tequatl patch. I wonder why it wasn’t mentioned in the patch notes, though.

Tequati Was Supposed To Be Hard

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


I’m rather more puzzled that they putted in such lackluster rewards for something that, according to them, should have required days or weeks.

People losing interest already...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


The game itself gives you no instruments to coordinate, though – being it in open world.
And it all returns to what i said above – if they wanted it to be a guild event, they should have designed it as one to begin with. A private instance – not unlike the empty overflows used by guilds – where you can eventually kick afk people and troll, and you choose when to begin said instance instead of waiting for hours plus a variable spawn window (something that by itself brings people to wait afk there).

Who gave up on the reptile already?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


I am rather more puzzled by them having put in a boss they thought it was that much difficult and thinking the rewards were fine for the effort required.

Master of Baubles (W2) - Is it still broken?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


I did it in the first try a couple days ago, meticolously following a guide. Thus, at least for some people, it works indeed.

People losing interest already...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


If you need a guild to do it, then it isn’t open world content, it is guild content.

Tequatl the Sunless loot = Greens and Blues

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


A lot of people haven’t seemed to notice that the event gives a raw 1.8 gold, which is pretty big by itself for 15 to 20 minutes of work, on top of the rares, blues, greens, champion bags, chance for a mini-pet and high chance for ascended gear and precursors,

Except it isn’t 15-20 minutes, since you’ve got to organize for it and the spawn has still got a variable window.
And the chance for ascended gears and precursors may be high in comparison of other sources…but is still a very rare chance. Same for its other unique drops.
And there is also a chance to fail involved.

Elite: Elixir X.

in Engineer

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


The only thing i don’t like about it is that they basically recycled some elites of other classes. I would have preferred to see something more unique for the class.
Especially since they could have taken inspiration from Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, for example.

Super Elixir needs to be a water field.

in Engineer

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Personally, i would rather prefer it directly cleansing some conditions (like, one at the 4th second and one at the 8th to the people still inside) and seeing the light field removed. So that you’re free to stay inside there – to benefit from the healing effect – and avoid covering other combo fields.
Obviously this is just a personal opinion, the current one has its advantages as well. I simply don’t find them much useful in pve.

Mike Z @ Euro Gamer [New Content Stream]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


I’m still waiting for “an overview of what ‘s next for the game in the upcoming months”.
The livestream may have been called “new contents”, but sure they didn’t say much about those.

Who gave up on the reptile already?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Got the title, i have no reason to do it again. Organizing takes far too much time and the rewards aren’t that good considering the time required and the chance to fail.

Engineer Shield Turret - It Deflects!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


I would assume that if you are inside the “shield” area, even if using ranged weapons, you would still be able to destroy said turret.

Excited For World 3/4/5? Comments to World 2?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


W2 was nice in both modes. But the levels are long, and while by itself that isn’t a problem…it becomes one when we remember this is an online game.
That is eventually subject to disconnections. And disconnections, especially in tribulation mode, reset all your progress, making you waste some hours.

If the game “autosaved” at checkpoints, or the instance persisted for, say, 10 minutes after a disconnection, then it wouldn’t be a problem.

Tribulation mode is pseudo hard mode

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Tribulation mode was directly inspired by “platform hell” games…and all of those have got traps like the ones mentioned.
Also, the lava pits aren’t exactly invisible for the most part – you can notice the terrain is different in the places you can fall in.
Anyway, they had to add something like that for the first levels, because they were too straightforward otherwise.
In the third zone of the second world, it is almost all about jumps and timing, but that’s because the zone permits to do so.

Anyone still doing SAB?....

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Indeed, solo is the best way to do it.

Sad part? This event will die soon.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


If it was designed for guilds, it should have been implemented as a guild mission.
Instead it is an open world event, and it fails in being a successful one.

Tequatl the Sunless loot = Greens and Blues

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


I’ve got its achievements, and now i’ve got absolutely no reason to do it anymore. A “rare chance” for its unique loots means i would probably never see them anyway, so why even bother?
Especially since the encounter requires quite a lot of organization/time to be won, and unless you get lucky with the drops, there is nothing worthwhile. So it is definitely a waste of time.
And i can’t even say it is fun – most of the time is passed looking at the screen and waiting for the encounter to start. Unless you’re farming some champion or materials in the map. But it isn’t like you can do something else in the meantime.

