Does “Ammunition” count for all #1 skills or just projectile? Seems silly to limit a ranged weapon but not worry about “fatigue” on a melee weapon…
Beware of the “get good” and “learn to play” comments.
A wee bit late my friend:
Erhm… stealth?
Because every profession has a useful stealth skill.
depends entirely on the person. i recommend making a bunch of characters with different professions and taking the one you like most.
race doesnt really matter, but for fun starting areas i’d geuss charr or asura.
I would disagree about the race. Cultural armor is race specific so keep that in mind if you have a armor set in mind.
Some of the elite skills are race based as well.
Epidemic is fine. Fix instant stealth in the the middle of combat before tinkering with anything else.
I so much want to be positive in my response but it seems like you have focused so negatively on every aspect of the game.
Perhaps you should find a guild and play with friends instead of alone.
Please schedule a public flogging for the OP.
Another mount discussion… so against the ToS of the forum.
You bought multiple salvage-o-matics because you were too “busy” to jump to the bank and move it for another toon to use… now you want Anet to refund your “too busy to do [task]” spending?
I hope this kitten is just kitten:
There are some bad things mentioned in this.
I have serious doubts about the validity of the previous statement.
Not sure if you’re talking about me, but I’m not trolling or whatever. I loved getting my first character to 80 and I had hoped the enthousiasm would continue after reaching level 80.
Unfortunately it hasn’t (so far) so I’m wondering if I’m doing something wrong or had too high expectations or anything like that.
You said you had the game for 2 years and only just started playing 2 weeks ago. At level 80 with full exotics and all you have been doing is farming Silverwastes.
Sorry if I sound jaded by these forums, but that brings out the serious skeptic in me.
If you honestly have been doing this alone, I agree with the others on this thread – Join a guild. Make some friends. There is much more to this game than Silverwastes.
Adult language in Guild chat – not an issue if the guild is okay with it.
In Map/World/Say chat – needs to adhere to the ToS.
Stuff your language filter in your bum. Saying block them lets them keep being @$$hats and not having to be accountable for their actions.
If a guy sitting in the next boot keeps breaking wind with the stench of death, you better not complain. Just put a clothes pin on your nose and ignore him.
Now this I disagree with. If they had said right off the bat: we’re going to go in a more hardcore time consuming grindy direction, rather than what Guild Wars 2 has been up till now, I wouldn’t be complaining. However, if they said this, they weren’t blunt enough.
Sorry it took some tieme to find this but:
This is from Febbruary 4, 2014.
Challenging Conten
One of our focuses in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is to provide truly challenging content for our players to overcome. Within the jungle, you’ll encounter entirely new species, creatures, and bosses that are more advanced than the encounters we’ve introduced in the past. These encounters will require greater skills and tactics to overcome, whether you’re adventuring through our jungle on your own or with a party. Not only are we presenting these new challenges throughout the outposts and adventures you’ll find in the jungle, but they’ll also be layered across other types of content experiences. As we get closer to the release of the expansion, we’ll come back and give specific details on the new types of challenging group encounters we’ll be introducing to Guild Wars 2 and explain how these new types of challenges work within the Guild Wars 2 content experience.
Did you expect them to say “you’re going to really hate this…”
Well this thread seems to have backfired on the OP…
I have no problem with a couple months to fix minor issues… but our issues are not minor.
1. Scribe profession doesn’t work. You literally can’t progress past scribe 150 because the items to do so aren’t even in the game.
2. Guild halls can not complete many major upgrades because the items to do so no longer exist in the game
3. Precursor collections. These are broken in so many different places that it would take a page just to list them all.
4. Event bugs. In a map system where you need to complete all the events to earn the rewards, having events consistently and permanently bug out is kind of a major problem.
5. Map completion. Want your rewards? Want to work on your legendary? too bad, so sad.
So out of about 6 major features for the expansion, 2 of them don’t work at all, and 2 aren’t even in the game yet, and they still don’t work after 19 days!!!
All very relevant and perfect examples of the issues. And backfire? Nope, this is excellent discussion. Thanks, Zudet!
(edited by One Prarie Outpost.4860)
There are bugs/issues from the Core game that took over 2 years to address. Some stuff STILL is an issue.
Unrealistic expectations with complete inability to see or understand the process.
Why not just ask them to remove the update and revert back to pre Oct.23rd code?
Not everyone is arguing about bugs. Some people have problems with the direction of the content.
And the direction of the content was clearly indicated well before the release of HoT. The feigned surprise is bizarre.
It has been 19 days since HoT dropped and the onslaught of complaints came in.
They are still pouring in.
So the question at hand is:
What was the last MMO that released that had issues and were all resolved in 19 days?
Code test.
Release in a patch for ALL THE ISSUES… in less than a month.
19 days since HoT has been released. I keep asking this and nobody has an answer.
