Showing Posts For Orpheal.8263:

Dash/leap and condition changes [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I see this with a smiling and a whining eye …

Whining, because this change will make it even far more ridiculous and absurd, how way too god darn fast Warriors can move in their HEAVY ARMORS around, much faster than any normal thief with Shadow Steps from SB, unless you see the Thief wasting is potential by using also in the utilities as many Shadow Steps as possile and using midway also the Sword-Shadowstep on target if you have a target in the near that helps you to move quickly further into your wanted direction.

A stupid warrior doesn’t need anything of that, their most annoying 1200 range movement skill doesn’t even need a dumb target to dash forward for its final attack that follows from it. This Skill needs to get channge finally, that its only a dash attack, if you have as warrior a target, that is further than 900 away from you and lets you dash then also only maximum that 900 distance.
If your target is not over 900 distance away, that dash attack should work like a medium ranged jump attack rather that lets you move like 300 distance and causes at the impagt some stronger damage that hits the target and up to 4 nearby ones too.
The Warrior Greatsword Dash attack should get mechanically changed into a new “Dynamic Skill”, which changes basicalyl dynamically between its 2 effects based on how far away your target is.
(PS: A skill mechanic, that id like to see in the game for all classes by the way)

A smiling eye, because now I know that conditionsl ike cripple, or chill won’t reduce anymore the distance that I will do with my Heartseekers when I need to get quickly some bigger distance. that stupid stuff won’t hold me off then anymore to pursue enemies, that want to try to flee from me.

Hmm, so basically, its just something to be put onto the balance.
Personally I find the warriors get from this change the better deal, as long that Great Sword Skill doesn’t get changed.
Its about time, that ANet finalyl nerfs their ridiculous absurd way too good mobility, for a class, that should be much slower in their heavy armors, what is a reason why they are one of the classes with the highest DEFENSE and the HIGHEST MAX HEALTH and lots of damage mitigation skills ans a counterbalance therefore, that they should be normally for game balance’s sake much slower, but therefore also naturally more powerful, than the obligatory standard at the front, so that you want to be cautious not to get hit too much by them, especially when they are full of adrenaline.

Number One and two of the fastest mobility have to become finally Thief and Elementalist. Warriors should be among the slowest, but should have good burst movement at full adrenaline, so that they can be ready at any given time for a quick surprise, so that you have to be cautious when they get at you. Thats my opinion about them.

Warriros are already anets love child and and way too much of a jack of all trades in too many things at the same time since game release.
Its time, that they finally lose their godmode movement as a part of game balance.
Yes, their description tests say somethign about speed, but with that is surely not meant movement speed.
If warriors should be at anythign fast, then at changing their weapons.
Warriros shouldnt have any weapon change cooldowns, in fact, warriors should be rewarded for it to change alot in the combats their weapons the most.
It should be an integral part of their whole gamepaly to change alot their weapons in combat swiftly (faster than anyone else, cause they are masters of combat with mostly all weapons)

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Do we need 5 Trinkets? Or can we just have 1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


God no, this reduces build diversity totally… its already a thing that I hate in PVP, because it totally limits way too much your stat build diversity by the few options that you have there only..

In Pve, you are alot more free to choose how you want to have your stats, because you have multiple trinkets with that you can alot more precisely influence your wish build!

Keep this crap away from PvE.

PS: in fact, the otherv way around would be much better, make stat diversity ion PVp same like in PvE, get rid of these stupid limiting all in one amulets and let us choose our 5 single trinkets in pvp, like in pve.

PPS: the only other thign that PVE shopuld do like PVp is making UPGRADES same as easily equipable7removable, like in PvP, that would be for PvE a HUGE quality of life improvement.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

10 Reasons teff will get GS

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


it has had influences of both basically.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


How I wish to get to see again some kind of red post now, that tells us, to brign an end to this thread, cause they will make a voting with x options for us to choose and that they will rename the class then to the option that wins.

Could be even put together with a little ingame event similar to Cutthroat Politics, where we were able to vote between Kiel and that Charr.
Could be doen this time even more subtle by givign us somethign to do, a little task that has multiple different solutions and in regard of how we solve that task, it ends up as internal vote for one of the rename options.


We receive a letter from our racial leaders, that we should recruit people for her to take these with us as reinforcement troop to go with them to where the battle with Mordremoth started, to Verdant Brink.
In regard of how we end this task, we will send back a letter with our personal “recommendation” of who we recommend as reinforcement.

  • do we help out a kind of guardian guild to defeat a bunch of Dragon Minions thats invading a place, this ends up as the Dragonhunter Recommendation.
  • do we help out to bring justice in the name of someone else and hunt down an evil monster, this ends up as Inquisitor Recommendation
  • do we search for the guilty person in that case, instead of hunting down simply the monter thats involved in that case and try to find out the truth, thats the Seeker Recommendation.
  • do we help to protect rather the residents of that place that gets invaded by dragon minions, thats the Warden Recommendation
  • do we help to protect the borderlands rather to stop dragon minion reinforcements to overwhelm the place, thats the Sentinel Recommendation

and so on..I’m sure, you anet could come up with somethign better like that, but thats basically the easiest way thats also fair for everyone to give a voice what should be later the final name of the E-Spec, while giving us players at the same time a tiny bit to do while we wait on HoT.

I think that 42 pages of name dislike should be significant enough to see, that something about this issue must happen and that in a fair way.

(when it then ends up as somethign different, than what we recommended, we get simply a letter back of our racial leaders, with al ittle explanation, job done)

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

10 Reasons teff will get GS

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


lol, yeah, we have ninjas.. as Outfit again :P but not as seperate class or something like that where it again would make no sense.
Stuff like that would make sense, if there would be again an explorable CANTHA, where it does fit to the continents and lores theme of that continent.
But there is yet no Cantha, and I doubt that we will ever get to see an explorable Cantha and Elona ect., because therefore is still way too much unexplorable in Tyria and still too many Elder Dragons in Tyria to be slain, before we have time to set foot on Cantha/Elona again or maybe any other new explorable Continent, like the wish to be seen Utopia maybe as a new continent, if it was a continent name to begin with at all in planning for the originally intended 4th campaign, that giot then shortcutted into EotN and some new explorable Tyrian territories, that now aren’t explorable again in GW2 together with many of the old iconic places, like the Crystal Desert, the Fire Ring and the Northern Shiverpeaks >.>

The point is simply, Tyria is still a very westernized “european” style continent, like it was in GW2. It makes no sense to introduce in that part ofv the game any gameplay mechancis that have asian terms, like Ninja, Samurai, Katana, Kunai, Wakizashi and so on… because it doesnt thematically fit to the world of Tyria as continent.
Thats also one of the Reasons, why we have now in GW2 THIEVES and not like in GW1 “Assassins”.

We have since 3 years now a huge Cantha Thread, that is more a waste of time, than anything else. So I just want to open peoples eyes, that anything asian/cantha related will mostly likely have zero chance to ever find its ways into this game, unless we come ever before the end of GW2 so far, that we will actually become able to re-explore again Cantha and have then also an explorable part in the game again, thats standing under a strong asian theme, where such terms like Ninja/Samurai ect. do fit to be seen then there due to there being a completely different culture, than the culture of those people that live in Tyria, so that it could become likely that we might get somethign like a Ninja/Samurai E-Spec somewhen maybe, because then these things wouldn#t look anymore so out of context to the rest of the game.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

10 Reasons teff will get GS

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Can you take a chill pill and see it was a joke (due to GS is dominating weapon for gw2 so took the less lickely class to get it and joke about why they are getting it).

I feel sry for you that you took this much time out to justify reasons against a joke that wasnt meant to be true or wanting to be true.

Most players and I too think it will be LB or Rifle (even said it at the start that I think its Rifle/LB and this was a joke topic).

I know that this is a joke thread..however, you aren’t the only one in here, who ever talked about this kind of wishthinking “samurai concept”, if now joke or not is regardless for me and i just wanted to make sure, that this kind of “concept” doesn’t and is visually already possible with skins and outfits that the game offers for those, that like to run around looking like a Samurai, but lorewise they simply have no place in this game.

PS. I forgot the Warhorn as option lol, but nah, no chance xD

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

10 Reasons teff will get GS

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Whats with all these peopel and their unrealistic dreamthinking about Thieves getting Great Swords ..

Won’t happen, not this time, not anywhen later.
Great Swords don’t fit to Thieves at all.
Thieves are an agile medium armored class, that sets worth on swift and graceful athletic combat moves, they would never fight at all with a slow, heavy and clunky to handle great sword.

There exist absolutely no Samurai in the lore of Guild Wars, not in the past, not now, so dream implementign them isn’t the way how it works to give it a reason why Thieves should get out of a sudden Great Swords..
This round especially not, because Necromancers receive them already and every Class gets with their E-Spec a different weapon.

So from all options that are left, Thieves will either receive:

  • Maces
  • Axes
  • Torch(es)
  • Rifle
  • Scepter
  • Focus

That are the weapons from land combat, which curreently have no class assigned to for their E-Specs. And from those 6 Options, basically the first 4 are the only ones, that make any sense, unless ANet wants to make the first Thief-E Spec become more of a physical/magical hybrid , then could Focus work (i.E. Assassin in a kind of Ninja Style with improved Shadow Arts through Focus – i.E Shadow Clones for example with Mantras).

I just hope for gods sake, that if it ends up to be the Rifle, that it won’t turn out as garbage like a Sniper, but instead ends up as something alot more useful and creative, like a Saboteur, what would be a concept, that could work very well with Mace, Axe, Rifle or Torch.

