The two must have traits for me are Arcana [V] – Blasting Staff and Fire Magic [XI] – Persisting Flames making 30/x/x/x/10 required and leaving 30 pts to play with.
I’ve been using 30/10/10/10/10 picking up the DPS traits Air Magic [VI] – Bolt to the Heart , Earth Magic [VI] – Stone Splinters , and Water Magic [VI] – Vital Striking .
Pugging fractals in zerker gear with 12k hps isn’t very fun for me so I usually just play one of my other characters.
(edited by Mars.6319)
If you do precisely the rotation that you described then that portion is precisely half of your time.
Stoning has a coefficient of 0.5, an animation time of 1.35s, and is single target.
Its damage per second is equal to one third of that of lightninh whip.
I really hope that your team mates know how to make the most out of the might stacks you give them!
If you were only auto attacking you’d be spending precisely half the time auto attacking in Earth, but since you’re also doing 2x Eruption as well as a dodge roll for EA’s blast finisher it’s actually less… and those are AoEs, too.
With 30/x/x/x/30 giving 30% condition duration, Eruption applies a 6x 15.5 sec bleed and you do this twice during the rotation giving you 12 × 15 bleed ticks plus EA’s Shock Wave which adds 1×25 on top of Eruption and Shock Wave’s direct damage. Never mind that your fire fields persist and continue to deal damage while you’re in the Earth attunement so their downtime is also less than half.
Anyway, the whole point was simply that if you wanted to stack Might with a Staff it is entirely possible.
So you spend half of your time auto attacking in earth.
If you want to provide might using Evasive Arcana and Eruption then yes, you need to spend a portion of your time in Earth since that’s where the blast finishers are.
While I like being able to use Eruption to blast fields from other attunements, the way it is set up right now is the exact opposite of synergy with Evasive Arcana. If I could make Eruption Blast sooner (say for less damage/bleed stacks/smaller radius/whatever) then I could lay down Lava Font > Switch to Earth > lay down Eruption > blast Eruption > use Arcane Wave > then dodge into the Lava Font and get 9 stacks of Area Might.
As it is right now the max I can provide is 6 stacks (unless I go crazy with Lightning Hammer but that is a TON of work for 9 stacks of Area Might).
Am I asking for too much here?
Lay a 6 second fire field down (Burning Retreat/Traited Lava Font), swap to earth, immediately lay Eruption on top of your fire field, dodge into your fire field to trigger Evasive Arcana’s Shock Wave blast finisher, activate Arcane Wave in the fire field, watch the timer on Fire attunement, lay Eruption down before Fire attunement comes off CD, attune to fire, lay a fire field on top of Eruption, repeat.
That’s 3 Might x 3 short CD blast finishers (2 Eruption +1 EA Shock Wave) = 9 per rotation + 3 from each Arcane Wave (30/24 secs) + 1 Might if you have Elemental Attunement (~10 secs if you’re swapping back and forth on CD). If you add boon duration runes and food you’ll be able to provide 25 Might stacks to your entire party without any help.
Fire is great.
Staff air is weak.
Staff water is for healing/snares. There’s no need for a dps increase. You go water when you need heals, fire when you need DPS.
Stoning – Weakness and projectile finisher… there are few reasons to use a low dps projectile finisher to apply short duration conditions and much better ways to apply weakness (in PvE)
Unsteady ground – the short duration and cast time make this awkward to use.. you’ve got to predict where you want this to be after the cast time knowing it’ll be gone by the time you switch to a more useful attunement
Eruption – I like it the way it is. The long time between its cast and its bast finisher explosion lets me lay down an Eruption, switch attunement and lay down a combo field before it goes off letting me apply AoE swiftness (Air: Static Field), AoE healing (Water: Geyser/Healing Rain), AoE Frost Armor (Water: Frozen Ground), or Might (Fire: Lava Font/Burning Retreat). This lets you Flaming Retreat, swap to Earth attunement, and lay Eruption down for a blast finisher, hang out in Earth until Fire attunement is 2-3 seconds out from coming back up, lay Eruption down, attune to Fire and place a fire field for another might stack.
Eruption is fine the way it is. -imo
I would not recommend playing a healer.
If you’re completely set on playing a healer then I’d recommend buying yellow (rare) gear off the trading post to give it a try before spending a lot of time or money gearing up for a play style that you may regret. You can salvage this gear once you’ve chosen a permanent build and recover the cost (RNG permitting) in orbs.
