For the games sake, please rename it finally.
Don’t you realize Anet, what kitten you have at your front door thanks to this childish unfitting name that is absolutely not “high concept” at all, what was like even putting oil into the fire, that unthought out comment from Jon …
We provided so far together as community more than enough good alternatives, which would basically get all accepted.
All you have to do now is choosing out one of those options that you think, fits best for your design and change appropiately to that rename the traits and skill names so that do get into line with the new elite specialization name hand in hand.
The community so far has 3 strong names most people are referring to as “best” rename candidates
- Sentinel
- Seeker
- Arbiter
Due to Sentinel being alrerady given as name in the game for Charr NPCs and Arbiters being too much into the face of being “judges” which thing of thenmself like being rulers with power over everythign to decide, which is in my opinion not “mature and suble nuanced”, like Jon would basically say for sure, this leaves open personally just Seeker as the most best option, which would fit the most th the trap gamplay, would fit most to the holy/justice driven concept and design of the elite specialization, which would fit most to the bow weapon (please change it to shortbow with trait range expander, warriors already have longbows!!) and Seekers fit the most to the whole theme and comparison to witchhunters as sacred hunters, which agitate from the backline to support their allies to seek for justice, finding the truth to punish all who are guilty in their view and bringing back order to Tyria by getting rid of the Elder Dragons
Seekers are the perfect Elite Specialization for Guardians who changed their Path of Life from being protecting the ones they love via only their virtues to a more offensive Path of Life, protecting the ones they love far more proactively by being those, who search and destroy those, that might be a harm, before they become a dangerous threat and before situations become too late and escalate, where you can only protect liek a guardian only to reduce the harm as good as possible.
Guardians by their mentality are persons, which wait until the threat is there and comes at them.
Seekers are the other way around, they search and destroy the threat, before the threat had a chance to do it first.
in brief:
1) Make Dungeons in general persistant multi floored Zones, this kind if 5 person design makes Dungeons quickly boring. Dungeons need Dynamic Events.
2) Improve significantly constantly the Dungeon Rewards and stop treatiing Dungeons as like some kind of unwanted Stepchild that is not worth it to be improved
3) Add Zelda like Solo-Dungeons to GW2
4) Add instanced Dungeon Crawlers to GW2 that are progressively more rewarding, like Fractals
5) Bring back all of the old GW1 Dungeons
5 Things that need to be done to make Dungeons more attractive:
1) Improve the Reward, there need to be alot more interesting this in the reward options for Dungeon Tokens, including more dungeon specific weapon/armro sets for ascended equipment to make GW2 again a bit more Alt Friendly. Minipets, Toys, Personal Instance Stuff ect. pp and there needs to be more interesting rewards for Dungeons, that people permanently want to get, because of it beign no kind of “one time needed/unlock” only rewards.
So there need to be also dungeon specific Materials that you need for all kinds of stuff like new craftign materials for cooking recipes, potions, and so on
2) Dungeosn need to get redesigned from scratch ,away from the silly Path Design Style and back to how Dungeons worked in GW1 as large multi floored dungeons, with the difference, that Dungeons should be here in GW2 for exploration persistant zones that are designed more like raid content.
3) Bring back the old GW1 Dungeons, they should still all exist and be exlorable in GW2 too.
4) Add more depth to Dungeosn by addign for all Dungeosn also a “Solo Mode”, where players are able in special instances to explore the Dungeons alone in a kind of “Zelda Dungeon Style” with riddles, traps, boss monsters, tresure chests to be found in hidden spots and so on and alot of interactive tools with that you interact actively in the dungeons with to solve those traps, riddles and find the thigns that you need to progress in those dungeons to get to the boss at the end that you need to fight solo in a challenging battle.
5) Add as another new feature “Dungeon Crawls” as another raid content type to the game, so that we find in the game also special dungeons that are instanced like how dungeons work currently but are everytime you enter them DIFFERENT and become more and more challenging so more you progress in them, but become also more rewarding so more you progress in them. basically Dungeons with a kind of Fractals Gameplay.
If ANet would do this, then the Dungeon part of this game woudl be again somwhat of attractive and alot better, that what we have now.
The only thing for what Dungeosn are good for currently is making only some quick gold and getting easy your first exotic armor set, but after that, and especially after you collected all skins, got perhaps even dungeon, if not already done via pvp, dungeons have after that basically 0 appeal at all.
@ Gomes:
That Vigil Rank should get simply renamed, because its translation is already unfitting to the English origin, because its false translated, the correct English Word für “Recke” translated back would be “Valiant” or “Champion” or simply Warrior/Knight even, but in this case I would prefer Valiant.
The german word Kreuzfahrer would be the best translation, because Kreuzfahrer has no religious context, unlike Kreuzritter.
A Kreuzfahrer, is someone, who simply does things in his live, because of his faith in something.
A Kreuzritter instead is somebody, who does thigns in his live out of religious motives out of his believe, which must not be even his own personal motives, but rather those of a higher standing religious organization, like the church. They are those, which get send out by the church to battle for it in their “Holy Wars”
A Kreuzfahrer instead travels the world to do righteous things out of his faith. Sure, you could see them basically also as “participants” of crusades and thus call them Kreuzritter, but a Kreuzfahrer would participate in a crusade out of different motives, than a Kreuzritter would do. Theres a reason in it, why both words exist and why crusader doesn’t get translated only into Kreuzritter.
There is more meaning behind Kreuzfahrer, than just only being someone with christian faith, who goes fighting for the church for it in “holy wars”.
Kreuzfahrer has nothing to do with the cross of the christian church directly as much, as like a Kreuzritter does, or would you call everyone who travels around on a ship as knights that are going to particpate in a holy war??? (auf Kreuzfahrt sein)
It would have to do more with traveling criss-cross around the world searching for faith and doing things in the name of your faith, which must not be particulary the same faith of any religious organizations andm ust not mean anything like being part of holy wars. Kreuzfahrer in this case is a much more mature and subtle way of defining basically righteous defender, who fights for his own personal beliefs and searches for tests of faith to overcome them all around the world of Tyria in this case.
About templar I can say to you only, and others which think the same. people should stop taking names only out of religious context from real life.
only because GW2 could have a class called Templar, doesn’t mean that it must have automatically somethign to do with any real life religions.
Thats also the reason, why we had in GW1 classes like the Monk or the Dervish
A Templar in Tyria must not be, what a templar was for us in real life.
A Templar in GW2 could be simply a Temple Guardian (and in Tyria surely exist also Temples and Shrines and why are you so sure about it, that there exist no temples in HoT, are you a fortuneteller, can you predict that so surely without even knowing the full content of HoT at all?? Interesting!! Can you please tell me the lotto numbers for next week too?)
Seeker fits the most best, it correlates the most best to the ranger gameplay elements of the elite specialization and the bow weapon (despite me preferring shortbows simply with range increasing trait for them over the longbow, cause warriors have already longbows!!) In German the best translation for Seeker would be “Verfolger” – im Sinne von Verfolger der Gerechtigkeit/Wahrheit/Ordnung, jemand der also alles tut, kitten diese 3 Dinge herrschen in Tyria, sieh es praktisch als Tyria’s Polizei an- Sucher dagegen klingt blöd und hat kein Kontext zum Gameplay und Lore-Hintergrund^^)
Justiciar is just an alternative for Seeker, but I would have no problems with it, if Anet keeps this term back for other purposes, like bringing back the White Mantle somewhen. Justiciars are simply a more fanatic kind of version of Seekers or could be seen as a higher rank of them when you take the aspect of fanatism away in regard of making it a palyable elite specialization.
Hmm, about Patron thats convincing, I forgot Latin here. But the translated German word could be seen basically for example as gender neutral > Schutzherr/herrin.
I think this should work with other languages too.
Warden would fit to the Trap Gameplay, when you think of the traps as magical “Wards” that protect in an agressive way.
Also Offense is the best Defense and that would be simply the motto of a Warden.
And if ANet renames the NPC Sylvari Wardens to Preservers, everything is fine and fitting.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
The system could definitely be simplified. There is currently a lot of duplication between the two. For example might vs vulnerability. Protection vs weakness, etc.
I would prefer they remove the duplication, and then spread them more sparsely between the classes.
ATM everyone has too much access to everything.
Yeah, thats exactly kind of what was my feeling too why I made this thread up.
I simpyl think, if there would be a bit lesser boons and conditions in this game, therefore longer durations and lesser options to strip and remove them so unbelieveable easy, then boons and conditions would feel more important.
But if you can remove all boons/conditions in a matter of seconds instantly again after you got them, then this waters down the importancy of boons/conditions to near uselessness and forces you practically to spam a heckload of boons/conditions in the right order just to cover those boons/conditions up that you don’t want to get stripped/removed immediately.
I know HoT will bring improvements to the Condition System, but I’m unsure, if they will be of very great effect, where merging boons and conditions definetely would have a greater effect for game performance especially, when there is lesser boons/conditions at the same time to calculate for the game.
When Boons/Conditions get merged, there is no problem with it, that for the merge the individual effects get slightly nerfed due to the boons and conditions having after the merge more effects at the same time.
Rejuvenation: For the merge of Regeneration and Protection, Anet could reduce the Damage Reduction from 33% to 25% and slightly reduce the amount of Health that Regeneration heals per tick by say 10%
Valiantness could be changed, that instead of 20% Crit Rate Chance +, you get only 15 or 10%. (would solve also the way too easy 100% crit rate builds)
Agility could be solved by reducing the Endurance Regen Bonus from 100% to say 75%
Alacrity could be solved by reducing a bit the percentage of the Skill Recharge Speed Bonus, therefore that it gets also a counterpart bonus effect to counter Might (which is somethign that should have been existign from release day on imo for Game balance sake, that theres a boon that increases also toughness/healign power – one reason why berserker is meta, cause defense builds can’t be really tough to beat cause theres no way to significantly boost your defense and healing power with a boon, liek you can significantly boost your DPS with Might
that are the only boon merges, where I think, some changes would be needed for game balance.
On the condition side:
The new weakness should be balanced by reducing simple the max stack from 25 to 15
The new cripple would be balanced by takign the golden middle from both. 50% movement speed reduction, slightly reduced skill recharge slowness %
Hallocination would be simply balanced by reducign the heal reduction from 33% to 25% and reducing the max stack from 25 to 15.
The new Bleeding and woudl be simply balanced also by reducing the max stack from 25 to 15 and slightly reduce the damage factor per stacking..torment basically is already bleeding, onlythat it does full bleeding damage when you move around.