After this I want to see first a Quarterstaff wielding Martial Artistical Thief- E-Spec to happen and a Rogue with either Mace, Axe or Longbow.
That are fitting E-Specs, not such nonsense like Samurais that have no place in this game world.
Samurais were nothing else anyways, than “Warriors” and thats exactly what we already have. GS swinging Warriors… so everythign you basically ask for is an samurai armor skin, and that basically already exists also to in the form of an Outfit.
That Dragon Armor Outfit as a Warrior used with greatsword suits perfectly fine the image of an “Samurai”, when combined with the delaqua family blade skin that is that katana of marjories sister.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

This Community is the worst.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


There wouldnt be no problem with Pugs at all ,if Dungeons would be so designed, that you can play them Solo with “Heroes”. (If everyone could do that, then there would be also no need anymore for this stupid economy breaking Dungeon Selling)
Dungeons shouldn’t be enforced to be played with 4 other people.
Yes, they should give player some kind of incentive to play with pother people, like an increased Exp and Karma Bonus at the end of it for every real player in your Group.
And another Bonus to Exp/ Karma, when all Group Members are of the same Guild to have an incentive to play together especially with your Guild Members together over simple random Pugs…

On the otherhand, the whole Dungeons need all to be completely redesigned, they are all a koke compared to the Dungeosn we had in GW1, which made all alot more fun, because they were more than just simply 3-4 for stupid instanced pathes with some among the,, which can be abused as Solo Farm to make much quicker gold in this game from selling these pathes, than it was originally supposed to make gold with them, what is another reason, why gold lost so quickly in its worth.
Anet made the dramatic mistake not to fix all those Solo Dungeon Sell Options in an instant, no they played it even childishly down as a “Service to the Players” from other players, and in fact it hurts daily more and more only the worth of gold in an indirect way, prices rise higher and higher, because everyone expects from people to do also dungeon selling, if they want to get quick enough that high amounts of gold….

Thats the problem with people, when they find super profitable ways of makign alot quicker money in a game, than it was supposed to make money in this game, it lets quickly rise all prices for everythign in the game, because players expect instantly from each other, that they do the same thing simply like them to milk out the profitable things, as long its possible!.
The first thing after the LFG tool happened and people got a platform they abuse for their dungeon sells was, how you could see the ration of Gold to Gems skyrocketing, because people got this way way too fast gold and were naturally alot easier able to torn that gold into gems alot faster, than people bought Gems with real money as a counterweight to keep the Gem/Gold ratio stabile.

About PvP, theres nothing Anet can do, other than changing the way how PvP functionizes, rebalancing the Classes to make more builds viable for PvP and breaking the Meta of GWEN by giving the other classes better PvP options, A.I fixes ect.
Downed Mode should get taken out of PvP, its just only disturbing and is counterproductive, cause when your down, you have basically already lost in PvP, its better to get respawned instantly to be qquick back somewhere in battle, where you could help better, than laying alot of important seconds half dead on the ground.
That stupid respawn timer of 5 seconds is already disturbing enough and should be something to be removed at least, if ANet wants to keep the downed, that you have at least no respawn timer, if you were longer than 5 seconds in downed mode and died then.

The community as a whole was alot better at game release, where most parts of the community were only consisting out of GW1 veterans and total MMO nebies that have never before played an MMO not even GW1 before, but became in general more toxic over time, when a lot of WoW players and people from other games migrated over to GW2 over the years. Thats basically my own experience that I have seen and felt, which turned this games community worser over time, its basically only the outer influences that this game receive from other game communities of people that came over to GW2 from somewhere else.

Not that I want to point my finger now only on them, there are also nice WoW peopel as liek toxic GW1 veterans, but from y personal experiences, the most toxity comes over from the majority of people that migrated from other games to GW2 and basically brought over that “general toxic behavior” that they know and seem to think that it is “normal” from there over to here.

Unless like that, you will find in every MMO always forms of toxity, be it the classical Elitists, be it the bored idiots that start simply fights over their own boredom to get attention, be it the mocking, jumping and laughing over a dead in WvW after having steamroled that person with a like 10+v1 what is really no achievement to be any proud fact toxic childish people who do somethign like that should be rather ashamed of themselves for being so immature and bad winners

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


bug fix for forum bug

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Mount Skins are not Pay2Wins, get this finally, its just changing how your Mount will look like.

Suddenly they are skins?
You said it like you could only get mounts through the gem shop earlier.

Sigh, learn to read, I give up!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


@ Ashen

Not if Anet would finally implement as counter solution “Templates” so that players can quickly change builds/equipment while being outside of combat before they engage into combat…
A person on mount (a matter of design) could naturally also be forced to dismount, if Anet would have no plans for mounted combat or if yes, then I say, mounted combat skills should be weaker, than normal combat skills so that theres an incentive to dismount for combat..

However, your analogy isn’t fully correct, because also players can have both, movement and the power at the same time (mostly all classes), cause if you use the runes for movement, your traits and utilities are free for more power/ better combat relevant skills and runes are something, that all classes can use without any restrictions (Rune of Speed 6 gives + 25% movement speed.

If you want to have a more balanced alternative, take rune of the traveler, but with these runes you can ignore the traits/utilities and use better options in these two areas. The choice of the rune set is just very minor and you can easily compensate that tiny loss of max dps through just better player skills.

However, P2W by definition is, when you pay with real money something in a Gemstore of a Gem, to become this way alot better with/or in something, than somebody, who didn’t do the same thing and doesn’t have the same thing on the character. Somethign, thats only obtainable via Gemstore and can’t be earned.

Mount Skins are not Pay2Wins, get this finally, its just changing how your Mount will look like.
I’m not suggesting here to make Mounts a sellable thing in the Gemstore. God darn it!! Do I write chinese!!?

Everyone should be able to earn his/herself their very own permanent mount, but it won’t come cheap, it will be very valuable and a long term task, like working on making a Legendary Weapon.
You DON’T buy it from the Gemstore, you earn it for yourself through doing a long successful journey of obtaining lots of things and doing lots of various tasks all over Tyria to get it.
The only thign after that point, which you will be able to buy from the Gemstore should be the looks of your Moumt, how you want to make your Mount look like to be able to personalize it more, if you want.

Mount Skins, that you buy, like Finishing Move Skins, like Mail Bird Skins, like Minipet Skins…

I hope I was finally understandable enough!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


@ Zietlogik.6208:

It’s a big difference to implement something like Mounts as a Feature and what ANet sells later then in the Gemstore!
I was writing absolutely clearly enough, that I suggest that Anet shoul sell in the Gemstore SKINS, not Mounts as a whole.
Selling Mounts as a whole via Gemstore even wouldn’t be “P2W” like people love to call it instantly, if the mechanics that you receive are in no way better, than what you can get just normally in the game through other means, like Runes, Traits, Sigils or Buffs…
P2W would it be first, if the mechanic thats sold from the Gemstore is in everything better, than what a player can earn in the game and get in the game from normal playing!

I haven’t ever suggested anywhere in this forums, also not with my last posting, that Anet should sell Mounts as a full thing from the Gemstore.
Whenever I have written something about it, I made sure, that I talk about just only Skins; the mechanic itself should be earned in the game by the player first and should be hard to earn similar like working on a Legendary Weapon, so that it is made sure, that your permanent Mount has the same value as prestige.
It should be like working on making a legendary weapon, that isn’t needed to have, but nice to have, because it offers you some little nice comfort, which is in this case permanent 25/33% faster traveling speed without having to waste sigils/runes/traits for that and without that you need to permanently cast any skills that cause Swiftness and we already have classes, that can have Perma Swiftness and its annoying as peep to have to cast it every few seconds just to maintain that buff to travel faster, when you could have just the comfort of having a mount that lets you travel faster – same as fast – as if you would have that persistent +25% signet/trait or swiftness buff on.

Adding on top of that Mounted Combat Skill is just visual fluff, if these combat skills would be weaker than the normal combat skills to give players an incentive to dismount as quick as possible as soon as you get in near of enemies. Anet could make sure, that these mounted skilsl are better suited for support/control eventually, rather than dealing any significant damage with them.
Or Anet could handle it like in Wicher 3, that Mounts have a “Fear Meter” and when they get too much fear, they throw you off, if you face too many foes at once when beign on mount and get surrounded and hit too much, so that you want to dismount, before you get too near to prevent that from happening.

You just need to be openminded enough to come up with plenty of options,how Mounts could be implemented so that they would suit very well into the game with none of them ending up in any way as P2W when being implemented just right – and for that it s only important to ensure, that everythign sold via the Gemstore will always be only visual changes, not gameplay mechanics and that the gameplay mechanics won’t disturb players while playing in any aggresive way (grieving), what is easily preventable by making mounts only there useable, where it makes sense and thats surely not in towns or in the PvP Lobby for example. This should be clear I think.

i would have understood your complaint, if i would have suggested, that Mounts should increase your Max Health by say +10000 and should add to you a free Bag Slot with + 40 SLots, plus make you travel like + 100% faster and that this should be sodl in the Gemstore.
Then I would have understood you.
But nothing of this is the case.

All I want is Mounts as Prestige Items of a value comparable to Legendary Weapons, which need to be earned ingame and for which you can just buy unique SKINS in the Gemstore.
Say you don’t like the Standard Horse Skin “Tyrian Wildhorse” for your Human Mount, then you could buy for example in the Gemstore the Skin “Elonian Wildhorse”, which would make your Horse look different, change it from a brownish horse for example into a black horse that has also a different looking saddle and different looking reins and saddlery.
Or you could buy they a kind of Cavalry Skin, that makes you horse look more like a battle hardened warhorse with a kind of heraldry cape and armored plates to protect better its legs, head and body (visually, NO BETTER DEFENSE, before you ask…)

This way Moutns are just a Quality of Life Item, just like Legendary Weapons, giving you the comfort not to have to use anymore traits, sigils, runes or swiftness buffs for faster travelment, but you won’t be faster than anyone without a mount.

People which don’t like legendary weapons would have then however a nice alternative wherefore to spent alot of money and other ressources.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Lack of official merchandise- Ideas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Hey, this is great. Can you please keep the good ideas coming!? I’ll ask the team to give this a peek from time to time — we love to hear your thoughts.

