Anyone that completed the instance prior to the forced boot from the game 1 hour after the system emailed toons about the instance got nothing except the achievement. No reward, no chest, nada… Step up ANET…
Right after the mail was received by members of my guild, we jumped over the Southsun and completed both the Story and Explorable modes of the new instance. Neither event provided a single reward except for an achievement. My understanding is that after the instance was added and all players received that 1 hour notice that the game had a new build – that rewards were added.
What is ANET doing to help (ie, reward) those that completed the instance prior to the new build notification?
The main source for everyone trying to keep track of the events is seriously not right. All the timers seem to be off.
What the hell is happening to this franchise? Quagan backpacks and lion cub mini pets, boxing gloves and aviator hats… <smh>
Close down the boarderlands at night?! Are you high? So when it’s Midnight on the US East coast you want the NA server locked… when it’s only 9:00 p.m. on the US West coast? Midnight on the US West coast is 3:00 a.m. Eastern… WTF? Just because you’ve gone to bed doesn’t mean the rest of North America has.
Here is a list of “bad words”:
I’m apprehensive about pasting the list into the forum. Did it on preview and you would be amazed at the words that ARE allowed!
Submitted a bug report about not getting the Rage Against the War Machine achievement. Yes, all other LS achievements are there. Need RAWM to get Avenger of the Dispossessed. I need an Avenger of the Disappointed…
I know that “culling” will be addressed for WvW but will it also be addressed in PVE?
Yesterday I was catching up to a group of guildies for some fun. They said they were waiting at a particular spot for me. As I approached there was no sign of them. Nor could they see me. Nearly a minute went past before they “materialized” out of thin air around me.
So, will culling be reduced in PVE?
My dear Anet.
wth is with all those overflows? Did you decrease maximum number of players on every map just to get rid of lags?
Whenever i do a world boss event there are suspiciously few people around compared to what was before.
It kitten es me off. Just logged in, wanted to get the behemoth event done and I can’t get to my home server :S I’m seriously upset.
If it turns out to be yet another “genius” idea of yours then I’ll be even more upset.
Recantly whenever u mess with something it only gets worse :SIf it’s because of guesting, then it needs adressing too. Assuming that is the case, it’s ridiculous that i can’t get to my home server because of bunch of guests. This however seems quite unlikely as there has never been so many overflow issues. It all started few days ago.
You can’t see the people that are there because of the culling that is happening, Strange, I know… but there are actually large numbers of toons. You just can’t see them.
Oh they were AMAZING
I’m gonna cast a – nope
Well maybe a – nope OW
Well what about the… wait why is that on cooldown when I didn’t use it?
Well maybe I’ll just wand him to… wait why am I getting hurt when I wand?
And why am I also blind at the same time?
This. Jade Quary/Ft. Aspenwood… is that a group of Mesmers?!
Oh, #&$%!
Perhaps you need to spend a bit more time to open up your skill options on a class before you dump it.
Level 5, level 6… really? smh…
Alliance chat
Guild member displayed on Mini-map (not in party)
“Last logged on” or “Last Represented” in Guild roster
AC is a level 35 dungeon. It should be level 35 hard on all paths.
Interesting idea but I don’t think it will be implemented since you can trade gems for gold already.
Lag is not the game. Lag is your connection, your CPU, your RAM, you Graphics card… trying to keep up. If you’re going into a world event, change your graphics to the lowest setting. When you’re done, change it back.
let the flaming begin.
Does anyone know what the actual reset time is?
It would help developers parse through the hundreds of threads of posts worth of feedback if people would use descriptive, concise thread titles. Thread titles consisting of half sentences (i.e. “I think that…”) or titles that are too vague (i.e. “Skills”) are really not helpful. Those sorts of titles give no indication of what a thread is about, so most readers will simply skip them.
I created a post a while back, something like trouble reporting bots – not exactly sure of the title, but it was pretty specific. It was closed before any forum members could comment on the issue AND that thing that I’m not supposed to talk about happened.
How can we possibly be open and descriptive when we get our forum-fingers slapped all the time?
1.)Nothing fixed on the Ranger? Ugh…
2.)Daily that includes playing in the Mystic Waste of Time and group events that no groups show for and catching kegs with a camera that inhibits actually seeing things sometimes. Double ugh! With 10 choices to chose from I missed my daily for the first time in a month.
3.)And making AC harder… um, isn’t it a level 35 dungeon?
4.)And regarding “Group Events” – limiting a player from being rewarded when helping out other players or his/her guild/friend/whatever by not allowing them to partake in a chest reward does not promote team play. It promotes “why-should-I-chance-needing-to-pay-for-repairs-and-portal-costs-if-I-die-when-I-don’t-get-any-reward-for-my-effort” play. I believe that was not the best of ideas.
While the above had me shaking my head, the following are pretty darn good:
A.) Preview in Trading Post. WINNING!!
B.) Guild events – I hope these will be amazing.
C.) Champion dropped a GREEN! <dancing!> Perhaps there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
D.) Removing the crossed swords in WvW unless there are at least 25 attackers. THANK YOU!! Nothing worse than trying to participate in WvW and get zerged by 50 players when they see you and your three guildmates attack a supply caravan. Perhaps a bit of normalcy shall be regained in there.