Forgive me for asking, but were you in Fireheart Rise? You need to be in the same zone as the dungeon before the pop-up to join will happen.
It would be similar to the +1 buttons on many forums, and maybe you would get a little smiley face or something somewhere in the corner of the screen.
I hope I don’t get in trouble for publishing secret developer codes but I am going to chance it since this is in the name of rewarding nice players…
There is a way to send nice people little smiley faces that will appear on the corner of their screen, but only if you type the following codes into your chat box:
/tell [PlayerName] : )
It would be nice if a filterable list of currently available dungeon groups were displayed when selecting the Dungeons section of the LFG Tool.
Sometimes I only want to do CoF and clicking on the CoF tab works great, but sometimes I’m willing to do any dungeon. Cycling through the dungeon tabs in order to find a group can be tedious when there aren’t many groups looking for members.
Similarly, sometimes I am willing to do a dungeon or fractal and there is no way to simply view all groups that have open spots.
Also, the LFG tool currently lists the member’s class icons on the top row, the description on the bottom row, and the [JOIN] button centered to the right. If the description were placeded on the top row while the class icons and [JOIN] button were placed on the bottom then there would be more room to display the group’s description in the group list.
This is an opportunity for ANet to create a new mini game where players pluck the wings off of other players who have winged backs.
One reason why Teq is so hard right now is people are learning the fight, Teq has a timer and a long respawn.
I was thinking it might help if we were able to attempt Teq more often. This would need to be done in a limited way because it wouldn’t make sense if you could spawn Teq at will for an unlimited number of retries.
Taking inspiration from the gem shop item Infinite Continue Coin that goes for 600 gems, I was thinking we could use a Teq respawn item to force Teq to spawn. It could be sold for a limited time (like 2 to 4 weeks) and priced appropriately at say 8000 gems. It could also be bundled with some respawn orbs and repair canisters for maybe 10000 gems. Also, this leaves room for maybe a gem shop item that i’ll call a Teq Blaster 9000 that would be a single use consumable that removes one stack of Teq’s buff for maybe 100 or 200 gems.
Of course these would be temporary, just little things to help us learn the fight.
(edited by Mars.6319)
Just out of curiosity which do you find less fun, SAB world 2 or Teq?
Teq already is instanced. Just ask anyone who ends up in overflow.
I don’t think people have a problem with how challenging it is. But a problem with if 2-3 idiots get on a turret it is a fail. We can’t control who gets them first. Then it is even worse in over flow.
Or if people drag champs onto the turrets trying to get the controller killed so that they can have a chance to use it…
At first, everyone rushes in because they want to see the new content.
After a few days of waiting hours at a time for Teq to spawn only to realize their server can’t defeat him, people look for alternatives like guesting.
After a few days of waiting hours at a time for Teq to spawn on the guested server only to realize they can’t defeat him either, people will stop trying.
Once people stop trying there won’t be any more overflows.
Give it a week.
Actually Guesting isn’t beneficial to Blackgate at all. These hundreds of guesters will simply sit in the overflow and never get to the front of the line due to the above secret. It would help lower populated servers though…
Not if they guest and aa ff kk in the zone until the event starts guaranteeing them a spot.
I have another secret to downing Teq…
Turn off auto-attack, evade, cleanse, stability, run -condition duration gear/food.
Being owned mid fight by a thief who attacks you when your abilities are on CD isn’t really a balance issue.
I came here to report the same thing.
Non-players swapping kills to finish achievements is making it hard to find a good game.
Please consider avoiding new PvP achievements that can and will be traded like this. Thanks.
Yes they don’t heal for more than 2k but fgj and shake it off are great utilities to rock, so why not have them heal?
Because you’re using 30 trait points to achieve that.
As well as 300 vit and 30% boon duration, but that’s for another build.
Multiboxing is very simmilar to botting and 3rd party programming so according to Anet’s policy it is strictly forbidden. Please, refrain from making use of this and report any player you see making use of this.
Since the question has been answered , this thread is closed.
EDIT: This post has been quoted in other forum posts, but it is inaccurate. ArenaNet does not prohibit Multi- or Dual-Boxing as along as the player is active on each account and is not botting or using other third-party programs to “play” the account.