So you want to have Ideas now for GW2 Merchandise?
Some brainstorming …

  • GW2 T-Shirts/ Sweatshirts/ Hoodies/ Tank Tops
  • GW2 Gaming Mouses/ Mouse Pads
  • GW2 Gaming Keyboards
  • GW2 Headphones
  • GW2 Soundtracks
  • GW2 Plushies (Charr, Quaggans, Gryphons ect.)
  • GW2 Posters/Paintings/Wall Scrolls
  • GW2 Figurines/ Action Figures
  • GW2 Backpacks (Quaggan Style, I’m sure these would sell like hot cakes, I can see already tonns of School Kids running around with them)
  • GW2 Temporary Tattoos (for those that want to show their GW2 Pride even on the skin)
  • GW2 Travel Mug (Coffee Cups ect.)
  • GW2 Card Game
  • GW2 Books (naturally), more are always welcome.
  • GW2 Towels
  • GW2 Bedclothes (for those hardcore people, which want to sleep even in a GW2 stylized bed, includes pillows)
  • GW2 Clocks
  • GW2 Snackback Hats
  • GW2 Rings, Necklaces, and other Stuff of Jewelry
  • GW2 Beanies
  • GW2 Key Chains
  • GW2 Pint Glasses
  • GW2 Costumes
  • GW2 Logo Pins
  • GW2 Smartphone Cases
  • GW2 Cookie Cutters (Profession Symbols ?)
    and alot of more possible thigns xD
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Rev Staff - Please let it be high DPS!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


It won’t be a high dps weapon, it will be a support weapon…
If you want a high dps staff melee class, that makes sense at this, then wait for the moment, where Thieves receive that as next E-Spec for round 2 maybe

Then we will maybe see Quarterstaff “Rogues” that will be high dps martial artistical melee staff combatants with high emphasis on evasion and counterattacks also too.
Hopefull it would be then a weapon that gives the Thief a way to get more Stability and to counter better (more oftenly) projectile attacks, while having also a way to get better conditions removed when you evade/counterattack.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Revenant - Compassion as a way of life

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


There goes my hopes and dreams for melee staff on thief. Just wanted a ninja flipping out Asura…with wings and a fez hat.

I’ll settle for mainhand axe though. nudge nudge Anet

I hope they will get that just with a later coming E-Spec.
Something like Quarterstaff wielding “Rogues/Brawlers” are simply a must for Thieves.

Revs with their Melee Staffs are more a kind of brute/magical melee combatant with the Staff, while the Thief E-Spec with a Quarterstaff would be far more the quick, elegant and martial artistical melee staff combatants what you would expect from a Thief to fight like with a Staff, as they are still the “Acrobats” under all classes and not the Revenant

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Revenant - Compassion as a way of life

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Sure thing, I coudl read into this too much, but thats just my impression that I got from the blog.
If the thing turns out to be nothing but simple voice dialogues that do appear just randomly, like all others for all other classes…then I have nothing said.


A revenant’s legends are not merely echoes of the past but are fully sentient, with opinions and personalities of their own.

Activating skills will occasionally trigger in-game dialogue from the legends, and the player character will sometimes respond with race-specific dialogue of their own. Depending on the legend your revenant has summoned between fights, you may also hear some >> small talk out of combat <<.

Folowed by a part in an article, that describes also that NPCs will react on revenants, liek Scholars and Historins … I haven’t seen yet a single stupid NPC in this game react on me as a Thief (no one finds it even weird that a Thief is their “Commander”
But historians and Scholars out of a sudden will react naturally on Revernants, because they have some mighty legends inside them fro mthe past that are fully sentients with own opinios and personalities, that can speak to them basicalyl (if they want)

Somewhere must be the line drawn between very simple dialogues and a more interactive and aesthetically improved version over what all other classes have now.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Revenant - Compassion as a way of life

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Yeah, but only because all those classes are older and from begin on in the game is no reason to let them have not also too class specific on their unique mechanics based on animations and voice acts, like what Anet plans here for the revenant, that they will be talking with their various Legends, as if they are able to hear their voices in their heads with all havign their own personalities ect. which are also like I understood it influencable, based on which legends you use while you play.

The whole blog makes it sound liek beign alot more, than just beign some simple generic voice files but far more like a system, that should give the player the full impression, that the legends are more than just only a simply combat relative mechanic for this class, but that they play also a big role in the whole character identity of your character and how the legends do see you, in regard of how you use then and you you play with your characters…

This goes way beyond everything what the other classes have in regard of interativity and thats why I made up these examples for all classes.
If they are going so far to make such an effort to make the legends of the revenant to look and funtion like complete own beings with their own identities, opinions and personalities that will be played out while you play your character, it would be more than nice, if ANet would put such an effort into the other classes also too and add more interactivity to them based on their class mechanics.

Thats all what I did say.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Revenant - Compassion as a way of life

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I think you havent read the whole blog, or you didnt completely understood it.
I know very well ,that all classes have some kind of own doalogues, but what Anet plans here for the revs goes to another new level of class specific interactivity.

This time its some interactivity, thats based on the class specific class mechanic, which has its own dynamics. None of the current classes has something like this, like an interactive dynamc, thats based on their class mechanics.

Or do you see anywhere while running aroudn exploring with your Elementalist, for example in an idle animation, that your character plays around a bit with the Element, that you are attuned to at the moment.

Lets say, you are attuned to Fire, your character gets into indle stance, theres no animation for that moment, that shows you for example, how your Elementalist creates some kind of Fireball in his palm of one of his hands to play around with the fire and lettign of some kind of unique voice act fittign to that idle, while in the same moment, that idle revenant will talk with his legends, what is not some kind of generic idle thing like your generic female human char running around and screaming, that shes faster than a centaur, regardless of which class you play

None of the other classes of class specific animations, and thats what I just realized after reading the blog, that their animations ect. will be different, theirs will be linked to their class mechanic.

I personally have never seen yet my thief do somethign really thief unique and talk about it and thief is my main class like letting off some cool words or so after going into stealth or after having stolen from an enemy somethign ala “I think You have lost something!” …
Just think about it …

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Revenant - Compassion as a way of life

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Lol, this class becomes more and more weirder..

Now they are crazy weirdos that do talks with their legends as ig they hear voices in their heads, that meake everyone outsaide believe, these people aren’t anymore clear in their heads and are in a dire need of a “I love myself jacket” to get right into the next madhouse

Why i asked myself first after reading the blog is more:

Cool, they get all this attention and features.. what do all the other classes get to make them more compelling in their profession nature?

Why can’t we for example see an Elementalist interactively play around more with the Elements?

Why can’t we see a Mesmer interactively play around more with Illusions?
Why can’t we see a Necromancer interactively play around more with Undeads and Souls?
Why can’t we see an Engineer interactively play around more with his Tools and Gadgets?
Why can’t we see a Thief interactively play around more with Stealth and Steals?
Why can’t we see a Ranger interactively play around more with his Pet?
Why can’t we see a Warrior interactively play around more with his Weapons?
Why can’t we see a Guardian interactively play around more with his Spiritual Weapons?

I think, what Anet tries here to make the Revenant look special can also work the same way for all other classes to provide this way more interestign and nice too loook at Voice Actions from our characters in all kinds of situations within the Living Story, while exploring in general and so on …

Don’t try so forcibly to make Revenants look like as if they are some kind of special snowflake please, yes Anet?!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Human female body [suggestion]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


theccharacter editor seriously could get some significant improvees… 2012 it was ok, nothign absolutely special, but ok for the standards, but for now 2015, its totally outdated…

ANet keeps on addign new haristyles, faces and the like, but they ignore everythign else about the character editor, what is really sad…
A character editor is more than just only faces and hair styles, but thats with that Anet makes money and money is everythign they care about, or more to say NCSoft in the first place which dictates them what they should focus on for the shop and the rest of the game to make in first place money.

The last months since release of the info that HoT is coming were nothing but just pure money making, one gemstore update after another nearly 100% of the time.
This should show you clearly, what interests Anet has mainly currently.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

How many swords will Elementalist wear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


1, just simply, one

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


GW2 should get mounts somewhen, Anet could make some great money from them by selling “Mount Skins”
The Game could receive a great new Prestige item for people which dislike Legendary Weapons and rather would spent their gold for a permanent personal mount that allows them to move permanently 25-33% faster, so that you don’t have to waste sigils, traits, utility or runes anymore just to move faster and could use instead of that something that suits better your build and is in general more useful, than providing only the movement speed boost to travel faster around.



People were completely outraged by the watchwork mining pick.,.. Some even left.
Now you want a speed buffed mount? For gems?

Even when the Eternal Fire freezes over and The Mists will have been blown away there is no chance this will happen… ever.
They will be nerfed untill they are just another mini.


Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


There are no mounts in gw1. There shall never be any mounts in gw2!

And you dont have this to decide!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

If you won a million dollars

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


With 1 Million € in my case I would make first a move to a new and much better flat.
I’d buy me several things that I need and which definetely will improve alot my lifestyle and comfort.
A big part of the money would I put into the bank to let the money work and increase itself.
I create from the money own Fantasy Novel Book Series, which I hope would be so good, that all kinds of companies want to get the licences for it to make out of that thigns like a Movie, Videogames ect. so that that spent money would be a good investment so that I can make more money from it.
Basically the tour, that the Author of Harry Potter had, that woman, became basically over night famous and rich just for writing that Harry Potter Book Series.
If i could become that for just writing a good own Fantasy Novel, that would be awesome, if it would have the same or maybe better success than the HP Series xD
All that it needs is a compelling story, very good characters and the right marketing

And i’m sure, one or two things from the gemstore would I buy too lol

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Rework hearts - Make them fun!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


it would be awesome, if ANet would rework them and would make them all finally REDOABLE as often as you like to make them after your first time doing them more rewarding based on how far you are progressed with your Character, so that also especially the Karma rewards become more useful for you so further you progress with your character, that their reward lists become bigger, so more you progress in the game and so more you repeat successfully the renowm hearts, so that those hearts are just a do once and forget content, like they are now since release date.

