(edited by Obtena.7952)
If you’re character is level 20 and running through a level 1 area, it’s downscaled so those mobs aren’t as easy to ignore. There are also waypoints. Also, pocket raptors. etc …
What do these things have in common? They are design features Anet has included so you can’t just run through mobs and not fight them. So yes, I have my opinions, you have yours but the fact you can’t just run through mobs you don’t want to fight isn’t a problem and not just my opinion because it’s how the game was intentionally designed.
As I mentioned, I don’t think at this point you are responding to me on topic and I don’t wish to continue to respond to non-topic discussions in this thread. Thanks.
A little off topic but I think that’s the point … you shouldn’t be able to just run your way through maps and avoid mobs. I mean, there is a reason Anet put them there in the first place. In fact in Fen, i think it’s worse because in HoT, you can kill those mobs. in Fen, killing those mobs doesn’t really ‘clear your path’ so to speak. Some of the non-avoidance methods in Fen can’t even be avoided … like random death bubbles, etc..
Really so you run traits that completely contradict your skill bar – like running a hammer cooldown trait when you don’t even have one equipted? If that’s not the case then it’s pretty naive to consider that traits don’t have a perfound impact in the effectiveness of the skills- whether it be increase damage, reduce cooldown.
It would be naive to do that, but of course I haven’t said anything of the sort. I said that Anet did not ever revamp weapon skillsets, they revamped traits and I wouldn’t even go that far … the biggest change was how players get access to traits. For the most part, the structure of the trait system didn’t change much at all.
I don’t think you have followed my discussion very closely at this point, so there is little left to say to each other.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
I think it’s amusing that generally, Fen is found to be more acceptable than HoT is, though the mob difficulty is comparable, as is the vertical map layout. Could that be just due to the event density and ease to get around?
Despite the similarities to HoT, I have to say I enjoy Fen more and hope that whatever the future of GW2, it’s more like Fen than it is HoT … and certainly hope the future is not anything like Core Tyria.
gw2s system is better
because it’s the one that’s ingame now .. That’s not being glib either. it costs money to do what’s being suggested here … who’s paying for that? This isn’t a charity. If Anet went to it’s senior execs and suggested they simply ‘revamp’ the whole skillset system, just because it’s not like GW1, they would be laughed at.
you sort of a new player? They already revamped the skill system than what it was at launch.
You are correct in that they wouldn’t do such a thing due to the cost, hell they won’t do a smaller task such as skill split for pve/pvp, but don’t forget that player loss due to lack of variety is also a is also a loss in revenue as it requires money to keep the servers up 24/7.
No, I’m not sort of a new player and they didn’t revamp weapon skillsets, that was traits. Player loss due to a lack of variety is a thing, but a developer won’t throw out established systems that they have worked years on balancing just on a whim just to try to get new players at the expense of the ones that play it.
They are one of the same – in gw1 attributes increased skill dam/duration etc – in gw2 they focused more on passives rather than actual skills.
I don’t get it .. what is one of the same? I think it’s clear that GW2 is not GW1 part 2. If you mean traits are one in the same with weapon skillsets, I think that’s demonstrably wrong, since the trait system was really just a change in how traits are accessed and when it happened, weapon skillsets were not changed at all. They are completely separate systems.
gw2s system is better
because it’s the one that’s ingame now .. That’s not being glib either. it costs money to do what’s being suggested here … who’s paying for that? This isn’t a charity. If Anet went to it’s senior execs and suggested they simply ‘revamp’ the whole skillset system, just because it’s not like GW1, they would be laughed at.
you sort of a new player? They already revamped the skill system than what it was at launch.
You are correct in that they wouldn’t do such a thing due to the cost, hell they won’t do a smaller task such as skill split for pve/pvp, but don’t forget that player loss due to lack of variety is also a is also a loss in revenue as it requires money to keep the servers up 24/7.
No, I’m not sort of a new player and they didn’t revamp weapon skillsets, that was traits. Player loss due to a lack of variety is a thing, but a developer won’t throw out established systems that they have worked years on balancing just on a whim just to try to get new players at the expense of the ones that play it.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
Not sure why this is even thread-worthy. We don’t need to know you didn’t like the gifts you got. I’m sure Anet hoped they included enough gifts with varied use to appeal in SOME way to everyone. That’s the best they could have done.
Non Raiders blocked from XP bar spirit shards
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Obtena.7952
Edit: Also, the mainstay of my response was directed toward your statement -
Raiders don’t group with raid noobs.
Which I presented as false.
Did you present this as false because you know for a fact that all (I’ll even take most) raiding groups in GW2 will group with raid noobs? Or is this just your opinion based on your limited experience?
Sure, there are engineered parties of 10 people that only raid with each other, but yes, there are raid groups that aren’t like that. In fact it had to be because every person that raids was a noob at some point. That’s not based on data, that’s just a logical conclusion.
Yes, every GW2 raider once had never played a GW2 raid. However it is my opinion that most raid groups are formed of guildies. I believe that its very rare for a PUG to become a regular raiding group. And since a raid group is normally a “full” group, why would they leave out one member in favor of a non-raider? And how would a non-raider find such a group willing to replace one of their regular members with a new raider?
Most .. but not all. That’s an important distinction here. I see Razor gave an exceptional reply to your questions. Frankly, you’re just one of the people that have convinced themselves it’s not possible, just because they don’t want to believe it can be done or don’t want to do it. Either way, that’s wrong.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
OK, now I understand. You are comparing to other professions.
Meh, I have never had a problem tagging with the proper build, even against other professions. There is so much damage going around, it’s not like everyone BUT necros don’t always get the tag for loot. That’s really just a function of timing against others. You don’t need big spike damage to tag, you just need to be smart about how, where and when you apply AOE’s, which we are not lacking.
gw2s system is better
because it’s the one that’s ingame now .. That’s not being glib either. it costs money to do what’s being suggested here … who’s paying for that? This isn’t a charity. If Anet went to it’s senior execs and suggested they simply ‘revamp’ the whole skillset system, just because it’s not like GW1, they would be laughed at.
Non Raiders blocked from XP bar spirit shards
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Obtena.7952
Edit: Also, the mainstay of my response was directed toward your statement -
Raiders don’t group with raid noobs.
Which I presented as false.
Did you present this as false because you know for a fact that all (I’ll even take most) raiding groups in GW2 will group with raid noobs? Or is this just your opinion based on your limited experience?
Sure, there are engineered parties of 10 people that only raid with each other, but yes, there are raid groups that aren’t like that. In fact it had to be because every person that raids was a noob at some point. That’s not based on data, that’s just a logical conclusion.
This just in! Guild Wars 2 is a different game than Guild Wars!
This just in ….stuff can be changed
And ANet changes stuff all the time. The question isn’t “can it be changed” — the question is “should it be changed”. The fact that some people have fond memories of something in GW1 isn’t sufficient.
The current sytem or path game is going it is awfull, pvp is know to be a joke not even good to observe that mode.
WvW link not solving anything and not helping, link system linking empty servers that will get blobbed by larger servers being linked, something like big vs smaller vs smallest, it is a KT model and pretend to be working to kt capping stuff and other groups capping back it is awfull concept.
Skill balance is a joke, damaging pvp, WvW.
GW2 has just a few skills, some classes, traitline are useless and utilies are far useless due not work, bugged AI since game lauch, nerfed to oblivion so strong gimmicks are easier to work, wtc.
Most armor stats are useless, most runes and sigils are useless, only a few are used.
Right … so the argument here is that the skillsets in GW2 should be changed to GW1 ones because the current game path is awful … is that a data-based fact, or a self-serving opinion?
See, again, ignoring the people that currently play this game and changing this to make this game ‘not on an awful path’ is not based on sound judgment. GW1 skillsets isn’t some winning formula you just apply whenever you want a ‘win’ in a game … it worked for GW1. NOTHING indicates that it will work in GW2, including when you factor in the cost to implement it and rebalance the whole game … again.