ALso think about it, reducign now the amount of boons and conditions would create NEW space for the upcoming Elite Specializations to brign into the game some completely new unique boons and conditions and I’m pretty sure, that we might see in the future with the upcoming Elite specializations alot more boons and conditions.
So its in my humple opinion just a matter of time, when Anet actually NEEDS to reduce the amount of boons/conditions via merges, so that they simply don’t become way too much and in my honest opinion, we have reached the state already of having too much boons/conditions, because they simply can be applied way too much and too fast, before you have with your strips and removals even a chance to get them all way, even by the fact that you can simply remove/stip any boon/condition and not only mostly specific ones.
The Chonomancer adds with HoT a new Boon and Condition
With HoT we will see another new general Boon with Resistance being added
There are still 7 Elite Specializations to be presented, which can add even more on top of that with HoT and that was just then the first set of Elite Specializations.
We will see alot more of them in the future so that we wil lsee alot more build variety andthis will automatically surely bring in also more new boons and conditions.
I also think its easier to balance the game with some boons and conditions being merged. Condition Spam in PvP/WvW is simply out of control and in PvE is currently nearly useless and thats the point, where HoT will solve problems.
But I don’t see, where Anet will solve problems in the future with too much boons/conditions for PvP/WvW especially …
This game needs a rework of the Condition System
Too much damage dealing conditions that can be stacked and be used together at the same time.
On the other hand are conditions way too easy to remove.
Same counts for Boons.. too many and should last longer to be more effective.
ANet should reduce the amount of Conditions through merging some together.
They should remove from certain professions a bit their heavy abilities to remove quickly tons of conditions, so that conditions can be more useful. Condition removal skills should be useful only against specific conditions, not agaisnt all. makes removign conditioons way too simple.
Same for boon stipping. these skills shoudl be able to strip only specific boons, not all types, so that its easier to balance boon strip builds.
Boons that should get merged:
Might +Fury = Valiantness
Regeneration + Protection = Rejuvenation
Swiftness + Vigor = Agility
Quickness + Aegis = Promptness
Alacrity + New Boon Effect* = Alacrity
Stability + Resistance = Resistance
*One that works as counterpart of Might and increases Toughness/Healing Power
Then we would have just 6 Boons, which is more than enough.
About Conditions, it shoudl be done like this:
Weakness + Vulnerability = Weakness
Cripple + Chill = Cripple
Bleeding + Torment = Bleeding
Poison + Confusion = Hallucination
Petrification (becomes the new Immobilize)
Stun becomes a new Condition with different effect, no Hard CC anymore, Daze gets removed/replaced with Stun. = When being Stunned, your attacks have a chance of being interruptable when you get hit and skills need longer time to activate.
Immobilize gets removed, for that are Stuns there, make Stun a Condition that works like Immobilize, as Hard CC work then just only Knockdowns and Fear, Fear gets by this means removed also as Condition and thus can be removed then only via a Stun Breaker. that wy we would have 5 obsolete conditions lesser in regard of the amount of conditions
What do you think of it, would it be worth trying to rebalance the game by merging Boons and Conditions and making both in their durations more effective and not so easy to remove by reducing the amount of especially Condition removals in this Game?
Would you believe, that the Condition System would then be better.
Also in regard of game performance it would be better, because so more conditions and boons there are, so more has the server to calculate and loses performance.
I think we will reach soon the spot, where it becomes necessary that ANet makes so more drastical changes to the Boon and Condition System, before they become simply too much for the game. What do you think? Do you share that opinion, or do you think everythign about that amount is fine and perhaps would even like to see even more conditons/boons in GW2???
As I Thief, I view other Classes liek this:
Rangers: Overpowered walking Gatling Guns, especially when paired together with Greatswords and a CC pet on their Side that revives them way too good when downed, especially underwater.
Warriors: Overpowered Perma Health Regenerators that are way too good in fleeing like a lightning fast marathon runner in their HEAVY ARMORS. Enough said.
Guardians: Overpowered Bunkers
Elementalists: Super Overpowered Bunkers which are able to deal way too much Damage therefore that their main goal as Bunker is to survive as a high defensive build, but they are still under that build able to dish out tremendous damage, have way too good condie cleanse, cc especially and can rotate their crap basically nonstant, because attunements can be changed way too fast. Exhaustion needs to return to put Elementalists back in line and make them think first, when they shoudl change Elements. this attunement spam needs to get stopped. positioning and Tactical Attunement Changing, thats what this class needs and not Attnumene Elemental Cycle Spamming by beign super tanky bunkers also at the same time.
And if they shoudl be able to switch so fast between elements, then they shouldt be able to be su super tanky anymore. Eles need to decide between beign slower and supoer tanky, or being very versatile and quick in elemental switching, but beign therefore not super tanky anymore at the SAME TIME.
Engineers: Way to overpowered Condition/CC Spammers in 1v1 situations. Absolutely annoying with tons of Turrets at the same tome
Necromancers: Overpowered Condition Spammers in 1v1 situations.
Mesmers: Overpowered Condition Spammers in 1v1 situatuations, Overpowered Greatsword Skill/Damage/Range/Phantasms
Thieves: Annoying to fight agaisnt as peep when you are self a thief, far more annoying, than when you fight as a different profession agaisnt them. Especiaslyl when both use the same builds …
They can rename anything of this game whenever they want, the point is only, it becomes more ressourceful and time consuming, once a term or a name has been already used so depthfully in the development of this game – in this case HoT in regard of texts and especially voice acting, that if this has been already done and recorded all, then it will be all not so easy anymore to rename things without having bigger efforts of cleaning that mess up afterwards.
If its just only texts that need to be renamed, thats absolutely no problem at all and can be done also quickly later with the help of alot of willing people that send daily the localization teams lots of things, what needs to be corrected, or better locoalized and so on.. thats then the job of the localizers and text editors ect. do rename these things in the text codes.
A bit more time consuming is redesigning several skill effects/traits and maybe combat shouts, but however, HoT is still in development and correcting these things shouldn’t hold them up too much, when in fact changing this stuff is more than worthy to have at the end a much better high quality product with fitting profession names, that are all of the same quality and congruency level as like the Chronomancer for the Mesmer.
@ phys: You are wrong, there is one > Seeker. And Inquisitors aren’t about religion, they are about faith as a general virtue that is more integral for them as like for a normal guardian.
They are so faithful about being the right hands of justice that they would do just everything that is possible for them to ensure to guarantee right and order in Tyria.
Their faith is it, that they are the only ones, that are capable for doing this with a relentless zealotry.
However, I share your opinion, that Inquisitor doesn’t fit as good to the ranger like trap gameplay, as much as good as like Seekers would fit much better for that part of the design.
I will just repeat myself extra for that comparison and for food for thought here for some people.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Or why not Dragon Slayer?
Dragon’s Bane
Wyrm Hunter
Wyrm Slayer
Not sure if this here is meant serious, or if it is blatantly trolling ….
But based on your post before, I guess rather its trolling …
ANet should simply rename it to either
- Seeker (this fits imo the most best, because it perfectly blends in with the ranger gameplay aspects, because there was also already a ranger Skill in GW1 called Seeking Arrows)
- Justiciar
- Inquisitor
- Exorcist
Thats by far the most fittign options for sublte “mature” professions that are extremely righteous about what they do and about what they think needs to be punished.
3 of them could be basically be seen as “Tyrias Police” , while the Exorcist is the most mature and fitting abbreviation basically for a “Demon/Witch Hunter” while the other 3 can be seen basically as the police of Tyria, which hutn down criminals, evil creatures of all sorts and hunt them down to catch and arrest them to punish them for what sins they did.
Seeker is in my humble opinion followed by Inquisitor the most best fitting option.
Yes, there the asuran Inquest, but I do see them more like fanatic Justiciars other then Inquisitors that are zealous about bringing relentlessly justice to Tyria.
They see in their fanatism only what is “right” for them.
However, Justiciar seen in our PoV would that way fit naturally also, when Guardians just simpyl take their zeal to the next never of fanatism about having to ensure that right and order gets to be ensured by their very own hands.
Seekers of Truth, Seekers of Justice, Seekers of Order
Thats what the whole gameplay design of the Guardian Elite Specialization stands for the most and they pursue their path of integrity by relentlessly chasing down anything and anyone, who stands against that virtue of them.
A Seeker is a disciple of justice who sets justices above everything on first place.
They are so zealous about it, they they simply can’t sit still when anythign in their near happens that is unjustly for them and they instantly act as arbiters and try if needed to find out the truth, who is guilty and who is not.
Thats a Seeker, the perfect Elite Specialization for a Guardian of Justice.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
@ gaile/moderator.
You created now 2 Name feedback Merge Threads, just to mention.
Here is the other one:
ANet shouldn’t have renamed Traits..
They should have stay with Traits and Specializations where Specializations would be basically, what is called now "Elite Specialization)
That elite in there is somehwat obsolete, kjust to make a difference between them and the “Core” Specializations which should simply be kept as Traits to make it lesser confusing and easier understandable.
So far do are Elite Specializations just mostly underwelming, because Anet doesn’t make use of the full potential from that system, what they could do make with it what players like especially me would expect from Sub Classes.
We need for that to see unique new Elite Specializations, which add completely new weapon types into the game like Halberds, Whips, Great Axes, Crossbows, Claws and Quarterstaffs together with completely new Gameplay Mechanics and Utility Skill Types to happen first – only then will ANet make full usage of the potential behind the Elite Specialization System, what will truly feel like ANet is giving us Sub classes and not just only rehashed Class Merges of Gameplay Mechanics from other already classes, which seems to be the clear way how Anet is doing the first set of Elite Specializations now.
Chronomancer = Mesmers + Necromancer Well Mechanic
“Seeker” (I boycott its real name) = Guardian + Thief Trap Mechanic
Tempest = Elementalist + Ranger Spirit Mechanic
Druid = Ranger + Elementalist Glyph Mechanic
(Pioneer)= Engineer + Mesmer Minion Mechanic (Drones as mobile Turrets)
(Reaper) = Necromancer + General Shout Mechanic
(Mercenary) = Warrior + Rev Something
(Ritualist) = Revenant + Guardian Spirit Weapon/Tome Mechanic.
Next set is then just hopefully Class + New Weapon Type/ SKill Mechanic.
Then is Anet making usage of the full potential behind the system only.