Anet should also constantly significantly increase the amount of dynamic events of all maps, so that the super old ones get slowly replaced with new dynamic events to make the old ones appear slowly lesser and lesser often/ so quickly, so that you get really the impression, that not everything around you repeats itself every freaking 5 minutes!!
All maps currently have way too less dynamic events for that.
Anet would lierally have to double on all maps the amount of dynamic events, so that all events that we know now sicne game release and have done already all countless of times that its uncountable already, don#t repeat itself so fast and often anymore.
Thats a process, that ANet should have done from begin on to give dynamic events a higher priority and to add with every patch here and there always also some new dynamic events to increase the amount of events to make them rarer happening over time.
But ANet did nothing at all about this, except their few living world patchs, that changed in some places some dynamic events but stopped doing that with season 2 mostly completely.
They need to do this constantly, otherwise will become all older maps quickly total wastelands in which you will see sporadically maybe sometimes some newbies running around, but veterans only, if theres currently some kind of world boss spawning, but otherwise there is no reason to return to the older maps, because you have done everythign in them already thousands of times, cause the same 3 year old dynamic events keep on repeatign themself every 5 minutes.
Thats somethign that needs to get changed too to make all maps constantly interesting enough so that players want to revisit them also, due to beign able to find some new dynamic events, that you have never played before which might have been implemented into the game as Stealth Content via Patch or could be found in the maos as part of some new living world content, that changes the map.

I know, that players will always rush through new content quicker, than new content can be designed and implemented, but as a player you could at least expect a little bit more from dynamic events to be not so extremely repetitive after 3 years, that Anet did so little to nearly nothing to reduce this repetitiveness over the time.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Mounts were always part of the Guild Wars Lore… point is only
Sadly both games were never designed in first place with Mounts in mind that they have been implemented also gameplay wise, and if, then only as some kind of geographical special mechanic for either traveling to allow you to reach places, where you can’t get without them, cause you would die trying to reach those places without them in the case of the Junundu and the high toxic sulfrous environment that the elonian desert was in GW1.

Or we use them Siege Weapons where they were either uncontroable NPCs (Siege Turtles) or where they are controlable, but due to technical limitations replace the whole character model of our characters with that of the mount, so that you never saw your character actually riding that momunt – you literally only became that mount.

Besides this, there exists also more than enough lore, that proffs, that there exist horses in the world of Tyria, but like with mounts in general, sadly ANet has never used them in regard of gameplay, unless you look at the Necrid Horseman enemy, or the Banished Dream Riders

GW2 should get mounts somewhen, Anet could make some great money from them by selling “Mount Skins”
The Game could receive a great new Prestige item for people which dislike Legendary Weapons and rather would spent their gold for a permanent personal mount that allows them to move permanently 25-33% faster, so that you don’t have to waste sigils, traits, utility or runes anymore just to move faster and could use instead of that something that suits better your build and is in general more useful, than providing only the movement speed boost to travel faster around.

If ANet would add a Mastery to the game for Riding and Calvary, we could have also some good Character Progression bonded to it, so that Mounts would work uniquely for GW2, what was always one of Anets conditions under which they would think about bringing mounts – only if they are more, than just only a travel mechanism – that are their words

With Siege Golems we already have basically mounted combat in the same way how Siege Devourers worked for GW1.
All that ANet needs to do now is to make it possible, that we can see our characters when riding the mount and to make appropiate limitations and options in the game, where Moutns can’t be use, like in Towns, like in Outposts, like in PvP Lobby ect. just only for example in PvE and WvW where it makes sense.
That together with a Culling Option for those that dont like to see Mounts, those people get displayed mounted players then simply as unmounted players. However, for WvW would be that option disabled. It would work only for PvE.

Racial specific mounts would be another thign that could make Mounts more unique for GW2, cause most MMOs make it very generic and let have all playable races simply the same mounts, what is very lame and uncreative.
Unique would it be, when all playable races have their own unique races in and inregard of Charr/Norn, that is basically absolutely required, due to the massive body size differences compared to Asuras and Humen/Sylvari.

Asuras would be able to create and build their own personal Golems they can ride on, like Zojja/Taimi (think of basically Transformers Style Mounts that have different modes for various visual looks) or Raptors

Humans would have Horses/Big Moas

Sylvari would have Thorn Wolves/Kirins

Charr would have Steam Bikes or Siege Devourers

Norn would have Gryphons/Drakes, basically just large beasts that are big enough for them to be working mounts

Based on which mount you use, a player could then have also different Mounted Combat Skills, what would add more diversity to the system and would make mounts further unique for GW2.

I hope ,that we will see one day Mounts in GW2 as additional part of Traveling Masteries that will count for the whole game world andn ot like Gliding only for a specific region of the game (I think Anet shoudl rethink that and make gliding also possible everywhere in the game to make all maps after some little reworks via Living World Updates more interesting and interactively compelling, how much fun would it be for example also in WvW to glide down from a high spot to try to perform an air assault on your enemy what would work naturally only, if your skilled enough at gliding to glide as long as you want to be able to reach also wider away locations before your stamina is out?)

so much potential to make the game more fun

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Suggestion] WvW achievements

in WvW

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Would be better to see his nose for once again here in this forum, rather than in foreign 3rd party forums from other websites >.<

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Suggestion] WvW achievements

in WvW

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Lets be honest, what Devon said 1,5+ years ago, was either nothing but a lie just to keep the masses quite, or they honestly must have some serious other problems, why they are unable to fix something so simple, like these achievements by just taking some 0s away from the program code of the wvw achievements…

That Anet is able to change the wvw achievements, by simply reducing the amount of something that is required, or by renaming the title name ect. pp have we seen already several times …
How long should we wait longer for these minor fixes with such a major effect to happen finally??

I just hope, WvW will get finally alot more attention that it needs and deserves, once HoT is finally out… just changing after so long time the horrific alpine Map out with the qualitative much better desert borderland alone won’t make the job …

WvW needs alot more serious improvements to make finally usage of more of its deep hidden potentials, that are currently wasted and unused just there waiting for Anet, that they finally wake up and let a dev team or two work on more serious WvW improvements.

If we don’t see finally fixes to the WvW Achievements with the introduction of the dersert borderland, I think then this will be just a hopeless try, which will lead to nothing at all and ANet basically abandonded WvW…
That we haven’t heared or seen for so long anything at all from Devon Carter, who was responsible all the time for WvW (if he still exists even as Dev at ANet and didn’t got quitely fired!) is really suspicious!!

The last thing we saw from him was, when he introduced with a video from the beta testing the Edge of the Mists Map, since then total abcence from him until today >.>

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Why does Superior Sigil of Water not see use?

in WvW

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


This is a question, you have to ask yourself to many Sigils and Runes..

The simple answer is:

Because most of them are utter total useless crap and in no way competitively useful compared to certain other way more powerful sigils/runes that are able to make you powerful enough to quickly dominate your foes in combat… like for example Superior Sigil of Torment, or Superior Sigil of Strength, whose effects are alot more powerful and useful in combat for you, that a silly underpowered healing effect thats based on your healing power on a laughable 30% chance on hit with a ridiculous low 370 + (0,15* HP) heal, which is roughly a 500 HP heal in most cases, which will be instantly slashed away again by a stupid single auto attack hit from your foe…

To make that Sigil useful, Anet would have to change its effect more to something like this:

50% chance on Hit you cause at an area of 450 around your hitted target a healing, which heals up to 5 nearby targets by 10% of their maximum health with a ICD of 5s.

10% on a target, that has 30000 Max Health would mean then a heal for that person on 3000, which would be alot more useful, than laughable 500 roughly Hp, that anyones auto attack can instantly take you away again in a heartbeat.
And with a 50% chance, chances are significantly better, that you actually make that sigil work more consistantly over time, so that this sigil can be actually useful and not mostly all of its time a waste of a sigil slot.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Missing Closed Beta Invitation Compensation

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



Thats all I have to say about this unfitting totally out of place entitlement

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Leveling is too slow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


When you think Leveling is slow here, then you play this game totally wrong and you are bad at playing this game, seriously.
Otherwise, definetely a Troll Post, if the OP is no Newbie…
You get Exp for basically everything what you do in this game and there are tons of ways to even increase significantly the amount of Exp you gain from killing enemies.
Once you can do dungeons, you have a way to get 1 guaranteed level up with every dungeon run you do and you will do plenty enough of runs as a Newbie to work on your first easy exotic armor set…

Exploring, Events, Personal Story and Crafting are the other gap closer options with that you can quickly level up, if you are bored from PvP (where everyone is automatically Max Level) farming for Level Up Tomes, making PvP Dailies for more Level Up Tomes or running in circles with Karma Trains in WvW for makign quickly lots of Events that give you fast exp. while working also on your WvW Ranks…

Then theres direct Exp givers from PvE dailies, which give you a certain % of exp to get a level up…

So seriously, anyone who complains here about levleign beign too slot, must play this game seriously really bad and absolutely wrong and must waste his/her time with alot of things that don’t let him/her progress quickly in the levels….
But even such minor tasks like gatherign materialsxgives you Exp…

sometimes I believe, when I see threads like that, that just only the suggestion is missing, I want to receive also Exp while I AFK around >.>
Seriously, there is no single MMORPG out there, in where it is easier to reach Max Level, than in GW2!!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Gw2 coming to console ? PS4 & XBOX

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Will never happen

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Your Favorite Mini

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Mine is the Red Panda

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Suggest or vote outfit desings

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Name: Noble Butterfly Outfit
Style: Gothic
Setting: High Fantasy/ Casual

Dyeable Sections:
1: Buttlerflyes
2: Full Dress
3: Flowers
4: Gothic Parts

A Dress, whose Head Gear is for Females a big Butterfly Ribbon at the back of the Head, for Males it a Circlet with a Butterfly Emblem.
The Females get a Dress, that over from the Body and ends in a Long Half Side Skirt which mostly covers only the right leg.
At the Belly is another big Butterfly Ribbon at the sides whose Stripes are entangling the left leg. Ribbons, the Skirt and the Shoulder Protector in the Left Shoulder have simplistic Flower Symbols based on 5 Flower Petals that are alligned like a Star Symbol to each other to make them all look together like 1 bigber flower.
Ring Hand, Left Arm, Right Leg and Left Foot are covered in a gothic like style of cloth with Cross Strings
The Male Version would look more like a Suit and would have instead of the Ribbons, a Circlet and a Belt. The rest would I leave open for ANets own imagination and creativity.


Posted this here anyway onl,y cause I’d love to see that dress in the game in a similar way

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

whats another name for Raid Dungeons

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I made up suggestions when that topic was taked about earlier, how ANet should name Raids for various different “Raid Modes”.
There shouldn#t be in Guild Wars 2 just only 1 content type of generic Raids, that are called then raids, there should be multiple different typs of raid content that should have all their own name and different mechanics to keep the player busy in multiple different ways.