Kits are NOT our primary profession mechanic

in Engineer

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


This is like saying they should nerf warriors’ healing skills because they have the potential of healing themselves with shouts. Same with any other “potential” thing.
You don’t nerf something that’s always there – main weapons in our case, according to those release notes – because of something optional – kits.
If they have a problem with kits, they should balance kits.
Else they’re basically forcing their use, since we’ve already got a drawback because of them.

Kits are NOT our primary profession mechanic

in Engineer

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


It is an issue because they’ve balanced the class on the assumption that a kit will always be used – as it is implied in the december patch notes i’ve posted before.
They’re treated like a primary profession mechanic – as is, something any engineer will always have – even if they aren’t one.

The Least Fun I've Ever Had...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Well, we shouldn’t have to join guilds to do open world events to start with.
They would be guild missions, in that case.

It's getting very frustrated for many people

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Also, the loot …… tell me, all players, if you are happy with the loot with the amount of time you spent in getting this dragon slayed!

It takes 15 minutes of your time. I waste more time in LA playing with Zommoros, or on TC learning how to RP correctly.

15 minutes, yep. You wish.
Add several hours to be able to go in an home server and organize the people there and weed out afk people. Or to do the same in an overflow.

Looking for EU Tequatl slayer guild

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Guess it would be useful to know if such another guild was created. Cause as far as i can see, my server has given up on the event too…

Make the Elder Dragon Champions Instanced

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


I disagree still. With the way they’re set up, everyone willing to participate on the server has a shot at doing so if they get there earlier enough. They need to fix the overflow system and then it will be fine.

It needs organization, it needs some particular set of equip, food and nourishment.
This is all but something you can do on the fly.

Add an inactivity timer to events (which, by the way if you remember people that are AFK don’t get rewards and don’t upscale events), adding an inactivity timer to the turrets in some way and fixing the overflow is fine.

Considering the number of mobs and champions we had on the southern turrets, i would say they are scaling indeed, despite what they may say.

Make the Elder Dragon Champions Instanced

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


They should. So that you don’t get afk people ruining the fight for all due to scaling, if not even for them being in turrets.

As it just happened to me. Even if we were organizing this battle for a full hour. Ruined by a bunch of people afk scaling the whole event up and making the turrets undefendable.

Let Anet know we want more Teq!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


As an open world event like this one? No thanks.
As private instances where you’re free to kick afk people and griefers, and that you can start without waiting for hours in a map just to be together with your group? That would be fine.

More of this content !

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Yep, give us more bosses that can be ruined by trolls and afk people.

Thanks And Keep The Hard Content Coming

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


The best test of the value of this content should not be during the first week of its availability. Once the fight has been around for a while, we’ll see if the people who want hard content will keep doing it, or if it will be done regularly only by a few guilds and ignored by the rest. It’s possible the event will become more doable over time, as cannon griefers and randoms looking for the achievement leave off, making it easier for coordinated groups to actually be in the right zone, and reducing the chance that poor play or afk players will make the event harder.

Afk people, maybe. But i assume some of those will always be there.
Poor play, it could be. But again, people that simply don’t care about having the right equip, following a strategy or simply being good enough will partecipate anyway – maybe just in a reduced number.

But do you seriously think that trolls will avoid partecipating in the only event that permits them to surely ruin to the fun for another hundred people without any risk of getting banned?

People need to realize that...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Yeah, try doing that in a real overflow, with people that don’t even want to talk the same language, other people that are just afk, and maybe some of those even on turrets. People that don’t even want to follow some strategy, use a proper equipment and ress themselves when dead.
People that take for granted that it will fail, and don’t even try to make it succeed. Waiting there just so that they may have a chance to go in their home server.
And being open world, you haven’t even got the means to remove those people from the fight.

Every single time i ended in an overflow – that is, almost all the times – it ended in an annoying failure.
You can’t organize with people who aren’t willing to be organized.
You can’t win with people that aren’t even willing to win.

Thanks And Keep The Hard Content Coming

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Yep, thanks for putting content easily ruined by afk people and trolls in open world, making it so only large guilds and groups can complete them by hijacking overflows or home worlds for themselves to avoid having the people mentioned above – by effectively creating instances for themselves. Causing those people to go in any real overflow and making this event near impossible to finish there.

If you intended to make a raid content, just make a raid content. Instanced and with the instruments to kick afk people, trolls and people who aren’t willing to work for a goal.
Otherwise avoid ruining other open world events.
Because while i like a challenge, i don’t like seeing a couple random people being able to ruin it for an hundred other ones.

Another overflow kill (FA)

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


So you hijacked an empty overflow along with an already organized group and killed him.
Congratulations for the kill…but that isn’t a proper overflow.
Try it again with an half-full overflow, with most of them afk and some already on turrets.
Then you can say to have completed it in a real overflow.

Make new Teq. a Raid (INSTANCED)

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


It already needs to be treated like an instanced raid. It just lacks the instance – and that’s why people find empty overflows or spend hours on home servers to invite friends and guildies to defeat him.
All the problems related to this boss are depending by the open world nature of the event – people being afk, turrets occupied by afk people or even trolls, people that aren’t even willing to equip properly, use foods/items and respawn when dead.
Some players can ruin the event for another hundred ones – and those ones can’t do anything about that. I doubt those are enjoying the event, huh.

Tequatl Rising - finally a worthy challenge!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Why does this boss have to follow the pattern of all other open world bosses?

Because it still uses the basic design of all open world bosses (you have no control on who gets to participate – anyone can be present, including people that just are in the area, but did not come there for Teq at all).
The best example here would be Claw – if he were to be revamped the same way, his desing should better take into considration, that the main map (and lot of overflows) would be half-filled with champ farmers, leaving far less slots for killing him.

Quoted for truth.
This isn’t an open world boss, this is a raid content put in an open world map. That needs to be organized like a raid to be beaten, treating servers and overflow as private instances to assure that people aren’t afk during the fight and competent ones are using turrets.
As a raid it would be a perfect content – and it should have been one to begin with.
As an open world boss, it is terribly designed and easily griefable.

Kits are NOT our primary profession mechanic

in Engineer

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Nobody ever said they were.

People just said that they should be, because they’re so much better than the toolbelt.

Nobody except devs, that balance our class on the assumption we will use kits.
“They can use different kits based on the situation, but this extreme versatility comes at a cost in damage on their main hand weapons.”

Make new Teq. a Raid (INSTANCED)

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


The only overflows that are beating him are ones hijacked by large guilds and organizations that are doing so to avoid failing due to afk people there or in turrets.

Same for servers – people go there, occupy the zone and make other members join.

It already requires the same organization and mechanisms of a raid.
Treat it like a proper raid, or nerf it so that some random people can’t make another hundred one fail.

Make new Teq. a Raid (INSTANCED)

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Except this event fails miserably if it is treated like any other “open world gameplay”.
I said it above. You don’t have any chance to win unless you treat him like some sort of raid content – so that only people who have the will, effort and means to do it are partecipating. Like, finding some empty overflow and inviting selected people there.

Thus it should have been a raid content from the beginning.

Needs a nerf

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


If they want to make it stay as it is, they need to make it an instanced content.
So that some people afk can’t make it impossible, or making it scale into a certain failure.
So that organized people will play with other organized people, dead people will ress themselves or be kicked out, and trolls are properly excluded or kicked before they can do too much damage.

Else, nerf it.

Make new Teq. a Raid (INSTANCED)

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


You can’t win this encounter without treating it like some sort of raid content.
Thus it should have implemented as a raid content from the beginning.

I will never kill TEQ cause of overflows

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Got my first kill yesterday in overflow. With a lot of time to spare.

Then it wasn’t a real overflow – one where you find random people, often afk, some of them on turrets, that aren’t even interested in some semblance of organization and that, sometimes, don’t even want to talk all the same language – english.

Some people are using some overflows as private instances, by finding some newly created ones and inviting people there. Basically, treating the whole encounter as a raid content.
That is, the way it should have been implemented from the beginning.

Shadow of the Mad King 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Clock Tower v2.0. Let the tears flow!

Clock Tower Tribulation Mode

Rivers, rivers of tears.