Given that there is no auto-follow and tons of roots, snares, knock-backs, the need to dodge, and other obstacles… it’s not possible to do without breaking the rules.
The servers are set to reset dailies at 00:00 GMT/UTC.
GMT/UTC is a time reference that does not change for daylight savings.
Support thief? Only someone who don’t actually play a thief can even say that with a straight face. Thief is by far the class with least group and support skills.
As thief is today, all it brings to a group is DPS and stealth-resses. Its not strange if people see thief as a DPS class and nothing else, because that’s what we are now.
I’ve got a feeling we’re being trolled.
The OP posts about how dagger/dagger is unbearable after the stealth change and people keep saying the fix is to go support.
Unless I missed it, ANet never explained the change. Was it intended to break dagger/dagger? We just don’t know… but hey, you can always go support thief, right? kitten
I’ve got an 80 Warrior, Thief, Mesmer, Ranger, and Guardian… of them, Ranger is my least favorite for group play. Ranger makes a good solo-farming class but feel weak in group play despite having the best heal in the game (aoe regen + water field).
I don’t recommend leveling as dagger/dagger. I’d do sword/pistol and shortbow. Sword/pistol gives you a nice blind puddle to stand in while you whack up to 3 melee mobs down and shortbow will hit up to 3 targets from range.
I recommend waiting until 80 to mess with dagger/dagger because it’s single target and works better if you can reliably get behind mobs.
Blinding powder only gives 3s of stealth… which I find hard to believe anyone who actually plays a thief doesn’t already know, but it doesn’t matter because as I’ve already said nobody farming CoF wants or needs your stealth and any group that needs you to stealth them anywhere or stealth rez constantly isn’t really a group most people want to be in.
Getting back to the OP … dagger/dagger/shortbow 30/30/X in zerker was much easier to play when C&D dropped aggro. You’ve got 11k hps and you’re standing in melee range… and now stealth won’t drop aggro. Like the OP says, your only choice is to drop dps no matter how you choose to handle the new aggro problems be it respec, regear, or constantly run away… begging the question why play thief if not for high dps? It’s an awful change that deserves an official explanation.
A thief that has multiple AoE stealths that allow your party to easily pass sequences or objectives. A thief that has some of the easiest access to blinds to help negate damage your party takes. A thief that MORE DPS potential than a warrior if built right. A thief that has MORE survivability than a warrior if played right.
So why would you want a warrior over a thief again? Only two reasons: 1) You don’t know how to play a thief, and thus don’t know their potential. 2) You don’t trust a pug to play a thief. If it’s the second reason, is the problem the thief, or the fact that the Warrior is too shallow that any noob can play one and has little skill curve for improvement?
Personally I still think that Thief is one of the better designed classes with some of the most room for skill to make it the best. Stealth has just made it where that skill was not needed. This change helps as people can use their stealth bonuses without having to start over on killing a mob, and it also teaches them to treat PvE slightly more realistically. It’s no longer an instant “oh kitten” that tells the mob to shrug his shoulders and walk away from it’s enemy that was nearly destroyed. The mob actually realizes that a puff of smoke doesn’t cause that little thief to stop existing – he’s actually still a threat.
Mesmers are much better at moving a party around and using stealth to get places, plus they come with Time Warp… the real reason why they’re invited to the party. But this isn’t about mesmers, this is about stealth and stealth won’t get you into parties. Try asking to replace that CoF speed run mesmer with your thief and explain that he can stealth, too. Stealth won’t get you into parties.
Melee blind puddles make trash easier, sometimes, but won’t get you a spot in a party either.
A thief has more dps potential than a warrior if spec’d and geared properly, but in doing so sacrifices survivability… that is to be made up with player skill? But isn’t that what people are saying? The thief class is weak compared to warriors who do nearly as much damage without being downed every time they miss a dodge.
Here are 2 reasons you would want to play a warrior over a thief:
1) You like doing great damage while wearing heavy armor and dishing out party buffs.
2) You want invites to pugs.
We call them thiefs because anet didn’t name them rouges.
I’ve found that after the patch in order to have good PvE survivability as a Thief you need to learn to dodge and abuse pistol whip/death blossom and hope that’s enough for the encounters you’re up against. Stealth use to help but now mobs will jump right back on you as soon as stealth ends… sometimes even following and attacking you while you are still stealthed.