Guild Crusades = Raids started as a Guild and been done in like a 12-50 Man kind of way, where you do together “Missions” and you have to do multiple tasks in them to be successful, and where you can do also various Side Quests in these Guild Crusade Missions, which when you do them, increase your Maximum Reward at the End of the Mission. But not all of them are shown to you, some of these Side Quests are also always hidden in the Maps and pop up, once you do in the Guild Crusades something, that lets these Side Quests trigger for your party.
Guild Crusades would be basicalyl an adcanced form of “Guild Missions”, which would work alot more like the GW1 Missions, but just with alot more players being involved, than just 8, so that you can have in these Guild Crusades also some epic scaled battles and so that you have to split up your group sometimes also to do multiple things maybe at the same time at different places

Heroic Fractals
These would work basocally like the BMP’s from GW1. They would be more small scale raids designed for 5 players, where you get put somewhere into a heroic historic scenery of the tyrian lore, and where you replay these situons and some NPCs of that timeline moment. Historic Moments, that come into multiple chapters, verses ect. which you can replay and once you completed your History Books with all Chapters, Verses ect. of your Heroic Fractals, then you can turn in those complete history books for some awesome rewards, that are worth it to complete those heroic fractals.
Example: There woould be a Heroic Fractal, that lets you replay all the content of the Guild Wars Books, Ghosts of Ascalon and Destiny’s Edge, so that you replay these historic heroic moments in the view of for example Dougal Keane, Riona Grady, Killeen ect. in regard of GoA, or as Rytlock, Logan, Zojja ect. in regard of DE when they went for Kralkatorrik/Jormag’s Champion

This would be the kind of Raid, which is just working like a big PK Open World PvP Raid map kind of thing

Hunting Grounds
These would be Monster Hunter Style huge raid content maps, where you simply can hutn down countless of monsters for loot, if you don’t like Missions, but want simply kill lots of monsters in endless waves in search for certain rare and wanted Monsters, which when you kill them, you can earn some great rewards. There woudl be a kind of Monster Hunter Guild, which gives players daily tasks to hunt for specific monsters and to bring back specific “Trophies” from them (Witcher Style) in order to claim your rewards

Dungeon Crawlers
Special Dungeons, which you can play either as group or solo, which become more challening, so deeper/higher you get into them and progress in them.
Dungeons, which change how they look like, which enemies they have inside ect. whenever you enter them.

One example of such kind of dungeon would be the “Tower of the Ancients”
A Tower with 100 floors, where you have to beat every 10 floors a unique chalenging boss to progress further, which are the only 10 floors, that never change.
It would work like the Cave of the Ancients in the “Lufia Games”, where yiou start on the first floor again with Level 1 and Beginner Gear and where you need to use the equipment, that you receive while you progress in the tower, that you find from treasure chests.
There would be special cursed treasure chests, with special unique equipment, that you can find only in this dungeon, that you can keep also later and which you can use also late,r when you leave and come back later, so that you can get that way also equipment, that makes it easier for you to progress in the tower, the next time you get into it, so that you don’t have to do it again in beginner gear.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

My Beta Feedback

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 3:

Graphics, Performance and Presentation:

Not much is to say here, other than that for a Beta, what I have seen and what I have experienced in these two hours, was just superb, very polished and of high quality.

I haven’t personally seen any huge game breaking bugs or had any problems at all in that time in regard of game performance. Everythign worked smoth, even in a huge zerg of skill spamming revenants that spammed ridiculously thatroad skill everyone non stop, it was absolutely ridiculious how much rocks fall mystically permanently from they sky (hallelujah) for serveral minutes all the way wherever the zerg runned along, the game run smooth and without any lags at all

So absolutely kudos for that beta performance.

Part 4:


Awesome, from what I hear it is really gorgeous and fittign the map and the mood of the map design very good. I’m already in love with that kinda new Login Screen Songtrack, but that I sad basically already in an own thread special for it that I felt I need to make just to bring the attention to that new songtrack to the people.

Can’t wait to hear the full HoT Songtrack

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

My Beta Feedback

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 2:

Revenant Impressions

  • In regard of its Gameplay, this Class needs still alot of work, so uncomplete as it is currently, I can’t make really up my mind yet, if this class will please me later, or not.
    The Stances = changing all Healing/Utility and Elite Skill just feels way too Build Limiting
  • Energy builds up imo too fast and certain Utility Skills cost too less Energy, and are due to this way too spammy, like for example Unyielding Anguish. With full energy, you can instantly spam this skill 3x in a row. = 3 big Aoes that launch foes away and add multiple stacks of torment. This together with a Condition Build and a Setting, that causes even more torment on criticals ect. is way too OP, especially together with that Bonus Torment Effect.
    Don’t forget that you play reveneant in this Game alone, just think about if, if multiple of these Reves play together, they would totally wreck havoc and would easily be able to put everyone and everything quickly under 25 stacks of torment making everyone force to stop moving = kill fodder on the silver plate for everyone else, or you die in a matter of seconds from all the condition damage if you move around, if you can#t get that torment instantly away and for that its way too easy to cover the Torment with other conditions to prevent people from too easily cleansing your burst torment away that makes basically the job for you while you have to watch only ohw your enemies kill themself or stand only silly around and wait to be killed.
    Torment is as a Condition way too powerful to make out of it such a spammy condition. Not even the similar Confusion can be spammed so much and since you introduced Torment, you added it more and more and with the Rev you add even another Class, that can spam now Torment on Auto Attack!!
    Isn’t the Mesmer as Torment Bot already enough!!?
    Does the Game Balance need seriously that ruination by adding another Class that can spam even much faster and alot more torment quickly
    Please overthink this Anet!
  • Stability on Dodge Roll… does this Class seriously need this, when they can spam this road of falling rocks (hallelujah!) and can have due to this, especialyl when playing together basically permanently stability???
    Seriously, please remove this effect and change it into something more useful and give instead THIEVES aa Stability on Dodge Roll with the same duration like that.
    They are the class which absolutely needs such a kind of effect on dodge roll.
    They have no stability at all besides when using Dagger Storm and even then is this skill so bugged currently, that you can way too easily interrupt it for an ELITE SKILL in a matter of seconds, that using the skill feels like a waste (not mentioning how inaccurate this skill hits targets and should receive a little rework to hit more accurately, especially so nearer the targets are at you so that enemies want to get away from you quickly when you use DS if they don’t want to find themself getting hit very quickly alot of times similar like that Whirlign Axe attack that does alot of hits quickly…with DS you move much faster and deal like a slow turtle compared to that just your hits – just unreasonable!…)
  • The Hammer Skill 2 is for its range and its powerful cascade effect too OP. Its CD needs to get increased. 2seconds CD for a 1200 range hit, that deals multiple hits and becomes stronger over range is just simply said INSANE Not to mention that it hits 5 targets at the same time … This skill needs absolutely an appropiate nerf.
  • Hammer Bolt could get increased slightly in damage, but its range needs to be redunced to 900, dont forget that it can hit also 5 targets at once. No singel other AA can do this on a 1200 range, with makes this AA for that range OP. 900 would be still good enough for a slight increase in damage. And reduce the number of targets it can hit to 3. Maybe add therefore a chance to cause vulnerability if foes suffer already on conditions.
  • Searing Fissure is with its 3s of CD also OP, you can keep with this skill theoretically multiple targets perma burning with a right condition build … the weapon just screams condition build with its auto attack torment that came somehow fro mthe betas build that we had pregiven, so it came somehow from the traits…
    No other class has such fast skill two CDs of just only 2/3 seconds… increase them to make these skilsl more on par with the CDs of all other classes weapon skill numer 2 skills which have mostly ranges between 5 to 10s The only exception among this is the thiev’s spammy shortbow cluster bomb, but its the nature of this weapon and the class to be spammy and quick, not that of the Revenant …
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

My Beta Feedback

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 1:


I have yesterday played the Beta for roughtly 2 hours.
Thats naturally not really much to get a really big impression on alot of things, cause therefore it simply takes too much time to explore all the stuff that the Beta offered to receive a full impression on everything.

Also don’t know really, what Anets expectations and goals were behind such a short Beta.
However, a first impression is naturally also very valuable surely for Anet to receive from us and oftenly a first impression is already more than enough.

So here are my own personal impressions that I received from my playtime in the Beta.
You don’t have to share these impressions, the sole purpose of this thread is to share my impresisons with ANet, not to make here now a huge discussion around it, but hoewver, feel free to add your opinions if you wan,t can’t forbid it anyways lol
So here we go:

1) Mastery System
For my personal taste I find the way how you get Masteries in HoT extremely uncreative and grindy, not to say boring. The whole design leads only to 2 points:

  • A – You either grind your butt off to get all the Exp that you need to unlock your Masteries and so more you progress, so slower do you progress at the next step proportionally, which makes the grind behind the design more and more totally ABSURD, or
  • B – You have the luck to be already a very long and active player with tons of stacks of Level UP Tomes and other Exp Givers to basically boost your Masteries at a matter of minutes up instantly to the Max, what makes the whole Mastery System instantly pointless, when Player can have this way everythign maxed directly after having started the HoT Client a few minutes later.

Suggestion: Please overthink and reiterate this System. Its bad, its uncreative.
You can do better! First off, there should be not only Masteries in HoT.
HoT (or Follow Up Feature Packs) should add more neutral Masteries shortly after Hot Release, that add also various Masteries that can be worked on all over Tyria and for which players don’t need to have HoT. Example Precursor and Fractal Masteries are such Masteries of such a neutral Category, which I wouldn’t link to HoT.
These two should be Masteries, which everyone should get, regardless if you buy HoT, or not.
Another thing that I would love to see gettign changed is the general way of how you do training for your Mastery Knowledge.
Thats the whole thign about the System, thats so boring, uninspired and uncreative so far about it at all, that is pure grind.
You train your Masteries by killing countless of enemies and doing Events.