So there was good and there was not so good – but I don’t think anything was “bad”.
You keep workin’ and I’ll keep playing!
I was impressed with the number of options for a player to get their Daily with this update, however I think there needs to be a clarification on the “Mist Invasion Defender” option. I believe it’s slightly misleading as it had a huge number of players traveling to SPvP to try and kill players in The Mists.
The Wiki for Daily however, states that this is killing 10 invaders in WvW when you select the hyperlink associates with it. Perhaps some clarification is required?
Perhaps they just need to introduce more craftable armor looks by Tailors, Leatherworkers and Armorsmiths. I would be willing to spend Karma on that!
All the mined gems can be upgraded or transmogrified into better items… except Spinel.
Unless I’m missing something. Does anyone know of any other use for this apparently useless item?
Magic Find is a player stat
And it’s displayed where?
Why would you transmute a legendary?
There are two nodes in Scavenger’s Chasm jumping puzzle in Malchor’s. One past the chest rooms where the cliff overlooks Malchor’s. The other is at the other side of the puzzle, top level.
Hi everyone,
Here is a post by Colin where he clearly states that “The amount of damage dealt does not improve the quality of the loot recieved”
So don’t worry if you are more support specced, as you will get loot anyway if you deal enough damage.
Thanks for the info. Do you think they might do something about the ability to see Jormag so I can target him and to see if I’m hitting him?
Much appreciated, Mr. Mod! Thank you!
IF Lindsey Murdock said that Final Rest is dropped from a “LARGE Boss Chest” in this comment:
AND the Jeffery is truthful:
It’s exactly as Linsey stated previously—it’s a loot drop from a specific (rare) boss.
AND the wiki only has three LARGE CHEST listings:
The which “rare” boss could it be?
Svanir Shaman
Overgrown Grub
Fractals of the Mist – not actually a boss, so does it rule FotM out?
How do we avoid risking uneeded account bans (even temporary ones), or how do you check to determine if it is indeed bot’s or if each person is actually at their computer?
I understand that you are querying a specific person however, it appears you question could be viewed as “how can I get around being tagged as a bot”. Not trying to be critical of you or you post and I can certainly understand your concern.
Personally I think that’s a pretty grand idea. Good luck.
Is anyone else having trouble – especially with the Jormag event – targeting or being able to see that you are actually dealing damage?
I’ve noticed that:
Actually seeing Jormag’s head is amazingly difficult.
Being able to target Jormag is sometimes impossible.
Even in a group that IS dealing damage to Jormag with their Chazooka I am not registering any visible damage numbers.
~is this a bug?~
If you get too close you take massive damage – which is fine, but if you can’t see you are dealing damage you will loose out on any loot better than blue – even if you were involved with taking down the shield and dealing direct damage to Jormag prior to his final battle spot.
There’s still no reason to kill champs, Colin. Blue does not good reward make.
Just a reminder, blue is the absolute minimum champs can drop, they have much better odds of dropping good loot than regular mobs, and once you’re properly getting kill credit for them hopefully this becomes more visible.
I spend 10 minutes with two other players killing the Champion Giant in Orr last night – I was playing my Guardian with a Greatsword and Hammer. I was constantly at the giant’s feet dishing out damage on a consistent basis. After he was defeated I got a blue bow as a reward. A. BLUE. BOW. From a Champion. In a level 80 zone.
I harvested a Ori node a few minutes later and got a Beryl orb.
I shake my head at the strangeness of the drop logic. I love the game but really hope this is seriously addressed.
After reading the comments and concerns regarding loot/rewards/drops and the damage dealt, it occurred to me that when participating in this event it is sometimes impossible to 1.) see if your Charzooka is registering any hits on Jormag because of the camera angle, field of view and the large number of players involved all standing in the one or two places that don’t consistently take damage and 2.) after loosing Jormag as a target being able to reacquire him as a target.
I have to wonder if in the early portions of the event, when destroying the shield and then rushing up the hill to do direct damage to Jormag, does this count at all toward the reward from the chest?
It’s highly frustrating when the end result of the event is a chest full of Blue items. Especially frustrating that this event takes place in a level 70-80 zone – when most toons are no longer rocking any Blue armor, weapons or jewelry. Exasperatingly frustrating when this event is far and away more involved and time consuming than Teq or Shatter.
I would really like to hear from a Developers standpoint what the issue with this event seems to be and if anyone else is experiencing the same issues.
Make sure you bonk someone in the back of the head with the camera. Not hard or anything, just enough to show your uncontrolled mechanics.
I’m kidding… I kid!
(shakes head)
Why would it be Anet’s fault that you didn’t play GW1 (all titles) – get all the achievements and fill your Hall of Monuments up with your goodies?
You could have, prior to GW2 being released, played GW1.
Unfortunately, your gripe is really not a valid one in my opinion and I respectfully disagree with your position.
Do you remember Thunderhead? Tall, storm powers? Nice man, good with kids. November 15th of ’58! All was well, another day saved, when… his cape snagged on a missile fin! Stratogale! April 23rd, ’57! Cape caught in a jet turbine! Metaman, express elevator! Dynaguy, snagged on takeoff! Splashdown, sucked into a vortex! No capes!
u can’t cash your gold for real money so it’s not real gambling.
You can buy gems for real money, trade gems for gold and then gamble the gold.
Just sayin’.
Besides, you can gamble all day at the mystic forge…
Casino? Gambling in game? With ingame gold? That people can buy with real life money? I believe you might run into some serious gambling law issues – at least in the US. I don’t think it will ever happen.
However if you like to gamble your hard earned ingame money, you can go and be on where the cow will land when launched from the Cow-tapult.
Murssat?! I’ll need to infuse my armor!!
<insert fading scream as toon runs away>
You might utilize the search function. If you do, you can see how many other threads have been created with the same subject matter.
Both Edna Mode and Anet have both said no to capes.
Have a wonderful day!
Not spending insane amounts of gold for armor that will not give me better stats than created exotic armor at much more affordable costs.
Thank you but, pass on the Cultural until the whole set comes down drastically in price.
I predict that the Pet will be fixed in the February patch. The pet will be all over the targeted enemy like molasses! Unfortunately all the Ranger attacks will be obstructed by the new pet AI causing all attacks to miss…
I miss playing my Ranger… well sort of. I miss the Ranger but I’m tired of the bugs.
If you right click on the token I believe there is a “Deposit Collectible” link – but it doesn’t do anything. Possible future update?
I politely disagree with the OP. I am unable to comment why as I do not want to appear to be pulling this thread off topic.
Exit to Desktop = House. This isn’t Sims.
She was also complaining about the crafting.
Another super hard, really stressful skill. However, I’ve come up with a way to make this easy on even the most skillfully challenged player.
1.) Go to a Crafting station. Preferably one that you can use.
2.) Look at the Refinement section on the left.
3.) Select something like Bolt of Jute or Copper Ingot.
4.) Enter then number of items you would like to craft, like the required 10.
5.) Press Craft.
I know how hard this can be but with practice you will master it!
The problem is that not only is this incredibly rude, your armor still gets damaged because you’re considered in combat. So while someone is purposely killing you while you went off to get a drink or what have you, you’re paying for it in silver.
On top of that, yesterday while leveling in The Blood Fields with some guild mates, we were getting yelled at for killing the skelks that were attacking the NPCs. All we wanted was to complete our renown heart and we ended up being harassed by level 80 players.
I don’t mind this daily requirement. What I do mind is the attitude people are developing because of it. It’s seriously not that hard to go run fractals or a dungeon or two and complete that part of the daily.
1.) If you don’t want to be attacked my a griefing player pulling mobs into you, then you should then you shouldn’t leave your toon unattended.
2.) Exactly how do you get yelled at in a game without vocal communication? It’s not like you have to pay attention to those idiots.
3.) As for getting my daily done in Fractals or a dungeon… I don’t tell you how to play, don’t tell me how to play. I have neither the time or desire to spend hours finding, coordinating and completing one or two dungeons per day – especially after working all day, dealing with family needs, fixing dinner and children issues. I want to chill out and relax with a game.
They are nearly impossible to report because:
The materialize next to a resource node and harvest in one motion and then they vanish.
I know it’s not a graphics thing as multiple guild/team members saw the same thing.
Has anyone else seen these bots? Anyone able to report them?
Using debate tactics like that wont help.
What is the problem with us wanting mounts?
I’d like to see my noble guardian on his horse with 1h and shield equiped. What if i wanted it for RP reasons? What if i wanted it for the visual?
There’s no problem in us wanting mounts. But for some, it is a problem. Some even say that they will uninstall the game if they add mount. What the actual f. What kind of extremism is that?
I have to tell them why it’s not. And how Anet is reaching out to a wide playerbase with different wishes.
There is no problem with wanting mounts. I’m glad that you want mounts. I want things to but I don’t keep making thread after thread after thread. It’s annoying. There is a “M word” thread in the Suggestion part of the forum… post there.
You and other want mounts… me and others do not. You’re saying that your want is more important than our want just because YOU want it. So what kind of “extremism” are you exhibiting? Debate tactics like that don’t help either.
Has anyone else noticed the constant need to re-target the dragon and/or having difficulty actually targeting the dragon when the event is underway?
AND with the whacky camera (which is STILL bugged, IMO) not letting you zoom out to an acceptable distance – especially when you are attacking with melee – I can’t click on the dragon to reacquire the target.
And since your reward is based on the amount of damage you do, not being able to target and STAY on target is screwed up.
Wholeheartedly agree! Participated in Teq, Shatterer and Jor twice a few days ago – from beginning to end always making sure I was getting a hit (big white number on the screen) and only got Rares twice. The rest of my disappointing results were Blues. Jor is the worst.
Those chickens though… rare machines!
Doesn’t make sense.
Please use make the use of the word “mount” on this forum an account locking offense! It’s like listening to a child continually ask “why?” or saying “mom… mom… mom” over and over and over.