The problem I have with trying to build a tanky/healy Thief is that by the time you’re done you end up being bad at pretty much everything. Bad damage, relatively low hp, unreliable healing (stealth for regen, venomous aura with 300 range??), inability to reliably use stealth and tank (control) mobs… why did you choose to level a Thief, again?
Sigil of Blood, Signet of Malice and Omnoms will keep you up as well or better than Hide In Shadows or Withdraw[ Into Lava and Off Edges] in most cases, but sometimes you need the cleanse and heal without a target from Hide in Shadows.
I think the best thing you can do is buy some yellow gear, make your build the way you want and try your tanky/healy thief in a couple dungeons/fractals… that’s what I did before I salvaged it all and went glass cannon.
(edited by Mars.6319)
It works like this
1. In a guild, representing that guild, on that guilds home server, and participating in the event – 50 silver 2 rares 2 commendations2. Anything else – dynamic event reward only.
If you guest at all; dynamic event reward only.
If you are not in that guild; dynamic event reward only.
If you are in the guild but are not representing; dynamic event reward only.
… that’s great, it’s like WoW back when you needed a 40 man to raid things and pugs were not allowed
Being kicked out of a group isn’t reportable. ANet isn’t going to punish anyone for not wanting to play with you even if you had played with them up until they no longer wanted to play with you. The way that you should deal with these people is to add them to your block list so you don’t make the mistake of grouping with them ever again.
You can’t enter WvW on a guest server because the entire point of servers is to separate WvW into teams.
If you want map completion then you will have to wait until your team controls the areas that you need. It might help if you asked your team to attempt to take over an area that you need for your map completion. If they are unable or you can’t convince people to try then you’ll just have to keep checking on your server’s WvW status for your final map completion.
I don’t know why WvW is part of map completion and don’t think it fits. I think that it would make more sense as a separate achievement, but that’s just how it is.
Warriors are needed 4 to 1 over Mesmers in speed-runs, so the obvious answer is Warrior.
I play them both. Warrior comes down to positioning, hitting #2 and using shouts. Mesmer is more about wondering where my clones are headed off to and making sure Time Warp hits everyone at a good time.
I don’t know how to force the game to check its state and prompt everyone to move on once the final boss is dead. You could make sure everyone is in the dungeon and try having everyone die and checkpoint, maybe that would trigger the ready check to move on? You may just be out of luck.
I had a group member do this and it booted everyone before we could loot the chest.
What do you mean by stuck? Are you trying to continue or get out? If you’re just wanting out try leaving the party or holding down ALT and pressing F4 to close the client and then relog.
Edit: If you were dead and can’t rez you could ask them to return by reentering the fractal (if they can), you could also try using the PvP icon to go back to LA and then return to the fractal… depending on how you’re stuck.
(edited by Mars.6319)
I agree with the first half where you outline problems but I don’t agree with all of the changes in the second half.
I’ve been staring at my AH build for 3 weeks now trying to figure out how to change it without wrecking my Guardian and I just can’t find a way to change his spec. Having played 5 classes to 80 and Warrior being one, this seems absolutely ridiculous and is bringing back bad memories of WoW’s infamous Paladin vs. Warrior years.
I think it’s more important that good WvW servers do well and progress up the ladder while bad WvW servers are allowed to sink. The more you help a losing team the less accurate the WvW rankings will be.
Reports of innocent players being banned for farming are greatly exaggerated.
Don’t use a macro of any kind to help you farm and you won’t be banned.
Do you know what the word “daily” means?
You`re basically asking for more free stuff for logging in very rarely. You`re not going to have as much stuff as a person who plays everyday, and nor should you.
Daily means something that happens each day, like accumulating daily quests would occur… daily.
I’m not asking for anything. I log in and do my dailies every day as it is. What I’m asking for is opinions on whether or not the change to the reward warrants a change to the system. I’m perfectly fine with it staying the way it is right now.
Given we will soon start to earn laurels for completing daily achievements, and these laurels will be important to many players who would like to purchase Ascended gear and Infusions for their characters, would it be a good idea to allow players to save up dailies so they don’t miss out when real life intervenes?
By this I mean have it set so that when you miss a daily quest you gain the ability to do an additional daily quest the next time you login.
As an example:
Day1 – 1 daily available but not completed
Day 2 – 2 daily quests available – 2 are completed
Day 3 – 1 daily quest available but not completed
Day 4 – 2 daily quests available but not completed
Day 5 – 3 daily quests available but not completed
Day 6 – 4 daily quests available – 2 are completed
Day 7 – 3 daily quests available … and so on
New Achievement Laurels
You’ll earn these brand-new laurels as a reward for daily and monthly achievements!
Redeem these laurels for rewards like the new Ascended gear and Infusions!
Or are dailies meant to be a reward for logging in every day and fine despite the new reward system?
I always attack the enemies that I see at the jump puzzle. If they don’t fight back then I stop and let them go on their way.
You could get naked and keep trying to do the puzzle never fighting back, eventually they’ll get bored or feel sorry for you and let you complete it… or you could come back another time after they have left.
Thanks for posting this. It’s not how I’d prefer to play a Thief, but healing Venom is a very supportive way to play and doesn’t have the messy aggro issues that trying to stealth people to apply regen via traits does. I haven’t tried extreme healing gear with it, yet, but the build is pretty good even with modest +healing.
I lose interest every night… and then find it again either the next day or the day after.
It is… different… but I’m getting use to it. There isn’t a lot of direction like you find in other games where there is usually one activity that is defined as the end-game.
I enjoy running low level fractals and dungeons quite a bit, I also enjoy leveling alts and trying different specs. It’s more than enough to keep me busy.
I’m hoping that the upcoming changes will make WvW and sPvP a bit more fun because they are fun, just not what keeps my interest for various reasons.
If you’re getting bored or feel burnt out and don’t want to alt, try new specs, or try other aspects of the game then by all means take a break. There’s no subscription burning and so no pressure to play every day in order to get your money’s worth. There’s no reason to force yourself to play when you’d rather watch a football game.
(edited by Mars.6319)
To give an example of end-game in another game; WoW end-game was raiding 4 hours twice a week for a chance at an upgrade and spending the rest of the time standing on a mailbox in town.
Fractals could, currently, be considered GW2’s end-game since they scale and people run them for similar reasons (loot, upgrades).
I think you’ll find most people play GW2 a lot more casually than other MMOs and so you won’t necessarily get the same answer from many people. You simply login and do what you like until you’re done and then logout.
They are already making ugly faces at AoE, I wouldn’t expect a buff to the Staff’s AoE auto-attack.
I just hit 80 on my Thief and was hoping to play it as high DPS melee since that’s how I play my Warrior. Unfortunately I found that although it is possible to do, it is much more difficult to do on a Thief. Stealthing aggro off onto other group members or being downed when failing to deal with it on my own made me feel like the damage increase of being in melee wasn’t worth the extra trouble to my groups.
Since the Shortbow #2’s blast finisher is the best blast finisher in the game I found it was often better, depending on the situation, for me to hang back and wait for opportunities to abuse combo fields.
I guess hanging back to use Shortbow isn’t much better than stealthing aggro onto allies, but it’s easier to avoid damage and feels like I’m less of a liability.
You have no argument to make me support MF, because it gives me nothing if you wear it.
So if I wear Cleric(healing, power, toughness) an only use self heal skills(no party wide heals) I’m more helpful than a magic find guy? How? I’m doing less damage than a guy with explorer due to lack of precision and the only thing I’m doing better is tanking. Yet no amount of toughness and vitality would make someone survive a 1 shot kill hit from a boss. Doing less damage means I’m slowing down my party even more than a magic find guy, yet people hate them more.
Removing magic find wont solve anything. People will then say: you have too much toughness and vitality. Get a berserker gear and learn to dodge because otherwise you’re slowing us down.
Using Cleric gear to increase self heals benefits the group by increasing your uptime. Uptime is just as important as damage done. Having one player constantly go down and require others to stop DPS and place themselves in dangerous positions in order to rez someone who can’t stay up takes away from groups, too.
You see:
Glass Cannon go down but offer high DPS when up.
Bunker offer less DPS but stay up longer and deflect aggro/damage from others.
Magic Find offers nothing to the group.
If you’re getting bored then try another class. Each class plays slightly different from the others. It may be as simple as Necromancer not being right for you.
I suggest Warrior. Warriors have more options than any of the other classes. Experiment with different weapons and I’m sure you’ll find one you like. Greatsword is pretty popular, so are Axes.
There should be more low level unique items to help players learn what unique means before they spend 10 pristine tokens on a second unique Ascended ring.