I wish it would be more creative than that. Something, like having to find all over Tyria for all of the Masteries various kinds of MOVING AROUND Sages, that are NPCS that take you under certain circumstances you as their disciple to TEACH YOU the Masteries and from the point on when you are a disciple of such a Sage NPC, he gives you daily changing tasks, challenges and things to do, that have to do with the Mastery, which you want to learn, so that you learn over tiem from those NPCs first all of the basics, then when you are advanced, you learn more of the adept things, until they bring you to the point, where they are willing to teach you more expert knowlege, until you reached the point, where they have teached you everythign that you know and where you can try to challenge your Sage “Master” to try to surpass them in various “Tests” and if you beat them in all of their tests, then you master the Mastery, from where on you have access to ability.
After that, you gain experience by performing and using the new Mastery that you have gained and by reachign the maximum required amount of exp as a Master of that Mastery, then you become a Grand Master of that Mastery unlocking this way some kind of visual rewards, stuff like titles, skins, minis, whatever, just so that plalyers have some kind of motivation to keep on using their learned masteries, so that they can unlock with them some kind of unique rewards that are attached to each Mastery.

Thats the kind of Mastery System, that i personalyl would expect from a Game like GW2 and not some kind of boring generic Exp monster Kill/Event farm grindfest that you would mostly likely see in every silly 0815-MMORPG out there …

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Can only agree with Genesis here. As a sign of this, I want to add my personal version of his Posting as “Seeker” (but I would love and like Inquisitor same as much, if it ends up finalls as this one)

Profession Mechanic

Spear of Justice > Arrow of Justice
To make the Skill more cohesive with the Bow Weapon Design, letting you shot mighty magical Light Arrows which hit everything in line of sight and cause a trail of purging fire, which heals also conditions of allies.
You know, something liek this, only not so “extreme” in its animations ^^

A moment of clarity, puttign all your strength and concentration into one mighty all purifying shot of justice, that blows all evil away and cleanses all the corruption in its line of sight. Make it a gw2 unique, but slightly similar animation so that people can get by view most likelythe reference that has been taken and there you go with having your “Crowd Pleaser”

Wings of Resolve > Leap of Resolve
Just change the Wing Animation to look less angelic, simply doesn’t fit to the theme and design and makes the Class unwantedly just look like a stupid wannabe Paragon Clone

Shield can basically stay as it is

Weapon Skills

Puncture Shot > Seeking Arrows (as it was already a GW1 Skill, this would add some nostalgia simply)
True Shot > Arrow of Truth (simply sounds better and more catchy, also a Shot simply can’t be not true, so it also can’t be the opposite, also this opens up the option for maybe a Stealth Reveal Trait)
Deflecting Shot > Punishing Shot (Same effect, + reflects a part of the damage thedeflected projectiles would have done back to the source!!) Increase CD to 12s
Symbol of Energy > Symbol of Purgation with a slight effect change of causing Burning so more Conditions an Enemy has and healing allies, so more Conditions they have when standing in the Symbol.
Hunter’s Ward > Seeker’s Ward Simply just only rename it, like Genesis suggested also.

Healing > No change needed, just perfect.


Procession of Blades > Blades of the Sinners (sounds imo alot catchier and better suiting for a Seeker/Inquisitor)

The only thing where I needs, it requires a complete change, is Dragon’s Maw.
The whole skill is so extremely out of place from its whole design.

Dragon’s Maw = > Heaven’s Punishment with not a huge Dragon Bite Animation, but instead simply a jaw moving WOW causing big Light Explosion after a big beam of light crushing from the sky into a foe, that runs into the trap, like beign hit by some kind of shootign star of pure light.
Maybe take this classical thing as a little inspiration g, just that it triggers when you run into the trap.

Core Specs

Minor > Can stay all how they are.
Adept > Piercing Light > Purified Blood
Master > Hunter’s Determination > Seeker’s/Inquisitor’s Determination, Bulwark > Confidence of the Just, Dulled Senses > Sight of Truth
Grandmaster > Hunter’s Fortification > Seeker’s/Inquisitor’s Fortification, Heavy Light >Radiant Light, Big Game Hunter > Final Judgment

E-Spec Skins
The current things like the Gauntlet, the Bow and the Back Item Wings become simply Gemstore Skins.
The Seeker should receive a new Longbow Skin (or change it to Shortbow with an somewhere integrated Range Increaser Trait to Longbow Range!)
And some kind of Armor, be it Helm, Shoulder Gauntlet, thats more than just only a Reskin of the Draconic Armor. The other E-Specs so far got all something new and unique and not something, that was just a Reskin of something already existing.

Conclusion: Most of the suggested things here are basically only simply renames to make the whole design in and about itself alot more cohesive for a Seeker/Inquisitor as a highly zealotry witchhunter inspired super righteous E-Spec, which seeks and destroys all evil beings, that need to be purged and erased out of Tyria by their strong faith, that what they do will bring justice to Tyria. That they wil lfind the truth that lies somewhere behind the existance of the elder dragons and they they will be the ones, that are chosen to bring back right and order to Tyria by challenging their own fate as being Seekers, apologists of justice and harbinger of truth, which relentlessly bring justice to the world and never stop under their zealotry, until they finally fulfill their job and return as the righteous brave white knights that they are which can’t see any unjust thing happening right in front of them simply (in case of humans, under the name of Kormir – so by lore it simply can be explained, that humans caused the first Seekers to appear and other races just adapted to that extreme rightneousness of the humen)

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

[beta] So, do you think Rev skills justify...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Under the current state and after having my own gameplay experience with them from yesterdays Beta, I personally say:

Absolutely NO.
However, knowing, that the current thign that was playable yesaterday isn’t by far the whole thing, its obvious that under the current situation this owuld be the answer.
Once HoT is out and we will be able to play finalyl the full product in its final form and after having tseen the first few follow up class balance changes, which definetely will be required after addign the Revenants and the full bunch of E-Specs, then we will see further.

Chances are, that under the final product, it is alot more and better justified that this class will have no weapon swap.
We had so far only 2 out of 5 stances playable.
We had only for 1 single day the opportunity to test out just 2 weapon sets and by far not all their builds, nor had we the option to test out all of their Trait Options out under our own personal settings with out own chosen equipment stats, upgrades ect.
only 3 of 5 Core Specs are so far designed, 2 fully unkown ones with completely unknown Core Specs..

Then theres their own yet completely unknown E-Spec, which will change the whole gameplay of the Revs significantly somehow (by maybe removign the stances and givign it therefor weapon swaps, who knows)

Fact is just only, the Revenent so far is a way to unfinished classes to clearly say, if that decision of no weapon swaps is justified or not. Its just simply not justified, if Anet suddenly woudl try to sell us that current version as “final” product, what would be just laughable at this case then.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Awesome New Login Soundtrack

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I don’t know, if that Songtrack today is just only for us Beta testers todays, but man is that thing absolutely awesome and catchy, that I hope, it stays from today always.

So absolutely refreshing after hearing 3 years always the same stuff.

I wish there would be an option in the Login Screen to change between the both Songtracks. Shouldnt be hard to add that – a little switch that lets you decide which Songtrack you hear at the Login Screen

Great Job for this, makes me want absolutely to hear more of HoT Songtracks

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Discussion] The extra WvW ranks

in WvW

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Only if it would be automaticalyl ALWAYS be shown, just like the texts..
However, what I suggested is passive symbols, that you see only, when you mark a player with the mouse cursor, where they fuction just liek the world completion symbol.

its not somethign that you get shown always, you see it only, when you mark a player with your mouse cursor and passively when being in group in the group hud on the left side in form of a heart, if someone has done a map you play on to 100%

It would definetely improve the game performance, if the text masses would get reduced (or better, just only passively shown together with all enemies shown on the minimap as red dots as direct indicator if someone is an enemy or an ally, just like we see all allies as green dots.
The mechanics are already there, implemented with EotM and that detector turret thing that makes you see enemies on the minimap.
All Anet has to do is to implement the mechanic generally into WvW everywhere as general system to reduce the complete red text displays to literally 0

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Applied Fortitude and Strength to be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I don’t push the fortitude/strength buffs aside , nor do I ignore them.
I recognize them very well as that, what they are and for what they are meant for, when Anet introduced them.
As a kind of Character Progression for WvW.
Buff Food/Potions instead were never meant as that and didn’t got introduced into the game at a later point for that reason.
They were both from begin on there, where the fortitude/strength buffs were not.
ANet had a purpose for them and that purpose worked very well for a long time now.
Now they simply want to remove that Character Progression and thats the point with that many people aren’t ok with, as they (me included) don#t see any further reason why to keep on playing WvW, if ANet simply removes later all Character progression for which players played hard to earn it in the first place.

This step is basicalyl exactly, like as if Anet would announce from today to tomorrow, that they will remove Ascended Gear from the game completely with HoT.
Wouldn’t make you that not angry?? Especialyl when you invested alot of time and effort to earn that progression for your character(s)???
I think – yes, you would be. Same as angry as tons of players where, when Anet introduced Ascended Gear and from one moment to another, your exotic progression was just second best in the game and basically wasted time that you probable could have use better, if Anet wouldn#t have rushed the release of the game due to NCSoft to get it out 2012 and instead would have release the game a year later with ascended equipment from the begin on beign in the game. Then it wouldn’t have given that huge player exodus fiasco of the past, because people would have known from begin on, that ascended is max and wouldn’t have wasted much time on working to get sub optimal equipment.
But thats an other topic. Wanted to use it only as a reference for this case.

This change that Naet simply plans there showsto me personally, that Anet simply doesn’t have learned anything at all from the past, that destroying player progression is absolutely NO wise decision. And yet they do it ever and ever again more or less…

Buff Food/Potions on the other hand have nothing to do at all with Player Progression in WvW.. they are nothing but helpful forced upon utilities which you need to use in order to have a chance in WvW to win, while the fortitude/strength buffs are WvW integrated mechanics, which simply everyone can get over tiem automaticalyl, without that you need to waste money/materials for it to get an partwise overpowered temporary effect for 30-45 minutes, what makes buff potions/food basically “pay2win”, just that you don’t pay with real money, but instead with gold/materials which is for players, that aren’t rich and don’t have the materials, or the crafting requirements to make these items a heavy limit.
The birthday blaster helped a bit at closing this problem, but you need to have first a 2 year old character to get it, so also very limited… and its effects is also very weak, weaker than normal buff food, cause ANet nerfed its effect down >.<
The birthday cakes were perfect when Anet introduced that item, imo there was no need to nerf it, cause it exists also normal all stat food in the game.