What we see here so far is just the “safe route” of the beginning where ANet basically can just take from the assests from the existign classes and where they safely play only the mix and match way of creating elite specializations fro mwhat is already there.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Patron is gender-specific. Matron is the feminine form.
Gender specific would it be, if only Patrons would exist.
Compare this with Valkyrie, where they exist clearly only as females. There exist no male Valkyries in the form of “Valkyrs”. This word simply doesn’t exist and thats the big difference between Patron/Matron and Valkyrie, where Valkyries are truly gender specific as its a term, which simply exists only for females.
You can’t say here, there exists a male version form of the word valkyrie by just exchanging the first letter from Valkyrie into say for example a P and call it Palkyrie to let that be the male version. Simply doesn’t work this way.
A Matron by definition is also something completely different, than a Patron.
So I say you are incorrect here, because both words have nothingto do with each other, despite sounding very similar up to 1 letter at the beginning.
But nice try :P
PS: and those 4 compromises there above are even tons of times more terrible, than the original >.>
PPS: Mordeus exactly gets it right
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Part 2:
When you want to make Justice = Erase all Dragons the principle of the Elite Specialization, I must disagree with you, because that principle does work also with generic or tyrian fantasy names that aren’t of “high concept”
However, I don’t understand what about something like this “high concept” is at all about.
For me is naming things, that have no contextual connection to its origin and sharing just with each other only a few mechanics just “Low Concept” of poor creativity/quality.
A good counter example to that is the Chronomancer, because there fits simply everything out of mechanics and context perfectly together. Yes, its a made up word, one may argue here now, but its in the MMO Genre a rather uncommon used fantasy term thats widely accepted as a synonym for time mages mostly due to Offline RPGs already like the Final Fantasy Series which mostly likely will be the game where most people get the concept from time magic, as that game series is one of the most well known ones for having also Chronomancers basically wioth that alot of people of the current generations grew up with.
The point is, and thats where I simply can’t get an answer on, what is something only you Devs could answers:
What is the problem with giving the Guardian Elite Specialization a more generic/tyrian fantasy based name, that doesn#t sound like a generic title, but is at the same time in the MMO Genre so uncommonly used, that ANet could easily turn it into something unique, thats helps to push this game further into a direction of providing more fun and different unque experiences with fitting catchy names still, that you mostly never saw before being used in any other MMOG before?
Do you know any MMOG so far out there, that has a playable Seeker/Justiciar/Inquisitor Profession?
I know of just only 1 MMO in development, that will get to see a “Seeker” Class, but that will be somehing totally different of what GW2 would have, thus our version would still be 100% unique then and a completely different playstyle experience.
I’m speaking of Dragons Dogma Online, where the “Strider” will be basically get renamed for that game from the Offline Version to “Seeker” in the MMO, but gameplay won’t change very much, they will still be a very nimble class thats using lots of strings and acrobatic moves, than being a heavy armored kind of light magic archer.
Thats where I basically have my inspiration from as I was the first here, who suggested that name as a rename option, where most others prefered the Arbiter early here.
Naming the Elite Spec something like Seeker, Justiciar or inquisitor woudl make the Elite Spec not more mature? Are you serious? Do you reeally believe such an total out of context name makes the guardian Elite Specialization do look in any way more “mature”?
Seriously, if thats it what was the mere intention, then you failed very hard at this goal, because in my opinion you just reached the complete opposite thing with that name, than what was intentioned with it.
Why? Because this name simply comes over like from the mind of a 10 year old CHILD that can’t think very good in contexts and just decides rather things over, what sounds “cooler”, than what sounds “more mature and appropiate”.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Part 1:
@ Jon Peters
And what do you guys make, if the majority of the community simply doesn’t like “high concept” names that stand completely out of context from the original class?
I can naturally speak only for myself, but that massive reaction on the name here in my opinion speaks for itself.
What if it is more than enough for mostly everyone to have just generic and tyrian fantasy in GW2 to make the result look as congruent with each other as possible?
First I want to thank you, that you are the first who breaks the ice and says something about the name here.
However, don’t you think something like a Seeker, or a Justiciar, or an Inquisitor could have worked also too in regard of your “Witch Hunter” vision without that the name totally alienates with the origin of the Guardian to make it forcefully look like something completely different that acts more aggressively out of a sudden???
All options of proper alternatives like Seeker, Justiciar, Inquisitior, Crusader, Templar, Arbiter would have been also all very well functionizing as very subtle nuanced versions of a Guardian, that could give the player the feeling of providing a more aggressive orientated playstyle, but without losing actually it’s context to the Guardian as much as like the Dragonhunter, where it’s complete design is somewhat incongruent with all parts of it in itself together with that unfitting name, that in itself it is practically a bad grammared violation against your own naming schemes so far just to make it look more fitting into the list and not being visually that much of a black sheep under white ones by letting it be a dragonhunter and not how it would be correct basically a dragon hunter.
Heck, I could even live with something simple as like just “Hunter” (that way it sounds again more like a profession and not like a generic title that everyone has by default basically), if there would be a good and understandable lore reason behind all of this which explains this.
Normally I would expect something like Hunter under the possible Ranger Elite Specs…
Dude A to Dude B: Hey, what is your Speciality?
Dude B: Me? Oh I’m a Dragonhunter!
Dude A: Oh, cool, me too!!
Dude B: Oh really? But you look more like a Scholar in Pyromancy. Are you sure you’re not an Elementalist?
Dude A: Oh yes, I’m an Elementalist who killed already tons of thousands of Dragon Minions. So this makes be an absolute Pro Dragonhunter! I’m famous for that you know? – this title spreads around faster than I can walk! What was again your Speciality?
Dude B: /facepalm Forget it …
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Part 2:
Weapon Skills
True Shot > Arrow of Truth
True Shot sounds so cheesy and lets you automatically question yoursel,f how a shot can be anyhow true, or not true, but an Arrow of Truth, that actually sounds more compelling, for an shot arrow, that shows your true potential and it could give potentially the chance to let this attack also reveal targets maybe..just a thought.
Hunter’s Ward > Heaven’s Punishment
Just to get that unfittign hunter reference out and giving that skill for its animation a much nicer sounding fitting name that suits to the prison effect that comes from the heaven punishing the foes that get struck by the arrows
Symbol of Energy > Symbolic Arc
Imo a much better fitting name for a skill thats define as an arrow shot in an arc to creat at its point of impact a symbol.
Deflecting Shot > Forcefield Shot/ Deflector Arrow
Verbic skill names always sound so dull. Skill that don’t sound like based on verbs sound much better in my opinions, but I guess, heres thats just a matter of taste ands thats how I do prefer skill names to be.
Puncture Shot > Seeking Arrows
I find this way the autoattack does fit alow better in combo with the rename of the Skill. In fact, its also bonded with nostalgia as there was a GW1 skill named after this
It would find its way back into GW2 as Auto Attack Skill for the Seeker this way.
Piercing Light > Punishing Light
Hunter’s Determination > Determination of the Watcher
fits simply alot better for a Seeker, who watches very determined to find the right moment to brign justice upon all sinners that need to be punished.
Hunter’s Fortification > Harbinger of Justice
Heavy Light > Radiant Light
The light is not heavy /facepalm, its so radiant and bright, that it blinds foes, so that they retreat by stepping back to get out of that bright light.
Big Game Hunter > Manacles for the Sinners
Suits better for a sinner under chains to get manacles on also to punish them even more for their sins
Pure of Sight
Add to this Specialization also a Range Increase from 900 to 1200 for Shortbows.
Et voila, we would have a long range guardian elite spec, without the need to give them Longbows and that simply with the help of Specializations!! Brilliant, no???
Seriously, can’t believe, that Anet didn’t get on that simple idea as it looks …
Part 1:
After having seen the stream, these are the things that I would rename/change, before its to late to let that thign ruin the game with its unfitting immersion breaking design thats completely out of any guardian related context, but shares only parts of its gameplay…
Name: Drahonhunter to Seeker
Weapon: Longbow to Shortbow (seriously, we don’t need another heavy armored Longbow User, we already have the Warrior, if you want to give Guardians a long range weapons, thats also easily possible with a Shortbow and Traits, that increase the range of the Shortbow for them due to using magical light arrows that can be shot on longer distances due to flying much faster than normal physical arrows that have also a weight and by that sre affected by gravity, which magical light arrows ARE NOT AFFECTED BY!!
Spear of Justice > Chains of Justice
Its whole animation looks more like hurling a piercing chain at foes, than a spear …
Keeps spears out of the game, until you bring finally Polearm Weapons to the Game and use them as part of another Guardian Elite Spec Weapon (Halberds which could be then thrown like Spears – and name underwater spears then Harpoons/Harpoon Guns > Bolt guns and merge Staffs with Tridents seriously, tridents are so obsolete as Weapon Category, when Staffs woudl do the job aswell underwater, but other topic)!!
Wings of Resolve > Remove the Wing Animation > Leap of Resolve
just keep the whole wannabe angel stuff out of the class design, it just doesn’t fit together at all with the Class Name, keep that for a kind of Patron Elite Spec that is far more a kind of sanctus style holy defender that could work like a kind of guardian angel using Shields as main hand weapon
Shield of Courage > Barrier of Courage
That animation has nothing to do with a shield basically, it looks far more like a protection barrier, some kind of energetic force field in front of you that just shields you and your allies behind it from attacks/projectiles
Change the Traps to “Wards”, the Guardian has ANYWAYS unlike Ranger/Thief no single Specialization at all ,which affects their heavy kitten CD times, so why not give them a Skill Type, thats UNIQUE for them and gets named “Wards”, or "Stigmas, or “Fields” or "Signs or “Banishments” (Exorcist? = one who fights against all evil with the power of light)
Fragment of Faith > Fragments of Trust
Simply would come over a bit more creative, together with Test of Faith and make it sound a bit more different also.
Procession of Blades > Blades of the Sinner
Would sound this way much cooller for a Skill uses by a relentless for justice striving Seeker to punish those who commited crimes with Blades of the Sinner to let them for for their sins that payback what they have done to themself letting them deal slightly lesser hits (in its current form its OP absolutely) and add instead for the reduce amount of hits the effect, that it gives conditions back to their souce, when this skil activates… So Necro spams me full with conditions, runs into my blades of the sinner and for every hit they deal, I lose conditions and spread them over to targets that are affected by blades of the sinner… this way this skill becomes more of a lifesaver, therefore that it deals lesser hits/damage and it would fit more to the theme of the elite spec of beign a Seeker that strives for justice.