Anyone that suggests moving to a completely different skillset model at this point in GW2 lifecycle is just out to lunch. It would be more reasonable for me to suggest … Mounts.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
The loot formula seems to take total damage into account when deciding on award tiers. Too little damage compared to other players on any particular non-champ may give nothing. More damage seems to skew the ratio of trophies and bags.
Low cast-time spike-damage and pre-cast traps like marks are necessary when not soloing.
Greatsword is too slow compared to dagger and staff but axe, scepter, and all of the off-hands are bad at tagging. Shroud 2 and the damaging wells are good.
One problem is Epidemic does not seem to count, CPC does not do enough damage, and condition damage builds do not optimize shroud. – You cannot tag with a condition damage build.
Another problem is greatsword’s lower tagging capability but at least that can be remedied by a weapon swap.
Ok, so use dagger or staff AOE … I mean, this isn’t unique to necros … if you want to tag on any profession, you have to choose the right build/weapons. I can’t tag with scepter on my Guardian either, but why would I want to? Same here.
Tagging on necro just requires some thoughtful build choices. I don’t believe it’s indicative of power or condition builds being weak. Again, depends on your definition of weak. My best builds for hard mobs are using exactly the weapons you have complained about being weak.
Just like there is little point in getting Leg. Weapons … yet people do it. To each his own. Frankly, I think the whole purpose of Legendary stuff is to help make the economy ‘work well’ and give people some endgame target to amuse themselves with. I think we all acknowledge there is minimal practical value; the value of LEgendaries is in the gameplay required to get it.
I ran MH dagger, yesterday. It has less delay than greatsword, its single cleave and some active positioning make it competitive for three trash mobs and superior for one, and it is better at ensuring a “tag” on a mob in a havoc environment.
Scepter is horrible at tagging. It is the worst weapon for the profession. Before I could get 5 bleeds, mobs were burst down but other players. Epidemic usually fails because the mobs are often dead of bursts before the skill completes casting and. Epidemic also does not seem to count as a tag for drops, anyway. Staff’s piercing and AoE burst easily surpasses tagging capability for any of Necromancer’s condition or other utility weapons. Veterans and lower rank mobs die too fast for condition damage to ramp up.
OK but tagging isn’t the only factor that determines how ‘weak’ something feels. I mean, Scepter is actually part of the reason my necro is so strong against mobs that people wouldn’t even think about soloing.
So again, what does ‘weak’ mean? Killing trash and tagging doesn’t require ‘strong’ weapons, so I don’t find those activities particularly compelling when arguing something is weak.
Weapons have various uses in the game. If you just want pure DPS output, I think we are particularly lucky in that regard because dagger and GS both deliver those things. We are have access to very good condition builds, better than most other classes. necro class is very versatile.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
How much would a private server cost?
I don’t think that’s a relevant question. First have to ask yourself if Anet would allow someone to set up a private server in the first place. Considering it would probably compete with their own business, chance would likely be zero.
Saying they were removed implies we had them in the first place …
IIRC, Anet did mention somewhere why they didn’t include hearts in HoT.
I never understand the calls to make one game more like another … Just go play the other game. No game can satisfy every player in every aspect, so we need a more compelling reason to have change than just ‘oh, I think this is the better way’.
You miss historical context. There are many games with multiple installments. Usually single player games. Take Mass Effect for example. There are 3 parts. Trust me. If part 2 and 3 had virtually nothing to do with the predecessors people would get upset.
That’s exactly my point … If Anet was making GW1 Part 2, I think everything the Op asked for would make sense.
Anyone that thought GW2 was going to be that seems to have unrealistic expectations. As a matter of fact, if my memory serves, Anet stated there would be lots of things in GW2 that weren’t going to be the same as GW1 … and less skillset was one of them.
The thread title is funny … bring them back? We never had them. GW2 is its own beast and is successful in the beast that it is. It appeals to entry level MMO players that are pressed for time. I can’t even imagine after 4 years that someone would seriously suggest such that thing that would threaten the playerbase GW2 has established.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
Depends what you mean by weak … My necro gives me the easiest ways to kill extremely hard mobs … I think if we gauge a professions performance by it’s ability to kill trash with the motive to advocate changes to the profession, that’s being selective to the benefit of the argument being made.
I never understand the calls to make one game more like another … Just go play the other game. No game can satisfy every player in every aspect, so we need a more compelling reason to have change than just ‘oh, I think this is the better way’.
There isn’t anything wrong here. Nothing I see happening in GW2 is any different than other MMO’s. OP just don’t understand EULA. Probably doesn’t even realize what he pays for, which is why he’s complaining about changes happening. You don’t pay for content and you don’t own your account … you pay for access to the game, which can change however Anet sees fit.
Someone is always at the bottom. That’s rather glib, but it’s basically saying that complaining about being the bottom DPS is not compelling reason to change it.
I don’t think it’s actually a problem to be the bottom DPS, but I do think it’s a problem to be the bottom and have relatively more difficulty accessing your damage. There should be some trade off there. I mean, Ele scores high damage … but the rotations are not for the unfocused.
I do think the solution here is to shift some fraction of the damage from illusions back to the direct damage from weapon skills. Damage doesn’t change, but accessibility does.
Yes someone is always at the bottom. How is that justification for our damage being so much less than other classes though?
It’s not, but there doesn’t need to be a justification. Do you think Anet sits around a table and asks themselves if their ideas about the class design are ‘justified’? I mean, that kind of question doesn’t even make sense.
We already know they make adjustments and the timescale that these adjustments are made. If you don’t get them, then you can only assume it’s part of the overall class concept. Again, I’ve already described why I felt this is happening to Mesmers; the class concept weights damage heavily on illusions.
here is how I figure it … Anet could probably push the P2W even harder, as long as it doesn’t offer advantages in the competitive part of the game (WvW or sPVP). Will they lose a few people because of P2W in Gstore? Probably, but what kind of people are they? Likely people that have issues with the Gstore in the first place and not purchasing gems. i.e., not the most desirable players.
They might even gain players. I mean, who wouldn’t purchase a level 80 booster as an example? That’s pretty close to P2W, but it’s completely transparent if I buy one and use it …
i think the real point is it doesnt matter if its p2w, it only really matters how players feel about it.
I don’t think that matters as much as we think … If decisions were based on how players feel, this game wouldn’t exist. Players have a wide range of ‘feel’ for many things. There would never be a decision made that every player would feel good about. There isn’t even a good way to gauge that.
here is how I figure it … Anet could probably push the P2W even harder, as long as it doesn’t offer advantages in the competitive part of the game (WvW or sPVP). Will they lose a few people because of P2W in Gstore? Probably, but what kind of people are they? Likely people that have issues with the Gstore in the first place and not purchasing gems. i.e., not the most desirable players.
They might even gain players. I mean, who wouldn’t purchase a level 80 booster as an example? That’s pretty close to P2W, but it’s completely transparent if I buy one and use it …
(edited by Obtena.7952)
That’s the thing though .. how do you know they saved money and didn’t use those resources to deliver more relevant content to a wider audience? You assumed they did it to save money; I think that’s a bad asumption.
Legendaries will not bankrupt the company but that doesn’t mean they should continue stupidly developing that kind of content if there are better things to develop that add more value for a wider audience of players. Looks to me like you should also read up on opportunity cost and Return on Investment. You will never get away from considering decisions a company makes about their products and services without considering these kinds of concepts. These are concepts your arguments (and most other people’s) ignore.
This will be a blast of unwanted honesty to some people: if you can’t get to a mob that’s scheduled on a 3 hour cooldown … that’s too bad. That’s not me being glib either; that’s recognizing that there not everyone can do every single activity in an MMO. These games aren’t designed to ensure appeal and win for everyone playing. The best they can do is ensure access; it’s up to YOU to be there at the keyboard when it happens. Frankly, I think a 3 hour CD is plenty fine for something you are basically going to do once for an achievement.
It’s getting really old to see most complaints caused by people thinking the game is designed around them. It’s not.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
Someone is always at the bottom. That’s rather glib, but it’s basically saying that complaining about being the bottom DPS is not compelling reason to change it.
I don’t think it’s actually a problem to be the bottom DPS, but I do think it’s a problem to be the bottom and have relatively more difficulty accessing your damage. There should be some trade off there. I mean, Ele scores high damage … but the rotations are not for the unfocused.
I do think the solution here is to shift some fraction of the damage from illusions back to the direct damage from weapon skills. Damage doesn’t change, but accessibility does.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
Guild wars 2: where you can buy gold directly from the publisher and the fans will gut you for saying its paying to win. Lol.
At this point im juts gonna go ahead and say screw it, you’re wrong. It is 100% paying to win regardless of others opinions.
At this point, I’m just going to thank every single person that takes advantage of GW2’s ‘massive’ P2W opportunities so I can continue to play without paying a monthly fee.
Non Raiders blocked from XP bar spirit shards
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Obtena.7952
Is there value in complaining that a reward is not given to people that don’t do the activity that gives it?
That’s not what we’re discussing here. Raids are not the activity that gives the reward (that would be earning xp). Raids are the gate that keeps the rewards away from some people, even if they are doing the activity.
That’s just not being honest and arguing semantics … obviously unlocking whatever Raid mastery is part of the requirement for the spirit shroud reward just like capping XP bars. If you can’t get past that, we have little to say to each other.
What I do care about is A-net setting a precedent of allowing raids to affect the rest of the game beyond basic balance tweaks. You must understand how, for those of us who don’t raid, that might be a bit concerning.
This, and Anet gating character progress behind other game modes in general.
It may be a concern but it’s already happening everywhere in the game since day 1. It’s already an established precedent.
Furthermore, this is not a gating of character progress … your progress is in no way gated by this. It’s disingenuous to refer to an additional reward from an activity as a barrier to how your character progresses. Nobody is your fool here.
Experience is the base form of character progress in almost every single game that has characters. Gating the base form of character progress has not been happening since day 1. And I can’t think of what form of character progress HAS been gated behind other play modes since day 1.
You’re not gated in character progression by this, at all. You still gain experience and gaining it is in no way gated by arid masteries, therefore not preventing your progression as a character. Progression is NOT the same thing as material rewards. Seems to me you’re confusing the two, though I can’t see how any gamer would do such a thing unless it is intentional.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
Wow, you could almost come to the conclusion that Anet is your average game development group; nothing here is differentiating them from any other game dev. How terrible ><
this is not my experience with other developers. most that i remember tend to follow through with publicized plans. also most developers wont stray far from their initial game plans. love it or hate it, anet doesnt believe that staying the course is valuable. they prefer to be open to redesign.
it has its strengths and weakness, knowing what the future holds for the game is not one of them.
many other games are very predictable, and deliver on what they promote.
Must be convenient to see the one dead tree in the forest to convince yourself the forest is blighted.
They should cut the next expansion team totaly and deliver what this expansion was sold as, then take back those developers when its done to work in second expansion.
Let me understand this logic. In the midst of a near-year-long content drought (not including raids), that resulted in the lowest numbers in their business history, you would rather ANet drop any further work on PvE content, to include an expansion, to instead focus on legendary weapons?
I see.
Well . . . I’m glad you’re not the president of ArenaNet.
Im sorry your unable to read mister, it clearly states to cut the team they have working on next expansion.
To finish this one and not the ones working on live atm.Clear enough for you or do you want a audio file and a hearing aid?
Actually, I think what you are saying is the same thing he said you are saying. I don’t see anything in his post to make me think he misunderstood you … and I would happen to agree with him. It would be a rather dumb mistake (to repeat twice) to attempt Legendary development again AND make it a priority over anything else … I mean, that’s just obviously dense if they did that, just to placate the few unreasonable people that don’t understand what they paid for and think that Anet promised them something that they didn’t get exactly.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
There’s really no point in this thread. Some people don’t understand what a real p2w game is. They probably never played one. At the end of the day you won’t change their ignorance. Maybe someday they will play one and realize how off they were. But no big deal if they want to go through life thinking gw2 is p2w
There is really no point because definitions and academic discussions don’t affect the kinds of items Anet are going to put into the GStore. If people don’t like it, they have options, including leaving the game if it bothers them that much.
Wow, you could almost come to the conclusion that Anet is your average game development group; nothing here is differentiating them from any other game dev. How terrible ><
Are you camping the mobs in the right place … Moa’s are not exactly hard to find or in short supply.
And where are you getting this idea of entitlement? I’m beginning to think you’re just being contrary or a troll. I pay for content, I expect said content. Company tells me to expect something, I expect. Nothing about that screams entitlement to me.
OOPSIES … someone doesn’t understand what they pay for.
go ahead and look up “EULA” as well. As usual, there are quite a few things players don’t understand that lead them to bad conclusions.
Some might view this as a technicality, but you don’t pay for content, you pay for access to experience the game. Maybe you aren’t aware but you don’t even ‘own’ your account; it’s Anet’s property.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
Yes, I’m one of those kind of people: The “not ignorant” breed. The saddest part about threads like this is that you don’t even realize the benefit that Anet cancelling this failed development track has to our community. This isn’t about making money; it’s about business decisions that keep this game going and bring us more value for the money we give them.
But then you’re just defending an incompetent company that seems way in over their heads.
You’re right … I do, because I like the game and what it offers me for entertainment value. As long as it delivers that to me, I will support it.
BTW, how hypocritical for you to say that … you still play this game by your own admission? Therefore, you are also ‘defending’ this company and supporting the game they make as well. Who is this joke on again?
I will not lie, Anet did make a fun game. However that does make it ok for them to get away with the stuff I’ve listed. Btw, I’m not supporting it if I’m not buying gems.
They didn’t ‘get away’ with anything; there are consequences to the decisions they have made. The only unfortunate thing is that players like you don’t understand how this was a necessary and, in the long term, hopefully beneficial decision.
Again, you are still supporting the game because Anet’s business model takes people like you into account. In addition, your presence in the game and interactions you have with the people you play with, sell mats to the TP, contribute to group events, etc… yup … you’re supporting the game whether you like it or not … #staysalty
(edited by Obtena.7952)
Yes, I’m one of those kind of people: The “not ignorant”. The saddest part about threads like this is that you don’t even realize the benefit that Anet cancelling this failed development track has to our community. This isn’t about making money; it’s about business decisions that keep this game going and bring us more value for the money we give them.
If you cared to educate yourself a little bit with the topics we gave you, you would be better off for it.
Ah, I see, the not ignorant are happy with not getting what they actually paid for when they bought the expansion. I’ll be counted among the ignorant gladly then.
I got all I paid for and more … the games offers me more entertainment value than I ever expected to get for the money I have put into it, including the expansion, EVEN with Legendary development being on hold indefinitely.
Again … check out the topics, you might just start to understand how what you are saying makes little sense.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
Yes, I’m one of those kind of people: The “not ignorant” breed. The saddest part about threads like this is that you don’t even realize the benefit that Anet cancelling this failed development track has to our community. This isn’t about making money; it’s about business decisions that keep this game going and bring us more value for the money we give them.
But then you’re just defending an incompetent company that seems way in over their heads.
You’re right … I do, because I like the game and what it offers me for entertainment value. As long as it delivers that to me, I will support it. I’m also not completely unreasonable; Legendary development was a mistake … and Anet did the right thing and stopped it instead of pretending to deliver a failure. For me, that shows honesty and consideration for the customer. Maybe you have different values and disagree, but I can appreciate that; I will give my money to a company that acknowledges and fixes its mistakes.
BTW, how hypocritical for you to say that … you still play this game by your own admission? Therefore, you are also ‘defending’ this company and supporting the game they make as well. Who is this joke on again?
(edited by Obtena.7952)
Yes, I’m one of those kind of people: The “not ignorant”. The saddest part about threads like this is that you don’t even realize the benefit that Anet cancelling this failed development track has to our community. This isn’t about making money; it’s about business decisions that keep this game going and bring us more value for the money we give them.
If you cared to educate yourself a little bit with the topics we gave you, you would be better off for it.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
… and while you’re at it “opportunity cost”, “return on investment”
(edited by Obtena.7952)
if a developer carried on with tunnel vision and only ever built what they discussed at some point in the past then their ability to react to present customer needs would be nil.
I don’t suspect most of the average gamers understands how this is exactly what kills a business. That’s why it’s so sad to see threads like this.
Unfortunately, the joke is on the OP, because having a fraction of customers that don’t give Anet money for whatever is already part of their business model. Yeah, you really fooled them dude :/
(edited by Obtena.7952)
Non Raiders blocked from XP bar spirit shards
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Obtena.7952
There is no point to the thread then … it goes without saying that if you don’t do an activity, you don’t get the reward …
If you think that there’s no point to this thread, then one has to wonder why you don’t ‘excuse’ yourself from the conversation and stop posting.
I’m just pointing out that if the statement that the poster was making was correct, THEN the thread had little point. Is there value in complaining that a reward is not given to people that don’t do the activity that gives it? I don’t think so. That’s what this thread boils down to according to the person I was responding to.
Pretty sure that if you max the tyria mastery lines you get spirit shards in core tyria when you level. So it’s also gated in core, not sure why we’re fixated on HoT.
Cause a lot of people aren’t leveling in core Tyria anymore?
That doesn’t mean they can’t if they want shards though XP … again, this isn’t BK … you can’t get it ‘your way’. You don’t get to dictate to Anet what you are willing to do for a reward. That’s not how MMO’s work.
If spirit shards are supposed to be an xp reward, then it should be awarded to everyone who playes content that gives xp.
I think that’s a good point because shards aren’t JUST an XP reward anymore .. they have additional requirements as you mentioned. People can’t seem to get their head around this.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
So, in which situations would you use the GS over another weapon set?
The situation where someone wants to use it; it’s not about “where is this weapon supposed to be the best”, it’s about “I like GS, so I’m using it”
lol immob or warding would be infinitely more cheesy than a half second of daze.
all that would do is encourage more people to run the crappy full traps noob stomper build.
Not sure why it would be more cheesy … it’s very much inline with what a trap does and it’s completely inline with Anet’s idea of how they want Guardians to play.
Listen guys … if something in the game bothers you, P2W is one of the go to reasons, even if it doesn’t apply, make sense, whatever.
Obviously OP is unhappy that the value he associated with his legendary isn’t there (even though he must have known before hand it could be purchased outright on the TP before crafting it). Therefore, to add value to it or at least feel better that it’s not his fault for realizing it sooner, it’s easier to blame P2W, complain on the forums and argue with people who just don’t ‘get it’… makes lots of sense right? No? Oh you must be a noob or something to not see it. /s
BTW, if there is a P2W, point me to it … I like to win too and I got more money than time. Plus I don’t mind funding other people’s playtime. It’s not like this game would be fun solo.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
Sometimes I miss this as well .. then I remember how much I don’t being asked to tank EVERYTHING.
Sorry just trying to enjoy the game after hot as a thief -.-
so traps on Guards prevents that? I doubt it.
But to your point, I would rather see a different effect on a trap. Daze is a little cheesy. Immobilize or Hammer #5 kind of skill would be better.
I’m not a fan of traps but recognize how powerful stacking different sources of damage is for PVE. Actually, for me, my hangup with traps is just a conceptual one. If they weren’t traps and were wells or auras, it would be less an issue. Silly but true.
Funny that traps are the complaint, yet meditations were JUST as buffed indirectly as traps were by the changes. I guess noobs don’t like dying THAT easily.
I use a shield … and if other people started, they would know how good it is as well. It is, in fact, a great source of indirect buffs to your damage (through traits) Camping torch is crap unless you have a burning build and the Focus 5 CD is unbearable.