Thats why i think its a good comprpmise, that when these buff effects should stay, then they should work all as WvW integrated character progression unlock mechanics and the old food/potion effects should become accessable for everyone just via badges of honor.
If ANet really wants WvW to be Buff Wars 2, then the buffs should be all accessible for everyone in a same kind of way, without letting it be a money/material/crafting limited pay2win mechanic.
The best way to do that is via Bages of Honor, this currency is currently anyway absolutely underwhelming and barely of any use…

So why not add a War Chef to WvW and let the Tricks NPC also give away potion effects, while you can get from the War Chef all kinds of food effects for Bagdes of Honor.
That would be a Win/Win for everyone and it would be definetely also a condition, under which I could accept the removal of fortitude/strength, when therefore food/potions become alot more accessible for everyone.

PS: lets say gettign food and potion should cost as much Bages like you receive from making your Dailies, so that you could buy practially from those badges from your dailies each day 1 food and 1 potion. (or 2 food/2 potion instead whatever you prefer)

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

[Discussion] The extra WvW ranks

in WvW

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


At the very least, please let us display our text rank (e.g. silver raider) as a title Anet.

Or display older ranks to at least cut down some of the rank based commander snipe.

I would love it, if ANet would make it possible for us:

1) to see the ranks of our Allies as a kind of “Rank Symbol”, just like the World Exploration Globe Symbol for 100% World Exsploration, whe should see a Rank Symbol at the name of our Allies.

2) So the same for our enemies remove this crap mechanic, that shows ous the enemy ranks in text form.
When you fight against a zerg of like 50 players, all you see is red cause of the tons of rank names in text lines that totally screw up the performance of WvW are are also a huge reason why WvW lags so much for people.
Doesn’t Anet remember their game performance issues with crashing game clients from GW1 when people had options to create with certain skill combos so extreme much damage numbers to appear, that the game client wasn’t able to show them all and just freezed?? There was that case with some mesmer skills and also with R/Rit using splinter arrows with barrage, before Anet nerfed that combo…
This performance break in just happens, where theres simpyl way too much text (which also moves around in this case) in in the screen.
The game performance woudl be miuch better, when all that text would get simply reduced into Rank Symbols.
People would then simply know direcly from looking onto the symbols, which rank someone has.

WvW has 15 ranks and 7 Rank Tiers. So this means simply 15 Rank Symbols in 7 different Colors

Tier 1 = Blue
Tier 2 = Bronze
Tier 3 = Silver
Tier 4 = Gold
Tier 5 = Platin (Pale Yellow)
Tier 6 = Mithril (Pale Blue)
Tier 7 = Diamond (White with Black Outlining)

Rank 1 = Invader = Arrow Symbol
Rank 2 = Assaulter = 2 Arrows
Rank 3 = Raider = 3 Arrows
Rank 4 = Recruit = 1 Arrow with 1 Star above
Rank 5 = Scout = 2 Arrows with 1 Star above
Rank 6 = Soldier = 3 Arrows with 1 Star above
Rank 7 = Squire = 3 Arrows with 2 Stars above
Rank 8 = Footman = 3 Arrows with 3 Stars above
Rank 9 = Knight = 1 Big Star
Rank 10 = Major = 2 Big Stars
Rank 11 = Colonel = 3 Big Stars
Rank 12 = General = Laurel with 1 Star
Rank 13 = Veteran = Laurel with 2 Stars
Rank 14 = Champion = Laurel with 3 Stars
Rank 15 = Legend = 1 Big Star with Wings

So if I would see an enemy running around with a symbol at the name (generalized as “Enemy” that looks like a golden 3 big stars, then I would instantly know, that this enemy is a Gold Colonel and of a much higher rank, than if I would see an enemy with Blue 3 Arrows… at its name as Rank Symbol and the game would get a much better performance, due to now havign anymore an overwhelming text flood of ranks that have to be shown…
The ranks and the status of a player if enemy or not, should be shown to us only, when we mark a player with our mouse cursor. And they should be visible on the Minimap in general! That would help also to see fro mafar, if someone is an ally or not, without the game needign to flood us with tons of red texts on the screen.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Applied Fortitude and Strength to be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Dawdler, keep your senseless and unfitting sarcasm please for yourself. It helps no one.
If you cant stay constructive and objective without making snarky comments, then just better be quiet.

This kind of comments show just, how unable some people are to just simply constructively think about it, how WvW could functionate without Buff Food/Potions, without feeling the need to directly attack someone for making the suggestion to remove these mechanics. Its so unmature…seriously!

If Build Variation, like in Baldricks comment is the only excuse for it, for why Anet should keep Food and Potions in WvW, then this is in my honest opinion a very cheap arguement.
There exists also Build Varity without Buff Food/Potions.
All what these two things add to WvW is only Power Creep and nothing else.
Power Creep, that makes certain Builds which clearly are balanced in this game around PvP absolutely overpowered for WvW in all situations and creates a situation, where everyone practically gets FORCED to use these items, if they want to have effectively a chance of winning, basing on it, that both sides are of equal player skill levels.
The side without these buffs would definetely lose!

WvW should still be all about Player Skills and tactical gameplay together and not turning this game basically into “Buff Wars 2”.
However, there needs to be also character progression in WvW as a kind of motivator to keep on playing WvW and also to see a difference between a total noob, which just started playing a few days ago WvW and a long time playing WvW veteran.
Thats why I’m personally totally fine with into WvW integrated Buffs, that everyone could unlock automaticalyl over time, without having to worry about, where you spent your Rank Points into.

So if ANet would rework Buff Food and Potions into a more WvW integrated solution, then I would perfectly accept that, because then it wouldn’t be a forced up situation for me, where I get forced to waste gold/materials just to have a chance in WvW against a full buffed enemy at equal player skills – no I would get it automatically just by playing long enough WvW to earn those effects as part of my character progression in WvW via gaining enough rank points, regardless where I spent them for various WvW masteries that aren’t all about Stats, but more about Siege Weapon expertises and other war relative effects that help me to do something in WvW more effectively good or improve my various roles in WvW, if there would be finally class specific WvW traits for example.

Thats why the Applied Boons shoudk stay, they are part of WvW’s own unique character progression and all what is needed now to make them a bit fairer is to make out of them a more integrated solution which players simply automatically unlock over time once they played long enough WvW to receive them as reward for their veteran status that they gain over time.

I think Buff Food/Potions could be easily reworked for WvW into WvW Masteries (that everyone would have then, even if you don’t buy HoT)
Once earned after collecting enough Rank Points, players would then be able to speak with a new NPC at the Spawn Are, the War Chef and by talking to the Tricks NPC, which also sells traps, there you get also then your Potion Effects.

For paying them a small amount of Badges of Honour you get from these npcs then every (except those condition duration in/decreasers) food/potion effect that you want, that lasts then as long you stay in WvW the whole day.
This way would have everyone much easier access to those effects, without having to waste gold/materials on these things, just paying badges of honmor and badges would finalyl get more useful and have another good sink.
That would be my personal compromise, if these buff effects from potions/food should stay, then at least as a wvw integrated solution thats better accessable for everyone, which is a part of WvW character progression and that without the condition duration in/decreasers which totally screw up WvW, or at least cwith drastically reduced % numbers down from 40% to max 20%

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Idea: Incentive for Defense

in WvW

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


To add to WvW an incentive to defend things, Anet has alot to do to fix WvW:

1) Defending locations must become first finally same as rewarding, if not more rewarding (over longer time) than claiming locations, where so longer you successfulyl defend a place, so more rewarding it should become over time with increased WXP, Gold, Exp, Karma and Event Reward Chest with WvW unique rewards inside that become better, so longer you defend successfully.

2) ANet has to implement finally WvW Traits, that are also designed for defending places more efficiently. Traits like

  • Tower Defense Master
  • Camp Defense Master
  • Keep Defense Master
  • Castle Defense Master
  • Shrine Defense Master
  • Trap Mastery
  • Medic Mastery
  • Reinforcement Mastery
  • Assault Mastery
  • Improved Cannon Mastery to 10 Tiers with effects that help more for Defense
  • Improved Oil Mastery to 10 Tiers with effects, that help more for Defense
  • Improved Mortar Mastery to 10 Tiers with effects, that help more for Defense
  • Improved Trebuchet Mastery to 10 Tiers with effects, that help more for Defense
  • Improved Catapult Mastery to 10 Tiers with effects, that help more for Defense
  • Improved Golem Mastery to 10 Tiers with effects, that help more for Defense

3) Anet has to add Class specific Traits, so that classes, which are very good and designed for defending can do it better at situations where you need to defend, or at least buy enough time for your allies, so that reinforcements can arrive, before its too late. Not to mention that WvW in general would massively prrofitate from it, if there woudl be finalyl class specific traits, that incredibly would improve everyones roles and build diversity for WvW massively.

4) The Upgrade System has to get improved/expanded, so that NPCs become more useful, get better A.I and better Skill Sets that make those NPCs same as dangerous, like the NPCs from EotM, if you have upgraded your locations to get better Elite-NPCs protecting them, which actualyl are a good help also in defending your places and not just braindead cannonfodder thats killed in a matter of seconds. They should scale up, so more enemies attack them, just like the veteran monsters/champs scale up so more players attack them. Thats why they are “Elite”

An example how ANet should improve for example Cannon Mastery with Tiers 6-10 to help making them more useful for defense.

Tier 6: Unlock “Heavy Shot” as 4th Cannon Weapon Skill
Heavy Shot causes for every foe hit for everyone 1 Stack of Vulnerbility and 1 Stack of Torment. Means, if you hit with this into a full bunch of enemies, everyone hitted will have for a short amount of time 25 stacks of Vulnerability and Torment for say max 3s.
A clear shot, that rewards with maximum efficieny for good targeting, if you hit a large group with it. rather that tryign to target single enemies.