What MMO expansion or otherwise, been released and within a month of release ALL the issues the player base complains about have been researched, coded, tested successfully the first time and released in this very short time frame?
19 days.
I understand the complaints – I think the expectation of immediate fix is amazingly unreasonable.
Alright, so I know it’s a touchy topic for some people, but it’s been
a whilesince HoT’s launch and it still hasn’t really been addressed
18 days.
18 days…
when was the last time a game was released, reviewed, corrected and a patch released to address EVERYTHING being complained about?
18 days
17 days. HoT was released 17 days ago.
You expected to have all the masteries after 17 days?
Somebody has some seriously unrealistic expectations.
HyperX Cloud 2 – super comfortable. Can be used with computer or console.
Isn’t posting a post that has been repeated over and over something that is frowned upon and, in fact is against the rules of the forum? Why create a whole new thread when you could have posted on one of the existing threads?
Youd think theyd realize this. These threads get merged into the mega mount thread that already exists.
You would think they would realize that mounts are not ever going to be added and if they want mounts, they need to play another game.
Isn’t posting a post that has been repeated over and over something that is frowned upon and, in fact is against the rules of the forum? Why create a whole new thread when you could have posted on one of the existing threads?
17 days people… it’s been 17 days since HoT released and apparently the world has devolved into a paywall apocalypse.
When was the last time anyone saw any substantial change that worked without any need for testing and made everyone so happy they (insert vulgarity) rainbows?!
Interesting “play how you want to play” complaint thread using content only available for a few weeks to make gold. 3 out of 5 gold making schemes are tied to the ToT bags.
Wait til Wintersday… you can make gold again…
please dont lock raids behind masteries
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860
I dont want artificial difficulty or to have to grind out masteries.
PS- When I say grind its subjective to what I personally think grind is. You might not find getting your masteries up a grind.
Ladies and gentlemen:
He said ‘grind’ three times. That means you have to drink the whole thing this time! Keep joining us for the Grid Drinking Game…
Well the kitten poor content in HoT isn’t going to sell the expansion so you need to kitten over the people that didn’t buy.
kittenty game design 101
I still haven’t preordered.
You don’t have it but you know the content is poor?
Oh… do tell!
What's a fast way to level to 80 now?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860
Tome of Knowledge.
Amazing scenery – difficult enemies – new items and collections – new features to the core game…
if only the hair…
Guild hall costs are insane for small guilds
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860
What did you have before the HoT release? Nothing, right? No place for your guild to gather outside of any instance. Now you have a guild hall – if you captured it.
You didn’t before – no you do.
The endless whining about this expansion is nauseating. It’s been 10-11 days since the release? Who the KITTEN expects major change to a release in that short of a time frame?
We paid 50 bucks for this new expansion, and all we got was a couple new armor skins, couple new weapons, and one glider (two if you got the collector’s edition). I mean, really?
You are amazingly short sighted if all you see is armor skins, weapons and a glider.
Another thread about grinding? Really?
A new nvidia driver update just popped up for me… seeing as people are also linking the problems with nvidia, I can’t decide if i should wait til after the 64 bit client to update the driver, as if there are further problems I won’t know if it’s the driver or the client :/
Doubt you will see your nVidia update cause issues. I installed yesterday and played without issue. You can always drop back to the 32 client if you have issues – or back out the nVidia update.
There was that thread about Final Rest. From what boss would it drop and when would someone finally get one.
Then the first one appeared… and the fell like rain from the sky after that.
The content has been out just over a week.
Cool yer jets
I simply don't feel inclined to play HoT
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860
I have never seen any other enemy chase me as far or for as long as the HoT baddies. They have an extra large agro radius it seems.
Must be present to win.
I understand and agree that it sucks when your system crashes. But if you have to log out?
Why would they be called “elite” if they weren’t stronger?
Elite:A select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society.
I fail Engrish though.
a) singular or plural in construction : the choice part : cream <the elite of the entertainment world>
b) singular or plural in construction : the best of a class <superachievers who dominate the computer elite — Marilyn Chase>
c) singular or plural in construction : the socially superior part of society <how the French-speaking elite…was changing — Economist>
d) a group of persons who by virtue of position or education exercise much power or influence <members of the ruling elite>
e) a member of such an elite —usually used in plural <the elites … , pursuing their studies in Europe — Robert Wernick>
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860
There is absolutely no pleasing some people, is there.
If you have a few toons – one of each profession, this 250 is easier to attain than the 400.
For those that have one profession for each race – or one profession for each gender and each race… you brought that whole thing on yourself. The development team is not required to make things easier for someone that has decided to have 10, 15 or 20+ toons.
They dropped the 400 to 250 and still you complain.
GW2 players: We want cake! This is not the cake you promissed! We want cake!!
After looking at everything we previously said, yes we said cake. We are sorry for the miscommunication so…
Here is your cake!
GW2 players: You gave us cake! Wait… We want CHOCOLATE cake!!
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860
I know, I know. You get your drivers license and expect a car. Get a job and expect 3 weeks vacation and a huge salary. Well, you can’t buy Masteries with gems or gold – you have to earn it. I believe the elite professions are called ELITE for a reason. Otherwise they would be called EASIES.
Um – like the “Elite” that is doing super-challenging CoF runs at the moment? If THAT is the Elite, I’m proud not to be part of it.
I was unaware that CoF was listed as Elite content… you have something that states it is, yes?
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860
And to point to the mantra that you “can play how you want” – that was for the CORE game – which you still can – play how you want. This is an expansion pack, not core game.
Are you guessing or do you have written evidence that ANet decided to deviate from that philosophy in the expansion? I think I read pretty much all offical statements but I cannot recall they invalidated this philosophy for HoT.
The invalidated this statement with the New Player Experience which changed the way the core game was released.
Do you have written evidence that they intended the new expansion to be soloable?
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860
Please actually read the comments instead of skimming them. You won’t miss details like that anymore.
Nearly 500 pages of complaining in one thread or another… skimming is a prerequisite.
But I understand what you mean. The complaint about Grind and Unlock seem to shouted while the request to make things less difficult seem to be polite whispers.
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860
I have so many other chars I want to play with the new specialisation and yesterday i stopped HP GRINDING! Yeah GRINDING!!! I want to experience the whole new content with the new specialisation I paid for
A lot of people seem to think that because you paid for the expansion you should get everything unlocked right away. You paid for the content, not the end result.
When you first started playing, did all the skill unlocks happen for every profession? No, you had to play that profession and unlock everything. It was not handed to you on a platter. Nor were the legendaries, nor were the dungeon armor – you had to work for all of them.
You had to GRIND – and nobody complained. Now you do.
And to point to the mantra that you “can play how you want” – that was for the CORE game – which you still can – play how you want. This is an expansion pack, not core game.
And all those that can’t solo everything – you couldn’t solo everything before. Or did I miss that YouTube video of someone soloing SB, kitten, Teq or another world boss? You solo dungeons? You solo WVW and PVP?
How about the guild part of Guild Wars? Get thee a guild and have a guild event to get the things that everyone needs.
I know, I know. You get your drivers license and expect a car. Get a job and expect 3 weeks vacation and a huge salary. Well, you can’t buy Masteries with gems or gold – you have to earn it. I believe the elite professions are called ELITE for a reason. Otherwise they would be called EASIES.
(edited by One Prarie Outpost.4860)
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860
People really complaining about grinding?
You grind for loot.
You grind for crafting materials.
You grind dungeons for tokens.
Oct. 23rd and the highly anticipated HoT release – within hours people complain about grinding.
Guild Wars 2: Heart Of Thoughtless Grinds
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860
Or I should just be able to enjoy the game as I have always been able to enjoy it?
The way the game was advertised to begin with?
From the FAQ when gw2 came out:Will Guild Wars 2 be solo-able?
Yes. You will be able to advance your character to the maximum level without ever joining a group, if you so desire. Most content will be designed in a solo-friendly way, though often with mechanisms for scaling up in difficulty when more players are involved. This will give players the option to experience the game however they prefer.
Unless I missed something, that question about solo Guild Wars 2 was about when IT came out, not when HoT comes out.
Two completely different things.
Can you solo PvP?
Can you solo WvW?
Can you solo World Bosses? Teq? Shat? Shadow Behemoth?
Those are all Guild Wars 2 core game items that you CANNOT solo. Well, you can, but you will fail.
Join a guild, make some friends…
Guild Wars 2: Heart Of Thoughtless Grinds
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860
3 days.
Everyone had tried all their toons into the new maps. Tried all the content. Gotten all the rewards. Crafted all the new stuff. Beaten and done everything in 3 days.
And you call it a grind? Seems that it wasn’t difficult enough.
Did you play non-stop for 3 days? I played for 6 hours and didn’t uncover all the zones because I got caught up in events I saw happening or trying to get to a new cliff, tree or ledge to see what I could see.
3 days…
Guide to guild hall claiming & upgrade
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860
Wow – I have never known Dulfy to lie or be accused of lying.
I would like to apologize on AceX’s behalf, Dulfy. I certainly appreciate all that you provide this community!
Would have liked to seen new weapon types added for specialization VS just getting access to existing weapons.
Ranger (Druid) gets staff.
Necro (Reaper) gets greatsword
Guardian (Dragonhunter) gets longbow
You mean like that or something else?
PSA: Masteries unlock account-wide...
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860
They are moaning about the Elite specializations needing to be worked toward and not unlocked when they log in.
They are also complaining about the lack of population in the maps – when they release the short Halloween content on the same day. Mad King here for a little bit – HoT here every day, all day. Once the Halloween event is gone, HoT map population will fill up faster.