LoJ is perfect, maybe the OP looking Vulnerability should get toned down. Yes its 1s, but instant 25% more damage does really look OP to me, especialyl when playec together with other total op burst professions that can spam too much bursts in too short time, like rangers with rapid fire, which add on top also too easily 25 stacks of vulnerability with much longer duration!!
Dragon’s Maw > redesign this skill completely with a different animation. In fact, it would be good, when their new elite is no trap like skill, its enough that their heal and utilities are all this mechanic, no need to make the elite one also too.
Make the Elite some kind of special unique Elite VIRTUE that could work as Signet basically like “Virtue of Faith” which on activation slows nearby foes and as passive gives the Seeker every now and then some seconds of Resistance and which can be given also onto allie,s like the original Guardian Gameplay, so that you have with their new elite skil lat least 1 skill that keepos the oldguardian virtue gameplay for their basically most strongest virtue – Faith.
And heres a concept for the Elite Spec with Tomes
The Mystic
Made once a concept about that which uses Esoteric Scrolls which seal some kind of mystical “forbidden” spells (could count as consecrations) while Tomes would count as “spirit weapons”, which aren’t books, that you hold in the hand, but instead big magical Grimoires that float in the air and make their spells alone when you command them to do them for you
Whould be also a nice way to bring back some kind of *mysticisms back from the Dervish, which was in my humble opinion the only part, that was awesome and unique about the Dervish.
The lore of the game also talks in regard of the priory of durmand about “Mystics”, but yet we have never seen one ….
So I propose that Guardian Elite Specialization that brings back Tomes as “Spirit Weapons” together with Esoteric Scrolls as Concecrations to use “Forbidden Mystic Forces” that are sealed away inside of them together with a “Stigma System” that works as “keys” to unseal the esoteric scrolls to unleash their forbidden mystic forces.
Thats a moment which you, as an enemy don’t want to see happening actually, because these powers are naturally not without a reason “forbidden” ….
However, my opinion on the Dragonhunter stays unchanged…
Rename it, please rename them to Seeker for example.
I find it stunning, that the devs lost absolutely no word about their terrible name in the stream and the huge turmoil about it in the forums, that so far no other name ever before created in this game so much, because of it beign so extremely unfitting and out of any guardian related context.
I would like to hear soon somethign of the devs about all this turmoil that this immersion breaking name creates and what they think about possibly renaming it to somethign ,that fits alot better, sounds better and catchier for a profession that resembles its gameplay alot more a kind of warden that uses aggressive wards.. and heck why traps?? just only because Anet seems to generalize the utility skill types now among all professions instead of beign a bit more creative and giving those elite specy maybe for once also new utility types and not only copy pasted stuff from one class over to the others???
It would be actually a nice move of anet to make out of that name mess some kind of community poll similar to maybe how cutthrout politics worke,d so that we get some kind of ingame way to vote, gor how the class should get renamed.
Now it is still the time to rename things, before its to late and tons of textx ,voice actings and stuff would have to get changed if that unfitting name somehow finds place in these things in the story of HoT
PS: and if Necromancers should get tomes under a new elite spec, they would have instead of Grimoires big floating “Necronomicons” …
Reminds me on Secret o Mana by the way nostalgia T.T the game had enemies named Grimoire and Necronomicon, beign two macial books that uses all kinds of magic sells agains you.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
When they do that, its absolutely fine with me.
If not, then it must have had a reason and thats then also totally fine with me :P
Despite the Mega Thread being focused just only on Dragonhunters, this Thread can be seen basically for all Classes and their upcoming Elite Specializations but I chose just to talk about the Guardian one here for now, because its the most recent one, that created basically a peep storm like no other name in this game and I find it personally anstounding, that so far none of the Devs reacts on this, not even Gaile so far in the Mega Thread that they started today to make as the SS became quickly bigger and bigger
@ Mini: thx for the hint, adjusted the topic title.
PPS: my thread topic was clearly chosen to be a more philosophical question to make people in general think more about it, if what they have in mind actually does fit for what they suggest it for. Thats why i am also thankful for Minis hitn, because without that correction, this philosophical meaning would have been lost from the question.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
If I had to choose out of all proper names that are possible and do fit (this here was just only a small selection now), then I woudl choose Seeker
Its by far from all proper names the most fitting name for an on Guardian based Elite Specialization, that does fit the absolute most to their whole design based on the guardians theme, style, gameplay and class type.
Its even far more fitting, than Arbiter, because Seeker isn’t so right into the face about beign a kind of “Overlord” who judges over absolutely everything and has almighty power over everything to decide. Seeker is in that way alot more subtle, while still being the absolute most best option when it comes to proper names for an Elite Specialization of the Guardian, which is by design all about relentless justice
So an Elite Specialization, that is specialized about the Guardians Virtue of Justice basically and there fits nothing better, than a Seeker, who strives for bringing justice to Tyria and everyone who commits crimes in it to be the lands very zealous Judge, Executioner and Legeslative at once
@ Rage
Nonsense, I just kept it to 6 to make the thread not bigger, than necessary and to provide just enough options to clearly show, what proper profession names are and what clearly not proper profession names are…
There are more proper names out there but listing them all up here would have been too much now and not all of them, even when being proper names would fully fit to the Theme, Style and Gameplay of the Guardian and would alienate more people, despite being a proper name, or would have other different issues, like copyrights, no contextual connections ect.
Vindicator.. on first sight looks like a proper name, but if you go into the depths of the meaning of that word, it will quickly make you think its nont fitting for the Guardian, because its meaning has way too much to do with laws and we do play here a fantasy game and not a law and order simulator with judges and jurors ect.
Archon looks also right, but it totally lacks on the context to the Guardian, it has no bondign to it in any kind of way, absolutely no connection there.
Another good one is Inquisitor (also good alternative two for Seeker/Justiciar), but here I guess it would give maybe some kind of copyright issues maybe, so thats the reason why I didn’t listed it up … the other reason is, it sounds too similar to the Asuras’s Inquisition…
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Simple question, but lately it seems Anet has to have lost their creativity so much, that they became incompetent of creating proper class designs with fitting names – which is very sad.
I will show you here now in a DIRECT COMPARISON 6 Names that would work as proper Elite Specializations and 6 Names, which won’t do work as that.
First the 6 proper Names:
- Crusader
- Templar
- Seeker
- Justiciar
- Patron
- Warden (for that rename Sylvari NPC Wardens to Preservers)
Now the 6 names that totally aren’t proper names for professions/Elite Specializations
- Dragonhunter
- Lightbow
- Paragon
- Guardian Angel
- Valkyrie
- Witch Hunter
Do you see the difference? No ?
Then as said I’ll make some explanations:
Why does Crusader fit as a proper name and Dragonhunter does not?
- Because Crusader fits to the Theme, Style & Gameplay.
- Because it sounds like a gender neutral profession and not like a title.
- Because it also fits to the Class Type (Soldier, where Dragonhunter looks more like being Adventurers with supernatural powers in just heavy armor, its whole gameplay has nothing to do anymore with the Guardian, except for turning the Virtues now into manifestions of weapons and wings.
Why does Templar fit as a proper name and Lightbow does not?
- Because unlike Lightbow, Templar is no childish stupid made up word of just two English Words put together telling people, this is a profession. Templars, or “Temple Knights” to say are known for being a proper profession in real life just as like Crusaders.
- Because it also sounds like a gender neutral profession and not like just a title like Dragonhunter does.
- Because it also does to the shared Class Type of being a Soldier, because Templars actually do/did wear heavy armors.
Why does Seeker firt as a proper name and Paragon does not?
- Because Paragon is just a made up name like Lightbow, just with the difference, that this time its actually an existign English Word just simply turned into the meaning of beign a profession, when in fact it is not, a Seeker compared to that can bee seen as someone, who strives for justice and punishes those that do commit crimes, thus it actually does fit into the Theme, Style and Gameplay of the zealous Guardian.
Its a much better fitting name for a profession, than even Arbiter, because Seeker just stands out more for beign Judges, that follow and do everything possible to bring justice relentlessly to Tyria
Why does Justiciar fit as a proper name and Guardian Angel does not?
- See Seeker, Justiciar would be just a fittign alternative name for Seeker, just that Justiciar would have that kind of “fanatism” more behind it, for one, who fanatically seeks for justice, like being too zealous about beign tyrias police. Guardian Angel compared to that just sounds again totally made up and cheesy, like being made up from a small child that can’t think of anything more creative, because childs just priorize only in regard of names, if it sounds “cool enough” for them to like it, not if it actually is a proper name, cause, they simply don’t care about that, as long that name just sounds “cool”. Justiciar again just sounds compared to Seeker like being more sophisticated. If you take that fanatism aside, you coudl think of them also basically as like a kind of “Elite” among Seekers, like a higher rank .
Why does Patron fit as a proper name and Valkyrie does not?
- Because unlike Valkyrie atron may seem on first sight maybe like a made up word, but it is not, its just a short abbreviation of “Patron Saint” and thus it literally fits into the Theme, Style and gameplay of the Guardian as basically an improvement of them, a more poerwful and experienced version of them basically.
- Because its a gender neutral profession, unlike Valkyries, which are females only and also which stand completely ont of context from the whole game, because Valkyries are from a real life mythology, that doesn’t exist in this game at all, the whole word os so out of context of this game, that its mere existance in the game is basically already immersion breaking, that its really questionable, why ANet hasn#t already renamed the upgrade prefix to something more fitting.
Why does Warden fit as a proper name and Witch Hunter does not?
- because Warden does fit to the Theme, Style and Gameplay of the Guardian, while Witch Hunter does not.
- because it is no made up word like Witch Hunter that is made of two English Worjs just put simply together exactly like Dragonhunter, just with correct English grammar with a SPACE in between to make not out of it the illusion as if it would be only 1 word, because thats actually Anets style of naming their professions – just with 1 word that defines the name of the profession/elite specialization.
Minstrel /Bard is what Mesmers should get as next elite profession together with warhorns, they already have this kind of artistical musician vibe among their trident auto attack and music is all about inspiration …
I dont know what you think how it gets pronounced…however, Einherjars are basically nothing else, than for the norse mythology special heroes, which died in battlefields and got ressurected by a valkyrie to be brought by them to Valhalla to Odin either, or those, which weren’t worthy for Ragnarok, the other half of the dead of a battlefield could have Freyja
its basically pronounced “Eye -n -her- jar”
whats with all these valkyrie stuff with peopel here…
Are people seriously so mind numbed, that they all forget, that valkyries are FEMALES ONLY???
So alone this makes a profession named valkyrie just simple impossible.
Its already immersion breaking enough that there exist in the game Valkyrie Armor Upgrades that can be used by male characters alike. These Upgrade should get renamed imo finally into “Justiciar” Upgrades instead or something else, that is neutral for both genders.
And before you mentioned it – No, the typ “Valkyr” doesn’t exist at all if you want to come up with the cheap try to say, that htis would be the male version of valkyries, cause as said, there exist none.
Valkyries are female only War Maidens of Odin which had the purpose to guide the slain heroes of various battlefields to Valhalla.
They do this, to turn their chosen heroes into Einherjars, mighty heroes that prepare for the events of Ragnarok
PS: got ninjad xD
shiro ….
peopel search for proper profession names here, not stuff that sounds like rather “titles” rolleyes
polearm wielder (halberds/spears), which use Glyphs to empower their Symbols in a new way, that is able to summon Light Elementals and basically works similar to Mystic Knights of Dragons Dogma (maybe also together with some kind of mixed in magic archer gameplay for some ranged skills, cause all classes need so,me melee as like ranged skills by givign them also SHORTBOWS >.<) with adding a new Virtue – Faith, also to perform under the virtue of faith powerful Sky Jumps – so a kind of gameplay that you would normally expect under a Dragoon, so Crusaders would be basically GW2’s own version of unique dragoons without having that ridiculous stupid forced upon all of us dragon hunt reference
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
I keep hearing the French name sounds cool. What is it in French?
It is Draconnier.
Not everybody will like how it sounds I guess, just a matter of personal taste.
But at least there are two good things about this one :
- It doesn’t have the “Hunter” part. It’s still related to dragons but in a very vague way. Also it is closer to the already existing names that are only made with one word.
- It’s not even a real word ! (Dragonnier is a word, but it refers to dragon tamers or dragon riders) Which means we can consider it as something that is specific to Tyria, a quite unique archetype that you can mold (more or less) into something that makes sense for GW2.
What would have been lingualistically better in English the DRAGOON or for German, " Dragoner" which would be the most fitting synonym for “Dragon Knight”, but howev,er everythign of the wrohle crappy design of the dragonhunter, which just looks so silly as it it sounds, because even in proper eEnglish it should be written dragon hunter, but that again would ruin Anets kind of way how the name their profesisons, so they made out of it simply dragonhunter, when in fact Dragoon would have been the far better choice simply, is just so totally ridiculous, because Dragoon is in fact same as accected as fantasy term for a dragon knight, like chronomancer is generally accepted as fantasy profession term for time mages, same as like Necromancer is generally accepted as fantasy profession term for occultic summoners
Yes, everyone in Tyria is a Dragon Hunter, thats what our heroes live and die for everyday in Tyria to hunt the elder dragons and their minions.
We kill everyday tons of drakes, soon even wyverns in HoT, as like also other types of dragons.
Never seen before in a MMO such a clicheeful specialization for a profession, like this, that is so extreme uncreative as it is at the same time totally unfitting and unmatching in regard it ins whole gameplay design based on its name in return >.<
Just totally disappointing. I only hope the next guardian elite specializatino ,whenever we will see it, will be something of much better and fitting quality, similar to the Chronomancer was for the Mesmer, that really felt like a totally fitting integration and improvement of what the Mesmer gameplay provided already without totally alienating the gameplay of the class and adding to it gameplay elements which don’t fit to the theme and game design of the profession at all.
Something like Crusader, Templar or Patron
Why did I just knew it, that they will screw it up after just the mostly perfect Chronomancer >.>
PS: but why do I have the feeling that they just didn’t name it Dragoon, out of soem weird copyright violation fears in regard with Final Fantasy, because of the term being so iconic with that game ??? Just guessing …
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
After this dragonhunter crap, I have no faith anymore in Anet, that most of the rest will actually be something good.
I’m pretty sure they will ruin this game more with Sniper Rifle Thieves
Death Knight Nekros will do further the job of ruining this game more
Tempest with completely unfittign gameplay will finally hit the nail in the coffin…
druids might be good at least, from what we saw so far, it had at least the same good quality of beign a fittign good elite speizalization like the Chronomancer that fits into this game and especially also to the theme of HoT bringing us into the jungle. What would be better, than to have druids guiding us there.
the engineer thing looks at least promising so far, but I think they can also easily crew themup with auch an childish clichee name that is totally immersion breaking, somethign like Demolitionist…
About rev I have no clue, the rev in itself is also something which i think doesn’t fit really into the game and comes over like a mixture of guardian/necro/thief >.< not to mention its silly name that is no profession at all.
Warrior no clue, i just hope they ruin them not with something stupid like pistols, but after seeign the dragonhunter today, I wouldn’t be surprised if they totally wreck this game to ruins with garbage like the Commando.
So in fact, i think we all can just be happy, that thankfully the stuff so far won’t be the only elite specialization, but that classes will see in the future more.
Hopefully will get the guardian with the next elite spec then somethign fitting, that actually is part to the whole classes theme and design and fits to them also, somethign like Crusader for example, that doesn’t try to turn guardians into wannabe rangers without pets, but why pets, when they have their spiritual weapons that follow them around and are eactually same as crappy like pets already when it comes to the A.I of this game in regard of AoE control
In regard of Dragoon for example, instead of Traps, give them “Physical Skills” and design them around “Jumps” to perform Dive Attacks when jumping at an enemy
Would be then basically improvements to the light based “teleportations” that the guardian already can perform, just that the light becomes now that wing animation and the dragoon performs that way a jump attack together with magical light spears like the spear of justice …
The reveal video was so absolutely borign and lame, I nearly fell asleep from watching it … when turning the virtues into 3 basically conjure weapons is everythign creative about that elite specialization and the stolen traps ability of the ranger/thief
oh my god, then good night >.>
People (including Devs) should hear more on me ….
Seriously.. this garbage name is why I said that for the love of what is all good and sane – give professions PROPER names.
Rename and redesign that Elite Specialization to something that fits to one of these names:
All of them would have been a ton times better decisions with the right gameplay mechanics… but traps >.> WTF
If I want to play a silly Ranger Copycat without Pets, then I go play a ranger >,>
Then again that kittening longbow, that makes no sense, they should give them Shortbows, and add to that just simply a Core Specialization, that increases the Range for their Shortbows from 900 to 1200 by using theirm magical light arrows that simply fly further.
Theres no need to give Guardians longbows, when already Warriors habe Longbows.
So by design just a stupid decision, when you can give easily Shortbows also the same distance of a longbow, if you really simply want to do that when its required for balance and the gameplay of the class to have a long range weapon
ANet manges with Revenants hammers, that functionate as FRIGGING long range what the friggin hell stops them to give guardians njust Shortbows with a long range mechanic in kind of a core specialization…
I made a little concept post yester day i nthat thread about wished bow skills, where I easily showed, how something like that could be done in a gameplay system basted on stances, which would have been the much better gameplay addition for guardians, than absolutely unfitting TRAPS, what are an improvement, that I would expect under a ranger elite specialization or under a thief elite specialization, but not under the total unfitting guardian >.< /facepalm.
First the total awesome Chronomancer, but it was so totally clear, that Anet screws this up with the next total awful garbage that is the total full of clichees Dragonhunter and ruins the game with something, that absolutely doesn’t fit into this game and comes over like a concept that was beign made, while beign drunk and drawing just wildly some thigns of various classes together and naming it after the first thing, that came into mind – when all our characters are literalyl and in fact “Dragonhunters”, because thats what our heroes live for and whats the goal of our live, to hunt dragons…
thats not somethign worth it to be called a profession, nor an elite specialization, when in fact everyone in Tyria is a dragonhunter >.>
Pure disappointement, I can’t describe it even, how disappointing this is… a total let down. One shoudl realyl believe, that they have at Anet so many creative heads, that 300 creative heads together should be able to get together somethign more creative and fitting, than this junk name
I didn’t chose this option because of the meaning of a janitor, I did chose it, because of the meaning of "Hüter or “Bewahrer”, thats as synonym for Warden and Keeper.
Howeve,r personally I want them named the most “Patron”, because patrons are protective beings, somethign that fits the most to a profession thats most likely designed like some kind of guadian angel.
Looking at the picture, it screens patron saint to me and as a profession, it would be that said just short Patron as a kind of holy defender with strong focus on protection and smiting from afar shelting his allies with his holy wings of radiance like Alexander in FF9 protected with his gigantic wings in the game a town from Bahamut
However, it is in fact at least a real profession, nothing like such made up junk that is no proper profession name, like Paragon, Seraphim, Exemplar…
Heck, even Justicar would be a ton times more fitting proper profession name, that would be totally acceptable and more fine, than something unfitting and made up like Paragon, because a Justiciar is a profession, that acts like a judge to bring justice.. they would be basically Tyrias formal “police” in heavy armor, the white knights that bring right and order to the lands of tyria and protect those, who need them basically
While under the white mantle it was a rank among those fanatics simply, it can easily work and be seen also as a righteous profession.
I just hope anet keeps on following like with the Chronomancer the path of giving the elite specialization just proper profession names, that actually also sound like professions and do come over also like real professions and not like someones mary sue class with unfitting thought out names, because they weren’t creative enough to give their concepts some proper names.
Chronomancer fits well, despite being a fantasy term, because its the most well known ands accepted professionalistic soundign term for a mage, that is specialized on time magic, exactly like Necromancers, which are mages/scholars specialized on Death Magic, which is the reason behind their name, not to mention that Chronomancer just sounds better and more right, than to call that Class somethign simple minded like Time Mage, don’t you think so??
Playable professions need catchy names, that do fit to their style, them and design and they should sould like proper professions, so that they aren#t immersion breaking, but do integrate themself well into the list of the other existing classes, which do all have already proper names, so that the new professions don’t look like some kind of black sheeps among the ones that are perfectly white….
New Speculation on Elite Specs = Dual Class
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Orpheal.8263
And I disagree with you Matty
1) Pistols are also no Stealth Weapon by far and Thieves can use Stealth with them anyways, because Anet wanted to the Thief with Dual Pistols to be the kind of “Gunslinger” Type of gameplay
2) Longbows can work also too like that, if all what you have in your head is being an Assassin..however I suggest you to play Warrior with Rifle, if all wall you want is that "Boom Headshot Moment " in this game, then I have surprising news for you – IT ALREADY EXISTS. Theres no need to clone this gameplay and give it unneccessarely to another class to let it have the exact same gameplay.
That is not in the intention of ANet’s Class Design to make multiple classes in GW2 feel like being the exact same…
3) This whole posture nonsense plays absolutely no role here in this game. and your suggestion would ruin only the combat system of GW2 and make longbows a completely useless weapon, if they woudl root you in place in such a fast paced action orientated combat system like GW2
4) There exist no sniper rifles as weapon category, so stop dreaming. They exist only as weapons for NPCs and for renown heart content in GW2. Why do you think is that the simple case? Because by player useable sniper rifles would be totally overpowered!!
If you want sniper rifles so badly, please do us and yourself a favor and go play games like Counter Strike and consorts, thats where you will find weapons like there, where they do fit into the game.
In GW2 has such stuff no place. The ones that alrready exist for npcs and in renowm heart content in the maps are already way too immersion breaking enough for a game, that advertises rifles basically as simple blackpowder arms that usually would have a terrible accuracy and a big reload time, where something like sniper rifles compared to that are super advanced high technology, that shouldn’t even be possible to exist in tyria at the grade of technology knowledge that charrs have with blackpowder currently and they are basically the race, which brought rifles and the blackpowder technology behind rifles first to the other races as part of forming the pact with the other races agaisnt the elder dragons.
Without the charr, there wouldn’t even have the other races any rifles at all… or any pistols.
Rangers use longbows and can use stealth/camouflage with them also too, another point which clearly shows, how nonsensical your arguments are here and what makes me further disagree with your opinion.
Chances exist that thieves can get longbows, if Guardians would get shortbows, because warriros already have longbows as a heavery armored class.
If there should get as new weapon a rifle next, then I think it should be a light armored class, because among them has no class a rifle.
Even the devs self played for a while with the thought to give the mesmer elite specializations rifles instead of the shield, so this should mean something…
I think (not with the first, but surely with the next elite specialization should get Elementalists or Necromancer the Rifle, so that we get either a light or dark themed Magick Gunner kind of profession so that there is also a light armored class with rifles and not only a heavy and medium one)
A roguish longbow thief elite specializatino surely woudl add alot more gameplay changes and improvements to the class, than a rifle will ever be able to do under an “Assassin Theme”, other than to be a copycat of the warrior rifle gameplay, what would be plain boring, uncreative and absotely lazy in regard of class design.
If thieves get later an assassin elite specialization, then I would expect that maybe rather for Offhand Sword, if not named Seeker, then Assassin would make sense there also too as its name letting GW2’s Assassins become the game’s basically “Blade Dancers” with dual swords …
But since peopel are so spoiled from games like Assassins Creed, they seem to be not posisble anymore to think about this actually being even a possibility too for their class design, because they think thieves with dual swords would be under their imagination no “Assassins”
Heres what I hope for. Elite Spezialization Name: Patron
Stance System, Virtues get replaced with 3 Stances
- Protector Stance = Defensive Stance
- Augmentor Stance = Supportive Stance
- Templar Stance = Offensive Stance
Based on your Stance will receive the Shortbow Skills different additional Effects:
Protector Stance = Adds Condition Cleases, defensive Boons and Self Protection
Augmentor = Adds Heal Effects, supportive Boons and Stat Boosts except of Power/Condition Damage
Templar = Adds Power/Condition Damage Boosts, Increases Range of Skills, Adds Upgraded Effects to the Skills.
Auto Attack:
Radiant Arrow > Symbolic Shot > Purifying Touch
1st = A piercing shining arrow, that ignores 25% Armor and ihts multiple foes in a line. Range 900
PS: Removes a Condition of Allies, if they have more than 2 Conditions when it flyes through
AS: Heals slightly allies, if they have lesser than 66% Health with 2% of their Max Health.
TS: Range increased to 1200 and burns Foes for every Boon they have a Stack of Burning
2nd = A Shot, that creates at impact with an enemy a random Symbol of the Guardian for 5s at the enemies location.
PS: If you stand in that created Symbol, you and your allies will gain Protection for 5s
AS: If you stand in that created Symbol, you and your allies will have increased Toughness and Precision by +150 at Level 80, as long the Symbol is up.
TS: Range Increased to 1200 and the created Symbol will cause Vulnerability and Weakness per Pulse too.
3rd = A shot, that gives all allies in the line Aegis and removes for every Ally in the line it touched 1 Boon from the foe. Deals extra damage for every removed boon.
PS: Adds to the Aegis it gives also Vigor
AS: Adds to the Aegis it gives also Regeneration
TS: Increased Range to 1200, Gives the Patron + 150 Power/Condition Damage at Level 80
Skill 2:
Ethereal Light
Shoot an Arrow of pure Ethereal Light, which removes Endurance from the foe it hits and grants you and your allies in line of sight of that shot Vigor, if Ethereal Light reduced the Endurance of the Enemy to Zero.
PS: Gives you Resistance for x Seconds, if you reduce the Endurance to zero for the Enemy with this attack
AS: Blind the Enemy if you reduce the Enemy Endurance to Zero with this Skill
TS: Increased Range to 1200 Changes the Skill into an AoE Skill with a Circular Light Field on Impact, which can be blasted as Combo Finisher
Skill 3:
Holy Wrath
You create a Sphere of Light for 5s , which when it gets attacked, emits with every hit a flurry of smaller Light Arrows that home into nearby enemies.
PS: When attacking the Sphere of Light, you gain Retaliation with each hit.
AS: You gain a bit Health back with every Light Arrow that deals Damage to foes from this attack. Healing Power and Vitality is increased by 150 while the Sphere of Light is up
TS: The Light Arrows that the Sphere of Light emits on attack of it have a Chance to cause now also Burning, Blindness or you gaining Quickness on hit to let you attack the sphere faster for more flurries of light gettign emitted faster.
Skill 4:
Heavenly Punishment
You shoot an Arrow to the Sky, letting a few seconds later at your chosen ground target down a big ray of light, that erases out all evil what it hits in that zone, dealing damage over time in that area for 3s
PS: If you or your allies stand in that AoE, you will lose a condition every second and get healed for every lost condition and gain Aegis when the skill ends.
AS: You or your allies gain Swiftness and a Light Aura when standing in the AoE of this Skill for every second you stand in it as the effect pulses.
TS: Deals more Damage than normal and removes on pulse Boons, causing at the AoE also a Barrier Field of prismatic radiance which enemies can’t enter, but leave from the inside. As the Duration of it gets increased by 2 seconds
Skill 5:
Spell Breaker
This magical Arrow you shoot will cause stun, pierces through targets and causes Slow and Chill, if the targets use after being stunned by this skill within the next 2 seconds a Stun Breaker.
PS: Allies in the line of sight of Spell Breaker gain resistence for a few seconds.
AS: Allies in Line of Sight get stun breaked and gain stability for a few seconds.
TS: Increased Range to 1200. Disables for some time the enemies ability to use Elite Skills also under this Stance.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
the other lines follow later
Critical Strikes
Basic 1: Keen Observer = Your Critical Hit Chance is increased by 10% and your Ferocity is increased by 5% as long your Health Threshold is over 75%
I: Side Strike = 7% increased Critical Hit rate, while hitting enemies from the sides or from behind
II: Signet of Power = Gain Might of Signet Activation and Signets recharge 20% faster
III: Combo Criticals = Dual Wield Skills have increased Critical Hit Rate of +5% and you gain +150 Ferocity if you wield two Daggers
IV: Fluid Strikes = Deal 10% more Damage if you have not full Endurance and gain Quickness for 2s if you have no Endurance. (Cooldown 20s)
Basic 2: Unrelenting Strikes = Critical Hit Damage is increased agaisnt Enemies with a Health Threshold under 33%
V: Sundering Strikes = Criticals have a Chance of 50% to cause Vulnerability
VI: Practiced Tolerance = Gain 10% Vitality based on your Precision. If you suffer on more than 2 Conditions, gain Resistance for 3 seconds (Cooldown 10s)
VII: Ankle Shots = Pistols gain a 60% chance to cause cripple on Criticals and deal 10% increased Damage to crippled enemies
VIII: Furious Retaliation = Gain Fury when your target falls below 50% Health. Fury on you is 10% more intense while you have Retalitation on and lasts also 5s longer then.
Basic 3: First Strikes = Critical Damage is 10% increased, while you have more than 5 Initiative.Your Hits will also be 100% critical while in Stealth.
IX: Ricochet = Pistol Shots will bounce now between Targets, while Shortbows bounce to 1 additional target more. Both Weapons will have +150 increased Range
X: Invigorating Precision = 15% of your dealt Damage will you gain as Life back on Critical Hit
XI: Critical Haste = Gain 2 seconds of Quickness on Critical Hits (Cooldown 5s) when your Health Threshold is above 90%. Decreases Condition Durations that you suffer on by 20% while you have Quickness or Swiftness on. Gain Swiftness whenever you lose a Condition.
XII: Death Mark = Your Allies deal +10% Damage and have 10% increased Critical Hit Rate against enemies, that you take into target. You gain Might when Allies hit Targets that you have marked as Target.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Deadly Arts
Basic 1: Serpent’s Touch = Stealing applies now Torment. Your Auto Attacks have a chance of 15% now to deal additionally Poison (Lotus Strike becomes Vulnerability instead of Poison now)
I: Exposed Weakness = Deal 10% more Damage against Foes that suffer on Vulnerability or Weakness
II: Mug = Deal Damage and gain life when stealing. This Attack can’t deal critical Damage. Gain a random Boon based from which profession you have stolen.
War= Might, Guard = Retal, Ele = Regen, Engi = Prot, Rev = Resist, Nec = Vigor, Mes = Quickness, Ranger = Stab, Thief = Fury
III: Trappers Respite = Drop a Needle Trap when using a Healing Skill. and your Traps cause Vulnerability now and recharge 20% faster
IV: Residual Venoms = Increases the amount of Venom Strikes by + 2. Venoms recharge 20% faster now
Basic 2: Lotus Poison = Weaken poisoned Enemies. Weakness Durations increased by 20% and and additional 33% chance to gain 1 Initiative per Auto Attack back on hitting weakened enemies on Critical Hits.
V: Ressourceful Trapper = Stealing recharges colldowns of currently recharging Traps by 10s and you gain Endurance back when enemies run into your traps.
VI: Panic Strike = Immobilize foes that are under the health threshold of 50%. Fear them instead, if they are under 25%
VII: Revealed Training = Gain +200 Power when being revealed and gain for 3 seconds Stability (Cooldown 10s)
VIII: Fatal Strikes = Your Dagger Criticals have a Chance to cause Slow now for 3s (Cooldown 15s), if your enemy is under the health threshold of 50% and suffers on Bleeding, Poison or Vulnerability higher than 2 Stacks
Basic 3: Master of Envenom = Poison lasts 25% longer and deal 33% more Damage, while Venoms grant you Might on activation.
IX: Improvisation = You can use Stolen Items now twice and using a Steal Skill recharges a static amount of your Healing and Utility Skill Recharge Times when you use a Steal Skill.
X: Executioner = Deal 20% more Damage to Enemies under the Health Threshold of 50%. Gain greatly Life Back when you execute an Enemy with a Finishing Move and lose up to 2 Conditions
XI: Combined Training = Your Dual Weapon Skills deal 10% more Damage and cost 1 Initiative lesser
XII: Deadly Venoms = Gain +10% more Power based on your Condition Damage. The Power Bonus is increased to 15%, if your Enemies are either disabled or suffer on venoms.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Thief Specialization/Mastery under my Concept:
Mastery: Body Mastery – Thief Style
- You move now 50% faster while being in Stealth
- When you position yourself to revive an ally, you become from now on stealthed together with your downed ally for 4 seconds. While under stealth, you revive from now on 10% faster and grant to yourself and your wounded ally protection and regeneration, but only if you and your ally don’t have already these boons when you begin to revive.
- Your Shadow Steps of all sources have from now on 25% increased Range and you can steal from now on twice, having an additional Steal Skill Slot now from this moment on giving you now more mobility
- Your Fall Damage is decreased by 50% from now on and you perform from now on whenever you receive Fall Damage, or when being disabled (Cooldown in this Case 10s) automatically a Smoke Bomb that puts you in Stealth for 3 Seconds, which works as a Stun Break and blinds and poisons foes, which stand in the Smoke Bomb’s area effect periodically every second for a duration of 3 seconds where the Smoke Bomb pulses per second
- Gain from now on everytime you perform a Dodge Roll successfully Swiftness and Vigor for 2 seconds. You gain also Stability now for 3 seconds if you successfully dodge an Attack, if you had at least 50% Endurance (Cooldown 15s), and 5 seconds, if you dodged successfully an Attack with full Endurance.
Next Step, how the Specializations with 4 Options would look like togethe whith these 5 Thief related “Body Mastery” Effects back in mind
After having now a much better understanding about what ANet is planning with their Systems and realizing, that it differentiates much from what I envisioned for GW2’s horizontal progression via Sub Classes and a Redesign of the Trait System via splitting it up into Traits, Talents and Expertises, I came to think about it now, what I believe ANet should do best to ensure that their designed Specializations won’t end up as a big flop, because currently – and I think I’m absolutely not alone with this opinion – I think that ANet puts too much things into the Specializations, that don’t belong into a system like that, like for example:
- Fall Damage Traits
- Revive Efficiency Traits
- Movement Traits
- Passive Effects
These things are all for example mechanics, that absolutely don’t belong in my opinion into a system that should only affect all combat related active effects, which actualyl do influence the gameplay of the class significantly and do affect with these effects the roles of a class, the combat related builds so to say.
I find it personalyl also totally obsolete, that ANet renamed Traits into Core Specializations and added on top of that the unneccessary term of “Elite Specializations” just to prevent any potential confusion, which simply wouldn’t exaist at all, if NAet would for friggin once show some CONTINUITY in the design decisions and would have stays simply at “Traits and Specializations”.
I also think its not a could decision to basically PUNISH players with their decreasing build options by lettign them lose alot of traits for making up the decision to let their Characters progress to a Specialization.
Its hardly to call it a “progress”, if you lose one fifth of your potential abilities just to change your professions gameplay in exchange of it.
Progress would Specializations be, if you simply gain some new gameplay mechanics or get something of your existing mechanics expanded/improved, like in the case of the Chronomancer, where ANet decided to expand the Shatter System for them instead of replacing it with a new gameplay mechanic like Time Aspects to give them a completely different gameplay feeling as an advanced profession what I personally would expect from a Sub Class how a Specialization should work like and how they traditionally would work like.
Also the massive butchering of the traits, removing alot of them, only because ANet thinkgs they aren’t useful based on their “metrics” is kind of ridiculous, without actually asking us the players about it, how we think about that.
Its always this kind of developing style that kind of irks me, when developers believe, they know everything about their community based on metrics, without ever actually asking the community once, what we want in fact really.
Alot of the traits that Anet simply butchered out could work still perfectly fine under the new system, beign merged together with some of the tons of completely untouched traits that partwise got until today not even a single look onto since game release, which is a shame, when there exist other traits, that got partwise already multiple times changged via Balance Patches or completely redesigned with new effects even.
Yes, the removal of the stats from the trait lines will open up more creative build diversity, because now you won’t be forced to take specific trait lines just to get the stats that you need/want for your preferred playstyle/build.
But look for what kind of massive cost this change comes together?
Build Diversity gets drastically reduced and as al ittle compensation we get all powered up by becoming able to max out 3 Trait Lines now instead of only 2.
The Options that a player should have should get increased from 3 to at least 4 different trait Options per Trait Line. And by the amount of Traits and wants to remove for each class, this would be even easily possible.
Especially if ANet would move all the mentioned above stuff, that has nothign to search imo in the combat relative active traits over to the Mastery System.
So that these things don’t waste space in there for more useful combat relative effects and not something, that basically is not part at all of an active combat, like the Fall Damage Traits, or the Revive Speed Traits or anythign that affects your Movement, for which we will have seen a specific Mastery under the Mastery System that could work for that under the term of “Talents”
An example of how the Thief could look like, if ANet removes everything that isn’t at the right place there, adds more build diversity options and puts fall damage stuff ect. into the Mastery system will follow in the next posting.
I know what you mean, I’d just love to use my characters of my account to use them as “Heroes” that can accompany my character that I play at the moment.
This would for example allow players also to play as a “Family” where you can have your played character for example have as a hero on their side their Brother/Sister for example to follow you around just as a simple example for those peopel that like to roleplay that for example by giving their characters the same surname.
Or you could handle them simply like friends/ companions that follow you to help you on your quests and adventures to help you become a legend in your story
And if not for the persistent world, then at least for something like Fractals/Dungeons/Personal Story/Livign Story …
that video reference that you mean was very blurred, so blurred, that you could hardly differentiate between the bow being either a longbow, or a shortbow.
It was just only possible to see it being basically a bow only
it isn’t even clearly at all seeable, if that bow is an old skin or a new skin which could work exactly like aether/azureflame for both bow types the same.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
uhm, because it makes your decisions of which race you play more important, other than letting your chosen race be nothing more, than being an unimportant visual preference?
If its just skill effects for why you chose a specific race, then its simply bad game design, that encourages you to go for the “Meta” that lets people make you believe, that you need that “skill X of race Y” just to be successful or the most effective, when in fact you would have with every race the same fun and would be based on your build, or your group constallation the same effective, or maybe even more effective with your personal chosen race, that you’ve chosen to play, because you like that race to play and not because of the community wanting you to use that race, because of it having the most best racial skills…
It is absolutely unnatural for a natural born ability like that of the norn to be able to transform themself to be able to use these natural born talents only, when you take these abilities into your utility skill slot,s when in fact something like such natural born talents should be useable without any restrictions, because thats in fact what would make the Norn Race so special compared to all other playeable races, because you could never know in combat, when your enemy suddenly transforms into one of its possible shapeshift forms to continue to battle further agaisnt you in its changed form and that definetely longer than just only laughable 20-30 seconds, but as long as you, the player actually wants to stay in that form.
The same thing would make humans alot more interesting in combat, if they could perform at any given time something from their godly based skills based onto which god you are currently “attuned” to and pray for (changeable at divine temple shrines or similar like elemental attunements)
Sylvari would be alot more interesting to play, if they could surprise you at any given time more frequently in combat with their natural powers with that they can create various natural effects like growing plants out of nowhere due to being heavily bonded to the nature.
Asura with their lots of crazy alchemagical inventions would be alot more fun to play, if they would be able to use them more frenquently in their gameplay their awesome and unique inventions and alchemic potions ect. or golems that they could use as battle suits/mounts like Zojja/Taimi
And charr as the most war driven race of them all would be with their variosu guns, charrzookas ect. also more fun to play, if you coudl make frequently use of these racial unique things and not just only, if you waste useful utility skill slots for these things.
Just think about it for a minute, how much more fun the battle system of GW2 could be, when all racial skilsl would become for all races just baselined integrated combat skills that you can use same as frequently like weapon skills and where masteries are responsible for it, how effective your racial skills are in the end, where racial skilsl in fact become just part of the mastery system as kind of horizontal progression, that plays also actively part in the combat system, without that it anyhow influences negatively the utility ksill bar???
For me this would be an awesome game change, if ANet woudl do this change – plus on the other side, it would create space for more useful utility skills, because the racial skills wouldn’t take up space then anymore as significantly weaker “pseudo utility skills”
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Please dont let it be longbow, let it be shortbows prays
He’s wielding Aether, which is a short bow… so looks likely.
God I hope you are sooooo right with that, because it would basically increase significantly the chances of thieves getting actually their fitting longbows then over anet ruining the game by giving them rifles
When you mention it, here the picture comparison
Aether >
Azureflame >
And both have the same skin >.< So still 50:50 chance
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Anet should simply take them all out and replace them with real useful Utility Skilsl instead, that would make far more sense.
Racial Skills are a Concept, that never worked in any game, and GW2 is no exception of that
PS: also if Racial Skilsl ever become something, that should make sense, then Racial Skilsl should be baselined gameplay mechancis, not somethign for that you have to waste precious utilit skill slots for just to be able to use these talents of your race.
Such stuff like the Norn Transformations should be baselined Talents, that a Norn should be able to use at any given time and not only, because you wasted a Utility Skill slot for one of their Transformations …
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Please dont let it be longbow, let it be shortbows prays
oh god, please no, dont bring this paragon junk back…
They offered already in GW1 absolutely nothing new, what other classes couldn’t have done/ or did even better…
They never fitted into the game really, they had the most boring armor design of all classes…. their gameplay screamed after being wannabe angelic bards that have no place in the lore of this game, because in Tyria exists no heaven nor a hell, so also not angels and devils.
Please be more original than this Anet and just don’t recycle old junk…please let it be everything possible, but not paragons >.>
Anthems, Hymns, Arias and such stuff is something for real bards, something, that fits by design also to Bard and not heavy armored wannabe angels. gameplay elements liek them would I expect under the next Mesmer Elite Specialization, because Music and Singing is about INSPIRATION and nothing of that belongs to the Guardian but to the Mesmer…
You know, why compared to this the Chronomancer for the Mesmer is so perfect?
- its unique
- it fits to the style and theme of the Main Profession it originated from and clearly looks like a Progression and not like a step back to the rotten roots of 250 years ago
- it is no old recycled junk and something from GW1 that got scrapped because it had no place in GW2 due to all of its mechanics being simply mergable into the typical base classes of a game
- it is able to give an already existing gameplay mechanic of an other Class a new twist to let that mechanic work for them differently, but I don’t see the Guardian Elite Spec with Banners working anyhow super differently than Warriors, nor is it very creative to go on that route now to just recycle gameplay mechanics only from other classes to give them in a different way to the Elite Specializations. Would be very lame, when Elite Specialization could be alot more interesting via adding also completely new gameplay elements to the game to make them more unique and fun to experimentate with them something completely new also over that, what we know for now already since 3 years basically.
sigh, just disappointed to see this, absoutely have expected something alot better, than this if this silly paragon prediction becomes true.
Please name it after something, that can be taken as a profession.
Paragon is no profession, its just a noun for being someone, where other people look up to someone and strive to become like this person, because that person is good in something, or did something very well and other people try to become as good in something like that person, so person X is a paragon for them…
You know, like parents are naturally paragons for their childs while they grow up, or where your older sister/brother can be a paragon for you, because he/she is very successful in their job and you want to become so successful also you see in your sister/brother being a paragon for you strivign to become same as succesful like her/him
God in heaven, give the elite specializations please proper names and not immersion breaking stuff that is completely out of context.
You know, something like
- Crusader
- Patron
- Warden
- Keeper
- Custodian
Something, that actually sounds, like its a real job, that you have to learn and master like the other professions
/endrant and letting steam off
I surprisingly feel better now xD
PS: wohoo, I’m not the only one here, who absolutely doesn’t want it to be named Paragon High Five to Seyta
However, Exemplar is just the same, its just another typical English synonym, which exactly means the same like Paragon, so I personalyl would rule Exemplar also out, because its simply out of context for something that should be a profession.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
New Speculation on Elite Specs = Dual Class
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Orpheal.8263
Lol, sure teddie… Thief Spec with Longbow will be too op only because of Stealth…
when theres already with a Ranger Rapid Fire from Stealth …
I would wait in your place just, what the Thief Spec with Longbow would work like exactly, before you automatically assume that its OP, only because Thieves have longer lastign Stealths, than Rangers. Cause it changes nothign on the fac,t that the lonbow Thief would get still revealed after their initial attack.
We also have no clues, what kind of weapon skills a longbow thief would get, so just instantly cryoing out Op for the sake of calling somethign instantly OP is just ridiculous.
However, ANet will anyways make a big Balancing Update first, before they add with HoT the Elite Specialization to make appropiate changes to the Game Balance for the Main Professions and their Skills and Specializations.
There is currently in this game nothing more OP, than a Gatling Gun RF Ranger, especialyl when paired up together – 2 of them are easily able to annihilate any target with a simultanous spike within seconds into downed state/death if you have at the moment when it happens no good reflexes, blocks, reflections ready at use to survive that spike or to counter it.
SO I’m pretty sure that no single Ranger player will instantly reroll a thief, when they would get longbows, just because of the better stealth..therefore is rapid Fire simply way too OP currently.
I would understand it, if Rangers would still be a super weak, like they were before ANet buffed them ad adsurdum in regard of Rapid Fire, but as long this class has this OP 1 win button skill that requires of the player no player skills and no thinking, but just pressing only 1 button every like 8 seconds which is WAY TOO QUICK for that skill to recharge with its immensive spike damage it can deal, your assumed case will never happen.
With the OP ness of Rapid Fire, its a skill that if it should stay at this power rate, should belong to Skill Slot 5 with the cool down of Barrage and barrage should rather become longbow skill 2, to make rangers better at more frequent AoE damage support instead of turning them into walking gatling guns /facepalm
Or Anet could simply raise the drop rates from the typical koren style game 0,001% to actually drop rates, that make sense, and that would get influenced better actualyl by Magic Find.
Because 300% of 0,001 % Drop Rate just changes it to 0,003% drop rate, really effective plus that you get there >.> /facepalm.
Magic Find in itself should get baselined into the achievement Point reward system and the Daily Loging Reward for the last day of the month.
Instead of +1% MF Account Boost, it should raise the MF by +5% (retroactively naturally also too) when you reach a AP point that rewards with MF.
So people which had like 10% MF prior the change, have after it then 50% MF from their achievement point rewarded MF bonus.
The Luck Essence Grind should get removed. The 300% Max MF that you can get there get baselined into the Account Bonus that you can get via the last day login bonus if you decide to take the chest that rewards you with additional Magic Find. 10%, what is equal to 30 months of playing and login in daily, what basically everyone who plays GW2 actively since release should easily have by now (or soon)
(Players will be able basically 30x to choose such a chest after their first login after the patch) So players which don’t care for MF, could also decide to take rather 30x 20 (= 600) Laurels or 30x materials for legendary craftign or 30 times mystic coins and so on what would be a very nice retroactive step to reward players for their activity and loyality to play the game since release date with that slight redesign of the MF system via integration of it into the daily login bonus system retroactively.
To me the Dungeon System needs a whole Redesign.
Dungeons in GW2 are nothing compared to what they were and felt like in GW1.
All the dungeons in GW1 were more fun to play with a Group in, than any of the GW2 Dungeons.
Anet should scrap the whole concept of “Dungeon Paths”
Each Dungeon in GW2 should be just only 1 big and eventually multi floored persistent zone, in which you can and will find special dynamic events and dungeon bosses that can be found only there.
When you play the Story of a Dungeon, then its still just an Instance.
No need anymore for an obsolete extra “Explorer Mode”.
Look at the Dungeons of old Games like Ragnarok Online, even such old games liek this MMO had already in their time multi floored persistant zones as dungeons where everyone could just play in them at the same time.
Dungeons should be reworked also as “Raid Content” via the new feature of so said “Dungeon Crawlers”
So special Dungeons, which are always different, each time you enter them and become harder/more challenging and more rewarding over time so deeper/higher you delve into them.
Basically similar gameplay to the Fractals with its increasing Fractal Level.
Yes, redesigning all dungeons into multifloored persistant zones wouldnt be an easy task, but absolutely one that would be worth it, together with the reintroduction of some old GW1 dungeons as new content, that would be amazing and would give GW2 some good nolstagia back also too.
I want to explore in GW2 again dungeons like Catacombs of Kathandrax, Ooze Pit, Frostmaws Burrows ect. and see, how they look like today (maybe in more dangerous ruins now) 250 years later.
Sadly Anet has currently no asigned team ect. that is working on dungeons, all and everyone is just pulling on HoT for now, but NAet has already forsaken dungeons a long time ago before they even announced HoT.
Dungeon Rewards are laughable, once you have your dungeon weapon and armor skins that you want, theres basically nothign interestign and rewarding there anymore, what makes you playing the dungeons, other than the quick gold and maybe for some time the dungeoneer title if you want to go for all of the skins, but this feels more like grind than anything else, even when you play PvP for them
ANet missed early on the important point here to ACTUALIZE and improve the reward table for dungeon tokens every now and then. Since game release dungeon rewards together with karma rewards have seen until today no single improvement/addition to the reward rosters to keep them interesting enough for the players.
Anet should add for Dungeon Tokens/karma also Ascended Equipment, so that you can earn these things (with new skins) also by these alternate options, so that players ared just only forced to rely themself on RNG or only crafting, so that GW2 would become again more alt friendly like it was at game release.
Then theres more stuff that Anet should add for Dungeon Tokens/karma.
New useful Buff Food and Potions for example, stuff that people just want to keep on buying with their Karma/Tokens simply
New Minipets, new toys, new tonics,
Theres so much potential here to improve these mechanics and make them appropiately more rewarding over time, but ANet just does nothing over the past near 3 years here, because they were always way to focused on other things like Living Story, that they igniored too much other important gameplay aspects of GW2 or literally totally ignored the rest of the game, because it makes no money for them, while Living Story and Gemstore do…
thanks for that info, have overseen that I think ^^
Fall Damage Traits should become part as like many other passive effects of this Game of the Mastery System, so that these thigns don’t waste potential space for better and more combat related useful Specializations.
I also think Anet should increase the amount of choices for Specializations from 3 to 4 Specializations per tier to give as a bit more build variety and choice options.
Anet removes a ton of old traits, only because they think they are useless, when it would be alot better to merge those old removed effects with other traits, instead of simply removing for each class a heck load of old traits where they seem to think they have no place for these anymore in the new system.
That there is always place to merge rather the removed traits into others have i already shown in my dicussion thread where I talked about so far the new specializations of the Elementalist and Thief and made at the end suggestions, how the specializations could work better and how alot of the removed stuff should get merged, so that their effects don’t get simply lost forever, because especially under the thief has Anet recklessly butchered around, without thinking about it, what they destroy all there with their Initiative System and DPS of the Class….
This is also the reason, why I always suggested to anet to SPLIT up the Trait System into somethign like Traits, Talents and Expertises, because this way it would allow Anet to handle active gameplay changing elements of a class differently, than all of those passively and visual effects, because with such a split up, each thing would work then as an own different category, so that something like a Fall Damage trait would work then as a passive learned Talent instead of beign an active gameplay changing Trait.
That was, before Anet announced the Mastery System, which would7could work basically now the same, to move certain passive gameplay elements out of the game and put them over into the Mastery System, so that alot of old unnecessary stuff could be then removed from the game.
Example: Damage vs. 1 single enemy type sigils… 99% mostly useless and just a waste of a sigil slot, would anet make out of these sigils a passive Mastery Effect, which increases your damage agaisnt specific enemy types so more you kill them (slayer ranks increase), then could Anet removed directly a ton of obsolete worthless sigils out of the game and maybe replace them with better more general useful new sigils, if anet jiust wants to keep the amount of different sigils in the game.
Fall Damage reduction could become part of a Movement Mastery.
Like also stuff like faster swimming, hang gliding, mushroom jumping, mounting, climbing, better jumping and general improved doge moves ect. pp.
The mastery system would open up so much potential for more horizontal character progression, if just used right.