Just for the sake of accuracy.
WvW matchups after reset:
JQ / FA / SoS
BG / DB / Dark
Mix it up already…
*edit: these are the top 9 in WvW NA Ranking – no other reason for the choices.
(edited by One Prarie Outpost.4860)
As always, thank you for the data.
I wonder if Anet cringes every time these numbers are posted?
This should be posted:
You buy the skin and unlock in the wardrobe and it’s there for all your toons (account) just like any other skin you unlock.
This is a player caused problem.
This is not a player caused problem, this is a Game Development caused problem – or rather a lack of rethinking the logic used.
If this is a player caused problem, perhas SBI and HoD might get better and compete against YB instead of letting YB roll them up.
Until ANet makes a change to the way the match-ups happen (or one of those 2 servers implodes) you will always fight them… there is the chance that FA will overtake the 3rd place server and move up but that is not a guarantee.
Who said anything about being enclosed in a small corner of the map? The current WvW map is boring already. So they removed the lake in the middle and added ruins, BFHD. Change up the topography.
@One Prarie Outpost:
You don’t need to link Glicko directly to the amount of points, since shutting down all borderlands would remove equally much points from the server at the same time, you could have the glicko be based on the difference in point scoring, instead to the exact numbers. In short it could work the same with 1 or 5 maps.
So shut down not just the 3 servers in the match but all servers from scoring?
“We’re sorry to inform you that WvW is dead because [insert server name] is empty. Please play something else in the meantime”
I would like a server name themed skin.
I know it would take a bit of dedicated work by the developers but some cosmetic items are nice.
I like the idea of a difficult path in. Red Keep in EBG is the only place with valid chokepoints, IMO. But I agree with Offair about waiting until more information is available before we get our hopes up only to be dashed on the rocks of reality.
1 and 2 sound good, not 3.
Closing the borderland and stopping scoring would punish any server with a population by not improving it’s ranking while competing servers would continue to improve (possibly) on their ranking.
*Your neighbor lost his job, so now you can’t buy things you want…
A declining server falling through the ranks is one thing, when it causes damage to other servers as it falls is a totally different animal.
If you don’t like it, don’t play it.
Not that hard.
Character Slot for Heart of Thorns? [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860
In GW1 when a new “expansion” was released, 2 new character slots were added, it may happen again.
The only “expansion” released with GW1 was Eye of the North – there were no character slots added.
Forced server migration will not work – I’ve been on my server since I started playing 2 years ago. My guild has been established for nearly that long. Why should I be forced to move? Because my server is T2? And where am I being forced to move to? T5?!
Will Anet reimburse the cost that players forked out to move when they are forced to migrate to another server?
Should Anet say any players in the last ## months that have moved will be moved back to the server they started on? That seems unfair. So how do you find these “cheaters” and restore balance?
You can’t.
Okay hypetrain… heat up the boilers!
“We have some new NPC races in the world,” he says. “One of them is the Itzel and when you meet them or start earning points in the Mastery System you can start learning some of their language. By doing that, that might unlock things that you weren’t able to access before, like possibly vendors or things like that."
Somebody hack Gail’s account?!
Force people off their servers? I know there are WvW focused servers just as there are RP servers. I think it’s pretty obvious what server populations are what.
Why not have NA face off against EU servers. NA T1 vs EU T1, etc.?
The Groove
I did laugh out loud!
Did I miss the “Actual Game-play Footage” announcement? No, then it wasn’t actual game-play footage. The trailer it a hypewagon.
Eye of the North – the only GW expansion we have ever seen:
no new classes
no new playable races
phew new maps but nothing close to the size of continent
maps had terrible textures
a little new skills
some new armor setsOnly expansion? What GW have you been playing? Factions and Nightfall were expansions bro.
Factions and Nightfall were stand alone titles that did not require the core game to play them. Therefore NOT an expansion.
Eye of the North required one of the game titles to play and was not a stand alone title and therefore an EXPANSION of the game.
Pdavis- if you cant see the player in WvW doing it and they are on the enemy team you just see “Invader sits” over and over and you Cannot click on it to report them in any way shape or form and because you cant find them you cannot click on them in any way shape or form to report them or even just block them. Also informing players how to Ignore them problem and sweep it under the rug is still just ignoring it and not solving it. there will always be a player harassed by this and im here to make sure it stops and is not just ignored to continue on.
So if you block the emotes, which is using an in game solution to the problem, is ignoring it? Its not ignoring it because it is a solution that has been provided to stop such things. Also if emotes are blocked you are not seeing them in the channel, thus not causing a problem for anyone else. And not to forget if the enemy is doing it to cause communication problems for your team, its also causing the same problems for them.
You can advocate that Anet remove emotes entirely, but that only creates a whole new problem for people who use them legitimately (i.e. Role players).
Pdavis… They are on his team and completely reportable for spamming. Read his post again. The opposing team cannot post in you BL chat just as you cannot post in theirs.
Wait a minute… The spammers cannot be on the other team because they can’t see your chat just like you can’t see theirs.
Your issue is on your team and completely reportable.
Freeze them all because 1 server doesn’t want to play? That’s not a solution – that’s a punishment to all other server players.
There is really not ever going to be a workable solution to this until there are more than 3 servers against each other. Make each tier 4 servers with 6 tiers or make each tier 6 servers with 4 tiers.
I believe the lower tiered servers are there because they want to be there – the RP servers.
Perhaps random rotating maps once HoT is released. Drastically different maps, terrain, settings – above ground mountains, cliffs -below ground caves and waterways…
who knows…
If you freeze PPT while all other BL are running the frozen server will lose and be plummeting down the server ranks anyway.
On this note I believe I have found a really dark side of the GW2 forums. It seems like almost every single player here, would much rather sweep the problem under the rug and ignore it rather than fix it. Even to the point of defending the ones breaking the rules. Yes i completely understand that ignoring a problem is both easy and fast, but your coming up with multi step plans just to do so. Its like the people breaking the Code of Conduct have set your feet on fire and instead of putting out the fire or taking the fire away from them you start dancing and hopping around. of course this takes some of the burn away, but they are still laughing at you and look at you as a trophy, you are the one they made dance and did nothing to stop them. Then they move onto the next Player, who may not know what you know and then are harassed relentlessly. All your doing is moving the problem into someone else’s lap and you are literally telling me you could not care less because its not your problem after you started ignoring it instead of fixing it. This is the opposite of what our community should be.
In fact its the opposite of what I want to be in every way. I don’t Just want to Follow a multi-step program on how to ignore it and allow these individuals continue on when they are legitimately breaking a written rule. I want to fix the problem for Everyone, Not just myself. Right now there seem to be two choices. You can ether stand with me on this as a community wanting problems fixed forever and not worrying about it happening to others. Or you can continue to ignore these problems until they start to spiral into even more violent or aggressive behavior against the Code of Conduct, and in all honesty I know that I will ether have an entire army behind me or i will stand alone against and army of everyone who just prefers to ignore, but i do know I will not stop until even the smallest of problems are solved.
1.) the emote display feature is a check box – you can turn it off.
2.) make it your crusade to educate the players on your server.
3.) Anet is going to say the same thing – there is a valid and completely workable solution to this problem without the need to spend time and resources on recoding the game.
We understand your frustration but you have to let the dead horse be dead already.
Note from the Heart of Thorns discussion – “Holding objectives is now a bigger component of victories in WvW”
It’s one part of along list of what we have been asking for. If they give us this and nothing else, it won’t change WvW AT ALL! People will still stack servers and off-time hours making this change meaningless.
A lot of pieces of WvW need tweaking – defending objectives included – to revive WvW.
If people are willing to fork out money to buy gems so they can transfer servers on a weekly basis then Anet will be happy to take their money.
Here’s a radical idea – make each tier have 4 servers, allow the two weakest to ally – as in not be able to kill or take territory from each other.
The blob would still consume them…
Hopefully never. That site is a cesspool of vile hate talk.
I have a feeling that GEMS will be involved…
Heart of Throns is to GW2 as EotN was to Prophecies.
Please stop complaining that this is not like Factions.
They did not say this is a stand alone game, they said it is an expansion that the current toons can access if they are level 80.
The three GW1 campaigns were each stand-alone games, so each had to come with character slots to be playable if you didn’t have any of the other campaigns. EotN, however, was a true expansion that required the player to have at least one of the campaigns. EotN did not include any character slots, since those were provided by the base game. Personally, I don’t expect HoT to include any slots, though I’m hoping to be pleasantly surprised.
Finally someone else that acknowledges the difference between an expansion and a stand alone title.
Guild halls allow a place for guilds to gather for whatever they need to do.
Guild meetings where not everyone has the ability to be on a voip system.
Gathering place for events – guild events, map runs, dungeons, whatever.
If you don’t need/want a guild hall, then you don’t need to use/‘buy’ one.
Expansion pack or Stand alone game
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860
It is not like one has the luxery of choosing. Factions and Nightfal were much bigger than EotN thus they cost much more resources to produce.
The fair question to ask is thus: Do you want more frequent but smaller expansions (like EoTN) or do you want less frequent but bigger stand alone games (like Factions and Nightfall)?
I completely agree with your comment. My curiosity is regarding the complaining – they seem to expect a stand alone game like Factions. Scream for expansion, cry because it is expansion.
Expansion pack or Stand alone game
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860
What are you looking for? All the crying about not getting an expansion pack and then all the crying about what was announced as the expansion pack.
Let’s be clear about this – EotN was an expansion pack.
Factions and Nightfall were STAND ALONE games because you didn’t need the original game to play them.
EotN was an expansion, no? No new playable races. No new playable professions. No new PvP content.
That was an acceptable expansion pack. Because it was an expansion pack. All your crying about it not being an expansion pack are wrong. Factions and Nightfall were STAND ALONE games. You didn’t need Prophecies to play it. They were not expansion packs.
Useful stuff = Vertical progression: getting better things than you have.
Skin grind = Horizontal progression: no increase in stats, just pretty to look at.
You have your horizontal progression.
The point of dailies is not to dump items into your inventory. The point of dailies is to incentivize players to participate in specific content.
By trimming down what can be done in PvE, you create the impetus for players to participate in WvW or PvP.
Huh. Can you tell me where ANET made this statement about the “point” of dailies?
@ Guhracie.3419:
The point of dailies…
I spoke on the telephone with Isaiah Cartwright, GW2’s lead designer, about the dungeons and currencies, and most recently, the addition of the guild system.
Q:There have also been changes to the daily system. Before, you had to complete a set number of tasks in a day (completed dynamic events, plants gathered, etc). What’s changed?
A: We give you an option of like eight to ten [goals, such as killing enemies underwater or reviving other players and NPCs], and you get to pick five that you want to accomplish. So if you don’t like doing dungeons, you don’t have to choose it.
It only takes twenty to thirty minutes to accomplish these things, and it gives people a taste of different types of content. We try to kind of mix it up to encourage players to go to different maps and try different things out. We feel our system is the most robust one.
Since the release of the game, the Ranger has had bugs and issues. Now the moment the class gets a boost to previously pathetic skills everyone hates them.
But the perma-stealth and vanishing in front of eyeshot of players by the Thief is completely acceptable.
You do know that GW2 is 250 years after GW1, right? Based on the geology of the current map, there has been some alteration to the landscape.
Take a look at the amount of uncovered map area and think if they are going to “expand” to the two locations that everyone keeps crying for. Cantha and Elona are not in the mix. Any expansion will include area already on the existing map – which would not be a bad thing.
SAB is not part of the Living Story.
false…its considered a “special event” in the living world, just like the holiday stuff
True, it is NOT part of the Living Story – It is a special event. Living Story content is under the Living Story tab – there is no SAB listed there.
I joined this “Planet Earth Living Story” game late in the 60’s and because I cannot participate in the American Revolution, I find it hard to figure out what is going on… My only source is YouTube and Wiki…
SAB is not part of the Living Story.
The new back piece will pierce the back and explode out of your toon’s chest…
Oh, wait. Wrong movie.
Gonna spray her with some Weed-B-Gone.
Go in with a group – stay outside the vines blocking the way – they kill him and you get the achievement.
Where is this screenshot taken?
This in the Tracking the Master of Peace. The image is too kitten dark – but in the room you kill the rooted Mordrem. There is a ledge on the right side. Climb up and look left, up on the cliff, you will see him there.