Tier 7: Unlock Fiery Shot as 5th Cannon Weapon Skill
You shoot at your ground target, causign a large explosion at the point, that launches foes away and sets them in fire, causing burning to them.

Tier 8: Cannoneers Precision
All your Cannon Shots have an increased chance of 20% to cause critical hits and an increased Velocity of +25%

Tier 9: Cannoneers Expertise
All your Cannon Shots have now 25% increase AoE Ranges, have +1200 range and it turns Devastating Shot (AA) into Annihilating Shot, which removes now more Boons and adds a new unique Debuff to the game “Exhaustion” which makes it impossible for an exhausted target to receive new Boons, while that Debuff is active.

Tier 10: Cannon Grandmaster
Cannons that you control become undestructable. You gain stability stacks every few seconds while controling a Cannon. Damaged cannons get slowly repaired while you control them over time. Your toughness/vitality gains now +300 when controling a Cannon. AA Cannon Shots also are now Life Leeching, so that a part of their damage heals you. Annihilating Shot turns into “Exterminating Shot”

With such an immprovement, Cannons would be alot more useful to defend something, because they wouldn’t be able anymore to destroy them so quickly and players which control them would be able to heal themself and sustain better AoE damage with increased defense and max health and life leechign shots, that reward again good targeting and hit lots of enemies at once, while the two new shots would definetely help in defending alot.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Applied Fortitude and Strength to be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Food should have really never existed in WvW. food should have been from the begin of this game on already just a PvE only mechanics, just exactly how food worked in GW1.
If Anet would make Food finally PvE only too, then we could see alot more useful and better universal usable food, than we currently have, without that ANet would have to worry about screwing up WvW with it, what the condition duration foods alone do already!!

The trait buffs should stay as part of WvW Character Progression, ANet should just lower the required amounts of rank points to get them for your characters accountwide from 230 to 150.
150 ranks are NOTHING, if anyone says somethign different, that person muts not be clear in his/her head anymore.
With all the WXP Buffs that you can get plus using laurels and badges of honour to quickly buy you also ranks, you get to 150 in no time, if you play and run around in EotM running for some hours in circles in a Karma Train Zerg and claiming towers and keeps non stop, overwhelming smaller zergs and getting tons of kills with alot of Wxp from that way also too and every now and then killign all aethers in the middle which are quickly overwelmend also by a k-train.
Then theres also the wxp bonuses you get from dailies which add also daily easily a bonus of like 1000+ Wxp. Basically every 5 days 1 free rank up. Over a year thats 72 free rank ups just to say maximum if you do the dailies every day.
For active players a nice little side bonus.

If its just the mechanic, how Anet falsely described it to work in the Germen patchnotes, everythign would be perfectly fine.
Anet would have simplified the way how you get these effects, so that newer players can get them easier and become quicker on par with veterans, everyone would have not to worry anymore about putting the first 230 points just into the npc traits, cause you would simply unlock those buff effects generalyl after getting rank 50 and rank 150, regardless of where you have spent your points into.

You could say for example just put the first 50 ranks all into ram mastery first and at rank 50 you would get Applied Strength, even if you have no single point in the npc trait that raises attack power agaisnt guard npcs…
Same with appllied fortitude.. you get it automatically at rank 150, even if you would have until this point no single point put into the trait line that increases your defense agaisnt guard npcs.

Thats how it should work and it woudl solve this way all problems!
Especially if ANet owuld finalls remove foods and potions from WvW and with the change of the borderland maps get the shrines changes, so that theres no stat bonus from shrines also anymore.
Then would be WvW alot more balanced as far balance goes for this game mode.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I don’t need to play GW to know how the concepts of Guardian and dragons can coalesce into a cohesive, plausible elite spec. Opening a book on legends and myths does that for me already.

Just that books of legends and myths don’t make fitting gameplay concepts that stand in context with what has been already created by ANet.

It just shows how stubborn you try to hang on your personal vision of what a “knight” is for you. It makes you blind to not realize that Anet simply tries here to mix and match too many concepts into 1 elite specialization, that have nothign to do with each other and there exists also no singly book of legends of myths, which says otherwise.

There exist no legends, myths or any fairytales about knights, that used bows and traps.
A knight uses mainly only swords, shields and when riding polearm weapons like halberds/lances. Thats the classical knight!

The only reference that fits here to knights basing on your arguments is, that knights are the classical “dragonslayers” in alot of legends/myths or are seen as those, who are only able to defeat dragons, because thats it what those legends/myths and fantasy fairytales classically want us to believe how it should be.
There are no legends or so about any thieves, mages or simple hunters which slayed dragons – no, it are always the radiant white knights in their pretty and strong armors wielding swords and large tower shields (which they needed to survive a breath attack of a dragon without getting to be scorched crisp!!)

There are also no legends or myths about witchhunters, that hunted any dragons.
Its just the reference of Anet they used for the concept of turning the Guardian Elite Specialization into a much more offensive gameplay thats not as much about defending, like a Guardian, but more about seeking and destroying evil things, like a Witchhunter.

As like said, theres no point in discussing any further with you, you won’t convince anyone here with your real world legend and myth references and your personal view about what knights are, when you even have no clues about GW lore and even admitted it, that you aren’t aware of it.
It exist no knights at all in the whole lore of the game and all what you see in the Guardian is just only your personal vision/wish of them being GW2’s knights, due to their “virtues”

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 2:

And the best witchhunter themed gameplay related guardian elite specialization name, that uses bows and traps, is overzealous like a witchhunter is in the end either:

  • Inquisitor
  • Seeker
  • Justiciar

ANet just needs now to choose out, what of thoese 3 overzealous profession names “they” like the most, if they self want to decide it, or they just take the name, which the community votes via a poll and which got the most votes.
So simple.

Theres no need to discuss things over nearly 40 pages now, what could be decided so easily by Anet.
I think, if this thread has proven just one thing, then it is that the majority of the community over all communication panels, be it forums, blogs, twitch ect., FB, twitter ect. show, that they heavily dislike the name, cause it doesn’t suit to the naming standard that we all know from ANet.

That ANet has no problems with taking names, that are taken somewhere else already and are also part of GW1 lore (see Grenth and the 7 Reapers) has proven the Reaper.
For the lazy, I will show the lore link:

There is no further point in whiteknighting here any longer over the Dragonhunter.
It won’t convince those, that heavily dislke the DH name, it leads only into obsolete fruitless page long discussions that end into offtopic …

All what we want – those that dislike DH – is, that the elite specialization receives like the Chronomancer and the Reaper a design, that is of the same quality and senseful thought process. That the guardian elite spec is in its whole gameplay design so consistent and depthful of context, just as like the other presented Elite Specializations which provide also names, that suit to the main class which they originate from, without looking like weird unfitting surprise eggs which got forced to take too many different unfitting ingredients into the mix, because the dev whos responsible for that design, unlike that dev that was responsible for the design of the other 2 elite specs forcefuly wants to put upon all of us his mary sue elite spec of a zealous dragon hunting witchhunter-guardian that uses bows and traps and sees this task as a kind of big game hunting >.< /facepalm

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Can’t answer you unfortunately, I’m not aware of GW lore. As far as I know, there is Dragons and knightly characters there as well so I don’t see any inconsistency if that’s the case.

Part 1:
Seriously, you’re making such a huge fuss here over lots of pages and you actually don’t know what you talking about, because you admitted right now, that you have no clues about GW lore?? Have you even played GW1 before???


Stop your ridiculous annoying persistent white knighting over something, about which you have no clues at all, because all your references are coming only from real world mythologies and your personal vision about what a “knight” means to you personally.
Your associating only that “vision” of a knight into Guardians, because their game design fits the most to what you envision into “knights” due to their “virtues”, despite guardians having nothing at all to do with knights mechanics wise.

There exist no knights in the lore of guild wars, heck there exist in lore only horses, but in the whole game GW1 until today we saw never anywhere at all a knight riding on something that looks like a mount, be it a horse, be it some kind of mystical creature like big moas in Chocobo-Style or whatever…
And that hasn’t changed yet despite the huge demand for playable mounts since GW1.

As long Anet doesn’t give Guardians an Elite Specialization, thats called “Knight”, there officially exist no knights at all in the whole game lore and mechanics so far …

Dragonhunters are no nights, were never knights and will never be knights.
Knights never fought, even if you take now on your real world and mythology references – never battled with traps and longbows, like some kind of hunter, and knights especially never ever had that kind of unfittign attitude to act as like they are some kind of over zealous mixture of witchhunters/ big game hutners.

Thats plain just big NONSENSE and whoever things, this mixtures fits well, mustn’t be able anymore to think very clear!! Or is such a kind of a person, who just justifies everythign with “its a fantasy game!”

Peopel here aren’t complaining over the game mechanics of this celite specialization.
Peopel here are solely only complaining over the huge inconsistencies and unfitting relationships that ANet put together, like trying to create some kind of mary suish chimera of mechanics and terms they pulled out of their mind boggling heads together in a kind of last minute meeting with the result being a name, thats so far out of context from the whole gameplay, that one can just only cringe everytime when looking at the name that resulted from this meeting and it makes you even more cringe at the fact, that ANet tryed even really to sell this out of context junk as something, that is out of our imagination to grasp, calling it a “high concept”, when its in fact nothing but:

Guardian + Witchhunter Zealotry + Big Game Hunter Theme + Bow + Traps = Dragonhunter.

You know, Guardian + Witchunter Zeatrory fits very well, alone this concept is good enough to come up with enough fitting name terms for a good guardian elite specialization, that stands in context with its main class from which it is originating.
The inconsistancy and out of context stuff just begins, once Anet putted the big game hunter reference and the dragon reference to that concept, there it starts to become too much.

Anet simply tried to put too many different concepts into 1 elite specialization, which have nothign to do with each other, yeah even clearly contradict each other, because a witchhunter is no big game hunter, and both have nothing to do with dragons, especially not the witchhunter >.>
The Dragonhunter is like a real bad surprise egg, just with too much ingredients.
Anet needs to remove the bad ingredients, which simply are too much and rename whats left accordingly to what fits to that result.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside