Yeah. The shell drops are completely pathetic. Hell, the drop period. Telling me if I kill something it doesn’t have any meat, blood or skin/shell/bone on it %90 of the time? Sure, encourage scarcity of things, I get that. But nothing the vast majority of the time, even on Vets ya have to ‘kill’ twice to find out you get nothing but wind? PAH-the-tic.
That’s a problem with loot drops…
I think a better system would’ve been to have the smallest of a creature type always drop the smallest type of parts, the second smallest have a chance at both, the 3rd smallest have a chance at all and so on continuing up to the largest. The “rares” of the RNG would be both the smallest and the largest giving mid ranged parts most often. Vets and Champs would always drop the best, possibly multiple. Finally I’d set up a system where X small parts combined to create Y mid parts and so on so that no parts were ever useless or unwanted.
It’s pretty frustrating to constantly get greys or even worse, nothing at all.
I get more dye drops in low level zones while completing dailies than in high level zones. It probably has to do with the number of kills per hour and/or where dye lands on the loot table.
And if they do will we have people spaming LFG AC lvl 15?
They are suppose to be fixing this by allowing people to join a group of any fractal level but only advancing one level per completion. The same would work for dungeons.
I’d rather good gear come from more difficult content than RNG. If I can get the best gear killing Dolyak or Risen then I’m going to spend my time killing Dolyak because it’s easier.
But their lore said they mostly stick to that cove. And their invasion was wiped.
Or so it was thought… it was only later, after a new content patch, that we learned of Zhaitan’s newest horror! Behold! The slain Karka from The Lost Shores event have been reanimated creating a never before seen abomination! . . . the Risen Karka!
Everyone… Come! Clack Clack Clack
Oh almost forgot, the way to use this is… get into melee with the mobs, press F1 to activate Virtue of Justice which casts an AoE blind and eventually gives allies might. Recast Virtue of Justice every time it comes up as long as you’re still in combat. Virtue of Justice should refresh often since it refreshes every time a mob dies as well as once every 30 seconds on longer fights or if you mess up.
If you’re using a hammer then let the auto-attack (#1 skill) chain finish (three separate attacks). You’ll see a white circle on the ground when it finishes. As soon as you see the circle appear, be sure you’re in it and hit #2 to do an AoE blast finisher that, in your light field, gives AoE retaliation to allies.
When you’re down 15-20% of your HPs try using a shout instead of your heal.
Be sure to move around. Don’t stand in front of mobs attacks or in red circles. Try to get behind them whenever possible.
Use your other Virtues (F2 and F3) when things get bad for an extra heal or block, but know that they have longer cooldowns and you lose their passive effects until they reset.
Hammer is fine. Greatsword is good, too.
I use an Altruistic Healing build based on the 30 point valor trait called Altruistic Healing that heals you a small amount whenever you cast boons.
My build looks something like this (I change traits depending on what I’m doing, I’ve posted the traits I usually use… these work well both in groups and when soloing.) -=:
Zeal - 0 points
Radiance - 15 points
( 5pt minor) Justice Is Blind - Virtue of Justice blinds nearby foes
(10pt major) { I } Healer's Retribution - 3s retaliation on heal
(15pt minor) Renewed Justice - Virtue of Justice renews when you kill foes
Valor - 30 points
( 5pt minor) Valorous Defense - Gain aegis when your HPs hit 50%
(10pt major) { V } Purity - Lose a condition every 10 seconds
(15pt minor) Courageous Return - Virtue of Courage is recharged on rally
(20pt major) { VI } Retributive Armor - Increase precision by 5% of Toughness
(25pt minor) Might of the Protector - Gain might when you block
(30pt major) { XI } Altruistic Healing - Heal when you boon an ally
Honor - 20 points
( 5pt minor) Vigorous Precision - Gain vigor when you crit
(10pt major) { II } Superior Aria - Shouts recharge 20% faster
(15pt minor) Selfless Daring - Dodging heals nearby allies
(20pt major) { VII } Empowering Might - Nearby allies gain might when crit
*** Can also use IX - 2H mastery in place of VII Empowering Might for solo ***
Virtues - 5 points
( 5pt minor) Inspired Virtue - Virtues also buff allies
I usually use these skills:
Slot 6 – (Heal) Signet of Resolve (to remove debuffs) OR Shelter for the block + heal
Slot 7 – Hold the Line! – Protection and regen
Slot 8 – Stand Your Ground! – Stability and retaliation
Slot 9 – Save Yourselves! – Tons of buffs OR Wall of Reflection to harass ranged
Slot 0 – the Elite skill – is almost always Tome of Courage when grouped and a racial summon pet when solo (good to have a pet to cast boons on when solo, plus helps tank and deal dmg)
Knight gear (Toughness, Power, Precision) works well with this build, so do a variety of other stat combinations. The key is to get your crit chance (Precision) high enough to activate the various on crit abilities and to use Shouts to buff you and allies as needed.
At level 55, since you can’t max trait lines until 60, I’d go:
0 / 15{ I } / 20{V}{VI} / <remaining> / 5
Placing remaining points into Honor until you buy your book and respec at 60.
At level 60 I’d go:
0 / 15{ I } / 30{V}{VI}{XI} / 0 / 5
From here put the rest into Honor.
This is just how I’d do it. There are probably better ways and hopefully someone will post one for you.
Probably the single biggest mistake that new players make is underestimating the importance of using food buffs and potions.
If you are having trouble surviving then try using Blackberry Pie (bought from the trading post) for the heals and Strong Potion of <whatyoufightmost>.
Also be sure that all of your gear is current and favor Precision, Toughness and Power over other stats.
(edited by Mars.6319)
Nope, things will be obtainable in all different ways, fractals will just be one of them. If dungeons get revamped they will have better loot too most likely.
New dailies will surely make sure that we revisit old zones and so on.
I get you…But what I mean is, the whole idea with fractals is, the higher you go, the better loot you get. That won’t be viable in normal dungeons. The difficulty is capped per path on explorable modes. Perhaps each path is a different difficulty, but it doesn’t range anywhere near the amount of fractal’s incremental types.
Or am I wrong?
They do plan to, "Revamp[] dungeons, including rebalancing them, adding new fractals, awarding more tokens, and making them “more fun to play.”
Guild Wars Wiki – (2013) Upcoming Changes
I hope that means they eventually plan to make dungeons scale like fractals, otherwise, yes, high level fractals will be better for random drops… which will leave us in nearly the same place that we are now.
One reason why low level zones seem dead is there is not enough reason to go back to low level zones once you hit 80. The loot scaling doesn’t work properly and you end up with tons of low level junk instead of level appropriate loot. I tend to either farm high level zones or hang out in LA on my 80 until a dungeon or fractal group forms.
Another is there are multiple low level zones for each level range and some are more popular than others.
Another is some zones are both huge and walled, you could be playing in the same zone with 100 other players and never see any of them.
Another is the time of day and day of week. More people play during certain hours on certain days. The zone populations surge on holidays.
Yea, the game could use some character wipes and migrations before the paid server transfers start happening. Being forced to pay a fee just so you can play a supposed mmo with other players isn’t exactly fair.
No kidding. I didn’t even think about the monetary aspect of it and how incredibly deceptive it is.
Home worlds are for WvW and restrictions on changing teams is a good thing.
Guesting lets you PvE on any server with anybody (in your region) for free.
Yes. Yes it is.
Unless I’m mistaken, Guild Influence can’t be earned in overflow and will not likely be earned on your home server when guesting, so that is one reason why players will want to play on their home world whenever possible.
I’m looking forward to guesting and hope that you don’t need a friend in order to guest onto another world.
The game is balanced around the ability to remove conditions and removing conditions is a large part of game play. I think it’s fine the way it is.
Condition stacking is a problem in PvE because it makes groups filled with classes built around condition damage much less effective and therefore less viable.
One simple solution to condition stacking in PvE is to make condition stacking beyond the duration or stack cap simply convert to direct damage. The amount of direct damage done can be tuned to fit the source in order to help find a balance for the new sources of damage.
(edited by Mars.6319)
Multiboxing is very simmilar to botting and 3rd party programming so according to Anet’s policy it is strictly forbidden. Please, refrain from making use of this and report any player you see making use of this.
Fight the power!
Help! Help! We’re being repressed!
It would be great if GW2 had complicated, original-EQ-style factions where players made choices that impacted the way NPCs reacted to them and, with enough time and effort, could change sides.
It probably wouldn’t work so well in GW2 because it’d require an awful lot of extra work, but maybe one day we’ll be able to join forces with the Centaurs or Separatists and overtake the repressive Humans! … although not likely.
Being able to weapon swap in combat would be imbalanced in PvP just like adding a 3rd or 4th weapon to other classes would be imbalanced.
It’s not great, but… if you’re a dagger elementalist who wants the option to go ranged you could load Conjure Frost Bow.
Scavenger and Travelers should be a an armor enchant, another gold sink, but one that doesn’t upset/nerf your party. Instead of having just MF gear, have MF modified gear. Something like: helm, gloves, boots, 5 gold ea. – chest, pants, shoulders, 10 gold ea. – accessories ect 2 gold ea.
I agree that would’ve been a better way to do it. I think the they decided to make MF replace another stat in order to justify the increased drop rate by increasing the difficulty of the encounter. I don’t think that MF’s impact on group scenarios was ever considered.
It would be extremely difficult to change the way MF is applied to gear at this point in the game, but relatively easy to modify the way MF works so that it becomes a shared stat when you’re in a party.
I really think we need an option to buy 400 gems at minimum instead of 800. There are tons of items below 400 gems and if you want them you gotta spend $10 on 800 gems or 7-8 gold, depending on how the exchange rate is going. Saying this especially since I want to change my characters name a bit, and the kit costs 350…and really don’t want to spend 10 dollars on name change so, I think we should get an option to buy 400 gems as well.
Just wanted to mention that you can buy 1 gem with gold if you want. You don’t have to buy 800 gems… if you buy them with gold, in-game.
As for the minimum number of gems you can purchase with real money, I assume the reason for the 800 gem (about $10) minimum is that real world financial transactions usually have fees associated with them and the minimum purchase amount can help ANet reduce the percentage of money that goes toward these fees.
I don’t know that this is the reason but I’d guess that the minimum gem purchase amount is in place due to the financial fees charged by banks.
How is wearing MF gear any more selfish than any of the following things which are better for the individual player and worse for the group:
- Using cheaper masterwork, instead of exotic items.
- Using lower-level items, instead of at-character-level ones.
- Failing to use foods or potions/sharpening stones/crystals.
- Failing to optimize one’s build + gear.
- Using a glass canon build, since it relies on others to keep you alive in certain situations.
All of these reduces one’s effectiveness, at the expense of the group.
Using Magic Find gear isn’t necessarily more selfish or detrimental to a party than any of your examples.
Using Magic Find gear is the only example where the player is rewarded for choosing a selfish or detrimental play style. In every one of the other examples given the player with the selfish/detrimental gear, buffs or build experiences the same dungeon run as the other 4. With Magic Find, the player who chooses to use Magic Find gear is rewarded with better loot.
Magic Find stands out because Magic Find rewards a single player for increasing the difficulty of an entire party.
I suggest that the entire party’s Magic Find be distributed among the entire party in order to make the reward for the increased difficulty fair to all party members, not to punish the player for choosing a selfish or detrimental play style.
Some elite skills work better in sPvP or WvW than PvE.
Rampage is kind of gimmicky. Rampage can be great if you’re doing point defense (sPvP), trying to prevent a stomp on an ally (PvP), or trolling a ledge while looking for people to punt (WvW), and can even be useful for running a hammer or wisp in fractals (PvE)… but I almost never use it because I’d rather have an Elite that is more useful more often in its place.
Maybe another way of managing spawns would be to use more destructible spawn points like Breeders and Burrows that are used in dungeons like Ascalonian Catacombs.
Allowing players to temporarily destroy mob spawn points would make clearing areas that are designed to be cleared more manageable, and by adding a delay before the mobs began spawning from the newly spawned destructible spawn points it would offer a better indication of when the area was about to respawn mobs possibly making the experience seem more logical and less frustrating.
In some cases like Superior Sigil of Luck vs Superior Sigil of Bloodlust, you do lose damage for choosing Magic Find.
In all cases you do lose useful stats for choosing Magic Find.
Since clearing a dungeon is a group effort, Magic Find, which reduces a player’s effectiveness in a group, should be shared across the group to make up for the increased difficulty that the entire party faces.
Please consider changing the way that Magic Find works in a party.
Currently one person can wear full Magic Find gear and that one person gains a loot bonus while the remaining party members gain no bonus and have to work harder to clear content.
I suggest changing Magic Find so that it is a party wide bonus where the total amount of Magic Find given to all members is the total amount used by all party members divided by the number of party members.
One person wearing +200% Magic Find gear and 4 people wearing 0% Magic Find gear in a party of 5 would give (200/5=) +40% Magic Find to all 5 party members.
I think that this is more fair than the current system.
You can run an explorable mode dungeon even if you haven’t completed the dungeon’s story mode as long as one person in your group has completed the dungeon’s story mode so that they can start the dungeon in explorable mode.
My Toy Maker’s bag looks like it’s filled with groceries.
I play this game for 3 months now, have been part of hundreds of parties and the dialogue in party chat never went beyond “Hi..”.
This game is based on solo tasks or group zerg tasks that do not need any coordination at all…when you get a party you just spam your attacks and kill the strong mobs you are not able to kill solo.
As per the need to belong to a guild, well I never felt that need because there are no guild tasks/objectives/perks to achieve. Pretty interesting stuff for a game that calls itself “Guild Wars 2”.
How did you get past the swamp fractal?
I’m having a lot of fun in the xmas sPvP map. I really like CTF as well as the twist on picking a class to play. It’s good stuff and I’m sad to know it’ll be gone when xmas ends.
I haven’t played regular sPvP in a while because it’s not very fun. There’s only one game type despite having different maps, people come and go without care leaving horribly imbalanced teams, and macros… I don’t have macros, but some people seem to be using them… or maybe I’m just bad. Either way sPvP is not very fun for me and it doesn’t seem like there was much effort put into trying to make it work. Maybe it’ll get better over time.
I bought the game for the same price when it went live (through a 3rd party site).
ANet could give GW2 away for free and still make money on gems.
This seems more like a troll than a discussion.
Just wait until the xmas event when undead karka invade… Clack Clack Clack Everyone Come!
The problem I have with Orr, and to some extent Lost Shores, is the events run way too long and the rewards don’t make up for the effort required to do anything. That and I play on Kaineng which means needing to solo everything since there aren’t any other players.
I love the Fractal dungeons. They are fun, social, the content is made for the number of players who show up. There’s also great incentive to run fractals and progress, too.
I think it’d help if world vets and champs were updated so that they had much longer spawn timers, required 5 and 25 people respectively, and had loot tables that made players want to hunt them. It’d also help if event chains in the high level zones were buffed… but seeing as how they just got nerfed, maybe ANet doesn’t want us to play in the high level PvE zones?
I haven’t played a thief, yet. You can post in the thief forum and I’m sure someone will be more than happy to give you advice.
Don’t judge GW2 dungeons based on your first attempt at one dungeon path in a group that was likely filled with inexperienced players.
It doesn’t matter how many MMOs you’ve played or how many years you’ve been playing MMOs, you’re still new to GW2. It gets better as you learn how to properly spec, gear and play in a dungeon as well as when you’re grouped with other experienced players.
I’d like for champs to have a much better loot table, more abilities to make killing them harder and require more people, and to spawn less often.
I’d like for champs to be along the lines of event zones where players call them out when they’re up and others respond to help because the reward is worth the effort.
I think this hurt people who were trying to corner the market more than players who just wanted to get their legendary done.
I’ve done nothing but pug Fractals and have had more fun in FotM since Karazhan.
If it’s the players who are the problem and you don’t like playing with random players then make 4 friends and you won’t have to.
One simple way ANet can make all PvE content relevant is expanding on what skill points and karma can be spent on. This alone would make running event chains in the PvE world worth doing. Then all they need to do is add new events and keep the events going to keep players moving through the zones.
If they wanted to condense players into certain zones and encourage exploration they could modify the daily reward to include “X mobs killed in Y zone” or “X events done in Y zone”, changing the zone daily to keep it from feeling repetitive.
There’s a lot of simple things like this that could help to keep the world feeling relevant and populated.
Like what has already been suggested, just find a friendly Mesmer to give you a hand.
You can try asking in guild, in zone, in LA or even here on the forums. If you do it on the forums then just setup a time and day to meet up in game.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. There are a lot of people who really enjoy being able to use their Mesmer to help other people complete Vistas and Jump Puzzles.
Ascended armor won’t have an upgrade slot for you to customize with runes.
Will Ascended gear be so much better that Exotic rune bonuses won’t matter?
I know the example of the Ascended ring that ANet gave had better stats than the similar Exotic ring, but will those stats outweigh rune bonuses (outside of dungeons that require Agony counters)?
You continue gaining exp past level 80. After you reach the end of your level you gain an additional skill point. Skill points can be used to purchase items that can be used in Mystic Forge recipes and may eventually be used for other things.
I know, it’s just the warping around for the unique kills that I hate.
Try going to Thaumanova Reactor in Metrica.
Since the event chains have not been fixed and do not appear any closer to being fixed, I think it’s reasonable to ask that the dungeons and karma merchants be made accessible until the event chains are fixed… or at the very least reset all of the zones once a day so that there is a better chance of completing routinely bugged content.
Another sore point is the complete lack of a useful LFG tool. I don’t understand why players should need to create guilds and use 3rd party forums to get around this problem. Whatever imagined problem that comes from creating a useful LFG tool can’t be half as bad as the actual existing problem created by the lack of one.
I know that people have created guilds to be used as LFG chat channels but think that an IRC channel is a better choice since anyone can join an IRC channel without an invite.
I just wanted to say thank you for working to remove bots from GW2.
There has been a noticeable decrease of bot swarms and I truly appreciate your effort.
I like how you said the lower damage number (from what source on what target?) is “almost higher”.
I’m looking forward to sPvP CtF, too. There are lots of great variations and I’m hoping we get more than one.
I’d also love to see sPvP Freeze Tag (ala Quake 2). Players could be “frozen” instead of downed.
I placed a hair spray bottle in front of my monitor. The cap lined up with my character’s feet. The problem with this is that you still can’t see where you are jumping when a text bubble, Norn or griefing ranger pet blocks your view.
I’ve done the jump puzzle 3 times now. My best advice is to memorize the jumps so that you can do them without being able to see. Once you get past the start where people start falling off it becomes much easier.
I think ANet could improve the clock tower by removing the rising slime, allowing players to start at different times and adding an achievement for beating it in a certain amount of time. This way people can practice the jumps, people can stagger their start so that there isn’t a problem with blocking, and there is still something difficult to work for as an achievement.
Adding a recipe to obtain the endless tonic will change it from a gambling reward to a grinding reward and the complaints will shift from “I gambled and lost.” to “I can’t afford it.”
There’s always next year.
Don’t worry about what “other” people think. Play the game when it’s fun. Stop when it’s not. Do your own thing.
An MMO’s lifeblood is what “other” people think. You can’t just stick your head in the sand on this one. I know that we’d all like to think that trick will work. But bottom line is if the community isn’t there, then there won’t be anyone to play with. Which is the entire point of an MMO.
Someone saying that they read someone else say GW2 sucks doesn’t mean the game is dying. It doesn’t really mean anything other than someone said someone else said something that simply doesn’t matter.
If someone has a criticism about GW2 then they can post it constructively and we can talk about it. I don’t see any way of debating “GW2 sucks” or any reason to worry about it. People say WoW sucks all the time.
Don’t worry about what “other” people think. Play the game when it’s fun. Stop when it’s not. Do your own thing.
I’ve been too busy playing the game to spend much time reading or posting here.
WoW’s dungeon finder ruined the game’s dungeons because of antisocial behavior based on the need to compete for loot rolls coupled with the relative anonymity granted by the huge player pool and the way the devs started creating dungeons to cater to the unskilled pugs that attempted them. GW2 doesn’t have the loot problem and as long as ANet is able to separate dungeon design from the method used to find a group it won’t impact future dungeon design.
I’d like a basic dungeon finder.
I don’t think that would fix anything. It’d end up the same even if there were 1000 crafts with unique recipes and you could only ever learn 1 per account. Say you pick “Bag Making”. Only you and 2000 other people have chosen “Bag Making”. You Bag Makers make bags with cloth. Competition will ensure that cloth will never sell for less than the cost of making a bag and bags will never sell for more than their cost.
How would you fix it?